Red Pill Sunday School S2 E2 – Strawman Book Pt.1

Greetings programs!

After much hibernation and editing my new shows have arrived and will be posted over the next few weeks, around 15 hours in total.

Here is the first, Episode 2 of Season 2, which is an audio/video blog, which is myself reading, commenting, and clarifying my own new book.

The Title:

Strawman Logic: A Choice Between Two Evils



I’ll post new files here and of course on You Tube for you.

In essence, after all these years of researching The Corporation Nation and what that means, I have finally come to understand how and why men are incorporated into these legal systems so as to be controlled (governed). Incorporation is the key. What this word actually means will certainly cause a spiritual awakening in you, if indeed you seek such enlightenment, for the very core and purpose of incorporating men is the stripping of the spirit (soul) from the mind and body, therefore to make free will (spiritually-based choice) impossible. To obtain the full essence this understanding, I present to you this master class in what it means to be incorporated (emancipated) into this legal hell we all find ourselves (apparently) trapped within.

To control men as a corporation is to take away the individual spirit (soul), removing the ability for each man to self-govern through spiritual, moral Law, the Law of Nature. Instead, the legal matrix presents a series of amoral choices between its own evils, turning choice into nothing but causality, where all choices uphold the corporation and its false law. He that cannot choose to say no at all times has no freedom of choice.



–Clint >Richard-son (
–Thursday, June 11, 2020