How All Presidents Are Related To King John

In my attempts to expose the genealogical “royal” bloodline – the passing of pure blood type as opposed to mere genealogical “family tree” relation – I came across a researcher from named Tim Dowling. On his site, and reproduced below, Mr. Dowling has connected the trees of all U.S. Presidents to the Plantagenet King John circa 12oo A.D.

DIRECTIONS: To see the full charts or tree for each president, click on the “Relationship to King John” link below, and then on the next page click either the “tree” link or the link below that which looks like this:

Ancestry of George Washington, President up to John of England, King   See

This presentation will hopefully satisfy those who were not satisfied with my previous presentation of mere cousin relationships between all U.S. Presidents, which can partially be found at this link:

Please click on the links in this chart for detailed geneology connections to the “royal” blood, and remember…

“It should be noted that Americans whose ancestors came from continental Europe in the colonial period and the 19th Century are unlikely to easily delineate descent from Charlemagne in their background. There was a separation of classes in Europe and the blood of the rulers seldom flowed legitimately into the blood of the nobility and commoners…”

–Jewels of the Crown – “A newsletter of the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States of America”

Passing legitimate blood type is not the same as being “related” or cousins…


1 9th Cousin, 10th Cousin of First Lady George Washington 1789-1797 Relationship to:
King John of England
2 5th Cousin, 9th Cousin of First Lady John Adams 1797-1801 Relationship to:
King John of England
3 11th Cousin Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 Relationship to:
King John of England
4 8th Cousin, 9th Cousin of First Lady James Madison 1809-1817 Relationship to:
King John of England
5 13th Cousin James Monroe 1817-1825 Relationship to:
King John of England
6 6th Cousin, 10th Cousin of First Lady John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 Relationship to:
King John of England
7 11th Cousin Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 Relationship to:
King John of England
8 23rd Cousin, 24th Cousin of First Lady Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 Relationship to:
King John of England
9 7th Cousin, 6th Cousin of First Lady William H. Harrison 1841 Relationship to:
King John of England
10 10th Cousin John Tyler 1841-1845 Relationship to:
King John of England
11 14th Cousin James Polk 1845-1849 Relationship to:
King John of England
12 5th Cousin Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 Relationship to:
King John of England
13 5th Cousin, 5th Cousin of First Lady Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 Relationship to:
King John of England
14 5th Cousin, 10th Cousin of First Lady Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 Relationship to:
King John of England
15 14th Cousin James Buchanan 1857-1861 Relationship to:
King John of England
16 6th Cousin Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 Relationship to:
King John of England
17 14th Cousin Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 Relationship to:
King John of England
18 6th Cousin, 12th Cousin of First Lady Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877 Relationship to:
King John of England
19 6th Cousin Rutherford B. Hayes 1877-1881 Relationship to:
King John of England
20 6th Cousin, 7th Cousin of First Lady James Garfield 1881 Relationship to:
King John of England
21 8th Cousin, 12th Cousin of First Lady Chester Arthur 1881-1885 Relationship to:
King John of England
22 7th Cousin, 15th Cousin of First Lady Grover Cleveland 1885-1889 Relationship to:
King John of England
23 8th Cousin Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893 Relationship to:
King John of England
24 7th Cousin, 15th Cousin of First Lady Grover Cleveland 1893-1897 Relationship to:
King John of England
25 16th Cousin, 4th Cousin of First Lady William McKinley 1897-1901 Relationship to:
King John of England
26 8th Cousin, 6th Cousin of First Lady Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 Relationship to:
King John of England
27 7th Cousin William H. Taft 1909-1913 Relationship to:
King John of England
28 13th Cousin, 9th Cousin of First Lady Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 Relationship to:
King John of England
29 7th Cousin, 5th Cousin of First Lady Warren Harding 1921-1923 Relationship to:
King John of England
30 9th Cousin, 8th Cousin of First Lady Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 Relationship to:
King John of England
31 10th Cousin, 17th Cousin of First Lady Herbert Hoover 1929-1933 Relationship to:
King John of England
32 6th Cousin, 9th Cousin of First Lady Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945 Relationship to:
King John of England
33 13th Cousin, 9th Cousin of First Lady Harry Truman 1945-1953 Relationship to:
King John of England
34 15th Cousin, 9th cousin of First Lady Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961 Relationship to:
King John of England
35 18th Cousin John F. Kennedy 1961-1963 Relationship to:
King John of England
36 13th Cousin, 17th Cousin of First Lady Lyndon B. Johnson 1963-1969 Relationship to:
King John of England
37 7th Cousin Richard M. Nixon 1969-1974 Relationship to:
King John of England
38 8th Cousin, 13th Cousin of First Lady Gerald Ford 1974-1977 Relationship to:
King John of England
39 14th Cousin Jimmy Carter 1977-1981 Relationship to:
King John of England
40 15th Cousin, 9th Cousin of First Lady Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 Relationship to:
King John of England
41 9th Cousin, 9th Cousin of 1st Lady George Bush 1989-1993 Relationship to:
King John of England
42 19th Cousin William J. Clinton 1993-2001 Relationship to:
King John of England
43 10th Cousin George W. Bush 2001-2009 Relationship to:
King John of England
44 11th Cousin Barack Hussein Obama 2009-2015 Relationship to:
King John of England


President Obama is:



Again, special thanks and credit to Mr. Dowling long before that little bloodline 12 year old girl made international news.


