Apparently, I am a conspiracy theorist.

At least, that’s what I’ve been called when trying to inform friends, family, acquaintances, and just about anybody who believes that it can’t happen here that we as American citizens are in serious trouble.

What does this phrase mean anyway? And why does it have such negative connotations?

“At this point it seems that anyone who chooses to educate themselves outside of the established system of education ends up a conspiracy theorist.” –from the book ‘Human?’

Conspiracy – According to the word conspiracy is defined as:

  1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
  2. A group of conspirators.
  3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action. This is the ‘law version’.
  4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.

Theory – (Again from

  1. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable. And any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible.” -Bertrand Russell

First, lets talk about the word theory. Without theories, there would be no presumptions of guilt and therefore, no court cases. In medicine, there would be no need for experiments and likely no cure for disease. We’d still be wondering why we don’t just float away from the Earth, since no theory of gravity would have ever been tested, let alone suggested in the first place. There would be no science, and no scientific method without theory. The Earth would still be perceived as flat. And… I suppose there would be no humans around if it were never so sensually theorized that a man and woman are different for a reason. Conspiracies would go unchecked, and Kings would rule the land.

What I can’t understand is that the stuff I talk about usually comes accompanied with documented evidence, visual proof, official government documents or quotes, historical record, or just downright indisputable fact. I can’t quite figure out the average American’s general aversion to reality. And I’ve never understood how an individual belief in institutions like the mainstream media and religion could trump reality, evidence, and downright truth. How can television make the average person believe evil is in fact good.

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” -David Rockefeller

“… we are in process of developing a whole series of the techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed, and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude. People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs, which by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.” -Aldous Huxley – March 20, 1962 – in a speech about his book: ‘Brave New World’

While 9/11 is the mother of all conspiracies, I’d like to focus on the bills (conspiracies) that are now becoming law. These are the ones that are now in Congress and the Senate. Some have passed. Some sit in committee, and some are just drafts awaiting sponsors. All of them turn conspiracy theory into fact. In some ways this is a relief to people like me. I no longer have to prove myself. And you who doubted before can no longer call me a conspiracy theorist. And unfortunately, we crazy people can finally say we told you so…

H.R. 645 – National Emergency Centers Establishment Act:

This is a bill that establishes no less than two F.E.M.A. prison camps for civilians in each of the six F.E.M.A. zones in the United States on abandoned or active military bases and to be at full ready operation status at all times, with a second half on standby. One purpose of these camps would be as stated in section 2(b) – (4) to meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security. This should disturb you.

Incidentally, a recent Army job posting on the Army’s website is seeking applications for “Internment/Resettlement Specialist”. Some of the job descriptions are as follows:

  • …Responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/ correctional facility or detention/internment facility.
  • Provide command and control, staff planning, administration/logistical services, and custody/control for the operation of an Enemy Prisoner of War/Civilian Internee (EPW/CI) camp
  • Provide command and control, staff planning, administration/logistical services, and custody/control for the operation of detention facility or the operation of a displaced civilian (DC) resettlement facility

S. 787 – Clean Water Restoration Act:

Don’t let the name fool you. This bill would put all water in the United States into the hands of the Federal government. Rivers, puddles, wells, raindrops, and probably tears. Here is the nightmarishly tyrannical statement in section 4 of the bill:

(3) DEFINITION OF WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES. (25) WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES- The term ‘waters of the United States’ means all waters subject to the ebb and flow of the tide, the territorial seas, and all interstate and intrastate waters and their tributaries, including lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, natural ponds, and all impoundments of the foregoing, to the fullest extent that these waters, or activities affecting these waters, are subject to the legislative power of Congress under the Constitution.’

Also, in section 5 – (1) by striking ‘navigable waters of the United States’ each place it appears and inserting ‘waters of the United States’.

In other words, navigable waters now include puddles and underground aquifers, meaning you have no rights to the water on your land, or to the rain that happens to fall in a “pothole” on your land, or even into a bucket on your front porch.

