Crash: Why America Will Fall Under Its Own Shadow

As a deep researcher into what is jokingly called the economy, I am getting real tired of “economists” and their dyer warnings of eminent monetary failure and thus the collapse of the so-called U.S. “economy.” I am not an economist. In truth, anyone who claims to be one is quite frankly full of shit.

So why did I title this rant as such?

First of all, let’s dispel the fallacy that the United States needs currency to rule. The United States is a military dictatorship, a fact that I will be proving beyond any doubt in my upcoming documentary film in 2015, God willing. It is ridiculous to then consider that the United States is propped up merely by money, especially when it creates that money magically through appropriation without providing new collateral. In reality, the fiat currency is nothing more or less than debt. It is promises to pay that will never be paid, for no debt can ever be paid with debt. The United States is a bankrupt corporation, as James Trafficant stated in congressional record, and a bankrupt cannot create anything but more debt.

As stupid humans, we are trained and conditioned to believe that the dollar represents something tangible with a somehow intrinsic value. I assure you it does not. But if my word isn’t good enough for you in all of your religious fervent belief and faith for said notes of mammon, let’s hear straight from the horses mouth.

The Federal Reserve, in its publication Modern Money Mechanics, states the following:

While currency is used for a great variety of small transactions, most of the dollar amount of money payments in our economy are made by check or by electronic transfer between deposit accounts. Moreover, currency is a relatively small part of the money stock.

In the United States neither paper currency nor deposits have value as commodities. Intrinsically, a dollar bill is just a piece of paper, deposits merely book entries. Coins do have some intrinsic value as metal, but generally far less than their face value.

What, then, makes these instruments – checks, paper money, and coins – acceptable at face value in payment of all debts and for other monetary uses? Mainly, it is the confidence people have that they will be able to exchange such money for other financial assets and for real goods and services whenever they choose to do so.

Who Creates Money?

Changes in the quantity of money may originate with actions of the Federal Reserve System (the central bank), depository institutions (principally commercial banks), or the public. The major control, however, rests with the central bank.

The actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks.’ As noted earlier, checkable liabilities of banks are money. These liabilities are customers’ accounts. They increase when customers deposit currency and checks and when the proceeds of loans made by the banks are credited to borrowers’ accounts.

In the absence of legal reserve requirements, banks can build up deposits by increasing loans and investments so long as they keep enough currency on hand to redeem whatever amounts the holders of deposits want to convert into currency. This unique attribute of the banking business was discovered many centuries ago.

It started with goldsmiths. As early bankers, they initially provided safekeeping services, making a profit from vault storage fees for gold and coins deposited with them. People would redeem their “deposit receipts” whenever they needed gold or coins to purchase something, and physically take the gold or coins to the seller who, in turn, would deposit them for safekeeping, often with the same banker. Everyone soon found that it was a lot easier simply to use the deposit receipts directly as a means of payment. These receipts, which became known as notes, were acceptable as money since whoever held them could go to the banker and exchange them for metallic money.

Then, bankers discovered that they could make loans merely by giving their promises to pay, or bank notes, to borrowers. In this way, banks began to create money. More notes could be issued than the gold and coin on hand because only a portion of the notes outstanding would be presented for payment at any one time. Enough metallic money had to be kept on hand, of course, to redeem whatever volume of notes was presented for payment.

Transaction deposits are the modem counterpart of bank notes. It was a small step from printing notes to making book entries crediting deposits of borrowers, which the borrowers in turn could “spend” by writing checks, thereby “printing” their own money.”


Can you see past the illusion?

Do you see that the so-called debt doesn’t actually represent anything at all in reality?

Do you understand that debt is the basis of all religion, and that your belief and fear in it is all that substantiates it?

When this system of monetized fakery was created, its goal was not to create wealth. For money is not wealth, it is the opposite of wealth. It is debt. It must be traded in exchange for wealth to fools. If an entire nation and planet of people can be made to believe that this debt is actually a credit, then the debt can be traded for actual wealth. In other words, an entire people can somehow be made to believe that everything in reality can be traded for merely a promise to pay, and that this promise to pay is the same as the payment itself.

As Whimpy perpetually says, we will be paid Tuesday for a hamburger today… but Tuesday never comes.

As I have shown in triplicate, government has done just that. It has created the currency, traded it for corporate stocks, foreign currencies, real estate, precious metals, and anything else representative of real wealth to the point that, as Walter Burien claims via the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting (CAFR) system of government accounting: “Government owns it all through investment.”

Why America Is No Longer Needed

Rome is not stationary. It’s empire extends to every corner of the globe, and its center continuously relocates itself. Its name changes as its fraud is re-discovered, re-establishing itself as the need arises. And this is when the crash comes – the revolutions of past empires.

But revolution means to revolve back to the beginning; to start over again. Same empire, different name. This is why so many movies and other media is predictively programming us to support such revolutionary dissonance. Our ideas are very seldom our own, and obviously neither are our ideals of morals and values. Entertainment enters and holds our minds in whatever political thought processes the military ruler wishes to bore into its subjects. As a former Hollywood sound guy, I have seen the script-changes ensuring favorable praise and pro-government propaganda first hand, to the chagrin of writers that are paid more “money” to cooperate or else get their projects shelved.

