An Open Letter To Jan Irvin and his “Gnostic” Media

Dear Jan,

Looking back, it seems I have spent my entire activist life seeking to find or make some goodness out of otherwise bad things. You, sadly, have proven to be no exception. How can I explain my tortured disposition right now? How do I shed the poison, the parasitic black hole that is Jan Irvin from my life and my reputation while helping others to avoid that not-so-hidden beast? Why did I allow you to be the straw that broke the camels back, so to speak — the causal effect to stopping my own show and lamely wither away like a poisoned weed? Why am I acting like such a little bitch, as if I’m some beaten down Hollywood starlet protecting her producer or directors’ immoral behaviors to get the part I wanted? And why am I allowing you to continue to poison and parasite off of not only my name and research but those others I seek to help and guide?

Well screw that!


To be frank, I have so many more important things to do than to try and counter your completely ridiculous false information and fallacious accusations about not merely myself but my family name. I’m sure hundreds of others out here feel the same; former research partners, friends, supporters, guests, and listeners all caught up like unwitting insects in the grill of that Gnostic steamroller that is your paranoid life. You are as the consummate spider, wrapping us into various cocoons within your spun web of lies and deceit, slowly sucking out the mojo, the will to carry on, and the soul of each victim to sustain your delusional existence and income, only to cut us loose once we’ve been drained of our usefulness like a pincushion pocked full of voodoo needles.

Yet, though I’d much rather be working on more beneficial things, you’ve placed the splinter of unwarranted doubt and distrust wheresoever your wormed-tongue has touched, and where your corrupt fingers have typed. And all this, suddenly, without warning, for reasons still unknown to me, even after my last Skype to you before the new year was to express my undying friendship and support despite the apparent army of handlers and trolls you claim that are after you. How foolish I feel now, believing your nonsensically conspiratorial concerns, even feeling sorry for your plight, and thus allowing a sociopath into my life the only way they know how to infiltrate — by pretending, by feigning friendship and emotion, and by triggering others to offer their own friendship and loyalty like the hopeful prey blindly turning its back in trust to its conniving predator. And so I feel the same presence of mind to overturn your ongoing historical hatchet-job and rhetorical scams as the story of the Christos did to the moneychangers, even as you continue to poison the temple and the Law, completely misusing and misdirecting in your rhetoric the scriptural intent and meaning I now teach straight from the Source.

The fact is that you abuse just about everyone within your digital, virtual reach, this being your number one complaint from both donating fans and whatever name you are currently labeling everyone else, be it trolls, agents, or whatever fits your conspiracy narrative. The word dick is actually the proper and most widely used colorful metaphor to describe your behavior and tone, used by your victims and fans alike. But what you’ve done to me, a friend and supporting colleague for almost a decade now, is not merely preposterous and downright evil, but 100% fallacious in every way. Yet, looking back, should I not have seen it coming? Any psychologist watching would have warned me of impending doom. After all, what parasite doesn’t eventually either harm or kill its host before discarding it without care for its well-being? Parasitically speaking, Jan, one must appreciate the extra care you’ve taken to ensure my personal spark to be extinguished behind you. Above and beyond, Jan, really. Like the wasp that stings its prey to deliver parasites because the wasp itself is already parasitically driven to do so, you’ve been using my reputation, and even my family name as fodder for your fallacious accusations so as to nourish and fester them, devouring me as sustenance while I sit paralyzed like a zombie watching it happen. But that’s what victims of parasitic infection do. They relax and watch helplessly as that which infests them chemically lobotomize any will to fight back, until the ability is no longer a part of their being even as their very life force is being sucked dry. They even protect the parasite that feeds off of them, if that is what the sociological programming of the parasite instructs.

You haven’t just become adept at uncovering the logical fallacies of others, but instead have learned to use them all as weapons. You do so not to help the user see his or her mistake in logic, but to disparage, to demonize, and often to banish, then go in for the kill by applying your own payload of twisted logic and disturbing insult while emotionally pummeling those who point out your own fallacious rhetoric, no matter their intentions or relationship to you. With me, you simply did as you often do, as bouts of paranoia continuously spark your twisted noodle into behavioral psychopathy, using unprovable, positive accusations and descriptions to demean my character, to poison my well. Never mind the argument, forget the facts… attack the messenger so as to ignore the primary source. Apparently you feel that if you talk about the use of logical fallacies by others long enough, pointing them out incessantly to the point that no full conversation or debate can ever actually take place and thus leaving an empty feeling in both the audience and the guest, that the falsehoods your own argument is based on will just be forgotten in the shuffle, the fallacious logic going unchecked?

Well I got news for you, sunshine, you’ve left a recorded audio, comment, and email trail of your particular brand of mayhem and madness behind, exposing the very nature of the narcissistic, parasitic sociopath you are, and now the taxman is cometh to collect. But first, we must provide an invoice; a history of your transactions within the borders of your own false dialectic and insanity…

As you well know, as a basic rule in science, it is said that one cannot prove a negative. Therefore, I cannot prove I am not something that you accuse me of, any more than you can prove that I am (because I’m not). How do I prove that I am not what Jan Irvin fallaciously says I am? The fact is, I can’t. And that’s why you did it, because you know most everyone out there will never check the veracity of your claims, let alone yourself ever offering any backing evidence. The murderer often gains the unwarranted trust of victims before sleighing them. Metaphorically, this is what you’ve done to your audience, including myself. And it’s no fun being on your particular chopping block, man, which is perhaps the reason I’ve been so silent for all these years. But even worse, how do I possibly pull such spewed venom from those you’ve bitten with your sinister charm and pathologically lying, accusatory disposition? For again, no one can prove something is not true, only that it is true. Amazingly this is the very foundation of law, for all of Nature is negative, self-existence, the I AM, which is why governments create positive (legal) identities and law, to identify all things negative (Real, of Nature), including men, as positive properties (by assigning artificial, legal names, titles, numbers, barcodes, etc.). To control the name or title, fallacious and inaccurate as it may be, is to control that which the name or title is attached, be it accurate or a lie. You’ve taken this legalism strategy, which not ironically stems from the and ancient “logicians,” to a whole new level though. For not only do you create the fallacious title like a deranged child, you then label and attempt to control the lies you place on anyone and everyone around you. In other words, you’ve created a blanket straw man argument called “troll” or “dirty” or “agent” or “CIA” or any other nondescript, unprovable, positively charged name/title, throwing it out like a darkly radiant, 360 degree fishing net. Your listeners, of course, don’t want to fall under that net, and so they walk on glass around you, knowing that any comment they might make, factual as it may be, could earn them a negatively applied title for their own efforts. Like unwitting dolphins, many good guys get caught in your careless net just like the very few actual bad guys, if there even are any. Sadly for you, you’ve hunted the sea almost dry and have hooked too many good people on your line of craziness before callously tossing us back into the sea, hurt, confused, and victimized, but at least more experienced, more hardened for our mistakes, so that we may recognize the signs of such unseen lures by unpredictable, abusive fishers of men as yourself. Meanwhile, I am guessing there are dozens if not hundreds of us out here unable to prove the negative to your positive. I’m dirty because Jan says it’s so. I’m CIA because Jan doesn’t like me or my information anymore. I’m must be an agent because Jan Irvin doesn’t like the fact that my primary sources contradict his secondary or Theosophic ones. I certainly must be a troll because I asked an uncomfortable question that might lead to rational thought and discussion, or for God’s sake, might un-spin your entire Gnostic web, your limited hangout “brain” program, to be a fraud.

So what am I to do, now that you have falsely but with so much confident arrogance outed me as an agent for the CIA that is out to get you, as someone that is dirty and likely working with many others that are also out to get you? How do I prove you wrong? How do I disprove your positive?

Simply put, I cannot. Because I (nor anyone, for that matter) can prove the negative. The problem is, neither can anyone else that hears your bullshit, completely unsourced and un-vetted fallacious attacks. Now my own friends, followers, and readers don’t know if they can trust me, all because Jan says I’m (probably) a dirty agent of the CIA. Your probability drive is broken, Jan.

So how do I escape the web of your sociopathic brain…

That’s it! It’s so simple!

Put me in your brain program! Show us all the CIA connections. I volunteer!!!

Unfortunately for you, Jan, my only reasonable recourse here is this: I must cause you to publicly make a complete fool out of yourself, not that you already haven’t. I must, in other words, make it official. I must force you to prove your positive accusation, which you can’t, so that my negative innocence remains unblemished by your fallacious, positive name-calling and accusatory rhetoric. In short, I must make you repent, retract, and apologize to myself and those you’ve poisoned by your fallacious, unchecked, un-veted rhetoric and name-calling in unwarranted, un-vetted judgement. So I demand you provide proof that my father and I are CIA. I would think your fans would demand it as well, along with proving all of the other 100’s of fallacious accusation you’ve made towards others, or perhaps they assume you just have a magic mirror and take your word for it?

Prove your claim and apologize when you can’t. Simple.

But the sociopath apologizes for nothing. It’s never the sociopaths fault, is it Jan?

You cannot simply point to your past research, which shows public information connections of historical figures to the CIA, and expect people to take that as some proof that your hysterical beliefs and rhetorical lies about all others are also therefore true. You must prove your claim, right? Isn’t that correct procedure under the Trivium model and the scientific method model? It certainly is a maxim of law. Another maxim is that I can’t prove a negative. Yet another is he that is accused does not bear the burden of proof. Innocence until proven guilty? Recognize any of these?

So whatcha gonna do, Jan?

Even the sociopathic personality would at least see that to save his own ass he must at least pretend remorse and issue a public retraction and apology. Either way I’ll take it. But that’s not enough, Jan. For I am also here as an advocate for everyone else you’ve fallaciously labeled and mentally abused. Prove those too. Show your listeners that the entire universe except your supporters are a band of trolls, that all of those who criticize (or laugh uncontrollably) you and your “Trivium as God” religion are in fact a combination, a conspiratorial paid force out to get you. Your self-righteousness is astounding.

After a few months of reflection now, I realize that you have presented me with the perfect opportunity to teach you an extremely needed and deserved lesson in humility — one that you may learn from and hopefully improve yourself for the benefit of yourself and your listenership, whom in my opinion you have a duty and responsibility to as an somewhat influential public speaker and researcher. Indeed, this type of chance to improve and assist you in such endeavors through public embarrassment and well-deserved ridicule doesn’t often present itself in such a perfect fashion. But that’s what friends do for each other, no matter how painful it is in the short term. And so I am going to jump on this opportunity in the only rational, reasonable, and moral fashion it allows me to. To this end, and in the spirit of your own Trivium-based requirements, I hereby challenge you to PROVE YOUR CLAIM!

I challenge you to protect your own reputation and name by proving your nonsensical accusations, not merely about myself but all the others you have used and abused. Show me the evidence. Show everyone the evidence publicly. Prove your claims directed at my father and about myself. If my father was CIA, I certainly want to know about it. And if I am CIA or for that matter anything at all related to some government agency, I want to start getting paid for it, dude, let alone be told what the hell my mission is. Find a single pay-stub! In considering the fact that you suddenly terminated our friendship and professional relationship of more than 8 years over this fantasy you’ve convinced yourself of, that I am an “agent” because my father was (maybe) an “agent” and that I am out to get you like most of your past used and abused acquaintances — you know, all the others you’ve decided it to be a good idea to take a big shit on their foreheads as well — I simply ask you for the proof. Where is it? How can I find it? Where can your listening audience acquire it?

You even had me believing all these guests, friends, and colleagues you’ve thrown under the bus in the past must be part of the evil they. Apparently, the whole of the CIA is after you, Jan, and just about the whole of anyone that speaks critically of your work is as well. According to your crazy-pants rhetoric, by default we all must be CIA or just generically “dirty.” We must be a band of trolls from Trogloditaria. So go now and let me know what my dirt as an agent is, where my agency employment records are, and indeed post publicly when you find any connection between myself or my father to the CIA or any other government or non-governmental agency. I demand it. That’s all I need, since by default I must therefore be CIA if my father was, right? Isn’t that your fallacious logic, even though your sought-after colleague Dave McGowan, who exposed much of this military family information, clearly warned against making such fallacious connections as you have, as if everyone in the military is part of them? My father might have been a willfully ignorant man that loved old war movies and who was overly proud of his military title and actions thereof, as most are, but he was certainly not a part of the intelligence apparatus you have imagined. He was in the third seat of the planes he navigated. I may not be proud of his “service” but I will defend his good nature and name to my death, you piece of shit.

You want to know how ridiculous this is, Jan? I’ll bet all the money I have (which ain’t much) that you don’t even know my father’s first name. I bet you have no information on him whatsoever. I bet you are completely clueless in this regard, but for the few purposely misinterpreted words you heard me say on my show. And yet you have the audacity, the paranoid-schizophrenic gumption and untethered pathologic confidence to say he was an agent for the CIA with such careless abandon? You don’t even have his first name!

What really gets my goat is that you didn’t come to me as a friend and colleague to ask me the truth. You simply assumed it was true. You accused me without trial, without evidence, all based on the story of my father I’ve told multiple times over the years. But for you, it was the first time you heard it; the quick, redacted version I stated this time around. And so your blind followers and financial supporters will consider my name the same as you, not just about myself and my father, but everyone else you’ve spit out of the Gnostic Media shit can like two-hour-old gum. And that is why I’m putting this open letter up, so that everyone might see what you really are, and to stop this veritable witch-hunt led by the paranoid man that cries witch every time someone disagrees with him.

And if I am wrong, and you find such records, I will publicly apologize to you as well. To those on the sidelines, unless this has happened to you as well, you may have no idea how frustrating it is to be accused of something you are not, having no way to disprove it, knowing how utterly ridiculous and unprovable that accusation is. Jan Irvin is a divider, not a uniter. We couldn’t be more different in this regard, and our unique rhetoric shows this well.

With regards to the facts, that’s really all your listening audience should be demanding. In triplicate. Your rhetoric is so loose with regards to people’s name and reputation that it’s hard to believe you have any legitimate audience left. Show me the evidence not just on Clint, but on every single victim of your long chain of accusations and dismissals. The road behind you is particularly bloody. Why did you throw poor Jacob D under the bus? What did he do? Where’s your scoop on Joe Atwill? I may disagree with him, but I don’t openly accuse him of that which I cannot prove just to make myself look better. However, thanks to your influence, I certainly have in the past tended to agree with your assessments of folks as if under Stockholm Syndrome. And to those I may have made any agreeably false accusations because of Jan’s influence, I humbly apologize. We’ve all got to break this snake’s influence and that of others like him to start acting like a united family, because the false brotherhoods we are fighting always remain as brotherhoods, from the freemason to the Jew to the Jesuit, no matter how much they disagree. That is their power. It must become ours as well. And the Truth is the only bond we have left, for the brotherhoods have taken everything else.

Jan, of all the people you have accused of this fallacious connection or employment to the CIA or whatever alphabet code team you have dreamed up, please provide even a modicum of proof regarding myself. Just a little? Please? Anything? Bueller? Bueller?

Chirp… Chirp…

Secondly, I simply and reasonably demand that, since I know you won’t find a damn thing on myself, you must therefore by all standards of decency, morality, and ethics publicly apologize for blatantly lying and character assassinating my name. Just because someone disagrees with you and has evidence to back it up doesn’t mean they work for a government agency nor that they are evil or “satanic” in some way only you, the Great Irvin, delusionist extraordinaire can fathom.

Let’s put another lie of yours to your favorite, promoted, but rarely used Trivium logic test:

How many times and for how many years can you continue to espouse that the CIA or other agency, or perhaps organized trolls or evil leprechauns after your precious gold and raw green coffee beans are trying to shut down your website? I call bullshit, Jan. Show me the proof, Mr. I.T. guy. Essentially, if we examine this claim in its full spectrum, you are trying to pass as truth the fact that the CIA, the NSA, and the rest of the organizational apparatus of the military industrial complex is too inept to shut down your tiny little website, but that they gave it their best shot? LOL! I know you need donations, but does anyone actually believe that if the CIA wanted you dead or your websites and transmissions terminated that it wouldn’t happen by the end of government business hours today, Eastern timezone? Where do these grand delusions come from? After all, whole countries can’t keep the CIA out, let alone you and your unguarded mountain chalet. And don’t you ever stop to consider how ridiculous this notion is? That is what you are indirectly claiming, right, that they are so inept that they can’t break through your intensive countermeasures to kill and erase Gnostic Media? Just who do you think actually believes that? Wow, Jan, you must be some computer wiz to stand so bravely against the entirety of the powers that be, against the entire AI, and against military intelligence itself! Yours is a modern retelling of David vs. Goliath? No paranoia here, right? No logical fallacy? That wasn’t just an unexpected power outage for the entire 3-city grid, right, but was instead a direct attack on the Jan Irvin and Gnostic Media machine so that you couldn’t perform your scheduled podcast of a radio show for one night? LOL!

Gee Jan, you better not board an airplane, or they might shoot it down, willingly sacrificing the other 150 passengers just to shut up the great and powerful Jan “the Oz” Irvin.

Show us the proof. Show us the matrix code. Show us the cyber attacks. Because they seem to happen randomly to everyone else, too. Oh shit, I think they are making it rain right now. They must be controlling the weather so that I stay inside and write this letter to you.

You see, that’s the brilliant part about your particular brand of seemingly scripted, ridiculously demented paranoia. We out here in the digital wasteland cannot prove the negative on this either. We cannot prove that the CIA in cooperation with the Leprechaun Rainbow Liberation Army (LRLA) and the Jews Out To Get Jan Irvin (JOTGJI) and all the other alphabet agencies known and unknown isn’t every day trying to put static upon your airwaves or hacking into your websites to cause gremlin-like digital havoc. Entertaining and even false sympathy-causing as these thoughts are, I still smell a big pile of bullshit, Jan. If they wanted you or your website disappeared, I’d be writing an obituary instead of an open-letter critique from a pointlessly wounded friend and former supporter.

But I can’t support what you’ve become, which I can see is really just what you always have been, now that I’ve taken my rose-colored glasses off.

You have since created an even greater logical fallacy than I had first described in my original critique of the so-called Trivium and its misuse, linked here for posterity:

This time you are not merely using the Trivium in name only, as a supposedly unbeatable credential, that you “have the trivium and therefore you are correct.” No, at this point you’ve mastered the deflective use of any and all logical fallacies. You’ve learned to wear these fallacies like a badge of courage, like Wonder Woman brandishes her invulnerable bracelets. But your golden lasso is made of strung-together turds, causing people not to speak the truth but to accept your lies as truth, for any disagreement or evidence against you is magically, alchemically transformed into a personal attack against you. You’ve made yourself into a walking strawman, no longer arguing in the first person, no longer relegating anything of reality or that would require any personal responsibility to your actual self, for only the strawman appears now, same pig, different lipstick. You are no longer Jan Irvin, but the strange simulation of your self, a simulacrum (copy without an original). Your persona (mask) is now turned transparent. You’ve become your own martyr, your own hero in your own story, in a complete and utter transference — the fruition of a narcissists’ dream.

To be clear, though anyone’s comment or question will be genuine and attacking the argument, not the messenger (you), in what you espouse to be proper rhetoric based on grammar and logical conclusion, you have seemed to master the art of fallaciously changing every comment or question into a personal attack. You’ve built a strawman argument in and of yourself. It’s like reverse discrimination, but in this case, you’ve entered into a state of perpetual reverse ad hominem, where we, they, and them are all against you simply for challenging your rhetoric (argument and/or sources, or lack thereof). In other words, you take what is correct according to your own precious Trivium method and somehow transform it into an ad hominem. This is interestingly the reverse of the ad hominem fallacy, again like reverse discrimination. To take a disputed fact personally would be to pretend the speaker to be insulting you to avoid having to answer for the ineptness of your own original argument. You’ve created another new fallacy, Jan! You pretend everything is an attack on you by the CIA, someone “dirty,” or a “troll” (or basically anyone that disagrees or challenges you to prove your rhetoric), and that way you don’t ever have to answer for the continuous hairball of fallacious reasoning you perpetually cough up and call it “the Trivium.”

Or are you just calling it god now?

That all said, I have always had a great but in hindsight blind respect for the few in depth research projects you have done, just not your rhetoric. Frankly, you suck on radio as a host, interrupting your guests every two minutes because you can’t help but mention the few names you’ve researched like Gordon Wasson or the Huxley family and their exploits, as if everything is connected through those names through the CIA. After all, the brain software says so, right? There are no other options, no other players but what you’ve uncovered. And this is the epitome of why the Trivum method is flawed. It is only as good as its users total knowledge, the total grammar intake and storage. And as we will cover below, you lie continuously about how much grammar you have actually absorbed.

And what is worse, you connect all of this public information in that digital program called “the brain,” apparently so that you don’t have to use your own. Yet if we were to look fairly and critically at your so-called “brain” data file, we can see nothing more and nothing less than exactly what is portrayed in Hollywood movies and television shows — a depiction of the consummate, popular caste roll of the paranoid conspiracy theorist, with pinned up pictures and newspaper clippings connected by variously colored strings blazoned across the room from wall to wall, like a spider spinning its pointless but artful web while tripping on acid — something you’ve done according to your own words hundreds of times. But the effects are temporary, right Jan? Are they? Hmmm… Maybe in your acid dreams.

Here are some wise words and ponderable questions you might wish to consider:




Your “brain” program is not open-minded, but stands as a barrier to all other knowledge. It excludes further pieces of any puzzle until its user selectively enters those pieces into its database.  Your “brain” has no knowledge, Jan, only data. So essentially, your brain cannot be used according to your rules of the Trivium method, though it’s the perfect tool for a narcissist. Your brain program is merely the trans-humanist, computer model of your own limited mind, minus the crazy, and you consort with it continuously to verify your own brain’s accuracy. In other words, you have become trapped in the circular, limited computer version of your own noggin. You ask your own brain questions, and it answers them to the best of its ability, which is limited to your own inputed information.

One might call this a paradox. Another might say it’s the magic mirror telling its user its reflection is the fairest in all the land… except for your next target. How can your brain grow if you don’t connect more dots, more conspirators against Jan Irvin, against the Trivium as religion? And so you commence in connecting more dots by making them appear in your “brain” from nothingness, with nothing as a source but your own conspiratorial modeling and descriptions.


It prevents you from thinking outside of the limitations of its virtual box, until the time where you input any new, always incomplete data you’ve discovered. Its data can never be complete, meaning it can never have correct grammar, meaning it is completely against the Trivium model. And so are you, without realizing it. You’ve become so much like your brain software that, like that non-human computer interface, you cannot distinguish between what is real and what is artificial, what is truth and what is lies. It is inclusive and it is exclusive, acting like a schizophrenic revolving door. It compliments your tortured mind and organizes your theories on conspiracy for you. It tells you exactly what you want to hear, because you programmed it. It’s what you would call an extremely limited hangout, a never-concluding and ultimately useless tool except to a mass-murderer or a vengeance-filled vigilante.


