
Oops. Never-mind. Withdrawn. Thanks for the comment (below), Wanda! Perfect example of how the media dumbs us down, and how no one is immune! Someone sent me those same numbers and I fell for it! Beware fake news, which is just another name for DISINFORMATION on every front, even the subconscious.

*** Note: I’m working diligently on the next audio book that will be the next 15 hour episode of Red Pill Sunday School, a full exploration of the strawman and the spiritual war we are currently in, which will be a reading of and commentary on a new, very long blog entry, essentially a new book. The average audio book is 10-13 hours long.


–Clint > richard-son
–Saturday, March 7th, 2020

Cracking The Cult Of The Constitution (Part II)


Cracking The Cult Of The Constitution
Part II: Squaring The Past


Welcome to Part two of this essay series. Continuing from where we left off, the comprehension in the reader that the constitution of the United States – thanks to multiple declared “national emergency’s” – is no longer a part of the current political setting in America or the world must be clear. The constitution grants no rights to men. It has no power but that wielded from its congress, interpreted by Congress’s statutory court under the Executive Branch, and whether constitutional or unconstitutional, the laws of government are enforced violently by that Executive Branch under military rule (Lieber Code). Having been verified in the U.S. Code, from within the congressional record, and through the obvious and blatant actions of Congress and the Executive, acknowledging the constitution’s suspension is a necessary step in overcoming the cognitive dissonance continuously shrouded over us through govern-ment (mind control) and the distraction of enter-tain-ment (the entering and holding of the mind). The constitution is used today as nothing more than a religious (Ecclesiastical) and unquestioning tool of justification (Justice) for government to commit atrocities in its tyranny – romanticized abuse. This understanding that the Executive Branch (the military enforcement arm) of the United States government is no longer bound to Congress (by its own choice) or by the constitution itself is a prerequisite for continuing down this road of discovery and sobriety.

If this is not clear, I would suggest going back to the prerequisite part 1 of this essay, here:

(link) https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/cracking-the-cult-of-the-constitution-part-i/

Some will turn away from this information, stating as a defense that they have faith in government and in their particular corporate church.

But how is faith defined legally within the church and govern-ment?

From black’s Law 1st edition:

FAITH. 1. Confidence; credit; reliance. Thus, an act may be said to be done “on the faith” of certain representations. 2. Belief; credence; trust. Thus, the constitution provides that “full faith and credit” shall be given to the judgments of each state in the courts of the others. 3. Purpose; intent; sincerity; state of knowledge or design. This is the meaning of the word in the phrases “good faith” and “bad faith”. In Scotch law. A solemn pledge* an oath. “To make faithis to swear, with the right hand uplifted, that one will declare the truth.

Remember the sacramentum; the sacred oath? Remember the God Trust as the full faith and credit of the United States and its dollar that holds you, your children, and your property as surety and collateral? And don’t you wonder why the constitution would simply assume that the judgements of any court of law is automatically good for everyone in every state, very much like the doctrine of religion? Does that sound like a fair trial to you?

As a “state of knowledge”, faith represents ignorance as “belief without fact”. Is that really where God would want his children to be – lead by the bloodline of royal corporations as governments who demand faith over reason and nature? The Bible says no.

Join me now for a pictorial and documented view of the United States and its history like you’ve never seen it before…

A Dark Authority

Perhaps you, as I have for so long, have wondered where exactly the “Authority” of government comes from?

What gives police authority to beat my head, shoot, or Taze me?

What gives the president the authority to declare an emergency and militarily force all people to comply with his rules?

Does it come from the people; in the form of the consent of the governed to be ruled by force?

Well, one might very well answer yes to this question after enduring a selective public education sponsored by that same government authority. But what if 49% of the people do not agree with that lawful authority? Must they really just grin and bear its tyranny, even if the corruption in that government is so blatant and scattered all over the news as to be a way of life instead of just random events?

Can the quorum of voices of the people through their “representatives” in Congress really force all of the people to comply with its will and law through the military rule of the Executive?

Does that really sound like a free country to you – where your liberties can be stripped away from you by the vote of the other people in a majority over you? Is that a republic?

If I were to challenge this perceived authority as an individual outside of that group-think mentality, I would need to challenge each office of government, starting from the lowest level of that government Beast. I would have to follow the chain of authority of all public officials, from police to police chiefs to Sheriffs to judges to councilmen to mayors to Governors to State legislators and senators… and finally I would be re-directed all the way up to the Federal level of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches and Cabinets, and then finally to the man himself – the President of the United States. For each of these officials would indeed claim to answer to the authority of the one above themselves as the origin of their own perceived legal authority, but only after trying to convince me that as one of the “people” the president actually gets his power from me. And he will say this even when I outright declare him a criminal, smiling ear to ear in arrogance at my petulance while attempting to convince me that his authority is in fact the law of the people – of myself. I am apparently “the people”, though I have no voice…

But if finally I were to then challenge the authority of the President of the United States himself… to whom would he then point above him? Is it possible that there is a power higher than the President that he claims to receive his authority from? Of course, his public answer and claim of authority would be derived in full circle back to the fallacious lowest level of  the “consent of the governed” – the power of the people as a body politic of one, with only one voice – despite the 10’s or 100’s of millions who do not agree.

E Pluribus Unem – out of many, one.

So here is the true test of this word authority…

What happens when I challenge the authority of the people – of the body politic – as nothing but an authoritarian, indoctrinated mob led by government over myself and my natural rights with no clue that the people are harming themselves by their blind delegation of power to government?

What happens if I don’t agree that 51% of the people can vote to allow a corrupt government to take away my liberties, especially on known-to-be-rigged computer voting machines? And if government is based on the consent of all the people as one collective voice, what happens if one of those people no longer consents to being a part of that group-think model? What if one individual stands up and says no? Can a people really be free if any one of them are forced to obey a morally reprehensible law simply because the majority of people around them ignorantly acquiesce to granting government the authority to enforce that law? If government passes laws while in the same sentence exempting itself from its own laws, can we really call what we have in America today lawful, when the law is provably lawless?

So where can I possibly be directed to at this point to ask the people – after following this chain of mythical authority all the way to the top level of U.S. President and finally back to myself – where as part of a group of people without knowledge or comprehension I somehow authorize myself to be abused, mistreated, extorted from, stolen from, kidnapped, imprisoned, quarantined, and even killed?

Where, oh where does this authority come from?

Now that I know that the President’s power derives from myself, as one of the people, I still have the same question: Who or what gives authority to government? And for that matter, who or what gives authority to the people or to the Constitution of the United States?

I know what the answer is not, because it certainly is not me! And yet I am supposedly lumped in as a part of the people…?

It is with great horror that I must inform you that I have finally found the answer to these questions after many years of searching… and it isn’t good.

You see, we must realize that civil legal law and code – the law of men – is a law that cannot be enforced except with the use of violent force and duress. After all, what good is a Congress or a Judicial opinion if that opinion or law is not backed up by an army of security guards to force the people into accepting and obeying those laws and opinions?

So the first hard lesson we all need to comprehend is that any and all man-made law absolutely requires the force of law, either defensive or offensive. For voluntary taxes to be paid, punishments and consequences must be made to force payment of those voluntary taxes – for who would voluntarily pay for and support their own tyranny and enslavement unless forced or manipulated by govern-ment (mind control)?

Governments must make all things illegal before it can control the populace by issuing licenses to legally commit an illegal act.

And by punishing those who act without permission from government for even the most trivial of things, the authority of government is created through perceived fear. The government’s law must turn natural rights into political government granted rights (revokable privileges and benefits) in order to establish a true fascist society. And if you haven’t noticed lately, that is exactly what the federal United States government has done to America…

But still the question remains – why do 100’s of millions of people allow a few hundred congressional, judicial, and executive employees of the United States practice fascism right out in the open? Is the lack of knowledge and recognition of just what fascism is really that prevalent? Is ignorance really that blissful? Are meager benefits really worth the tyranny?

And still I must ask… Where does anyone’s authority to pass any law come from?

I have finally found the shocking answer, for all law throughout history has always been based upon a Higher Authority. In other words, God has always been the gnostic Authority of man’s law, from Cannon law to its modern perversion of ecclesiastical oppression. The question is, which god or derivative thereof was manifested in establishing the United States as a central federation of government through constitution?

The laws of the United States are codified into what is known as “U.S. CODE“. This includes the codification of the constitution of the United States.

I consulted Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, printed in 1856, for a definition of this word “code”:

CODE, legislation. Signifies in general a collection of laws. It is a name given by way of eminence to a collection of such laws made by the legislature.

This struck me as quite an odd use of language. Just what and where does this “eminence” hail from, and who exactly is granting it upon the holy U.S. Code of the United States government?

Of course, it then occurred to me that I had certainly heard government use this word before…

The 5th Amendment to the constitution – labeled as one of the “Bill of Rights” – clearly and unequivocally proclaims that your life, liberty, and property can be taken away by government with court order (due process). This is often referred to as the “Taking’s Clause“. It’s most common name though is eminent domain.

Eminent domain is a prime example of what a free country certainly is not! For if my life, my rights (liberties), and my property can simply be seized upon by a corrupt court’s opinion (the faith of the court) without my permission, in no way can any sane and rational man claim to live freely in the jurisdiction of the United States.

Bouvier’s goes on to define the words eminence and domain:

EMINENCE; A title of honor given to cardinals.

CARDINAL, ecclesiastical law. The title given to one of the highest dignitaries of the court (government) of Rome. Cardinals are next to the pope in dignity; he is elected by them and out of their body (body politic). There are cardinal bishops, cardinal priests, and cardinal deacons.

So like our president, the Pope is “elected” by cardinals (appointed representatives) who claim “eminence” (honor through title). So where does this eminence come from in the United States? And who bestowed this eminent authority upon the person who appointed these cardinals to the U.S. government? Do “the people” as a group know the will of God and somehow esoterically vote accordingly through a holy Vulcan mind meld? And if so, why do some people vote differently than other people?

DOMAIN. It signifies sometimes, dominion, territory governed – sometimes, possession, estate – and sometimes, land about the mansion house of a lord. By domain is also understood the right to dispose at our pleasure of what belongs to us. 2. A distinction, has been made between property and domain. The former (property) is said to be that quality which is conceived to be in the thing itself, considered as belonging to such or such person, exclusively of all others. By the latter (domain) is understood that right which the owner has of disposing of the thing. Hence domain and property are said to be correlative terms; the one is the active right (of the tenant) to dispose, the other (property is) a passive quality which follows the thing, and places it at the disposition of the owner.

DOMINION. The right of the owner of a thing to use it or dispose of it at his pleasure.

As tenants, citizens are not the owner of property registered with government. Property as a “passive quality” title is revokable through eminent domain by the true owner, which is government in Trust. So title of property is nothing but a positive (revokable) right (privilege) granted by government, which has dominion over your person and your property (artificial paper things and Titles).

But wait a minute! This legal definition of domain combined with the descriptive word “eminent” leads me to believe that the “Codes” passed by the legislature hold their authority directly from God Almighty… or some other god! And since when are titles of Nobility and Honor allowed in the United States against the constitution?

Oh, wait, I get it… the constitution itself is in fact a sacred set of articles granting the ultimate titles of sacred nobility!!!

Am I to understand that the representatives of the people – the congress and senate – are acting in the same capacity as Cardinals of the Catholic or other Church? Makes sense, considering that for many centuries the church has been the eminent government of most kingdoms.

When I asked a friend of his opinion on this concept,  he referred me to Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, where I found another surprising legal definition that is actual case law:

EVIL. It is an evilwithin rule that either means or end of conspiracy must be evil, to frustrate or impede a government function, whether that function is performed under a constitutional or an unconstitutional law. U.S. v. Rhoads, D.C. D.C., 48 F.Supp. 175, 176.

So according to the opinion of the courts, it is evil to impede the government while it is acting unconstitutionally?

Why am I being arrested, officer?

You’ve committed illegal evil, sir.

Oh, yes then… carry on…

In other words, it is evil to interfere with the holy eminence of government when it claims dominion over your life, your children’s life, your liberty, and your property. I seem to recall that it is evil to frustrate or impede the church as it pretends to act under God as well, but then it claims to be government too.

Now, I suppose we all have different ideas of what constitutes the word evil, but this is ridiculous! After the initial shock of this court opinion and legal definition faded a bit for me, a cold realization subsumed my soul as I realized something very important. This is nothing if not a religious opinion of a religious judicial court based upon its own delusional religious eminence and sacra-ment.

I harkened back to years of research and remembered other confounding claims of property ownership by government, which now started to make perfect sense from a religious standpoint.

Here we see the concept of domain explained on a universal scale: government owns all property, and the people are allowed to be tenants of that property as mere users once registered as citizens. And this from the congressional record!

“The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and user must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.” Senate Document No. 43, 73D Congress, 1st Session, entitled: “Contracts Payable in Gold”, by George Cyrus Thorpe, submitted to the senate: April 17, 1933

“The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar because it is backed by the credit of the Nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.” –Congressman Patman, speaking from the Congressional Record of March 9, 1933, and referring to the Act of March 9, 1933.

If the United States has eminent domain over any and all property it claims, then the United States by default is technically the owner of all property in the United States (jurisdiction). In other words, it claims a dark eminence over the people and what they perceive as their personal property, but which is in fact the domain of the United States central government (a church and state). What else can one call this supposed authority of eminence over all things but righteous?

The Founding Fathers
Of The American Temple


The questions we will be answering today are: Where does this declared eminence hail from? Who or what were the founding fathers that claimed constitutional eminence over all “people”? How are the politicians of today related to those founding fathers? And from what Order of men did they then and now subscribe?

I considered for a long period the rather bold righteousness of these two congressional statements above… And that’s when it struck me – the Authority of government is not lawful in any way! It is not based on the consent of the people or upon the spirit of true justice. It is not even based on anything of or in this world. The horrifying truth is that the major governments of the world, including the United States, are claiming a uniform Authority from God… or from some other occult, godly, and etherical power unknown to most people.

But I didn’t fool myself anymore, for I knew then exactly which god it was.

I knew this almost immediately, because God’s law is the natural law. And everything the United States government does within its eminent “Code” is an attack upon that natural law and the natural rights of the people – the law of God and nature to do no harm to others or their property. U.S. Code is an absolute assault on the Ten Commandments and natural law, allowing government permission to kill, rape, pillage, and torture the enemies of its state within its eminent code. For nowadays, government hardly does anything else but harm its subjected people and eminently pronounce domain over all property and people in America, as well as the rest of the world through its military occupation and forced nation building – more commonly known as “spreading democracy”.

I understood then that my beliefs were absolutely irrelevant; my historical perspective dead wrong.

And I finally comprehended that day the truly dark nature of the Eminent Authority and Domain of this government and of that claimed by its founders. And so I went searching for the answers as to who or what their true higher Authority actually was…

The Tools Of Masonry And Law

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856, lets us understand the deeper meaning of the words used in U.S. Codes and around the world, finding their origins in the ancient sacred geometry of Freemasonry:

RULE. This is a metaphorical expression borrowed from mechanics. The rule, in its proper and natural sense, is an instrument by means of which may be drawn from one point to another, the shortest possible line, which is called a straight line. 2. The rule is a means of comparison in the arts to judge whether the line be straight, as it serves in jurisprudence, to judge whether an action be just or unjust, it is just or right, when it agrees with the rule, which is the law. It is unjust and wrong, when it deviates from it. lt is the same with our will or our intention.

RULE OF LAW. Rules of law are general maxims, formed by the courts, who having observed what is common to many particular cases, announce this conformity by a maxim, which is called a rule; because in doubtful and unforeseen cases, it is a rule for their decision; it embraces particular cases within general principles…


In a million years I would never have guessed that the “Maxims” of law were based upon a metaphysical Masonic concept or tool of justice.

And so I looked to see how other words in this eminent legal system and language were based upon the tools of Masonry…

Of the most commonly used tools by a mason, one which does not get much attention, is the folding ruler. While the compass measures direction and the square measures angle, the rule is used to measure height and length. These modern day “rulers” used to be called a “story pole”, and in modern times have been replaced in practicality by the retracting steel measuring tape. Of course the necessity for a straight line, just as in ecclesiastical law, is paramount in masonry – the shortest distance between two points.

It is important to understand that the teachings of masonry are dualistic, using the tools of building and measurement as “metaphoric expressions” for the character of a man as a Freemason.

For example, the “Square” is one of the most important tools in Freemasonry. Besides being the first working tool in the Second Degree, it is also the Second Great Light.

The Plumb Rule is the emblem of integrity. The Plumb Rule consists of a weight hanging freely at the end of a line; the principle that actuates it is the influence of gravity. No matter where it is placed, it always points to the centre of the earth. So it is in the spiritual world, but here it points unerringly to God.

Note here that pointing downward to the center of the earth as opposed to pointing up to the heavens is represented as pointing to “God”. Perhaps I am mistaken, but rumor has it that something or someone else hangs out down there…

In the Third Degree, the Skirret is an implement which acts on a centre pin, whence a line is drawn to mark out the ground for the foundation of the intended structure. Symbolically, the Skirret points out that straight and undeviating line of conduct laid down for our pursuit in the Volume of the Sacred Law; and so to “square”, “level” and “upright” we must add “straight”. “Straight” is defined as the shortest distance between two points; and in our dealings with God, our neighbour and ourselves, we find that the shortest path is that which is straight. We can easily be tempted to take an easier path and so forsake the straight, perhaps at first just a little, but that “little” can become a habit. To keep on the straight requires restraint, which is rarely easy.

The Chisel is the last of the three working tools of the First Degree, and rightly so, because the Chisel should never leave our hand. As our ritual tells us: “the Chisel points out the advantages of education, by which means alone we are rendered fit members of every civilized society“. “Points out the advantages of education” — and is that not the whole theme of the Second Degree? There we are exhorted to extend our researches into the hidden mysteries of nature and science. “Science” in that use is the ancient word for knowledge, and education is the acquisition of knowledge, the way to which lies up the Winding Staircase. As the workman, with the aid of a chisel gives form and regularity to the shapeless mass of stone, so education by cultivating ideas and polishing rude thoughts transforms the ignorant savage into the civilised being.

The Chisel furthermore demonstrates the advantages of discipline. The mind like the diamond in its original state is unpolished, but by grinding away the external coat we are enabled to discover the latent beauty of the stone. Thus education discovers the latent beauties of the mind, and draws them forth to range over the field of matter and space in order to display the summit of human knowledge, our duty to God and man.

Why do judges use a gavel in their court proceedings?

The Gavel, we are told, represents the force of conscience, which, of course, is the voice of our own soul, or as our ritual puts it “the voice of nature” and the “centre from which we cannot err“. It is this inner voice that is ever ready to warn us when without it we would err. If we let conscience guide us, and are prompt to heed it, we will find its voice becoming stronger and clearer with every day of our lives; but, if we fail to heed it, failure becomes a habit, and its voice will eventually become so weak that it is barely audible, so that finally there is no warning at all and its owner becomes a really evil person.

Conscience, like the Gavel, will “knock off all superfluous knobs and excrescence’s” so that the rough stone of our character will become the Perfect Ashlar fit for the Temple.


“The Latin assis was a board or plank; in the diminutive form, assula, it meant a small board, like a shingle, or a chip. In this connection it is interesting to note that our “axle” and’ “axis” were derived from it. In early English this became asheler and was used to denote a stone in the rough as it came from the quarries. The Operative Masons called such a stone a “rough ashlar,” and when it had been shaped and finished for its place in the wall they called it a “perfect ashlar.” An Apprentice is a rough ashlar, because unfinished, whereas a Master Mason is a perfect ashlar, because he has been shaped for his place in the organization of the Craft.

– Source: 100 Words in Masonry

Rough and Perfect Ashlar
(Top) Crude Ashlar
(Bottom) Finished or Perfect Ashlar


The First Issue of the Builder
The Builder was published from 1915 to 1930 by
the National Masonic Research Society.
Nearly a century later, it has yet to be surpassed in terms of quality of content. 


Begin Excerpt from source:
“The Builder”, December 1916

Our lodge is in every respect a symbolic workshop, furnished with all the tools belonging to the different grades of workmen, and with a trestleboard upon which are set forth the day’s designs and the material upon which the labor of the brethren is to be expended.

This symbolic material consists of the two ashlars, emblematic of the crude material and the finished product, which are placed plainly enough on view in New York lodges, but absent or almost unknown except to students in many other states. The oblong stones and nondescript slabs sometimes seen are noteworthy evidence that the age-old significance of the “cubical stone,” which has played such a prominent role in the mythology and mysticism of the past, has almost run to oblivion in the modern craft. These stones should really be perfect cubes. The symbolism of the working tools is completely lost the moment such proportions are lost sight of or ignored. The ancient Hebrews had their own version of the great “number philosophy,” which lent sanctity and expressiveness to the number 12. First of all, it was the number of their Twelve Tribes, who were doubtless a symbolical enrollment of all the heads of families under the zodiacal sign of the month in which they were born. It is certainly significant that the patriarchal system was founded upon this number, and later on many other dispositions were made that showed a particular reverence for the Chaldean plan of the universe based upon 12 signs. As one cube possesses six sides each of which is a perfect square, a number of remarkable mathematical and geometrical symbolisms were established based upon the fact that all the numbers, from one to 12 added together produce 78. This number is also the sum of 3 times “26,” the numerical value of the “Great and Sacred Name of Jehovah” (JHVH).

As each cube possesses 12 edges, the combined number require a 24-inch rule to symbolize their total outline. The breaking into different mathematical combinations of this supreme number, each significant of some one of the great ruling phenomena of nature, was seen in the symbolism of the use of an operative Mason’s gavel in the dressing of building stones.

The grand old mystery name of our Creator, called the Tetragrammaton (Greek for “four-letter name”) had as its root the three letters J, H, and V, which as numbers were 10, 5, and 6, or 21, the sum of the added numbers 1 to 6 represented by a single cube.

This fact was made the basis of a curious legend, ought by the wise old rabbis into that marvelous compilation called the Talmud, from which more than a little of our Masonic material has been derived.

The story is of the Patriarch Enoch (Hanok, father Methuseleh), whose name means “the initiator,” 10, all accounts agree, lived 365 years, or a “year of years.” A remarkable book attributed to him is often alluded to by the Hebrew commentators and early Christian “Fathers”; but no trace of it was ever found until in the last century it turned up in Abyssinia. It has been translated out of that strange African dialect into many tongues. The so-called Book of Enoch contains a remarkable recital of astronomical science as known to the ancients, told entirely in allegorical form, while the history of the Children of Israel is prophesied ( ?) under the allegorical simile of the remarkable doings of a singularly intelligent flock of sheep which build a house for their shepherd, the whole reading very much like a children’s fairy tale.

The Talmudic legend of Enoch represents him as greatly disturbed at the news of the impending world Deluge,” for fear the Name of God should be lost. He accordingly caused it to be inscribed upon a triangular plate of gold, and affixed it to a cubical stone, for the safe keeping of which he caused a series of nine arched vaults to be constructed, one beneath another, at the foot of Mt. Moriah (the holy mountain of the Jews, as Mt. Meru was of the Hindus). The rains came and the flood descended, and so washed the mud and silt over the site that it became completely obliterated.

Centuries later, when King David was moved “to build an house unto the Lord,” and actually set his workmen to dig the foundations thereof, the latter discovered the vaults, and descending therein brought to light the long-buried stone.

