How To Use Religious Exemption Against Vaccination

I recently received yet another emailed inquiry regarding the three possible “exemptions” for vaccines. Probably more than any other subject this particular question rears its ugly head, and usually they reference religious exemption more than not. Now, I keep telling people not to ask me questions or listen to me if you don’t want the total, harsh reality that is the Truth, but they seem to want to be disappointed and disillusioned anyway. And so today I’m going to tell you that desire the Truth exactly how you can use religion as your sword against vaccination for you and your children.

First, though, let’s treat the other exemptions, those being medical excuse and conscientious objection.

Beginning with medical exemption, this particular legal exemption is a catch 22. In order to exempt yourself from a medical act, such as vaccination, you need a medical doctor’s letter. See the problem here? While in reason and truth any free-willed, neutral, educated medical doctor (an oxymoron) would exempt all his or her patients from the horrors of vaccination, the term “medical doctor” (MD) is not a real thing. It’s a flattering, legal title granted only to those willing to not act upon their conscience, and therefore possess and active ignorance and willingness to ignore actual science that shows the absolute ludicracy that is vaccination and the health epidemic it has caused. All that aside, the most important factor to understand for why this exemption is useless and revokable is because it is not an inherent right of any man. It is specifically a legal, man-made exemption that has nothing to do with God-given (Natural), inherent rights. All medical exemptions are powered by government permission to do so only, and the corporations that most doctors work for are known to fire without prejudice any nurse or doctor that either refuses vaccines for themselves or speaks publicly about the dangers of vaccines. In the near future, you will not find any doctor that will be willing to risk his or her career or funding just so you can protect yourself and your children from such dastardly pharmaceutical poisons. Because everyone in the world is technically qualified for a medical exemption when the actual research and studies are understood, it’s kind of like giving everyone in the world $1 million dollars: nothing would actually change, and in a few years most common people will have lost it anyway to the various schemes designed to legally steal it, such as medical billing, the #1 reason for bankruptcy in the United States. If everyone is exempt, then no-one is. This will make more sense as we continue…

The second exemption is conscientious objection. This one is about as realistic as it was in the draft for the Vietnam War. If a right is revokable, then again it’s not a Natural, inherent Right. If a right can be taken away, then it was never yours in the first place. And unfortunately, this applies to all three exemptions we are covering here. But more to the point, there is no real place for conscious objection in a legal system. The legal, civil law is strict. It is not up for contention. Follow it or be punished. Choice is an illusion when under the Roman (strict) matrix of legal law. Moral and conscientious thoughts are certainly allowed, but acting on them is a thought crime. It’s terrorism at best. If this wasn’t true, then government would fall tomorrow due to conscientious objections to its immoral policy of controlled chaos and madness. So the conscientious objection fallacy, while hopeful in its promise, is really just a cosmic joke. Just ask those who objected to the Vietnam War. You might need to go to Canada for that though… or visit them in prison.

To put this another way, we must understand that corporations, that is, legal persons, including individual citizenships of the United States, were invented in Roman times to be strictly exempt from moral and conscious responsibilities and actions. Corporations (persons) are designed by men to remove men from God’s Realm, from Nature, and therefore to pretend a legal (artificial) shelter from the moral Law, and equally from spiritual consciousness. The point is this: conscientious thought requires a spiritually and morally conscious man that acts by choice. This is impossible under and in the matrix of legal code. For there is no conscious in legal persons, places, or things. There is nothing. Emptiness. A void of anything Real, of anything Natural, of anything Created by God. Without choice, there can be no moral action. The legal law eliminates choice, leaving no ability to follow any alternative, moral path, and generally causes men to act against their religious, moral foundation. This is indeed the specific purpose of the legal system and the person-hood, the elimination of the need of men to choose at all times what Nature and Its Law requires. The legal law unbalances the scale, taking away the ability to spiritually measure right and wrong. A person that has no conscious cannot claim conscientious objection, for a legal person is property of the legal system, and like a video game character, is only allowed to exist by the rules of the legal game system and its masters (false gods). A pawn is ultimately moved by its master, headlong into oblivion, having no real choice except to go forward on the legal game board. No is not an option, and pawns have no exemptions or free will from their controllers. Real choice is simply not in the artificial code that makes up a legal person. A person is a construct of legal law. It has no conscious of its own. And the man that acts in legal person therefore surrenders any right to act on his or her own conscious, instead obeying strictly and under sanction the legal law of men without question, that is, without the right to act conscientiously.