H.R. 146: Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009:

This bill passed both Congress and Senate in March 2009, and was signed by president Obama on March 30, 2009. This act is actually a bundle of 164 differently sponsored bills, some having nothing to do with “land management”. It authorizes President Obama to ‘evacuate’ by use of the law of eminent domain all American citizens from what are now being called United Nations Biosphere Reserves and Corridors by ‘no later than’ April, 2011. This depopulation of “wilderness areas” is not for the purposes of conservation as it sounds, but is in reality a massive land grab by this rouge government of more than 2 million square acres over 9 of our United States.

To understand more about this, look into a conspiratorial plan called Agenda 21, which was hatched up in the United Nations in the early 90’s here –

  1. (
  2. (

The interesting thing about bills like this is that they can be amended, changed, added to, and completely rewritten by future bills and similar acts. These amendments can appear in any future bill as an added on paragraph or two changing one or two words or phrases. (i.e. “navigable waters of the United States” has now been changed to just “waters of the United States” in the above S. 787) These tiny semantic changes completely evolve these innocent looking bills into nightmarish, tyrannical, and unconstitutional directives that become law. This bill is no different, as it gives the federal government the ability to create environmental conditions and threats as an excuse to grab or “acquire” any land it wishes under false pretenses. Check to see whom the founders of your favorite environmental group, charity, or cause are. Chances are it’s someone very rich, very devious, very connected, and very much a believer in eugenics and population reduction policies.

H.R. 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009

This bill establishes a “Food Saftey Administration”, a “Food Safety Administrator”, and will transfer all powers of the FDA to this new administration. Nothing about this is what it seems. In fact, this bills language with regards to fines, legal actions, contaminants, and food “safety” would have consequences that can barely be put into words. Not only would it give the federal government the power to put any farmer or rancher out of business at the stroke of a pen through fines, food detention, seizure, and condemnation, but it would also make it essentially illegal to sell your own homegrown food to neighbors or at farmers markets.

Translation: no more organic farmer’s markets. They would be outlawed.

It would require farms to use “federally approved” pesticides and GMO seeds, and would require ranches to use “federally approved” chemicals, anti-biotics, and growth hormones in their milk producing and meat growing livestock. Monsanto has big stakes in this bill. If the farms and ranches don’t comply, declared contaminated (with wholesome food), they would be quarantined, and be forced to pay fines until they closed down.

Translation: no more organic meat, fruits, or vegetables.

There are many more aspects to this bill that boggle the mind, but most important in my opinion is the presidential signing statement, which states:

SEC. 501. REORGANIZATION PLAN. Sub-section (c) – Modification of Plan- The President may, on the basis of consultations with the appropriate congressional committees, modify or revise any part of the plan until that part of the plan becomes effective in accordance with subsection (d).

Translation: The president may change this bill in any way he sees fit after it is voted on and approved. He would conspire with congressional committees (consultations with the appropriate congressional committees – meaning corporate sponsors and contributors who lobby their legislature) to make the policies best suit the corporations of big agriculture and big pharmaceuticals and ensure complete control of the food industry.

*** This one sentence alone is enough to burn this bill where it sits. If you don’t understand why, this is another way of looking at it:

Translation #2: This bill in its present form can be completely re-written by the president before it’s implementation… Why not just do away with the legislature and have a king?

Many other versions of this bill have been pushed through to committee since this one was introduced and so many activist groups opposed it. Different number, same B.S. As stated before, if one bill passes… all of the things we fought against will just be slowly added on in the future, in the form of amendments attached to other non-related bills. This is the game we must play, and against all odds… win.

There are more of these… Many more. The Mothers Act, The Cyber-securty Act (thought crimes bill), The Hate Crimes Bill, Cap and Trade, Health Care Reform, and on and on and on…


So, am I a conspiracy theorist?