Tradition also has it that the material of this stone was agate, which would at once connect it with the Hermetic philosophy; for agate, above all, was sacred to Hermes and Thoth or David. The latter, having been a warlike monarch, was not permitted to achieve that which he had begun and so bequeathed the cubical stone to his son Solomon, who made use of it as the cornerstone of the Temple.

The imagery of this is plain enough in the fact that, not in a written or engraved inscription, but in the mathematical proportions of the cube itself, was to be found that wonderful Name which is, as it were, the foundation of the universe, of which man is a fleshly epitome and the Temple on Mt. Moriah a symbolic one.

By knowing the use of the working tools of an E. A. the initiate might begin his labor of hewing and shaping the brute matter at his feet into stones fit for the builders’ use; but when he had accomplished his task he was apprised that the symmetry and order it represented in its finished shape was “God”: not a god whom he created, but a God whom his patient labor had revealed.

The cube itself was an age-old symbol of the spiritual Man, as set forth in the Mahabarata of ancient India:

A portion of Mine own Self, transformed in the world of life into an immortal Spirit, draweth round itself the senses of which the Mind, is the Sixth, veiled in Matter.

Therefore we find the cube present in all the ancient mythologies, which were but racial cloaks for one and the same wisdom religion, understood by the priests of all countries alike as a symbol of the sixth sign of the zodiac, the characters portraying the great Mother of Wisdom and her divine son Man.

It is the task of the apprentice to break through the shell of matter and liberate the Divine Word that dwells within by opening his own spiritual perceptions to the light of the Logos. As the priceless statues of Phidias and Praxiteles were once shapeless masses of unmeaning stone and the Parthenon a sea-worn crag, until gavel and gage, mallet and chisel, in the hand of inspiration had performed their tasks, so has always been the lesson of the cube in its unshapen and shapen forms to the apprentice Mason.

End Excerpt.


Something very important has been revealed here, which we will touch upon in more detail as we progress. We must comprehend that the ancient mystery religions, including all of the modern Christian, Judaism, and Islamic faiths, were derived from this Masonic “code” and that these mythologies as allegorical stories all originate from the same source. In other words, religion itself does not shape God, but instead shapes what men do with its teachings. They each control men depending upon that mans race, culture, and preconceived beliefs. And each religion is and was created based upon the integration of race and culture into “the same wisdom religion”.

This is extremely important, as we will see, in understanding the reasons for the next World War (3) and its purpose of pitting the people (races) of all nations against each other. For the true goal in the mysteries is to establish (phoenix rising) a one world religion out of the ashes of a religious war between these “racial cloaks” called religions. The Temple is being rebuilt upon the Mount, with the purpose of inciting world Islam against the now unholy alliance of Christians and the false Jews who claim the Kingdom of Jerusalem (Israel), which we call international Zionism.

As we look around the world and view the tainted media and its “news”, as well as the so-called “Christian” evangelism promoting Israel at all costs, we see the Islamic world spreading while the now Zionist governments of once racially exclusive nations like Sweden, Germany, France, and England become overrun with Muslim immigrants.

In these videos, we can see the plan shaping up and unfolding as the battlefield is being set for a holy religious war on an international scale, all centered around Jerusalem (Israel) and its holy Temple on the Mount recently reclaimed by the Masonic powers of the world after World War II.

“All the qualities of Catholicism…”
“No figures, no images… that’s the only line (difference).”


How else do you create a holy racial religious war than to purposefully intermingle such racial religious foes until one race and religion is forced to fight for its very culture, life, and land? And what happens when you discover that this has been the plan for a very long time – to allow the common-blood “goyim” races to simply and ignorantly wipe each other off the map in a trumped up holy war?

As required reading for full comprehension here, please view my History of World Governments and their incremental takeover by international Zionism, leading to the World Jewish Congress and the reclaiming of the Kingdom Of Israel for the Plantagenet bloodline kings – a war waged by Great Britain’s alliance with that Zionist congress.


It is of the utmost importance to comprehend that the white Ashkenazim “Jews” who now inhabit Palestine (Israel) in an illegal political “State” are not Semitic in any way – they are not the Biblical Jews. And yet they hide behind the historical notion of being the “lost tribes” of the “chosen people”, and now control the major governments of the world. But in truth, the leaders of nations and religions are all of the same blood, pretending to oppose one another while secretly and collectively striving for the same goal of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon and establishing a one world religion through the religious and racial war that action will create.

The Constitution Of A Debt


It is incredibly troubling to ponder the false paradigm of religious-like zeal that Americans exude towards the constitution of the United States. Like moths to a flame, this document of debt enslavement (charter) that created this corporation known as the United States attracts the hearts of people of every age, while their minds waste away viewing a high-definition revision of world history in books and on magic movie and television screens.

Ironically, it is this very document that forged (chartered) the slave colony called the USA; a Virginia Company, and part of the East India Company.

So again, we must remember exactly what a “constitution” actually is.

We must remember that freedom means to obey the laws of government, no mater how tyrannical.

And we must remember that the constitution creates political freedom, not the state of being free men in nature.

Bouvier’s again explains…

TO CONSTITUTE, contracts. To empower, to authorize. In the common form of letters of attorney, these words occur, I nominate, constitute and appoint.”

CONSTITUTION, contracts. The constitution of a contract, is the making of the contract as, the written constitution of a debt.

CONSTITUTOR, civil law. He who promised by a simple pact to pay the debt of another; and this is always a principal obligation.

EVIL. It is an “evilwithin ruleto frustrate or impede a government function, whether that function is performed under a constitutional or an unconstitutional law. U.S. v. Rhoads, D.C. D.C., 48 F.Supp. 175, 176. (From Black’s Law, above)

CONSTITUTION, government. The fundamental law of the state, containing the principles upon which the government is founded, and regulating the divisions of the sovereign powers, directing to what persons each of these powers is to be confided, and the, manner it is to be exercised as, the Constitution of the United States… The words constitution and government are sometimes employed to express the same idea, the manner in which sovereignty is exercised in each state. Constitution is also the name of the instrument containing the fundamental laws of the state. 3. By constitution, the civilians, and, from them, the common law writers, mean some particular law; as the constitutions of the emperors contained in the Code.

CODE, legislation. Signifies in general a collection of laws. It is a name given by way of eminence to a collection of such laws made by the legislature.


Now, we already know that the constitution continued the debt of the Congress into the new United States government. But what was that debt continued from?

Let’s read Article 12 of the Articles of Confederation:

Article XII. All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of congress, before the assembling of the united States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof the said united States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged.

Remember what faith is, and that you are pledged as surety for the full faith and credit of the nation.

And what is it to be pledged?

PLEGIIS ACQUIETANDIS, WRIT DE. The name of an ancient writ in the English law, which lies where a man becomes pledge or surety for another to pay a certain sum of money at a certain day; after the day, if the debtor does not pay the debt, and the surety be compelled to pay, he shall have this writ to compel the debtor to pay the same.

A man is a surety to his government assigned artificial person, and thus is a debtor to government. That debt can be forced from the surety via “due process” of government courts via similar code today. And again we see debtor prisons rising from the ashes…

PLEDGE, contracts. He who becomes security for another, and, in this sense, every one who becomes bail for another is a pledge.

PLEDGER. The same as pawner. (q. v.)

PLEDGEE. The same as pawnee. (q. v.)

PLEDGE or PAWN, contracts. These words seem indifferently used to convey the same idea… 3. Sir William Jones defines a pledge to be a bailment of goods by a debtor to his creditor, to be kept till the debt is dischargeda contract by which a debtor gives to his creditor a thing to detain as security for his debt. Lord Holt’s definition is, when goods or chattels are delivered to another as a pawn, to be security for money borrowed of him by the bailor – and this, he adds, is called in Latin vadium, and in English, a pawn or pledge. 4… according to Judge Story, it may be defined to be a bailment of personal property, as security for some debt or engagement… 5. The term pledge or pawn is confined to personal property; and where real or personal property is transferred by a conveyance of the title, as a security, it is commonly denominated a mortgage. 6. A mortgage of goods is, in the common law, distinguishable from a mere pawn. By a grant or a conveyance of goods in gage or mortgage, the whole legal title passes conditionally to the mortgagee; and if not redeemed at the time stipulated, the title becomes absolute at law, though equity will interfere to compel a redemption. But in a pledge a special property only passes to the pledges, the general property remaining in the pledger. A mortgage may be without possession, but a pledge cannot be without possession… 7. Things which are the subject of pledge or pawn are ordinarily goods and chattels; but money, negotiable instruments, actions, and indeed any other valuable thing of a personal nature, such as patent-rights and manuscripts, may, by the common law, be delivered in pledge. 8. It is of the essence of the contract, that there should be an actual delivery of the thing. 9. It is essential that the thing should be delivered as a security for some debt or engagement. –Bouvier’s, 1856

Black’s 4rth importantly adds:

Pledge… The necessary elements to constitute a contract one of “pledge” are: Possession of the pledged property must pass from the pledgor to the pledgee; the legal title to the property must remain in the pledgor; and the pledgee must have a lien on the property for the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation due him by the pledgor or some other person-while, in a “chattel mortgage,” the legal title passes to the mortgagee subject to a defeasance… A bailment of personal property as security for a debt or other obligation. The specific article delivered to the creditor in security is also called a “pledge” or “pawn.”

So specifically, the Articles of Confederation were delivered to Great Britain and France as a pledge or pawn of America and its colonies, its current and future titled land as territories, its property, and its people as surety for debt.

The subsequent formation of the new United States was for all intents and purposes a “bailout” of the bankrupt congress of the Confederacy, conveying the debt of those Masons over to the new constituted corporation called United States.

The Masonic Hand
That Governs And Enforces


In retrospect, it is unfair of me to merely criticize an entire population who, like myself, grew up in government indoctrination centers called public schools. Like most parents, mine believed it was their duty to send me to a government school, and that it was my duty to pledge my allegiance to that government. I was fooled equally as well as everyone else; becoming part of the amorphous mass of brainwashed human commodities trained to be work-ready by age 18 with my hand on my heart, worshiping the corporate flag of that holy corporate district called United States.

But then in my late 20’s, as buildings were falling in New York City and military men were blocking the streets; as the world was morphing before my very eyes despite anything the constitution may or may not say – I actually read the constitution seemingly for the first time…

Over and over I poured through its legal language, defining its words, shocked at its blatant amendments, and confounded by its true history. And with the comprehension of every new Article and Amendment my belief turned to horror; the realization that I was part of something more sinister than I could ever have imagined. I realized that this corporation was literally killing in my name; with my permission –  in the name of “the people”. For every crime that the United States commits is done so with its presumed consent of the people it represents… one nation that is certainly not under God.

And today,  having just turned 41 this month, I have the dubious duty to report my findings on this holiest of fallacies called the United States constitution.

World peace through law???
Law = military police force, for law holds no power without force.
Force = Peace
Force = Liberty
Force= Freedom
Force = Law


So let’s talk about just who or what this trademarked
and supposed “global force for good” actually is.


Notice the Trademark symbol for this military corporation?
How does the Government define a trademark?
“A trademark is a brand name.

Care and Compasion Hand Delivered?
Which picture is real, and which is print media propaganda?

Corporate recruiting…

A military needs public affairs for its commercial activities and advertising.
And somehow it has salvaged its completely corrupt and tainted reputation
among the American people who unwittingly support it through debt and tacit consent.

But is there more to the military and its “Authority” than we’ve imagined?


Allegiance to…



Clark Gable and Douglas Fairbanks – Masonic Brothers, Lodge #528, Beverly Hills

Gene Autry – 33rd Degree Mason, life Member Lodge # 185, Long Beach

Charles A. Lindbergh, Master Mason

Joe M. Jackson, Masonic Lodge #68

And what about the Commander in Chief?

Commander In Chief of the U.S. Military Barack Obama with his Masonic ring…

The Masonic handshake.


When considering the masses of enlisted soldiers in the military, we must apply the same logic and reason as we do to common members of churches and citizens under governments. Obviously, a kid straight out of high school will not be privy to the sacred secrets and mysteries held by the Masonic Generals of that Army. So it would be foolish again to compare the useful idiots (useful innocents) in the military, that would obey orders to attack their own people on command, to that of the leadership and government of the military. And of course the same holy and sacred oath apparently gives authority to those leaders and allows unquestioning soldiers to die and kill in the name of some deistic god and nation.

The profits from war, occupation, and conquest are a multitude and come in many forms. No one can dare declare this to be a false statement with a straight face. It controls the common-blood population and brings booty into the government’s sacred coffers. But we never seem to consider that the for-profit model of war is literally a corporate business of the Untied States, under the command of the Commander in Chief of that corporation.

Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, defines the Army as:

ARMY. The armed forces of a nation intended for military service on land. An “army” is a body of men whose business is war. While the “militia” is a body of men composed of citizens occupied temporarily in the pursuit of civil life, but organized by discipline and drill, and called into the field for temporary military service when the exigencies of the country require it.

REGULAR ARMY. The permanent military establishment, which is maintained both in peace and war according to law.

There are two very important distinctions here; one between the nation and the countries within, and the other between the militia and a regular army (business). In fact, one of the chief complaints against the King within the Declaration of Independence was that:

“He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.”

And yet in stark contradiction, the constitution in Article 1, Section 8 gives the United States Legislature (Congress) the Power:

“To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years…”

“To provide and maintain a Navy…”

“To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Force…”

Of course, this deceptive language is similar to the language used for national emergencies. Like those, the “Appropriation of Money” is legislated every two years in congress in its appropriations bills – the funding of military rule and foreign and domestic occupation with public moneys out of the public debt or “God Trust”. So while the constitution states a seeming restriction, it also states how to simply work around that restriction in congress.

A standing army is just fine as long as congress consents to and supports it?

The “Federal Farmer” wrote a series of letters published in the Poughkeepsie County Journal in late 1787 and early 1788, where he predicted that under the new Constitution:

“(Congress) will have unlimited power to raise armies, and to engage officers and men for any number of years.”

“I see so many men in America fond of a standing army, and especially among those who probably will have a large share in administering the federal system; it is very evident to me, that we shall have a large standing army as soon as the monies to support them can be possibly found. An army is not a very agreeable place of employment for the young gentlemen of many families.”

“…we all agree, that a large standing army has a strong tendency to depress and inslave (enslave) the people.”


So why is it that in the American states we had individual state militias, whereas in the nation we have a standing army as a business? Just what is the difference between these two words that we so commonly intermingle without care or concern?

COUNTRY. By country is meant the state of which one is a member. 2. Every man’s country is in general the state in which he happens to have been born, though there are some exceptions. See Domicil; Inhabitant. But a man has the natural right to expatriate himself, i. e. to abandon his country, or his right of citizenship acquired by means of naturalization in any country in which he may have taken up his residence.

Ah, so a man in a country is still considered under the natural law; not being forced to submit to that government.

So what the is a nation, and why is it so important to get men to enter into the jurisdiction of the nation despite being perfectly comfortable in his or her country (state)?

NATIONS. Nations or states are independent bodies politic; societies of men united together for the purpose of promoting their mutual safety and advantage by the joint efforts of their combined strength. 2. But every combination of men who govern themselves, independently of all others, will not be considered a nation; a body of pirates, for example, who govern themselves, are not a nation. To constitute a nation another ingredient is required. The body thus formed must respect other nations in general, and each of their members in particular. Such a society has her affairs and her interests; she deliberates and takes resolutions in common; thus becoming a moral person who possesses an understanding and will peculiar to herself, and is susceptible of obligations and rights. 3. It belongs to the government to declare whether they will consider a colony which has thrown off the yoke of the mother country as an independent state; and until the government have decided on the question, courts of justice are bound to consider the ancient state of things as remaining unchanged.

NATIONALITY. The state (disposition) of a person in relation to the nation in which he was born. 2. A man retains his nationality of origin during his minority, but, as in the case of his domicil of origin, he may change his nationality upon attaining full age; he cannot, however, renounce his allegiance without permission of the government. See Citizen; Domicil; Expatriation; Naturalization…

NATIVES. All persons born within the jurisdiction of the United States, are considered as natives.

Are you a native of the United States? Do you think this legal status was a choice? It means that you were born in a state (country) and are a citizen (artificial person) of the United States (the nation).


These words are not interchangeable. In America, there are 50 countries that are members of the nation called the United States.

The United States is not a country, it is a nation.

California is not a nation, it is a country (state).

The 50 “states” of America are all individual countries bound to the nation of the United States under military force of its “spiritual jurisdiction”.

The name United States is very confusing, for it is not representative of the true nature of the countries within. The United States is nothing but the name of the corporation of a district. I could call myself “Dog” as my official name, but that doesn’t make me an actual dog. I am man. Just because the nation calls itself “United States”, that does not mean that it is a country. For the nation is a series of countries that under contract make up the body politic of that nation. The name of the government of that conglomeration of states is the “United States”.

In its simplest terms, a nation is nothing but a “jurisdiction”. It’s sort of like a masonic club, where you can check in but you can’t check out. The civil war is evidence of this fact, supported by the Lieber Code and the United States military occupation of each country (state) of its nation today. Just as a nation’s members are countries (or “states” as artificial corporations), so too are the persons who are citizens of the nation – members of the club. To claim to be a natural-born citizen of the United States means that you were born in a country (state) and are a contracted artificial person corporation of the United States jurisdiction. You are like a Starbuck’s, and there’s one of you on every corner. You see, a natural born man cannot him or herself be an artificial person. For this, the United States corporation (district) created the “14th amendment citizen” and requires you (the man) to be surety for that artificial person in order to be legally called a “citizen” – to be considered a thing instead of a living man – to be a chattel commodity instead of a sentient being.

A citizen is nothing but a piece of paper, assigned a number, and filed away in a cabinet.

But most relevant to this topic is the difference between the militias of the individual countries (states) as compared to the standing army of the nation. For the last thing that the occupying military force of the United States (nation) would desire is for the individual countries (states) to have their own military power to stand in protection of the county (state) against the Masonic United States (nation/jurisdiction). The purpose of minimizing and diminishing the State militias was to create a central army that would occupy and “keep the peace” in each country (state) in order to ensure the military rule of the nation over the countries (states).

In essence, the ability of each state to protect itself from the jurisdiction (rule) of the sovereign (ruler) has been conquered and eradicated by simply destroying the organization of the people of each country (state) as their own military force. The last thing a bully wants is for his victims to fight back.

And this is the forced contractual nature of the word “united” – a nation of tyranny over countries (states).

E Pluribus Unum – out of many (countries), one (nation)…

…Under God???

The Masonic Charter Of Freedom:
Constituting The United States

“Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA has many, many Masonic Connections. It stands on land purchased by Wm. Allen, Grand Master of PA. The ground was staked by Edmond Wolley, a Mason. Thomas Boude, the brick mason, was the first Secretary of St. John’s Lodge of Philadelphia and later Deputy Grand Master. Benjamin Franklin laid the cornerstone while Grand Master (1734) with the assistance of St John’s Lodge. Brother Andrew McNair of Philadelphia rang the bell to call the populace on July 8, 1776, to hear the reading of the Declaration of Independence. The Liberty Bell cracked in 1835 when it tolled the death of Chief Justice John Marshall, past Grand Master of Virginia.”

–Missouri Lodge of Research, “Did You Know?”, Wes Cook publisher, 1965


The comprehension that our most cherished of declarations and the corporate charter called the constitution are a fraud is very much like losing one’s faith in the religious doctrine that controls the minds of good Christians, turning them away from God and natural law. The cult of patriotism that has sprung forth from this particular religion of national constitutionalism is one that I believe must come to an end… yet another pledge of allegiance without comprehension of its consequences. For the constitution is the basis for all fairy tales and faith in and of what would otherwise be a free land and country, and it represents the very foundation of power and tyranny by the corporation for which it chartered. It grants no rights to men, for it only applies to government and artificial corporate persons. It gives no true recourse for the grievances of men, for the courts are government owned. It perverts the natural state of man and binds us in contractual chains of artificial person-hood and obligation. And it offers nothing but debt and subjection to its believers who voluntarily and falsely embrace it as God-given.

The constitution is nothing more than the foundation and Masonic cornerstone of a cult, and its leaders are steering its followers into destitution and despotism…. and world war.

This is done by continuously using the promise of freedom – a word very few common men understand. For in true Orwellian double-speak, the Freedom that is prescribed “eminently” by the constitution is not what we believe it to be. As I will show further into this essay, freedom actually means tyranny. And ironically, the more tyranny that citizens have forced upon them, the more freedom they enjoy. If you are intrigued and skeptical by this statement, it will all make sense later…

For those brave enough to challenge their own belief system by reading and considering what is written below, I would absolutely invite you to ardently attempt to challenge the following information without patriotic dogma (religious belief). I would invite you to suspend your belief and realize your self; stepping outside of the group-think model you’ve been trained to accept and into the world of individual thought, reason, and unbiased logic. And for God’s sake, literally… search your soul. For if this constitution is truly what you believe it to be, surely you can disprove what I am about to reveal. I wholeheartedly encourage you to attempt to do so.

But first you must read…

Before we can examine the rhetoric of this constitution, we must first understand who the Authors of this “Charter For Freedom” were and why they chose to grammatically pen the constitution as they did. This documented history will be followed (in Part 3) by a step by step examination of each myth and fallacy surrounding the constitution and its verbiage. Now, we will expound upon the actual language and define the words written within this debt compact.

Let’s begin…


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty
to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America.”

–U.S. Constitution


(Black’s 4rth)
To institute or establish; to make an
ordinance; to enact a constitution or law.
To confer on a person the holy orders of priest or deacon.

(Black’s 4rth)
Ceremony by which a bishop confers on a person
the privileges and powers necessary for the execution
of sacerdotal (priestly) functions in the church.

(Bouvier’s 1856)
Civil and ecclesiastical law.
The act of conferring the orders of the church upon an individual*.

***Individual means a single artificial person

(Black’s 4rth)
In old English law. Those of the religious who deserted their houses,
and, throwing off the habits, renounced their particular
order in contempt of their oath and other obligations.


Ever wondered why certain words are capitalized in the constitution? People, Order, Union, Welfare…?

It would seem that this was just some random quirk by the author in his penmanship, until we take a closer look at those capitalized words.

Let’s take for example this phrase “in Order”, which takes upon itself a very different meaning than the phrase “in order” – where the word order is not capitalized as it is in the Constitution.

Since the constitution was written as: “We the People, in Order to form a more perfect Union… do ordain and establish this Constitution…”, we have grammatically and in meaning a very different legal document than what might otherwise be – one issued and ordained by a specific “Order” of men as a small society of specific “People” with a certain self-granted ecclesiastical status of eminence and domain, who thus signed this Constitution in an Order as the only People. But who or what exactly gave them the eminent power and authority to do this?

***Note: We will be using the “Masonic” edition of the Holy Bible throughout this discourse to help in our comprehensions.

It is stated, according to the Masonic “Holy Bible Red Letter Edition – Masonic Edition Cyclopedic Indexed King James Bible”, published by the John A. Hertzel Co. Chicago (1942), that:

George Washington the founder of this country was the first Grand Master of Masons’ of this commonwealth compromising the thirteen original States of this Land of Liberty founded on the principles of Brotherly Love, Faith, Hope and Charity, the vital breath of which is “Individual Liberty” and an equal opportunity to all of its citizens. Of the twenty-nine Major Generals in Washington’s army twenty four were Master Masons, of the thirty seven Brigadiers, thirty seven were Master Masons, proving that this “Land of Liberty” was founded by Master Masons. Now as then, masonry’s challenge is the Holy Bible, its teachings from the center to circumference symbols of the everlasting. “The Washington Monument is built of stone contributed by all the nations of the earth to honor the founder of this republic. From Arlington it looks like a giant spike which God had driven, saying ‘Here I stake a claim for the home of Liberty’.” L. J.