Now go about your day…

Nothing to see here…


–Clint Richardson (
–Monday, January 13th, 2014

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  1. Adrian

     /  January 13, 2014

    Clint this is to much of a fairy tale.There are too many crooks on the net now days trying to sell their crap for a buck.
    I may say that most of them are jew related.
    This royal bloodline is crap.


    • Before I accuse you of fallacy and lack of evidence with responsibility for the burden of proof for your contrary “opinion”, please explain how the above information is a fairy tail by providing evidence based rhetoric?


    • Sally Gentry

       /  October 17, 2016

      There were 12 original tribes. My family had out whole background traced and on my mothers side am from the tribe Judah, and on my father’s Levi. I don’t believe in religion, man made and corrupted that. I go by the Holy Bible. I gave my heart when I was 13 and I’m 38. I love Him more now than I ever have. He is always there!! You just have to believe!! For those who think we’re going to go pre trib, why would God warn of the mark, why would God warn us of those who will die for believing in Him. Our Father told us everything that has, is, and will happen. We are the last generation. I pray for everyone. God should be the foundation, the roots of your Faith KNOWING if our name is in the Book of Life, we go Home. You don’t get a second chance. The church has lied for so long. The TRUE Sabbath is Friday evening to Saturday evening. Look at a calendar, the first day is Sunday. But since the “church” served satan, the lighting bold, the “sun god”, they changed it to Sunday. Why do you think God said most churches turn against Him. He wasn’t born on Christmas. It’s all nasty “keep you brain dead” propaganda. I pray for everyone. For God is the only one who will save us now. NO man. Thank you Jesus. Amen.


      • Two errors in your Biblical journey.

        #1 – The new Testament (the new Law of Nature) is to never give respect to flattering titles and fabled genealogies. Your so-called family tree is a lie told to cause you to pretend to be something you are not. All are equal under God.

        #2 – The calendar is a Roman creation. The so-called “Sabath” is not a day, but a lifestyle. Think about it, why would you honor God and Nature one day out of the week, and the rest of the week trash the shit out of it? Day is translated as age in the Bible. This holy day concept is purely a human capital management (slavery) tactic of the Roman empire. All days, all things, all actions, and all thoughts should be done at all time in honor of Jehovah.



        • Michael J Webster

           /  March 31, 2017

          Explain Donald Trump ….how does he fit in on the all related comment ?


          • He and Hillary are cousins, both from the same grandmother, and both from King Edward of England.

            All 100 senators are cousins with Obama.

            What else do you need?


      • donna

         /  June 14, 2020

        I agree with Clint that the Gregorian calendar the world follows today is new, created by a pope (Gregory) to correct in the 1580s a math mistake in the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar, itself was only created in 45 BC by a Roman Emperor and was initially an eight-day week calendar that started with Saturns Day or Satyrday. It was later changed to a seven-day week calendar and Sunday was made the first day of the week, by Emperor Constantine in an attempt to crypto-control what he saw as a threat to his empire. At that time in Judah, the Judahites (tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi) and later the early Christians kept the Biblical calendar based on a calendar we are given clues of in the Bible and in historical documents. The Creation Calendar is luni-solar and has three different kinds of days: new moon days, work days and Sabbaths. Six days each week were for work, but on Sabbaths we are to rest from our work to renew and recharge both physically and spiritually. By choosing to rest on the appointed day, notice is sent to the universe telling the heavens who our highest authority is. This Law has nothing to do with how we are to behave and be obedient the other six days or that we are to do this every day. What we see as the churchianty crowd today who attend church based on the Gregorian calendar is not what our Creating Author and Most High created for timekeeping, nor are any of the holidays on it His appointed feasts.