Well, if by this disrespectful insult (which was no doubt placed ever so delicately into your brain through mass media brainwashing) you mean that I know – not believe – but know these men and women of the Senate and Congress, the executive branch and its multitude of unelected appointees, the corporations and bankers which fund their campaigns, and the media which distorts the truth, misleads the public, and outright lies to you… I know they are conspiring to set up a police state, a tyrannical world government through the U.N, a complete corruption of the Constitution, and a total Homeland Security biometric control grid, simply because I can read these bills, legislation and countless declassified documents on the official government websites.

If this is the definition of a conspiracy theorist than I am guilty. But believe me, the conspiracy is no theory.

I do have one theory though, and perhaps you can relate my little sheep…

I believe that while this type of legislation is being passed under everyone’s nose, taking away the rights and freedoms of everyone in this country, the majority of the dumbed down citizens out there will pay a fee to phone in and vote for their favorite American Idol, while the legislative phone lines remain silent.

“And Caesar’s Rome began proposing how many children anyone may have under their disguise of “Responsibilty.” for the Environment. They used words like “Carbon Footprint.” All a part of their Freemason globalist agenda for a New World Order that was just more of the Same Old Same Old of their Freemason Pyramid world where they at the top of the Dictatorial Pyramid dictated down through the Pyramid the rules to everyone even though they seldom followed their own rules.” –Unknown author.

Clint Richardson (

September 17, 2009

How Congress Created Californias’ Dust Bowl

I’ve driven the almost 400 mile stretch of Interstate 5 from L.A. to Sacramento dozens of times. Quite honestly, it’s as boring as it gets… with only the usual gas stations, mini-marts, fast-food, home-cookin’ restaurants, and strangely enough a newer batch of Starbuck’s Coffee shops sprouting up everywhere, yet in the middle of nowhere. In between… farms, orchards, cattle, and dirt.

On July 15th, as I began my trip to Sacramento, I came off the Grapevine decline and hit the flat 250 or so mile stretch of interstate which begins the farming belt in the valley – the bread basket of America. Almost immediately I noticed what I had only heard about on the radio and in the papers, and had dismissed. Where once there were vast fields of green, now there where empty, barely recognizable rows of un-planted dirt and growing weeds: only sporadically at first, but once I passed Bakersfield and for about a 200 mile stretch going north, I could not believe my eyes. Field after field lay fallow: yet not really fallow, but unattended and full of weeds… as if they were not going to be planted in the near future either.

Signs were staked in the ground on almost every patch of barren farmland, quite visible to passing traffic. These were but small, silent protests by these silenced farmers. The most common one, which was yellow and obviously a group effort to wake up the sleeping travelers of their future plight, read:


Others, which looked more homemade, were staked and also posted on non-operational farm equipment parked as close to the freeway as possible, stated things like:



At one point, after 100 miles or so of seeing this horror, I broke down in tears and had to pull over to the side of the road. I saw the aqueduct – which followed Interstate 5 most of the way on its desolate path through central California – and the large fields of dead trees which were planted just a few feet from the flowing cement river. I imagined how those trees would feel, imprisoned in the dying dirt by their own roots, if they could indeed comprehend that their source of life was just a seeds throw away. It was like some horrific storybook come to life: science fiction in real time. I was thinking of the farmers and their families and wondering what would become of them and their land. I was thinking about the consequences of hundreds of miles, perhaps millions of acres of food no longer being grown, and adding together other states and cities like Campo, Colorado which have the same situation… only planting about 60% of their crops this year.

This deadness went on until the brink of civilization once again began to show. When I approached the Stockton/Modesto highway interchange area the carnage seemed to stop, and the fields appeared to be healthy and bountiful again. I can only guess that this is because more people drive on that stretch of the freeway, and so the powers that be are trying to keep up appearances. No other explanation came to mind.

To the readers of this, I can only say that living in the city has literally blinded me to the truth, even though I knew it was happening. I wonder how many other things I inadvertently ignore thanks to our medias corruption and lack of true investigative reporting? Many economists and trends predictors foreign and domestic have called for food shortages and food riots in the fall. And with what I saw last week, I have new reason to believe them.