It fits right in with your fallacious worship of the Trivium as the source of the Bible. LOL! If I asked what you intend to ultimately do with your forever incomplete brain database, I’m sure your answer would ultimately amount to a fancy way of saying bragging rights, to say I told you so. It’s not primary evidence, it has no chain of custody, and so it’s about as valuable in court or to an FBI agent’s dossier as a second-hand youtube video accusing George Bush Jr. of pushing the red button to commence the events of 9-11-2001.

But great job man. Way to use your– or ah, the computers… “brain.”

This is Jan’s Brain file. This is Jan’s Brain file after years of Jan doing drugs.

Any questions?


So here’s your chance to vindicate yourself, Jan, for what it’s worth. Just put me into your brain! Not the fucked up one dangling upon your shoulders, but the supposedly researched one on your computer. You know, the one people can download if you ignore the malware warnings of a “compression bomb,” in case they don’t mind an incredible array of malicious spy and mal-ware?

Talk about narcism – I’m Jan Irvin. Please download my self-programmed brain, so that you can stop being inferior to me and start thinking like I do. LOL!

Your life has become the manifestation of an Escher masterpiece:


But let us hit the nail squarely on the head before we continue here…

One comment I heard lately regarding your online presence and personality dis-order was shockingly accurate in its descriptiveness of your behavior-isms, and so I would like to offer here a comparative analysis of that armchair diagnosis to see if it might be relevant to your particular disposition, Jan. The more anyone knows you, the more of these traits ring true.

I defer here to an external link for this purpose, where I have placed in bold the traits that seem to fit your actions, and highlighted in red those that are quite evident in your personality… those that fit like a glove:

What Is A Narcissistic Sociopath?

  • A narcissistic sociopath is someone with a combination of narcissistic personality disorder and definitive behavioral signs of sociopathy.
  • People with narcissism are characterized by their excessive and persistent need for others’ admiration and positive reinforcement. They generally have grandiose opinions of themselves and believe they are superior to other people. Narcissists are also frequently convinced that they are above the normal responsibilities and obligations of everyday life, so they usually have significant difficulties maintaining employment or relationships as a result.
  • The narcissistic sociopath has this type of personality along with a noticeable lack of regard for the rights of others and a tendency to regularly violate those rights.

One noted difference between a narcissistic sociopath and people with narcissism alone is that:

  • The narcissist with the sociopathy reacts strongly and sometimes even violently to negative feedback. True sociopaths generally do not respond to criticism or care what others may think of them.
  • A narcissistic sociopath is unable to tolerate criticism and needs constant praise, as well as deference from other people. Many with this condition present themselves in the best light possible and are able to easily charm others to gain their trust.


These people are mentally ill and extremely dangerous! The following precautions will help to protect you from the destructive acts of which they are capable.  To recognize them, keep the following guidelines in mind:

(1) They are habitual liars. They seem incapable of either knowing or telling the truth about anything.

(2) They are egotistical to the point of narcissism. They really believe they are set apart from the rest of humanity by some special grace.

(3) They scapegoat; they are incapable of either having the insight or willingness to accept responsibility for anything they do. Whatever the problem, it is always someone else’s fault.

(4) They are remorselessly vindictive when thwarted or exposed.

(5) Genuine religious, moral, or other values play no part in their lives. They have no empathy for others and are capable of violence. Under older psychological terminology, they fall into the category of psychopath or sociopath, but unlike the typical psychopath, their behavior is masked by a superficial social facade.

For more and for update from

Profile of the Sociopath

  • Glibness and Superficial Charm
  • Manipulative and Cunning – They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
  • Grandiose Sense of Self – Feels entitled to certain things as “their right.” May state readily that their goal is to rule the world.
  • Pathological Lying – Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
  • Not concerned about wrecking others’ lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.
  • A Sociopath is always “pitting” people against each other. My Sociopath
  • Smear Campaign:  A Sociopath will always be smearing someone and inciting people against each other.  Sociopaths do not want people to like or get along with each other and will try todivide and conquer.”  They will say odd things to people in the social group: “She doesn’t like you” or “She doesn’t want me doing anything with you.” My Sociopath
  • Sociopath has a strange network of Support People ranging fromconsultants,” to skilled-workers, to enabling co-dependents that back him up when he wants to go after his Target. Most of the Support People have their own Psychological problems. My Sociopath
  • No conscienceLack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt.
  • Believe they are all-powerful all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.
  • The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
  • Shallow Emotions: When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.
  • Incapable of real human attachment to another.
  • Does not perceive that anything is wrong with them.
  • Authoritarian
  • Secretive
  • Paranoid
  • Callousness/Lack of Empathy
  • Drama King: There is always conflict going on in a Sociopath’s life and it involves abad person,” “bad business orbad transaction.” My Sociopath.

For complete list:


Antisocial Personality Disorder Overview
(Written by Derek Wood, RN, BSN, PhD Candidate)

There currently is no form of psychotherapy that works with those with antisocial personality disorder, as those with this disorder have no desire to change themselves, which is a prerequisite.

Over time, she says, their appearance of perfection will begin to crack,” but by that time you will have been emotionally and perhaps financially scathed.

Taken in part from MW — By Caroline Konrad — September 1999

Holy crap! If the shoe fits! My God, man. Mamma always said don’t go pokin’ a sociopath while its basking in its own narcissistic glory, but how can I resist? So you aren’t just a dick on purpose, but instead likely suffer from a grandiose mental illness? Being a dick to you is like having the uncontrollable Tourettes Syndrome, isn’t it? Because honestly, reading this list is like reading the introduction section of the Jan Irvin behavioral handbook 101 — subtitled as: how to use and be a complete dick to everyone and still get donations!

How did I not see this before? We are diametrically opposed, complete opposites. Yet it is said opposites attract. Perhaps that explains the repulsion I experienced when we actually met in person (described below). And indeed, as we all can see and as many have experienced first hand, you treat your audience as a “strange network” – enabling co-dependents that back {you} up when {you} want to go after {your} Target. Examples of this behavior are listed below as well.

To be fair, I can’t just state this general diagnosis outright here and attempt to apply it to you without giving the personal examples (proofs) that cause me to presume it applies to you, now can I? I don’t wish to attack you, only to liberate my conscious of all the dirty little secrets and discussing behaviors I’ve witnessed and kept about you all this time. But that’s what victims do, now isn’t it? For victims of the sociopath confuse what they believe to be friendship with what is actually victimhood. But suddenly, victims are finding a friendly ear, a friendly world to their victimhood, and they are coming out against people exactly like you.

Now, I wouldn’t want to be accused of dipping into any of that classic circular logic pattern of excuses from the Jan Irvin logical fallacy library. Oh, you’ll try to call it just that, I’m sure, as if anything I’ve said so far isn’t true. You’ll say this is a “hit piece” by an “agent” or “troll.” Yada yada yada. How about calling it exactly what it is, the truth? But alas, as we now know, the sociopath takes no personal responsibility. I get it. Thus any apology would be malcontent and only for show anyway. Of course the sociopath can do no wrong, and you’ve certainly denied events I’ve described between us before without even a glimmer of remorse (perhaps because you were too stoned to remember or care), have never taken the blame for anything, never apologized for being a dick or other colorful metaphors, and finally decided it was time to deliver me as your latest victim of a sociopathic smear campaign you believed would protect your narcissistic nature and cause you to look like, yet again, the Great Irvin standing morally tall above the rest.

It all makes a certain sick sense now…

But what you may not understand yet, Jan, is that this open letter is not a smear campaign, and does not require whatever ridiculous, fallacious response and defense you might attempt to post. No, this letter is not for your benefit or even an attack against you, but is being written for the benefit of the rest of your victimized audience, who generally have no idea how you use and abuse them, asking them as your “strange network of supporters” to find “dirt” and do “hatchet jobs” on those you’ve chosen to degrade and throw under the bus in order to make you look like some kind of hero or moral authority. What a wicked scheme you have going on here. Someone needs to expose it for what it is, and you inadvertently chose me to do it when you threw me away like a used condom, and even more so when you chose to disrespect the honor of my father, my family. We are all your victims in one way or the other. And we must worship you and ignore your shortcomings (and they’re all short) if we don’t want to be voted off the island. We must either become and act like you or be accused of being the opposite. For you, your latest attack word satanic only means anti-Jan Irvin.

Your perfect little public facade is indeed cracking Jan, judging by the number of blatantly open critiques, forums, emails, and outright no holds barred detractions and WTF’s directed towards your latest rhetoric. Like those Hollywood tramps that are at least pretending to be victims instead of willing participants, I feel a bit late coming out and telling my own story of your exploits in narcissistic sociopathy towards myself and others. But it’s a story that must be told, for your future exploits, trials, and public ostracizing of innocent people must be warned against, as must what may happen to them when they put their trust in you. Like the grand inquisitor heading a witch hunt, we users of brooms to sweep the floors must look out for one another, lest our brooms be said by you to have secret, government issued license plates with hidden agendas, as the whole of all broom owners in the world organize into covens so as to plan our next trolling of the implacable Jan Irvin. We must get his goat at all costs. We must spend our entire lives polluting his email, his comment section, his forums, and his website, or else our central intelligence coven (CIC) might be discovered. We really have nothing else to do, anyway. You might discover some easy-to-find public quote of ours from a blog stating our mutual connections and then claim to have found it occulted in some obscure journal only Jan Irvin and his “brain” could possibly find. And then you might talk about it or write about it, just like Alex Jones, never ever doing anything about it except exposing our brilliant but non-existent plans and how they are working to destroy not only America, but more importantly the Jan Irvin empire, if a website and radio show could be somehow considered as an empire. Yes, exposure without consequence or action… we in the government clandestine operations can’t have that now can we?

Oh wait, isn’t that our whole purpose, to let people like you expose us without consequence? Now I’m confused. Remember the dialectic (logic)… problem, reaction, solution. You don’t even contemplate that you are not their problem but their solution, do you Jan?

Well gee, maybe that’s a good thing after all. Maybe we let Irvin expose our CIA agenda with no other purpose than to incessantly talk about it with no intention of doing anything about it? That was the underlying theme of the very first episode of the show Black Mirror, wasn’t it? Hell, Jan, what is it that you think they are actually worried about with you anyway? What have you actually done? I mean honestly, you’ve had about as much effect on the CIA and its clandestine operations as a nature photographer has on an antelope being chased down and devoured by a pack of hyenas. Your essays are nothing more than a time-exposure videography of what has already happened, and they read like watching the grass grow. You’ve done nothing but over-expose the picture, which, while it created a novel, unique piece of art, sits dormant as the useless information it is. You are a passive observer at best, and an annoying master of the I told you so parrot call so at worse. Sure, everything you do and write has the appearance of being impressive. But, like a fishbowl, your work serves no purpose except to support the life of the fish. Your work is on its own life support system. If people lose interest, realizing there is nothing they can actually do with such useless information, that it holds or supports no actual substance, then the fishbowl no longer has a reason to exist. Like a fiction novel, what you’ve reported only serves to help the very agencies and personas you are supposedly exposing, placing them as nothing more than histories past, present, and future untouchables.

But let’s get back to your narcissistic sociopathy, shall we?

Here it goes, and this is but a partial list of your questionable behavior over the years that I remained silent and protective of, a case of classic Stockholm Syndrome…. I share these factual events not as slander, not as an attack, not as revenge or malice, but simply because I cannot prove the negative you threw at me. I am left no choice.

Hashtag: Hey Jan, you screwed with the wrong guy this time!

  1.  Firstly, and most importantly to this whole circle of events, in what was either another paranoid, bullshit story or what I thought to be a true one (who knows at this point), you told both myself and one of your other guests named Jacob Deullman on a three-way Skype call quite seriously and glibly and in great detail, that you were personally visited by an “old acquaintance” from high school that is now forced to do occasional odd jobs for the CIA, as would you be if you accept the offer that they would soon propose. You stated that he told you right before all this craziness happened with me and the advent of all this new strange behavior from you that you should “take the money” that will be soon offered to you when it is indeed offered, that the mysterious they of the CIA were going to essentially make you an offer you apparently cannot refuse, and that they would harass, harm, or kill you and your family/friends if you did not take that forthcoming but yet unrealized monetary offer. Thank God I have a fellow witness to this Skype exchange, as you seem to relish in the denial of such true events. You then assigned both myself and Jacob to secrecy of these facts, which again I obeyed like a little bitch. I even recommended you do something constructive with it or demand private land instead of money so you can help others in transition, those that need help getting out of the system, if that was indeed your choice in the end. No use putting your family in danger. In other words, out of concern for your well-being, never even considering you might be lying or just bat-shit crazy, I bit at your story like a hungry fish, feeling important enough to be entrusted with the secret and yet overtly concerned for what I thought was a friend — the perfect recipe for your brand of fallacious, narcisistic sociopathy to breed. If this was or is a true, continuing story, and not just another fallacious fable falling under the everyone’s-out-to-get-Jan-Irvin column, then what are we to think about your sudden rampage and ultra-strange religious turn since then, which is causing many to question your reputation and word, even in essay and posted formats? Because if you aren’t trying to destroy your reputation and remove yourself as any kind of serious researcher, just as they were by your words instructing you to do, you are certainly doing a good job of it anyway. What am I to think of how you’ve inexplicably and without proof accused myself and my family of being a CIA crime syndicate — guilt by a familial association you cannot even prove? Or is that just business as usual for the sociopathic narcissist? One would surmise, if one were to be so bold and be victimized suddenly and without warning as I and others recently have been by you, those of us who put their trust into you and your Godless religion of the Trivium Trinity (LOL!), that it was in fact you that were bought and paid for by your pretended rogue, nemesis agencies in government. Did you take the offer as you described it to us? This alone places you on a serious hot seat, and should cause all your “fans” that love to get their fair share of abuse from your podcast, comments, and emails to step back and consider just who you are working for? I’ll keep your secrets no more. I’ll not be your victim, and by exposing this I hope others will avoid putting blind faith in your multi-sided, unpredictable, eruptive drama mask. #Timesup dick.
  2. Speaking of your sudden religious tomfoolery with seemingly no feeling, substance, or spirituality behind it, I’m sure I have the same question as everyone else… that being WTF? You took my many years of deep study and language comprehension and basically took a giant Gnostic shit on it. Thanks for that, by the way, dick. I offered you and your listeners the Truth and understanding of the Bible as the foundation of common law and you have completely twisted and turned it into the religion of the Trivium. The Trivium is not God, Jan. Nor is Logos. Logos is man’s conception of God, not God. To say that Logos is God is like saying a gun (instrument) killed someone, not the man wielding it (Source). Seriously, look it up like a primary researcher should. See how that word is used in the Bible. And please, get this through your head — the Bible is NOT the Trivium. LOL! The Trivium doesn’t exist, dude. It is not of God (Nature/Truth) but of man (invention), nor is language, nor numbers, nor does anything True need the Trivium to prove it actually (negatively) exists. Your use of the Trivium as a weapon, as a blanket proof that since you have or use the Trivium, bearing it like a superhero emblem, you are therefore correct is complete nonsense. I call it the ultimate fallacy, the fallacy of all fallacies, that I have the Trivium therefore I am right. For you, the Trivium is a disease, and you certainly have it in that regard. But the sociopath cares not nor is willing to admit that his limited grammar is the very foundation of his rhetoric, and that his rhetoric can indeed only reflect the very limited resources available to him. I’ll give you credit for reading .001% of all information and books out there, but to base your whole conscious awareness on those extremely limited sources, many designed to deceive, most probably written or translated into vulgar (common) English… well, only a sociopath would believe such a limited set of grammar is enough to spout the bullshit you do. And don’t get me started on your Tartary crap. You’ve turned this tool of art into the religion of Jan, JanIrvinanity, no different than it has been used for centuries as such by the lawyer, scribe, Pharisee class. It is completely at odds with the scriptures, not in harmony with the Law of Nature, and the Bible refers to your precious logic as it should, as a dialectic. A trap. When your logic is based on bullshit, when your grammar is limited, then so too shall your rhetoric stink of said shit. Sorry, but logic has been the ruin of societies dating back to the Chinese dynasties. Logicians are legalists! You are missing in so many ways the spiritual, moral balance required to be a user of any such system of logic. Logic is not Natural Reasoning, but actions and rhetoric based on information created by men. There is no Trivium to be found in Nature, in Source, only in man’s sorcery and prestige (trickery). You are a victim of the collective enema of the works of men’s fictions and musings, trying to use and apply that fiction to the scriptural books of Truth and Nature’s Law. It just ain’t going to happen, Jan. And by the way, I just read the directions for the Trivium board game and it said no sociopaths should be allowed to play, lest horrible consequences follow. Sorry.
  3. You have made completely un-foundational and shamelessly sourceless claims against not only myself but my father, a decorated navigator in the Air Force, whom some years ago was buried with honors as a retired Captain from the military, and whom incidentally suffered horrific and disabling health issues due to the poisoning of Monsanto’s “Agent Orange” sprayed in Vietnam, etc., and for which he eventually received full, 100% medical coverage from the Veterans Administration, as many vets have due to activists both in and out of my family that helped others obtain that full coverage. You have accused him of working as an agent for the CIA, just as you do anyone that disagrees or challenges any of your work, and have subsequently made the completely logical fallacy of guilt by association (family) by claiming the same about myself. HEY ASSHOLE, THE CIA POISONED MY FATHER!!! It is public knowledge at this point that they used contracted military men, took their dog-tags away, and left them there to die when they went missing, because this was not even close to a legitimate war but was an illegitimate (legal) Executive operation. They even told families those missing in action were presumed dead, but we don’t know or can’t tell you where. To say he joined and was a member of the CIA and not a victim of its clandestine operations through Executive military cooperation is preposterous, and belittles every other man that was tricked, drugged, experimented on, and left to die in the jungle so as to keep plausible deniability. You fuck! And all these outrageous accusations just happened to occur after you were supposedly approached by the CIA with money to quit your research. Did they pay you to take us all with you? Is that what you had to do to get your new trophy wife? Will you get a puppy if you can take down more than 10 legitimate researchers? As your future ex-wife, I’m sure she will have lots to tell, especially if you ever turn back over to the light side. But this last part is just sarcastic speculation — not even my own, mind you, but of others you’ve harmed.
  4. Afterwords, in stead of telling the truth and stating that I (Clint) compared your research to the flat-earth (specifically the ‘Universal Zetetic Society‘) mentality on my last show (yes, I quit radio because of you, you dick), as appearance-based science instead of methodical, you told your listeners instead that “the CIA played the flat-earth card.” You dishonor my Christian (first) name, my intent, and my actions through this outright lie, being unprovable in any way. If this is not fallacious I don’t know what is? I think the CIA is happy to have you. I think you are doing it an unnecessary service, feigning to be its adversary while sitting on your ass doing nothing but continuously lying to people to sell books and get donations. Hell, on your last show you even charged people to ask you questions? Talk about willing victims. I can’t even imagine doing this, but then I’m not narcissistic. All my time, my effort, my shows, my books, and my blogs are free. What I do to try and help other people you do to feather your own nest. Opposites really do, apparently, attract.
  5. You have taken to now calling me publicly and on your most recent shows by words and false titles like “dirty,” with the implication being that I work for some alphabet agency or other group that is, surprise, out to get you (LOL!), though you’ve given absolutely no reference or proof to what the source of that so-called “dirt” is. In other words, by using these empty descriptions of false flattering titles in a completely logical fallacy-based mode, knowing they can neither bear the burden of positive proof nor be proven as a negative (as a bullshit, purely personal ad hominem attack and lie), you have now caused others to believe, as you say, my well is poisoned just because Jan says so. No proof, no reasoning, just that crazy Trivum logic. Way uncool, man. I am not alone in this, of course, as you seem to throw many of your former guests under the bus in like fashion, often for no apparent reason. Some people even keep track of your legacy of throw-away acquaintances, like a day at the races. Some of us victims have even contacted one another after the fact and joked that we need to form a support group for the victims of Jan Irvin’s fallacious name-calling and insulting rhetoric, those of us inexplicably torn asunder without cause, without proof, and without comprehension of why?
  6. You fool! You made the grave mistake of contacting some of my close friends and readers/listeners, including the incontrovertibly indelible Drew in Canada, in order to help you find “dirt” as a smear campaign on myself and other guests, including a search of Canadian records to try and find pedophilia records for one of your past guests I won’t mention. Deny all you want, we have the emails. This good friend of mine, this charitable salt of the earth up in Canada, actually had to block your emails when he refused to continue cooperating with what I now comprehend as your narcissistically sociopathic, vengeful witch-hunt behavior, after you then referred to him as a follower of satan and engaged him in other outrageously ridiculous name-calling and harassment. All this because he wouldn’t help you try to frame another guest, or find some fallacious connection to yet again destroy the character, not the argument? You must be crazy to try and turn my friends against me as if they believe your fallaciously ill-conceived implications about my character. Or, as the diagnosis fits above, you seem to be narsacistically sociopathic by trying to divide and conquer. Congratulations, Jan, because honestly I’ve never heard of a listener, let alone a group of listeners, having to block a host for harassment and fallacious name-calling! I think you are the first, and Drew will no doubt not be the last to block your attempts at Trivium-based, religo-cyber-bullying. In February, you apparently had already begun a well-orchestrated smear campaign against me, and I only found out recently that you have been dropping your copied and pasted Gnostic shit-piles about me in anyone’s inbox you can, though none of them asked for it. Here is an example from a sweet lady that I went to visit a couple of times in my hometown of Sacramento, to which you carelessly and apparently without forethought didn’t consider she’d eventually share it with me, even after she told you we were friends. Yeah, I must be CIA if I go around having secret lunch meetings 60 year old ladies, you fucking idiot. While I won’t include some of the vulgarities you sent, here are some quotes from that email, the shit you’ve been flinging behind my back to anyone that will listen:


These disinfo agents always expose themselves

–Thanks for the heads up.

–Ps. Clint Richardson went dark path too. He’s dirty AF.

(reply) –Jan… your final statement has me reeling….why do you say Clint is dirty?  I’ve met him, had lunches with him…


“RE Clint, did you hear his last show attacking me and the trivium and scaliger and Tartary and calling me a Satanist and all else? All coordinated with Miles Mathis’s attack!!!! Hmmm…

I figured out that he’s a homosexual (Left hand path) and misleading people with his version of Christianity

The Book of Mormon makes clear that homosexuals are always behind conspiracy(key unrelated verse)

Due to the shows with Clint I went in and decided read the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Qur’an myself. All I can say is… wow is Clint full of shit. I read after reading the Bible MYSELF, I realized it was TRUE and repented and became a Christian last Autumn

Furthermore reading the book of Mormon, I was astounded at all the natural law I found there, and mentioning it to Bill and Clint, they both went apeshit and started attacking me and refused to read it. I actually suspect the who (two) were playing me behind the scenes.

Clint is a Satanista sort of grand wizard I think. His attack and spin on the trivium is highly revealing.
Clint has been harvesting souls so they don’t repent. I went into bad depression last week when I realized what he was doing and how dark he is the rose on his book, the checkerboard, that artistit’s all occult magic the “Strawman” is what his book actually is (below)… by hiding all of these. There are many dozens of such citations in the Bible and Book of Mormon. There is NO WAY Clint could have confused accepting Christ with flattering titles of a judge, et al. It’s ridiculous. I think he was working with Mark Passio the entire time. He pretended to expose Mark to gain my trust.”


