Thank You For Your Help!

Updated 12:25am, 12/30/19

Thank you so much to those that sent donations (gifts). I almost teared up when I hesitantly opened my email tonight and saw that so many of you had responded so quickly. You’ve no idea how motivating and spiritually uplifting that was, and how good it is to know people still care out there. I reached my goal and more. That said, if this has caused anyone hardship to help me please let me know privately.

I’m leaving the original email as posted below for context and for those that wish to listen to my last radio show and know what I’m up to.

No more donations needed, so please support those in need.

Thank you.



Greetings programs…

As you know by now, I avoid at all costs asking for money unless I am in need. Today, I am appealing to you to make a small donation at the link to the right so that I might purchase a cheap laptop computer and the industry standard program Microsoft Word.

Why am I asking now?

Firstly, for my own health. I have been lingering in my windowless basement for years now like a hermit monk, researching, writing, etc., and my health has suffered for it. If for no other reason than my sanity, I really need to be able to write and draw inspiration from that which ironically is most often the subject of my expositions — Nature, the sun, freedom from being plugged-in.

Secondly, I would like to start doing short, subject-based radio shows again, as well as having a tool to conduct interviews for my newest audio/visual-book/documentary, which I have been working on for many months, and which, as always, I am able to offer freely without charge. To get an idea about just what this upcoming project is, you can listen to my last interview with Anne Blake Tracy, someone I would very much like to interview (in Arizona) for the film, which I really need a portable computer for. You’ll understand why her contribution, her piece(s) of the puzzle is integral when you hear this:


And thirdly, I am taking part of my book series and trying to write up a book proposal, to which I need M. Word. I’m serving little purpose anymore being shadow-banned, hacked, and generally snubbed by that false “movement” that would rather thrive on its own patriotic mythos and romantic lies than seek the Truth at all costs. To reach people, I will therefore try and get a literary agent and get published. All other works and films and radio will remain free and unpublished. Hopefully an agent can help break the barriers set up to keep people like me in the shadows and help me book engagements and debates, etc. Any advice, suggestions, or help to this end are appreciated.

To anyone that contributes at least $20 to my goal in the next week or two, I will (hopefully) send a free, signed copy of any future book I manage to ever get published, if that happens. I’ve nothing else to offer, really. The book will be called “Gleaming The Matrix” with a subtitle about “Simulacrum and Simulation”. It will be a re-write and comparison of The Matrix movie (a metaphor for our collective hypocrisy) with the book it largely was based on by Jean Baudrillard.

To those that have supported my works in the past, I thank you sincerely and humbly. If I haven’t thanked you before on a personal level, please know that when in the middle of a project I have only that one purpose driving my life, and that my gratitude is greater than you can imagine, as your gifts allow me to have the greatest job in the world, my own, without compromise. This means everything to me.

I would like to raise about $400 if possible, which would allow the purchase of a bare bones pc and the program needed. If or when I reach that goal, I’ll update this post to reflect my gratitude and then take the post down shortly after.

They say a mind is a terrible thing to waste. So I leave my fate in your hands…

Thank you,


–Clint > richard-son (
–Monday, July 29th, 2019

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  1. Everything is backwards

     /  July 29, 2019

    Sorry I don’t see the link to the donation site.


  2. kristen

     /  July 29, 2019

    hey clint… just a tip … i was sick of microsoft but i used Word for ever. i use WPS Writer. it is identical to Word and its free – works on Mac/Microsoft/Linux. also use Linux Mint



  3. farmerkarl

     /  July 29, 2019

    I don’t see one either.


  4. farmerkarl

     /  July 29, 2019

    I see it now it is at the right—–> . Help clint stay out of work


  5. farmerkarl

     /  July 29, 2019

    Oops …. business not work


  6. MARC P Wasson

     /  July 29, 2019

    Link? PayPal?


  7. Charles

     /  July 29, 2019

    I sent you 25 buckeroos, Clint.


  8. The donation button is on the Right Hand Navigation below the picture of Clint’s book. Paypay. Took me about 17 seconds to donate to this worthy cause.


  9. Done! 


  10. paul

     /  July 29, 2019



  11. MikeV

     /  July 31, 2019

    Clint congrats people really give a shit!!! LOL

    Need to get an interview with Sayer Ji or possible include in your new project, pretty dynamic dude was gonna suggest him couple years back.


  12. Maxx

     /  August 2, 2019

    Dude you need to get out and garden.


  13. Reblogged this on a kiss to break the spell and commented:
    Nice to see for a change…


  14. Hello Clint,

    If you ever want to get out in some of that nature together let me know. I live in Salt Lake for the next 4-5 months so I’ll be available. I recently found some good spots in Dimple Dale which I’ve been walking with my dog in the mornings.


  1. Behind The Woodshed Blogcaster – Aug 4, 2019 | Real Liberty Media

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