Did you notice some of the same grammatical capitalization processes here as were written into the constitution in that City of Brotherly Love?

On the same opening page, it states:

Of fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, fifty-three were Master Masons.”

So just who was this man, George Washington?

This statue of Washington donning a Masonic Apron
stands in the New york Grand Masonic Hall

Washington’s Masonic Apron is displayed here in a Masonic Lodge,
and is considered “The most prized possession of American Masons”

The Crude Ashlar and the Finished or Perfect Ashlar stones

George Washington laying the Masonic Cornerstone of United States Capital building.
It was Freemason Benjamin Franklin who laid the cornerstone for Independence Hall.

“Of fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, fifty-three were Master Masons.”

From this sourced statement and pictures there should be little doubt in anyone’s mind that the masterminds behind the United States were indeed of the Masonic Order. And as we view the writing style of this Masonic Holy Bible, we can see the same unique capitalization standards as are applied in the language of the constitution.

The question is… What exactly does this capitalized word “Order” mean as it applies to the constitution, and who were the “People” in this “Order”?

The greatest problem in translation is that most people consider these words that were capitalized as merely conversational words. They are not. They are specific legal terms and proper nouns. They are specific concepts and things. And they must be defined as such when comprehending the meaning of this constitution and these purposefully capitalized nouns. In any contract, the subject of that contract is written with capitalization. When this Masonic tool of language is applied, the constitution suddenly takes on a whole new meaning.

Let’s first have a look at just what the definitions of some of these words are as both conversational words compared to their usage as legal and proper nouns.

Here is the Webster’s Dictionary definition for the word order, which specifically makes the distinction between the verb and the proper Noun:


verb \ˈȯr-dər\

Definition of ORDER

transitive verb
1: to put in order : arrange
2a : to give an order to : command
2b : destine, ordain <so ordered by the gods>
2c : to command to go or come to a specified place <ordered back to the base>
2d : to give an order for <order a meal>
intransitive verb
1 : to bring about order : regulate
2a : to issue orders : command
2b : to give or place an order


noun (and proper noun)

Definition of ORDER

1a : a group of people united in a formal way: as (1) : a fraternal society <the Masonic Order> (2) : a community under a religious rule; especially : one requiring members to take solemn vows
1b : a badge or medal of such a society; also : a military decoration
2a : any of the several grades of the Christian ministry
2b plural : the office of a person in the Christian ministry
2c plural : ordination
3a : a rank, class, or special group in a community or society
3b : a class of persons or things grouped according to quality, value, or natural characteristics: as (1) : a category of taxonomic classification ranking above the family and below the class (2) : the broadest category in soil classification
4a (1) : rank, level <a statesman of the first order> (2) : category, class <in emergencies of this order — R. B. Westerfield>
6a : a prescribed form of a religious service: rite
10a : a written direction to pay money to someone


All of these words have previously been defined in this essay. The sacramentum or solemn vow, the religious custom of rite, a constitution as a written direction to pay money or be obligated to someone or something…

But first and foremost we must notice the difference in capitalization here for these definitions. For while the verb and noun are not capitalized, the specific noun form of the word Order is proper and therefore necessarily is capitalized. This was no semantic whim on the part of these Masonic architects of the constitution. These words were specifically given as proper Persons, Places, or Things (proper nouns) as opposed to the use of the general or conversational meaning of these words. Even within Webster’s Dictionary, the example used to describe the proper capitalized form of the noun Order is specifically the “Masonic Order” as we see above, which is purposefully capitalized to refer to a specific entity; a group of specific People in a specific Order.

Most importantly, this word specifically signifies a society of men with self-proclaimed eminence and authority as a religious (ecclesiastical) rite as opposed to all common people in general. And when we read this sentence again, it is quite difficult to translate it in any other way.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Here is what it would say without the pomp and circumstance of false patriotism to fool the average reader (all the other people):

“We the People of the United States, in Order… do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

But let’s not be hasty… Are there any other societies of law and order that we may see Masonic proper noun terms used like Liberty, Justice, Union, Tranquility, Blessings, and Welfare, etc?

When a court comes to Order, it is coming to order in the Order of the society of the American Bar Association under the United States’ jurisdiction of the Department of Justice. When a public council meeting comes to order, it is coming to Order with the specific People on that Council under eminent domain of its citizens. And who calls the Court to Order? The Marshal or Sheriff (Bailiff).

But is there something we don’t know about the State Marshal and County Sheriffs?

Crescent and star?
Star of David?
The Seals of Solomon…?

Hey… what’s that ‘G’ in a square and compass doing on that patch?

Hey, why is the international symbol of fascism on that patch?

Fascio (plural fasci)- A bundle of wood wrapped with an axe…
The ancient international symbol of fascism!

File:National Guard Bureau (insignia).svgFile:US-Courts-AdministrativeOffice-Seal.svg
Left: National Guard emblem with crossed fasci – Right: seal of U.S. Courts with fascio

File:Lincoln Memorial Inside.jpg
Lincoln Memorial with Fasci on throne

Lincoln Memorial

File:George Washington Statue at Federal Hall.JPG
George Washington statues with veiled Fasci
Federal Hall, New York City

File:Seal of the United States Senate.svgFile:Mercury dime reverse.jpg
Left: Seal of the United States Senate with crossed Fasci
Right: U.S. “Mercury” Dime with fascio


The International symbol of Fascism hangs prevalently in the Halls of Congress
And what is that over on the left…?
A Scepter?
A Mace?

The God Trust

Speaker of the House James Beauchamp “Champ” Clark standing at the rostrum
in the House of Representatives chamber by Fascio, United States Capitol,
Washington, D.C. (between 1910 and 1915)


But why are these Roman Fasci hanging in the halls of congress and adorning so many monuments?

Well, we can always get the propaganda tour from the governments Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives:

Did you notice the art was framed in wooden fasci?

Yes… surrounding Washington are the fasci and the Greek gods, what of it slave?


And, from the official U.S. Govt. website of the “Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives”, we get this official explanation:

The Bronze Fasces

“The bronze fasces, representing a classical Roman symbol of civic authority, are located on both sides of the U.S. flag. The original Roman fasces consisted of an axe within a bundle of rods, bound together by a red strap. The fasces were carried before the consul and were used to restore order and carry out punishment of the courts. The U.S. adopted the fasces as a symbol of the authority of Congress in part due to their symbolic relationship with Republican Rome, which the founding fathers consciously referenced in the formation of the United States.”


The Mace

“The mace, a decorative variation of the fasces, is placed by the Sergeant at Arms on a pedestal at the Speaker’s right each time the House convenes. The mace is moved to the lower pedestal of the Speaker’s rostrum when the House is called into the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union or for the consideration of legislation.

This mace has been in use in the House since 1841 when the Members met in the old House Chamber, and was crafted by William Adams, a New York silversmith. The original House mace was destroyed when the British burned the Capitol in 1814. During the intervening years, a wooden mace was used.

To restore order in the Chamber the Speaker may direct the Sergeant at Arms to take the mace from its pedestal and present it before an unruly Member.

The mace is 46 inches high, made of 13 thin ebony rods. The rods are bound together by the four crossing silver bands, which are pinned together and held at the top and bottom of the shaft by silver bands. The bands are decorated with a raised floral border. The inscription “Wm. Adams/Manufacturer/New York/1841” is engraved in a cartouche in the center front of the bottom band.

A silver globe with an eagle perched on it sits at the top of the mace. The globe is 4½ inches in diameter and engraved with the seven continents, the names of the oceans, lines of longitude, and major lines of latitude. The Western Hemisphere faces the front. The globe is encircled with a silver band marked with the degrees of latitude, on which the engraved, solid silver eagle with a 15-inch wingspan rests.”


Mace of the U.S. Congress with 13 Ebony Rods

Fascio and Mace Combined in U.S. Congress Chambers

Roman Centurion and Fascio engraved upon the U.S. Supreme Court.
The scourging rods of these Fasci were said to be used on Jesus
in torture and punishment before His crucifixion!


Now then, where could the symbolic use of the sacred Fasci Mace have come from?


Crest of ZBT = Zeta Beta Tau
– Brotherly (Masonic) Handshake
– (Aladdin’s) Lamp
– Scales of “Justice”
– The Fasci
-Skull and Bones…
– Solomon’s Seal (Star of David)

“Zeta Beta Tau (ZBT) was founded in 1898 as the nation’s first Jewish fraternity.
No longer sectarian, all men of good character who believe in ZBT’s mission
and values are eligible for membership in Zeta Beta Tau. Today the merged
Zeta Beta Tau Brotherhood is one of the largest, numbering over
140,000 initiated Brothers, and over 90 chapter locations.

The Zeta Beta Tau fraternity was inspired by Dr. Richard J. H. Gottheil,
a professor of languages at Columbia University and a Zionist.
On December 29, 1898, he formed a Zionist youth society with
a group of students from several New York City universities.

Rush week… Join ZBT now!

For the Masonic Knights Templar, the skull and bones symbolize Golgotha –
the place of Jesus’ crucifixion. It is also used to symbolize a dire warning
against betraying the group’s secrets and/or failing to keep one’s oath.

Original Edomite “Mace” Circa 650 B.C.
Notice the Horns of the “Devil”.

Edomite-Roman Gold Coin – “Lictors” Bearing Fasces
Edomite Warrior Chiefs With Their Mace of Power

Royal Mace of the British Parliament


So where else can we find this fascist Roman symbol of authority and the “right” (rite) to punish “sin” and “evil” in the United States’ spiritual jurisdiction?

Look a bit closer…

The dome upon the United States Capital building in
Washington D.C. is adorned with multiple symbols of fascism

Jefferson County Courthouse (1929), downtown Birmingham, Alabama.

Chicago City Hall with Fascio over doorway

Boston Federal Building



The first General Assembly of the State of Colorado approved the adoption of the state seal on March 15, 1877. The Colorado Secretary of State alone is authorized to affix the Great Seal of Colorado to any document whatsoever. By statute, the seal of the State is two and one-half inches in diameter with the following devices inscribed thereon: At the top is the Eye of Providence or ‘All Seeing Eye’ within a triangle, from which golden rays radiate on two sides. Below the eye is a scroll, the Roman fasces, a bundle of birch or elm rods with a battle ax bound together by red thongs and bearing on a band of red, white and blue, the word, “Union and Constitution.”… Below the shield in a semicircle is the motto, “Nil Sine Numine”, Latin words meaning “nothing without the Deity”, and at the bottom the figures 1876, the year Colorado came into statehood.


Cleveland Public Library

U.S. Army and Air Force National Guard emblem with crossed Fasci

42nd MP Brigade (Military Police) patch

US Army Military Police Corps Regimental Insignia
United States Army Institute of Heraldry
Approved July 3rd, 1986


File:Knights of Columbus color enhanced vector kam.svg
Emblem of the Masonic Knights Of Columbus

New York Deputy Inspector badge with crossed Fasci on Shield

CCTV fittingly perched over a fascio

An early Roman coin with Caesar’s head and symbols
representing things the coin could be spent upon…
1. ears of corn (food and lodging)
2. Fasce (payments of Roman tax levies) and
3. Caduceus – (payment for medical treatments)

In Roman occupied countries such as Judea in 33 A.D.,
Roman capital punishment execution squads were always
preceded by two official “Lictors” bearing the two “Fasces”.

Alexander Garden fence, Moscow Kremlin

File:Armoiries république française.svg
National emblem of France

France Civic Heraldry
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity (Brotherhood)

A modern French Passport with Fascio

A Tour Of Italy

File:Italy greater COA 1929.png
Great Coat Of Arms of Italy during Fascist era from1929 to 1943.
This was displayed during the rule of the National Fascist Party.

Flag of the Repubblica Sociale Italiana,
during Mussolini’s reign.

Mussolini’s personal flag

dell’Arco della Vittoria di Bolzano


Liceo Scientifico a Bergamo (College)



Italian Military Uniform Fasci pins

Fasci in front of obelisk

Acquedotto consorziale, Marano Principato Cs.


Palazo Ducezio, Sicilia
Note the Lions head – representing the Tribe of Judah

Left: una Statua dello Stadio dei Marmi

sui Mosaici del Foro Italico

(Wikipedia excerpt)

Chamber of Fasci and Corporations (Italian: Camera dei Fasci e delle Corporazioni) was the official name of the Italian Chamber of Deputies established on January 19, 1939, to replace the Chamber of Deputies during the 30th legislature of Italy. The Chamber was vested with legislative power from March 23, 1939 to August 2, 1943, during the height of the regime of Benito Mussolini’s National Fascist Party. Members of the chamber were called ‘”national councilors” (consiglieri nazionali) rather than deputies. The councilors of the chamber did not represent geographical constituencies, but the different branches of the trade and industry of Italy, thus reflecting the corporativist idea of fascist ideology.

Councilors were elected for terms of undetermined length and automatically lost their seats upon their defection from the branch they did represent. Renewal of the legislature was ordered by decree by the King of Italy, on specific instruction of the head of government (Mussolini).


No elections took place in Italy between 1934 and 1946. The new founded Chamber of the Fascists and the Corporations replaced the Chamber of Deputies of Italy during the spring of 1939, with the legislative body coming into effect on March 23, 1939, as the 30th legislature of the Kingdom of Italy. Unlike earlier elections for the legislature held under the Fascist era, popular suffrage was not put into effect. Instead, candidates were simply delivered under the pretext of a parliamentary reform, replacing the elections system with a body comprising only candidates of the various corporations of Italy, fulfilling Benito Mussolini’s vow of enacting a complete corporativist system.

(End excerpt)

If one reads this with awareness, one quickly realizes that the United States is a corporativist nation. Though different in structure, no one can doubt that corporations are the power structure and lobbying force behind our representatives. The big picture reveals that the U.S. government is a major investor/stock owner of all major corporations around the world, making this true ideal and requirement of fascism (government owning corporations) a transparent reality.

How many politicians go on to be board of directors and CEO’s of the very corporations they once regulated in government?


File:Palazzo Montecitorio Rom 2009.jpg
Palazzo Montecitorio, seat of the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations.
Today this is the office of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy

The symbols of fascism obviously remain…

Ecuador state flag with fasci

File:Coat of arms of canton of St. Gallen.svg
Coat of arms of the Swiss canton of St. Gallen since 1803

Norwegian Police Badge with double Fasci

Switzerland’s Military Flag circa 1800
Willam Tell near Fasce

File:Emblem of the Spanish Civil Guard.svg
Emblem of Spanish Civil Guard
Fasce, Sword, and Crown

File:Grand Coat of arms of Vilnius.svg
Grand Coat of arms of Vilnius, Lithuania
Fasce and the scales of Justice
Unity, Justice…

File:Flag of the British Union of Fascists (original).svg
Original Flag of the British Union of Fascists

https://i0.wp.com/www.livius.org/a/turkey/ephesus/ephesus_calpurnius_rufus_bm.JPGlictors400.jpg (24233 bytes)
Ancient Roman Fasci
In ancient Rome, the bodyguards of a magistrate carried fasci.




According to Legion XXIV website:

The FASCES was a cylindrical bundle of elm or birch rods bound together by red bands, from which an ax head projected; and which was borne by Lictors (attendants and body guards) before a Consul or high Magistrate, as a symbol of their authority. 

Stephen Phenow, Editor of the Strategikon, provides the following:  “The Fasces was adopted from the Etruscans.  It symbolized the power of life or death that a Roman Magistrate had over the Roman citizen; who could be scourged by the birch rods, representing physical punishment for transgressions;  or be beheaded by the axe for serious crimes.” 

The lowering of the Fasces was a form of salute to a higher official.  It was also an emblem of unity and power;  being used as an icon on coins and “coats of arms” long after the times of Ancient Rome.  The number of Lictores in the Republic varied by magistrial rank.  A Dictator was honored with 24 lictores, each carrying a Fasces;  a Consul was awarded 12, while a Praetor was allowed 6.  Stepen Phenow also adds:  “The Imperator (Emperor) usually was a Consul as well,  so he would maintain 12 licores carrying fasces.  Emperor Claudius had this number proceed him before entering a captured town in Britannia.”  After the reign of Emperor Domitian (81-96AD), the Imperator was accorded 24 lictores.  Benito Mussolini’s Italian “Fascist”Party of the 1930’s, derived its name from the Fasces, which it had adopted as an emblem in 1919. 

The reconstruction shown here was assembled by the Commander in February 2002.    The body is 42 inches (1012mm) long with a 4.5 inch (115mm) stem extending from the bottom.  It weighs 14 pounds and is composed of Thirty-One  3/4 inch (20mm) wood dowels and has a diameter of 5 inches (128mm).  The axe head is 6 inches (152mm), from point to point, and extends 3 inches (76mm) from the bundle.    Some 36 feet (11 meters) of 3/4 inch burgandy leather strapping was used to bind the bundle.  In some Fasces, the axe head was placed in the center of the length of the body.   There are also some representations of the Fasces showing two axe heads, one per side, extending from the opposite sides of the rod bundle. 

The word fasces means “bundle” and refers to the fact that it is a bundle of rods, which surrounded an ax in the middle. In ancient Rome, the lictors carried fasces before consul, praetors and dictators, i.e., magistrates that held imperium (which means that they had the right to command and interpret the flight of the birds). Other people escorted by lictors with fasces were Vestal Virgins, governors, and the commanders of legions.

During the empire, the fasces of the emperor were distinguished from those of the magistrates by laurels. This was a republican custom, however: on festive occasions (e.g., a military victory), fasces could be crowned with laurel. On the other hand, when the city was in mourning, the fasces were sometimes cloaked. If the ax was left out, it could mean that the magistrate wanted to request something from the people or had something to apologize for.

The fasces were a symbol of authority, but the precise meaning is unknown. It is often claimed that the rods could be used to lash people, and the ax to execute them. This may have been true in the days of the monarchy, but not during the republic. After the Laws of the twelve tables, no Roman magistrate could summarily execute a Roman citizen.

The Romans believed that the fasces were introduced in Rome from Etruria. Again, this may be true, but the tradition is open to some criticism. So far, only one set of fasces has been found in Etruria, in the Tomba del littore near Vetulonia, in 1890. This find has been hailed as a confirmation of the tradition, but it should be noted that the archaeologists only found a lot of small rusty flakes, which were interpreted as Etruscan fasces, which, they had to admit, were not identical to Roman fasces. They were entirely made of metal, the ax had two blades, and finally: the Etruscan fasces were extremely small. It has been said that the find from Vetulonia is only a miniature model, but this is poor method: to rescue an interpretation, one introduces a hypothesis.


So this international symbol of fascism permeates all three branches of government and hangs openly and without fear in the very Halls of Congress that pump out tyranny and oppression on a daily basis.

But our original question was about the force of law; Sheriffs, police, Marshals, and military men…

Is it possible that these men are of a Fraternal Brotherhood unknown to most of their citizen victims?

Her Majesty’s Fascist Police

The National Transportation Safety Board

Customs And Border Protection


Maine Masonry has many notable men in its ranks; men who have accomplished great things in the eyes of a grateful society by performing acts that are just a part of doing their jobs. Our Grand Secretary R.W. Brother Hollis G. Dixon is one of them. He is a Mason who values the act of contributing to his community but would rather not stand in the spotlight for it. He is modest by nature and true to his core beliefs of good citizenship, service, and integrity. Please join us in congratulating Hollis for being named Legendary Trooper of the Maine State Police. Hollis was awarded the honor in a ceremony last week in Augusta and presented with a plaque in recognition of that honor.

Brother Hollis receiving award

“Pictured in the photo from left to right are: Maine State Police Lt. Ralph Pinkham, Retired, who presented the award to Hollis; Maine State Police Captain Hollis “Tom” Dixon, Retired; Gov. John Baldacci; Maine Commissioner of Public Safety Ann Jordan; and Maine State Police Col. Patrick Fleming.  Also in attendance but not pictured were other Troopers who are Masons. Captain Guy Savage, Maine State Police, Retired, who was Tom’s first Sgt. when he joined the State Police and Guy’s son, Cpl. Breen Savage, Retired, who Tom helped train when Breen joined the State Police. (Breen supplied the picture). Also Lt. Gerald “Red” Therrien, Retired, who is active in the Shrine and who Tom raised when he was Master of the Maine State Police Masonic Degree Team.”

(Source: http://www.mainemasonrytoday.com/online/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=93:legendary-trooper-of-maine-state-police&catid=35:freemasonry-in-the-community&Itemid=56)


“Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love”
Now pay your fine or go to jail!!!



How about in Canada?


And for these Masonic Officers in their Morality and Brotherly Love
to exact (extort) from the people they police and serve,
the judges who decide on the ethics of their actions would
have to be an organized Fraternity of Brotherly Love as well…
wouldn’t they?



Lampasas County Courthouse, Texas

1885-86 Anderson County courthouse cornerstone, Palestine TX
Anderson County Courthouse, Texas

Travis County Courthouse, Texas


Laying the Masonic Cornerstone

“BERKELEY SPRINGS – A ceremony steeped in nearly 300 years of tradition helped mark the placement of the cornerstone for the new Morgan County Courthouse Saturday.

Freemasons from the West Virginia Grand Lodge in Charleston along with members of Deford Lodge No. 88 in Berkeley Springs held a cornerstone ceremony, which is meant to celebrate the construction of the new building and to remind everyone that all things must be built on a strong foundation.

‘It’s just a public awareness to keep the public involved and a celebration of the community,’ said Charlie Montgomery, a member of Deford Lodge. ‘They are able to come together in a time of sharing and fellowship.'”


Cumberland, Md

Old Lincoln County Courthouse, New Mexico

Old Cameron County Courthouse, Brownsville Texas

Grand Master Hugh Layne (Left) and Judge Pace
seal Courthouse Cornerstone containing ‘Time Capsule’,
Spartanburg County Detention Facility, SC

Local Missouri Freemason lodge conducting a
brief Masonic cornerstone dedication in Kahoka, Montana
for the new courthouse



“You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons, except murder and treason, and these only at your own option, and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him. Prevaricate [falsify], don’t tell the whole truth in his case, keep his secrets, forget the most important points… It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you’re keeping your obligations, and remember if you live up to your obligation strictly, you’ll be free from sin.”

–Edmond Ronayne, “Masonic Handbook,” (page 183)


What a frightening realization that the upper levels of the justice system is an Order – a Masonic Rite – a Fraternal Brotherhood ordained to enforce and protect the will of the United States, which was created by the same secret society of Masonry in Order to create, impose, protect, and enforce its will upon all people… of which it calls code. If America is under the control of the Masonic Order that controls the United States, and if America was indeed the “New World” as history records, then America is already under the control of the New World Order.

Why does the DMV offer Masonic license plates as a non-profit venture?

Masonic protection from Masonic police…


Mason-at-sightAt the Philadelphia Masonic Hall…
With an honor guard of troopers standing at ease,
Anthony J. Garvey (center), Chief of Staff of the Grand Lodge,
flanked by Lt. Col. George P. March, P.M. (left), and
Lt. Col. Thomas K. Coury (right), both Deputy Commissioners
of the Pennsylvania State Police, await the arrival of
Col. Paul J. Evanko, Commissioner.