        Sabbath is a day we are told to not even to do servile work unless its absolutely necessary to care for the young, the infirm and our pets/livestock or to do the work of teaching and healing. we are to prepare for it the days before so that we can rest. Making others work as well as buying or selling were not allowed on the Sabbaths and the fourth commandment is about all the different kinds of Sabbaths based on the 7th day, 7th month, 7th year, 7th, seven-year (jubilee) and how they rest. So, regarding your comment, Clint that every day should be like a Sabbath does not fit with the rules of the fourth commandment or are you saying we need seven days of rest each week and need to rest our lands every year from growing, that we can never be forgiven for our debts every seven years, that we can never receive our lands back every 50 years, etc. Please explain your Biblical proof that the 4th Command was killed on the cross. Thank you.


  2. Adrian

     /  January 15, 2014

    The people who provided that info have no proof either.People have changed their names
    over the history.
    Genealogy today is based on fraud.Most of today written history is counterfeit.
    Only a DNA test will prove the truth.


    • Proof of claim? You are calling all genealogical agencies as a fraud? One cannot say such things without evidence.


    • And by the way, even wikipedia has the true names of each of its subjects, from actors and politicians that all change their name. It is referenced in Wiki as “nee”, where the true name is given. As stated before, the name is more valuable than gold for this brood.


  3. thomas russo

     /  January 20, 2014

    Beleive what you want, as for myself I am related to King John and a whole bunch of other Plantagents but in my family tree only George Bush, Carter and Taft share the same grand parent and that means absolutley nothing at least to me, its all coffee table talk. To get a better understand read Volume 1 of the United States code paying close attent to Titles 1-4 within


    • To repeat…

      “It should be noted that Americans whose ancestors came from continental Europe in the colonial period and the 19th Century are unlikely to easily delineate descent from Charlemagne in their background. There was a separation of classes in Europe and the blood of the rulers seldom flowed legitimately into the blood of the nobility and commoners…”

      –Jewels of the Crown – “A newsletter of the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States of America”

      Blood and relation are two separate things.


      • thomas russo

         /  January 20, 2014

        So what and what is the point?, the Constitution “for the United States” and the Constitution “of the United States” are two seperate documents and can be found in Volume 1 United States Code which is inclusive of Titles 1-4 and Title 5 sections 101-5949, paying close attention to 1-4 you will find the answer along with your Originial state bordered Constitution. Ohio’s is the 1803 and inforce while the 1851 deals only with the Constitution “of the United States” now you have to figure the rest out.


        • Oh… I see. You are a patriot parrot.

          Thanks but no thanks.


          • thomas russo

             /  January 22, 2014

            Patriot parrot, most whom can not establish what one wants to address always draw upon some slanderous terms to show they are in want of reality and are shown to be Psychopaths, and I excuse ones ignorance to all whom want to remain stupid and bid them good day. But, yet should one be in want of knowledge I would suggest one read Volume 1 United States Code Titles 1-4 and draw upon the Organic Laws in the order the foundation was set, which draws upon the position of a free inhabitant, the queen in the game not the pawn.


        • (Negative blood, especially RH Negative, has a higher copper content then positive iron blood, which is where ‘Blue blood’ actually comes from. Bush was awarded the Presidency in ’04 because he had more ‘blue blood’ then Gore.)

          recorded since 1834 for noble birth or descent; it is also known as a translation of the Spanish phrase sangre azul, which described the Spanish royal family and other high nobility who claimed to be of Visigothic descent,[12] in contrast to the Moors. The idiom originates from ancient and medieval societies of Europe and distinguishes an upper class(whose superficial veins appeared blue through their untanned skin) from a working class of the time. The latter consisted mainly of agricultural peasants who spent most of their time working outdoors and thus had tanned skin, through which superficial veins appear less prominently. The genesis of the blue blood concept: It was the Spaniards who gave the world the notion that an aristocrat’s blood is not red but blue. The Spanish nobility started taking shape around the ninth century in classic military fashion, occupying land as warriors on horseback. They were to continue the process for more than five hundred years, clawing back sections of the peninsula from its Moorish occupiers, and a nobleman demonstrated his pedigree by holding up his sword arm to display the filigree of blue-blooded veins beneath his pale skin—proof that his birth had not been contaminated by the dark-skinned enemy.


        • donna

           /  June 14, 2020

          There is only one Lawgiver and He is our Creator. All other law comes from false gods.
          The US Constitution and Declaration of Independence are not Biblical therefore it created a heathen nation by claiming to be the Supreme law of the Land the moment it was given life in 1787.
          Just because a politician claims to know a god, means its the God of the Christian Bible. They are all freemasons and Freemasons serve Lucifer as did the framers of those contracts.