And that leads us to the third legal exemption, that being a “religious” one. In this particular exemption we find a hint of the only True choice respected by government, the religious law. Sure, a medical exemption is respected, but doctors are agents of government, so once government removes the artificial, temporary right of doctors to exempt a patient and keep their jobs, then that exemption will be gone as well, as moral choice by the man acting as a “doctor” of government will no longer be an option. The difference between the medical and conscientious objection vs. the religious exemption is very simply that the legal law is in every case trumped by actual religious law.

The religious exemption, therefore, would seem to be the all powerful weapon to end all battles, right?

Wrong. And here’s why…

If you’ve ever seen a movie where the hero attempts to ward off evil spirits with a cross or crucifix, say in vampire movies or the fantastical films about Catholic priests committing exorcisms, you always find a recurring theme. They all say and warn the same thing: you have to have faith for that to work. In other words, to hold up an idol of anything and pretend that you have the power that that idol represents is what is called hypocrisy. If you want to harm a vampire or demon with a cross, then it is the power of God that does it, not some trinket made by the hands of men. But when actual religious faith comes into the soul bearing that idol, suddenly the power of God is behind it, and the mere idol turns into a weapon of unimaginable proportions.

This is, of course, merely the fiction of Hollywood. Or is it? Is there actually a moral lesson to learn from these fantasies? Can this concept be applied to the subject at hand, that is, vaccination exemption?

Absolutely. In fact, we can use it as a very understandable metaphor.

Let us pretend that the idol in these ridiculous Hollywood stories, the cross, is what we are holding up as our own figurative weapon of legal “religious exemption.” Can a self-proclaimed “atheist” possibly use religious exemption without believing in the very Source of that weapon? The answer in Reality, of course, is no. But the legal realm is not Reality, and so yes, strangely enough an atheist can use a legally invented idol called as religious exemption. In other words, the atheist can openly commit hypocrisy against his own false belief system, and the legal system is happy to protect that right of hypocrisy… until, that is, the governmental body of that legal system is ready to retract it. And that’s where most of us find ourselves today, watching helplessly as the administrators of the persons (property) of the legal matrix change its programming code to legally reflect that religious exemption is no longer an idol that is acceptable to be used.

But how can it do that?

Simple. These legal exemptions never existed in Reality in the first place for any man. Legalism is fiction. Legal law is fiction. And so any exemption that comes from a legal government (artificial person) was born and will die in fiction. And any religious claim you may make as a legal, artificial, fictional person dies with it.

You see, the whole time you’ve been that hero (actor) trying to use an idol that has nothing to do with what that symbol’s actual Source is. To use a True religious right, a man (male or female) must act as a religions man. Persons (legal fictions) cannot be religious nor act under the Higher religious law, because persons aren’t of Nature. They aren’t Real. They are not Creations of God. Thus, the vampiric demons of government, that is, attorneys in black moo-moos acting as false gods (magistrates/judges) have no revulsion to your false idol of religious exemption. You’ve gotta have faith for that to work…

Please watch these for your understanding, they are placed here by me for a purpose.


Idolatry: the TV actor, Vincent, before True faith:

And the God-fearing man Vincent after True faith:


The cross only represents the Law of God (Jesus Christ/Logos), but without faith, the Law of God is a useless idol in any form. Without following the Law, It has no power to protect you, and as a weapon it’s pointless. It’s just an idol for sinners pretending to worship God through Jesus Christ (Law). Might as well hold up a kitten without claws.

Keep in mind this is metaphoric, and that its meaning applies to defeating all things that are “evil” in the Bible, which essentially is anything man-made, including the legal matrix code. The vampire (attorney) must corrupt your blood in order to control you. The fangs of the vampire are the words of a legal contract. And personhood is to be bound under the spell (spelling of words) of the master of that contract, causing the agentic relationship of master and servant (volunteerism). The Law of God (Nature), represented by the symbol of the cross here, is that which defeats the vampire (attorney). The word of Truth (God) destroys the words of legal demons. The cross represents the implementation of moral choice. The vampires of government have no control over you unless you accept their initial, original sin, the corruption of blood (attainder) that places artificial status upon you in their own, invented society.