Grand Master Ernette (center) is joined (at left) by
Deputy Commissioners Lt. Col. Coury and Lt. Col. March
to congratulate (at right) Col. Evanko and Lt. Col. Westcott.


“On Aug. 22, in the presence of the Right Worshipful Grand Master James L. Ernette, three distinguished members of the Pennsylvania State Police were made Masons-at-Sight in the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia. They are: Colonel Paul J. Evanko, Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State Police; Lieutenant Colonel Joseph H. Westcott, Deputy Commissioner; and Trooper Roberto Soto.

Corinthian Hall was filled to capacity, including more than a hundred brethren who are troopers and municipal law enforcement officers.

The brethren who served as the conferring Worshipful Masters were: Entered Apprentice Mason’s Degree, Trooper Edward J. Lizewski; Fellowcraft Mason’s Degree, Trooper Charles J. McBreen; and Master Mason’s Degree, Lt. Col. George P. March, P.M.

The brethren of the Pennsylvania State Police Masonic Degree Team who participated in conferring the three degrees are pictured above with the R.W. Grand Lodge Officers and the new Masons. They are (listed alphabetically): James J. Carey; Thomas K. Coury; Walter C. Ditzler, P.M.; Gerald Eaton, J.D.; David W. Escalet; Patrick Foy, J.W.; Bruce Gaton; Stephen S. Heitz; George F. Himmelright, Jr.; Edward M. Kauffman, S.W.; Edward J. Lizewski, J.W.; George P. March, P.M.; Douglas Martin; Charles J. McBreen, J.D.; Charles L. McBreen, P.M.; Carl E. Mease; Kevin M. Organtini; John G. Richards; Phillip Rickert, J.W.; Robert Robbins, W.M.; James J. Schultz; Vaughn Schwalm; Louis M. Vittor, P.M.; and Serell I. Ulrich.

(Source: PA Grand Lodge website: http://www.pagrandlodge.org/freemason/1198/mas.html)


Philadephia Inquirer

Suit: Group membership aided trooper

Fri, Jul. 25, 2003

By Chris Gray, Inquirer Staff Writer

George Washington belonged to the fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. So did Benjamin Franklin, Charles Lindbergh, Clark Gable and Arnold Palmer.

So do numerous Pennsylvania state troopers, including many current and former high-ranking officers. And now allegations have been raised that law enforcement members of the charitable and social fraternity protected former trooper Michael Evans, a Mason since 1989, when he was faced with sexual-misconduct complaints that in some cases led to convictions.

The allegations are contained in the same federal lawsuit that included previously confidential reports of sexual misconduct within the State Police that recently have made headlines.

How many times have we seen police officers bypass the law in their abuse, rape, and murder of citizens?

How many cases are dismissed by judges of that Order?


“Today, we assemble as Freemasons to celebrate our heritage.
We do so by honoring the memory of a Brother who took advantage
of a most unique opportunity to play an active role in the development
of our state, and in the development of our Grand Lodge.
The Brother is our former Governor George Wesley Atkinson
Atkinson helped to lay a proper foundation so that Ancient Craft Masonry
could assume a prominent role as a leading institution, even to this day,
just as our state has assumed its rightful place of honor among
the United States of America.”

(Source: http://www.wvculture.org/history/organizations/masonicheritage01.html)


“In the hallways of the grand lodge headquarters, the walls are crowded
with framed photographs of Masons past and present, but mostly past:
Hubert H. Humphrey, the former vice president; and William J. Bratton,
the former police commissioner who is now the chief of police in Los Angeles…”

“New York’s Masons are heavily involved in community service,
underwriting medical research and supplying 29,000 American flags,
one for every public school classroom in the city.
But still there are the secret rooms where Masons gather.”

2006 New York times Article, ‘A Secret Society, Spilling a Few Secrets’


Texas Brothers

A Royal Pain In The…

“Two detective chief inspectors among 944 officers in England and Wales
with a criminal record. One officer found guilty of gross misconduct after
sending racist and sexist texts is still in his job. Hundreds of others facing
misconduct allegations are allowed to escape punishment by quitting their forces.”



Sunday Telegraph  SUNDAY 16 Apr 2000

By Joe Murphy, Political Editor

“The Home Office is to block public access to a register of Freemasons within the police service for fear of damaging confidence in the forces.

It marks a realization among ministers that Labour’s early plans to end the Masonic culture in the judicial system is in danger of backfiring by undermining officers who are innocent of any impropriety. Ministers will announce fresh plans for the register of Freemasons, which is currently voluntary, next month. They have yet to decide over calls from a Labour-dominated Commons committee for it to be strengthened by being made compulsory for police to declare their membership of the secretive society but will undertake that those who do so will not be exposed to public scrutiny.

Labour MPs have long campaigned for Freemasonry to be banned in the judicial system, believing that it fosters corruption by encouraging police and judges to feel they are under an obligation to fellow lodge members. Freemasons, however, insist that the society is merely a charitable and social institution, despite its code of secrecy and rituals.

A Home Office official said: “We are not backing away from the need to establish just how widespread Masonic activity is within the forces but it is a question of how to do it. It will not help if police are deterred from being open about their membership because they think it would be raised in trials or disciplinary hearings. There is a case for public access to the register as a gesture of open government but this is outweighed by the risk that defence lawyers might exploit an officer’s membership to suggest he or she is corrupt.”

Earlier this month, Britain’s most senior Masonic judge attacked the Government’s investigations into Freemasonry. Lord Millett, a sitting law lord, accused a parliamentary inquiry of having “absolutely no basis” and being “oppressive”. He said it had led to defendants demanding to know whether judges hearing their cases and police officers giving evidence against them were Masons.

About 20 per cent of judges have refused to reply to a questionnaire issued by Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, asking if they are Freemasons. The voluntary register for police has fared even worse, with only 38,875 of the 126,000 officers in England and Wales responding, of whom just 417 admitted to being Freemasons. There are an estimated 8,000 Masonic lodges in Britain.”


The Masons Stole My House

By Simon Regan

Scallywag Magazine Issue 25

A tale against corruption in Greenwich involving a solicitor

An astonishing tale of one woman’s battle against corruption in Greenwich council involving a struck-off solicitor convicted for fraud points directly to a conspiracy amongst prominent freemasons to wrongfully repossess council properties and throw the rightful owners onto the streets…

They soon found out, by acquiring a copy of the Lincolnshire Freemason’s handbook, that all the solicitors they had used (and as time went by they used most firms in Lincolnshire) were listed as Masons. More important they were able to expose Leslie Oldman architect of the whole devious scheme. With a mixture of delight and consternation they proved he had been struck off as a solicitor ten years before for sustained forgery and misuse of his client funds – a heinous crime for any solicitor. Yet he was still signing his name as “Assistant Borough Solicitor”. They brought this to the attention of just about everyone, but Oldman is still employed by the council.

Mrs. Riley is now convinced that a regular racket has been taking place in Greenwich for a number of years. It goes like this: A family buys its council house, but solicitors acting for them fail to pay a paltry sum and Oldman is able to step in and repossess. The house is then sold for a song and the partners collect the difference. This time, however, they hadn’t realised Mrs. Riley’ tenacity…


UNITED KINGDOM: The Freemasons and Police

Have the British police fallen under the sway of Freemasons? The boss of Scotland Yard and officials at the Home Office say they are worried about the Freemasons’ influence over senior police officers. Several cases of corruption are said to have been covered up at the bidding of the brotherhood.

At least one in seven male magistrates in the U.K. are members of the Freemason brotherhood, according to a first official survey of the judiciary’s links with the secret organization…


Police officers and local government officials figure largely among the 50 British Freemasons who have resigned from their lodges on claims their careers would be damaged if they were publicly identified as members of “the Craft,”…


Senior officials of the ruling council of British Freemasonry, the United Grand Lodge of England (UGL) , face charges of contempt of parliament if they fail to provide the Commons Select Committee on Home Affairs with the names of 163 members connected with police corruption and miscarriages of justice…


Gavin Purser, president of the United Grand Lodge of England’s Board of General Purposes, has reluctantly given the names of 16 Freemasons linked to a number of controversial police investigations in the 1970s and 1980s to Chris Mullin, chairman of the Commons Home Affairs Committee…


Prime minister John Major has personally appointed a Freemason, Frederick Crawford, to the £80,000-per-year, part-time post as chairman of the new Criminal Cases Review Authority (CCRA)…


The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) has drawn up national guidelines warning police officers that membership of the Freemasons (or other secretive and influential societies) could “compromise their integrity as impartial upholders of the law.


Following the first-ever debate of its kind, the Police Federation rejected a motion by 429 votes to 391 to compel all officers belonging to the Freemason Brotherhood or other secret societies to declare their membership publicly…


When a government ceases to protect its people and instead that government protects itself from its people, and when the servants of the public become their masters through contract and forced debt slavery, then government is not of the people or for the people. It is then the enemy of the people.

The Legal Perversion
Of Liberty And Freedom


So what other proper nouns did these Masons go out of their way to capitalize in specification when designing this corporate charter called the Constitution?

Let’s take a look at the word “Liberty”.

We can see that this noun is capitalized as well, signifying that it represents a specific (proper) type of liberty. As with all of the words included within this constitution, each one carries with it a duel meaning. One is conversational and general to the English language, and denotes the natural state of things. The other is specific to legal and corporate things, and thus is capitalized to ensure that the distinction is clear. The constitution refers to the only type of liberty that a corporation can control, which is political liberty.

Look at the difference between natural liberty and political Liberty as defined by Webster’s:


noun \ˈli-bər-tē\

plural lib·er·ties

Definition of LIBERTY

(Natural liberty)

1 : the quality or state of being free:
1a : the power to do as one pleases
1b : freedom from physical restraint
1c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control
1e : the power of choice
(Political Liberty)
1d : the positive (man’s positive law) enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges
2a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : privilage
2b : permission especially to go freely within specified limits


The difference between these two meanings of the same word is paramount in importance. In fact, even this definition is an oxymoron. For how can one be free if limits are placed upon that free movement?

The answer is actually a simple one. For the constitution only refers to a specific type of liberty, which is “political Liberty”. In fact, it would be pointless for the constitution to refer to natural liberty as this natural right exists despite the constitution. The constitution did not create nature or God. Only through contract, Trust, and power of attorney can natural rights be squelched by political rights.

While the general term of “liberty” denotes a basic natural form of being free both in life and from tyranny, the opposite is true of the word used in the constitution. The Masonic use of the proper noun “Liberty” denotes a very specific (proper) political use of the word, and thus it becomes as Webster’s describes above a revokable privilege instead of a natural, God-given right.

Perhaps this is easier to understand if we compare it to any other contract you have ever entered into, where you have agreed to follow a certain set of rules as contractually (constitutionally) laid out by the other party or corporation, such as in a gym or club membership. This agreement gives you the political “Liberty” to do only what is allowed by that person or corporation, and takes away any other “liberty” you might have. For instance, a no smoking rule may be enforced. So as a citizen of the United States, you have only political Liberties with no natural liberty. Any natural liberty you might have has simply not been restricted and licensed yet – it has not been made legal or illegal. In other words, if you break any of the increasingly lawless laws of this government (and there are now too many to count or comprehend), you have just broken your contract. In the spiritual jurisdiction of the United States, a citizen only has political “Liberty” (granted privileges) and no other form of “liberty”. For government cannot control your natural rights and liberty to express them without your tacit agreement to be a member of the United States corporation and give up your natural rights for its political rights. Thus, “Liberty” is political, which means that your liberty is a privilege, not a right. The constitution can only grant (create) political rights, not natural ones. Again, understanding the importance in the concept that God and only God can give natural rights is the shield and saber against government political oppression. This does not require actual belief in any tangible or ritualistic “god” or “God”, only the realization that you were born with your rights in nature, without government or a constitution, and that you are the only one who can give those away in exchange for man’s law over nature (God) and yourself.

Citizenship = membership.

Membership = political rights (benefits).

Just as an employee of Walmart must submit to the political Liberty of the Walmart corporation or be punished as an “employee”, so to must an employee (citizen) of the United States submit to the political Liberty of the United States or be punished.

It is perhaps more wise to use the Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856 definition here as this dictionary is quite reflective of the times in which the constitution was created, and was adopted into the law of the United States as the official dictionary.

LIBERTY. Freedom from restraint. The power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, except from the laws of nature.

2. Liberty is divided into civil, natural, personal, and political.

3. Civil liberty is the power to do whatever is permitted by the constitution of the state and the laws of the land. It is no other than natural liberty, so far restrained by human laws, and no further, operating equally upon all the citizens, as is necessary and expedient for the general advantage of the public.

(Note: the “public” is government, thus the “public good” is what is good for government)

4. That system of laws is alone calculated to maintain civil liberty, which leaves the citizen entirely master of his own conduct, except in those points in which the public good requires some direction and restraint. When a man is restrained in his natural liberty by no municipal laws but those which are requisite to prevent his violating the natural law, and to promote the greatest moral and physical welfare of the community, he is legally possessed of the fullest enjoyment of his civil rights of individual liberty. But it must not be inferred that individuals are to judge for themselves how far the law may justifiably restrict their individual liberty; for it is necessary to-the welfare of the commonwealth, that the law should be obeyed; and thence is derived the legal maxim, that no man may be wiser than the (man’s) law.

5. Natural liberty is the right which nature gives to all mankind, of diposing of their persons and property after the manner they judge most consonant to their happiness, on condition of their acting within the limits of the law of nature, and that they do not in any way abuse it to the prejudice of other men.

6. Personal liberty is the independence of our actions of all other will than our own. It consists in the power of locomotion, of changing situation, or removing one’s person to whatever place one’s inclination may direct, without imprisonment or restraint, unless by due course of law.

(Note: Don’t get pulled in to “personal liberty”, for it is political and has exceptions, where a judge can “decide” through “due course of man’s law” to take it away. Never turn from God and nature – for a natural right is above all other forms.)

7. Political liberty may be defined to be, the security by which, from the constitution, form and nature of the established government, the citizens enjoy civil liberty. No ideas or definitions are more distinguishable than those of civil and political liberty, yet they are generally confounded. The political liberty of a state is based upon those fundamental laws which establish the distribution of legislative and executive powers. The political liberty of a citizen is that tranquillity of mind, which is the effect of an opinion that he is in perfect security; and to insure this security, the government must be such that one citizen shall not fear another.

8. In the English law, by liberty is meant a privilege held by grant or prescription, by which some men enjoy greater benefits than ordinary subjects. A liberty is also a territory, with some extraordinary privilege.

9. By liberty or liberties, is understood a part of a town or city, as the Northern Liberties of the city of Philadelphia…


The difference between natural and political liberty is the difference between having a government and not having a govern-ment (being controlled). A government that protects natural rights would be one that is just. It would protect natural law and defend against all other forms except valid contract law (lawful agreements between two or more people). But the United States government goes out of its way to suppress natural rights and liberties in order to replace them with political or “civil” rights and liberties. In other words, the United States seeks to destroy any connection of its citizens to the natural law (to God). And this is when a government is considered no longer just and moral. This is when government is fascist. And when we pledge our allegiance to its flag, we have no idea that “Liberty and Justice for All” is the socialist/fascist kind of political liberty and justice for all citizens, not all men.


How about the word “Welfare” as used in the Masonic Constitution?

Look at the absolute opposite difference in definitions presented here by Webster’s:


noun \ˈwel-ˌfer\

Definition of WELFARE

(Natural welfare)

1 : the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity <must look out for your own welfare>

(Political Welfare)

2a : aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need
2b : an agency or program through which such aid is distributed


Again, we see here the very opposite meanings of this dualistic word Welfare as a proper noun.

Consider for a moment the actual government Welfare System and Agency in the United States. Social Security was created in Title 42 of United States Code (US CODE).

Can you guess what this chapter of US CODE is called?


Some refer to the Social Security system as unconstitutional, and yet here in the constitution is the very reference that makes it and the enforcement system around it indeed constitutional. For the only form of welfare that the United States corporation can give you is the type that you contract to receive – political Welfare as a monetary instrument (Security). Your own personal or natural welfare is your natural right and responsibility. Government can only provide political Welfare to citizens under contract. And that privilege provided by government, as we see in modern times, can in fact be detrimental to your natural welfare and health. The problem is that by default, a citizen agrees to give up his or her natural welfare in exchange for the government privilege of political Welfare.

For any political right taken by men from government will replace his or her natural right. Any political liberty taken will replace natural liberty. And any political freedom taken from government will make every man naturally less free.

Oh, did you believe that the constitution gave you freedom?

Well, you were right, for it gives you nothing but political freedom.

FREEDOM, Liberty; the right to do what is not forbidden by law. Freedom does not preclude the idea of subjection to law; indeed, it presupposes the existence of some legislative (man’s law) provision, the observance of which insures freedom to us, by securing (forcing) the like observance from others. –Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856

Defending Freedom… or forcing and enforcing it?
Freedom = To obey the Law of the Law Society


I always believed that freedom was a choice. But indeed, the only freedom a citizen of the United States can enjoy is the revokable privilege of a political right – which means that he must obey the law no matter how opposed it is to natural law. Freedom is a political privilege, not a natural right. And it can be taken away at any time. For free men give up that natural right to accept political entitlement and benefit – trading the natural state of being free for the political right to obey the law (freedom). So we must always remember that freedom is a government granted privilege, and it specifically means that you must obey the law of government. This is the difference between natural and political freedom. For political freedom only means to obey the law – even when the law is lawless and is specifically designed to take away all of your natural rights. For political freedom squashes your natural right to be free. And this is the only Freedom that is protected by the constitution – the kind that takes away your state of being free and responsible for your own actions.

As Webster’s has so eloquently differentiated above, when the constitution proclaims that it shall “promote the general Welfare“, it was specifically laying the legal groundwork for everything that is within Title 42, including Social Security and Medicare, which are massive investment pension funds of government that funnel billions each year in taxation, and which government requires citizens to contribute to. When tax is no longer a choice and when tax debtors are imprisoned, government has shown itself as a tyrant.

Of course, it seems that no one has considered that this little word in the constitution that has inspired such a dramatic and tyrannical “Welfare Program” in the United States is also the very thing that makes Obama-care (the new socialist government health care insurance plan) a valid corporate endeavor of this corporate United States, forcing political Welfare upon the citizens of the United States. After all, the vast majority of this Obama-Care Act was placed into US CODE – TITLE 42: THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE!

So Obama-Care is certainly constitutional!!!

But then, anymore, what isn’t?

Read more on Obama-Care and the true nature of the Courts and this nation, here: realitybloger.wordpress.com/2012/07/04/why-the-supreme-court-claims-obamacare-is-constitutional/


We must also examine the first phrase in the constitution, which is “We, the People…”.

I’m sure by this point I shouldn’t need to try and convince you that the capitalized version of a word is very different than the un-capitalized version of the same word. The word “People” is no exception. Can you guess why this word was capitalized?

The word “We” signifies the signers of the constitution who make the claim to be the “People” of the United States.

It may be easiest to understand what this means by simple interchanging the word “People” with the word “undersigned”. For the Signers were “the People”.

We, the undersigned, in Order…

If this phrase had meant in general terms all the people in the 13 colonies, there would be no reason to be proper with this noun. And if this was the case, for this to have been a lawfully binding contract on all of those people, every last man, woman, and child would have had to sign this constitution.

But as a proper noun, this word “People” refers solely to the men signing this constitution, with added emphasis in the word “We”.

The constitution in fact cannot refer to any man other than those who signed that document, just as a contract from Walmart would have no effect on anyone but the specific People who sign that document. If Walmart sent you a letter tomorrow stating that you must accept Walmart Healthcare you would laugh incredulously and throw the letter where it belongs – in the trash. Yet as a member of the corporation of the United States who receives the benefits of that citizenship, you are required by your United States employer to take its Health and Welfare called Obama-Care.

In other words, it is your political right to have Obama-Care forced upon you, because you gave up your natural right to not have it forced upon you through your contractual nature with the United States as its citizen.

Webster’s makes this distinction nicely…



noun \ˈpē-pəl\

plural people

Definition of PEOPLE

(Natural people vs specific Political People)

1 plural : human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest…
3 plural : the members of a family or kinship
4 plural : the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class <disputes between the people and the nobles> —often used by Communists to distinguish Communists from other people
5 plural peoples : a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute a politically organized group
6 : lower animals usually of a specified kind or situation
7 : the body of enfranchised citizens of a state


To make free to incorporate a man in a society or body politic.
–Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856


Here again we see the distinction between people as human beings (all people in the country) and the People (the special class) who signed the constitution. As an Order of Masons, the People in the constitution are the men who signed it.

The word “we” is defined as –

I and the rest of a group that includes me : you and I : you and I and another or others : I and another or others not including you —used as pronoun of the first person plural”

In any contract, the only people affected by said contract are the signers of that contract, and this requires free will, acquiescence, consent, and a meeting of the minds before the signature is applied. But there is no mind behind the constitution, for it is artificial, and no meeting of minds can be had. Acceptance of that document as if it were a contract is a unilateral submission to the Federal Government. And while your acceptance forces you to accept terms and laws, government is not bound by and can change that constitution at any time. You, the individual, can not.

No man has the power to contract other men without their consent. Thus, we can also see the clear distinction made in this first sentence:

“We the People of the United States, in Order… do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The People of the United States are quite different from the people of the 50 states united in America. The United States, according to the constitution, is a 10 mile square tract of land called a corporate municipal “District”, which is not in America. Whereas the United States of America is the entirety of the 50 States and all people within those 50 countries, the United States is a specific corporation. The United States of America were the 13 colonies. The United States is specifically and distinctly different and outside of the 50 specific states united in America. The People of the United States were not the people of America – the “lower animals” naturally born in their countries.

And as we have now discovered, this Order of Masons was indeed the People of the constitution.

But these People had something else in common… their blood!

For they were in fact the People as defined above as “the members of a family or kinship“.

The Blood Oath…
More Than Meets The Eye

George Washington has quite the royal bloodline. He is 2nd cousin, 9 times removed from current Prince William of England – who is the 27th great grandson of Charlemagne.

Thomas Jefferson is the 6th cousin, 5 times removed of the current Queen Elizabeth II.

It turns out that all past presidents of the United States corporation are cousins of this royal line.

Barack Husein Obama, the current president, has this as his lineage:

William The Conquerer – 22nd Great Grandson
Anne Boleyn, Queen of England – 1st cousin, 15 time removed
Henry V, King of England – 1st cousin, 19 times removed
Henry VIII, King of England – 1st cousin 16 times removed
Mary I, Queen of Scott’s, 3rd cousin, 14 times removed
James Madison, U.S. President, 3rd cousin, 8 times removed
Harry Truman and Abe Lincoln, U.S. Presidents – 7th cousins
Jimmy Carter, U.S. President – 8th Cousin
Dick Cheney, U.S. vice-President for Bush Jr. – 8th cousin
Gerald Ford, u.S. President – 9th cousin
Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President, 10th cousin, 6 times removed
Sarah Palin, Governor and Obama’s competition – 10th cousin

George Bush Sr/Jr, as are all presidents, are both of this royal line. Bush Jr. is related to:

Vlad The Impaler (A.K.A. Dracula) – 32nd Great Grandson
Diana, Princess of Wales – 11th cousin, 2 times removed
Millard Fillmore and James Garfield, U.S. Presidents – 4th cousins
Franklin Peirce, U.S. President – 5th cousin
Gerald Ford, William Taft, Calvin Coolridge, U.S. Presidents – 6th cousins
Theodore Roosevelt, Abe Lincoln, U.S. Presidents – 7th cousins
Richard Nixon, U.S. President – 9th cousins
Dick Cheny, Bush’s vice-President – 9th cousin, 1 time removed
John Kerry, Senator and Obama Cabinet, and Bush’s competition – 9th cousin, 2 times removed
Barrack Obama, current U.S. President – 11th cousin
Sarah Palin, Governor and Obama’s competition – 11th cousin

And of course in true incestuous fashion, George W. Bush is 9th cousins with Barbara Peirce, his own mother!