      • thomas russo

         /  January 25, 2014

        Spooner made a mistake, by the way read all of his stuff, real good, however he missed the Organic Law which is Volume 1 United States Code which includes Titles 1-4 also Title 5 in same book however the discussion is Titles 1-4 which everyone in most part is missing the whole of the subject, in that is the point even though some may not think so, for it is the LAW not Legal ease of legislative acts. So look at it as one it includes Title 1 (Declaration of Independence) first congressional delegates, then Title 2 (Articles of Confederation) second congressional delegates, then Title 3 (Northwest Ordinance) third congressional delegates at which point the thirteen colonies ceded land to the United States of America to pay off the dept of the Revolution which now becomes the Northwest Territory, but there are stipulations within said territory in order for them to become Constituted states “for the United States” at this point do not get confused with the Constitution “of the United States” that is Title 4 and that is the governing body of the territory of the United States of America which is land owned by it (Bureau of Land Management maps). Take as an example Ohio which was part of the Northwest Territory until it has X amount of free inhabitants then it moved to Ratify the Articles of Confederation at Title 2 and establish a Bordered Constitution which was in 1803 and became part of the first Union the perpetual one not the one in Title 4 which is restricted to what is owned by the United States of America (Bureau of Land Management Maps), but after Ohio establishe it 1803 Bordered Constitution the land was no longer part of the Northwest Ordinance with one exception and that is Wayne National Forrest (Bureau of Land management maps) along with Ports, Forts and needfull building within those areas, so what does this all mean?, well the Ohio general assemply its state citizens could no longer legislate upon land not owned by the United States of America, but had to deal with Title 4 the Constitution “of the United States” so in order for it to deal it had to go to the 1851 Ohio Constitution by resolution and leaving the 1803 one in force for Article IV free inhabitants with all the privileges and immunities of state citizens without being one as Ratified by the Articles of Confederation in Title 2 of the perpetual Union. Now, the 1851 Ohio Constitution deals with the Constitution “of the United States” and its United States Code but is allowed to Revise it without over shaddowing it through its Revised Code which applies to anything created by congressional delegated in Article 1 section 8, where anything congress creates congress controls, so what did congress create?, once you get that part accross you have the subject of its creations in your hand to handle and its all fiction, for Law creates fiction, fiction does not create law.


    • NKent69

       /  November 29, 2015

      @Reality Blogger, there were 500 colonists in New England, the Atlantic seaboard and Virginia that had Royal descents, 300 plus had descendants. Read Gary boyd Roberts, The Royal descents of 600 Immigrants. There are thousands of descendants of those same immigrants. It had nothing to do with class or money. My gateway ancestor was Thomasine Ward Thompson Buffum, She was the second wife of Robert Buffum of Salem, Mass. They were both originally from Norfolk, England. They were both married before At Saint Nicholas catherdral right before they made the journey to the Massachusetts Bay colony, they were both widowed shortly before. Her Father was from the Ward family, his grand father was Lord Mayor of of London. Her maternal 2nd great grandmother was Margaret de Capel daughter of Sir Giles Capel one of King Henry XIII’s Favorites. He participated in the tournaments at the Field of cloth of gold, and fought in Calais, France. His Mother was Lady Margaret de Arrudel, her father was Sir John Arundel and mother Lady Catherine de Chideoke (Shattuck). Thru these opportune Marraiges, their descendants aquired a royal descent to King Henry II thru his young illegitimate son Earl William de Longespee. Also to King John from his once illegitimate Daughter Lady Joan Fitzroy, wife of Llewellyn mor of Wales. The Pope at the time made her legitimate in the eyes Catholic Church. It isnt just presidents that have royal ancestry, but thousands of Americans. Some dont even know it.


      • Those who claim their genealogy are the sovereign People (private/several States), as the “Posterity” (bloodline) of the constitution’s preamble (purpose). Those who have it but don’t claim it are slaves just like the rest of us in public citizenship. Government protects them from us.


  4. thomas russo

     /  January 20, 2014

    King John could not even write his own name


  5. Adrian

     /  January 23, 2014

    The fact of the matter is that those who are controlling America today are well organized
    as bandits at a Global scale.
    We as American people are divided and scattered in the wind.
    We need to organize and be united to act as one.
    We have the power,we need to find the way.
    Too much talk too little action.


    • thomas russo

       /  January 23, 2014

      All this blood line stuff makes no difference even should one think that it does, it makes no difference who is what, the Constitution of the United States is defined as well as the Constitution for the United States, and it is something one has to get control of and set in their mind, but you have to put it together to make since and it starts in the Organic laws which is in Volume 1 of the United States Code in Titles 1-4 of that Volume, pay attention to the dates of entry this is the real foundation of everything, so take it apart in the order presented and pay attention to the dates of entry then get a copy of ones states Original bordered Constituton, then go to the Bureau of Land Management and take a look at what land is owned by the United States of America that is governed by the United States under the Constitution of the United States not the Constitution for the United States, and yes it sounds confusing, but I have no other method to make it more symple. But on land owned by the United States of American one needs a license if that helps.