So where to begin here, Jan? How does one counter such fallacious rhetoric without delving into your own narcissistic sociopath model that would be required to even fathom such nonsense?

Well, let me put on my “grand wizard” hat for this one… LOL!

For my friends that were with me at the conference and whom shared in my own exposure of Mark Passio, which included you, Jan, no one can possibly believe such nonsense. You have the gaul to use my discovered information on his real name and what the word Passio actually means, and give me no credit now for your own usage of those facts. Typical sociopathy. This accusal is so ridiculous, so narcissistic and wildly conspiratorial and unprovable, that I cannot even fathom how to follow up on it. Yet again, there is no negative I can prove to counter your positively fallacious association of my name with known satanists, even ones that I exposed as still being such. So I won’t waste the effort here. If your fans, your strange network of supporting victims, are actually damaged enough by you to be able to accept such nonsensical, fallacious shit then you deserve each other. You are exactly what your victims (fans) need.

I attack your use and especially misuse of the Trivium, not the Trivium itself. I wouldn’t criticize a hammer for its misuse by its user. I criticize and stand firmly against your fallacious misuse of it and placement of it on a pedestal as that which is worthy of god-like worship that it is not even close to being qualified to stand upon, as I would a magistrate using his false authority to label anyone a witch or a priest a saint.

A criminal or a cardinal, they’re both frightened of angels (messengers). (–The Fixx)

Now let’s speak to your conversion from doper extraordinaire to so-called “Christian.” The first show we did on the Bible entitled “Red Pill Sunday School” was May 16, 2017. And yet you claim to have finally read the Bible yourself at the earliest then after this show — thus, not until the last half of 2017. The next show we did was actually already in “autumn,” on September 19, 2017, and there was no sign of Jan Irvin debating or doubting anything I had to say about the Bible, quite the opposite in fact. Our next show was in October, and again, no debate or sign of psychopathy. Yet in the above email you claim that during this time (not sure how or when) you were somehow able to have “repented and became a Christian” in “autumn” of 2017, which is of course between the months September and November. This adds up, as I would now expect, to be just another impossible lie. So you are claiming to have read the Bible and the Book of Mormon for the first time in, conservatively, less than two months, and suddenly became a Christian by such efforts? Oh, and let’s not forget the part where you say that you finally, actually “read the Bible yourself” just before autumn, 2017. Jan, you have been telling me you’ve read the Bible for years now, even pulling up your computer program to “prove” it. So here you expose yet another of your own lies, unable to keep track of them all on your twisted, ever-changing, demented timeline. You use the Bible like you use the Trivium, right? You have the Bible in possession and therefore you know it and can quote from it and are right? You have the Trivium and therefore you know whatever topic you discuss and are right? But now you admit you’ve never read the bible till late 2017? Liar – Liar – Pants on fire! I, of course, knew you hadn’t read it and still think you haven’t, because instead of speaking in its authority and words with confidence you simply prove you have possession of the Bible as a physical and digital, computer version with concordances and lexicons, and therefore magically, gnosticly possess its knowledge. What took Clint 5 years of full-time study only took Jan a couple of months! That’s incredible… and complete bullshit. I wonder if you actually read any books at all, or just collect them to say (prove) fallaciously that my library collection of books therefore proves I read? You obviously haven’t read my book, Jan, if only because I ask readers only to comment on it if they have read the full contents, which your comments make clear you have not. And the Bible? How many times can I say it, you just can’t read it in English (dog-Latin) without looking up the words in their Greek, Hebrew, and Latin (etc.) forms and origin of intention. Anyone that grows up speaking Greek as a first language, for instance, will tell you that Greek is not able to be properly translated into English, for English is a literal language and verse (poetry/metaphor/allegory) simply cannot be expressed properly in English. Yet you somehow mastered it in a matter of months. Wow! Impressive. You’re so psychotic at this point that you probably think you can enter the Bible characters into your brain program! I bet Moses was CIA for sure… And Jesus, totally controlled opposition, right? What you’ve revealed by your rhetoric is that you’ve embraced religion, not the Bible. Religion is not the Bible. Religion is usually opposed to the Bible.

Now, what can I possibly say about myself being satanic, since the darkly angelic Jan Irvin has now resorted to calling everyone that disagrees with him by this epitaph? Can’t prove a negative, so that’s out. Such slander is not just inexcusable but amazingly without any merit or understanding of the word itself whatsoever. You’ve actually found a way to fallaciously personify the word satanic, a word that simply means adversarial, into your narcissistic sociopathy and rhetoric. You’ve made your strawman persona (mask) with God-like qualities, so that the term satanic actually means opposed to Jan Irvin and his Trivium brand of fine logic. You basically accuse anyone and everyone now of being satanic if they don’t agree with your worldview and its digital brain feed. You’ve pulled this word right out of its proper usage in the Bible, as what is adversarial against Jehovah (Nature), and narcissistically applied it to yourself instead. I would certainly love to see any proof whatsoever that I’m working with Mark Passio and Bill Joslin, let alone some guy named Miles Mathis that I didn’t know existed till a month ago. Even your listeners questioned why you put myself and Bill Joslin together, as we were until then unaware of each other’s work? The sociopathic answer: to cause us to first become adversarial to each other and then at least one of us to become adversarial to yourself, because this sociopathic destruction and tearing apart of others is what feeds the entire machine you’ve built. Simply stated, you need adversaries to exist in your false persona, in the simulacra you’ve built up. But you know, as a registered soul harvester like me, it gets very hard to keep names with faces. A soul here and a soul there, everywhere a soul soul. It’s True, I’m only interested in each and every one of my listeners, my friends, my readers and my family’s best interest, that is, in the well-being of their souls. If that is harvesting souls, then I stand guilty as charged. LOL! Idiot.

Finally, we see the narcissistic sociopathic pattern emerge that I must be doing what I’m doing, even when exposing a satanist like “Passio” for what he is, I’m only doing it to gain Jan Irvin’s trust. Mirror, mirror on the wall… Everything’s about Jan, for Jan must appear in his digital podcaster reflection as being the fairest of them all. All others must be destroyed or made to appear less than Jan. We’re all out to get Jan, even if we don’t know it. If we appear fairer than Jan in any way, we must be sacrificed to the alter of Jan’s ego. Yeah, Jan, that’s become the whole reason why I take a shit too. I arrange the toilet paper in homage to your initials before I flush. You’re not the wind beneath my wings, dude. You are but a foul air permeating from already corrupt, spoiled airways.

Now we arrive at my apparent sexuality. How did you possibly “figure out” that I’m a homosexual? Well, that was certainly out of thin air! Was it a Trivium-based mathematical formula, or are you just being a dick again? Well, since I cannot prove a negative, for arguments sake let’s say its true. So I’m therefore responsible for and “behind all conspiracy,” that is, me and my fellow, organized homosexuals out there? The gay mafia? Ok, I’ll bite. After all, if the Book of Mormon says so by Jan’s interpretation, it must therefore be true, right, though the verse you pointed to in reference speaks of combinations (conspiricies) of men, not gay bars and nightclubs, you sociopathic idiot. Can this really be taken as anything but ad hominem, an attack on the messenger, or some other fallacious attack designed to steer the argument away from the subject? Are the CAFR reports I read, which are printed by government and independently audited somehow less authentic or less official because I might be one of the that man-on-man persuasion? Or indeed, is it that the entire auditing department of government part of the gay mafia? Or perhaps I’m wrong because I’m apparently homosexual, and therefore I’m behind whatever conspiracy or lie that is against (adversarial to) you by default? What fallacy is that, Jan? Choose your poison. But let’s go even further… what if, in fact, I’m actually bisexual, Jan? Does that mean I’m at least half right, half innocent, and really involved in only half of the conspiracies against you? Oh, I know, what if I’m just asexual, what would that mean? Does that surpass even the heterosexual persuasion, meaning that my research is somehow legitimate even more than 100% of the time? Would that make me even better or more right than you, oh master of male sexuality? Or perhaps you come up with this one just because you are a narcissist, that I participated in your shitty interviews because I wanted to bed you? For anyone actually interested, as my book is now printed and free to download, you may read my final word on the subject on page 491, which applies to all men (male and female) without exception and without fallacious name-calling. But more importantly, it seems your particular projection of fallacious reasoning here is that because you are heterosexual, you are therefore… what? Right? Righteous? Less of a dick? Qualified for angel-hood or heaven in the afterlife? On the “right” path? If you are suggesting some moral superiority, well then you’ll want to keep reading as I expose your own behavior towards the female of the species, one of the signs that I knew spelled we were absolutely not the same in any way, and that the pit that is your moral degradation had no limit (see next section). One last note: AIDS was a biological weapon introduced into the “homosexual” population of men through vaccinations only offered for free to gay men, claiming to prevent certain strains of Hepatitis. I found this in my vaccine research. So the homosexuals hate themselves, too, since they are behind all conspiracies, even the ones targeted to their own depopulation? And I suppose they are not allowed to marry ac other because of the homosexual conspirators as well, because it only makes sense that they would want to be banned from the social and civil rights of others? You have now bordered on the ridiculous in your spin. I’m flattered.

And now to the book, my book, which you are literally judging out loud by its cover. But when Jan Irvin does it, it’s not fallacy, right Jan? LOL! Yet again the logical fallacy rules over Jan Irvin’s reasoning and words without him even being aware of it – the rhetoric of a completely uninformed snitch (an oxymoron). The rose on my book, if you had read it, is indeed a secret symbol of the elite. Therefore, I must be an elite, right? The symbol is guilty as charged. But why is it used as such by the author, that is the question? The symbol of the rose generally means that secrets are kept beneath it, which is why you see it on government buildings, Masonic halls, old churches, the Queen’s monuments, Mormon Church buildings, etc. The art on my book instead displays the extending of that rose, as the revealing of the secrets hidden about the concept of a strawman and in the Law, both legal and scriptural. Actually, it’s quite neat. I’m proud of it and the artist. But in this fallacy, because I used a symbol from them I must be one of them. Well then, Jan, by this logic every time you quote Huxley or use the symbols as you do on your website and books, you must therefore also be one of them. Which they, I don’t know, because I don’t think that way. You see, Jan, as you know, which they doesn’t matter to the construction of your sociopathic, narcissistic fallacies, only that they must be believed to exist and that I used one of their symbols. Never mind that I used it against them and their intentions, as the opposite of what they use it for, which is to keep secrets. You have of course used this fallacy on your other guests too, and said as much about Jordon Maxwell, Joe Atwill, and others. But then, we all apparently are working together to thwart your work, right Jan, so in your mind it makes perfect sense? That’s what you have been saying like a bumbling fool. You are the only one actually guilty of your own accusation, as is often the case. We all tried to work with you, and you not only turned us against you but against each other! But then that is the recipe for sociopathy as I comprehend it. Oh, and the symbol for christ, the fish, which is visibly floating over the checkerboard without touching it — that’s a symbolic symbol of christ walking on water (the sea of commerce/legality), unlike those pawns that represent you and me. The checkerboard is jurisdiction, of which the free man under the Law of Nature (Law of God) has no attachment, like the floating fish (example of Christ). Again, you could have asked. But instead, you choose to create vast conspiracies in your messed up “brain.” Oh, and the artist himself is a struggling comic/graphic novelist that wants to do good with his work just as I did, the reason I quit Hollywood, and who decided to help me without fee. He was indeed a Godsend, not a devil, you asshole.


Now, let me throw a fallacy back at you Jan, so that you may understand not only how ridiculous your own rhetoric is, but that you cannot prove that its not true (can’t prove a negative). Here goes: since there are no halos in the Bible, only in the artworks of cults and religions, and since the halo comes from the God of Ra, you must therefore worship Ra as your false god because you put a halo on your book-cover.

Makes sense, if you are a fucking nut.

What you might want to ask yourself is this: why is this exposure of your severe, unadulterated shortcomings being delivered by yours truly at this moment, Jan?

Answer: because you actually didn’t read the Bible in the spirit intended, and you aren’t following it as the Law of Nature (existence). Instead some false religion (apparently from your new illegitimate “wife” and Mormon “guest”) has a strangling influence upon you. You’ve forced my hand by your false judgements of me and my family, leaving me no other choice that I might clear my own and my father’s name from your condemnation, your false measure. Though I forgive you, I want you to know that the Bible would have saved you from this ridiculousness. For it clearly instructs:


Judge not, that ye be not judgedFor with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Matthew 7:1-2, KJB

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven

 —Luke 6:37, KJB


What you reap you will sow, Jan. You just had to piss off the right man, leaving him no recourse than to do exactly what I’m doing here. And you did…

These verses are not mere suggestions, but stand as the Law of Nature (Truths). Action vs. reaction, where the moral teaching (parable) is to prevent the reaction (return judgement) by avoiding the initial, action (false judgement) while it’s still avoidable (not made public). Forgiveness must come before actions in judgement. To condemn based on lies is the furthest from emulating christ and God’s Nature (Truth). And your actions in false judgment then force the hand of others seeking such avoidance, who must protect their name (fictional persona/reputation) then as if it is their actual self. The Law of Nature (God), the Bible, is not there for you to use in judgment against others, but to emulate in your own actions of forgiveness, love, and compassion. You not only broke the Law but force my hand to do the same.

You see, what you reap is what shall be sowed upon you, either out of spite, revenge, or from necessity in my case. When you judge, especially without proofs, then one must judge you as ones only defense. In other words, you brought this upon yourself, Jan, by playing the character of the fool exactly as the Bible describes it and incessantly warns against. Instead, you keep claiming to be following what must be a very lonely “right-hand path” instead of the “left-hand” one, which is not in any way a Biblical connotation, and has nothing to do with Christ or the scriptures.

So what is this so-called “right-hand path?”

One thing for sure, it’s not in the Bible, and should not be confused with being on the “right-hand of God,” a metaphor meaning to act christ-like under the Law of God (Nature).

However, a quick search of any website regarding witchcraft and the occult reveals our answer. For instance:

“The distinctions Right Hand and Left Hand Path are usually only applied to traditions which are associated with the occult and magic but they can sometimes be applied to any religion or philosophical tradition. Generally the labels are used more specifically to differentiate Left Hand Path practitioners from those on the Right Hand Path who are often regarded as being the norm that Left Handers deviate from. Hence, many Right Hand Pathers don’t even recognise or use the term to refer to themselves. The terms left-hand and right-hand paths in Western occultism are often attributed to (i.e. made popular by) Theosophy founder Helena Blavatsky but in fact can be traced back to various Eastern practices and definitions.”


What a surprise, eh? Not really, since your listeners have commented many times about your use of occultist and theosophic terms like this. But then, a good chunk of your research came from such Theosophic sources in your early works, did they not, Jan? I certainly remember that being my own biggest critique of your early works. So, do you make it a general rule in your “research” to twist and misuse every damned thing you touch and see? Can this devilish persona (mask) of “Jan Irvin” even exist without spinning everything first and then calling it “unspun” just because Jan Irvin has now officially spoken on the subject? It’s like a grocery store having a sale by first marking up the price and then putting it on sale for the original price. Your life’s work is essentially a spin sale, upon which you place the empty title of unspun.

The other mistake you consistently make, which I have in depth addressed, is the use of the phrase “natural law,” which is often opposed to the “Law of Nature,” also known as the “Law of God.” After our shows with Bill Joslin, I did not attack Bill as you did, but instead dedicated a show to this misunderstanding of terms, of which you both suffered. Many will convince themselves that such semantics matter not, and they will continue to use these terms interchangeably. Big mistake!

Here is a link to that show, dedicated to helping (not hating) Bill Joslin (and all others) in his understanding of and distinction between these terms because of your attempts to cause us to be instead adversarial to each other:

In essence, unlike you, Jan, I took the critique of my colleague at being able to explain these concepts and I turned it into what I believe is the best show I’ve ever done, because I wanted to be absolutely uncompromised in my rhetoric. I didn’t just resort to name-calling and fallacious character assassination, I corrected my own shortcomings. I took self-responsibility to ensure I wasn’t misleading or obfuscating that which I sought to communicate. I can’t remember a time that you’ve done this, Jan.

Let’s be honest. There have been many others like myself, we being the unwitting receivers of the Gnostic Media 1-2 punch and curse, run over by the Gnostic bus, all of us thinking it a wise juncture to make innocent comments, helpful critiques, or simply leave provable contradictions to what one disgruntled emailer calls as the “Trivium guy!” But now, they (we) are coming out similar to Hollywood’s abused and exploited actresses (that prostituting A-list of professional liars), all making the same claims of abuse together, mostly about what a total dick you are to us all and to most others. Some even still donate to you — like after you squash a fly and its wings still jitter from nerves despite the abuse — showing how sociopaths truly can manipulate and get ahead as politicians, bankers, and of course certain podcasting authors, causing those you harm to turn around and support their own pain-stick. How many of your listeners have had to block your harassing emails, Jan, and why didn’t I think of that? LOL! I am certainly not the first or only victim of this bizarre behavior, as the virtual blood trail from your particular magic bus syndrome of shroom, DMT, and LSD madness seems endless, let alone claims of your own time spent in the psych ward. Now that I have received so many emails from others that have been brow-beaten by you both publicly and in private communications, which make you sound like the utter lunatic you’ve become (or rather, always have been), I can at least take comfort in our mutual victimization. I can have a bit more confidence to name you as the predator you are.

You remember when you said that hallucinogens should be called suggestogens because of the hypnotic suggestibility they put their users in? Well now, how many times have you “used” the CIA’s special candies again? 100’s? Do I hear 500, a 1,000 doses?

And to think, I didn’t recognize all this as a psychological pattern till way too late, wishing and perhaps remaining purposefully ignorant so as to stay on your good side — which is like being on the right hand side of a crashing airplane. Ironically, I was trying to stay friends with one of the main culprits of tearing people apart out there, not realizing I was already part of the virtual carnage left behind after being thrown under the bus for no qualifiable reason.

I could go on with this particular list (above), but let us instead speak about the moral aspect of Mr. Jan Irvin… or lack thereof. Because there appears to me to be none to be found. Are you what you pretend to be? Is your heterosexuality a qualifier meaning you are also a moral gentleman to the women you’ve used and desecrated? I learned the answer to this when I came to your home in California to visit, and where between that trip and our other private conversations, I learned about the real Jan Irvin:

1. To top it off, though I will not mention names, you were proud to inform me of the affair you were then having with one of your past guests, despite the fact that she was married with a severely mentally handicapped, autistic child, even as you still pretend moral conviction and superiority in such matters on air. I overlooked this and many other oddities and moral depredations, an action I now adamantly regret…

2. including that brand-spanking new Jeep that had to cost at least $60-70,000. Yes, when I visited you there at your home a few years ago, there it was — brand new and shiny. Beats my piece of shit, 1998 4-Runner valued at about $3,500, although at least I have no debt to cover. Do your “fans” know about this purchase, or do they think you use those donations to actually live as the meager and honest researcher you pretend to be? Did you announce that this overloaded dick-mobile was where all their money was going, or did you get credit and now must solicit money every second to pay it off? Do those who are already harmed by and disenfranchised from this system and who believe you to be one of them (us) know where their money is going to — another charlatan selling himself as a down and out and a desperate researcher, induced into obscurity and income deficiency by secret government agents so he can pay his luxury taxes? You even drove like an asshole all day with no consideration of common law or common sense, signs, or lines, showing no sign of respect to other drivers or to women in general, making vulgar comments with every new set of tits or ass that reared itself.

3. Also, while there visiting, you suggested to me something that I found not only unbelievable but tortuously unhinged. You told me that I should use my radio fame, as you do, to get laid. Firstly, Jan, I don’t at all confuse my extremely limited and censored infamy and internet open-broadcasting that anyone can do nowadays with even the remotest hint of fame, and neither should you. Of course, if I’m indeed trying to reason with a narcissist, such advice is useless. You’re so famous that from what I can tell you aren’t even censored like some of us actually are, and in fact are still appearing at the top of most search engines! Secondly, your complete and utter disregard for the moral treatment of women in this and so many other ways was so foreign to me that again I felt like the hollywood grunt or intern trying to get ahead by keeping your jackass behavior, the real you, a public secret. I went through this in Hollywood, working for some real duche-bags, and had to pretend friendship and respect to get ahead in the company. That’s one reason why I left. Well no more, Jan. I won’t comment on your sudden engagement to what some are even calling your new handler, your door prize for playing the devil, this mail-order bride to be from Maine. I don’t know her. But from what I’ve seen of your narcissistic, sociopathic behavior, she is sure to be your future-ex wife in no time at all if anything real exists in that relationship. Or perhaps you are two birds of the same feather?

4. Perhaps my favorite fallacy of yours, and the one that most describes your true moral character, was when you told me that your personal feeling on the way you can personally get back at “them” for their depopulation agenda and genocide was to “fuck” as many women as possible to try and get them pregnant with illegitimate children, to have as many kids as you can born out of wedlock. I couldn’t even respond to that one, Jan, and I remember thinking at the time that this day of hot-rodding around the mountain towns up there in the new Jeep couldn’t have been over any quicker. Meeting you in person was like seeing santa claus drunk in the back alley of Macy’s for the first time, meeting what you thought was a hero but realizing quickly the opposite. It was like the worst kind of bad date, and the only happy ending was when I put my rental car in drive, made like a tree, and leaved.