And this depiction of false faith in a false idol of god describes just about every “Christian” in the United States, and for that matter, the world. Legal religions (corporations) are institutionalized idolatry, causing men to attempt in vein to worship God while doing so in legal, fictional persona (mask), to bear the protection of God and Its Law while not following that law themselves, as if It is external from them. And this is why the Christian “church” has no power religiously or politically. A section 501 corporation is designed to take away religious rights and exemptions, not bestow them. Only a fool can possibly believe that God-given rights can be given by a legal corporation under the IRS code of government. Only a brainwashed man can be made to believe a corporation (artificial person) has anything to do with the Source of Nature and Its Law. Only a idolator can call himself a “Christian” while following the legal, antichrist, anti-God law of man. Only a slave cannot differentiate between the God of Nature and the false gods of legal government. For the actual, True church of the Bible is only a free and moral, private People, that is, men following the Law of God (Nature), which absolutely excludes and despises all legal code. But in legalism, the “church” is a legal term of art meaning a corporation, an artificial person in law, and has nothing to do with men. In other words, legally established religions are not in any way part of God’s Realm or Law. They are a legal simulation of the Real, and so are its members. Corporate religions bound completely under legal government is like a bug trap for men, burning our wings so that we cannot fly away, keeping us locked into the legal (anti-God) system of law even while allowing us to pretend in idolatry through flattering title (without True faith) that we are followers of the Law of the Bible, of the example of Jesus Christ. Worst of all, this is all warned about in the Bible, which calls us foolish hypocrites as the figurative dumb asses.

But here’s the kicker. Men are hypocrites toward the Law of God (Nature) in the Real world. But in the legal matrix, persons are simulators. Simulation and hypocrisy are the same term. Therefore, to act in legal persona (mask) under legal (anti-God) law in the legal simulation while at the same time pretending to be a True “Christian” equals the metaphor of being plugged into the matrix (lie) with or without contemplation of ones actual hypocrisy as a man. The “Christian” flattering title is merely ones “projected self-image” while trapped inside the legal matrix code. It’s idolatry. Simulation. But in Nature, from God’s perspective, if you will, simulation equals hypocrisy, two different words that mean the same thing in the two different realms.

It’s also called apostasy, and it’s the foundational purpose of corporate Christianity. It’s the opposite of being an apostle:

APOSTASY – In English law. The total renunciation of Christianity, by embracing either a false religion or no religion at all. This offense can only take place in such as have once professed the Christian religion. (–Black’s Law 2nd Edition)

APOSTASY – noun – [Gr. a defection, to depart.1. An abandonment of what one has professed; a total desertion, or departure from one’s faith or religion. 2. The desertion from a party to which one has adhered… (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)

APOSTATE – adjective – False; traitorous. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)

HYPOCRITE – noun – 1. One who feigns to be what he is not; one who has the form of godliness without the power, or who assumes an appearance of piety and virtue, when he is destitute of true religion. And the hypocrite’s hope shall perish. Job 8:12. A dissembler; one who assumes a false appearance. Fair hypocrite you seek to cheat in vain. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language)


I go to church every Sunday (according to the legal Roman calendar, the Pope, and its legal system of secular law) and on legal holidays (which are not actually Holy Days) and therefore I’m a “Christian.” Time to call bullshit on that logical fallacy, isn’t it? It’s more like this: I don’t follow the Law of God by the example of the Christ allegory and instead have idolized the corporate churches false image of Jesus Christ as if Christ is God, and so I call myself as the Romans did, as a “Christian,” despite my membership to an apostate, corporate religion that makes its own doctrine and misleads me at every turn in simulation.

So how can you use religious exemption in the legal system? You can’t, dumb ass.

You’ve got to have faith for that to work. 

But the legal system and its public institutions have caused you to not even know what faith is! And so here is where I will tell you how to religiously bypass any legal law that requires persons to vaccinate.


Stop acting in legal person (artificial, legal status).

Stop taking benefits from the demons and vampires of legal (anti-God) governments, which require you to voluntarily act in legal person.

Stop being an idolator.

Stop believing you have inherent, Natural, God-given rights when you sold them long ago to become a legal citizenship and as you continue to simulate the part.