  6. Adrian

     /  January 25, 2014

    If any one wants to get a good grip on the word constitution I would suggest a good essay
    from the 19th century: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner.
    What has happened to America is no coincidence.
    All that crap about United States today is all but nonsense.


  7. Reblogged this on spiritwolf04.


  8. Richard M Nixon (Deceased)

     /  January 25, 2014

    Reblogged this on Dead Citizen's Rights Society.


    • thomas russo

       /  January 27, 2014

      Dear Deceased; So called blood llines have no established right to anything with the exception of the right to natural law and the laws of nature make no preferance to anyone man or group of men/women together or seperate for all are subject to the laws of nature, no one or group may impose anything upon another.


      • I see your game… no matter how much positive evidence I provide, you will always stick to the negative, for a negative cannot be proven or disproven. And so, despite reality, you will always have the same denial of a negative argument, which is great for you, since the negative position requires no proof. Deny, deny, deny, until finally we all give up the argument… sounds just like what government agencies, attorneys, and criminals do.


  9. Adrian

     /  January 26, 2014

    The land mass known as America belongs to Planet Earth.No one has any title on it.
    No one has a copy right on the word America.
    We the earthlings,people who are living on America have a right as users to be here.
    Is our duty to protect our right as users.
    The writtings of Lysander Spooner is an eye opener for all of us living today.
    A good maxim which once he used: what does not appear,does not exist.
    Think about it.


    • thomas russo

       /  January 26, 2014

      Of course its all nonsense, and of course the word America and other such is all nonsense and that is the Point of Volume 1 United States Code and within Titles 1-4 of that Volume for the STATE OF__________ does not exist, however what man/woman sometimes refered to as people beleive what ever they create in their minds, in order to wash this out and become consious to what is, is in Volume 1. Peaces of paper like deeds, titles, certificates, registrations and the such are all fictions of the mind as well as money, but that is what the system wants one to beleive is that it is all real like public education (brain washing) as well there is no President of the United States of America for that alleged office is vacant and its in Titles 1-4, Spooner just missed it, or posably did not read it, or have it in mind, for he never even mentions it. For example Police have absolutley NO AUTHORITY outside the limits of the United States meaning the territory there in as defined in Their Codes and all their codes apply to them and no one outside, so should one sport a license plate the nexus is complete by assumption along with drivers license (in commerce) but all the traveling in commerce is in what is called a zone of fiction employed by a map a political map, you know that street/road map one has to view or some g.p.s. device, its all fiction created by law. All these people getting a so called right to carry license never ever read the code section that created it for it is restricted to Territory owned by the United States of America the District of Columbia and its employees so anyone whom is assumed to be said United States citizen but does not live there is actually now part of Title 18 U.S.C. for that Title is Voluntary and that is another situation which most do not understand for none of those codes apply to anyone outside the United States District of Criminals by deceptions. Now if you take Title 5 of Volume 1 that is manditory for employees of the District of Columbia under Civil Law and revised codes. The one thing they do not want to do is open Pandoras Box and that is what is in Volume 1 along with ones state Original Bordered Constitution and Ratification of the Articles of Confederation. There also is a Phylosophy called “As If” you can find it on line, for that is repugnant to an Original bordered Constitution also part of Pandoras Box, so they the municipal end works “as if ” it is in the United States. Have fun you will get it.


    • Fine, then go trespass and build a log cabin and squat there on titled Bush land in Texas, claiming it belongs to planet Earth (not Jehovah), and see what happens.

      I seem to remember a compound that was destroyed and people burned alive because they were next to and spying on the Bush’s land, airport, and drug running… somewhere near WACO, hmm… can’t seem to recall the name… David something or other…


  10. It is interesting how many that murdered, raped, participated in child pedophilia, marrying many women, men and children, human trafficked broke the very laws they created,now want to throw around the laws, Constitution, USC codes and etc.


  11. If the Presidents are related by blood then this article has to be discussing about the controllers and handlers of the so call Presidents instead of the actual person that is allegely holding the office. This is a major problem in the United States due to the fight that I am fighting them for human trafficking, child pedophilia and sexual assaults of my children by those in the entertainment and politicial realm, the rape of my mother, abuse and murder of my great grandmother, abuse of my grandmother, the fact that Elizabeth and her crew stole my body as a child, the Jacksons and their false claim of ownership of people and many more crimes against humanity. The fact the government takes advantage of the people that do not know the laws is the problem in this country.


