On Modern Mechanics Of Taxation

In days of old, the object of taxation was the physical plunder of intrinsic personal possessions such as money, foodstuffs, or other valuable considerations forcibly taken in support of the kingdom. The plunderers were known as tax-collectors; though by their plundered, public victims they were more commonly labeled by nicknames of reproach. The common opinion of the villages and townsfolk that paid this tribute to kings and dictators of tyrannical despotism was disdain and controlled rage – a will for freedom lacking way and means.

In our modern taxation stratagem, the rules of the game have changed dramatically. In fact, the very comprehension of tax-plunder has morphed into a custom whereby most people have no idea they are being taxed. Indeed, it is ridiculously parroted by the children of parents of great grand parents that death and taxes are the only certainties in life. For the children of indentured debtor parents have no rational idea what liberty from despotism might look or feel like. Taxation has not only become customized and normalized into the social meme, but the plunderers have actually trained the children of despotism to root for the taxman over their fellow citizens.

To even attempt to imagine the people of old cheering the kings’ tax-collectors as they razed each hut in the village to satisfy the kings’ court is a preposterous notion. For it was well-known that these collections agents of the crown were backed by the full military force and sword of the king!

Though nothing has changed (except perhaps that the kings crest and sword is now a badge and gun), we now have reality television shows appealing to the mass delusion as they depict debt-collectors, repossession agents, pawn shops, and bail-bondsmen as the modern day champions of the people. In this absurdity of an attempt to manufacture public opinion in favor of legal plunder for the kingdom, cognitive dissonance has been shrouded over the intellect of the plundered majority class of “tax-payers” so as to create a Colosseum of bread and circus entertainment as the reinforcement of very bad behavior. In short, plunder has been woven seamlessly into the political process while the mass of victims have been generation-ally bamboozled (educated) into cheering on the plunderers while their fellow debt-slaves are put in pain and suffering at the hand of tyrants – a virtual public display representative of those antithetical Christian’s of antiquity being fed to the lions.

Today, taxation has been streamlined in such a way that most citizens have no idea they are being taxed, for the government doesn’t ever have to go into the realm to actually and physically “collect” taxes. This modern method of unlimited plunder through the false dialectic of and name of taxation could only be accomplished through the creation of a fiat currency; one with unlimited creation potential, where the collateral does not define the value of the note. In the case of United States Federal Reserve “dollars,” most of which are created in ledger or digital form with no actual substance, we see the potential for not only unlimited creation, but in turn for unlimited taxation. Even the wasting, spending, or cancellation of creation does not equate to a cancellation of the taxation assumed by the creation.

So how does this compare to the historical collection of real assets by force as tax and tribute to the king and his dominion (king-dom)?

Oh, it’s much more profitable for the dictators (lawgivers of government) today.

We have no tax-collectors today. Taxation (tribute) then was an obligation of servitude and subjection to the kings’ realm and privileges. It was obviously fraud, and those who suffered it made no mistake to ever think differently.

Today, we only have debt-collectors. They do not collect tax, they extort false debt. For the tax is collected without anybody even realizing it, and no collector is needed. Let me explain…

When the lawgivers of the kingdom (congress) wish to generate wealth through what used to be called tax-collection, they simply write some official legal words down on a paper and place a stamp of approval upon it featuring the seal of the nation (king-dom). While kings and despots had to send agents into the communities to collect real assets, this congressional act or “bill” is an instrument of exchange, where congress literally appropriates money into existence. They then place that “bill” into the legal records of the United States, a bank account known by name as the state of “national debt”, where the citizenry (loyal subjects) of the king-dom’s dictators agree through manufactured consent to be responsible obligators of that debt. Another word for this is constitutor, which means debtor, as a constitution is merely a compact of debt and obligation in exchange for privileges and immunities and is always designed to be against (immune from) the laws of nature and the personal responsibilities of individuals.

Within this ingenious device, the lawgivers are able to create unlimited taxation to financially support their plans in artifice. With unlimited taxation power comes unlimited authoritative power. How else could they fund the military industrial complex every year that protects their king-dom from us without appropriating new debt upon the taxpaying public with each new appropriations bill?

Check please!

The taxation methods we have become accustomed to today as schemes ranging from income to sales tax and any one of hundreds of clever extraction, extortion, and exaction methods, not the least of which is false inflation derived from false market fixing and illusions of supply and demand shortages, are merely devises of debt collection. Whereas before the sword was obvious and in your face for refusal to pay, appropriations cannot not be paid. They are automatic. The tax is collected the minute it is created as a credit to government’s coffers. And the credit represents a debt that must be paid by the people of the nation.

Unlimited credit, in other words, is the most important tool of a money system that has no limit. For the creditors are never the debtors, and these lawgivers as plunderers don’t mind being part of the plundered society, for they simply exempt themselves from debt collection by their own military force or they pay their taxes with the plundered money to give the illusion that they too are good little citizens as debtors.

As I explained in an earlier post, located here: your current taxes are already spent! They are spent the moment they are created out of thin air! For any taxes you pay today are only paying for the national debt of former appropriations by congress. The lawgivers don’t spend tax money, they create it as debt. They spend their bill before it is even monetized by appropriating the new debts to specific government functions in their appropriations bill. And the new total is simply added on to the ever-expanding check that is perpetually handed to the collective of tax-payers.

The moral of this story?

By consent, we have given total authoritative power via the power of the purse to the most corrupt of men, for the cream of corruption always rises to the top. The salt of the earth always sink to the bottom of the mix, paying for the debts of the cream by way of innocence to the designs used against them. The salt continues to flavor the combination from their own labor and through taxation on that labor, while the cream never mixes with the lower class. They stay at the top where they belong, the cream of the crop of the criminally insane.

When the bill collectors come a knocking your door down or blowing your house away, remember that it was congress that created this concoction of acrid evil in the first place, and that it only continues to have authority because you consent to it as a voluntary citizen and taxpayer.

At least the men of old knew they were being burned and eventually would fight to keep what was theirs as products of their own labor. They could and did fight back physically, or even tar and feather the king’s agent in boycott.

Modern man is absolutely blind to his own, self-aggrandized, patriotic responsibility to his master, and has nothing to keep because the money and possessions he holds are already the property of his master. The money is fake, and so is the king-dom. The city is a debtor. The county is a debtor. The district is a debtor. The State is a debtor. So what is left to fight? You cannot tar and feather a digital transaction. And police are security guards ensuring protection of these corporations from the tax-payers.

It’s a perfect system of chattel slavery, a fiefdom of clueless subjects that in the end worship and pay tribute to nothing but fiction, from the money to the offices that create it.

We are a defeated people who quicken in our perishing due to a strict lack of contemplation and knowledge of our own enslavement.

That is just another way of saying we deserve exactly what we beget.

But never mind… go about purchasing Christmas gifts with government’s debt instruments, even though each and every dollar represents the embodiment of your own debt-slavery to its creators in the Treasury. Pretend that a billion kids aren’t starving around the world. Be the empire of greed and artificiality we were manufactured and determined to be. For it’s not that christ is missing from Christmas, it’s that the teachings of the christ is missing from self-proclaimed christians, who would never celebrate the twelve pagan-zodiac days of corporate Christmas and the imagery and majesty of Saint Nick if they weren’t worshiping mammon.

We must be governed by our own consenting hand, for we are apparently not capable of resistance to unfettered tyranny and greed or to the false reality of this matrix.



–Clint Richardson (Realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Monday, December 22nd, 2014