Stop believing the foolish notion that God’s (religious) Law can save you when you don’t have True religion and faith as your sword (reason) and shield (protection).

Lastly, we must understand just what an exemption is and why it doesn’t and cannot exist for men of God.

EXEMPTION – 1. Freedom from any service, charge, burden, tax, evil, or requisition, to which others are subject; immunity; privilege. Many cities of Europe purchased or obtained exemptions from feudal servitude. No man can claim an exemption from pain, sorrow or death. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of Law)

EXEMPTION – Freedom from a general duty or service; immunity from a general burden, tax, or charge. A privilege allowed by law to a judgment debtor, by which he may hold property to a certain amount, or certain classes of property, free from all liability to levy and sale on execution or attachment. (–Black’s Law 2nd edition)


Why are these exacting definitions important to comprehend?

This is key. To have an exemption from vaccination means one and only one thing — vaccines are already a requirement. In other words, the government considers it your duty as its citizen (subject to its legal law) to be vaccinated. The exemption is a temporary, revokable “freedom” from that duty, a permission to avoid that requirement of law. Vaccines are already required of persons (property), which are performance debt-slaves of government. If you claim exemption, you are actually acknowledging and respecting the false legal law and its gods by getting their permission to have freedom from it. Remember, in legalese, freedom is defined as franchise. It’s not True freedom under God to self-govern, but rather an artificial freedom bestowed temporarily to the fictional person that you currently respect and utilize as a status in legal society. Remember, all man-made things are temporary. Therefore, if the person is required to be vaccinated, then you as surety in bond of that person must obey in order to retain that franchise (legal freedom), in order to continue using that person (legal status). Those who refuse the legal law and end up punished, fined, or imprisoned for their illegal behavior (while acting in legal persona) have broken the rules of their franchise (citizenship). People in jail also have freedom (franchise) when they are on good behavior. Same thing, different prison. In the open-air debtor’s prison of the nation, citizens (prisoners, as public, non self-governing wards of the state) are given certain exemptions in their franchise, meaning they have certain artificially induced freedoms allowed to them by permission, licensure, permit, etc. Only a fool would believe those rights and freedoms are God-given, Natural rights.

Inversely, we can understand our Duty to God (Nature), including ones requirement of following God’s Law of Nature by the example of Jesus Christ (Logos personified), which in itself requires no respect of lies, fictions, persons, status, titles, false gods (magistrates), or anything else artificially placed over Nature (Truth) in a simulation of the Real. Again, there is simply no exemption from God’s Law. With any God-given, inherent right comes an equal duty to all other men. Lies are not exempt from Truth, they are diametrically opposed to Truth. And so it’s important to understand that legalism, that is citizenship under the nation, is specifically designed to fictionally exempt man from his Duty to God, to Nature, and that includes ones Duty to all other men. As this is in Reality impossible, the legal system depends on its ability to cloud and obscure any relation we may have to Nature and Its Law, offering the protection of the legal law and the false sense of forgiveness offered by the false “Christian” corporate church that is also under legal law, not God’s. To defeat God (Nature), the state simply replaced God with a fictional, corporate entity (idol) of its own invention, and then called it legally as religion.

RELIGIOUS – When religious books or reading are spoken of, those which tend to promote the religion taught by the Christian dispensation must be considered as referred to, unless the meaning is so limited by associated words or circumstances as to show that the speaker or writer had reference to some other mode of worship. (–Black’s Law 2nd Edition)


In American law as a “Christian country” (referring to the free and private People of the States, not the United States legalist corporation as an open-air prison for publicly held-in-persona debt-slaves), the Bible is considered as the meaning of the term “religious” unless that word “religious” is intentionally twisted by the legal language to mean its opposite. Get it? In the United States district corporation, the word religious is a crime, but certain religious exemptions are allowed.

Allow me to quote my book, Strawman Volume 1, where True religion (action) of men and the legal franchise of limited, legal religious belief without practice (action) of US citizenships (persons) is differentiated:


Begin excerpt:

This is one of the most important lessons in this work. Please ensure full comprehension between these two very different “freedoms” before you proceed with this work. For as a citizenship of the United States, the attachment to your strawman as property under the law of persons only allows you to fall under the “freedom of religion” as a limited legal outlet of commercial franchise. In other words, “Religious Freedom” is against the law of the United States for its subjects (persons).