In other words, we literally sell our souls for debt. We worship it. We trade assets for promises to pay. And we even hoard the debt notes in the illusion of security, as if debt equals safety. Unfortunately, our unreasonable belief and faith in this debt money (the devil’s currency) has lead us to covet the very thing that is killing us slowly. We therefore defend these promises to pay even to the point of war and violent oppression of the entire planet, giving blind and unwavering support to our dictators in congress and in the militarized Executive branch to kill in our (the people’s) name for the protection of our own disease of debt in its world domination.

But things are about to change…

The world is completely taken over. Almost every sense of resistance to the United Nations and what is deemed the “New World Order” by every president in recent memory has been squelched and replaced with “friendly” regimes. It is now common practice for the United States to arm both sides of every conflict while training “peace-keepers” to take over when the U.S. military withdraws from its illegal occupation in undeclared war, usually via Executive Order or other Executive (forceful) violence.

The fall of Iran seems to be the last great international challenge. Iran stands as the last hold out. And it is more demonized with every passing day.

Russia, China, and other imaginary enemies fill up the interim, but don’t be fooled. Government investments in China are why China is any power at all. And Russia wasn’t just allowed to build up its infrastructure because the United States was asleep. U.S. bases are in every state and in every nation around the world. These are not peaceful settlements, they are military occupations. No money is needed. It is rule by force, not by economics!

But with all of this military might, how is it that the U.S. will “crash?”

In the art of war, the assassin must be killed once its job is done. The United States has all but served its purpose. It has assassinated all resistance. It’s culture (which is a lack of established culture and moral law) has been infused with most other nations. Its fake currency has bought up the world “economy,” and that wealth can easily be transferred out to the world bank, leaving the people of America hopelessly destitute. With trained peace-keepers keeping the violent peace under United Nations’ purview, the centralization of military power can now be unilaterally acquired by the U.N. The United States as a mere member state of the United Nations can and is being equalized with all others.

The necessary symbolic crash of the United States central bank and currency is absolutely a requirement for global governance, where all nations are equal as the states of this United States are pretended to be. The centralized power as military force of the United States must be dismantled for the Roman phoenix to rise in its new form of global governance. And the only way to accomplish such a seemingly impossible feat is to play the only card left in the deck – the illusion of economic collapse through the “crash” of the fake currency.

Only if the people believe in that currency as real and intrinsic can this be accomplished, just as the Federal Reserve reports above.

Why is the mainstream news now sound-biting the horrors of the Fed and propagandizing the notion of “End The Fed” as a rallying cry? Does that really make sense considering that government is the majority stock-holder of all media agencies and stocks them with Operation Mockingbird parrots of the CIA, even while it saber-raddles for the destruction of Iran? Why is the totally controlled news constantly injecting fear-porn into the general public about the eminent financial crash of America? Why is it selling gold and storable food while continuously warning about earthquakes, economic upheaval, world war, and emergency preparedness?

The answers should be obvious.

The United States has done its job; its drugged, dumbed-down population used as cannon fodder as paid mercenaries for the military corporation. The borders are open. It’s business globalized. It’s independence subverted.

The shadow of America is the corporation 10 miles square called the United States corporation. And the 50 individual states that we romantically call “America” have fallen prey to their own so-called central government, where the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto are indeed the verifiable written law. The shadow of forced unionization has destroyed an unwitting people that have no idea they are proclaimed as enemies of their own central foreign state, that their shadow military occupies each of the 50 states under Leiber Code statutes, and most importantly that their currency is and always has been nothing but debt obligation and enslavement – the land of the free subjects; a cruel joke played out through an un-winnable game of monopoly at gunpoint.

The reality is that the national debt (a negative) can be abolished and jubilee’d tomorrow with the swipe of a presidential or congressional pen. It doesn’t exist in nature. It is born and will die on legal paper. But its power of illusion is so strong that the fiction of government and its fake money will cause reality to crumble right along with it. The gambling house called the stock market may crash into obscurity, but the ownership in international corporations will remain as the real wealth is transferred away. For a stock’s value is meaningless because what it is valued in is worthless debt in the form of promises to pay. It is the ownership that is important, representing controlling stake in all corporations despite what debt currency it is monetized and valued in. For all currencies are merely debt.

There are no banks left, for there is no lawful (real) money left to be banked. Deposit institutions are not banks, they are debt brokers. If you don’t understand this, then go try and deposit a gold bar or coin into “Wells Fargo Bank” or “Bank of America” – banks in name only. You cannot. No reality allowed. You can only rent a box to safely deposit your tangible property and hope it isn’t confiscated like in the last so-called “banking emergency.” Checking accounts only house promises to pay and nothing else.

The shadow government is killing its creator.

And belief in its own declared, de facto, prima facie evidence of legitimacy is all it will take to deliver the final blow.