Finally, a few comments from your recent Q & A show posted at Gnostic Media, which is the perfect example of why sociopaths purposefully do not conduct call-in shows with their audiences:

  1. You have admitted several times in the past to being part of the “royal” bloodline, privately and on air, directly related to several (actually all) US presidents, etc, of which I have done extensive genealogical research upon. In other words, technically, you are one of them by your own logic of association, just as I must be CIA if my father was, right Jan? You even had me talk privately to your royal-blooded mother for over an hour to try and explain what I had learned about private citizens and land from my guest KW and how your family was indeed the stock of “white persons” of the posterity of the US constitution’s preamble (purpose), qualified to be landholders or take back the land that was escheated from your family. Yet when someone asked you the perfectly legitimate question during your show of what blood-type you are, you reverted back to calling them a troll. Why? Why not just answer the question. All presidents that I am aware of are negative blood type. Obama was AB-, according to Time Magazine, the rarest type. But then you acted like you weren’t part of the bloodline so as to get to the next question, though you’ve admitted several times to being of the family and even how “they” tried to recruit you several times, supposedly failing. Let’s add this to the above fact that you were apparently recently approached by an “agent” to take money to quit your show and destroy your own reputation. You’ve got some ‘splaining to do, Jan.
  2. I cracked up laughing when I heard you contradict yourself as you so often do. But this time it was kinda special. First you got annoyed at a question about the over twenty books by Anatoli Fomenko, then told the questioner that before he critiques the book series he should first read them all. Yet later in the same hour you said you only have read the first book in the series, and part of the second. Two out of one hundred? Is that due diligence? Is that good research? Is that good grammar to form good logic to back up your rhetoric? LOL! Why is this fallacious? Because you are claiming complete and utter knowledge and unwavering support of Fomenko and other authored works on history and culture, even though you have admittedly not read the books. You went against your own words. You outed yourself! It was beautiful. What is the difference between criticizing that which you have not read and supporting that which you’ve not read? Which is worse? Where does all this confidence come from about false history, Fomenko, Tartary etc.? And how can I or anyone else trust that you’ve actually read the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Quaran, or even Dr. Seuss since autumn of 2017? You certainly have no idea what the Bible’s message is, though you pretend to know by agreeing or disagreeing with what others say. And by the way, you can’t stand up in an actual Bible discussion worth a shit, either misusing or not knowing where to find the answers nor having any clue what it says. Let me quote you, because this is some funny shit! “You would need to, like, read his (Fomenkos’) 100 books on the subject, and, I think there’s 30 or so available in English… but so far, you know, ah, looking at the research myself, especially in the first 7 books, ah, it’s very, ah, solid, but again I’ve only read 2 of them or 1 and a half completely, but, ah, there’s a lot of good research in there but you’d have to study it for yourself and don’t take other people’s opinions, that would be the best way.” Is anybody actually listening to this? Are people just tuning in and tuning out? You just told people not to listen to you or your opinion, especially because you just admitted outright that you’ve only read at best 2 of Fomenko’s books out of 100, 30 of those that are actually in English. Yet you are an authority on the subject? WTF??? So everything you say is admittedly bullshit? You haven’t read his work, but you say with certainty that the dark ages were faked? Why, because you read most of the second book? This is nuts, man. Why are people giving you money? A fucking psych patient in a rubber room would be more entertaining… and have more experience to offer. Probably read more books too.
  3. For this one, I’ll just quote you word for word, keeping in mind the symptoms of narcissistic sociopathy as we progress: “Clearly there’s 100’s of you that have been targeting me for years now, and that’s a lot of money when you think about it for, you know, for one podcast host. I can’t even think of how many, you know, 10’s of thousands — even millions of dollars that would cost to pay all of you, to keep your B.S. going…” You also said they were “trying to shut down my website for 2 or 3 months.” Now, I can’t imagine it would take them 2 or 3 months of trying and then they just give up because, after all, you are the great and indefatigable Jan Irvin. I’m sure they and their combined forces of darkness are powerless against your computer and its Gnostic superpowers. Your computer must have a christ-complex, man. Logos! Or maybe the Trivium protected you? But let’s focus on what you just said here about all the agents, the trolls, and how they are being paid just to mess with you. You seriously believe that, don’t you, that you are so important to them and they that they waste tons of resources, manpower, time, and money on you and your little website? So did they hire all these people separate just for the act of “fucking with” you, or are they normal agents with nothing else to do? Is this virtual attack on Jan Irvin actually a planned event or just work to do in downtime, like busy work, like when they aren’t busy with dictators, international war criminals and thieves, and corporate and political espionage, they had a memo passed around that said when there is no work as planned and your feeling like pervin’, attack Gnostic Media and Mr. Jan Irvin. You see, there, it even rhymes. Boy are they clever. Waitresses clean salt and pepper shakers and fill catsup bottles in their down time, while CIA agents and paid trolls sabotage Jan Irvin in theirs? Or maybe you actually think you are their main concern? LOL! O, my dear Jan, when you look back at your life’s work and realize you’ve done nothing to harm them or they but relay to other people what is already publicly disclosed (declassified) information, and probably only what they don’t mind you relaying and maybe even hope that you will, perhaps then you will come down from your pedestal and quit pretending your shit don’t stink. I believe your statement above qualifies as paranoia of the spectrum infinitum. Actually I just made that up. It means endless, narcissistic, sociopathic paranoia with no boundaries in reality or rational thought. Hell, they apparently spend more on you and have more assets watching you than they do Jason Bourne, and he isn’t even real! You also said, “they (trolls) are definitely watching what we are doing. They don’t like what we’re doing here. That’s too bad. You know. Whatever…” Bravo! Bravo, Jan! Well spoken. It’s so clear now. Tolls don’t like us, especially you, so they watch us, especially you, according to the official troll code manual section 21.5.678, which only Jan Irvin has privileges to. FJEO = for Jan’s ego only. Jan, to be clear, people don’t attack you, you attack them, and then they block your email to try and tune you out. That’s what victims do.
  4. The best thing you’ve ever done for your body is to “drink buttered coffee?” LOL! There was a recently published, false peer-reviewed study that lied and said chocolate helps people lose weight. And so all the TV doctors parroted that study while their fans went out and got fat on the chocolate diet. It must be true if Jan Irvin says it, right? If it’s right for Jan, expect the one size fits all fallacy to follow.
  5. The Trivium was given (as a gift? apparently by Jan Irvin and Company) to the world to solve all the worlds problems? Seriously? You stated “We already released the Trivium…” as the answer to the question, how do we save the world? You said it as if you were Superman speaking casually about how he saved the world. You said it as if you are its inventor! Get over this Trivium worship dude! Because last time I checked, the Trivium ain’t altered shit, and that’s because the trivium isn’t a real thing. It’s a method, and one you use in a generally unscientific and unreasonable manner. It’s not a holy grail. It will not save the world, and neither will your rhetoric. The Trivium is not the Law of God, it is the law of Jan Irvin.
  6. You said all religions are based on “logos.” That’s hilarious. What are you, Captain Obvious now, or do you still not understand what the word Logos is defined as? Logos is the perception of what God is by men. So yes, that’s what all of the thousands of religions would be based on, of course. LOL! No wisdom shared there, as usual. How can you believe you are speaking with wisdom when you are merely pointing to the sky and calling it blue? Nice spin, again.
  7. There are no books missing from the Bible, Jan. If there are, then show me the original Bible that has those original books in it? Again, fallacious reasoning without the possibility of proof or source. Can’t prove a negative though, so again, well-played. Some “books” do exist. Granted. Those “books” are not in “the Bible.” Again, granted. Neither is “Mary Had A Little Lamb.” These are totally separate facts that you (and many others) insist are not separate. But to thus equate this to the statement that therefore the Bible is missing those books is like saying that because a walnut tree is not growing olives, the walnut tree is thus missing its olives. Obviously the walnut mafia must have coerced those helpless, unorganized olives to dismiss themselves from their original tree, with the help of the troll brute squad. Help me out here, Jan, which logical fallacy is this? This type of sophist conceptualization is the epitome of your circular rhetoric.
  8. According to the continuous, accusatory name-calling on this show, trolls are defined as: (1) anyone that asks a hard question, (2) anyone with “no activity” on their “account,” (3) “braindead,” and/or (4) people with “little dicks.” So apparently, only people like you, Jan, who by your own rhetoric here is implied therefore to have a bigger than average dick, can rise to the level of researcher and yet again narcissistic host of Gnostic Media. And since it sounds like you label as “trolls” most of your audience, I am thinking there are very few non-trolls actually listening by your logic, or just a lot of little-docked ones. So do you broadcast your show just for troll entertainment? Shouldn’t you then tell advertisers that the majority of your listeners are trolls, so they might not confuse your website traffic statistics with all the CIA-paid trolls with small dicks? Perhaps male enhancement pills would be a hot selling item on Gnostic Media? But then, if we all had penises or active brains or even lots of activity on our avatar accounts like Jan Irvin must apparently have based on this rhetoric, then we’d all instantly become as smart and Gnosticly-orientated as Jan himself. Then what? Who would you belittle then? Who would you compare your man-hood to if that happened? Oh, and by the way, by your logic, all trolls (conspirators) are also homosexuals. So anyone you’ve called an agent, CIA, troll, or dirty is thus by default a homosexual, since homosexuals are in your head somehow behind ALL conspiracies. So anyone that asks a hard question or registers an avatar so they can ask you a question is a homosexual (conspirator). LOL!
  9. Most open researchers and authors will state that there are no dumb questions, but you say there are lots of them in your forum. A dumb question is apparently one you don’t want to answer or think is beneath you. Perhaps only the gays ask dumb questions as part of their conspiratorial nature? What a narcissistic Dick. You addressed basically all questions as at the very best being beneath you, and yet still people paid for your asinine answers. Amazing. You are like the pied piper of predatory snake-oil salesmen.

I could do this all day… But alas, all things must come to an end.

If there is one life lesson you certainly haven’t learned yet Jan, it’s that you do not fuck with he that has nothing to lose. You’re little tirade against me worked only as long as I could stand to throw myself a perpetual pity party and act like such an abused, whiny little bitch. Whatever your goal, congratulations, I sure don’t have anyone beating down my door for an interview anymore. My books are sitting virtually still while I pay storage for them I can’t afford. Am I blaming you? No. I’m blaming myself for quitting my show because of your inconceivably confusing treatment of me – for allowing myself to become yet another of your victims. I’m not blaming you for anything here, I’m just liberating myself from your particular brand of batshit crazy. I’m taking my power back from you, not that I ever really lost it. I’m doing exactly what the victims of a narcissistic sociopathic should do, expunge my life of your influence and waiting without much hope for your sincere (if that’s possible) retraction and apology. Until then, let this open letter be a beacon to others to steer clear of the false light emanating from your Gnostic nonsense and abusive, narcissistic, sociopathic nature. And may your other victims have the courage to do the same, to stand up, to demand proofs, to demand apologies and retractions, and to take their own power back.

One thing I have recently begun to consider, which is a very frightening thought, is that a good many of alternative media hosts, shock jocks, and authors out there are just like you. But even worse than this is the notion that many of us start to emulate your nature and tone, your behavior, your narcissistic sociopathy, either to sell products or even just to fit in and be a accepted by peers that now almost expect this sociopathic behavior in their media and “news.” How do you compete with Alex jones, for example, the perfection of a narcissistic sociopath, without trying to outdo him? For if you oppose him or act at all sane in your delivery, his audience (strange network of supporters) is trained to use exactly the same fallacious rhetoric and labeling that Jan Irvin has perfected, without any form of proof, relying completely on heresy and social consent. Are the airwaves ruled by sociopaths? I can’t say this. But I can say that sociopathic behavior is being mirrored and performed by many out there, and seemingly has somehow become what people expect. People are at least pretending sociopathy to fit in to the alternative narrative, parroting each other as source without fact-checking. Of this phenomenon, we are all victims.

Jan, I’d like to impart to you a bit of knowledge, in the form of a parable of my own making. I realize that, in your mind, anyone who might happen to fart in your general direction is suspect of being a paid farter out to cause organized flatulence against you (that’s sarcasm, dick). But keep in mind, if I have to fart in an elevator and you happen to be in that elevator car when my body expresses the need to blow foul air, I’m going to fart — and it has nothing to do with you or your life or your information or your opinions or your website. Sometimes, Jan, a fart is just a fart. And sometimes, like in my case, a good man is just a good man, or is at least trying to learn and break free so as to be one.

And that brings us to the end. All eyes are on you, Jan. Will you do the right thing and retract your false, unprovable accusations against me and my father that you’ve never met nor even know his first name? Or will you openly attack me further with whatever fallacious things you can imagine in that crazy brain database of yours, so as to further obfuscate the fact that your original accusations were completely made up and without one line item of evidence? The choice, and I dare say your reputation, is on the line here, man.

Until then, we all wait with bated breath. Actually, that’s not true. I could give a shit what you do. I mean, really, no one should believe anything a sociopath does or says.

But then again, as expected, you’ve already put me in that brain database, haven’t you, with a line connecting me to Mark Passio? So, as your listeners complain that even though you’ve had thirty thousand times more contact with Mark Passio than I ever did or will, there is no line stringing Jan Irvin to any of these bad guys including Mark Passio, even though you’ve worked with and even called as friends a great many of those that you now call as CIA agents? That, Jan, is truly a sociopathic mentality. Remember, your silly strings connecting people in your brain program is not proof of anything but your own demented worldview. Use primary source for once in your fucking life.

One last thing… I forgive you, Jan, because that’s what my moral, scriptural, unwritten Law says self-evidently is the only way to peace, love, and happiness. This doesn’t mean I want anything further to do with you, though. This open letter was more like a good, bowel-relieving wet fart that helped me to let go of the unnecessary pressure caused by holding your bullshit in. But this should not be confused with the kind of fart mentioned above. No, this one was most certainly pointed right at your damned face.

I hereby forgive and banish you and your ilk from my life.


Clint > richard-son (
Friday, May 25th, 2018



Leave a comment


  1. Lynne

     /  May 25, 2018

    Bullet points Clint, bullet points. I’m sure that whatever you wrote must be right and true and of value, because I’ve been reading your stuff for years. But I dont know how I’m going to find the time to wade through all that.


    • Nothing worthwhile is easy or in bullet points, my friend. If it were, CAFR’s and conspiracies would be in easy-to-read bullet points and my blog would be useless.

      BTW… Ironically, this post actually is partially in bullet points. Perhaps my points just don’t qualify as points, but rather subjects. I just can’t do anything normal, and thank God for that.


      • MikeV

         /  May 25, 2018

        LOl Ironically I thought she was referring to your bullet points at first LOl she is looking for a basic outline or table of contents preview before the novel (I’m textually challenged also) , been following some of Jans recent work but missed his slanderings , so he’s banging the Salem Witch Trial chick ?


        • Oh it’s better than that. Married. Suddenly. And now I know the Mormon worship is coming from his new Mormon guest Robert. Now I find out he’s been copying and pasting that email I listed above to multiple mutual acquaintances. Suddenly all the pieces are coming together.


    • Maxx

       /  May 27, 2018

      He just used a machine gun full of bullet points. Narcissists waste your time and energy. They take up rent in your head. Ive been around a long time and many radio show hosts get caught up in themselves. Thats why I do the 911 litmus test early on. I vetted Jan 3 years ago, thru emails. He was evasive and rude and used the excuse “his dog died” so I dropped the matter and decided he was a “dick” . Narcissim is an epidemic propagated by the tribe, the biggest narcissist supremacists of them all.



     /  May 25, 2018

    Bullet-points – brother you’ve just used next quarter’s defence budget on ammo – put the Gatling gun down already. Clint, I feel your pain – the guy is most often the smug conceited bombastic prick you say (on good days..) and you called him on his use of his own shorthand to throw shade on naysayers but man, dude, I fear for your sanity here. All this time in the alt media ‘truth circus’ is affecting your balance. I don’t hear the sense of enjoyment you once had and shared with the listeners/readers. Your last time out on GM was a train-wreck – you totally screwed the pooch and the other guest with your views on the legal system. Highjacked the whole thing one rant at a time – and I have to tell you (from one who’s gone down the legal rabbit-hole) – you’ve been duped and bought in to just about every false trail they’ve set to misdirect the seeker – every myth hook-line and sinker! Perhaps you do need a break….not every problem we face is a nail so put the hammer back in the tool-box.


    • because someone sees the truth about the “legal system” doesn’t mean they are unbalanced, or insane, it means they are intelligent enough to see the unvarnished truth of it, and courageous enough to speak the truth. the entire legal system is for the straw man legal fiction, not the man, and that is why common law is so important. legalism is simply bullshit piled on top of bullshit, and that is why the bullshit expert serpent seed sons of the devil jews dominate the legal industry. now you’ll probably accuse me of being unbalanced or insane!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Buzz Ziptiger

     /  May 25, 2018

    Looks like Irvin hasn’t read How to Make Friends and Influence People. He’s pissed off Jay Dyer. Irvin called him a C.I.A. agent. Without knowing anything about Irvin’s “work,” I’m beginning to think he was in the cast of the Twilight Zone episode “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. miaedie

     /  May 25, 2018

    I love you, Clint 😉 . Been waiting for this since I saw your ‘appearance’ on the Brain database. ❤


  5. miaedie

     /  May 25, 2018

    Ooops…and forgot to say, he needs to ‘put up’ or ‘shut up’


  6. Jonathan Mayberry

     /  May 25, 2018

    WOW, Is your ass sore that was a long shit down pun intended. I have been on the fence for a while with regards to GM and Jans rhetoric I did hear his Formenko comment you mentioned above and it did trigger an HMM that’s calling the kettle black remark, and after watching his rant with Chris Dorsey on YT a few weeks ago I was a bit shocked that it was even posted on YT only to find it deleted a few days later, good thing I rarely listen to Yt live and download them for later enjoyment and study, I saw the Jan you are referring too omg was my thoughts at the time. Thanks for posting this and keep up your head up high. I have a personal quote on my FB page that reads “TRUTH stands alone and by itself, it does not ask to be believed and does not need your belief to be TRUE, you will know TRUTH when you find it. Just NEVER stop looking and when you think you found it test it.” In my journey of awakening and growth, I am reminded all the time that there are many people who wear sheep’s clothing and we must be vigilant. The hardest thing I have learned is that sometimes you must give up what you think is truth and replace it from time to time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • MikeV

       /  May 27, 2018

      Totally disagree and I’ve had my own issues with some of Clints stuff, but in this instance this is not simply an issue of who’s info is right or wrong when you add personal attacks about character and family. Clint was very tactical and covered all his bases in one piece , some people are passionate about their work and defensive about topics like character and family and his response was rightfully warranted here, while some people just take shit and get rolled on with no rebuttal or defence. Personally think he was moderate I would have went hard to the jugular which I think he was wanting to.
      As far as ‘truth circus’ its been well established Clints been far away from the circus for years now and well proclaimed all the hypocrisy of the truth movement and wanting nothing to do with any of it. As far as the Hammer keep swinging away Clint because people need to be slammed in the F#$%ing head to wake-up and smell the coffee of what the hell is going on and if you dont resonate with that then stay in La La land. The “sense of enjoyment” fades quick when the reality of the shit storm humanity exists in today becomes fucking overwhelming and you realize the hammer is the best tool for the job, THOR almost won in the Infinity War but failed to go for the head blow at the end and screwed the pooch for everyone there!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well said, each.

        Liked by 1 person

      • otis mcgruff

         /  June 9, 2018

        We HAVE to retain ‘issues’ with other people’s stuff. That is very essential for understanding and working out problems. It is far from a sleight to Clint. And if you’re saying Clint was moderate.. i would 100% agree.. he was there for the insight, not the instigation.


    • Eric from Pittsburgh

       /  June 5, 2018

      What the F was that with Dorsey? I gave on Jan after that YT clip. Dorsey called him out. Crazy!


  7. Well said. I followed and supported Jan for a while (2016/2017) when he was exposing the new age/psychedelic communities and the CIA involvement with them. I am the receptor of gang stalking that began through one of these “spiritual” communities that was a front for sex trafficking. So I was very interested in his research. We emailed a few times and all was well until he turned on me. He started using the same tactics on me that the stalkers use. A kind of mind control harrassment tactic via Facebook. I realized that he likely works for that power structure. He exposes important truths and then makes them look insane via his crazy making. IMO it’s on purpose. He is working against what he appears to be working for. He makes it all look ridiculous and himself crazy to take legitimate research down with him. I really enjoyed this piece in its lengthy entirety. I love your paragraph at the end about forgiveness. I have found this too is the only way to regain sanity when dealing with sociopaths. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing your experience. Many at this point have. While I don’t find comfort that I am not alone in this, I do find a sense of relief, and hope this may help others navigate this minefield of psychopathy that is alternative media.


      Liked by 1 person

    • I felt the same way, coraticum. I found his coverage of Wasson, the new age, his general 180 from “entheogens” as being a positive thing of interest. This was back in 2014-15. I tried to read his book The Holy Mushroom some years back, but I found it unreadable (as well has his articles, like the deadhead, bad prose, to say the least).

      I gradually stopped listening and now don’t frequent the site anymore.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Aeron Berlay

     /  May 25, 2018

    I regretfully abandoned Jan because of his psychopathic worldview years ago. Loyalty does not always serve us.


  9. nb

     /  May 26, 2018

    This is the result of two people who both think they know everything trying to get along. Good riddance to both of you…


    • An understandable logical fallacy, except that I promote openly that we are not supposed to know much at all about how the universe works, which includes what science has institutionally, amorally become, and that our collective happiness depends on accepting what is without killing it scientifically to discover how it works. To find the mysteries of our existence is to kill the joy of existing mysteriously. But ok, you are entitled to your opinion, because that’s what legalism (logic) has done to most people. Best of wishes to whatever it is you seek.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This would be better if re-written, but I understand the need to vent. IT was all worth it for this quote:

    “I realize that, in your mind, anyone who might happen to fart in your general direction is suspect of being a paid farter out to cause organized flatulence against you”

    Interesting too… the Jeep and “let’s impregnate many females” crap. No surprise. I hope you continue to do alright in life Clint.


  11. BRAVO!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. iamlonefrog

     /  May 26, 2018

    Hey there Clint,

    Still plowing my way through your book, it is a slow process because I have to take a lot of my own notes while doing so. It helps me retain the information better. Anyways, I’m going to assume you remember me from days gone by where I spent countless hours in chatango listening and commenting on your evening shows at RBN. It was time well spent and I regret none of it, although it was tough listening to those shows where you were basically reading out of Bouvier’s Law Dictionary. I remember feeling like I had been rubbed the wrong way when you called me out for being “rude” to that asshat “Kapunzo”. Remember? That mercenary sniper dude that always bragged about his confirmed kills and lived in Argentina or Venezuela or some shit? He owned a big ole ranch that he took rich fuxs hunting on? I heard news via the grapevine that he’s been dead now for quite some time.Then you moved over to Jule’s network – UCY for a little while and finally ran out of steam. I caught you on the youtube with that fuktard Irvin and was able to look past him because it was YOUR insight I was after. Jan never impressed me like you did. Like you said, he was basically looking at the sky and calling it blue like we had no idea already. I couldn’t see the justification for his numbers but eventually reminded myself that this world is populated with overly conditioned minds. You on the other hand, shone through all of the fog with a particularly unique light, and let me tell you what…those shows you did with Patrick Jordan were some of the best I have ever heard. You know, Jules mentioned that she would be interested in collaborating on something with you and perhaps even Patrick. You seemed to make her fire burn a little brighter, for she too is suffering from the weight of dealing with this world. We all are really. I wish you would reach out to her and see if you guys can “rise from the ashes” and truly do what it is you are all great at. Between the three of you I’m thinking something really special would happen. A well produced podcast would be a logical start. I know, I’m being pushy. It’s just that I’m a little excited that you were able to overcome the fucked up situation with Jan’s Ego and simultaneously expressing remorse for leaving radio because of some misplaced ideology in him. This alludes to the possibility that you are willing to return. Imagine hitting the “waves” with this newfound understanding and desire while actually working with some decent, talented, like minded people.

    Oh the places you will go (pun intended)

    That’s not for you!

    Somehow you’ll escape
    all that waiting and staying.
    You’ll find the bright places
    where Boom Bands are playing.

    Just in case Jan is reading this…It’s Dr Seuss motherfucker!

    Here’s to hoping you still have that fire burning in you Clint.

    Da Frog


    • miaedie

       /  May 26, 2018

      Right on, dude. Clint’s light is far too bright to be hid under a bushel. 💡😉💛


    • Good to hear from you Frog! You see, that chat comment against you is why I don’t do chat rooms! There is no sense of reality, of empathy, or of feeling in the comments. One’s intention behind the words can never be known, only assumed. So I assume you were being a jerk instead of trying to protect me from a pitfall. Everyone needs a Frog!

