The California Water Museum – Featuring The Fluoride Deception

As I was moving out of state in July of 2009, I was driving up Interstate 5’s long uphill grade where I saw an exit and a sign saying “Pyramid Lake”. It was the middle of summer and extremely hot. Since I was in an exploratory mood with nothing but time on my hands, I decided to exit the highway and see the lake. It turned out to be a rather large reservoir that feeds the Los Angeles area. A sign pointed to a visitor’s center and I parked there. Nice view… I walked in to the center to find out about camping around the lake, and was surprised to see that the building housed what was a water themed museum. I approached the guard at the information desk and he gave me an information sheet and directions to the lake’s campground.

Out of curiosity I looked around the museum, corny as it was. For the most part, it was an exhibit explaining to me the amount of water and energy it takes to do just about everything I do in my everyday life; even how much water I waste by filling up my gas tank up with petrol. I was not amused. The atmosphere was what you might call liberal… and by liberal I mean full of propaganda and half-truths that are designed to make its visitors feel guilty for being alive and to accept the fact that water is being used for political gain and prophet through taxation at their expense… and of course that this is a good thing for the environment. The placards and hands-on installations displayed to me in horrifying illustrative and picture oriented detail (perhaps taking into consideration the high illiteracy rate in the country) how the water supply is in crisis. I was sure that none of the museums’ visitors actually stop to think about the government and its lobbying corporate partners in crime (which stand to reap huge rewards from this tyrannical water rationing and taxation) and how they created this water crisis for their monetary gains. War, war on drugs, war on terror, war on poverty, war on water… What’s next, a war on war?

What I did learn is that most of the water that flows to southern California which does not come from the Colorado River actually comes from the northern most mountainous areas of the state. It is redirected through an aqueduct system down through the whole of California. Since most of its population lives on or near the ocean line, the water is diverted to all of those cities. It is passed on to farms and ranches and smaller cities that pay for this state contracted water delivery service as well. Without this aqueduct system, Los Angeles and the rest of the cities and farmlands that are, for all intents and purposes part of the desert, would not be able to exist. It’s a fascinating accomplishment… a true story of man -vs- nature, where man doesn’t understand the impact on nature until it’s too late. Dams be damned, I say.

As I finished walking through the adult oriented yet child-like museum, I walked to the front doors preparing to leave, feeling a bit yucky. To the right of the glass doors was a display case showing other parks where I might be able to camp. I grabbed a few of the brochures and then noticed a poorly photocopied, double-sided blue sheet of paper in the corner of the display. The title had my name all over it:

Fluoridation… At A Glance.

Underneath the title was a black and white picture of several small children drinking water from a public drinking fountain. This disturbed me, as children are a tool often used in politics and advertising, usually in a deceiving way. Under that heartwarming picture was a list of the dental benefits of fluoride, as well as a quote by the U.S. Surgeon General, which stated that:

“Community water fluoridation continues to be the most cost-effective, practical and safe means for reducing and controlling the occurrence of tooth decay in a community.”

What a dick! How does he sleep at night? Does he let his children drink this rat poison?

In the ‘About Fluoride’ section, it deceivingly stated:

“Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral found in surface water (water from snowmelt, rivers, and streams) as well as ground water.”

It also had this bit of info, which was another affront to my senses:

“Fluoride helps teeth resist decay by strengthening the protective layer of tooth enamel, and can reverse newly formed cavities.”

What a crap basket! From what information I’ve read, the stuff causes bone density loss and osteoporosis. And since teeth are essentially bones…

More disturbing was the next statement that:

“Of the 50 largest cities in the United States 43 fluoridate their drinking water.”

Now… at the bottom of the page, still in the ‘About Fluoride’ section, were these two paragraphs:

“While exposure to fluoride can cause dental fluorosis, most cases in communities with optimally fluoridated water are very mild and characterized by barely visible white opaque spots on the teeth.”

“The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has not recognized claims that low-level fluoride exposure is linked to occurrences ——“

—– At that point the page was cut off! Was this an innocent mistake? I wonder. I’m guessing no. But it’s possible. I guess thinking that this was not deliberate would be called… hope.