  12. Manny Clay

     /  July 13, 2014

    Hello to all, and a thank you for providing this forum. I am awakened to what you write about having gone to jail (only for a day) to prove the validity of what you state. I had looked at A4V and Redemption in Law process several years ago but came to conclusion that I do not own the NAME that the papal Caesar ‘offered’ me and therefore to seek ownership or controlling use of it would amount to criminal trespass as it is his creation and property, not mine. The Bible does have several examples of name renunciation/change in OT and NT, even stating that it was God/Christ that was the giver of this New Name.

    Perhaps I overlooked it in the post but I failed to see what lies at the bottom of all of the presidents tracing their lineage back to John. From what I can gather it is John’s agreement with Pope Innocent to hand over Britain and Ireland to him and pay a yearly lease for its use in exchange for pardon of all his sins and eternal felicity in the hereafter. Please search “Pope Innocent, King John agreement.” The Magna Carter was apparently subsequent to this agreement, and the Pope made that agreement with the barons null and void as John no longer held the right or authority as sovereign to do what he did. The compact between pope and king was binding on or extended to all of his successors and assigns, that is, his descendants. I believe this is why all presidents come from his root. this is why I turned in my voters registration card and no longer participate in the process. In fact, Gore, Quayle, Cheney, Romney, and Biden are also related to King John. The odds of this occurring are just about a statistical impossibility — 1 in 1 BILLION! We are not presently colonies of Her Majesties Government as some allege, although that is certainly understandable when you closely read the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Rather, it seems we are property of the present Pope. Please search “words of the beast.”

    Now for something that may fall outside this post but is a natural progression attested to by historical fact. The papacy or beast was totally taken over by the SS, that is the Synagogue of Satan, also known as MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT in the 50’s with the ‘election’ of Roncalli, an Ashkenazi and highly placed Freemason who took the NAME John XXIII. The former John XXIII was an antipope. Read his agnostic “The Precious Blood of Jesus”, and the tribe honoring “Nostra Aetate.” All popes subsequent to him have also been of his stripe and lineage. John Paul I, though elected was afterward murdered just 33 days into his pontificate for investigating the Vatican Bank. His organs were removed so no autopsy was performed. The Hidden Hand continues to rule and will until she is with violence thrown down by the kings who receive authority one hour with the beast. Then the mark, the name, the number and the image will no longer be hiding in plain sight but will be in your face to be worshipped under pain of death.


  13. dan

     /  August 8, 2014

    Not to mention the banksters relations like Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan to the Bushes. All one big happy criminal family.


  14. Adrian

     /  August 11, 2014

    There are many out there who think that we all are linked to Great Bitain.
    That’s nonsense,I for one am not related to none of that crap.
    All that blood line is nonsense.
    All those punks CEO’s of those corporations are all stinking jews.
    These parasitic jews have poisoned your mind with their idiotic dogma,religion.
    All the CODES are hiden private crap.
    STOP using THEIR poison.
    We the real people are members of the human race.
    We are dealing with psycopaths,our honorable human duty is to eradicate this
    Earth of THEM.
    As I always said, lets do unto them before they do unto us.


    • If you’re American, and not exclusively of American Indian/African/Asian ancestry, then you’re almost certainly connected to Britain. Simple historical fact.


  15. Interesting how all can be traced back to the Norman Conquest of the Saxons (sons of Yitzak (Isaac)). I had done a study of this back in 2008-2010 and the clear purpose of the conquest was to rid England once and for all of any traces of biblical laws and principles. When one studies the societies (congregations) of the Saxon’s, it s revealed that they held to the principles set forth in the Torah, that no one man was to be ruler, but all were to abide by the rule of law, the Torah. Each society had a Moses figure, however, that Moses figure was subject to the laws of the bible and had no religious or political power, he was simply a servant of the congregation. The elders of the congregation were the heads of each household and no one elder held authority over another. And most importantly, these were truly free-men without servitude to any form of government, as it was in the days of Joshua and the judges, before the children of Israel begged to have a king over them as the nations did.
    And so we see why these sons of Yitzak had to be conquered, lest the biblical principles they held dear spread far and wide throughout the globe. And forget the Magna-Carta, that was just a lame attempt at giving the feudal system a mask of freedom that the Magna Carta never intended to give. Which brings us to the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, which are nothing more than man’s attempt to once again resurrect the Magna Carta, to which we can say today with confidence, it has once again failed because its foundation is not built upon the laws of the Creator of the Universe, but stand opposed to all that the Creator, YHWH, wrote for our instruction in how to live in this awesome world that He created for us to live in.



  16. The simple fact is we are all related. The sooner we all understand this,we could have the near utopia that humans were entitled to. The claim that all of the U.S.A.’s former and current president,have blood type similarities,should be no shock to any intelligent adult. No reason to argue or debate. Everything on and in this planet is connected,the galaxies,and universe as well.


  17. Nor sure if anyone still monitors this but I am seeking someone who can research and find out with of the 2016 candidates on both sides are in the bloodline. That will be very telling.