**Note: John Kerry is also the 34th Great Grandson of Vlad The Impaler.

**Note: These are very incomplete lists.

Here is a picture of Former President Franklin Peirce, who’s granddaughter Barbara Peirce married George H. W. Bush and bore the president named George W Bush. Next to that is a current picture of Mitt Romney. The resemblance of the bloodline is uncanny.


So who were the signers of the constitution of the United States that were also this Order of People?

Nothing more than cousins and offspring of the kings and queens of England – Master Masons with intentions other than the free state of all people (animals) and with the intent to establish a charter for the incorporation of power in the “New World” for their own bloodline “People”, with all other people subject to that power.

 photo PicBushMasons.jpg
George W. Bush, Deist Master Mason Extraordinaire

Jerusalem Post, 1994
With guest speaker, President and Mason Bill Clinton?


Gerald Ford (real name: Leslie Lynch King)
Notice the crescent and star

https://i0.wp.com/www.phoenixmasonry.org/10,000_famous_freemasons/images/harry_s_truman_pgm_missouri_1.jpgHarry S. Truman

Warren G. Harding

Ben Franklin

George Washington Masonic Temple Museum

Excerpt from the museum literature:

The movement to erect a Masonic Memorial started at a meeting held in Alexandria, Virginia, on February 10, 1910. Upon invitation of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, the representatives of 18 Grand Lodges assembled in the sacred precincts of the Lodge Room of the city Hall of Alexandria to consider the subject in all its details. The following year, February 22, 1911, 27 representatives of 27 Grand Jurisdictions assembled and organized the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association. The association unanimously adopted and approved a resolution to erect a Masonic Temple as a memorial to George Washington, under the auspices of the Lodge. The financial policy of the Association from the very beginning has been “pay as you go”, so that there is no indebtedness in connection with its construction. Ground was broken June 5, 1922…”

“The edifice is designed in the classic architecture of Greece and Rome. Situated on a 36 acre tract of land, it rises 333 feet from its foundation, and contains 9 floors. The records of the Lodge are virtually an unbroken chain of historic Masonic events from 1783 to the present time. All of the records, most of the original furniture, the Master’s Chair–presented to the Lodge by Washington and occupied by in 1788-1789 while Master–the original portrait of Washington by Williams, as well as several other items are still in possession of the Lodge.”



Men Who Changed The Coursr Of History!

Sharing the Traditions of Our Founding Fathers

“Masons were active in Massachusetts even before 1733, the year the first Provincial Grand Lodge of Masons was formally organized by Henry Price. Today, the Grand Lodge in Boston remains the oldest continuously operating Masonic organization in the Western Hemisphere.

In the early years, Masonry numbered among its members some of the nation’s most influential citizens – among them George Washington, Henry Knox, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and Paul Revere.”



Paul Revere, Mason and Founding Father.

As Grand Master of Massachusetts,

Paul Revere wrote to Washington, March 21, 1797:

“Of these (Masonic teachings) may you partake in all their purity and satisfaction; and we will assure ourselves that your attachment to this social plan will increase; and that under the auspices of your encouragement, assistance and patronage, the Craft will attain its highest ornament, perfection, and praise. And it is our ardent prayer, that when your light shall be no more visible in this earthly temple, you may be raised to the All Perfect Lodge above; be seated on the right of the Supreme Architect of the Universe, and there receive the refreshment your labors merited.”


So were all the common people born equal?

Under God, perhaps. Under the constitution, absolutely not.

Remember, all people would include all black people as well. But Negros weren’t considered people in the constitution, and the founding fathers were most certainly plantation slave-owners! And let’s face it, women were hardly complete people either in terms of the fabled and fallacious “born equal” clauses that get parroted by unabashedly ill-informed patriots and nationalists out there. No vote = no equality.

Obviously, the constitution did not include Negros (slaves) as People.

And don’t even get me started on the genocide of the Native Indians, referred to as savages!

This again shows you clearly that the “People” referred to in the constitution did not include “all” (or any) common “people”, and thus the definitions of these capitalized legal words is paramount to our understanding of the true intent of these Masonic founding fathers. All men, according to the original constitution, are certainly not created equal. Some were in fact 3/5 men for purposes of statistical data in taxation, and the female ones weren’t really anything at all. The status of a legal and equal “woman” citizen was created only after “civil rights” was created, and so the female of the species man was able to assume the legal status of a male in contractual servitude as a wo-man. This did not create natural equality, for there is no such thing. It only created a political status. This specifically female version of man (mankind) furthers our understanding that the constitution was nothing but a legal document that only applied to specific artificial persons (as a legal status). Only God decides what is equal, and nature takes care of the rest. Equality will always be nothing if not a state of mind in all men (male and female), not a punishable, contractual obligation.

So indeed, this lets us know that the word “People” and the word “Men” were used to denote a specific legal status, not generally all men as natural flesh and blood beings, and certainly not colored men.

And again, I hope you take notice that people (as in the common human beings) were defined as lower animals usually of a specified kind or situation’. We find this legal definition repeated in various chapters of U.S. Code, where man is defined as animal and is managed as a resource (chattel controlled through “human resources”).

The term blood oath as a sacra-ment should right about now take upon itself a whole new meaning…

Excerpts From The Holy Masonic Bible

This 1942 Masonic Bible quotes many writings, most notably Albert Pike’s: “Morals and Dogma”. Then follows a question and answer section, and these read like a history lesson in true American and Masonic history – the forbidden kind. Here I have reprinted some of those quotes for our purposes:

Begin excerpts:

“A Lodge” is defined to be an assemblage of Freemasons, duly congregated, having the sacred writings, square, and compass, and a charter, or warrant of constitution, authorizing them to work. The room or place in which they meet, representing some part of King Solomon’s Temple, is also called the Lodge…” –Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

“Force, unregulated or ill-regulated, is not only wasted in the void, like that of gunpowder burned in the open air, and steam unconfined by science; but, striking in the dark, and its blows meeting only in the air, they recoil and bruise itself. It is destruction and ruin, it is the volcano, the earthquake, the cyclone;– not growth and progress. It is Polyphemus blinded, striking at random, and falling headlong among the sharp rocks by the impetus of his own blows… The blind force of the people is a Force that must be economized, and also managed, as the blind Force of steam, lifting the ponderous iron arms and turning the large wheels, is made to bore and rifle the canon and to weave the most delicate lace. It must be regulated by Intellect.” –Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

**Author’s Note: The U.S. military is a force regulated by Masonry, in order to keep the blind force of the common people (the employed) on a steady course to support and supply the nation and bloodlines.

“Christianity taught the doctrine of FRATERNITY;  but repudiated that of political EQUALITY, by continually inculcating obedience to Caesar, and to those lawfully in authority. Masonry was the first apostle of EQUALITY. In the Monastery there is fraternity and equality, but no liberty. Masonry added that also, and claimed for man the three-fold heritage, (political) LIBERTY, EQUALITY, and FRATERNITY.” –Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

“All religions express symbolism; since we can describe only what we see, and the true objects of religion are THE SEEN… All language is symbolic, so far as it applied to mental and spiritual phenomena and action. All words have, primarily, a material sense, however they may afterward get, for the ignorant, a spiritual non-sense.” –Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

**Author’s Note: Pike here is speaking of the non-sense of the citizenry of the United States, who put spiritual relevance to the constitution, as well as follow religious dogma without understanding the hidden symbols and meaning of its words.

“After you become a Master Mason, no matter what added Masonic honor may come to you, no matter how high you may rise in the symbolic branches of the order, if you keep your vows as a Master Mason you have attained all there is, fulfilled all there is and received all there is to be received that fraternity and brotherhood, existing under a common impulse, can dispense among those who embrace the laws and edicts of a common procedureMasonry, after all, is but a rule for orderly righteousness.” –Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma

**Author’s Note: “Orderly righteousness” describes government, the BAR society, law enforcement (Fraternities), congress, etc…

MOST EXCELLENT MASTER – Dedicated to the memory of King SolomonThe Masonic tradition upon which the degree is founded is described in the ancient Book of Constitutions, in the following words: “…it is still retained by us as a memorial of the method adopted by the King of Israel to distinguish the most skilful portion of the craft, and to reward them for their services in behalf of the fraternity.”

ORDER OF THE RED CROSS – “The Order of the Red Cross is founded upon Truth, recognizing the GOD OF TRUTH as the only true and living Deity… Influenced in a measure by his Jewish Friend, Prince Zerubbabel(Chosen God)– and believing in the One God as did Israel, Darius registered a vow with God that he would rebuild His Temple at JerusalemThe Law of Judaism was active, educating and preparing us for Christianity. As the most exalted TRUTH was implicitly present in Judaism and is now explicitly present in Christianity, so the candidate finds the TRUTH OF TRUTHS implicit in the Order of the Red Cross, but explicit in the Order of the Temple… As Judaism prepared the world for Christianity, so is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross a preparation for the Christian Order of the Temple.”

REBUILDING THE TEMPLE – “Released from captivity by the decree of the great Cyrus, issued B.C. 536, the Jews, led by Zerubbabel, reached the then desolated Jerusalem on the 20th day of Tebeth, B.C. 535, and began building the Second Temple. This was finished the 23rd day of Adar, B.C. 515.”

**Author’s Note: Zerubbabel was the head of the tribe of Judah during the time of the return from the Babylon exile. He was the prime builder of the second Temple, which was later re-constructed by King Herod. He led the first group of captives back to Jerusalem and began rebuilding the Temple on the old site. For some 20 years he was closely associated with prophets, priests, and kings until the new Temple was dedicated and the Jewish sacrificial system was re-established. The “Third Temple” referred to above represents the building of the 3rd Temple of Solomon. Remember this above all else, for this goal is coming to fruition…


Rebuilding Solomon’s Temple
Creating A Religious Racial War

The Israel National News reported on 7/30/2012:

“Romney’s love for Jerusalem is part of his Mormon faith’s 170-year-old ties to Israel and its dictate to “rebuild the city and the Temple.”…

(Mark) Paredes, author of the newspaper’s “Jews and Mormons” blog, said that Latter Day Saints (LDS) “have dedicated the Land of Israel for the gathering of the Jewish people on many occasions, beginning with Elder Orson Hyde in 1841. In 1845, all of the apostles called on the Jews ‘in the name of the Messiah, to prepare, to return to Jerusalem in Palestine; and to rebuild that city and temple unto the Lord.’”

Public places in Netanya and on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem have been dedicated to Hyde.

*Israel is the only country in the world whose creation was expressly called for and supported by Mormon leaders,” according to Paredes who added, “George Albert Smith, LDS Church President at the time of Israel’s creation in 1948, publicly and privately assured many Jewish leaders of his support for their efforts to establish a Jewish state.”

*Israel Bonds were first issued in 1951. One year later, Church President David O. McKay purchased $5,000 of Israel Bonds on behalf of the church, stating that he was doing this ‘to show our sympathy with the effort being made to establish the Jews in their homeland.’”

Romney’s love for Israel apparently is a personal love and not a political posture. Paredes wrote, “As more and more Jews and Israelis become familiar with the history of LDS-Jewish relations, they will better understand why Mormons feel a special closeness to them.”…”

(Source: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/158404)


The Times Of Israel, also on 7/30/2012, reported:

“MK Zevulun Orlev of the Jewish Home party has called for massive reforms, including new Basic Laws, in order to establish a Third Temple in Jerusalem.

In an article (PDF) published in advance of the fast of Tisha B’Av in the weekly Hebrew journal Olam Katan, entitled “Internal and Legislative Reform,” Orlev wrote that the Temple must be rebuilt in Jerusalem and that “fundamental changes” to Israeli society and government were necessary in order to realize the success of the project.

Besides spiritual reform and the creation of a cadre of religious experts capable of running the Temple, Orlev argued that the government — “assuming the government will choose to be democratic” — must turn back dissent surrounding the project.

“It will be necessary to defeat no-confidence motions, to overcome the hostile, left-wing, secular media, and to ignore eye-rolling economists who will say it’s a waste of public funds,” he wrote.

To forestall appeals to the High Court of Justice, Orlev advocated the legislation of a new Basic Law that would guarantee funding and manpower and protect the Third Temple from prosecution.

The law will also protect the [Third Temple] project from accusations of discrimination, inequality of women in the Temple service, and animal cruelty in the offering of sacrifices,” Orlev continued.

Orlev acknowledged that to remove the “religious and political impediment” to his plan, namely the presence of the al-Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock atop the Temple Mount,  would mean that the “billion-strong Muslim world would surely launch a world war.” However, he added, “everything political is temporary and there is no stability,” and ”Of late we’re witnessed dramatic political changes that have occurred in many Arab countries.”

Orlev recently advocated a bill to bypass the High Court of Justice and protect illegally constructed buildings in the Beit El neighborhood of Givat Ulpana that was struck down by the Knesset in June.”

(Source: http://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-home-mk-calls-for-a-third-temple-in-jerusalem/)


Now, I don’t know about you, but this is one of the most arrogant displays of carelessness and foulness I have ever beheld. To openly admit to the idea of starting a racial and religious war as planned for centuries is the epitome of Zionist horror and terrorism.

The rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple is the holy goal of international Masonry, this is clear. The Masonic Order is often referred to as the re-builders of Solomon’s Temple.

The “Third Temple“, or Ezekiel’s Temple (Hebrew‎: Beit haMikdash haShlishi), is a Jewish Holy Temple architecturally described and prophesied in the Book of Ezekiel, a house of prayer for all people with a sacrificial service. It is noted by Ezekiel as an eternal edifice and permanent dwelling place of the God of Israel on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Issac Newton, a famous Mason, drew the following blueprint:

File:Isaac Newton's Temple of Solomon.jpg


Within our Masonic Bible, the first section is dedicated to the “Building of Solomon’s Temple”, with many references and indexes throughout the book referring to its building and rebuilding. In describing a painting, it states:

Scene and Location: On Mount Moriah, within the walls of Jerusalem.

Principal Characters: King Solomon; Hifam, king of Tyre; Hiram Abif.

Particular Event Or Occasion: King David, Solomon’s father and predecessor on the throne of Israel, was forbidden by the Lord to build a temple because he was a man of war and had shed blood. He was assured, however, that his son would build the temple and he was permitted to gather large sums of money and to make other preparations for its construction. Soon after his succession to the throne, Solomon planned to build the temple within a period of seven years.

Details Of The Picture: …Hiram, king of Tyre, had been an intimate friend of David for many years, and in an alliance with the king of Israel had prepared much of the material for the temple in the forests of Mount Lebanon and in the quarries of his country. Hirm Abif, a skilled workman in metal, stone, and wood, was the principal architect and engineer. He served as Master Mason and overseer in the building of the temple, supervising the labors of the best workmen that could be found.


The Masonic Red Letter Edition King James Bible then enters into a question and answer chapter, which is entitled:

Questions and Answers Relating to Characters, Places, Words and Phrases Used in Symbolic Masonry“.

Here is a selection of some of those printed within:


Q. Hebrew Language: Why is it of the greatest importance in Free-masonry?

A. Because the alphabet and its numerical values is the key to the greater number of words employed in Masonry as well as the mysteries of the Bible.

Q: “Illuminate”: What does it signify?

A: The enlightened, and is used on Latin diplomas as an epithet of Freemasons.

Q: Adam: The meaning of the name of the first man.

A: Adam – derived from the Hebrew ADaMaH – the ground. From AdAm, to be red, relating to his complexion. As the Solar allegory, takes us back 4200 years B.C.

Q: Abraham: In what degree of Masonry is he impersonated?

A: Order of the High Priest (Excellent) represented by Joshua, the first High Priest of the Jews (Zechariah, 3, 1-9, Page 567)

Q: Constitutions: In which year was the first Book of Constitutions published?

A: 1723


Ahiman Rezon, written by Laurence Dermott in 1764,
was the Book of Constitutions for the Ancients Grand Lodge,
a ritual that is still in wide usage. The title was derived from
three Hebrew words, “ahim“, “manah“, and “raizon“.

What does the term Ahiman Rezon mean?

At different times it has been interpreted as:

A Help to a Brother; Faithful Brother Secretary; Will of Selected Brethren;
Law of Prepared Brethren; Secrets of a Prepared Brother; Royal Builder;
and The Thoughts or Opinions of a True and Faithful Brother.


Q: Colors: What are the colors of Ancient Craft Masonry?

A: Entered Apprentice – White. Fellow Craft – Blue. Master Mason – Red. (Red, White, and Blue)

What the American Flag might have been…


Q: Guilds: What three classes existed in England?

A: Religious guilds of the Church of Rome, Merchant guilds in the Livery Companies of London, Craft guilds as in the present day Trade Unions.

Q: Occasions (Four): Upon what occasions may the “Grand Honors” of Masonry be given?

A: When a “Masonic Hall” is to be consecrated: a “Master-Elect” to be installed: a “New Lodge” to be constituted; or a “Grand Master, or deputy to be received on an official visitation.”

Q: From what country was American Freemasonry derived?

A: England.

Q: Masonically, what may be said of the Boston Tea Party?

A: It had its installation in a Masonic Lodge Room, participating in the raid, all were Masons.


“Sponsered by the George Washington Masonic Stamp Club.”


Q: Was Masonry practiced in the Revolutionary Army?

A: Yes.

Q: Who was the first Master of Alexandria Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va.?

A: George Washington.

Q: What change was later made in the name of this Lodge?

A: Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, A.D. 1805.

Q: Did Washington follow the Masonic custom when he laid the cornerstone of the new Capitol building in 1793?

A: No. It was laid in the South East corner.

Q: Name five of the ten early Presidents of the United States who were Masons.

A: Washington, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan.

Q: What distinguished French officer in the Revolutionary War was a Mason?

A: Marquis de Lfayette, who was made a Mason in an army Lodge at Valley Forge by Washington himself.

Q: Who presented Washington with an embroidered satin apron?

A: Madame Lafayette. The apron was conveyed by the Marquis from Paris to General Washington at Mt. Vernon. It is preserved by the Washington Benevolent Society at Philadelphia, and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. It is the most prized relic of Masonry in the U.S.A.

Q: Where was the first Masonic hall erected in America?

A: Philadelphia, A.D. 1734.


In the 1700s, J.J.C Bode wrote about the Masons in France, which were called the Philadelphes:

“We agreed… for France, we would adopt the name Philadelphes instead of Illuminati.”

In a document titled “Grand Lodge of the Philadelphes – General Statutes” dated 1861, a Communication issued from E. Benoit, the President of the Grand Lodge of Philadelphes in 1860 states:

“Moreover one must judge of a tree by its fruits. Well, can you mention within your vast Masonic empire a single Lodge that has produced such results? In the space of ten years, she has initiated above 300 profanes; she has founded Lodges in Belgium, Switzerland, England, as you well know, and America; and her children, indefatigable apostles of Masonry, have raised the first Masonic temple at Ballarat.”


Q: By what name were the Masons anciently known?

A: Long before the building of Solomon’s Temple, Masons were known as the “Sons of Light.

It’s a Phoenix, not an Eagle!


“Like its Patron Order – Free Masonry – The Order of the Eastern Star inculcates and promotes the principles of loyalty to one’s country, and of obedience to civil law. Its tenets enforce the fundamentals of freedom, equal rights and liberties to all, and the extension of these privileges to all the peoples of the earth. It undertakes to prepare the women of this age for the righteous performances of their enlarged civil and political privileges which have been given to them through the influence of Christianity. It teaches its members of every race and nationality to honor the flag of their native land.”


Pay attention to my right hand…
while my left hand points to the American flag with its stars upside down.


Q: Masonry: The probable antiquity?

A: It is admitted that Masonry is descended from the Ancient Mysteries. These were first arranged when the constellation Leo was at the Summer Solstice. The solar allegory proves this a fact, and would take us back to 4200 years B.C. Thus the Antiquity of Masonry is written in the starry heavens.

Q: Moses: Who is he?

A: The lawgiver of the Jews who plays an important part in the Holy Royal Arch of the American York Rite.

Q: What is the meaning of the name Moses?

A: It is derived from two Hebrew words “Moce” and “oushes” signifies “saved from the water“.

Q: Lodge of St. John: What is it?

A: Masonic tradition says this was the primitive Mother Lodge, held at Jerusalem, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, and then to St. John the evangelist, and finally to both, called “The Lodge of the Holy Sts. John of Jerusalem, and from this Lodge, all other Lodges descended.”

Q: Origins: What is the 12 generally accepted origins of Masonry?

A: Patriarchal Religion, Ancient Mysteries, Temple of Solomon, To the Crusaders, To the Knights Templars, to the Roman Colleges of Artificers, To the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, To the Rosicrucians, To Oliver Cromwell for political reasons, To the Pretender for the restoration of the House of Stuart, to the British throne, to Sir Christopher Wren, to Dr Desaguliers and others in 1717.

John Theophilus Desaguliers.jpgDr. John Theophilus Desaguliers
member of the Royal Society of London
beginning 29 July 1714.
Experimental assistant to Mason Sir Isaac Newton
Third Grand Master in 1719, and Deputy Grand Master in 1723
and 1725 of the Premier Grand Lodge of England


Q: Triangular Chain: What is the legend of the triangular chain?

A: When the Jewish Masons were led in captivity from Jerusalem to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, they were bound by triangular chains, as an insult, because, to them the triangle was a symbol of Deity, to be made use of only on sacred occasions.

The Double triangle

The Star of David? Or is there more to this symbol?

Solomon’s Seal

Solomon’s Seal at Lion’s Gate, Old Jerusalem wall

Rosicrucian Museum, San Jose, California

Hexagram and Rose Cross, Rosicrucian Museum, San Jose, California

File:Rose Cross Lamen.svg
The Rosy Cross (Rose Cross and Rose Croix) Symbol of Christian Rosenkreuz,
Qabbalist and alchemist and founder of the Rosicrucian Order.


From “History & Doctrines of the Rose-Croix” by Paul Sedir, we get a description of the Rose Cross as “one of the manifestations of the Providence of God.”:

“But the Earth is constitutionally incapable of conserving the gift which God has given it for long without deforming it; man has the power to stray from the road which had been drawn out for him. Then Divine Mercy sends beings who bring hope; or an exemplar who comes among men to play the role fulfilled by the comets in the cosmos. Such is the function of secret societies; such is the mission of the messengers of the Absolute, notably the Rose-Croix.”

On page 23, Sedir explains the 8-symbol “Rose”:

“After triangular emblems, the seal of Brahatma and the triangle of the holy syllable, the most ancient Masonic emblem which the ancient priesthood has bequeathed is that of the Rose-Croix… This rose was placed in the center of a cross, because the latter expressed to them the idea of rectitude and infinity; of rectitude, by the intersection of its lines at a right angle and of infinity, because these lines can be extended to infinity and that, by a rotation made by the thought about the verticle line, they represent the triple senses of hight, breadth and depth.”

Freemasons = The Sons Of Light


5-pointed star?
The Lesser Key of Solomon.