I stood there for a moment, battling a flush of political correctness, not wanting to disturb the museum’s natural flow (pun intended). But lately, causing a scene has become my favorite pastime. I did a 180 and headed back towards the information desk. An official tour guide for the center was talking to a nice lady in her very late 50’s (maybe that’s being nice) who at one time, judging by her appearance and demeanor, must have been related to the peace and love movement. She was simply delighted at what the federally employed man was saying, and was listening intently. He (the tour guide) was a bit creepy, confident in a way that only the most ignorant and misinformed of people could be, and as unhealthy looking as most Americans appear to be these days.

I listened from across the desk patiently as he pointed to a map of California and explained how it all worked. He told the woman about water rationing and how only certain cities were actually metered, demonizing the bad people of these water suckling metropolis’. She smiled and chastised out loud that whole horrid Southern California populace, as if their use of water was less justified than hers, considering the equivalent source.

At one point, after a 5-minute history of metering in certain counties, she said intently, “I think everybody should be metered.” He smiled malevolently. It was like watching a salesman fish in a buyer, playing off of her insecurities and lack of knowledge. I just shook my head in disgust for most of the conversation, but respectfully refrained from interrupting.

The creepy guide went on… “Well, (pause for grin) soon all houses will have a meter which can be read digitally from the central station, and shut off if too much water is being used.”

At hearing this, her reply was just short of exuberance. “Oh, that’s just wonderful! There are so many wasteful people out there.”

Now, at this point I had to interrupt. I now understand what Alex Jones ( means when he goes on one of his rants about people and how they love their tyranny, carbon taxes, and debt slavery. And also, I must give credit to Aldus Huxley for predicting many decades ago that people could eventually be made to love their servitude. She was truly exited to give up her rights. It all made sense to her in a simple way…

“Wait a minute,” I said in a slightly confrontational voice. “That’s tyranny! Surely you can’t want to be metered and taxed for your right to use water” She looked at me then, confused, possibly only noticing me for the first time. I looked at the tour guide then, and the smile slowly went away from the pushers face.


I can really kill a room!

I asked them both if they had heard of the bill in congress that would give control of all water rights in the entire country to the Federal Government – (S. 787 – Clean Water Restoration Act). More blank stares and a cringe of hostility in the tour guide. I directed a short tirade of information towards the woman, who had a sudden look of something I couldn’t quite place, but which I guessed was the first time in a long time that she had thought for herself, outside the media box. It was an expression of the sudden responsibility of ones self, and of brief enlightenment that usually comes and goes quickly with these green, well intentioned, but ultimately brain-washed cult-environmentalist people.

By then, the salesman knew he was losing her, as if an invisible umbilical chord had been cut, and so I turned my attention to him.

“I’d like to ask a question about the Fluoridation of the water supply.” I said. He looked harshly at me, perhaps disturbed that one of the visitors to his place of worship should question the religion of water fluoridation treatment. But somehow, I don’t think I was the first to ask.

He said ‘ok’ in a regrettable way. The slave-lady was still listening, a confused look on her face. She probably thought I was a nut! I gave the brochure to her so she could follow along.

“Tell me this…” I said. “If fluoride is good for my teeth, why then is it put into the water supply to be swallowed and ingested? I mean, Fluoride is one of the most poisonous substances known to man. It’s in rat poison, and it’s the by-product of the aluminum industry. So why do we drink something that’s actually only supposed to be good for our teeth?”

His eyes visibly widened, and he paused a second before letting out a big guffaw. He laughed nervously and tried to regain his composure.

His response… “Well, everything is bad for you if you use too much of it.”

I eyed him with my bullshit meter, not knowing exactly where this was going. “Go on…” I invited.

“Look, if you drink too much water you can drown yourself. So you could say that water is bad for you just like fluoride—“

“What?” I interrupted, angered at his treating me like his usual dumbed down hive-minded idiots. “That’s the most ridiculous association I’ve ever heard! Fluoride was used in concentration camps to make prisoners compliant and calm. What does that have to do with moderation? Why are so many U.S. cities passing legislation against water fluoridation?

Why did most of Europe abolish the use of fluoride in their water supply?”

At this point, the wild-eyed green lady walked away with brochure in hand. She was not ready for this kind of antagonism towards her social religion. But I did hope that she was curious enough to at least look into the other side of the story, and not just trust that her government was doing what’s best for her and her family. She didn’t say thank you… or goodbye.

