“Gleaming The Matrix” (New Strawman Book Preview)

What will it be?
Be sure to watch the ending. It’s like a trailer for the book!


Greetings programs…

Just a short post to celebrate my friend Craig’s latest update on the cover for my next book, a private work (yes, if I am able, it will be free to download as all my works are, and available in paperback free with general donation toward my work [as an unconditional gift]).

Note: However, I am still seeking a publishing agent, for this and many other books both new and rewritten from my blog over the years. Any help in that department would be appreciated. In this case, I would be selling the book in the interest of getting it out there way more than I can alone, on the usual sites. That said, the pusillanimous gatekeepers of the publishing industry seem to have sold their souls to any such honest and integral works. The Truth is apparently poison to them. A general book proposal is available for this title upon request. Perhaps one of them will prove me wrong after all…

As stated, this work will be my best attempt to demystify The Matrix from a mere shallow attempt at Sci-fi entertainment designed to obfuscate and invert the Truth of its badly plagiarized source, Simulacrum and Simulation (by the late Jean Baudrillard), and reveal just how that author intended our collective “simulation” to be understood. It’s not often an author whose book is being used as a cornerstone (and an important prop) in a blockbuster film removes himself from that corrupted enterprise, especially when the reasons are spiritual, literary, and just.

If you’ve wondered just what the actual “matrix” is, look no further than the legal system you are caught in like a fly in a spider’s web. But the source is not what you think! For you are the temple. You are the source. You are the spoon.

The simulation has you…

Time to actually wake up!

One last note: I am nowhere close to being finished with this work, as my time is focused on documenting the criminal syndicate that is the NIH and religion of modern false science surrounding “SARS-2,” as well as its cover up and politicization. Please enjoy and support Craig’s works of art, for he has freely helped me and created these artistic masterpieces without reward and with love and kindness. This type of work is his contribution to consciousness, having woken up to the darkness surrounding the “professional” art world and of course suffered for that knowledge and clear vision.

Many have asked over the years how they can support me… Craig did it without consideration of even his own financial situation, not for me but for the sake of any it may reach out there. In a spiritual war, one that most don’t even see happening against them, we must give of ourselves not for reward but for the love of that which is threatened. I want to thank him for his dedication and valuable time given freely, but especially for encouraging me to keep writing with this ingenious cover-art. Hopefully the book will do Craig’s vision and art some justice!

More vids by Craig, including his work on my books and films: artofcraigs (bitchute.com)

Want to support me? Please support Craig on my behalf right now with anything you can spare, here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RP6RDSPZVSA9N&source=url

I would consider it a very personal favor.



–Clint > richard-son (Realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Friday, July 2st, 2021

Red Pill Sunday School S2 E4 – Strawman Book Pt.3

Welcome to the third installment of my third book, entitled Strawman Logic: A Choice Between Two Evils. As I continue reading and commenting on my latest, always free work, we finally get to the meat of the subject, that is, how our soul (spirit) is separated from us, so that our mind and body may be controlled (driven) without spiritual considerations, which is called incorporation (emancipation). To incorporate is to disallow spiritual action, to temporarily kill the souls of men, replacing the moral (unwritten) law with man’s (strict written) or Roman (contract) law. Without choice, without free will, there is only administrative law, otherwise known as bureaucracy. Once free will is replaced with merely empty choices leading to the same evil, the STRAWMAN is complete. This is the path we have all been tricked into following instead of (in the place of) the example of Christ (Logos). And now the purpose and intent of The Corporation Nation can be understood and, if the will is still there, overcome.

The choice is and always has been in your hand and yours alone.


–Clint richard-son (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Friday, July 10th, 2020

Red Pill Sunday School S2 E3 – Strawman Book Pt.2

Greetings Programs…

Here, for your consideration, is part 2 of my audio/video book entitled Strawman Logic: A Choice Between Two Evils.

Part 3 to come in the next week or so.

Thank you to all that have donated to support these works. Books are in the mail.

Be well, all.


–Clint < Richard-son (Realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Wednesday, June 17th, 2020

Red Pill Sunday School S2 E2 – Strawman Book Pt.1

Greetings programs!

After much hibernation and editing my new shows have arrived and will be posted over the next few weeks, around 15 hours in total.

Here is the first, Episode 2 of Season 2, which is an audio/video blog, which is myself reading, commenting, and clarifying my own new book.

The Title:

Strawman Logic: A Choice Between Two Evils

Link–> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHqACcphrUw


I’ll post new files here and of course on You Tube for you.

