Free Your Mind: The Conference!




“The natural liberty of man is to be free
from any superior power on Earth, and not to be
under the will or legislative authority of man,
but only to have the Law of Nature for his rule.”

–John Locke


Greetings to all… I have been invited to speak at the 2015 Free Your Mind Conference in Philadelphia, happening this April.

As one who has created and ran a similar conference before (and who never would have hoped to be an invited guest at one) I know how difficult it is to find support and promotion for such events, and even to pay the expenses. So I am asking all of my readers and listeners to my show at Republic Broadcasting to help spread the word.

The 3-day conference includes some of my personal hero-activists, from the poetic subversion of Larkin Rose to the bloodline genealogical chronicler Fritz Springmeier to “We Are Change” co-founder Luke Rudkowski. The conference is hosted this year by Bob Tuskin ( and author, researcher and investigative journalist John Vibes, both billed to be conference speakers as well.

For a full list of speakers and ticket info go to the conference website here:

The venue hotel is offering discounted rooms, and Bob tells me that the use of my given name “clint” as a promotion code will save you a bit of cash.

**Note: I will receive no payment or other compensation for this in any way folks. The charge for the conference is used to pay for guest’s expenses – to fly us all out there to speak and to give us a place to sleep. Otherwise, we fend for ourselves! I was in personal debt over $2,000 out of pocket when I tried to run one of these things back in 2010! So please support such endeavors.



Special Extra Event

I will be leading a one-full-day organized post-conference tour of the Masonic origins of the United States in Philadelphia (the City of Brotherly Love) on Monday, April 13th. All are invited to join in without charge (bring bus/train fare), and any help in organizing this endeavor would be appreciated, including local sources and info as well as my fellow conference speakers and guests. Lunch, good times, wandering, learning, and whatever else presents itself.

I look forward to meeting face to face all the wonderful folks that have supported (or not) my efforts over the years. And I hope to finally have my first book completed and available at the conference, if I can get my ass in gear.

See you in Phili…


–Clint Richardson (
–Friday, January 2nd, 2014





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  1. MikeV

     /  January 2, 2015

    Ya remember you mention the Masonic tour before, I had found this link.
    Hope to make it out and meet you and some other faves like Springeier, I’m in NY and had just missed you when you came couple years ago.


  2. elfmom55

     /  January 2, 2015

    Ah shoot! Is this going to be recorded so those of us too far away can listen?
    Passing this on and spreading the news!


  3. Congrats for your hard work, honesty, and unwavering dedication! I am thrilled that you are being recognized for your incredible skill set and persistence in truth telling!


  4. Reblogged this on outofthefran.


  5. Did you mean 2015? Do you really need to put out a book as well .. at this point? Do you think its a good idea that a former ‘Church of Satan’ dude is running a conference called open your mind and free it up [if he was honest as he wants people to think he is it should be called ‘open your wallet and shut the fuck up’ .. have you heard how he talks to callers to him on the radio .. he is a complete twat? I don’t care for these ‘gatherings’ of so-called awake people … I think those satanists are the trickiests bastards on the planet today.. and finally… does it always have to be about the money?


    • Yes and yes, no, no. Yes.

      I can’t disagree with you. I got to see two different types of people there. Like-minded folks interested in learning and brainwashed folks too far gone. The line is thin between. I will not be going back. It was all about the money, which made me out of place and an outsider. My talk didn’t jive with the feel-gooders and pillow-sitters. And the notion of “former satanist” does not apply.


  6. Hi Clint. Enjoyed meeting you at FYMIII! Here are links to Gustavus Myer’s work that I mentioned and The History of the Great American Fortunes, waited for 10 years before a publisher was brave enough to print it and it finally appeared in 1911. This is a must read for a comprehensive understanding of history.


    • Hi Paul. You too my friend. Was an interesting event to say the least… I’m sorry for not getting to these comments sooner. Thanks so much for the links. -Clint-


  7. Here is a statement from the one presidential candidate who actively supports the legalization of medical marijuana nationwide! “Patients receiving cannabinoids [smoked marijuana and marijuana pills] had improved immune function compared with those receiving placebo. They also gained about 4 pounds more on average than those patients receiving placebo.” You can read more and support her campaign on her site Join us and together, we can create a true land of the free.



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