      You may be right, a collaboration may be just the enema we all need!

      Take care.


      Liked by 1 person

      • i know it is tough, but try to ignore some the negatives in things like chatrooms, as the free flow of communication, good and bad, is necessary to effective exploration of subjects. your light needs to shine brightly, and often! screw the haters!


      • MikeV

         /  May 27, 2018

        Clint you may not have paid attention but I was checking all the UCY uploads to Youtube and at the time your show always had the most views pretty much across the board every week.


        • Thanks for that. I actually have no idea who or how many are listening. I actually prefer it that way, because the audience of one should be spoken to no differently than the audience of many. I hope these shows and this blog will stand in timeless posterity, so that anyone may benefit now or in the future, if they are not expunged. An audience cannot be measured in numbers, unless you are selling something. I prefer quality.


          • MikeV

             /  May 27, 2018

            Quality is subjective to who’s judging it, obviously the larger the population of subjects the truer the judge of quality, Youtube is selling content to advertisers BUT it is a true FreeMarket for judging quality every viewer can input likes/ dislike and I’m not pressing Play if your uploading garbage.
            You should seriously start focussing on developing your YouTube channel there is nothing comparable at the moment for getting info out. If anything start a series of reading your book in segments commit the whole book to an audio series.


            • otis mcgruff

               /  June 9, 2018

              Mike V – so with your logic, “Quality is subjective to who’s judging it” would it make what is being judged of neutral quality in reality? Most quality factors are based on a scale that can be determined repeatedly. LIke a Diamond for example.. or lumber. It’s not subjective, it’s based on objective functionality.


  13. Clint, thanks for writing this. I’ve noticed this pattern with Jan for some time. He works very closely with somebody, seems to be infatuated with them, then suddenly the association ends. If he mentions anything, it’s some variation of “He was a CIA plant and he plagiarized my work.” I never understood what triggered his essay on Richard Grove, and his affiliation with Atwill ended abruptly.

    Did you ever publish your discoveries on Passio? That got me curious. I used to listen to him several years ago, but stopped for various reasons.

    I’m amazed how such a cult of personality can exist around some people. Every word they say is considered previously unspoken truth by their followers, and any questioning of them will result in mass attack.


    • To be clear, I was pulled into that essay on Richard Grove, though I was completely neutral about him. Jan kept doing exactly what he does and did to me and others mentioned, which is to elicit us into doing research against whatever current victim he’s focused on. I did it because he wanted it done, not because it was my idea. He recruited me to use my writing and research skills to basically harm Richard’s reputation. I won’t apologize, because what I found along with others was damning on Richard and he was outright lying about being a whistleblower, basing his reputation on it. I copied the court transcripts and then found his resume online that was also damning. But I can’t say I understand why I participated, except to say that those who are participating with him now against any current target (including me) probably feel the same way I did, like I was getting even more on that sociopath’s good side. It is impossible to explain why one seeks to help and aid a parasite who’s purpose is to devour you. It’s a vicious cycle, and new victims are always discovering the “alternative.”

      When I spoke the real names of Passio and “Bob Tuskin” on RBN I was chastised for it. I wrote a bit about it in my Anarchy (non sequitur) essay.

      I recommend that interview (Show #14) I linked in this post, as it explains the Passio satanic “Natural Law’ and how it is opposed to the Law of Nature.

      Thanks for the comment… and yes, it is a cult following, just a cult that doesn’t realize it has been occulted.




      • Roger

         /  June 10, 2018

        I remember hearing your mention of Richard Grove being deceptive or a liar of some kind, it caught me off guard. I was anaware until then that Jan and Richard had a falling out and until reading this post unaware Jan wrote an essay on him (that I will now look for).
        Without going back for it now I do remember the mention of it as sounding completely like your idea to shit on Grove, and noticed Jan failed to go into it at all there in the podcast making you look like the instigator, or respond to an email I sent asking him about it. But I’m sure the essay will clarify that.
        It is troubling to hear just the shear amount of vitriol and redundant name calling you throw Jans way in this, even if just the shear amount before making any kind of direct statement on your issue with him at all. Like it honestly looks like there’s about 5-6 good paragraphs of info In that and the rest really makes you look obsessed or by shear quantity that you’d have to be stupid to have fallen for that much bullshit in 1 person, making it hard to sympathize.

        I don’t feel or understand the need some seem to have to defend someone like Jan or yourself personally though. It took me 20 minutes of hearing Jan Irvin to know he’s definitely an asshole that is not good to those around him, and that listening to his podcast would always be a highly sceptical drudging and sifting through shit to get to the good parts (which I definitely think there are some)
        Not much different then yourself (which I don’t think you’d be dumb enough to care to much about for a minute) but how I find your communication style and (at least the sound of) so much ego and derision it’s almost utterly impossible to tolerate for even a moment or 2 sometimes, but none the less have to admit I’m listening cause the info is (often) worth it, and appreciated.
        This internet thing is backwards, it deserves the extremely cold emotionless lack of vulnerability we instead tend to show our personal lives.

        I can appreciate you being honest and owning up to what you said about Grove though even after stating the reason why you ended up there.


        • I understand your sentiments. However, anyone that has been used, victimized, demonized, or sexually abused by Jan has been overwhelmingly appreciative of this letter, and coming out of the woodwork. Many wish to post their own accounts. And frankly I had no idea this was happening to so many other people. While you may not appreciate the detail, those that have experienced it certainly do. And my intent here is only to help people avoid such agentic relationships with others. If you read this in neutrality, which is a lost ability for most nowadays, you will likely find that you either are currently or have been in the past a victim of this sociopathic personality. Alex Jones, for instance.

          Thanks for the comment,



          • Roger

             /  June 11, 2018

            Oh I can definitely understand what you mean by having been a victim of a psychopathic personality. I believe my statement is coming from exactly that experience of my own (2 to be exact).
            I know from experience being the only one in a church I went to for 10 years to tell the pastor to go fuck himself when I dug is financials out of the system and started asking a ton of ppl questions they didn’t know the significance of, that mixing the personal attacks in with the actual info is self defeating. Especially starting with it. I’m not saying you’re not helping ppl, I can clearly see in the comments here that you have, just that they are more likely the choir (so to speak) then converts.
            I know 1st hand the emotion involved in an experience with that kind of personality, and seen very quick that my endlessly redundant vitriol was only converting 1/10th as many as it should with the facts buried in 10-20x as much personal shit. The shock of someone hearing there pastor (not a christian anymore btw) called a fucker (or in Jan’s case a psychopath and 10 other names 50x before getting to the point) produced to much cognitive dissonance to fast to keep there mind open long enough to drudge through my ocean of shit for the gold I truly did have. I should have led with the facts and kept the redundancy to a SHARP minimum or you end up with plebs arguing against pure fact like the ppl that tried rebutting your Richard Grove essay simply because they couldn’t get over even just the idea there was a personal attack. (Which there wasn’t)
            It’s not to different then wading through Jan’s ocean of shit and disrespect of his guests to get to the nugget.
            I probly came across the wrong way but I think as you state in your essay you have a goal in mind for it, so a much much shorter essay that’s nothing but the facts would be much sharper tool for you, and gain you a MUCH wider audience willing to hear what you had to say.
            Just my opinion, it definitely worked for me.


        • otis mcgruff

           /  June 10, 2018

          Roger, you have to understand the wake that was created by Jan. I have been observing him since 2006. He was doing seminars regarding mythical / psychedelic use. There was no ‘exposing’ at that time. He kicked his partner of THAT project to the curb when they started to gain an audience. Then a similar ‘psychedelic’ researcher who focused on psilocybin as well, was disappeared who was not in Jan’s camp. FFW to the Grove situation 5 years later, and I had already yo-yo’d with Jan 3 times, … 2010 I straight up dismissed him due to many factors, including the thing to this day prevelant with his tact, demeaning everyone and not listening to anyone. He was good at creating topics to delve into. Collaborating with some interesting people. I actually promoted Jan to people like Deanna Spingola and she promptly had him on as a guest. Deanna may have been the bridge where i heard Clint for the first time.. .time is foggy. So what Jan had was a good plan. One of the best in all reality for creating an atmosphere of ‘progress’. But the walls were so thin and repeatedly things got very contrived. He NEEDED the support from people like Clint… and this is why Clint has every fucking right to emote, be ego-minded, ect. Because if you’re a human, it HURTS to be hurt. Clint spent countless hours sharing with Jan. It was NOT the other way around. Audio archives are your friend to discover this reality.


          • Roger

             /  June 11, 2018

            I can appreciate that. In fairness my comment on ego and that was not about this essay, but rather my occasional opinion of how Clint can come across in general in audio, not print. Although I do totally understand and sympathize with the hurt, his stated goal of the essay made its expression (at extreme redundant length) seem very counterproductive to that goal. And in that light hard to sympathize.
            I suggested a second “fact only” essay to Clint that I sincerely believe is a must to obtain that goal of reaching enough ppl to embarrasse Jan into a response.

            Just as I only learned that Joe Atwill finally wrote a short essay on his fallout with Jan from this essay, I only learned about Clint’s from a random comment that popped up in Jan’s podcast 2 days ago to “respond to Clint’s letter?” that Jan quickly erased and banned from the comments calling them a troll and that he wouldn’t respond because it’s way to long to go through lol
            So being well familiar with all of these guys it was still very slim chance I’d even see that, then even slimmer that I’d dig hard enough to find the essay on Clint’s site that I’ve never been on before, then even slimmer yet that I’d swim through 5 pages of pure name calling to get to the legitimate facts DEEP into the letter.
            I just think there is a VERY clear opportunity to remove some barriers to getting ppl to read the whole thing is all. VERY clear.


  14. Eric Miller

     /  May 26, 2018

    I’ve been reading that there are probably 5 million elites that control our world. I’m thinking about 500 million base on the Georgia guidestones. Just imagine, 500 million narcissistic sociopaths running this one world government dream of world peace.

    Great article Clint. God bless you.


    • Actually, I consider this all the time.

      Patrick and I still believe in the demented mind parasite (Braindead) theory!



    • otis mcgruff

       /  June 9, 2018

      Eric Miller : they certainly trained almost the entire Baby Boomer generation to at least ‘act the part’.. with that conssumate edge of being contrarians before listening.


  15. based on what is described in the open letter, and commenters’ experience & observations of jan irvin, i think he is probably a paid agent to “divide and conquer” the truth movement, or seekers of truth. i believe there is a vast army out here doing this work, which passio and tuskin are also parts of. they may all be jews including irvin, as i believe everything that has ever happened on earth is simply the ongoing war of God’s children vs the devil’s children, in the flesh, as i think cain’s daddy was the serpent in the garden, and also, the fallen angels also procreated with earthly women, and so those rebellious children are also among us today. it is like the movie “They Live” with Rowdy Roddy Piper, where he can see two types of people through the special sunglasses, regular folks which are God’s children, and the evil devil’s children who look like skeletons or death through the sunglasses. Clint and most may think this comment nonsensical, but i really think this is what is going on. Check Revelation 2:9 & 3:9.

    The other thing is that i think Bible Scripture can have multiple meanings or contexts, and both can be true. like the commerce and legal/law applications are true and useful, but the other stories of getting water from a rock (where Moses was leading the people and they became very thirsty), Sodom and Gomorra being destroyed, the Red Sea crossing, Jesus turning water into wine & multiplying the bread and fish to feed thousands, are also literally true, imo. it is not just one or the other, it is both. to really comprehend this info, i think we need to pray to God for discernment, and expand our minds.


    • Consider the events of history. Can we learn from them, or merely memorize them as events? If I spit out the “history” of Bible events on a timeline, do I learn anything but a worthless string of events? The reason things are written in allegory, in parable and in metaphor, is because they are timeless. History is the opposite of timelessness. God and Its Law are timeless, having no dependence on the writings or recorded histories of men. The legal system, this matrix code, is history incarnate. It is the opposite of timelessness, the opposite of God and Nature. Whatever I learn from the Bible has nothing to do with history. To worship the character of Christ, for instance, is to idolize the character. In this way, one becomes merely a fan of Christ instead of emulating his actions. The point of the story is not to make you believe christ existed, but to get you to follow the Law of God (Nature) with Christ being your timeless example. Religion teaches history, as does public school. It does not teach the moral lesson or law behind the history. History is worthless without some lesson to be learned from it, which is why religion and public education is all but worthless. Thus, the idea that one believes in the historical existence of christ and therefore one will go to heaven, which is not anywhere in the Bible, without learning and acting according to the very purpose of that fabled existence, is the very same concept as patriotism, that because I am a US citizen and I believe in the founding fathers and their historical worksI am free. LOL! Patriotism and religion are similar. And Zionism is basically the same as US patriotism, based solely on a false history and not the lessons to be learned from its telling.

      You may believe what you will, my friend, but do not let your beliefs interfere with the purpose of the telling of the story/history you believe in, that’s all I ask. In this way, we don’t have to agree on what is history, only that the purpose of that history and its retelling was to foment and forward the Law of God, Peace, Love, and Charity.

      Good to see you are still out there in the capacity of guardian, my friend.


    • otis mcgruff

       /  June 10, 2018

      JD Farrell – If I had some, I would put money down on that idea. He mentions CIA so often.. it’s like a commercial. And he did a weird thing 2 years ago, he started focusing on hollywood actors and material items like his 60,000 Jeep.. as a good thing. He posted those Jon wick videos of that actor shooting at a range, like it was something Jan was aspiring to be. Sure that’s maybe not connected to anything but it showed his true personality shining through.


  16. This tortures affair is over, as Clint throws down on how twisted Jan is. Was he always? Hard to fathom. We all know niceness is way over rated but Jan has always laboured to be appealing in any way.
    Yet I held my nose of his obnoxious tone and have listened to him for many odd years. No more.
    I recently challenged Jan on Twitter as to how this came about, and true to form he acted like a real live angry dick.
    Not only was Clint wrong on the Trivium he says, now Clint is black satanic gay priest. He says Clint “betrayed us” but he has been just to busy to provide a”full expose YET”!!
    Will he do it, of course not. Facebooking about Dems sure, tweeting more stuff, making babies, but I fear no real accounting of any of his endless fallouts.
    Thank you Clint for laying the thread bare and standing up to his vicious vitriol.
    Courageous and brilliant work.


    • Thank you for your reply. I am surprised how many have privately expressed similar experiences and treatment, yet couldn’t put it into words.

      Remember though, I am losing what I considered a friend here. I am not happy about this. This is not a gauntlet, not a fight, but a serious diagnosis of mental disorder, posted with the intent to prevent more pain and suffering by those victimized from it. Courage and necessity can be confused sometimes, necessity being that which knows no law – necessity being an excuse that governments use often, especially in response to their own false flags. The measure of Jan’s response will likely be a measure of his connections with those agencies he pretends to expose, and will I’m certain be against the scriptures he now falsely preaches. I’ve seen technology that can emulate anyones voice and cause you to do or say anything, and my voice is sampled both high and low rez in over 1000 shows out there. I even appeared as an expert (sound engineer/designer) when Dr. A True Ott received audio/video of his digitized self saying horrific things. I’ve no idea what to expect, but made my peace with whatever the consequences may be already, true or false.

      I hope against hope that Jan will be helped by this, instead of vengeful and spiteful. Either way, I did mentally prepare myself for any and everything that may come before I hit enter on this post. I finally concluded that any truths can only liberate me, since the truth can only set one free, even the painful ones like this letter to Jan. However, any lies well-orchestrated can only serve to bind, to cast doubt and ruin reputation, especially those unprovable positive ones mentioned above. I accept either as they may come, and, because of the exposure of most of these movements to people like Jan, I don’t expect much sympathy or comfort from what this “movement” has become. This is the way of the world now, where nothing is sacred. I can only keep trying…



      • phil

         /  May 28, 2018

        Hi Clint,

        Best wishes to you as ever. That was very cathartic.

        You said the same thing in reply to me a while back when I asked, that in the main, you were concerned for Jan as a friend and that is a measure of you.

        When Jacob went on GM and it was mooted that you might be a guest, there were going to be feathers. I’m sorry to hear that Jacob was one of the pigeons the cat got. It never looked possible to me that Jan and the frame he has put himself in could integrate the form of knowledge and spiritual understanding that you have demonstrated the course of so publicly. How he gets there from here, I don’t know. It is a great shame. We should wish him better things. Can someone teach him reflection?

        You have an incredible explicatory intelligence, Clint – and it is much appreciated here.



        • THanks Phil… I am fortunate enough to have indeed left many a reply to inquirers of my concerns for a friend, yes, which I can only believe at least shows my intent to be true. Jacob, for all appearances, seems to be an exceptional guy and researcher that got an instant bad taste for all of this radio politics. He has confided in me and wished to keep his own story with Jan private, to which I will respect that privacy absolutely until he is ready. Jan, on the other hand, lost any privilege to privacy when he copied and pasted his twisted nonsense to any and everyone we have mutual contact with. As for the spiritual aspect of things, I’ve been trying for years to break down his logic barrier so that he may see reason as well.

          I have been working on this little tidbit for my book as an attempt to explain this to Jan, with him in mind, though to put this into words is problematic… But if I could reach him now this is all I would seek to get across…

          Logic is of men (invention), while reason is of God (Nature). Most importantly, that which is artificial cannot possibly be reasonable, only logical, while what is of Nature is not built on logic (conclusion), but reason (purpose/cause).

          The word Reason is the final cause of something, signifying its beginning, or if you will its life. Jan confuses this with logic (conclusion). Reason therefore is what distinguishes Truth (what is of God/Reality) from what is false or artificial (what is of man).

          The word Logic is the opposite, being the conclusion or end of something, in a way signifying its set in stone position (opinion) or death. Logic is the end of an experiment, which is merely the last best guess. Logic, as a conclusion, is essentially an inference, a determination, and more importantly a consequence. These come only at the end, not the beginning (Source).

          Truth, obviously, can only be what is the pure and original Source. Truth is disrupted when compounded by men’s actions, and the result is consequence (logic). This is scientific, the reaching of the end conclusion, as the seeking of a logical outcome. But as we know and can see, most science is not at all reasonable in its purpose. In other words, it is not in search of Truth, but how to destroy what is Truth and replace it with invention. These inventions, these compounds, appear perfectly logical until eventually their reason (purpose) becomes obsolete or without resources to continue. Roads for cars are logical, for instance, but reasonably they cannot be maintained and rebuilt forever.

          This is an important lesson in the Bible, which is eloquently simple. What is of God (Nature) is permanent, while what is of man (artifice) is always temporary. And so when man strives to build or accomplish some goal, like with Jan, man’s logic takes precedence over his reasoning, and everything he builds or creates is thus unreasonable, meaning out of harmony with Nature (Source/Reality). This again means all of man’s creations are temporary, because they are not able to be supported by God’s Creation, i.e. Nature.

          Thus God’s Law of Nature is reasonable as it only rules over what is Real, what is Truth, what is self-Existence and self-evident Reality. This includes man. But man’s legal, civil, ecclesiastical, and other false laws only rule over the temporary, fictional persons, places, and things (names/nouns) and inventions that man builds. To control Nature, man invents the name, and then makes the law over and to control the name. In this way, in man’s logic, men can control substance (Reality/Truth) by controlling the form (name/lie/fiction) alone. This is logical, but not at all reasonable, especially when tyranny rules, or bloodlines of family generators, which have no reason or qualifications nor morality to rule but by their logical calculations of blood inheritance.

          And so what is the Bible, ultimately?

          It is the instruction book, as you say, to teach proper (spiritual) reasoning and self-government (Law). What the Bible is not is a book of logic. Far from it. God is not logical, for God is Source. God is only contemplated through Natural Reasoning. As Its Law it forbids (sur/legal) names, flattering titles, numbers, marks, and blemishes of any fiction of any kind. In other words, it forbids lies of any kind. No properties. No fabled genealogies. Nothing that isn’t of the substance of Truth. For God is Truth, and man is part of Jehovah (God), for Jehovah (God) is the Universe (All Substance of Existence). Jehovah is the whole, and we but its frighteningly dispensable parts.

          It is logical for men of enterprise to rape the earth in search and fulfillment of science and technology (art), but completely unreasonable. Why? Because we are only harming what is our own wholeness. We are to protect and nourish Nature’s substance in its Natural form and live in harmony with it, just as one should eat a diet that is not unhealthy to the body. This is reason, which is called as the “light” of God.

          And with this understanding, verses like this begin to make so much sense!

          Revelation 22:5 – “And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

          And in this one, where the two different “gods” are spoken of, one of man’s logic, and on of the light of Natural Reasoning:

          2Co 4:4 – “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

          The gods of the world teach us logic. God teaches us nothing, for we are already part of God. We only need Exist with reason, and that reason must be to support our Source. Thus Jehovah is called “the Living God.”

          Phil, I know no other way of explaining this, though I’ve certainly tried. Perhaps it will help you and others as they read these comments.

          Take care my friend.



    • otis mcgruff

       /  June 10, 2018

      It’s that weird thing covert bullies have .. ability to be covert.


  17. Josephius

     /  May 27, 2018

    Clint I know you are a man of cold, hard Truth. Which is why I think most listeners get repelled by your work. It’s too ugly and too mind-shattering. There is nowhere to go to free ourselves. Which is evident in your own psychology. You are sad, frustrated and alienated. Stuck in hell. Its more fun to listen to Jan’s fantastical stuff.. Which has become mental masturbation at most. Though there are some nuggets in the flimsy soup.

    Anyways to my point, you are not perfect either because I remember one of the first Red pill shows you did on GM where you did to Atwill what Jan did to you. You slandered him because he admitted in one of his books that he went to a catholic (ex jesuit) school. I think you insinuated that he was an agent.

    You should take a listen to Joe’s shows with Tim Kelly. I think he is clean. Maybe chat him up and apologize?


    • I agree. Jan has influenced me to do several acts, essays, and outings, if you will. I found myself speaking Jan’s words or suggestions not my own. The victim often emulates his oppressor to support him. I will endeavor to reach out to him, though Jan thinks we are co-conspirators I’m sure already, LOL! Stay tuned to Harry Hubbards next video where he interviewed Atwill about all this. It should be revealing and fun.

      Thank you for recognizing so honestly and brutally my disposition as well as that of the object of my sadness and frustration.



      • Roger

         /  June 10, 2018

        Can’t seem to find that video of Hubbard interviewing Atwill?


        • I don’t think he has released it yet. He is doing a whole thing on Tartary as well.



          • Roger

             /  June 11, 2018

            Thanks! Are you of a strong opinion of the Tartary theory already? Not to juxtapose it directly to how far or where exactly Jan Is taking it, but even just the idea it was a far bigger and more sophisticated kingdom then history claims?
            I love history, and have always found it obserd the Mongols created the largest kingdom in history while being nothing more then illiterate goat fucking dirt eaters that never showered and made there women lick there dishes clean lol


            • Jacob Deulleman has many of the answers you seek, but most of them apparently did not fit in with Jan’s vision of what he wants Tartary to be. So he threw Jacob under the bus as well. I look forward to a time when Jacob puts his dissertation together for the rest of the story. Jan was using Jacob like others to do the research for him.