In essence, after all these years of researching The Corporation Nation and what that means, I have finally come to understand how and why men are incorporated into these legal systems so as to be controlled (governed). Incorporation is the key. What this word actually means will certainly cause a spiritual awakening in you, if indeed you seek such enlightenment, for the very core and purpose of incorporating men is the stripping of the spirit (soul) from the mind and body, therefore to make free will (spiritually-based choice) impossible. To obtain the full essence this understanding, I present to you this master class in what it means to be incorporated (emancipated) into this legal hell we all find ourselves (apparently) trapped within.

To control men as a corporation is to take away the individual spirit (soul), removing the ability for each man to self-govern through spiritual, moral Law, the Law of Nature. Instead, the legal matrix presents a series of amoral choices between its own evils, turning choice into nothing but causality, where all choices uphold the corporation and its false law. He that cannot choose to say no at all times has no freedom of choice.



–Clint >Richard-son (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Thursday, June 11, 2020


Red Pill Sunday School – Essential Update

Greetings Programs…

Firstly, for reasons still not clear, my STRAWMANSTORY.INFO website was completely removed from the net, since about the 12th of April, along with the email attached to it. I have now reestablished those sites, and can receive email again. If you made donations and are expecting a free book in the mail, I need you to please email me with the correct mailing address. And if you’ve sent any emails to me since the 12th of April, please resend if needed. Apologies for the problem. The book is downloadable again at that website, or click the banner at the top of this blog. As always, it’s a free download.

Now, just a note here to let you know what I’ve been working on in the background, and what to expect for the rest of the year.

My latest Strawman audio/video book is almost finished with editing, and I will be releasing that in four or so long parts on Red Pill Sunday School over the next month or two. Entitled Strawman Logic: A Choice Between Two Evils, this audio/visual book will answer many questions we’ve all had, including just what it means for a man to be incorporated, revealing the nature of this term corporation once and for all. Trust me, it’s not what you think, nor what I could have ever imagined. When free will is taken away, only false choices between presented evils remain. And so this book delves into what is the causality of this legal matrix vs. what is free will under the Law of Truth (God), why you cannot have both, and why hypocrisy rules supreme in all of us. Where has the spirit (soul) of men gone? This too will be answered.

After that, my documentary on the manmade origins of COVID-19 and all that surrounds this type of “gain of function” research will be released, again on my “Red Pill Sunday School” Youtube channel. Nothing is more frightening than what these psychopaths have done for decades in laboratory settings, except perhaps hearing them speak about their accomplishments themselves, and then realizing the same people responsible for the mutated virus have been put in charge of governing its response.

Finally, as promised for a long time, I will begin releasing in several parts my full documentary on the medical/pharmaceutical industry, called Lethal Injection 2: A Corruption Of Blood. This comprehensive investigation into the medical industry will, without a doubt, steal away any prestige (illusion/trickery) put forward as to the legitimacy of that corporate structure. When doctors are telling us not to trust most other doctors, when those doctors are shown to be the third leading cause of death in this and other countries, and when this cult of death and devastation is shown not only to be protected by the same government that invests, owns patents for, and regulates the practices and (malpractices) of these doctors and the drugs they carelessly prescribe, but that such malpractice is “insured” against and seldom listed as cause of death, then what else can I do but show these truths in one master class of a documentary? It’s my duty, and nothing is more fearful than a man like me, beholden to no-one and with nothing to lose.


That said, I greet thee again, you great and unwashed masses, under the pretext now assigned to you: NON-ESSENTIAL. How are all of my relegated-to-be unessential by government friends doing out there? Feeling a bit underwhelmed and uninspired by your new title?

Should we be concerned that a government full of known eugenicists have labeled most of us as non-essential customers? Is this not a sign of serious threat to our collective well-being?

Well, first I just want to assure you that you are, in Truth, the very essence of Life. Rest assured that to a spiritually dead legal corporation such as the United States, your True essence is not actually considered, only your employable (usable) benefit to that artificial corporation in mammon. Your spirit, your soul is not counted. However, to me and those that love you unconditionally, who Love all Life and Existence as the One True God, you are more essential than any words can clearly express. You are Existence. The only way to fight these devils that seek to destroy your soul, to remove your spirit, is to be essential to one another.

The Truth of the matter is that government has no essence, existing only in fiction. Like a vampire it sucks your essence dry in order to feed its unrequited need for the validation of its own reason to exist.