It will be our own sons and daughters as career mercenaries that will be our own peace-keepers at home. Their uni-forms already bear the United Nations regalia and patch-mark.


–Clint Richardson (
–Sunday, December 21th, 2014

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  1. Pablo

     /  December 21, 2014

    Reality not allowed, LOL! Is the new movie subtitled “The United States of Earth” ? Or a United STATE of Confusion ? The Circular Clock is Crap @ every tick it makes. A life of disabling the “snooze” button on our brothers & Sisters Alarm clocks is what we are reduced to. Free Will has a chance, why else would it be under such attack? Sound the Alarm… We have been lied to ! I take comfort in the fact that I am not the only one awake but I could sure use a nap now and again.


  2. FrankLee

     /  December 21, 2014

    Get psychiatric help immediately.


  3. scott

     /  December 21, 2014

    So in reality we don’t have anything to worry about? Freedom was just an illusion? Now that we know we have always been slaves we simply need to accept that reality and change our paradigm? Well, freedom isn’t an illusion for me. It is a God given right and I will uphold it even unto death. I will die free even if it means starving to death, receiving a bullet to the head, etc, etc. The global Jewish bankers cannot destroy my freedom of conscience. They can destroy my body but that’s it.


  4. What kind of disgusting things are these creatures who literally live off the lives, the LIFE of human beings??? How creepy and repulsive. Thank you for another lucid and informed essay Clint. Poting far and wide.


  5. Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    I don’t agree 100% with this work but its close enough to what I think to recommend as a must read! If you read this don’t get lost in some of the details discussed here the basic premise present is reasonably sound!


  6. Michael Terry

     /  December 21, 2014

    Someone look up the Twin Deficits Theory. I learned it in Economics class in grad school.


  7. Melodee

     /  December 21, 2014

    Clint, I just went to renew my massage license in the state. It has global questions all over the new app requirement to fill out a profile that wants everywhere I do business. I can smell a global tax and required continued education like so many other professions. Melodee


    • Keep in mind that the application is what everything is based on. It is the only important document (matrix) which all other paperwork/license is based on. You can never get rid of a license or other government contract unless you void the original application, which is monetized.

      APPLICARE. Lat. In old English law.
      To fasten to; to moor (a vessel.) Anciently
      rendered, “to apply.” Hale, de Jure Mar.
      Applicatio est vita regulse. Application
      is the life of a rule. 2 Bulst. 79.

      APPLICATION. A putting to, placing
      before, preferring a request or petition to or
      before a person. The act of making a request
      for something.
      A written request to have a certain quantity
      of land at or near a certain specified place.
      8 Bin. 21; 5 Id. 151.
      The use or disposition made of a thing.
      A bringing together, in order to ascertain
      some relation or establish some connection;
      as the application of a rule or principle to a
      case or fact.
      In insurance. The preliminary request,
      declaration, or statement made by a party applying
      for an insurance on life, or against
      Of purchase money. The disposition
      made of the funds received by a trustee on a
      sale of real estate held under the trust.

      MATRIX. In the civil law. The protocol
      or first draft of a legal instrument, from
      which all copies must be taken. See (Tex.)
      16 S. W. Rep. 53.

      This application is what makes everything that seems tyrannical voluntary. The law is stuck to our person because it is applied like glue in agreement.



    • mahwah

       /  December 22, 2014

      Melodee I myself am a massage therapist and when I have applied for license, at the end of the application it stated (paraphrasing); Upon request information about me will be disclosed to the local, state, federal or foreign agencies. FOREIGN? How “foreign” has a jurisdiction over me? I was VERY much hesitating to sign the document, and that was BEFORE I learn so much from Clint, Burt and Daniel. Internally something was telling me “this is wrong”. I called the office and questioned this part, trying to get the justification. A man on the other line (a greenhorn) couldn’t explain and told me it’s just a formality, in case I am not a US nationale. Actually I wasn’t born here, has a US citizen(slave) status, but he couldn’t know this. Small examples like this one shows that we are moving toward GLOBAL citizenship. I assume anyone who signs a paper like this will automatically “grandfathered” in to that status.


  8. Consider this while you drink some of that coffee from Seattle haha That constitution was doomed to fail as soon as they stole it and killed the savges they stole it from..It is called the Great Law of Peace..If those heroic ,worshiped founding fathers (BTW who never found anything,) Just took the greatest republic every known called the great law of peace and tweaked it to there liking ..we would not be in this mess nor would any other country, This whole North American Continent would be free, have a voice and elder woman who have served with honor would be in control BTW they got paid nothing to uphold this over 400 year Law before we were founded or discovered or whatever you want to call it, anyway Hope you enjoyed the coffee Peace Linda Little Bear


  9. Paul

     /  December 30, 2014

    “Executive Order” Isn’t it funny how to ‘Execute’ means both to act (by the arm of man) and to kill.


  1. Crash: Why America Will Fall Under Its Own Shadow | Grumpy Opinions
  2. The Global Hegemony Is Like A 24,000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle | Ronmamita's Blog
  3. The World is a Psychopathic Magician’s Illusion – Everything Is Backwards

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