RELIGIOUS FREEDOMWithin constitution embraces not only the right to worship God according to the dictates of one’s conscience, but also the right to do, or forbear to do, any act, for conscience sake, the doing or forbearing of which is not inimical to the peace, good order, and morals of society. (Black4)

FREEDOM OF RELIGION – Embraces the concept of freedom to believe and freedom to act, the first of which (belief) is absolute, but the second of which (action) remains subject to regulation for protection of society. (Black4)


Now you tell me, what good is religious, moral belief if you are not allowed to act on it? To be clear, this state of confusion at bar is the very purpose of nations, to prevent self-governing, moral standing in men. For no moral man would allow a nation as this to continue in its abhorrent actions against God (Nature) and man. But the moral man is cowed and pacified by his surety to the law of his persona (false identity). We are so smitten and proud of our nationality, our personality in public that we don’t dare risk doing what is right in and under the Law of God. This is unmistakably and self-evidently the work of the devil (the attorney class) and his scribes.

These are completely separate definitions, on separate pages of the dictionary. They are not the same thing. As citizenships of the United States, you better damn well know the difference before proceeding herein, and before you try and act morally in a society that strictly forbids moral actions without license from the state.

Freedom of moral thought, but not freedom to act upon that conscious moral thought… This is what public, legal freedom (franchise) is when defined by the commercial gods — a legal corp-oration called government. It is not freedom of religion, but franchise of religion. These are as the rules set for employees (agents) by their employer (principal). This is not Natural freedom under God, which is described above as Religious Freedom. This is tyranny named (noun) as “freedom,” where the ability to practice religion is confounded and limited to the franchise it belongs to (of), as freedom (franchise) of (belonging to) religion (memberships to legal corporations, as the legal, anti-God definition of religion). In the United States, the lack of a moral standing in God’s Law (religious, spiritual Life) is the official state religion, as an enforced, amoral lack of It. Freedom is only a franchise allowed to fictional persons. Governments cannot control in totality your thought processes, only your actions (anti-pro-verb) while in its property. Specifically, we must recognize absolutely that the purpose of the legal law is to prevent man from acting upon his moral thoughts and beliefs. 


“No one is punished for his thoughts. 



It’s impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government.

—Congressman George Hansen, quoted from “In Caesar’s Grip,” by Peter Kershaw


“The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

—Billy Graham


The legal realm acknowledges only written and spoken words. It is immune, so to speak, from religious and moral (unwritten) controls, as legalism and religious action are foreign to each other. Man is only punished for his actions, and when his actions are in the person of another, he is not acting according to his own moral thoughts of Law.

By providing the fictional, legally “natural” person (strawman) with an insurance bond for a man’s operation in that fictional, commercial realm, government ensures that each individual man will act collectively according to civil law and not according to his own religious and moral thoughts. This is the separation of mind from the body, the killing of the spirit (soul). For the law is attached to the person, and thus the man in the fictional chains of surety to that person is bound by the public law of persons. By acceptation of that person as a commercial vessel (a citizen-ship) in surety, man tacitly agrees and consents (through assent) to abide by the legal law in direct opposition to God’s Law while acting in that fictional persona. He literally agrees to use his Real body as insurance to ensure that he will operate in fiction (evil) according to strictly written law, and if he does not, the man in surety will be judged and punished for the incorrect use of that corporate strawman (property of government). Thus the man’s moral mind does not control his Self (his body), for the law of persons controls his mind and therefore his actions, where the legal persona acts as the surrogate or second self. This is a lack of True Self-respect.


“No man can enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man (through legal personhood); and then he will spoil his house.”

“Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? (through legal personhood) and then he will spoil his house.”

—Matthew 12: 29, Mark 3: 27, KJB (added by author for this excerpt)


“My son, if thou be surety for thy friend, if thou hast stricken thy hand with a stranger, Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.”

—Proverbs 6: 1-2 and 6-8, KJB


This is the purpose and pretext of legal surety: insurance that the instigation of person-hood at birth into the nation will incite man’s actions to be in concordance with the legal law as opposed to being in respect of God’s Law and Nature. Incitement to evil acts without moral compass (direction). This is a binding relationship to fictional rulers under contractual terms (word magic), even by the shaking (striking) of hands. For a man’s feet never touch land while he sails his ship upon the virtual sea of that surety (security) of legal commercial fiction. The legal jurisdiction is an invisible, fictional barrier set upon Creation and its Law; a prophylactic barring man from his very own essence as part of that Oneness of Nature.