  18. cbmilne33

     /  September 27, 2015

    Reblogged this on Cbmilne33’s Blog.


  19. Brian

     /  December 1, 2015

    Like if Hector send you 👍


  20. I seriously wonder if either Cruz or Trump are related to King John? Also pretty creepy!!!


    • Not sure about Cruz. We need to do more research. But Trump is related to King John though his ancestor Edward the Third. Hillary is related to Trump by the same Ancestor. Edward III is the great-great-grandson of King John. .


  21. A tremendous amount of work here, congratulations! Very appreciated. Only major error I see is everything for James Buchanan. He was born in 1791, but all “his” lines descend to another James Buchanan born in the 20th Century, which is obviously a very major error. – jkb


  22. When no other president is granted a full middle name (most have a middle initial listed) what is the purpose of spelling out Obama’s name in full? Do it for all the others (or just list his middle name as H. if you are too lazy).


    • You worry about the name when you should be worried about the blood.


      • MikeWR

         /  July 26, 2016

        So what we are looking at now is of the 2 presidential candidates , who has the “Blue-est” blood? Also Clint I am curious as to find out how extensively you’ve researched your lineage. My surname is Richardson and cannot seem to trace back with certainty prior to my great great great grandparents,


        • I used for a bit and did trace mine back fairly extensively. I was only looking for certain things, which I found, soldiers in the revolutionary war, etc. It’s time consuming but interesting. Not sure why anyone would do it unless they are seeking to take their families land back Tarzan-style by returning as the prodigal son (blood heir). Otherwise its just as the Bible calls it, fabled genealogy, vain speculation, and flattering titles. My dad’s line is murky, so couldn’t find much on the Richardson side either.

          All past elections have been predicted by Burke’s Peerage by which candidate had the stronger blood, yes. Those quotes are somewhere in my blog.


          • Holly

             /  August 31, 2016

            Hi Am Holly Carol Jackson.
            Nice work. For Ms. Shalom up above, perhaps she should read The Protocols of The Elders of Zion. The worlds agony lay within The Khazar Jews, which are a asiatic race. They are not the Hebrew’s of yore. There are many theories as to who settled the U.K going back to Brian Bornu, Merovigians Picts the. Lost tribe of Dan Yoda Yoda Yoda. I know history and bloodlines. Dude up above got it wrong with saying iron blood “what” There is Re negative and positive. The royal bloodline is Rh negative. Which I am glad to say I have. Any way nice work. I can’t get over the pettiness and bitchiness of people on here.☺


            • Thanks for the comment… In my study though, it is not “race” at all. The same people who were called Israelites were later called Jews. These were terms of knowledge and of law. The people called israelites followed the law of God. Those who became corrupted out of the Israelites were called as Jews (not in English of course). Christ is clear that we should not follow fabled Jewish law or genealogy, that to be christ-like is a knowledge, not a bloodline or type. So the invention of the “Jewish people” is a mythos that should be destroyed, for no people, no man, is born with scriptural, spiritual knowledge. One either follows the Natural Law of God or one does not. Of those that do not, one is either a Jew or a goyim (slave). The public appears to be goyim, or gentiles, which merely means to be born (birthed) into a nation, as in citizenship, which is very much against the scriptural teaching, including the false oath to a piece of paper and idol (president) and god (the People). Trying to share that this is what the Bible actually translates to is very difficult, though quite verifiable.



  23. About the RH negative:
    My mother ( RH – ) comes from a noble Italian family and it was very hard for her to have babies with RH +.
    It’s interesting that my grandmother advised her “not to marry a person without Royal Blood” because she would not be able to be a mother.


    • At some point this becomes a scientific exploration into the physiology of man and a lot less of a political conspiracy. Thanks for that.


    Here is a link showing how Martin Van Buren is descended from Edward I of England, who, through his father Henry III, was the grandson of King John. So now we can say that all presidents are directly descended from King John. He is also descended from him through a couple other lines as well.


  25. Sally Gentry

     /  October 17, 2016

    Every single prez are ALL related but Martin Van Buren, and to the “royals”. Fact. They are selected not elected. They proved that with the FL scam with Bush, and the Ron Paul brigade hired to keep him out. Even though our military was 90% for him, they “lost” the ballots. The ONLY WAY we will be heard is to come together with one voice. Quit this racist, negative, holier than though, nasty attitudes. God said we were all made in His image. Not one better than another. Love thy neighbor was so special to Him He made it a Commandment. They want us to destroy ourselves from the inside out so they can call ML. I pray for everyone. Love and God Bless.


  26. Brian Mumford

     /  December 24, 2016

    I’m directly descended from King John. It means nothing. What matters is what you do today.