              • Roger

                 /  June 12, 2018

                its always been so obvious Jan is exceptionally rude so I just assumed the consistent and sudden total absense of some guests/partners was just inevitable personal squabbles.
                It wasn’t til hearing you mention your essay on Grove while on the Podcast I heard reference to actual professional contention with one of them.
                I found a short run down Atwill gave on the situation about Jan stealing credit and Joe exploding at Jan for interrupting on a Skype call joe says Jan must have recorded some place (THAT I WILL PAY $50 TO SEE IF ANYONE CAN PRODUCE IT….PLEASE!!)

                If any others do produce said dissertations on Jan I hope you link them here, it can be hard to find or easy to forget about looking all over the place for.
                Also would love to hear any progress you make with Jan’s claim of being approached by the CIA or the other dude that heard him say that.


              • Roger

                 /  June 12, 2018

                Thanks for the Deulleman reference btw,can’t seem to find anything recent from him. and did you happen to hear Jan’s Podcast with Michael Jones on April 17? I believe he name drops you as the reason they (or just Jones) was doing research on a particular aspect of there conversation. Jan either refers to you as his friend or colleague or associate I think.


    • homelessholocaust

       /  January 22, 2019

      Jan Irvin: conspiracy disinformer on psychedelic history… with HP ties?

      When speaking of conspiracy theory and psychedelics in one breath, there’s one name that can’t be overlooked these days: Jan Irvin. Irvin became a good friend of militant marijuana activist Jack Herer after meeting him in December 1992 and failing Herer’s $10,000 challenge to disprove his points on marijuana. Over the years Herer, Irvin, Andrew Rutajit and serial pedophile Coast to Coast AM guest James Arthur formed a little clique promoting John Marco Allegro’s old claims that Christianity and Christ were based on a psychedelic mushroom experience. Already in the James Arthur chapter we explained how flawed this theory is.
      March 20, 2003: Joe Rogan and Jan Irvin doing mushrooms, a month after first meeting each other.

      On February 23, 2003 Joe Rogan met Jan Irvin and James Arthur during a meeting at Jack Herer’s home, during which Allegro’s theories were discussed in detail. On occasion Rogan has told the story of this first meeting with Jan Irvin, James Arthur and Jack Herer – without having mentioned Arthur’s name. Apparently he was the only one to be freaked out with Arthur’s behavior, immediately suspecting he was a pedophile. Irvin and Herer continued to work with Arthur for a year, until Arthur, in April 2004, was arrested on charges of pedophilia and killed himself in prison a year later. Jan Irvin is the one who introduced Arthur and Herer to each other some time in the early 2000s. For much of 2003 and early 2004 Herer lived with Arthur to work on a book, a relationship that strained when Arthur, a former priest and already convicted child molester, started to spent most of his time with the children of a secretary he hired.

      Looking at a forum thread opened after Arthur’s death and reading the conversation going on between Arthur homosexual boyfriend, the wife of a prison guard at Arthur’s prison, Herer’s wife and Jan Irvin, one comes across with the distinct impression that this tiny little pro-John Marco Allegro network was parasitic and dysfunctional to the extreme.

      It really makes one wonder why on Earth Joe Rogan would hang out with any of these individuals, let alone promote their theories for another 15 years at least. But he did. Some time after this initial February 2003 meeting, Irvin provided Rogan and his close pro-conspiracy and BJJ friend Eddie Bravo with their first (5Meo) DMT trip. Rogan would talk about it for years to come. On July 5, 2011 Rogan invited Jan Irvin to his podcast. A day later Irvin was brought onto the Infowars radio show of Rogan’s “alt right” conspiracy disinformation buddy Alex Jones. Despite that, things didn’t continue to go smoothly between Rogan and Irvin, who felt insulted that his annoying, irrational rants were cut off way too often by Rogan. A lengthy, public rant of Irvin followed against Rogan, apparently ending their friendship. It’s always hard to tell how much of this to take seriously though. Alex Jones and Rense were buddies for a long time, until this fell apart in a most dramatic fashion. Both still promoted and continued to promote no-plane theories and other disinformation, exactly similar to what Rogan and Irvin have been doing – so who really know what happened here.

      As for my own encounters with Irvin, I believe I first ran into him over the course of 2015 while laying the foundation for this article and looking at ties between the CIA’s MKULTRA project and the psychedelics movement. He’s very hard to miss these days in that respect. What Irvin does, however, is create a bunch of smoke and mirrors with silly, easy-to-debunk conspiracy claims.

      For example, he claims that Terence McKenna admitted to being a government agent when he joked “”they” recruited me [at] La Chorerra [and since] I’ve worked in deep background positions about which the less said the better.” Irvin pretends here that he doesn’t know McKenna is jokingly referring to the mushrooms he first took at La Chorerra. He has done the same thing with Timothy Leary, who during the February 16, 1979 A Conversation on LSD meet-up stated:
      Timothy Leary: Then there of course was part [audio break] coolness of the Los Angeles cell, whatever you want to call it. …

      Sidney Cohen: Would you mind not calling it a cell? Let’s call it a cluster!

      Timothy Leary: All right. [Room laughs] Our [emphasis:] “undercover agents” in Los Angeles were very cool about [it], and yet they did more in a very laid-back way, and it’s every bit as public as some of the other, you know, the buses running around the country [Ken Kesey and the Merry pranksters]…

      See? There’s no evidence here whatsoever. Irvin’s claims about Gordon Wasson being tied to the CIA and the Morgan bank are considerably more accurate, but they are as old as John Marks’ 1979 book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. And Irvin inserts disinformation here by claiming Wasson was a member of the Pilgrims Society and a chairman of the CFR. Wasson never was a Pilgrim and he only chaired one obscure, low-level meeting at the CFR at one point. It’s quite fascinating these synchronicities: ISGP has documented time and time again ties between psychedelic researchers and elite members of the Pilgrims Society – and the only tie Irvin comes up with is invented. Of course, ISGP is responsible for unearthing just about every historical Pilgrims Society membership list and piecing together the story of this group.

      Specific quotes on all this are all listed in Jan Irvin’s no-planer biography – because Jan Irvin doesn’t believe Flight 77 hit the Pentagon on 9/11. He also believes the Illuminati is real and is one of the very few Pizzagate code words pushers and a Holocaust denier. In other words, he’s a rather obvious conspiracy disinformer. Much more worrying is that his estranged friend Joe Rogan agrees with Irvin’s no-plane and Pizzagate code word theories.

      There are two primary reasons here why I close up with Jan Irvin instead of reserving him for a separate article or limiting his exposure to the no-planer list. The first is that Jan Irvin has contacted this author on two occasions, the second time in July 2017. After a massive 48-hour email tirade, Irvin suddenly backed up, denied, blatantly lied, and then left after I asked him why he was working from a Hewlett Packard Company line, while HP doesn’t provide internet services to consumers. Seeing non-ISP company names show up in ISGP’s visitors’ logs only happens when people are visiting from the premises of major corporations. The same goes for government institutes, from international justice departments to high-tech facilities who rather often end up visiting ISGP’s JASON Group article. Irvin was very easy to identify, because he was the only American, certainly from California, visiting in a particular period (bless’s blatant censorship for once), visited countless articles, and immediately commented on them as he was reading them. He was caught red-handed, but didn’t open up about the connection. I asked a few people who had known Irvin, but they did not have any recent information on him either.

      Any Hewlett Packard connection is quite significant, because the multi-billionaire Hewlett Foundation and the multi-billionaire Packard Foundation both belong in the “liberal CIA” corner. They’ve handed well over hundred million dollars over the years to the environmental movement alone, with other funds disappearing to feminism and pro-Third World immigration causes. Millions have also been provided to the Tides Foundation, which in turn has funded projects of psychedelic gurus as Dennis McKenna, Rick Doblin and Daniel Pinchbeck, not to mention UFO disinformers as Daniel Sheehan and Carol Rosin (the close friend of Timothy Leary). Since the 1970s Michael Murphy and his Esalen Institute have been in partnership with the Packard Foundation in the Big Sur Land Trust. Considering these ties, and the fact that this article is all about unearthing elite “liberal CIA” connections to the psychedelics movement, any connection between Jan Irvin and the Hewlett Packard Company is important to confirm or deny.

      A second reason to include Irvin here is because he pretends to be what ISGP is all about: genuine conspiracy research. Irvin contacted ISGP on May 21, 2016 to praise the psychedelics section in ISGP’s “liberal CIA” article and proclaim that ISGP has “exposed in one article all we’ve been laying out on our shows for the last several years.” Interesting… because, apart from a high school-type mind map and a few manipulative accusations, he hasn’t done anything. He only pretends to have done all this work.

      To explain, if readers go to ISGP’s The Media’s Psywar Manual article and look at the tactics listed for the alternative media, Irvin primarily employs tactic 1: exploit and manipulate through extensive research; tactic 12: behave like a lunatic to scare everyone away; and tactic 18: “Draw somewhat proper conclusions, but based on easy-to-discredit arguments.” On the surface, Irvin’s claims seem to mirror ISGP’s. Like so many ordinary conspiracy-inclined citizens, Irvin too suspects key members of the psychedelics community to be or to have been intelligence assets. In particular, he makes such accusations against Aldous Huxley, Gordon Wasson, Timothy Leary and Terence McKenna. However, he bases these claims on extremely flimsy “evidence”. And when anyone calls him out on it, he switches to tactic 12: “Behave like a mentally deranged or highly obnoxious individual.” He did so in the wake of his Joe Rogan Experience podcast interview. And he has done so on two occasions with me, including accusations that read: “You’re a-typical disinfo. You’re a psychopathic fraud. … You stupid communist shit bag.” Thank you, Jan.

      In the end, if he will grow bigger, Irvin will end up doing what someone as Alex Jones has done to the entire field of conspiracy theory: discredit everything to the point of not making anything even discussable anymore. A good example here is a 2012 article on Jan Irvin at Daniel Pinchbeck’s Reality Sandwich entitled An Outbreak of Fear and Paranoia in the Psychedelic Mushroom Community that warns of Irvin’s ideas and with that helps to stigmatize any conspiracy thinking within the psychedelics community. Luckily, Irvin is such an unpleasant individual to deal with or listen to (because of his endless rants, verbal citations, and enormous need to be seen as a scholar), he’ll probably never be a major player. He was friends with Coast to Coast AM and Rense regular James Arthur, but has never been invited himself to these shows. He appeared on the Alex Jones Show and Joe Rogan Experience podcast in 2011, on Red Ice Radio in 2012 and the James Corbett Show in 2013, but for the moment it appears that these days he’s largely confined to his own GnosticMedia website and podcast. Let’s hope he stays there.


  18. AJ

     /  May 27, 2018

    The difference between a disaster and a lesson is in ones perception of the event. Meeting these types of people is all part of the journey, a learning experience. From your letter it seems as though you have outgrown whatever it was you needed from that particular relationship, so look at it as progress and keep on walking my man and you will discover that which you seek.



  19. Epic. Thanks for putting it out there. A thousand word version would be nice but it is very well written. I hope he wakes up to himself and goes back to being an example of positive use of the Trivium, rather than weaponized abuse. Of course, I am wishing the best for him because I am a Satanic CIA troll agent out to get him.


  20. nick

     /  May 28, 2018

    Hi Clint, good letter, it’s a shame I don’t live closer to Jan as I would give him a good kicking for you.
    Not belittling all your years of primary source research especially Strawman but it’s time you got on with your most important work to date. You need to get together with Patrick and get on with destroying the parasite. Everything else is just entertainment.


  21. HarriKarri

     /  May 28, 2018

    This pretty much nails it. People should quit enabling his substance abuse and keep their hard earned money.


  22. Lady Morgana

     /  May 29, 2018

    Hi Clint,

    Just a quick note to say situations like this suck. I think we’ve all been there with different people and can relate on some level. People today are beyond fucked up. No integrity or loyalty. I’m glad you wrote this for your own self and for us to see as well.

    Thank you for all you do and continue to do.



    • Thanks Deb… It’s true, for when I was writing this I realized some of my other “friends” were not at all what they try to project they are. I’m going through a bit of spring cleaning, if you will. It’s easy once the mask is off, but prying it off to reveal the parasite, the predator, the user, is always difficult. We see in people more what we want to see that what is really there. And that’s exactly why I tell people to kill their heroes. They don’t exist. They are masks and flattering titles. I can prove that easily.. just meet me and person and you’ll be wholly unimpressed. LOL!



  23. Everything is backwards

     /  May 29, 2018

    I was a “friend” of Jan’s on Facebook just a few years ago. I disagreed with him on something, and he “unfriended” me after telling me what he thought of me. He has become way to arrogant.


  24. iamlonefrog

     /  May 29, 2018

    Atwil is another distraction Clint. There was a ripple making its way across the interwebz concerning the creation of the jesus character and Flavious he was not. Julius Caesar was the character a researcher focused on, imagine the implications. Flavious is “meh” at best. This research preceded Atwil’s claim, but, somehow Atwil’s version gained more traction.


  25. Jan has you in the database, Clint – along with himself. He has himself linked to Jon Marco Allegro, Jack Here, etc, but he has you linked to Mark Passio when Jan as worked with Mark Passio more than you have. It boggles the mind. By Jan’s logic, he should be linked up to hundreds of “CIA agents” he has worked with over the years and still makes money off. Why is he not linked to Joe Atwill and the Royal Society for instance? His guilt by association fallacy is only useful for others, not for himself – when he is more guilty of associating with CIA agents (by his own definition that is) than anyone else.


    • Exactly. The real question is, why don’t others see what you see? That’s what boggles the mind. His use of fallacy, as I tried to explain above, is not only legendary but like reverse discrimination. It’s so odd.

      He can link me till the cows come home to every host, guest, or acquaintance, I’ve met over the years, but he can’t prove any of his claims as I demand. Like I said, the brain is the ultimate limited hangout and he talks to it and it answers exactly how he wants to be answered, mirror (spectrum) mirror on the wall – brains says Jan is fairest of all.

      I met Mark once, and afterwords I distanced myself completely from him and his associates. I did it publicly on my radio show.

      Thanks for the comment.


      • I think other people do see it – but he uses ad hominums and abuse to keep people from ever questioning him or his authority, and he is accountable to nobody. He has ALL the hallmarks of a cult leader and he probably doesn’t even realise it. The question is who is next? Because it will definitely be one of them, once he has squeezed every last drop of use out of them.


      • Josephius

         /  June 1, 2018

        What’s wrong with Passio by the way? I mean he hasn’t done his homework like you but the guy is preaching moral law over strict law which is in sync with your main message right?


        • Satan always appears to be the light…

          So too does a satanist appear to be preaching the light.

          The word Passio, a false last name specifically chosen by a satanic priest, means pannage, or FOOD FOR SWINE. His last name is not Passio.

          Listen to the show linked above, #14 of Red Pill Sunday School, where I explain the difference between the Law of Nature and natural law. They are not in any way the same, but their titles sounds the same. The darkness is not the light.

          I asked Mark what was his definition, the satanists definition of “satan.” His answer was exactly what i already knew, which is to be adversarial to Truth, to Go, to Nature. The word nature has many meanings, and the legal meaning actually is defined as a “bastard.” Double-speak.



          • Josephius

             /  June 2, 2018

            Thanks for your time Clint. I’ve listened to all the RPSS shows. You know it’s great work.

            I hope you find a like-minded life partner to share the burden of knowledge with or someone who just doesn’t care about civilization. A native american perhaps? Throw away your computer if you need to. Settle down somewhere quiet and let the dead bury their dead so to speak. Sure, I’d love too get more knowledge from you and see you change more people but I’d rather see you free and at peace. This sounds awfully personal. It isn’t. This is my wish for all honest men and women!


        • One of the big differences is that Passio preaches that you own your own body, thus making you the source of yourself, meaning that you can do whatever you want – with the ambiguous caveat that this must involve “not harming” another “being”, as if that is your judgment to make.


          • I believe I cover this in the show above as well. This self-ownership is what satanism is based on. It is also the root in anarchism. To be clear, government does not recognize self-given rights. Government recognizes and sites God-given rights (Natural rights). One cannot be against God and also claim God-given rights. Only a fool would claim publicly to be Godless in a society and government that bases its highest system of law on God’s Nature and the Bible. But then the fool follows his own fancy, believes he owns himself, now doesn’t he?

            Liked by 1 person

            • Copy for Clint

              Comment posted yesterday as below.



              Why Mark Passio is just another rabbit hole


              Although I currently share some of your views you express in your article “Why Mark Passio is just another rabbit hole” re aliens and UFO for example, I am sure you will agree that you have demonstrated some immaturity of reasoning ! All is information and we ourselves have the task to discover the truth. To ridicule an individual for sharing their thoughts is immature and indicates some insecurity within you. Are you able to consider all information without accepting it or believing it?

              Mark Passio has stated that he is an “aggregator” of information that he has taken into himself from many sources and he is sharing that information, as he has come to know it at the time, with the world. I am certain that you had thoughts and beliefs when you were younger that you no longer hold dear today?

              How long can one perpetuate a lie?
              It would seem that the natural law principles of mentalism and correspondence are not being applied with respect to the constructed reality ie artificial reality relating to these lies.

              Did they go to the moon? Do atomic weapons exist? Is fluoride good for your health? Are vaccinations harmful to ones health? Is killing the life in the soil the way to grow food?

              If one does an inventory of what one knows to be true and then an inventory of what one believes to be true, if one is honest, what one knows to be true does not amount to much. Belief can be true but not necessarily. Truth is a discovery.

              If human beings did not maintain the creation they make then all returns to nature eventually. The artificial world of man is a lie. Only nature holds the truth.

              Instructive is the story of Airship R-101. The artificial world of man has his creations and they are not always useful. When they are not useful they cease to be of interest.

              However, for all of man’s creations there are adverse consequences. For example mechanical slaves help with man’s burdens but what are the effects on his physiology? Can you imagine telling some one some hundred plus years ago that in the future one would pay to get exercise in a gym?

              Interestingly man is truly amazing. Imagine telling someone before auto mobiles came into existence that, in the future, someone could get in a car and drive towards you at 100+km/h and miss crashing into you by two feet whilst you are driving towards them at a similar speed. Who wants to loose that capability with driver-less cars?

              So what evidence is there that we went to the moon multiple times, playing golf and driving moon buggies, without failure and then throw it all away?

              What evidence is there that atomic weapons exist but they are not used in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, Korea, but just twice on small towns in Japan and these towns are flourishing today?

              So is the natural law principle of mentalism being wielded here where information is being repeatedly inserted (believed) into the mind of the unthinking masses (not possible to un-hear)? We must program our own mind and nourish it with truth.

              The natural law principle of correspondence would guide us to sense that, as with the Airship story, when man’s creations fail to overcome the principles of nature the creation dies out.

              We can also follow the money and follow the fear porn to discover more about what is likely to be true.

              As said by Buddha, “Three things can not be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth

              Human beings have freewill and wilful creative power. Nature has perfected everything. So when our creations are not in harmony with nature the consequences can be quite severe. Cause and effect can be separated by many years or decades. That the artificial world of man is a lie because nature does not create pencil sharpeners etc. Nature creates life and is alive and self “healing”.

              It remind me of the movie “The Gods must be crazy” if I remember correctly the empty Coca Cola bottle had unwelcome consequences for the family / tribe. You have probably seen it?

              Man is part of nature but uniquely has free will, a triune brain and spirit to create anything he imagines! When his creations are not in harmony with nature the consequences can be severe.

              The natural law principle of cause and effect is such that the effect, mild or severe, does not necessarily occur immediately in time after the cause. The last ten years of my neighbours life was hell, lung cancer from those many chemicals in the many cigarettes he was smoking.

              It is never a question of going back to the stone age but for our well being we have to be very careful we do not make a life of suffering for ourselves with our creations. We are responsible for our action?

              The only way the ruling class can rise above the masses is to bring the masses to a lower level. This can be achieved by damaging the immune system of the masses by poisoning the water, air and food. Damage the physiology from childhood by confining young growing bodies to a classroom seat and the psychology by schooling (a place of instruction) to confuse the young, supported by movies, music, sport, architecture, clothes news media. It will not be difficult to create a pandemic given the compromised immune systems among the general population.

              I struggle with the question, “can we blame human beings for becoming conditioned” fear is an emotional force that both helps us avoid harm but can be used by evil to make humans react in a predictable manner.

              The volcanic explosion Tambora is one example of nature being nature and she does not care about man. With man’s wilful creative power he may be able to protect himself when nature blows violently, floods us, droughts us, heats us and freezes us and perhaps starves us etc.

              Is using artificial chemicals to treat symptoms in harmony with nature?
              Is farming with pesticides, herbicides and chemicals in harmony with nature?
              Is putting fluoride in our water supply in harmony with nature?
              Is vaccinating with mercury and aluminum in harmony with nature?
              The list can grow quite long!

              Why do we not learn, know and understand the seven natural law principles and apply them to all of our thinking?

              One can contemplate that man is devolving because most humans have the illusion of knowledge rather than the discovery of truth. Ie true knowledge. Then of course “to know and not to do, is not to know” Knowledge is not power. Applying knowledge wisely can be powerful. But do we wait for Mark Passio or the man in the white lab coat to appear on television to tell us what the truth is?

              “A mind all logic is like a knife all blade, it cuts the hand that uses it”


  26. Twin Tomas

     /  May 31, 2018

    Greetings unprogrammer! 😉
    I made it through in three sittings (or standings outside in nature). But please don’t detect any stress on my part in this – I was savoring it all slowly with a mix of disgust and enjoyment. Thank you for writing this for not just yourself but for the rest of us who also have been in some ways touched by the less than delicate digital (0 or 1 and no in between) retardation that is Jan Irvin. I had some very short email contact with him many years ago and he came off as: yes you guessed it – a real (big) dick! I’ve heard pretty much all the shows over the years and I have gained some insights or entertainment for sure, or at least it seemed like it at the time. The biggest gems though were you and Bill Joslin. You standing above all by far though, not just because of your prolific output (how do you and others do it I wonder every now and then with a sense of suspicion I have to admit?). Anyone who’s heard more than one show off his realised that this is not a very bright man, with the depth of a puddle and seemingly without gaining much from the lessons that the school of life have put him through (if you’ve been close to death like he claims, how can you be a dick like this???). As for my own struggles they have only made me more humble, “opened me up”, given me some wisdom even dare I say… But Jan… He seems to be one of the few “successful” vaccination stories out there! 😉
    You are not perfect either obviously but compared to when you started on RBN a lot has shifted for the better in you for sure. Just stay alive and you will only become more amazing my dear fellow man across the pond. To add to another commenter’s words: time will transform those disasters to stepping stones for growth. And pain, as you know, is perhaps the best teacher. But also the hardest…! Like someone sang once upon a time (probably a CIA guy for sure): “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…” It’s a mystical magical place to find oneself in, where the surrender and “giving up” happens not because it is a choice from free will, but rather just as a result of nowhere left to go, no more energy to crawl another inch… And from there, I’ve started to rebuild my life slowly. I don’t know why some of us have to go very far off into the wilderness of life to realise we are lost, at the same time the past doesn’t matter much and I don’t even have the need for anyone’s forgiveness – even my own. It is what is is, just like you and your experience with Jan – past and possible future.
    Please know that you do matter and if I was only closer I would come and meet you, like you did with Stadtmiller once upon a time. After that, and knowing more of who you are outside of your “public” work, I would not mind the least to donate freely to you for doing that which I so far have fallen very short of. True charity as you would like to call it I think. At least I never donated to Jan, I find his constant talk of donations utterly disgusting! And I highly admire and appreciate your unique approach with offering everything for free. This makes at least me want to give you something. And having only sent you a donation for the printed book, I must admit some shame now… I think I will try to act on that feeling! 😉
    All the best and no worries beautiful man, you are moving faster than most of us…!