A fictional person simply cannot follow God’s Law, without exception, for a person is not a Creation of God. God bestows no status upon man but self-evidence. This untouchable essence of negativity towards any of man’s systems of positive law can never be taken away, though obviously we have been fooled into contractually selling those God-given attributes in exchange for fictional non-sense. A man acting in person is subject only to man’s utilitarian legal law of persons (status/condition), with strict prohibitions against God that we call as the doctrine of “freedom of religion.” Opposites attract. A man in public personhood does not need and is not expected to think in any way that is responsible or compos mentis, for the person is allowed only to follow man’s (its master’s) strict legal law when used by its autonomic user.


“This word ‘person’ and its scope and bearing in the law, involving, as it does, legal fictions and also apparently [IN APPEARANCE ONLY] natural beings, it is difficult to understand; but it is absolutely necessary to grasp, at whatever cost, a true and proper understanding to the word in all the phases of its proper use. A person is here not a physical or individual person, but the status or condition with which he is invested. Not an individual or physical person, but the status, condition or character borne (carried) by physical persons. 

The law of persons is the law of status or condition.

—American Law and Procedure, Vol. 13, page 137, 1910


End Excerpt.


The Law of God is just as strict as the legal law. It is impossible to Obey the Law of Nature while also obeying the legal law that is designed to be opposed to God’s Law in every way. Claiming anything from religious Law while in personhood under legal, civil law is at best foolishness and at worst insanity. And worshiping God while acting in legal persona is like holding up a cross in idolatry without faith. It will never actually happen.

Religious exemption is a lie, just like any other exemption. It only exists in the legal realm, nowhere else. And in Truth, if you qualify for any type of legal exemption, then you have already fallen into the legal trap. There is no exemption from Reality. There is no exemption from God’s Law. There is only choice, free will, and you must choose which Law to follow.

Exemption, to be clear, is a post-requisite. One can only be exempt from legal law because of whatever legal status one already obtained that allows for exemption. But in the end, a debt-slave is really exempt from nothing, for all legal exemptions can be revoked by the false god that bestowed that artificial, legal right in the first place. The exemption never existed in Reality, being a non-inherent, unnatural right to man, and so it has no religious Law protection. God protects no man that claims exemption from anything, because to claim exemption one must already claim to be agent for a legal entity. Only persons can claim exemption, not men.

A religious man in the True sense needs no exemption. He just says no. Exemption implies that some higher power exists and that the man is pretending to be under that power and authority instead of that of Nature’s Law. You don’t need exemption if you are not under the legal law of the false gods of government. It’s this Higher consciousness that is voided through legal, religious and conscientious exemption. That is, to claim legal exemption one must already be accustomed through brainwashing and public education to believe that government already has power over you as a man (Creation) of God, and in this case, that you are already required to be vaccinated  but currently, out of the good graces of the legal gods, have exemption from that legal duty to that government as a person (property) of it. A legal exemption is a claim against a legal thing. Filing a legal exemption is not protection against forced vaccination, it is a claim of artificial rights invented and bestowed upon a feudal tenant of government, which can be revoked or refused at any time for the protection, security, and continuity of government. You can exercise religious exemption while it is allowed my your master because it has nothing to do with True religion. But what you can’t do is practice religious faith to say no to vaccines by the power and authority of God (Nature).

The moral of this story is that unless you act morally, spiritually, and without legal persona, you have no actual inherent right of exemption, because there is no such thing in Nature (Reality). Exemption is a sign that one is in the lowest form of beggary, of slavery, of despotism, of employment (use as property), of dependence upon a legal, state-bestowed franchise of artificial freedom much like a rat in a cage. The power to say no comes not from legal words in the legal matrix code created by false gods. The power to say no comes only from following the Law of God (Truth), which absolutely forbids acting in and respecting other persons and flattering titles, especially the false gods of government. To be clear, if you are not a person, you cannot be forced to be vaccinated. But you cannot just merely claim not to be a person. It doesn’t work that way. Just ask any illegal alien. To act religiously is to obey God’s Law in its fullness. The state will not recognize a free man (son) of God unless that man is actually acting under and as a son of God, of the Law, without deviation, without depravation, without departing the faith (Law), and without defection.