Crescent and six pointed Star from the seal of the
Jewish Community of Regensburg, Germany, Middle ages

Solomon’s Seal opposite the entrance to the Rockefeller Museum
formerly the Palestine Archaeological Museum, in East Jerusalem

Solomon’s Seal by the “New Gate” in wall surrounding Old Jerusalem

Solomon’s Seal in Jaffa Gate of Old Jerusalem wall,
also called “Gate of the Prayer Niche of David”; also David’s Gate

Door Knocker on Jewish home in Haifa

Arab Star of David

Contemporary Crescent and six pointed Star in the old City of Jerusalem.
In Arabic this crescent emblem is called hilal.


The origin of the now famous Islamic symbol of the five pointed star and the crescent was not Islamic but Sassanian, and at first it had six points on the star.  The five pointed star and the crescent actually became a symbol of Islam only during the 19th century, placed on the Ottoman flag from 1793. It entered the Turkish Flag in 1923 and then was adopted by other Muslim countries.

The ancient Crescent and six pointed Star also appear on a Roman Denarius minted by Augustus (27 BC-CE 14):

The Sassanid Empire was founded by Ardashir I, after the fall of the Arsacid Empire and the defeat of the last Arsacid king, Artabanus V. According to the Encyclopedia of the Peoples of Asia and Oceania, “at its largest point in the seventh century the Sassanid Empire included territory in contemporary Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Oman, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and parts of Kazakhstan, Pakistan, India, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Kyrgyzstan. and Tajikistan.” It was the last pre-Islamic Persian Empire, ruled by the Sasanian Dynasty from 224 CE to 651 CE. The Sassanid Empire, which succeeded the Parthian Empire, was recognized as one of the main powers in Western and Central Asia, alongside the Roman-Byzantine Empire, for a period of more than 400 years.

Michael G. Morony,‏ in his book Iraq After the Muslim Conquest (p. 40) states that the star and the crescent were combined for the first time on coins of Khosrau I the twentieth Sassanid Emperor (also called Chosroes I, and Anushirvan  (r. 531–579). Hurmizd IV replaced the six pointed star in some of his coins with a five pointed star. This tradition continued on coins of the seventh century. After the conquest of Iraq the Muslim Government accepted these coins as well. This tradition lasted until 695 or 696, when coins were minted without any images.

The Mormon Church Assembly Hall at Temple Square, Salt Lake City

Mormon sun worship of light bearers
Notice the 6 pointed stars above the 5 pointed stars
suggesting the geometrical universe of unity and duality

Mormon Apron
Mormon ceremonial apron

Mormon Church History Building, Salt Lake City

The Mormon “Moon Stones”.
Religions can’t have the male morning star
without the female crescent moon.

Amiens Cathedral, north window, France

St. Mary’s Church, Adderbury

What a lovely snake…

Alistair Crowley
Also known as the “Great Beast 666”
Notice the triangle light rays are in the form of the Seal of Solomon.
Both the 5 and 6 pointed star are revealed here.

Notice here the symbol of two snakes used in
the modern “practice” of the craft of medicine.
Both attorney’s and doctors practice in their craft monopolies.

The Book Of Shadows

Madonna at the Super Bowl – The symbols mean the same thing and
have the same ancient origin. This is no concert. it is a ritual ceremony…
A ceremony to usher in the coming of the merged New World Religion,
including the rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple.

Yeah, she’s a very revealing, classy broad

Terry Richardson – The Star is universal in sacred geometry, as seen below

The Pentagram fits within the star…
the star within the pentagram, ad infinity.
Masonry revolves around Sacred Geometry.

The image of a geometrically perfect star goes on forever,
alternating between upside-down and right-side up.

Ameth is Hebrew for truth.
The Sigil of Dei Ameth (Sigillum Dei Ameth) is used as a Seal of the truth of God.

Washington D.C.

The Oval Office of the White House
As the president enters, he walks under the Sacred Masonic Arch.
Under the arch, a single Fasce hovers over the doorway,
as the rays of the sun shine out from the carpet’s great seal.
The desk – an empty workspace…
for this office is but a staged museum.


“Whereas the Founding Fathers of this great Nation
and signers of the Constitution, most of whom were Freemasons,
provided a well-rounded basis for developing themselves
and others into valuable citizens of the United States…”

–House Resolution #33, 110th Congress


The Pentagon in Washington D.C. is a symbol of the 33 degrees of masonry.
Its angles are even at 33 degrees, creating a pentagram with a pentagram in the center.
Designed by John Whiteside Parsons, high priest in the Ordo Templi Orientis,
also called the ‘Order of the Temple of the East’ or ‘Order of Oriental Templars’.
See Eastern Star symbol above, the women’s sect of Masonry.


The mystery of the Pent Alpha!
The mystery of Pentalpha (Pythagarium)

Osiris Pentalpha Lodge #23

The two flags of Masonry



Why is the sacred Seal of Solomon designed with stars on the dollar bill?
Or did you even notice?


Darpa’s actual logo


“The Freemasons of the United States have, by tacit consent,
referred to it (the pentagram) as a symbol of the Five Points of Fellowship.
The outlines of the five pointed star are the same as those of the pentalpha or Pythagoras”

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry: Page 358



“William Preston, the eminent Masonic student, scholar, writer, who lived and wrote in the latter part of the eighteenth century, conceived the idea of making the degrees in general, and the Fellowcraft degree in particular, a liberal education! A ‘liberal education’ in those days was comprised within what we still call, after Preston, the ‘seven liberal arts and sciences.’ In those days any mathematics beyond geometry was only for the very, very few. Indeed, mathematics were looked upon as being something not meant for the common men, as being of small use in the world, save for engineers and designers and measurers of land…

Below is a quote that is 1800 years old.

 “…let one of these be that art which prepares the body to be subservient, as a prompt and robust vehicle, to the mandates of the soul, and which is denominated gymnastic. Let another art be that which is the angel of the conceptions of the soul, and which is called rhetoric; another, that which is the nurse and tutor of the juvenile mind, and which is denominated poetry; another that which is the leader of the nature of numbers, and which is called arithmetic; and another that which is the teacher of computation, and is called logistic. Let geometry, also, and music follow, who are the associates of philosophy and conscious of her arcana, and to each of which she distributes a portion of her labour.” —Maximus Tyrius (circa 200 CE) “Dissertation”, xxi, translated by Thomas Taylor(1758-1835)

These differ little from those delineated in later times and would still have great implications when applied in today’s modern world.

H.P.H. Bromwell (1823 -1903) wrote in his massive tome Restorations of Masonic Geometry and Symbolry that: “Although the number of recognized sciences far exceeds seven, yet, giving to that number the benefit of its symbolic meaning, it stands for the whole circle of sciences, whether specifically named among the seven or not.”

We usually associate the seven liberal arts to medieval education curriculum, at this time in Masonic circles the only education available may I suggest that an educated member of a lodge was more useful especially if he could apply geometry to his work….

The 47Th proposition of the first book of Euclid.

The Pythagorean Theorem states that for any right triangle the sum of the squares of its two legs equals the square of its hypotenuse (a2 + b2 = c2). Or we could frame it as the sum of the square of the horizontal and the square of the perpendicular equals the square of the hypotenuse. This is what became known as Euclid’s 47 Proposition… We also know this formulation was known before Pythagoras – there is  evidence in ancient Egyptian work, ancient China (the Chou Pei manuscript), and the megalith builders… This theory, commonly known as the “Pythagorean theorem,” shows that the sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the squares of the hypotenuse or (A X 2) + (B X 2) = (C X 2)… Regardless, it is attributed to Pythagoras and two hundred years later Euclid compiled his “Elements of Mathematics” where this particular 47Th proposition is found in Book One… This theorem has been called the root of all geometry and the cornerstone of mathematics. The practical applications alone are worthy of the high esteem that Masonry affords it. And this is the interpretation of the lecture that is most considered when masons speak of it but the meaning of this hieroglyphical emblem does not stop there… The emblem we are usually presented is the 3,4,5 right triangle in this fashion: The vertical line is of 3 units, the horizontal is of 4 units, and the hypotenuse is of 5 units. Not only is our attention called to this geometrical figure in the Master Mason degree, it is also prominent in the Scottish Rite in the 20th Degree – Master of the Symbolic Lodge and in the 25th Degree – Knight of the Brazen Serpent… Geometry treats of the powers and properties of magnitudes in general, where length, breath, and thickness, are considered, from a point to a line, from a line to a superficies (surface of a body), and from a superficies to a solid… By this science, the architect is enabled to construct his plans, and execute his designs; the general to arrange his soldiers; the engineer to mark out ground for encampments; the geographer to give us the dimensions of the World, and all things within, to delineate the extent of seas, and specify the divisions of empires, kingdoms and provinces; by it, also, the astronomer is enabled to make his observations, and to fix the duration of times and seasons, years and cycles. In fine, geometry is the foundation of architecture, and the root of mathematics.”

“Geometry And Masonry: Sacred Geometry”, by Brother Harvey Lovewell, Lodge Millaa Millaa #351, United Grnd Lodge of Queensland, Au.

-End Excerpt-

For more information on the importance of the ancient liberal arts in education and how it has been purposefully perverted and usurped by today’s “general arts” education for the dumbed down common people, please visit Jan Irvin’s website at:



Pay special attention to the “fallacy” links. Learn them and avoid
this most sacred tool of illicit word trickery by the law society – the logical fallacy.


With the study of Pythagarium, the true building blocks of nature begin to emerge through this sacred geometry, including the Golden Mean (Golden ratio), the Fibionachi series, the Divine Proportion, etc…

This is the beauty and sacred math in all life on Earth.

This is the mathematical perfection of nature.

Some say it is Sacred Geometry.

Some say it’s God.

The Owl, The Bull, The God

Eliphas Levi, a nineteenth-century satanist whose works inspired the writings of Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of international Freemasonry. Levi enthusiastically reports: The pentagram with two horns in the ascendant represents Satan, or the goat of the Sabbath. (The horn) downward naturally represents the demon, that is, intellectual subversion, disorder and folly.  Esoterically, the star symbolizes man as deity, as the universe embodied. It also stands for Sirius, the “Dog Star” or planet where Satan dwells. It stands for “Thor”, the ancient Nordic God, and it stands for Baal, or Bel, the demonic God so often mentioned in derisive terms in the Old Testament. This same star God was worshiped in Egypt, and the children of Israel, while wandering in the desert, fell under his hypnotic powers. They called him Moloch, Chiun, and Remphan. The prophet Amos castigated the Jewish idolaters for this unholy sacrilege: But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your God, which ye made to yourselves…

owl.jpg (7742 bytes)

Reportedly hanging out on the dollar bill,
Molech is portrayed as the (feminine) owl is hiding in plain sight.
I can neither confirm or deny that this is actually an owl.

However, this short video is helpful in that determination:

But this is the least of our worries regarding Moloch worship…
For Molech was and still is worshiped in the church and state Temples.

A press club in government (Washington D.C.)? An owl (Molech),
Aladdin’s Lamp, and emanating sun rays upon its “seal”?

Bohemian Grove, the origin of the National Press Club.

“Weaving spiders come not here”.


Moloch, Molech, Molekh, Molok, Molek,
Molock, Moloc, Melech, Milcom or Molcom

“Originally a Canaanite god to whom human sacrifices were offered.”

“Later, he was a general symbol of authorities that corrupt
or destroy humans, especially inhuman political systems”

The Continuum Encyclopedia of Symbols (2000 Edition),Udo Becker: –


Moloch (מלך m-l-k, “king”) is the name of an ancient Ammonite god. Moloch worship was practiced by the Canaanites, Phoenicians, other North African cultures and the Levant (Arabic: بلاد الشام‎ Bilād ash-Shām or المشرق العربي al-Mashrīq al-‘Arabiyy; Hebrew: כְּנָעַן Kənáʿan). It involved child sacrafice by the parents of said children by fire as payment to the idol statue. In the Old Testament, Gehenna was a valley by Jerusalem, where apostate Israelites and followers of various Baalim and Caananite gods, including Moloch, sacrificed their children by fire (2 Chr. 28:3, 33:6; Jer. 7:31, 19:2–6).


 “And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Moloch”.

–Leviticus 18:21


“Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab,
in the hill that is before Jerusalem, and lmlk, the abomination of the Sons of Ammon.”

–1 Kings 11:7


“Moreover he burnt incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom,
and burnt his children in the fire, after the abominations of the heathen
whom the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.”

–2 Chronicles 28:3


“But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images,
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.

-Amos 5:26 (KJB)


“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan,
figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

–Acts 7:43


The Tabernacle (Hebrew: משכן‎, mishkan, meaning “residence”, “house”, or “dwelling place”), according to the Hebrew Bible, was the portable dwelling place for the divine presence from the time of the Exodus from Egypt through the conquering of the land of Canaan. Built to specifications revealed by God (Yahweh) to Moses at Mount Sinai, it accompanied the Israelites on their wanderings in the wilderness and their conquest of the Promised Land. The First Temple (of Solomon) in Jerusalem superseded it as the dwelling-place of God. There is no mention of the Tabernacle in the Tanakh after the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Babylonians in 587 BCE.

The fullest description of the Tabernacle describes an inner shrine (named Holy of Holies) housing the Ark of the Covenant and an outer chamber (Holy Place) with a golden lampstand (for the menorah), table for showbread (Bread of Presence – cakes or loaves of bread which were always present on a specially dedicated table in the Temple of Jerusalem as an offering to “God”), and an alter of incense. Many scholars contend that the description reflects the structure of the Temple of Solomon, while some hold that the description derives from memories of a real pre-monarchic shrine, perhaps the sanctuary at Shiloh. Traditional scholars contend that it describes an actual tabernacle used in the time of Moses and thereafter.

Depiction of the Menorah on the Arch of Titus in Rome,
being carried with the portable Tabernacle (Divine Presence of God).


“Again, you shall say to the Sons of Israel: Whoever he be of the Sons of Israel or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed l’Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones. And I will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people; because he has given of his seed l’Molech, to defile my sanctuary, and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all hide their eyes from that man, when he gives of his seed l’Molech, and do not kill him, then I will set my face against that man, and against his family, and will cut him off, and all that go astray after him, whoring l’Molech from among the people.”

–Leviticus 20:2-5


“And he defiled the Tophet, which is in the valley of Ben-hinnom,
that no man might make his son or his daughter pass through the fire l’Molech.”

–2 Kings 23:10


“And they built the high places of the Ba‘al, which are in the valley of Ben-hinnom,
to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire l’Molech;
which I did not command them, nor did it come into my mind
that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.”

–Jeremiah 32:35


It is ironic that the Bible is deemed extremely violent in such chapters as Leviticus, turning many away from its lessons and warnings. And yet, such violence stems from literally destroying those who would worship Satan and sacrifice children to him and other deities in the tabernacles, idols, and in the Temples of Solomon. And today, as the Temple is being planned and rebuilt and as the laws are changed to allow animal “sacrifice” in the Temple, as World War 3 is being spoken about openly as a racially cloaked religious war, these violent pages in the Bible are completely lost on the population of today as they head into the new age without knowledge and without the dignity to fight this ancient foe. This is the regression of humanity into the darkest of new ages…

And I honestly wonder how many parents out there would say no to human sacrifice – and how many would defend their children to the death? I honestly fear not nearly enough.

The 12th-century Rashi, commenting on Jeremiah 7:31, stated:

“Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be moved.”

A rabbinical tradition attributed to the Yalkout of Rabbi Simeon, explains that the idol was hollow and was divided into seven compartments, in one of which they put flour, in the second turtle-doves, in the third a ewe, in the fourth a ram, in the fifth a calf, in the sixth an ox, and in the seventh a child, which were all burned together by heating the statue inside.

Molech is rarely depicted as an owl, which represents the feminine aspect of the god. It’s dominant male persona is generally the bull-headed man.


A father sacrificing his own son…

(“Der Götze Moloch” i.e. The Idol Moloch).
An 18th-century German illustration of Moloch
with sacrificial ovens built in.

The Flight of Moloch, watercolour, 1809.
Illustration by William Blake for John Milton’s
poem entitled: “On The Morning Of Christ’s Nativity

In Milton’s “Nativity” poem, Molech is listed among the chiefs of Satan’s fallen angels in Book I, and is given a speech at the parliament of Hell in Book 2:43 – 105, where he argues for immediate warfare against God. He later becomes revered as a pagan god on Earth.


Baphomet – male and female,
sun and moon
Other male/female dualities in gods,
a balancing of the generative energies.

Map of the location of the Capital Building (Legislature) in Washington D.C.

The “Congress Building” literally sits inside the belly of the god (beast) Molech.

George Bush Jr. – the greatest bloodline pretender, ever


“I tell people all the time, you’re equally American if you’re a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.
You’re equally American if you believe in an Almighty or
don’t believe in an Almighty. That’s a sacred freedom.”

–George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Mar. 10, 2006


“I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job.”

–George W. Bush, during a campaign visit to Amish community,
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Jul. 9, 2004


“I couldn’t imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden
understanding the joy of Hanukkah.”

–George W. Bush, White House, Dec. 10, 2007.


“We have a calling from beyond the stars to stand for freedom,
and America will always be faithful to that cause.”

–George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 19, 2005


“All of you — all in this generation of our military —
have taken up the highest calling of history.
You’re defending your country, and protecting the innocent from harm.
And wherever you go, you carry a message of hope —
a message that is ancient and ever new. In the words of the prophet Isaiah,
“To the captives, ‘come out,’ — and to those in darkness, ‘be free’. “

–George W. Bush, Aboard the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln,
a couple of miles away from San Diego May 1, 2003

More Answers Revealed

Q: Lodge: When is it said to be Just?

A: When furnished with the Great Lights.

Q: Lodge: When is it said to be Perfect?

A: When it contains the constitutional numbers of members.

Q: Lodge: When is it said to be Regular?

A: When working under Charter, legally authorized.

Q: Lodges of the World: What is the connecting bond between them?

A: Lawful Authority. No Lodge can exist and work without authority.

Q: Solar metal: What is it?

A: Gold.

https://realitybloger.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/5a401-mahatma-gandhi-quote-1.jpgThe Goyim can be made to covet anything.
For gold is the destroyer of nations and men…

Q: Freemasonry: What is the earliest mention made of it?

A: John Moore came from England to South Carolina in 1680. A letter written by him in 1715 says he spent a few evenings with Masonic Brothers.

Q: Who were Modern Masons?

A: Supporters of the Grand Lodge of England.

Q: Who were Ancient Masons?

A: The Irish Masons who formed a rival Grand Lodge in London.

Q: Were these rival Grand Lodges represented in America?

A: Yes. The Ancients became popular and organized in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, where they worked as “Ancient York Lodges.”

Q: What effect did they have on American Masonry?

A: Dissensions arose between the Ancients and Moderns.

Q: What year was a reconciliation effected between the two Grand Lodges in England?

A: 1813.

Q: Was a similar union consummated in America?

A: Yes. The two Grand Lodges of South Carolina were the last Grand Lodges to unite in 1817 and the distinction between Ancients and Moderns was abolished.

Q: What was the attitude of the Colonial Lodges toward the Revolution?

A: The Ancients favored the Colonies. The Moderns, the Crown.

Q: What State adheres to the Ancients?

A: Pennsylvania.

Q: What State has the greatest number of Lodges?

A: Texas.

Q: Washington: Did he ever hold the office of Grand Master?

A: While the army for independence was encamped at winter quarters (1779) in Morristown, New Jersey, he was unanimously elected the Grand Master of Masons of the American Colonies but due to the war and the upset conditions at the time he never did serve, but in the hearts of American Masons he was considered the first and only Grand Master of American Freemasons, and was at that time considered the most eminent Mason of his time, evidenced by the unanimous vote cast for him to become Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of American Freemasons.


This brings us to the end of part 2 of this essay series. In my final writing, we will read over the constitution with a fine-toothed comb, removing any semblance of rose-colored glasses, and tear that compact apart, article by article, right by right. The theocracy is now come out into the open; a Masonic guild of ecclesiastical law and enforcement ruled by blood. And this journey is nearing its end. The question is, what are you going to do with this knowledge now?

For the truth and only the truth can indeed set you free.

And hope is all that stands in the way of action.

All ye who enter here abandon hope, for without it, ye are a reckoning force. With it, ye are as a docile lamb at the slaughter.


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Cracking The Cult Of The Constitution (Part I)

A three-part essay by: Clint Richardson

Introduction: The following essay series will be very challenging and controversial for all who read. It is not that the information itself is actually controversial. Instead, the difficulty for most readers is in searching the soul and personally recognizing that the true controversy lies within the individual; a battle of cognitive dissonance where the ego continuously clashes with the true and reasonable self – the natural being grasping for truth. It is a fight between our indoctrinated beliefs and the hard facts and realities that challenge them, causing emotional barriers and fallacy which unhappily overcome comprehension, logic, and reason.

Presented below and in two future parts are facts and images that will challenge the very core of your belief system, from religion to politics, and most importantly to the very founding of this illusion we call the nation and constitution of the United States. For those who have eyes to see, I present this three-part chronicle and true history of the hidden hand that rules through blood, word magic, trickery and deceit – the elicit and eminent powers that be.

Part 1, entitled “Laying The Cornerstone”, covers recent history and the current state of the constitution of the United States, its congressional suspension according to legislative decree, and the powers of the Executive Branch totally outside of and over that constitution through declared national emergency and military rule, as approved by congress (the People) and under the “Lieber Code”. Believing that the constitution still applies as a restriction to government is the greatest hurdle for us to overcome, for this blinding belief blurs reality. The greatest elicit word trickery of the constitution was to make its unconstitutional use constitutional – to exempt government from the law. The question of whether or not this was and is a Christian nation founded by Christian men will also be questioned, as well as the theocratic nature of that Masonic municipal temple called Washington D.C. And the word “oath” will be exposed for what it truly is – a religious pledge to artificial corporate things and never to the actual living people (citizens) of the nation.

Part 2, entitled “Squaring Our History“, will further reveal the ancient Masonic rite of the sacred mystery religions, explore further the oath (holy sacrament), and look at many of the “constitutions” that through the church Masonry has created in the past. Why are certain words capitalized in the constitution? The answer is obvious once this Masonic writing style is examined. We will continue with a shocking and astounding pictorial history that showcases what has been the true power of all governments for thousands of years; never of or actually by the consent of the governed people, but of the Masonic Deistic Rite and its self-declared divine bloodline right to rule. The signs and symbols are everywhere, right before your very eyes, and yet you’ve likely never noticed them before. With a new understanding of just what authority is and where such “eminence” comes from, you will never look at government or its “ecclesiastical” civil doctrine the same.

Part 3, entitled “Compassing The Constitution“, will be a thorough walk-through of the Masonic legal writings of that non-Christian document without the benefit of emotion, false belief, or rose colored glasses – exposing the many fallacies that have become belief in America: the religion-based cult-ure of the constitution. As if reading the constitution for the first time, its true nature and meaning is revealed for the Masonic document it is, leaving no word undefined. And finally with this understanding the question is posed: Would you really sign and be bound by the constitution if it were a private contract?


In this first chapter, we will barely be scraping the surface of the hidden hand that rules. Instead, we must disseminate the legal foundation of the United States through defined words and statutes. And only when we understand our current state of government and its blatantly  mandated congressional suspension of the constitution before most of us were even born can we then look back to see this was the Masonic plan all along – the true purpose of the founding of the United States.