    • Thank you Tomas, for your honest words and your good heart. If this open letter helps Jan, that would be great. But if it helps just one innocent out there to navigate through this type of schema then it was a good thing.

      My reward is not of this world, not in money and donations. It is the mother that didn’t vaccinate, the father that decided to homeschool, and generally the love and support I receive in many forms.

      Be well…



  27. Timothy

     /  May 31, 2018

    Clint is soo very satanic that he even told the new-ager & crypto-and-not-so-crypto santanists at their Philly party that they were full of shit.


    • But that’s like the spy killing one of his own, right? The para-noid has every angle covered!

      In hindsight, I wish I would have stood up and walked out of the room when all those speakers were at one table and such ridiculousness was being spewed.



  28. Michael

     /  May 31, 2018

    Greetings Clint,

    It took me a little while to read through this post, and all I can say is wow! Talk about an eye-opening experience. I have listened to Jan for about 6 years now, and have 100’s of hours worth of his podcasts on my hard drive. I must have been suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, because I didn’t really pick up on his overt dickishness until recently. That’s not to say that there weren’t times that I’ve thought that he was rude or that he talked over his guests, because he does that all the time. I guess I just got used to it.

    What he did to you was beyond wrong. It was a violation of you as a man, and a violation of your father’s legacy. If he were in the same area as you, it could be considered as grounds for an ass kicking. All of his accusations were based upon assumptions, without any actual evidence. The great GOD Jan gets to be judge, jury, and executioner. Of the many flaws inherent in men (everyone, including myself), hubris might be the one I despise most.

    Jan seems to be suffering from a bad case of it. I bet he thinks he is God’s gift to women too.. That dude is fugly. Makes me wonder how he found himself a wife recently… And on such seemingly short notice too.. The way that all of that went down seems fishy to me. I noticed he has been traveling back and forth to Salem too. No doubt on the dime of Gnostic Media supporters. He’ll probably claim to be conducting “research” there.

    You were the only thing giving his show credibility in my mind Clint. Once I found out about him turning on you, and once you stopped broadcasting, I started to look very carefully at what Jan was saying and doing. There was a point there where everything started to sound like total bullshit. That’s not to say that he hasn’t always been full of shit. It just seems that he’s amped it up a lot more over the last few months. He sure has taken his show into a weird direction, hasn’t he? Completely abandoning his previous subject matter, and diving into topics that are mostly irrelevant. Makes you wonder…

    Keep your head up Clint. From all of my correspondence with you (email, Skype), I have always found you to be a generous, friendly, warm, and humble man. We talked over Skype about 7 or 8 months ago, and you were so gracious with your time. I appreciated that a lot. Not only that, you offered to send me a copy of your book for nothing. That is just one example of the charity that you showed one man (me), and I am sure there are others who can share a similar story.

    Ye shall know them by their fruits. Personally, I don’t give a damn what anybody says about you Clint, I know that you walk your talk, and you don’t bullshit anyone. I respect that attitude. I’ll forever be grateful for the knowledge you’ve helped me to gain. It has changed my life in a lot of ways, and for the better.

    Thank you Clint..




    • Thanks Micheal. It occurs to me that all this might actually help him rather than hurt him. If he got paid off to quit or change, and is purposefully trying to destroy his online persona and those around him, then this was actually a considerable gift. Strange as that may sound, I honestly cannot fathom any of this rationally. I think 2 or 3 hundred years ago it would have been more proper to have challenged Jan’s dishonor to a duel with pistols?

      Appreciate your comment, and take care.



      • Michael

         /  June 1, 2018

        Yes, 2 or 3 hundred years ago, a duel would definitely have been appropriate to settle the matter. To slander someone is wrong, but to slander a family name is much worse.


      • otis mcgruff

         /  June 10, 2018

        I have pondered that scenario as well, as Jan expedited a process that directed him away from his core guests and audience, to a new brand and possibly business ‘marriage’ with Holly. Did you read Miles Mathis’ blurb about the Seelinger family?


  29. Eric from Pittsburgh

     /  June 5, 2018

    Stupid question. What was he doing in southeast Europe in the 90’s during the Bosnian conflict? He is fluent in at least one other language. I believe it’s Albanian? Sounds like an agent getting some field experience before he gets a nice office job.
    Why is he winking on his FB profile?
    Why does he always say “Goodnight Langley?”


    • Why make something complicated out of something that really isn’t? It’s just giving him more ammo to cry “troll!”.


  30. Why make something complicated out of something that really isn’t? It’s just giving him more ammo to cry “troll!”.


  31. Shawn

     /  June 6, 2018

    Clint- I’ve followed your journey from Corporation Nation, CAFR, RBN & Strawman. I’m grateful that you share your wisdom. I think we learn from not only our own experience, but others and its times like these (when you bear your soul,) that I find my spirit enlightened.

    I’m not sure what has more value in the journey of life – Searching for and finding truth or the people and experiences we encounter along the way. I’m thinking the latter.

    I love that no one defines Clint, except Clint, and that without your burden, you wouldn’t be. You’re like the phoenix that rises from the ashes in that you’re not what happens to you, but you are what YOU choose to become. Your intent is always so immersed in passion. No, you’re not my false idol, but I would proudly walk beside you and hold your hand.

    In a world full of corruption, power hungry psychopaths and evil spirits, it can be a struggle to rise above. I have no doubt that you will, you always have. Thanks for doing what you do and being who you are, so get on with it. I think you have more work to do, and I have much more to learn.

    Godspeed my friend-


    • Very much appreciated, Shawn. Comments like yours are also very valuable, like finding a rose at a manure farm, and indeed keep me going…



  32. Well now I know why I’ve been uncomfortable and down right stupefied and WTF-ish @ Irvin’s perplexing performances over these weeks.
    The outrageous baby bath water throwing thing was getting stupid and the flat earth mark II in the form of Tartary thing was getting even stupider.
    If there was money to be had I’d say he took it and married his new handler.

    What a *ucking prick!


  33. otis mcgruff

     /  June 9, 2018

    We have spoken private via email this past 6 months regarding the Gnosticmedias shindig. and how Jannis treats his fellow friends. FFW.. I looked at my youtube sub list today and saw a new video by “LOGOSMEDIA”. Then I saw a comment in the live chat that was asking about “Will JAN respond to Clint’s open letter..” well I then went.. ok Jan “Irving” has such a thin veneer, his response is to change the name of his product . LOLZ. Then I noticed someone banning people for simply asking about You. So now I’m here about to read your open letter. Thanks for taking the time, all the time Clint for sharing your experience. When we put attention to people that are far off in the distance, it’s welcome and respected to get other angles of what is going on. Gut feeling so far, is very very concise I must say, Jan simply had good content at times to hide behind.


    • Jan had good people (or bad people) with good content. But the content seems never to be his own.

      As for a re-branding, I’d just say that every snake has more than one hole.




      • otis mcgruff

         /  June 10, 2018

        Yes , right.. it was good/bad. That would be an interesting data review, to determine exactly what he said that was truly unique in the field of ‘research’. Allegro’s work is the prime example… he had to get his name wedged in there.


  34. otis mcgruff

     /  June 10, 2018

    When he was promoting the coffee, it was the 2nd time I dismissed Jan. My reason is in the fact it’s a useless stimulant that harms the body and soul that lines people up to buy burnt bean elixer for extreme prices .. destroying adrenal functionality, creating chronic gut health issues, destroying bone density, hypertension, … it’s on the level of cigarette ingestion with being useless and destructive. Adding coconut oil to it, does not change a damn thing in terms of how it harms. The oil just adds a bit of fat for faster transfer of the drug.


  35. otis mcgruff

     /  June 11, 2018

    Morman eh. Ok that explains everything. Didn’t know about that important nugget. The organization is synonymous with mind control and men having multiple wives. Heavy focus on controlling women and is directly connected to Masonry. No wonder you guys went ‘ape shit’. That’s where the real apes rip apart the weak one to stop disease.


  36. I’m still reading this as I type, but I wanted to address one thing real quick from somewhere in the beginning of this blog post;

    “Now my own friends, followers, and readers don’t know if they can trust me, all because Jan says I’m (probably) a dirty agent of the CIA.”

    Not true. Maybe some, but if they have been following your work and Jan’s, and have not had some serious questions or qualms about Jan’s demeanor and behavior over those preceding years, they were being fools. I include my self in this group, though I think I had wised up to Jan’s BS within the last year or so, mostly. A friend of mine who I met thru Jan on Facebook (and Tragedy and Hope, just prior to the Richard Grove outing a number of years ago) started to help me see the cracks in Jan’s ethos and demeanor a couple years back, and I’m glad he did. Even if he poisoned the well with some of your friends, family etc., they will likely figure it out if they can get over the ego and the assertion train as I call it, that is Gnostic Media.

    This game only can be played for so long before his functional and operational fallacies start to become known, even if they have been obvious for some time by us who overlooked them. I include myself at the front of that line. I ignored a lot of it, then wrote off the rest as egocentricity or something else. Well it gets hard to write off Jan’s mania when it starts to form patterns of behavior against others, repeated over and over ad nauseum. He didn’t poison the well, he just made some people sick for a short period of time with a low grade illness called foolishness. This can be recovered from with time and rest, and lots of thinking. Thanks for taking this on, I’m sure it was painful and very taxing to do so, but it needed to be done.


  37. Sean

     /  June 14, 2018

    You have no proof that Mark Passio is a satanist. It’s just as baseless an argument as Jan’s accusation against you. Prove your claim or appologize and retract your slanderous statement.


    • No proof? I stayed in his house, where every piece of decor, every trinket, was an ode to satan. Dude, I slept on a pentagram carpet. You want me to prove that? LOL! He is an admitted high priest in satanism. His music is satanic. What do you want exactly? To compare a literal and known high priest in satanism with Jan’s accusation against me without any proof is patently ridiculous.


    • otis mcgruff

       /  June 14, 2018

      Let’s assume “Sean” got to the party late. “Passio” stated in his own rhetoric almost every early ‘lecture’ he was holding that he is an ‘ex’ Satanist. His ties are wrapped in lies. And it’s no coincidence once this was spoken about a few years back that he shrivelled on his evil vine.


      • All those who follow the religion of Anarchism deny the creator by substituting God’s authority for “self” authority. We did not create ourselves, therefore we cannot claim ownership over ourselves, nor the “right” to take any action we please. This ideology’s caveat of “as long as it is harming nobody” is also a denial of God as it places man in the position of judge over what HE deems causes harm, which is – even though Anarchists condemn “moral relativism” with their lips – moral relativism and totally promotes the agenda of a society based on lies.


        • Well said. The problem is, nobody seems to realize that citizenship to the United States and other nations relies solely on this doctrine of self-authority, where Natural or “God-given” rights are not unalienable but inalienable, meaning they can be sold. It is ironic then that the only way to become enslaved in this nation is to claim self-ownership and then give up your self-owned rights in exchange for legal rights, which means not acknowledging God or God-given rights. This is why I keep insisting there are not True Christians in America, because you cannot be a citizen of the nation, which outlaws God-given natural rights and religious freedom (as to act on moral laws), and also be under the moral law. The two laws are opposed in every way. And so, as it turns out, considering the word license is a synonym to anarchy, we are all acting in lawlessness by license, by citizenship. We are a nation built upon anarchy, not against man’s law but against God’s, against the Law of Nature.


          • That’s a lot to unpack (or so Jordan Peterson would say), but upon first reading, it appears you said a mouthful right there.

            Your observation deserves some unpacking and deep thought. As a self-described Voluntaryist (and LDS by faith), I have struggled with the legitimacy of government and, thus, the 12th Article of Faith of the LDS Church: “We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.”

            I love your work, Clint, and look forward to what you have for us vis-à-vis vaccines. Cheers, and God bless you! ♥️


  38. John

     /  June 22, 2018

    I too briefly emailed Jan a few years ago to get some corrections to his erroneous disinformation he was spouting about causes of the destruction of the 7 WTC buildings on 911 and his attack on Dr Judy Wood. I asked for supportive facts to back up his repeating of nonsense and was rewarded by his attacking me. I haven’t sipped that poison well since he exposed himself as an empty shell or shill? Same camp as Jim Fetzer, John Friend, Halbig, Steven Jones and on and on


    • otis mcgruff

       /  June 24, 2018

      Hi John. It doesn’t take a Jan Irvin to see through this character “Judy Wood” and her comic book which was an attack on logic of people she was directing her fable to. It falls in line with the character of Jan to attack you, that’s just what he does. Judy Wood did so in a covert fashion. Both falling in line with being rotten vile sputtering bacterium, us being the prey in their eyes. I’m not going to dredge into 2011 when Judy Wood was at her ‘finest hour’.. but it wasn’t long before her thin veneer was very clear to see. She represents the classic psy-operation called ‘distraction’.


      • John

         /  June 25, 2018

        Hi thank you for your reply. Strong words indeed and completely at odds with my research into Dr Wood. Actually to correct your first erroneous assumption, Jan was unable to refute any of the scientific facts presented by Dr Wood and went straight to ad homonym attack’s as you seem to have also? So same question to your good self, can you share with me just one fact that she presented that you can refute with similar fact based information please. Just one is sufficient so I can look at this, I just didn’t causally look at her work but spent months on this. John


        • otis mcgruff

           /  June 25, 2018

          That’s the problem, I can’t prove there is or is no ‘directed’ energy weapons hidden in space as she could not provide the evidence they actually exist.. she only claims they exist. That is HER burden to present that evidence which she never has. When “plooms” go up, (a major point they were trying to make) .. that means ‘matter’ cannot go anywhere but up due to the forces created by controlled demolition. When cars are destroyed by heat, (paint stripped off) that is also result of ‘energy’ being directed AWAY from the points of implosion (not explosion) .. This is called ‘VENTING’. on earth applied physics, with implosion, the dynamic energy has to go opposite direction, OUTWARDS.. they tried to keep the damage minimal for real estate reasons into the ‘foot’ , the prescribed damage area they planned months, years in advance. The method of controlled demolition is not one thing. They used a stacked system. Some claim ‘nuclear’ devices were set, but that’s not even necessary. Can you provide evidence of such a weapon which can be controlled remotely from space to create such an event? Can you explain the mountains of tonnage rubble that existed for days after the event which Judy claims did not exist, that were trucked out from the site that were the remains which Judy explained away as ‘vaporized’ but in actuality coated miles of real estate and fell into the ‘shoe’ as planned , (like any controlled demolition) . Thousands of photos exist of this fact. Heck there was footage of Bush standing on top of the rubble. It was not vaporized, it was smouldering. She’s the classic Red Herring. Is a controlled demolition too boring for your worldly outlook? Why throw out all logic and reason for a story time with Judy?


          • John

             /  June 25, 2018

            Ahhhhhh alas you have attached Dr Wood but not actually read and of her empirical evidence. Also she her work doesn’t proclaim ‘Space’ I think she used the word once in her entire public/private presentations over some 15 years. If you really wanted to know What happened then you’d need to read her book or one of a dozen detailed presentations she’s given based on her extensive forensic investigations. Also the smears and defusing and misrepresenting of her work, which has been successfully transmuted into your erroneous replies. This too has been documented extensively by Andrew Johnson from So again no refuting of her actuall evidence here. If I was to be presumptuous I’d hazard that you have also succumb to the No children died at Sandy Hook not based on fact based evidence and research but because of some youtubes? Am I right?


            • John

               /  June 25, 2018

              Apologies for my poor English ias I’m on my phone on a busy hot train standing.


            • otis mcgruff

               /  June 25, 2018

              John, there is no empirical evidence Judy Wood provides. Her rheotric is full of holes, and the fact she doesn’t explicitly describe if it’s ‘space’ , ‘outerspace’ , intra-space’, over there, over here.. is part of her initial fallacy SHE NEVER TELLS YOU WHERE IT IS OR WHAT IT IS. That’s simply no where near empirical evidence of her MAIN target for the cause.
              This is not a ‘gotcha’ for me, I’m replying once to your request but you’re in ‘gotcha’ mode yourself, yet you’re supporting some person who can’t provide one shred of evidence to support her claims. Piggy backing on a tragic event is not proof. In the future, I would suggest when trying to get to a point, don’t throw who you’re talking to under the bus with comments like ” I’d hazard that you have also succumb to the No children died at Sandy Hook” .. that was no part of the discussion and it muddies the water to your approach, it’s a hazard to engage. Why not talk about David Koresh if you want to dredge more things into one topic? I’m not claiming you’re wrong, but you have alot to support in terms of evidence to prove you’re correct, a mountain of evidence even the proponent of the subject cannot provide, Judy Wood. I don’t need you to do so either, I have moved on long ago, micro battles of illogic I have no time for. 😉 But in the future if you have the evidence, present it to the world.


              • And this exchange is why the “truth” movement is a fallacy in and of itself, and why there is no actual movement, just stagnant debates on what is fact. There can be no sides to what is true, no alternatives. Impartially, I agree with Otis here, just stick with the conversation at hand and stop throwing fallacious red herrings in the mix. Why not find one thing you both agree on to be without question provably true and start there?


                • oats

                   /  October 27, 2018

                  Clint I spent a minute to give John some tools to look further into his topic more clearly. I wasn’t entering into a debate and I’m not looking for a ‘truth’ movement to sort out with “John”. I have my own brain and observation skills. ‘
                  You said “Why not find one thing you both agree on” I assumed most people coming to this page did agree upon at least one thing, but that notion, as well, I’m not really looking for. I don’t need to be in the ‘same club’ as some guy who’s derailing the whole thread / topic to find out reality as it exists. You end up sounding comically like my mother, Clint. When my brother used to beat the shit out of me growing up (he was 4 years older) she just passed it off as good old ‘sibling rivalry’ and after I would stop sobbing and grasp for air, her words would predictably be “you boys should learn to get along”. See a parallel.. and yes many things do go back to our mothers. LOL.


  39. nick

     /  June 25, 2018

    Hi Otis megruff trismegistus. I see you are the font of all knowledge so you must be able to answer a few questions I have been grappling with. I am only a carpenter so unfortunately I am an uneducated man you will have to forgive me when it comes to big words and bad sentence structure. So here goes – 1, Can you wire in a small plastic Barbie doll in to your computer on a thundery night and wake up in the morning to find a very attractive lady wearing gym gear? Finally can you feed a Guinee pig after midnight but not get it wet or is it the other way around or not at all.


    • oats

       /  October 1, 2018

      Hello nick. You are obviously indoctrinated and stuck in some demented 1980’s inspired sci-fi nonsense. Your discourse has no relation to previous discussion in this thread. Good luck in your fantasy world.


  40. Jan is Autistic or has some form of Aspergers. It’s that simple. He has a hard time understanding other’s points of view because he sees his so clearly. And I think there’s a lot frustration with him struggling to communicate and he invariable ends up offering people. I worked with him on his Wasson paper, and he is very hard to work with; but so am I. Give the dude a break, and don’t think of him as narcissistic, but as someone with autism.


    • Sorry, but all his victims came out of the woodwork and confirmed all of this to me privately, including his female victims. He is nothing he portends to be. And he is very conscious of what he is, just as a spider in its web. I will not post anything more on this or from his victims unless Jan decides to fallaciously fuck with me again.


    • sam C

       /  October 6, 2018

      If he really is autistic then he needs to get it officially diagnosed and to admit to it, because he really hurts people with his delusional accusations.


  41. D finley

     /  September 28, 2018

    That’s his his ex (as you predicted, Clint) wife.


    • Christine Flockhart

       /  October 9, 2018

      Lol….we all knew it wouldn’t last long.


    • Rogr

       /  October 29, 2018

      Have they divorced or separated recently? I’ve heard him refer to his wife just a week or 2 ago and she’s in all his chat groups


      • oats

         /  October 31, 2018

        D finley are you sure their ‘marriage’ isn’t just a modern buisness arrangment?


  42. Clint is a fat ass Jew for goodness sake OF COURSE he’s CIA Oy Vey LOL


    • I’ve been called far worse by far better. How horribly bad you must feel about yourself to say such things about me. May you find peace and love…



    • sam C

       /  October 27, 2018

      This must be Jan Irvin in disguise, because that’s EXACTLY the way he comes to conclusions about people.


      • sam C

         /  October 27, 2018

        His recent research has had nothing to do with the Trivium, its all been about his personal life and his little midlife crisis wherein he is now using the “last refuge of a scoundrel” – religion – to beat his New Age buddies/vegans over the head with. He must have been paid to discredit himself – either that or he has lost the plot, in which case, why are his few remaining friends such as Mark Warhol not trying to keep him off-camera instead of playing into his delusions by appearing on his shows so he can further humiliate himself? His wife decided not to move out to Cal with him, she totally rejected him and you can tell she does not love him and is embarrassed by him and scared of him. Her videos where she is crying over him are so disingenuous. He’s currently going full retard against some vegans on his FB page, making false accusations – actual criminal accusations – against people and calling everyone a soy boy, a beta, their penis doesn’t work properly (ugh) whilst accusing them of calling HIM names. Recently obsessed with blood and vampires too. He is insane.


        • I don’t know if I should thank you for the update or puke. So thanks, and pardon me while I go…


        • oats

           /  October 31, 2018

          I would add it’s not ‘research’ they are doing – it’s just replay of found rhetoric. Your summary is bang on though. The whole trip into ‘adrenalchrome’ has been covered and authored by people like Jon Rappaport, Fritz Springmeier. It would be a great topic, if they would be doing proper research and not doing the replay under the guise of discovery.
          I haven’t been on the facebook page in a year but that sound like the ‘typical’ Jan to me, disrespecting his own fans because he hates himself. That sounds cliche but I see it in his eyes. You bring up this ‘romance’.. I saw this weird tension between even basic conversation of Jan and Holly , just in the CHAT on one episode. Jan will mention that ‘my wife’ is in the chat but she won’t participate generally but when she does, she was giving commands directly to Jan where to take the show. I noticed on one of the shows recently he ignored her command outright.
          Obviously many are watching the personalities now. That’s honestly the only reason I ‘tune in’ to “LOGOSSSMEdia” .. to watch that machine slowly dip below the waterline into the abyss. Pretty pathetic of me. LOL

          I remember when Clint and Daniel were associated quite often and Clint was just starting to go onto Gnosticmedia. I knew Clint and Daniels message was important and I tried to share a few episodes of Clint on Jans show to this said friend. My friend is a devout Christian who also has a bent to uncover the truth of our reality.. he’ll read Morals and Dogma for example..but when I tried to share this content under the platform of Gnosticmedia.. he scoffed at it as we know ‘what’s in a name’. I even tried to portray it as a dependable platform as the GUESTS were the ones to focus on not the HOST.. for Clints sake and his message.. I thought that was succinct of my friend and a few years later we have Jan scrambling to change the name of his platform.