Unfortunately, as the title of this writing appears to promise at first glance, there is no actual (True) religious exemption from vaccination. It’s a misnomer (misnamed). It’s like a magic spell (spelling), where the word and the reality do not jive, just as the entire legal language dresses up Truth with fiction and misdirection. The God-honest Truth is that if you want your children to remain free from these nurse and doctor-delivered vials of poison that induce fast and slow-growing autoimmune disease, you must leave Babylon and take your children with you. And that requires absolute Love and total sacrifice. The state has tricked you into claiming through birth registration the abandonment of your parental (Natural) rights, delivering (abandoning) your child into wardship and apprenticeship to the nation (as a goyim). We are all birthed through trickery into this legal matrix (artificial womb), like a roach motel, but never told how to escape, how to unplug from the addiction of legalism. The state calls every child (and adult) as property through legal person-hood. In order for that to happen, it must trick you into that abandonment. It must cause you to be confused as to what it is for a child to be an actual property of the parent. No, a child is never a piece of property, as the legal realm attempts to establish through attachment of persona (legal identity/status). Belief that the person is the man (i.e. a child) is key, for identity means sameness in law. In other words, we are all tricked into believing that the person is the same as the man, a logical fallacy of monumental, Biblical proportions.

In Nature (God’s Realm), the word property is not connotative of possession as it is in legalese, but rather refers to Source. Origin. Truth. Natural connection. Family. Like hydrogen is a property of water and water is a property of Earth and Earth a property of the Universe (God), your child is a property (part) of your own Existence, and therefore a property of God’s Creation (the Universe), being a carrier of your blood (figurative, spiritual immortality, bloodline). The child’s blood is a property (ingredient) reflective of its parents (procreation). Not legal property, which is always a lie, but actual property which is a self-evident Truth. We were all tricked into selling those God-given, Natural rights of paternity, fooled into believing that the source of our God-given Natural rights are our own, not a property of God.

Self-ownership without God (Source) is the grand, communist delusion of the ages, where men believe that all inherent rights extend from man, not God, and therefore the Law of God can be bypassed by the selling of those rights in exchange for legal ones, entering the fictional construct of the legal matrix by pretending to abandon Nature (God) and Its Law. Yet in Nature (under God) we can never actually be spiritually defeated unless we choose (volunteer) to, for we never actually leave God, a self-evident Truth which the Bible states that God (Nature and Its Highest Law) never leaves our side if we choose and act in It. In Truth, we cannot Exist or Live without Source, without being a property of God (Nature) and Its Law. But we pretend that the self-evident Truth of Existence (God) doesn’t exist, that God doesn’t exist, and therefore that the power and authority (Law) of God (Nature) doesn’t exist. The status (persona) of legalism merely clouds the Truth with a lie, but the Truth cannot ever die, for no legal fiction exists without claiming some Truth as its victim and host. The duty of parenthood is part of the Law of Nature, not a right. A DUTY TO GOD, not to the state. But the state tricks us into abandoning our God-given Duty by relabeling and calling it a “legal right” that can be imaginarily transferred as a legal property, a fictional title. And we believe this lie so fervently that we are willing to allow the agents of the legalized state (corporation) to literally steal our True property (child) from our homes, without a fight, based on its assumed, mistaken legal identity — by a name that is not God-given.

But hey, who wants to give up that free public babysitting called education. After all, your lifestyle of free leisure time and employment are way more important than that of your health and that of your child, right? And everybody knows that the pursuit of happiness requires the pursuit of money, the root of all evil, right? Of course, your love of money is way more powerful and important than the health of yourself or your child, which is why the legal system runs on money, and why government is the printer, copywriter, lawmaker, enforcer, and banker of money, resting its whole international identity on the false valuation and respect of the evil that money represents. And that’s why, when government soon fulfills the already written requirement that all legal persons (citizenships) of the United States and other nations of goyim must be vaccinated, you will voluntarily and without hope take that poison as a mark that you are a beast of that legal system, that your love of money is more powerful than the love of your child, than your love or purity, than your love of God, and that you are indeed a Godless human without the ability to self-govern and use the gift of Free Will that God gave you. And your children’s children will follow in your weak and defeated example, that is, if the vaccines you allowed them to be tainted with don’t sterilize or destroy them as they’re designed to do.