ESSENTIAL – adjective – [Latin essentialis.] Necessary to the constitution or existence of a thing. Piety and good works are essential to the christian character… 1. Important in the highest degree. Judgment is more essential to a general than courage… – noun – Existence; being. [Little used.] 1. First or constituent principles; as the essentials of religion. 2. The chief point; that which is most important. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictioanry of the English Language)


Note: When a government no longer considers its governed people as that which constitutes its reason for existence, you know you’ve got a real problem on your hands. You’ve got a false god…

The majority of you are apparently no longer deemed necessary to the existence of the United States corporation according to this definition, and now it has told you and even officially labelled you as non-essential chattel. And yet, ironically, I can think of nothing less essential than this very corrupt and despotic administrative state, a de-facto, bureaucratic commercial corporation falsely calling itself a legitimate source of government. It has now crossed the line of its own reason and purpose for existence, to serve man and country, becoming a false idol in, of, and toward itself and its own continuity, irregardless of the so-called common people that supposedly support and legitimize it. How can a government with a motto like “by the people, for the people” at the same time govern those apparent people under the guise of believing the majority of that same populace is non-essential to its existence? And what does being relegated to such a debasing, flattering title as “non-essential” mean in the end game? I shutter to think…

I can’t help like feeling we were just removed from the protected species list and relabeled as vermin unfit to be served or saved. How about you?

Did government just put an open contract hit out on we, its non-essential persons??

Meanwhile we have supposed “essential” nurses and doctors that are killing 85% of the COVID-19 patients they put on ventilators, having no clue what to do to treat the ill, then doing it again the next day under the same virtual blindfold. I suppose when your number one killing machine is the iatrogenic death caused by the medical industry, you would deem them essential useful idiots to help deal with we, the non-essential, non-useful idiots. Makes a sick sort of logic, actually.

Sound a bit over the top? My documentary will seal the deal for you, I assure you.

Oh, and did I mention doctors are the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States?

Be well my fellow proles, peons, and serfs, despite being essentially screwed.


–Clint >Richard-son (Realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Wednesday, May 13th, 2020



Know Thy Enemy, Know Thyself, For War Is The Art Of Self-Deceit

Another interview here. Please listen to my host Eric’s sourced citations as we travel through the construct, where he calls out just who’s really behind everything. I was honestly taken by surprise by his continuous, poignant references to the hidden hand behind it all. Amusingly, the comments on Youtube suggest I was avoiding the subject, as if I didn’t want to talk about the “Order.” If I’m not being censored I’m being falsely or fallaciously judged. I was even called a “new age gnostic mystic!” LOL! I’m not even sure what that is, but it let’s me know that most of us are so offended by the truth that if our rhetoric doesn’t fall into some category or already established belief system, that when an original thinker comes along we simply can’t handle it because we can’t classify it. And so it’s easier to dismiss the information by dismissing its speaker, ad hominem, by categorizing him (me) into a nonsensical thing like this. In my defense, though I don’t really feel like I need one, I was listening and learning to Eric like everyone else in the process. So I say, well done Eric. But my lack of response was honestly one of admitted ignorance to the facts stated, meaning I simply didn’t know these facts. I didn’t really understand how powerful this Order is because it’s not been my main area of study for the last 8 years, and so my comments are more generalized to what I do know. Shocking. That must mean I’m a Jesuit agent as well as a Gnostic mystic new age what-ever-the-fuck I could be. My lack of commentary is not a covering up or protectionism of the Jesuits, but rather my own ignorance on the subject. Sorry to disappoint. But now my suspicions on the subject are certainly confirmed. And I invite you to learn as well, for here we find not only the lies and liars but the source of them. And to Eric, I say WOW, great research, and thank you.

We had a few audio issues on the recording, an echo, etc. that were addressed by the end, getting a bit worse in the middle. Par for the course. It’s worth sitting through though, me thinks, as quality does get better…

(See below for my show notes):

Eric’s website: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jesuitworldorder/


Show Notes:

Some helpful definitions and Bible passages for this interview, regarding the only True Doctrine, the Doctrine taught by Christ.

From Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language:

JESUIT – noun – s as z. One of the society of Jesus, so called, founded by Ignatius Loyola; a society remarkable for their cunning in propagating their principles.

JESUITIC, JESUITICAL – adjective – Pertaining to the Jesuits or their principles and arts1. Designing; cunning; deceitful; prevaricating.

JESUITISM – noun – The arts, principles and practices of the Jesuits1. Cunning, deceit; hypocrisy; prevarication; deceptive practices to effect a purpose.

JESUITED – adjective – Conforming to the principles of the Jesuits.


Post image


JUDAIZE – verb intransitive – To conform to the religious doctrines and rites of the JewsThey–prevailed on the Galatians to judaize so far as to observe the rites of Moses in various instances.

JUDAIZER – noun – One who conforms to the religion of the Jews.

JUDAICALLY – adverb – After the Jewish manner.

JUDAISM – noun – 1. The religious doctrines and rites of the Jews, as enjoined in the laws of Moses. Judaism was a temporary dispensation2. Conformity to the Jewish rites and ceremonies.