          Thanks for the update Sam.


  43. lars peterson

     /  October 16, 2018

    Clint. I really enjoyed reading this. Like a struck bell the ring of truth came through to me with such resonance. Its a tall order to conduct such a complex psychological operation upon the sheeple that are looking for “truth” only to be trapped by yet another agency spider. I can only imagine the stories from victims you’ve heard but I suppose that he imagines himself Jim Jones reborn or some other messianic figure. I admit to being angered having had several prior emails with Jan Irvin being known to him as a supporter in the past. I emailed him about his accusations against you. I could milk him for venom the attack I received back. He even blocked my subscription on YouTube as he must be in good practice at preempting any discovery. You are so obviously telling the truth and, for whatever its worth, you have been a great inspiration to me. I have been lucky enough to follow you from the beginning of your radio days as long ago as that was. The last three years I have become busy with a new life that you in no small part inspired. I sold all of my investments and bought a farm in north Carolina. We embrace work trade and produce food that we lacto ferment for sale locally. Thank you so much for what you have done.


    • Greetings Lars. Thanks so much for the update and I’m so pleased you have attempted to fulfill your life away from this debtors hell. You are correct, silence was and is the only response possible from him, and this notion was reinforced by the many women that wrote to me to thank me for exposing this as well. Lots of victims without the ability to warn others. I was surprised. But I also was able to cut out of my life a few vampires that I had allowed to do the same thing to me, realizing as well that many radio hosts out there appear to qualify as well. One believes in a mutual love and friendship and good intention even though it is one-sided. Anyway, I thank you and congratulate you again, and hope you find what most people will not in this life. Remember, you are the protector of the land, of Nature, and the war against It and us is just begun. Stay vigilant and always love your neighbors, for they may protect you some day.



    • oats

       /  December 6, 2018

      Lars, how do you block someone from subscribing to your youtube channel.. I’m only aware you can block people from Commenting. Please describe.


  44. sam C

     /  October 27, 2018

    There have been other videos like this since this one which were removed.


  45. sam C

     /  November 23, 2018

    Wonder if Jan knew about his buddy Robert Roe being married to a FIVE YEAR OLD girl. Dirty, self-entitled polygamists going against the Jesus’ teachings and thinking they can just “take wives” at the drop of a hat like the Jews did:


  46. D P

     /  November 29, 2018

    I’m not sure where the Trivium even comes into it…’s called reading the Bible.


  47. Roberto Vargas

     /  January 21, 2019

    Tour de force. Way to go,girl. I’m so proud of you. Anyone who can weave The apostle Mat and the Fixx will always have a place in my heart. I left after you blocked me on the chat immediately after the dual program with “him” where you denounced your previous work as immoral. I could see it clearly was a POW video and typed, Yan the con, continually until the stream ended. Heartbroken is all i could feel because your work was always a huge bright respite in my crappy life. So I respectfully unsubbed and stayed away convinced that you would marry him and continue to do his bidding on his channel….
    So later I Google you and him and have found your open letter and that reminds me why I followed you and gave you money and thought you a bright light in a dark world. It was because I was right about you in the first place. You are brave and Wonderous and flawed and funny and cool and really fucking smart. It’s dark now -640 am in the east coast winter- but the sun has already come up for me. God bless you HS. And welcome back to the fight.


    • Greetings Robert… I have many apologies for many people out there that I can not name or know. My relationship with Jan was the perfect example of the agentic relationship, the undue respect of one claiming authority without warrant. And the agent protects the principal, just as the soldier protects the unjust government or dictatorial creator and licenser of that title. I thank you not for coming back to me, but for allowing me to come back to you – to become grounded again. Thanks for the note…



  48. I Sew

     /  January 28, 2019

    Funny how Jan knew he would get banned from Youtube for mentioning Joe Rogan on Alex Jones Show…..yet still mentions his name several times and has his name featured in the video title. Almost like they were trying to get banned…….


  49. Ben

     /  February 3, 2019

    Hi everyone , I tuned into Jans “10th Anniversary Show ” today after really going off him about a year ago (how did I last so long ? ) . It was so difficult/disappointing to hear . It eventually got into some weird right wing , christian , apocalyptic stuff , I then realised he had become a “beliver” and now seems to be an anti-semite as well , so sad .
    I really used to enjoy his show in the old days , some v interesting guests and discussions . His psychedelic investigations helped me along my own path of discovery .
    It seems somewhat ironic that given his own , often reapeated ( boastfully) , massive psycedelic use and now distain at the thought of anyone enjoying what “god/gia” has given us , that prehaps he was right about something . The fact that prehaps taking such substances is dangerous to some people and it can turn you into a ranting dick , he is number 1 case in point .He has become an extremist , and as a listener, fan even, over the years this now makes me sad for him .
    I am sad too that he seems to have caused pain and sorrow for people , I hope that you can all heal over time .
    Thank you , that is all .


    • Thanks Ben… but apparently, most of that “psychedelic research” you credit him with was not actually his own. He parasites onto others work, even republishing Allegro (who is dead) using his own name. He hasn’t read the Bible, nor most of the sources he claims as his own. This has been the consensus from most in his circle, from others essays about it, and from the many women that privately contacted me to thank me for revealing what he did to them so others won’t get caught in that trap. So don’t give the guy too much credit where it isn’t deserved. Some of his work is close to (but not quite) plagiarism. As I always say, kill your heroes, they will always disappoint you. Be well…



  50. I’ve had to do my own version of Clint’s “Open Letter”:


    • Greetings Steve… so sorry to be in the same boat with you, or you with me. Nothing could be stranger than being on the receiving end of Jan’s psychosis. Welcome aboard. We need o start a support group there’s so many of us.



      • Rogr

         /  February 28, 2019

        I just commented on Jan’s new video “Joe Atwill EXPOSED” that his “Exposures” just make him look bad now when 3/4 of the guests he’s ever had on the show have turned out to be CIA paid trolls he has horrible or No relations with now and as a professional researcher he hasn’t managed to “research” sufficiently enough to catch 1 of them before they’re on his show a 1/2 dozen times or more…. I even gave him the benefit of the doubt and speculated he could be 100% right 100% of the time about them but never manages to catch it before they’re his new cohost and struggle to figure out the mic or he’s married to them and still can’t find a way to make a human relationship work.
        Of course he immediately responded that “I” should learn to think critically… (like he hasn’t 1x before letting alleged CIA paid shills on his show) and that my casual use of the term “Scourched Earth relations” concerning his past guests was a term Joe Atwill allegedly invented and therefore I must be paid troll. Lol


        • You can join our support group too. Its free to all victims of narcissistic sociopaths, and there’s a lot of them.

          Really, it takes such an experience to empathize with how it feels for me, Steve, and all the targets of his abuse, but multiply it ten fold!

          Thanks for your service and contribution!


  51. Jack

     /  March 2, 2019

    I guess I’ll join the fray. Since coming across Jan Irvin many moons ago, gosh time flies, It would be true to say that I had misgivings about the guy fairly early on. The first thing that irked me, which I left a number of comments about, was his constant interrupting of his guests. Admittedly I first put it down to a certain spergy element in his makeup, but as time went on I realised that was an insult to people with Asperger’s. He just came across as not only unpleasant, but somehow inauthentic, a fake. When he laughs, it’s feels like he’s approximating laughter, likewise any emotion other than anger. He’s emotionally stunted. And then there is the constant need to aggrandize himself, often at the expense of others. He’s a blowhard as you Americans say. Somewhere along the way I concluded that this guy is not a well individual, but, nevertheless, I kept following his broadcasts out of some sort of fascination. I’m interested in people, often the odder they are the more interested I am.

    Most of the ‘research’, I took with a pinch of salt. I just can’t take seriously anyone who equates association as guilt and then extrapolates from there. All that ‘Brain Map’, correlational crap was cringeworthy–and somehow vaguely unsettling. By setting the bar so low, yet larping as some sort of academic, he hoodwinks the gullible and the trusting into lowering their own standards at a time when ‘truthers’ ought to be fastidiously logical and factual. It’s OK to speculate, but call it what it is.

    I’ll finish with this, I have an uneasy feeling about Mr Irvin. In a recent YT he put out I got into a spat with his guest in the comments because made some crazy assertions about 9/11 (the official (((narrative))) basically) whilst not only omitting the (((elephant))) in the living room, but going out of his way to try to pilpul (smear, dismiss and double down) me into submission. Irvin backed him up. It was about as bad faith as it gets. I did a bit of background research on the chap and I didn’t like what I found. If these are the sort of guests Irvin has on his shows, what with his new found friendship with Alex Jones, then I will speculate that at this point he’s controlled and not to be trusted at ALL, for me anyway.


    • Appreciate your contribution. This lack of empathy, this sociopathy, the problem is that its almost addictive. It feels good to be on the righteous side of the Irvin finger of shame, and he backs up whatever he convinces you to do or say to others that you normally would not. Instigation. And in a realm as this where so many try to invalidate everyone else, it feels awkwardly good to believe you have a friend. But when you wake up to being the plaything of a narcissist, you must abandon it, and the consequences are always painful and the words without fact or merit. It’s a friendship designed, premeditated to fail. And those you may harm without intent on his behalf are casualties of psychological warfare that likely will not forgive. It’s a no win.



    • Polar Dog of Death

       /  March 3, 2019

      Why didn’t anyone call him out on the air? I watched him talk over, dismiss, demean, cut off, basically every single one of his guests for 10 years straight.. minus a few girls he ‘gushed’ over. I’ve seen other interview platforms where guests engage the ‘host’ .. I could witness every one of your faces each time he made one of his power moves..and there was just no action against his tyranny in real time. Remember the time Yawn went into the coffee business? That was shameful no one said a work about that. A few of us were.


      • I could’t agree more. And as I wrote here, yawn (lol) puts forward the air of fame and authority to hide the shame and pejorative nature of his rhetoric. When you seek airtime to get your True message out, you are willing to compromise. And with the sociopath, its all about finding those willing to compromise themselves in support of their narcissism. Sometimes you don’t realize how much you are giving to the vampires until its too late. Must of his really crazy shit is in the form of personal conversations and text/skype messages, which are a bit harder to share, and if you do, he challenges their validity. It’s a no win.



        • Polar Dog of Death

           /  March 5, 2019

          🙂 thanks for your reply. It’s a tightrope.. and you want to be somewhat ‘professional’ for the sake of keeping a clear message to the audience and ironically, it was Yawn who cluster-f’d most important segments.. not Atwill. If you see Atwill and many other people in podcast land, work the ‘skype’… many people make the feedback mistake. I just saw Atwill do it on Cryptobeast podcast from October. I didn’t see Zos gettin’ all paranoid about it.


          • Jack

             /  March 10, 2019

            I went back and watched that video where Atwill was being chastised and it looks to me like he knew exactly what he was doing. What triggered that behaviour though was probably more prosaic than Irvin’s paranoid explanation, as usual. I think Atwill was simply being passive aggressive, in a rather juvenile fashion I might add. According to Steve Outtrim there had been a falling out behind the scenes, with Irvin being obnoxious and dismissive toward Atwill and himself. So Atwill took it out on Irvin in way that he knew would irritate the hell out of him, which it most obviously did–Irvin spergs out constantly at his guests if there’s the slightest technical error. It’s quite funny if you view the spat this way.


    • Polar Dog of Death

       /  March 3, 2019

      Just a little history, Jan has had an association with Alex Jones since at least 2011 It’s not a recent development. 🙂 Jan has also had full access to Mae Brussel’s gatekeeper – half truth – double speak – to package in with his “gnosticmedia’ subscriptions. Now if anyone can find who wrote for Mae Brussel, I suspect, that’s where we can find Jan’s direct funding source. He’s the modern Mae IMO.


      • Rogr

         /  March 5, 2019

        Can you elaborate a bit on his connection to and funding from Mae Brussels a bit? What do you mean exactly? I see what you mean by him being her modern version, but she’s dead so is he running a site for her or what exactly is he recieving funds from?


        • Polar Dog of Death

           /  March 5, 2019

          What I’m saying is, he was including her material in his ‘packages’ like a credit.. unsure if you could purchase the ‘she who remembers’ series as well…maybe he’s still doing it.. it could be on the website…. and who takes someone elses material- (I don’t see it qualifying for ‘public domain use’) and puts it under their banner (gnosticmedia) .. also the message in the Mae Brussell radio show, is haegalien dialectic at it’s finest and fastest pace! So that’s the connection I’m referring to, not exactly funding.. the funding I refer to is the speculation he does get regular funding from private sources.. including the largest injections in his ‘superchat’ to make others donate follow. Again, there’s some opinion on my part, it’s more of a ‘there could be something here’.


        • He has bern selling her audio archives for years. He somehow got control of them.


  52. HarriKarri

     /  March 11, 2019

    That Facebook page “Is Jan Irvin a Shill or an Egotistical Jerk?” got taken down. Why?


  53. Will

     /  March 12, 2019

    Holy crap. I just discovered Jan after seeing an interview where he discussed the Trivium as the core foundation that should be had by all. I liked what I heard, so I poked around his videos. What I saw so far seems so far removed from his 2012 stance that when he ranted shamelessly that he felt like he was the “only podcaster left that hasn’t sold out”, he ironically sounded like many other youtubers I’ve seen before.

    “Cool, he interacts with the commenters, adding to discussions” I thought earlier on, but then I saw what you mention, literally anyone questioning him was being called a troll. I got the “walking on eggshells” vibe immediately upon thinking about asking anything, for the sake of discussion, not potshots at “credibility”.

    I didn’t have time to read this whole post, as I’m not that invested, but the voice is a familiar one. I too have been the (much less public) target of sociopathic/narcissistic web games, just on a more personal level without any worldwide spectacle. The arguments and stances I saw here reflected fragments of conversations/arguments I never got to have to defend myself against these hit and run destroyers, arguers. I might not be familiar enough with this guy to know all of the nuances, but I’m all too familiar with the impressions and pock-mark scars they leave.

    Going back to his Trivium roots (in the interview that I watched with enthusiasm), how can that even be the same person in his videos today. How does someone go from arguing from the core of reason and truth, to spouting out glaring hypocrisies as bright as the sun, no care who sees? He’ll just mow down the listener with 5 other perfectly crafted webs, doing exactly what he warned against; abusing logic and rhetoric just for the sake of winning the topics, no sincere interest in enlightening or growing. At this point, growth stops and relies on mutation to progress.

    Too bad your post couldn’t be boiled down into a small Youtube series, but I know what you mean by that feeling of paralysis, zombified while the parasite slowly devours. Luckily for me, I got my taste of that 98% in private. No one just makes this s$%# up, it’s so exhausting to even try to put your finger on much less expose to the world. But his use and abuse of rhetoric (shamelessly hypocritical in his field), that is a pattern of behavior that grows, and mutates.

    I feel for you, OP. I wish I had it in me to publish even a fraction of something like this to my person.


    • Rogr

       /  June 17, 2019

      Jan seems to have done another complete flip on a major part of his fundamental world view. I use to watch him quite a bit here and there. Some of the content got interesting with his ex wife about Salem and stuff. But for years he’s habitually referenced “the tribe” in relation to everything, without ever once jumping in the comments to disagree with anyone associating anything with “The Tribe”. After months of not watching him I checked out a recent episode on judeism or something and he was non stop shitting on anyone saying the word Jew as going WAY to far, or being obsessed or blind or whatever. It was a perfect contradiction of any interview he’s had and mentioned them. It was pure hypocracy and shifting on his fans calling them crazy like the ADL was literally in the room. He was reading every comment while I posted 20x he was a hypocrite, or for ppl to go watch any show 6 months old to see his hypocracy and he responded to every comment but mine.
      Jan is the Gaslight Queen. He did the same with psychedelics, he was preaching it and preaching it until the day before he suddenly claimed he totally changed his mind about it years ago, And is apparently trying to sue his ex for rights to the book material on the witch trials she clearly researched.


      • He is full on about Islam, or some segment of Islam now being the problem. They are apparently setting up The Jew (and Jews) and christians as the fall guys.
        It is sort of the reverse of the apocryphal Mazzini/Albert Pike correspondence that Chris Hinkley on RBN is always on about (no offense to Chris, I think his work is really good) if that makes any sense.

        One of the people he interviewed on it will give people a hard time in the video comments if you use variations on Jew. Jan didnt correct him on it. Like for instance using Yahoodhim, just like Jews in Israel will say in their vernacular or Benjamin Netanyahu would use for instance when he gave an address recently or in the past on Israeli national TV. Well to Jan and his interviewee that was an indication that this person was a crypto Islamist or an Arab, because they were using this is Islamic term for “Jew”, in what ever context I’m not really sure. It’s some Grammer they have and I admit I can’t address it because I could not stomache watching him or his interview, but I know how Jews use the word and I know what Strongs or an Interlinear Bible says about the word from the 1611 and I’m doubtful Jan is using those sources.

        I’m really doubtful he isn’t cherry picking scripture as well as ignoring any sense of context or anything like a Hermeneutics related approach for lack of a better term or phrasing I’m just filled with doubt all around when ever I see his work or presentations now. It makes me think of Hervey Cleckly’s writings. He needs to take the Hare test and just own it.

        I still can’t believe I’m a CIA troll that is apparently doing my trolling for free, trolling Jan and his members list I guess. I’m not getting any of that sweet CIA/MI5/Mossad money though. If I had that kind of money as is implied, if the Steve Outrim claim is legit about Jan naming me as a troll, I would be able to fix my teeth or pay off my debt. Nope, I still have shitty teeth and a bunch of debt. Where’s my check Langley?


        • Mine first. Payment goes by order of most psychologically and fallaciously harmed. Stand in line, son, cause I’m still waiting. These are the rules of the troll brotherhood…


    • Polar Dog of Death

       /  July 18, 2019

      You said : Going back to his Trivium roots (in the interview that I watched with enthusiasm), how can that even be the same person in his videos today.

      Answer – It’s because it is the same guy as he always was – a wanna be author looking for a topic. At least since I knew of Jan since middle of 2000’s. If you look at his track record, he’s always been on the coat tails of other reserachers that were simply a little more ‘obscure’ hence the hunting down of rare books which hold information that he then builds a platform on. He was simply a bit more ahead of the curve than the other online talking heads that frame themselves as ‘you or I’ but have agendas and possible connections to Military narratives (government operatives.. but I boil it down to the root of all disinfo, Military operations) Here’s some names he liberally took from : Andrew Rutajit, Mabe Russell, John M. Allegro, and as of the last 12 months E. Michael Jones.


  54. Dude Brah

     /  May 8, 2019

    I always wished Andy Rutajit would have been more publicly outspoken about his falling out w/ Jan. Irvin didn’t really go after him and smear him the way he’s done people in years since… but I know he must’ve done something crazy to make Andy say “Fk this guy, I’m out”


    • Polar Dog of Death

       /  June 17, 2019

      Have you tried contacting Andrew? He’s still alive you know.


  55. el

     /  June 16, 2019

    you guys are all so silly get over yourselves.

    you GUYS. women mystics dont fight like this.

    remember division is nessesart among humans at this time because the enemy is sown among us until harvest.


    • Polar Dog of Death

       /  June 17, 2019

      “El” That because these ficitional characters only found on your idiotic netflix series… are a fantasy. Women “Mystics” don’t exist. But there was a diety with the name Nimrod that suits your logic. Maybe get a huget tattoo of that on your arms instead of the cliche asian culture patterns and symbols. The closest thing to a ‘woman’ mystic in these times is Oprah who modelled herself off of Annie and Helena. You know, those authors of demonic fiction that influence the lowest common denominator . But still, does not make one a ‘mystic’ Hermetic path is not for women. They need to get their nails did 3 days a week.. Satan won’t do it for them but incidentally you serve him. But the Blue Oyster will and the wannabe women mystic needs money so she will need a guy with a truck. But you already know the plan, if you are indeed a modern woman griping in the comments section.

      Liked by 1 person

  56. Apparently I’m CIA troll also, per the list somewhere in the middle of Steves outing of Jan. I just got around to reading Steve’s article. This is an unreal level of psychopathy.

    Debunking Jan Irvin


  57. rev

     /  July 17, 2019

    I was just at the sociopath end of jans insanity, he literally stalked me and called me names the whole time I was trying to have an intellectual conversation with him. It went on for two days and then he wrote out a rant calling all sorts of names and blocked me on all social media. Jan is a complete narcissistic sociopath.

    Liked by 1 person

  58. TTA

     /  January 8, 2020

    Thank you very much for this Clint. This article, for me, is like a time machine which allowed me to catch up what’s been going on in the so called “truther movement” for the last 2-3 years.

    One thing however that caught my attention is a case of unclear rhetoric of yours that’s been boggling me for a while now.

    At Free Your Mind 3 in 2015, you made the statement about Mark Passio being a Satanist. To be exact in this video (–VnbH2hI) from around 0:40. “You judge people by their past, you judge people by their looks and I’m like “alright, he’s a Satanist”.” – And it seems like you concluded to have misjudged him after staying the night on his couch.

    What I don’t understand about both your statements in RPSS and in this comment section of this post is that you still consider Mark Passio a Satanist – as in Mark bringing the false light solely based on his name and his past which he tried to rectify.

    I don’t know if you’ve been following Mark’s work lately, but I’ve concluded that you two basically come to the same conclusion: Authority is not seated in man but in God; Nature; Truth. The difference being that you came to that conclusion from the Bible and Mark from ancient teachings such as Hermeticism (principles of Natural Law and Masonic teachings.)

    What you seem to be hung up on is the fact Mark promotes Anarchism (literally translated to No Rulers; No Masters – No Slaves). With internal Monarchy (you being responsible for your own actions and not harming other sentient beings) reflecting in external Anarchy (with truth/God’s law as the only authority.

    If I’m wrong here, I’d love to hear it. I know it’s been asked a lot, but I sincerely think that the work of you two combined make a very strong foundation for the return of Christ – metaphorically speaking (see Mark’s presentation named “Fake-Ass Christians”) – making this seemingly a misunderstanding worth clearing up.

    PS. Excuse me if I made any grammatical mistakes, English is not my first language.


    • Polar Dog of Death

       /  January 8, 2020

      Mark Passio knows nothing about Christians. He’s a sarcastic dualistic donkey working for the devil. If you can’t see that, don’t pander.


    • I recommend my show here where I explain the difference between “Natural Law” and the “Law of Nature”. It’s not merely semantic.

      [audio src="" /]

      Also Season 2 Episode 1 of the new season just posted. That will explain a lot.


  1. A very important letter was published yesterday: “An Open Letter to Jan Irvin”! – Corporation Nation Radio Archives!!
  2. Jan Irvin and his “Gnostic” MediaAlt-Right Nazi themed ‘Trivium”Nazi Bull Shit [repost from “Clint Richardson”] | homelessholocaust

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