After about ten minutes of bantering with the tour guide, his sole defense being the fact that I could drink too much water and die (or anything else for that matter) and that science had proven the benefits of fluoride for teeth (guffaw), he was not quite able to grasp the fact that ingestion is quite different than application, and that the warnings on toothpaste tubes that say ‘DO NOT SWALLOW’ are there for a reason, and that no dentist in his right mind would drink even a quarter of a thimble full of pure fluoride.
I wrote down a movie title on a piece of paper. It was “The Fluoride Deception’, a very damning explanation of the fluoride industry and it’s damaging effects on everything it touches. I asked him to watch it some time. He said he’d think about it.

I asked him to watch it on the computer behind him. He refused, sighting work regulations and rules.

I suggested he watch it on his break, since it was only a half an hour long. He was visibly red in the face by then, and said something unintelligible about the restrictions with that computers bandwidth.

I asked him if he would actually watch it later, and he answered ‘If I have time’.

I smiled wryly, and asked him to promise me that he’d watch it later. He then got mad, and gave me excuses why he wouldn’t be able to watch it, none that were legitimate.

My final comments were that he couldn’t do his job correctly without knowing all of the information available, and that he was doing a disservice to his visitors by not looking into fluoride. Short of getting on my knees, I actually begged him to watch it. He made it clear then that we would never see eye to eye and that I should be on my way. Feeling suddenly unwelcome in this house of worship, I pleaded for him to watch it as I walked out the door and to my truck.

What a shill.

Interestingly though, during our banter he did give me a card with the person in charge of such things and asked me to send her the information. Of course when I asked if they would post it for people to read, he lied through his fluorosis stained teeth and gave me an unconvincing and pacifying ‘maybe’.

I sent her an email with the movie link and a few questions, but received no reply.

Some day, I hope to get back to Southern California and actually hand the center a stack of homemade brochures which state all of the facts about fluoride, where it comes from, and who actually approved it’s use for human consumption.

Perhaps I could call it: “Fluoride… More Than a Glance.

If you’d like to know more about fluoride and its effects on your body and mental health functions, click here and watch “The Fluoride Deception”.

Authors note: Most bottled water is bottled from public water sources, which are pre-fluoridated before these water companies ever get their hands on it. The filtration methods these companies use are not sufficient to get this toxin out of the water before it is bottled. Some even add fluoride after filtration for “health reasons”. Spring water is from about as fresh of a source as your toilet bowl – and you thought your dog had bad taste! Most of the bottled water brands were created or bought by big corporations, and labeled in a way to fool you into thinking they are independent companies. Many have been sued and lost, forcing them to label the true water source. Some end up in discount stores or the dollar stores and are there for a reason… buy these at your peril. Don’t be a sheep. Read the labels. Look at the source. Buy responsibly.

The following is a list of some of the more popular bottled water brands, and the mega-corporations who produce them:

Arrowhead – The Nestle’ Corporation

Poland Spring – The Nestle’ Corporation

– The Nestlé Corporation.

San Pellegrino (Perrier’s competitor) – The Nestle’ Corporation

Calistoga – The Nestle’ Corporation

Crystal Gyser – The Nestle’ Corporation

Ice Mountain – The Nestle’ Corporation

Zephyr Hills – The Nestle’ Corporation

Ozarka – The Nestle’ Corporation

Pure Life/Pureza Vital – The Nestle’ Corporation

Deer Park – The Nestle’ Corporation

Aquapod – The Nestle’ Corporation

Nestle’ Brand – The Nestle’ Corporation

Dasani – The Coca-cola Company

Glacéau – The Coca-cola Company

Vitamin Water
– The Coca-cola Company

Smart Water
– The Coca-cola Company

Oasis – The Coca-cola Company

Ciel – The Coca-Cola Company

Aquafina – The PepsiCo Corporation

Propel – The PepsiCo Corporation

Evian (Naïve)
– The Danone Group – a large French multinational company.

Volvic – The Danone Group

Fiji – Stewart and Lynda Resnick aquired Fiji in 2004, pumping the “green” angle.

Ethos – Bought by Starbuck’s Coffee Corporation in 2005

… So which one do you drink, my little sheep?

Are you feeling suckered yet… a victim of clever advertising perhaps?


Clint Richardson (
September 28, 2009