But by all means, continue in this lunacy of trying to protect the legally bestowed religious exemption of fictional persons as if its already your own inherent right and not just an inconvenient leftover of the legalist thought of some damned outdated, idealistic moral inclusion by some past, slave-holding, false god.

No really, do as though wilt. That’s what they want, as long as it’s legal, and as long as you never actually act out based on any religious, moral thought. Think about it all you want, just don’t act on it without permission, licensing, and an approved, raised corporate seal under tax section 501.

If you want religious exemption, start acting religiously, and stop acting legally. Because using a legal persona is like wearing a condom… the legal persona is a prophylactic to Truth (God). You’ve no access to the Law of Nature, of Truth, from the fictional disposition of a legal (anti-God) persona. And that includes the actual moral choice you seek through legal “religious” exemption.

Heck, that’s such a simple concept that your kids will probably get it faster than you can. And you know what? If you are using your kids as an excuse, don’t. They can adjust way easier than you can to giving up the legal fiction. They’ll be much happier in Nature. They won’t be spoiled anymore. And they won’t suffer from the public school, Common Core blues.

It’s all on you, not them. You are their parent and protector. Start acting like it. It’s your God-given duty, and choice regarding such a Duty to God and to your child is a legally induced illusion for parents. You cannot shirk your responsibility and then pretend to have the very parental power you abandoned through legal birth certification and registration. You made a grevious error based on generational ignorance. Fix it or accept your own chosen, voluntary fate. Find God or remain in abandonment to your Source. Be a Natural and self-Existent property of God or remain a legal property of the state. And to fix the status of your child (property), which can only be a reflection of your own status, then you must first fix your own. You must be the one to sacrifice your false, secular lifestyle and perceived monetary wealth (mammon) therein, as the Bible tells you, crucifying it (the legal, fictional person) so as to be free and self-governing under the Highest Law. For a slave can never elevate its own issue (offspring) higher in law than his or her own legal status. A debt-slave can only bear another debt-slave, for status of an issue (property) depends upon the status of source. You cannot make gold from iron.

Or keep on pretending this knowledge doesn’t exist as you have your whole life. After all, a lifestyle of blatant hypocrisy in the legal matrix ain’t so bad… But I guarantee that it will require vaccination at some point.

The truth is, when you actually become a religious man, in your actions, in your mind body and soul, you won’t need any exemption. You won’t need to dodge bullets because they don’t exist except in the legal fiction matrix, and they can only harm the legal person of those men acting in agency and therefore in bond and surety to those legal persons, not men (sons) of God. The law of the legal matrix simply wouldn’t apply to you, because it’s finally beneath you and you refuse to plug in to any of its properties. You would, by your True religion, refuse to act in, believe in, or respect the persons, places, and things of the legal, commercial realm of mammon. You would see all things only as they really Exist, without artifice, without fiction, including those colored pieces of paper and their digital representations pretending to be money and credit/debt.

So please don’t send me any more inquiries about how to use legal exemptions against anything, unless you are first willing to fact the harsh Truth about your legally induced status (person-hood). I cannot help anyone that will not help themself. You seek legal power yet have none. It’s not Real, and neither, apparently, are you. Ironically, the power you seek Exists only in the Real, in that Realm of Nature and Its Law which you have voluntarily abandoned and continue to deny, that you continue to pretend to worship while wearing a spiritual condom (legal person), a fruitless effort that the Bible over and over tells you to avoid.

I’m sure your next question is how? How do I follow this seemingly impossible path back into Truth? Well, the answer is in the question. To Exist in Truth is to deny all lies, all fiction, all legalism, and all feigned power and delusion. The answers are laid out perfectly in the Bible, which provides metaphorical story after story to answer your questions. It’s why I wrote my book. I am not your judge, nor am I your guide or savior. You are. God (Nature/Truth) and Its Law is your destination, not some idol to worship falsely. But ignorance certainly guides no man of God, only lighting the path for the errands of fools.

Now you know.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Not really.


–Clint richard-son (
–Red Pill Sunday, August 25th, 2019