    • It means nothing? Really? So the royal bloodline of kings that rules all powerful nations from Spain to England to America don’t pay any attention to their bloodline and direct descendentcy to each other? Just a coincidence then, even though their bloodline is one of the most oft spoken about traits on the History and other channels and documentaries and museums? And the current queen is queen because what?

      Your comment is patently the most ridiculously unfounded I have seen so far.


  27. Hello and thank you for your research, scholarship, then wisdom in providing sound detailed (as needed) replies to the comments. The implications of your research are earthshaking to most of your linguistically programmed audience. Many of the pun dents offer unsubstantiated claims of falsehoods and overstatement of facts. I’ve found your scholarship factual (re: blood lines), however the overwhelming question is context. Hence, what is the percentage of all US citizens that carry the “sacred” blood line of Monarchial/Royal Lineage. This would highlight the quantifiable numbers to distinguish how rare (or not) the actual bloodline to the US Presidency vs US Citizens, is.
    Simple equation being; how many descendants live in the United States vs total US Population. Is this a researchable question?
    I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Thank you again! Bob


    • It is not who has the blood, it is who bears the blood as their family Arms (heraldry), and who has the right to do so. The 2nd amendment is the right to bear Arms, which is bloodline/family history (fabled genealogy), not the vulgarity of guns. If one bears Arms as blood heraldry, the right to carry guns and weapons is thus a reserved right uninterfered with by government. The right is inherent (of the blood). US citizenships, however, have no recognizable blood because they do not bear Arms (heraldry).

      That said, do not be confused or confounded by sheer numbers who carry the bloodline. That is not the point.

      This website explains it excellently:


      “It should be noted that Americans whose ancestors came from continental Europe in the colonial period and the 19th Century are unlikely to easily delineate descent from Charlemagne in their background. There was a separation of classes in Europe and the blood of the rulers seldom flowed legitimately into the blood of the nobility and commoners…”

      —Jewels of the Crown, “A newsletter of the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States of America”

      Public citizenships are in attainder (corruption of blood) by legal law. It is not just the blood itself, but how the blood is recorded and legitimized, and then of course whether the man knows how to utilize the station that legitimate blood may provide. All this is not for public persons, only for private men.

      More in my book, at



  28. Really interesting. Thanks. I myself am a direct descendant of King John (I actually descend from same daughter, granddaughter and great-grandson as George Washington). Donald Trump descends from John through Edward III and John of Gaunt.


  29. donna

     /  June 15, 2020

    The reason all US Presidents are related to king John 1 of England, Ireland, Scotland and Normandy is because of a Charter signed between him and pope Innocent III of the Vatican in 1213. Im related so have researched him to find this Charter which is located in British peerage books and as a papal bull at the Vatican.

    John was England’s worst king, a coward in war, a rapist-in fact, women of any age could be victims of his and he was a tyrant who trusted nobody. So when his archbishop of Canterbury died, rather than let Rome find a replacement, John chose someone he felt he could manipulate and got himself and all of England excommunicated from the CHURCH. For a couple of years there were no weddings, baptisms or funerals, then John went to ask forgiveness and the Charter was the result of him and England being welcomed back into the Church. With the signing of this charter, John basically gave away all his lands and crowns to the Vatican in return for staying on as king-in-name only with no real power and all future lands conquered by England would also become property of Rome. Rome agreed his descendants would also be kings. He had to lease his kingship for quite a large sum of silver and gold annually and the burdensome taxes he levied on his barons caused them to corner John one day in 1215 to force him to sign the Magna Carta. John later took this document to Pope Innocent III and the papacy buried it, later producing an oral version…sound familiar? There is evidence pope innocent III was a crypto-jew one of many to be elected pope and now of course they are all cryptos pretending to be something they are not on several levels. After this it was the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury who ruled England for Rome. The difference between the US and other nations conquered by England is that we might be the only nation to appear to separate via a won war from England, otherwise we would probably have a Prime Minister instead of a President. Either way, they are kings in name only and have no real power. According to research by F Tupper Saussey, in his book, Rulers of Evil, colonial America was false-flagged by Jesuits into separating from England, but all we did was give Rome and the cryptos room to do their evil deeds under the guise of unbiblical religious liberties to make the USA the military arm of the NWO.


  1. How All Presidents Are Related To King John |
  2. Revisionist History #8; Kissing Cousins ~ All Presidents Related by Blood | TABU ~ Towards A Better Understanding
  3. Presidential Bloodlines:Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are cousins | Kushite Kingdom
  4. Bart To the Future( Trump Card) – The Glass Pyramid
  5. “Revelation” The Movie Contains Truth and Disinformation – Everything Is Backwards

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