Please be aware that the concepts of God, gods, the Bible, corporate churches, and the doctrines of religious and other “societies” will be discussed in this presentation. I do not offer my own religious opinion here, and instead only attempt to logically and reasonably decipher how religions are used to righteously and more importantly violently govern the people. In other words, I will be committing the cardinal sin of asking questions – of challenging the rite and the right of the church’s dogma to govern the people, including the Deistic Masonic empire of the Untied States. Each person who reads this will have different levels of understandings, beliefs, emotions, and knowledge about these subjects. They are included herein not for the purposes of debate or persuasion of faith or doctrine, but because they are and always have been the foundation of all governments in world history, including the United States, where the “sovereign” Rulers, Kings, Queens and Officials derive their powers and authority from some form of church and its doctrine, claiming to act as or by whatever god they invoke as the “anointed” head of that church. For the purposes of this essay, your personal belief and faith or lack of it is irrelevant to the context of what is disclosed, for knowledge needs not belief. And clearly religion and the institution of the corporate church cannot be ignored in the history of all past and powerful world governments. It is the true hidden beliefs and faith of those who claim god-like powers in church and state we are to be concerned with here, not your own. The fallacious comparison of the “people” as members of the church or nation has nothing to do with the leadership positions of power and authority within those corporate entities – who claim governmental authority over those members (the people) through “god”. Instead of these doctrine and faith-based hangups, I disclaim here that for the purposes of this presentation, the word God (as capitalized) should be translated to mean the word nature, for God would be the creator of everything in nature if He indeed exists. With this understanding, we can easily see and prove that government is diametrically opposed to nature, natural law, and especially the natural rights of the natural people; and thus by default is actually opposed to God and God’s laws of nature.

Somewhere along the line, be it purposeful or not, a fundamental misunderstanding was promoted by the corporate religious doctrines of government that places mankind above God’s nature and natural law as its dominatrix with an irresponsible domination (dominion) over the earth, as opposed to acting as its steward and caretaker; giving rise to the entire religious corporate machine that violates nature at every turn; pumping dry its blood, tainting its life-affirming waters with pollution and poison, disrespecting and incrementally obliterating most of its lifeforms, and altering its function and landscape to the point that said “Creator” would not today recognize His own creation. This promoted doctrine of those who care more for the after-life than for theirs and others (the people’s) natural life here on Earth makes the church a poor candidate to govern the earth we all live upon and depend on for our natural lives, rights, and delicate balance of resources.

Thus the readers ego and righteousness, if possible, should be laid aside before continuing for the purposes of absorbing knowledge – so as to see the world without filters…

For those who would prematurely dismiss the absolute domination and importance of religion (the church) and Ecclesiastical law within our United States government, or for that matter any and all governments around the world, you of all people should read the following information, which proves that this Ecclesiastical legal doctrine is the only governmental law that actually exists. For your belief or non-belief matters about zero percent as to what is the foundation and “authority” of law.

I recommend, due to the length and importance of the following information, images, and future parts, that you copy and paste this essay for safe keeping. This is a free, un-copyrighted, educational endeavor that may be shared and re-posted for educational purposes. Please feel free to turn it into a (free/non-profit) documentary movie or other alternative media venture. No permission is needed from myself.

–Clint Richardson

Part 1: Laying The Cornerstone


“Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave.”

–Frederick Douglass–


I believe the above quote to be a self-evident truth…

Inversely, I find it self-evident that belief is the opposite of knowledge, and that some slaves believe themselves to be free – a people indentured and destroyed by nothing more or less than their lack of knowledge mixed with a belief in government-granted liberty as the source of their God-given natural rights.

Unfortunately it seems that most “citizens” in the United States have no knowledge of their own place in this indentured society, or that they are unilaterally indebted to it. Most minds are harvested before they can read or write into de facto (illegitimate) contractual servitude called “citizenship” to the United States – a compact entered into before the age of reason and consent – reenforced via adult  “Selective Service” registration as government cannon fodder and chattel at the whim of a president’s pen. And America sits as a lady in waiting, plastered over in ink on paper; a land hidden by corporatism.

Meanwhile, a plague of manufactured history is spread over the true nature and founding of that United States central government; a false, fabled paradigm inbred and instilled from birth and throughout the education system, sponsored and even required by the very government who wishes to keep its true disposition a secret.

It is the purpose of this multi-part research project to show conclusively the true hidden foundation (Cornerstone) of the United States, who the “People, in Order” of so-called “Founding Fathers” really were, and exactly what the “constitution” is. For all we have learned is nothing if not the provided doctrine and entertainment of a ruling class in that government that absolutely depends on the non-dissemination of the nation’s true history and origin.

Enter-tain-ment is defined from its Latin origins as “to enter (enter) and hold (tain) the mind (mentis)”.

And the word govern-ment?

Latin Word for Mind Control


“Wars in old times were made to get slaves.
The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt.”

–Ezra Pound


Today, the entire world has been enslaved by imposed government (public) debt, a requirement of “citizens” in the many international debt-slave colonies called “countries”.

It is imperative to comprehend what the “founding fathers” that created this govern-ment via their constitution believed through their own writings and associations, not your own. For it was their belief system and their “Fraternal Brotherhood” of Freemasonry that created this union, not yours. They were “the People” (capitalized in the constitution as a proper noun), not you and I as “the common people”.

I realize that this is a bold statement; and thanks to entertainment and history (His – Story), one worth reasonable doubt until proven. This goal is the purpose of the following information and the very long  journey that led me here to piece it all together.

Today I challenge the great American fallacy called patriotism that governs the minds of the controlled citizenry. I challenge the very nature of this central government and its right to claim religious eminence and dominion over an otherwise free people. I challenge its Army, its Navy, its Air Force, its Marines, and its Maritime international corporate flag. I challenge its FBI, its CIA, its IRS, and all of its de facto (illegitimate) Executive Cabinet departments (none of which are elected by the American people) that, through Executive military authority (permission) supposedly granted by the very people for whom it enslaves, enforces the laws created by that government. And I challenge the certainly unfounded belief by the masses of people who live under that power of authority supposedly granted by the constitution of the United States to give license to that government the authority (permission) to hold, harm, extort, rape, and kill any man, woman, or child, both foreign and domestic. For a piece of paper has not a human mind or voice to grant anything.


Nationalism is the propagandist key to maintain govern-ment.
Enter-tain-ment is essential to hide the reality of govern-ment
and to promote the fallacy of Nationalism.


Without faithful believers in its legitimacy, any cult must surely perish…

And without voluntary citizens as military soldiers, government’s legal codes and authority diminish absent that violent force of blind obedience to back up forcefully its necessarily tyrannical laws. For law is only as corrupt as the men who have license to practice and especially enforce that law, those who do so under the guise of God’s name – IN GOD WE TRUST. Of course, it goes without saying that government wishes its ground troops to be as void of knowledge as possible, snatching their enlisted straight out of low income high schools – paying for their indoctrination within its own universities – an education system purposefully dumbed down and lacking true knowledge and independence so as to create such potential unthinking soldiers without knowledge, opportunity, or choice.

And so today I seek to lift your own veil, if you will permit the revolution of your mind over its righteous state of enshrined belief. For it is my intent to break the people of America free from this mindless, self-destructive Cult of the Constitution.

The Arrogance Of Ignorance

In America, our distorted history makes our people literally worship the United States Flag (a slightly altered corporate symbol of the former East India Company) while turning their backs on the natural lands of America. The people then thoughtlessly Pledge Allegiance to that corporate flag by reciting a poem written by a proclaimed socialist. Many even attend sports games in Roman style coliseums and, with no understanding of the origins of their hand over heart gesture, sing a nationalist praise before every game to the flag of the tyrannical govern-ment that enslaves them through debt contract.

As our first example of how the absolutely fictitious national beliefs by the people have created a mass cultural psychosis of fallacy within our American culture (cult-ure), due simply to a lack of historical knowledge, lets examine the true origins of this supposed American classic…

Have you ever asked yourself: Why do I pledge allegiance, and to what exactly do I blindly pledge it?

Does an inanimate object (idol) such as a Flag really need or care about your devotion to it?

Perhaps it’s time to uncover and expose this history…

American Flag vs. British East India Company Flag


“Music written by Brother John Stafford Smith (1750-1836)
of Inverness Lodge #4 in London was, at one time, used
by an Irish Masonic Orphans’ Home as their song. 
Later it became a popular drinking song for many years
known as To Anacreon in Heaven. Then, some years later,
the music was adopted by Francis Scott Key to which he wrote
the words to our National Anthem,  The Star Spangled Banner.”

–‘The Truth is Stranger than Fiction’, by Alphonse Cerza,
Masonic Service Association, 1967.


File:Anacreon monte calvo.jpg
Anacreon singing his poetry

Anacreon (Greek: Ἀνακρέων, gen.: Ἀνακρέοντος) (582 BC – 485 BC)
a Greek lyric poet, notable for his drinking songs and hymns.
Later Greeks included him in the canonical list of nine lyric poets.






The original Pledge of Allegiance printed in the “Official Programme” circa 1892
**Notice here the capitalized words “Flag, Republic, Nation, Liberty, and Justice”.
This is the classic Masonic writing style (capitalization). More on this in Part 2.


Below we see the incremental stage between the change over to a hand over heart gesture… It is actually quite humorous to be conditioned to actually think that placing our hand over our heart is any less significant or strange than placing our stiff-arms in the air, communist-style.

And then there are the unfounded beliefs:


Compared to the true knowledge:


Pledge, Or Else…

In the case of West Virginia State Board Of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943), we read that this pledge of stiff-armed allegiance was not simply a choice by our children, but instead a requirement punishable by expulsion from the school system for “insubordination” in true communist fashion:

“The Board of Education on January 9, 1942, adopted a resolution containing recitals taken largely from the Court’s Gobitis opinion and ordering that the salute to the flag become ‘a regular part of the program of activities in the public schools,’ that all teachers and pupils ‘shall be required to participate in the salute honoring the Nation represented by the Flag; provided, however, that refusal to salute the Flag be regarded as an Act of insubordination, and shall be dealt with accordingly.’ [319 U.S. 624, 627]  The resolution originally required the ‘commonly accepted salute to the Flag‘ which it defined. Objections to the salute as ‘being too much like Hitler’s’ were raised by the Parent and Teachers Association, the Boy and Girl [319 U.S. 624, 628]  Scouts, the Red Cross, and the Federation of Women’s Clubs. Some modification appears to have been made in deference to these objections, but no concession was made to Jehovah’s Witnesses. What is now required is the ‘stiff-arm’ salute, the saluter to keep the right hand raised with palm turned up while the following is repeated: ‘I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of [319 U.S. 624, 629]  America and to the Republic for which it stands; one Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.'”

(***Notice that the word “God” is not included in the Pledge within this ruling, as the words “under God” were not added until 11 years after this court case, in the year 1953.)

Failure to conform is ‘insubordination’ dealt with by expulsion. Readmission is denied by statute until compliance. Meanwhile the expelled child is ‘unlawfully absent‘ and may be proceeded against as a delinquent. His parents or guardians are liable to prosecution, and if convicted are subject to fine not exceeding $50 and jail term not exceeding thirty days.”


Now, does this requirement to say an oath to the United States flag sound like patriotism to you… or communism?

Listen to what this royal bloodline cousin of kings and presidents had to say:

“…at a meeting of Boy Scouts, presided over by the veteran founder of that organization, Colonel Dan Beard, the writer heard the thousand or more, standing at attention, shout “I pledge allegiance to my flag” and the rest of the words. In answer to his questions, Colonel Beard said: “Why, that’s said by the Boy Scouts every time they have a roundup, big or littleand for that matter, by the Pioneer Girls and the Campfire Girls too. It’s the A B C of training for citizenship. It was adopted from the public schools when the Scouts first started in 1905 — they didn’t have to learn it; it’s their regular hurrah for flag and country. I’ve heard it for nearly twenty years, from the top of Michigan to the toe of Florida, and from Montana back to New York again. The youngsters of every race say it and it makes Americans of them.”

(Source: University of Rochester Dept. of Education, http://www.lib.rochester.edu/index.cfm?PAGE=3418)

What makes a child an American? Is it natural birthright (being natural-born)? Is it naturalization? Is it blood?

No, it is their pledge (oath) to a corporate flag as good little citizen soldiers…

The Wehrmacht Oath of Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, 2 August 1934, was pledged:

“I swear by God this sacred oath that to the Leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, supreme commander of the armed forces, I shall render unconditional obedience and that as a brave soldier I shall at all times be prepared to give my life for this oath.”

The current oath of enlisted soldiers of the United States also pledges:

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.” (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).


Notice that these oaths by Nazi and U.S. military soldiers are not to protect the common people within the nation (whom in the United States are referred to as possible domestic “enemies of the State” in the “Trading With The Enemies Act”). Instead, these oaths only swear (or affirm in the U.S) to protect the United States government, its president, and its officers. This is an oath to protect the continuity of government against you, whoever you are; all 7 billion of you on Earth and including all U.S. citizens…

The constitution is the foundation of government, so allegiance to that piece of paper (charter) – as with worshiping its flag – is not allegiance in any way to the actual living, breathing, common people. The constitution did not create the people. The people were here long before the constitution. Creation is an act of God and/or nature, and the people of course existed long before the language of the constitution was created by men of a certain blood. The constitution in fact created govern-ment (control) of those people (men) who were first created of nature (God), creating in them each an artificial person. In other words, the constitution is not of nature (not created naturally), and is actually against nature and against the Bible (more on this later). The president is also but an office held by a government person (Corporation Sole) as designated by the constitution. And the enemies are not enemies of the people, but enemies against the continuity of government (control) of the people as a body politic and its corporate world-wide monopolies – including citizens and non-citizens (all natural people). Thus these United States oaths taken by military men and women are to protect artificial constructs, not real people. These are strawman oaths in that they are pledges to artificial persons and things.

A False Oath To The
Of Souls

What is the purpose of becoming a Corporation Sole?

The first known Corporation Sole (to my current knowledge) was established by the Church of England in the year 1448. It is always and can only be legitimately established under an Ecclesiastical (religious law) body within its proper form.

Ecclesiastical Law was called the “Cannons of the Church” – a play on words so as to not actually use the word “law”. These “Canons” were essentially the forced adherence of the people by the State to matters of religious conscious by law (Canon). In other words, mind control. In order to guarantee that the ownership of real property was continued to be held by the Church outside of the control of the State, the concept of “Corporation Sole” was created as a legal fictional (artificial) person of the Church – a spiritual assembly, if you will. In the end, these Corporations Sole represent eternal life in an artificial legal capacity. In other words, the office for which the Corporation Sole creates is passed from living man to living man (or woman), who then becomes the Sole fiction of that office. The real property and political (ecclesiastical) powers are transferred or “conveyed” with the Corporation Sole to the new officer (soul).

Sound confusing? Well it’s supposed to. For you are not supposed to be a party to or have even a basic knowledge of this common law elitist privilege.

In a way, since the Corporation Sole has no need of a board of directors or other typical corporate charter requirements, you could say that this incorporation creates a “Sovereignty” – a dictatorship of one. It is called a Corporation “Sole” in reverence to the sole individual “soul” who fills the corporation.

The “Queen of England” as an office is a Corporation Sole overseen by the sole officer (the current living Queen), and its ministry is the government/church of England who allowed its creation within Ecclesiastical law. Many of the “Secretaries of State” in England are also individual Corporations Sole. The office of British Monarch in each Commonwealth Realm is also an individual and separate Corporation Sole. Thus, each time the Queen travels to one of her Commonwealth countries, she is doing so as a separate and unique officer (Corporation Sole) in each country – and is all but immune to that countries statutory base of legislative or parliamentary laws. For instance, in general and while in England, Queen Elizabeth II is the artificial person (Corporation Sole) named “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the United Kingdom”. Remember, this is the name of her corporation. But when governing (controlling) the Commonwealth of Canada, she takes the corporate role of “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada” – a completely separate Corporation Sole. In Australia she is “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Australia”. Again, these are all separate individual Corporations Sole.

Interestingly, because both Canada and Australia are politically established as “Federal” governments, the Queen also has individually distinct Corporations Sole for each “Province” of those two countries. When dealing specifically with the local government in Alberta, Canada, she switches corporate hats once again and becomes “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Alberta”, and again for every other Province thereof. And when the Queen dies or advocates her throne, she will simply sign over here many Corporations Sole and all the “Rights” of real property (including whole continents) to the next bloodline Monarch (man or woman) in succession, likely her eldest  son.

A Bishop in the Vatican (Church of Rome) is also acting as a Corporation Sole, where the current office of Bishop is the sole officer and its ministry is the Church of Rome. The office of “The Arch Bishop of Canterbury” is also an individual Corporation Sole of the Church. And of course the many Catholic Churches spread across the nations are also in utilization of Corporations Sole.

The Office (corporation) of the “The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints” is also a Corporation Sole, where the office of the President is the sole officer and its ministry (people) is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And this explains a lot… like why for so many years I could never find a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the “Mormon Church” corporation and its corporate holdings. For a Corporation Sole is not required to follow the Statutes that require such financial disclosure and auditing as other incorporated entities are!

Cities, districts, counties, and states, as well as the Federal government and its agencies are not Corporations Sole. They are bound by Statutory laws and must file a CAFR (independently audited “annual financial report”) and represent a multi-faceted “body politic” in their incorporation and are not of a “church”. Microsoft and Apple Corporations are also not Corporations Sole, for all of these have more than one person (i.e. president, vice-president, secretary, etc.).

But most importantly, this does not necessarily preclude the fact that the individual officers, including Bill Gates and the presidents of the United States, CEO’s, and political officers (legislators) of corporations and governments themselves are not individually acting under their own Corporation Sole instead of as real people (mankind).

In the United States today, the legal status called Corporation Sole is completely tax-exempt, is exclusively under common law (immune from laws called “statute”), and is recognized by all 50 states as such. It has to be, you see, or else states would not be able to recognize their own representatives who are acting under this capacity as individual Corporations Sole (representatives). You might say that this makes politicians immune from their own created laws (statutes). Like me, you may have often wondered why those in government get away with literal murder and organized crime under the “color” of office under the United States.

Now you know…

A Corporation Sole is perhaps best understood as an “unincorporated corporation”, where an individual (no employees) is the only person involved, making all decisions for the Corporation Sole without opposition, and having no corporate bylaws required (which are statutory and not requirements of or in the common law). By unincorporated I mean to say that the Corporation Sole is not officially a legal status granted by government, but instead one granted by an Ecclesiastical church/religion. Though its roots are steeped in antiquity, the Corporation Sole has ecclesiastically been used by the higher members of the church (government) for many centuries. The Pope, his Cardinals, and his Bishops are all individual Corporations Sole. The Royal Family and their representatives such as Prime Ministers are also individual Corporations Sole. And entities in United States politics such as “President Obama”, “Representative Ron Paul”, Governors, and other congressmen and the Vice President and Cabinet Heads are also individual Corporations Sole. They are acting under an Ecclesiastical (religion-based) office, which is for all intents and purposes immune to government’s legal Codes – the laws which they help to create for the rest of the “people”.

Ron Paul, for instance, is listed as a traded corporation on Dunn & Bradstreet (DNB.com) under these business listings:

Also Traded as RON PAUL

Also Traded as RON PAUL


These are the Corporations Sole for Ron Paul.

How about the President of the United States?

Also Traded as BARACK H OBAMA

Ok. Here is the corporation that is the Office of the President, but what about Obama himself as a “Sole”?



It is important to note that if we check back here in 2017 after the next presidential election, this corporation known as “EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT” will then read to be “Also Traded as _____ __ _______”. In other words, it will be traded as whomever the next president as Corporation Sole will be when the office is passed in succession by Obama to his cousin and bloodline successor.

After all, a man cannot be “traded”. That would be slavery.

But the artificial person (Corporation Sole) is not a man – it is a thing.

For further understanding, let’s read from Black’s Law 1st. edition:

CORPORATION SOLE. A corporation consisting of one person only, and his successors in some particular station, who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of perpetuity, which in their natural persons they could not have had. In this sense, the sovereign in England is a sole corporation, so is a bishop, so are some deans distinct from their several chapters, and so is every parson and vicar. A corporation sole consists of a single person, who is made a body corporate and politic, in order to give him some legal capacities and advantages, and especially that of perpetuity; as a bishop, dean, etc.

Black’s 5th Edition states:

Corporation sole. Unusual type of corporation consisting of only one person whose successor becomes the corporation on his death or resignation; limited in the main today to bishops and heads of dioceses.”

And we can read from the Massachusetts Supreme Court, in the case of “The Overseers of the Poor of the City of Boston v. David Sears 39 Mass (2Pick) 122 at 128 (1839)”:

“…the distinction between an aggregate and sole corporation, growing out of the different modes of constitution and forms of action, is striking and obvious. A bishop or parsons acting in a corporate capacity and holding property to him and his successor in right of office, has no need of a corporate name, he performs all legal acts under his own seal, in his own name and name of office; his own will alone regulates his acts, needs no treasurer, for he has no personal property except the rents and proceeds for the corporate estate, and these he takes to his own use when received. By-laws are unnecessary, for he regulates his own action, by his own will and judgment, like any other individual acting in his own right. These examples are sufficient to clarify the legal distinctions between the two classes of corporations.”

The question we should be asking is this: If a Corporation Sole is religious or “ecclesiastical” in origin, how is a government that promotes separation of church and state – a government supposedly without a declared central religion – able to form such religious Corporations Sole?

Is there a hidden or “Mystery” religion from which this ability to Ecclesiastically incorporate originates within said United States corporation?

The answer to that question represents the thesis put forward in this essay series; to uncover and prove a theocracy where one seemingly and supposedly does not exist…



Man’s relation to Divinity, to reverence, worship, obedience, and submission to mandates and precepts of supernatural or superior beings. In its broadest sense includes all forms of belief in the existence of superior beings exercising power over human beings by volition, imposing rules of conduct, with future rewards and punishments. Bond uniting man to GOD, and a virtue whose purpose is to render GOD worship due him as source of all being and principle of all government of things

Nikulnikoff v. Archbishop, etc., of Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church, 142 Misc. 894, 255 N.Y.S. 653, 663.

–Black’s Law: 5th Edition


Are you contractually bonded to the United States’ religion of law;
a government that claims to rule through God?

Perhaps you should read that definition once more…

We will read this legal definition again at the end of Part 1, after the
knowledge contained within will make its meaning much more clear.


In short, these “oaths” taken by United States (not American) soldiers as seen above are no different than the blind pledge of allegiance taken by school children to an inanimate object called a flag. Through the illusion of nationalism and patriotism, the majority of these men and women of the military have no idea that their pledge is to an artificial municipal corporation named Washington D.C, and to the artificial “Corporations Sole” who occupy it. This oath is not to their actual living family, their friends, America, and Americans or to any of “the people”.

Interestingly, all of these oaths include God as their witness, though those who took the German Oath of Loyalty did not have the choice to make an affirmation (an oath not of or under God) as the United States oath offers.