But then, that’s the real problem isn’t it? Belief

If you believe that the food will continue to flow (magically appearing on store shelves in a grocery store near you) and just dismiss the very real claims of shortages worldwide, including a severe wheat shortage in this country due to a harmful fungus, then I might boldly say that you deserve whatever fate befalls you.

I challenge you all to take a drive up the 5 and see this for yourself. Please! Don’t let this go unseen. If you are camera or video savvy, I think it would be a really great photo exhibit or website showing the true nature of our common problem. And you better believe as you take your daily shower, flush your toilet, and water your fertilized-non-edible grassy yards, that this is indeed a Congress created crisis. So please tell as many people about it as possible.

Lastly, if you haven’t already… buy storable food! Go to the dollar store and buy rice and beans. Buy pasta, caned and jarred foods, or anything with a shelf life of more than 6 months.

What’s the worse that can happen? You’ll have food in 6 months.

What’s the best that can happen? You’ll have food in 6 months.

Take care. Spread this information. Get mad. Fight tyranny. And…

Don’t be a sheep!

Clint Richardson
Monday, July 20, 2009


Update: How Congress Actually Did Create This California Dust Bowl And A Soon-To-Be Realized Future Food Shortage.
September 15, 2009

I had a bunch of unexpected responses to this article… a few that knew what was going on, and most who didn’t. Honestly, I didn’t know the cause until I received the following information through a few email responses. Here’s a few video’s related to why this is a California, or more specifically a “Congress Created Drought”:

Doubt and skepticism are not an option here, I’m afraid…

Also, this is what someone else sent to me in an email, which tells me that this is not a lone incident – more part of a continuing plan or “conspiracy”: a plan for lobbying corporations (like Monsanto for instance) to purchase or take over the land for pennies on the dollar once farmers go out of business and abandon the dead fields (which would be desolate, worthless land without the government contracts for aqueduct water). The water might then be turned on again, and GMO crops planted instead. Just my opinion… Here’s the excerpt:

——-> “They used the same strategy in the Modesto area to rob farmers of water as they did in Klamath Falls, OR. First it was the Sucker Fish, then it was the Salmon. When people started waking up to the fact that Sucker Fish don’t like high water levels, and that they actually killed off more (Sucker Fish) by taking water from the farmers for them (Sucker Fish), they switched to saying it was because of the endangered Salmon. The Salmon statistics were manipulated to further the cause of stealing the water and getting rid of small farmers.

So, by wiping out small farmers, mega chemical companies like Monsanto, which only produce non-organic Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods and seeds, using highly poisonous pesticides (Round-Up Ready) and experimental gene-spliced crops (like spider-corn to produce spider silk with the corn, and trout-corn to make corn crops resistant to cold weather) will then buy the farms or farming land, passing legislature to force farms to use these (deadly disease causing) seeds and pesticides, and yet still use these crops as food. This coincides with both congressional bills H.R. 759, H.R. 875, and bill H.R. 2749, which basically outlaw organic farming, outlaw farmers markets and public gardens, and takes over the FDA (along with all of its regulatory powers) and replaces it with the new Federal “Food Safety Administration”.

*** Oh… and in July, President Obama stated in a speech to Africa, that he promised 3.5 billion dollars to Ghana, Africa – for the purposes of producing and EXPORTING food to America. The powers that be are destroying by design the agriculture and manufacturing industry in this county, while promising and delivering taxpayer money to foreign countries, forcing businesses to fold and turning this country into a totally import dependent, consumer based market.

This is why we have little economy or industry left in America, and nothing to support our own people except conglomerate mega-stores, which sell poorly manufactured, often toxic foreign imported goods, while putting local shops out of business.

How long will we stand for this?

How much will we take?

How long will we ignore the problem, which is our absolutely corrupt government?

And, how long will we be able to retain our independence from that government?

Here is a famous quote which should answer this last question:

He who controls the food, controls the world.”  – Henry Kissinger

-Clint Richardson (
September 15, 2009