DOCTRINE – noun – [Latin , to teach.] 1. In a general sense, whatever is taught. Hence, a principle or position in any science; whatever is laid down as true by an instructor or master. The doctrines of the gospel are the principles or truths taught by Christ and his apostles. The doctrines of Plato are the principles which he taught. Hence a doctrine may be true or false; it may be a mere tenet or opinion. 2. The act of teaching. He taught them many things by parables, and said to them in his doctrine. Mark 4:23. Learning; knowledge. Whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Isaiah 28:94. The truths of the gospel in general. That they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. Titus 2:15. Instruction and confirmation in the truths of the gospel. 2 Timothy 3:10.


Now we may really grasp here not only the concept of why we should be taking no other doctrine (truth/false truth) than that the scripture, but that we already have done so according to our status in society (personhood), our memberships to false corporate religions (artificial persons), and by our legalistic, secular, antichrist works. We cannot move forward, and we certainly cannot quit this legal matrix system, without first understanding how these false doctrines (truths) have been institutionally (corporately) forced upon us through our status (legal persona). The truth (God) will never be found in the legal systems and corporations (church and state) of man, for they are not of God’s realm, which is Truth, which is never built by the hands of men.


“…that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine (Law/Truth), Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith (truth) unfeigned: From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.”

—1 Timothy 1: 3-7, KJB


But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.

—1Timothy 4:7, KJB


For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s (gain, advantage) sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable (idolotrous), and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

—Titus 1: 10-16, KJB


Strong’s #G2041 – ergon (ἔργον)WORKS From a primary (but obsolete) ergo (to work), used in the scriptures 176 times as the following words: work (152x), deed (22x), doing (1x), labour (1x).

Outline of Biblical Usage:

1. Business, employment, that which any one is occupied.

A. That which one undertakes to do, enterprise, undertaking.

2. Any product whatever, any thing accomplished by hand, art, industry, or mind.

3. An act, deed, thing done: the idea of working is emphasized in opposition to that which is less than work.


What is your job, your employment. How are you being used by the legal matrix? What is your occupation inside the evil, and what is the product of your labour? What art (lie) holds your mind? How are your actions in any way in tribute or worship of God? The Law, the Doctrine is clear that all of your works must be put forth to God. In other words, all that you do should be toward and in support of Truth, of Nature and Its Law, toward the charity and good will of and to all men. This not only defines but proves a true son of God, a follower (not idol worshiper) of the doctrine (truth) of Christ.

Thank you Eric, for clearing up the source behind it all!

Here’s an interesting lecture on the subject as well:

“John McGreevy helps us to understand the remarkable rebirth and flourishing of the Jesuits as a global order in a very short time in the 19th century, showing how the Jesuits in the United States, many of them refugees from expulsions in Europe, nurtured a Catholic modernity that served as a disciplined counter-cultural force operating through parishes, schools, and associations… He places the Jesuits at the center of a worldwide clash between Catholics and Liberal Nationalists…”


Until next time…


–Clint < richard-son (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Friday, October 18th, 2019

STRAWMAN 2: The Art Of Craig S

Greetings programs…

I wanted to share this recent video from Craig Stuckless, the fantastic artist that created and digitally rendered the cover of my first book, as he narrates his current work, which is intended to be the cover of Strawman: Part Two. The amount of work that goes into this type of production is mind-blowing, each stroke of the stylus reminding me of my own journey of researching and putting the puzzle-pieces together to form a final work, a connect-the-dots fusion combining the labors of love, time, and energy.

This is also a grand, professional lesson, for those interested in the digital art world, of which Craig has certainly been a part of, including that crazy world of super hero comics and Comicons. Yet he also explains his own frustrations at being all but censored for trying to include truth and activism into his own work, into a lost, nihilistic, melancholic post-modern culture, and the blowback from merely speaking such heresies (truths).

It’s an interesting ride, and I thank him with all my spirit for the time and effort he puts into these works without asking anything in return.

If you’d like to make a small donation specifically for Craig’s work, now that you see what it takes and what he puts into it so freely and without recompense, I would consider it a personal favor, one that he has not asked for and that is much overdue from my end. If you feel the calling, just send a donation to me at the link to the right with a special note “For Craig” and I will forward it to him, or he does speak toward the end about his own “tip jar” found at his site. Please send some words of appreciation as well for supporting me of all people!


Thanks Craig…

And no, the book is not close to being printed yet, sorry. I’m still working on a couple other projects that I deem equally important. My mind is tired and a bit sombre, and I don’t have enough fingers. Or maybe I’m just getting old…? Argh!


–Clint > richard-son
–Tuesday, October 15th, 2019