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856, defines these important religious and non-religious acts as specifically opposite from one another:

OATH. A declaration made according to law, before a competent tribunal or officer, to tell the truth; or it is the act of one who, when lawfully required to tell the truth, takes God to witness that what he says is true. It is a religious act by which the party invokes God not only to witness the truth and sincerity of his promise, but also to avenge his imposture or violated faith, or in other words to punish his perjury if he shall be guilty of it. 2. It is proper to distinguish two things in oaths; (1.) The invocation by which the God of truth, who knows all things, is taken to witness. (2.) The imprecation by which he is asked as a just and all-powerful being, to punish perjury. 3. The commencement of an oath is made by the party taking hold of the book, after being required by the officer to do so, and ends generally with the words,”so help you God,” and kissing the book, when the form used is that of swearing on the Evangelists. 4. Oaths are taken in various forms; the most usual is upon the Gospel by taking the book in the hand; the words commonly used are, “You do swear that, ” & “so help you God,” and then kissing the book. The origin of this oath may be traced to the Roman law, and the kissing the book is said to be an imitation of the priest’s kissing the ritual as a sign of reverence, before he reads it to the people.  5. Another form is by the witness or party promising holding up his right hand while the officer repeats to him,”You do swear by Almighty God, the searcher of hearts, that… “And this as you shall answer to God at the great day.” 6. In another form of attestation commonly called an affirmation, the officer repeats, “You do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm, that,(i.e. without God)… 7. The oath, however, may be varied in any other form, in order to conform to the religious opinions of the person who takes it

(**Note that these definitions in Bouvier’s and Black’s Law dictionaries include “case law” references, meaning these definitions are paraphrases of actual court decisions and opinions. For the purposes of this essay, those references have been removed for ease of reading and comprehension. See dictionaries for case references.)

Here we see that the oath is in all accounts a religious test and sacrament. And it is important to note that one who does not fear God or who swears to another god or Deity will not be at all worried about lying under oath upon the Bible, for if the devil truly exists, that “lord of lies” would surely require perjury from its followers.

AFFIRMANT, practice. One who makes affirmation instead of making oath that the evidence which he is about to give shall be the truth, as if he had been sworn. He is liable to all the pains and penalty of perjury, if he shall be guilty of willfully and maliciously violating his affirmation.

AFFIRMATION, practice. A solemn declaration and asseveration, which a witness makes before an officer, competent to administer an oath in a like case, to tell the truth, as if be had been sworn. 2. In the United States, generally, all witnesses who declare themselves conscientiously scrupulous against taking a corporal oath, are permitted to make a solemn affirmation, and this in all cases, as well criminal as civil. 3. In England, laws have been enacted which partially relieve persons who, have conscientious scruples against taking an oath, and authorize them to make affirmation. In France, the laws which allow freedom of religious opinion, have received the liberal construction that all persons are to be sworn or affirmed according to the dictates of their consciences; and a quaker’s affirmation has been received and held of the same effect as an oath. 4. The form is to this effect: “You, A B, do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm…” For the violation of the truth in such case, the witness is subject to the punishment of perjury” as if he had been sworn. 5. Affirmation also means confirming; as, an affirmative statute.

The Hypocritical Affirmation Of
The Mormon Corporation Sole


For the purposes of this research, remember that to affirm in the Untied States jurisdiction is to purposefully not swear an oath under the Biblical Christian “God”, and more specifically to not be under the punishment or wrath of that “God” for perjury in this life and/or in the “after-life”. Of course, religious leaders and politicians with no irony or hesitation often choose to be affirmed in court cases and in congress instead of being sworn in under “God”. This is no irony, but a purposeful deceit to purger or withhold information from a government that protects that act of purger through the act of affirmation. Affirmation is dishonesty masked under a false legal status of credibility, and it is a choice often made by men who take the mark of Corporations Sole.

It is one thing for a random man to affirm due to his contentions with organized religion, it is a whole other can of worms when it is the leader or president of a corporate religion who chooses to affirm in court instead of swearing to tell the truth with God as his witness and accept His wrath for perjury…

In the case of the corporation called the Mormon Church, we have the incredible revelations of the Reed Smoot Senate hearing as a perfect example…


When then president of the Mormon “church”, Mr. Joseph F. Smith, was called to testify before Congress in 1906, he was requested by the Senate to “swear in”. Instead, he is quoted below as stating in the congressional record that “I prefer to affirm, if you please.” In other words, the supposedly Christian Mormon President and current “Prophet” of God incarnate wished not to swear to that God that he would tell the truth underGod’s wrath. Of course he was likely doing so as an artificial “Corporation Sole”. The record then directly states, “Joseph F. Smith, having duly affirmed, testifies as follows…“.

Having avoided the wrath of God for perjury, the clever “prophet” Smith was free to lie and obfuscate without God in the name of his Corporation.

The following is from the official transcript of that Senate hearing and makes for a very interesting read:

Why such an official protest from the electors of the States?

“We… protest: that Apostle Reed Smoot, Senator elect from the State of Utah…
ought not be permitted to qualify by taking the oath of office or to sit as a
Member of the United States Senate, for reasons effecting the honor
and dignity of the United States and their Senators in Congress.”


“Ruling Authorities” of the Mormon Church claim:
“…Supreme authority, divinely mentioned, to shape the belief and control
the conduct under them in all matters whatsoever, civil and religious,
temporal and spiritual, and who uniting in themselves
authority in church and state…”

**In other words, a Mormon’s oath to the Church takes
precedent over their oath to the country, the same reason that those
in the know today do not wish Mitt Romney to obtain the seat of President.


“Men who hold the (Mormon) priesthood possess divine authority to act for God,
and by possessing part of God’s power they are in reality part of God
those who reject it (the priesthood bestowed by the church), reject God.”

Mormon / Masonic Sunstone (Sun worship).

Mormon Church (Assembly Hall)  inside of “Temple Square”,
The Mormon corporate headquarters or “Vatican” of Salt Lake City

Joseph Smith’s Book of Mormon speaks of the restoration of Israel:

“And it came to pass that I, Nephi, spake much unto them
concerning these things; yea, I spake unto them concerning
the restoration of the Jews in the latter days.”

“And I did rehearse unto them the words of Isaiah, who spake
concerning the restoration of the Jews, or of the house of Israel;
and after they were restored they should no more be confounded,
neither should they be scattered again.”


During the 1930s and 1940s, Mormon Senators William King and
Elbert Thomas were both Democrats from Utah.
Both men were fervent Christian Zionists.

**Zionism is support for the illegal “State” of Israel.
Clandestinely though, Zionism’s goal is to reestablish the
“Kingdom of Jerusalem” and rebuild Solomon’s Temple.

For the Star of David is actually the ancient Seal of Solomon…

As we will soon realize, this is the goal of all
Masonic religions and societies worldwide.

Senator Thomas visited Jerusalem in 1912.
According to his diary, he sat on the Mount of Olives and read from the
writings of early Mormon leader Orson Hyde about the Jews:

“Consecrate this land for the gathering together of Judah’s
scattered remnants, for the building up of Jerusalem again
after it has been trodden down by the Gentiles so long.
Restore the kingdom unto Israel, raise up Jerusalem as its capitol.”

Mormon Senator William King was one of the founding members
of the American Palestine Committee – an organization set up
in the 1930s to rally Christian support for Jewish statehood.

Sen. Thomas developed close ties to Benzion Netanyahu,
who in those days was director of the
Revisionist Zionists’ American division.

David Ben Gurion, first president of the Israeli “State” from 1948 stated:

“You know, there are no people in the world
who understand the Jews like the Mormons.”


As part of the Reed Smoot case, it was necessary to ascertain for the record the incredible monopolies of private corporations that were held and operated by the Mormon Church and its leadership, including Union Pacific Railroad, and that was also acting as the government of Utah. It is shocking to consider the power of this religious incorporation then, especially when considering how much it has grown in the last 100 years. For instance, the Mormon corporation named “Bonneville Communications” just a decade ago owned a virtual monopoly on every talk radio station in Washington D.C. before selling (privatizing) them to other Mormons – members by blood in that Masonic Brotherhood of the Church – to give the appearance that the corporation of the Church no longer held that monopoly.

In government, this is called privatization.

We read this incredible admission in the senate record, as stated officially by the affirmed and arrogant president of the Church Joseph F. Smith. Note that Smith is the “Successor” of the previous “prophets” and presidents of the church, signifying the passing of not only the Corporation Sole, but the claim of divinity and rule by and through God, as stated below, “…endowed with all the powers that they were possessed of”:

Not Ironically, the Sheriff of Salt Lake County is none other than a Mormon descendent named Jim Winder of the aforementioned Winder in this case, whose brother is a City Mayor, and whose Mormon family have 10 generations in politics in Utah.

You can read about my personal battles to try and expose what Sheriff Winder has done to Salt Lake County in my research article and documentary below:

Article – “The Sheriff Who Sold His County”


And also view my lecture about special districts
taking over lawful government in a County near you

The United States Theocracy

If the sudden realization of the true communist nature of the American “Pledge of Allegiance” to the Untied States is surprising to you, especially if you are a parent today, then I hope this new knowledge will be enough to move you to continue down this rabbit hole and finish reading the information that I have provided here. Imagine the shock you might feel if the history of the constitution and its so-called “founding fathers” were also revealed to be something quite different than what you’ve always imagined or learned – what your children are learning today in required government schools. What other beliefs might be promoted in our government funded schools, Universities, and media monopolies that realize their origins in a similar form of communism and fascism? And what if I were to tell you that I can conclusively show you today that the United States is not nor ever has been a republic, a democracy, nor any other political moniker… but is instead and always has been a clandestine (hidden) theocracy?

THEOCRACY. A species of government which claims to be immediately directed by GodReligion, which in former times, frequently associated itself with despotism, to reign, by its power, or under its shadow, has sometimes attempted to reign alone, and this she has called the reign of God, theocracy. –Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856

THEOCRACY. Government of a state by the immediate direction of God, (or by the assumed direction of a supposititious divinity), or the state thus governed. –Black’s Law Dictionary, 4rth Edition

A “State thus governed (controlled)” by those who claim to be directed by God or some god-like divinity or deity

Sounds about accurate when considering the righteously pompous men who rule (as Corporations Sole) with impunity against the will of mankind in the Untied States, doesn’t it? After all, when was the last time Congress or the president acted upon the will of the people as opposed to the will of the corporate world?

Is the United States constitution, its form of government, and its political leadership really the first government in world history to not be ordained by and head the Holy church? Is its power really based on “we, the common people”? Or is that authority in fact based on a higher power than man, so as to be a (Masonic/Deist) theocracy? And did the “Founding Fathers” create the United States and its constitution under God… or under affirmation?

The answers to these questions and evidence provided herein will certainly surprise you.

Is Freemasonry a religion?

Well, it depends on whom you ask. For designated corporate religions are bound by laws (Statutes), while Orders make their own.

The Supreme Court of Nebraska decided that:

“The guiding thought (of Masonry) is not religion but religious toleration …. The Masonic fraternity refrains from intruding into the field of religion and confines itself to the teaching of morality and duty to one’s fellow men, which makes better men and better citizens… The distinction is clear between such ethical teachings and the doctrines of religion. One cannot espouse a religion without belief and faith in its peculiar doctrines. A fraternity broad enough to take in and cover with its mantle Christian, Moslem and Jew, without requiring him to renounce his religion, is not a religious organization, although its members may join in prayer which, in the case of each, is a petition addressed to his own Deity. Neither can the belief in the immortality of the soul be denominated religious in the sense that it is typical of any religion, of any race, or of any age. It constitutes one of the most beautiful and consoling features of our own religion, but it is equally found in almost every other. It is so unusual and spontaneous that it is not so much belief or dogma as it is an instinct of the human soul. Neither does it imply or require adherence to any system of religious worshipThe fact that belief in the doctrines or deity of no particular religion is required, of itself refutes the theory that the Masonic ritual embodies a religion, or that its teachings are religious.”

–“Let There Be Light”, by Alphonse Cerza, The Masonic Service Association, 1983.


But when it comes to saving a few shekels by keeping a tax-exempt status and protecting their property, the Masons are quite happy to be named as a pseudo “religion”:



“Freemasonry is a religion – a California appeals court ruled on Oct 3, and its adherents must be given equal standing as other faiths under US law.  In a case involving the Los Angeles Scottish Rite Cathedral and the City of Los Angeles, the Seventh District Court of Appeals in Los Angeles held it could not distinguish between “the earnest pursuit of [Masonic] principlesfrom more widely acknowledged modes of religious exercise” such as Christianity or Judaism.

The Court was asked to hear the Freemasons appeal of a lower court’s ruling that the City of Los Angeles could regulate the use of the Masonic cathedral. The Scottish Rite Freemasons argued that while they were not a formal “religion”, their property should however be exempted from government regulation to the same degree that churches were exempted so as to allow them the free “religious exercise”.

They cited the US Federal law the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 in support of their contention, saying it prohibits a government from implementing a land use regulation in a way that “imposes a substantial burden” on one’s “religious exercise.”

The Court held that it could find “no decisions analyzing whether Masonic practices are sufficiently religious in nature to qualify for protection” under law.

However it used the test adopted by the courts in the case of the US v Meyers that presented a five-pronged test in defining whether a creed or belief was a “religious belief” and determined it was a religion.

Although Freemasonry does not identify itself as a religion” the Court stated “it plainly fosters principles and practices that resemble religious exercise.””

This is a brilliant circumvention of law here, where the Masonic Rite is considered a religion for certain legal purposes by a Masonic (BAR) Judge, but inversely is not required to register and incorporate as a religion. This is like a man being granted women’s rights status while remaining a legal man.

Interestingly, that five-pronged test listed in this court case is sourced to include:

“The Meyers court adopted a multi-part test inquiring into (1) the ultimate ideas embraced by the asserted belief; (2) metaphysical ideas addressing transcendence of the physical world; (3) moral or ethical systems constraining an adherent’s conduct; (4) comprehensiveness of beliefs; and (5) accoutrements of religion such as a founder or teacher, important writings, gathering places, keepers of knowledge, ceremonies and rituals, structure and propagation or recruitment.  (U.S. v. Meyers, supra, 906 F.Supp. at  pp. 1502-1503.)”

Thus, Masonry is protected as if it were a religion and accepts the benefits thereof, even though it vehemently opposes the legal title and statutes that bind a corporate “religion”.

Sadly, the same could honestly be said of many members of supposedly Christian incorporated religions today…


In 1952, eighty-nine percent of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices were Freemasons.”

–‘10,000 Famous Freemasons’, by William R. Denslow

Our Citizenship To The
Temple Of The United States


As painful as these above images are with regards to the origins of this childhood indoctrination process of public education, blind allegiance, and the forced patriotism and nationalism that most of us have unwittingly participated in – contributing ever so much to our collective lack of knowledge and its side-effect of servitude –  it is still more troubling to be in the position I’m in at this very moment. For with knowledge comes duty; the natural pull on ones senses to inform ones fellow man of a clear and present danger that is literally killing and enslaving my people and, militarily, millions and likely soon to be billions across the world. And so I present the following essay simply because it is the duty of having attained such knowledge, regardless of the consequences or enemies it may realize, and because truly no man is free unless all men are free.

Thus, no man is free unless all men have knowledge


How to build a logical fallacy – An appeal to Holy authority,
by Sean Hannity and courtesy of Fox News.

“European mysticism was not dead at the time the United States of America was founded. The hand of the Mysteries controlled in the establishment of the new government, for the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. Carefully analysis of the seal discloses a mass of occult and Masonic symbols, chief among them the so-called American eagle—a bird which Benjamin Franklin declared unworthy to be chosen as the emblem of a great, powerful, and progressive people. Here again only the student of symbolism can see through the subterfuge and realize that American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized phoenix, a fact plainly discernible from an examination of the original seal. In his sketch of the “History of the Seal of the United States,” Gaillard Hunt unwittingly brings forward much material to substantiate the belief that the original seal carried the phoenix bird on its obverse surface. . .”

“Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated and for the most part unknown–and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestle-board setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishments of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.”

–Manly P. Hall; “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” pages xc and xci

“The Great Seal”

The Eye of Providence was a well-known classical
symbol of the deity since at least the Renaissance.


Description of the Reverse side of the Great Seal

Original 1782 description for the Great Seal of the United States of America

Symbols and mottos link to their respective pages.


E-Pluribus Unum = “Out of Many, One.”

Annuit Conceptis = “Announcing the Birth (of)”

Novus Ordo Seclorum = “New Order (Cycle) of the Ages”


File:Continental Currency One-Third-Dollar 17-Feb-76 rev.jpg
Franklin’s early design on a 1776 currency note
“We Are One – American Congress”


Note that the City of Philadelphia was given the Masonic nick-name:

“The City of Brotherly Love”


Nesta Webster on Illuminism


I realize now that citizenship to the United States (a series of corporate buildings in Washington D.C. fashioned in Roman architecture and Egyptian symbols) is wholly un-American. To the average United States citizen, this statement would generally be considered offensive – and even thought to be something akin to sacrilege. Of course, this is but a surface reaction by those with patriotism but without knowledge of what they are irrationally defending, as would be expected by any member of a cult. Ironically, this word is in fact a religious term; a fallacy in its appeal to god-like authority – often used by various religions and cults when their irrational authority, holiness, or doctrines are challenged by factual evidence. For to challenge government or church authority is literally to challenge God!

But if these terms are religious in nature, why are the legal dictionaries throughout U.S. history littered with them as valid and modern legal terminology?

Of course, the most historically accurate and most obvious answer to this question is that throughout history, ALL governments have been derived via similar ceremonies and coronations of the national Church and religion, where the sovereign king, queen, dictator, or ruler claims authority not only by God, but through Him, and is generally appointed by blood relation to previous kings and by sacred anointment as the head of the church and country.

As it was, so it is today…

But then came along little old America, completely funded by the Masonic Monarchs of France and Great Britain (with its Virginia Corporation and East India Company). And yet we are to believe that the United States’ authority is derived by the “constitution” of a few scraggly outlaw settlers (who just happened to be wealthy slave-owning bloodline cousins of those same Plantagenet Kings as well as Freemasons), whom suddenly realized that separation of church and state was the way to go in their Order amongst the New World?

Of course this is absolutely contradictory to the fallacious notion that the United States was constituted as a “Christian” nation by Christian men. As we will read later, the founding fathers were certainly not Christian men, and instead were vehemently opposed to Christianity and the uncontrolled (ungoverned) organization of its churches – according to their own writings. This story of the United States being founded with Christian roots is just one more fallacy that must see its ruination if the good Christian and non-Christian people of America ever wish to be truly free of this Deist, Masonic world government (mind control); to stop fighting amongst themselves so as to focus on the real enemies among them and over them – as has been from the dawn of civilization.

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856 actually defines the derivatives of this word sacrilege as a legal terminology:

SACRILEGE. The act of stealing from the temples or churches dedicated to the worship of God, articles consecrated to divine uses.

Of course, theft from the churches was theft from government, for government was ordained by the church and government headed the church in true symbiotic fashion. But what about here in the United States?

Well, let me ask you some questions…

Do you truly believe that the seven “Articles” within the constitution of the United States are sacred in their use by presidents, congressmen, and justices for the worship of the Christian God as His law?

How about the “Articles of Confederation“?

Do you really believe these sacred articles were of a Christian origin?

Gnostic answer: The craft now called Masonry predates Christianity by thousands of years.

We are certainly told over an over that these documents were divinely inspired by those cult-like citizens and constitutional attorney’s who worship the constitution as if it were the idol of the golden calf. And yet in the same sentence we may also hear again how important the separation of Church and State is to that government.

The constitution is clear:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” –1st Amendment

“…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” –Article VI

This establishment of religion clause refers to a central or federal religion such as the Church of England. Yet, as we will discuss, this concept of Qualification via religious Test and belief is the very foundation of government, despite what this constitution states for public consumption. For the oath is a sacred sacrament to “God”, and a requirement for government office.

So why is this sacred oath made by government officials directed to “God” and not to the people for whom that oath is supposed to protect if indeed there is a separation of church and State? Oh, that’s right, the Oath only pledges loyalty to the artificial government and its founding constitution, not to the actual living natural people – because government is not the people!

Consider this… In Masonry, the belief in some form of “higher power” is a virtual requirement for membership (citizenship) in Masonry, though exactly which god or form of worship one chooses is up to the initiate. Other than being a requirement to vaguely believe, is this not a perfect description of the “freedom of religion” and “separation of church and state” ideals that was the Masonic founding of America? Masonry: the pseudo-religion that stands on the back of and tolerates all others. Does anything else really explain these contradictions in the American way? And what better way to protect this Masonic Brotherhood as the rulers of government than to deny the organization of religion from government operations, while keeping the hall meetings of Masons where government is planned a secret from the people?

Interestingly, we see the sacrament of religion in the legal aspect of the political oath as well. Politicians generally swear their oath to the government upon the Holy Bible, so help them and as seen above, despite these religious freedom clauses in the constitution that would seemingly make the sole use of the Christian Bible for such oaths unlawful. In courtrooms, witnesses are also sworn in with the Bible.

The current congressional oath was enacted in 1884:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

Here again we can read that the congressional oath has nothing to do with protecting or serving the people of America. In fact, it specifically states that a Congressman must protect government against the domestic citizens (the people). It is an oath to the continuity of the Masonic institution of government called the United States. And of course the option to affirm is granted. The fallacy that the constitution somehow refers to the people is egregious and a frighteningly ignorant qualification by the minds of the governed, especially when we read an oath that protects the constitution from the people!

Please also not that this pledge has very Masonic undertones, in that when a Mason take a pledge in the lodge ceremony, he does so “freely and without coercion”.

At the Executive level, we can hear our current president state his allegiance and oath to protect the corporate constitution and government, but never are the living breathing people or America ever mentioned…

And the people cheer…
Even though it is them the Constitution needs protection from.


So where did this concept of the oath come from?

Another word for oath is the religious and legal word “sacrament”.

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary of 1856 explains simply:

SACRAMENTUM. An oath; as, qui dicunt supra sacramentum suum.

At its basic root, we can see that the swearing of religeous oath allows certain legal rights as the sacra-ment of honor, title, and status. From Blacks Law 4rth Edition, we can see the true roots of the word sacra-ment:

SACRA. Lat. In Roman law. The right to participate in the sacred rites of the city.

The sacra-mentum (oath) is stated to acquire authority from “God” in the sacred rites of the city…

The word rite (Latin ritus) is defined as: A RELIGIOUS CUSTOM. Of course, governments have always held their rights under the religious dogma and customs of their perspective State churches. The Monarchy of England and the Church of England (formally the Roman Catholic Church as Rome and its Vatican) is just one example… And yet this religious “sacra” in the United States never seems to be acknowledged as such. Instead, the people still believe that their government is somehow of themselves (of the common people) and separated from the mystery religions, even as it kills, harms, imprisons, taxes, extorts, and kidnaps the common people and their children under some other authority it gains by swearing an oath to some higher power over those “people” in a religious custom.

Consent of the governed = Consent of the controlled.

Sacrament = rite of control of the “city” over the mind (of and for the people).

Imagine the hilarity government officers (Masons under sacred oath) must feel as they pretend to use the consent of the very governed (i.e. controlled) people they harm, tax, imprison, kill, and steal the property of as the excuse for its actions against those same people (citizens). And it uses the 5th Amendment of the very constitution those people have been trained to hold dear as its claim of power and authority to steal from the citizens even as the people scream that it’s unconstitutional (see “eminent domain” defined in part 2).

Blacks Law 4rth expounds upon this sacrament oath to government:

SACRAMENTUM. Lat. Roman LawAn oath, as being a very sacred thing; more particularly, the oath taken by soldiers to be true to their general and their country (to government, not its people). In one of the formal methods of beginning an action at law (legis actiones) known to the early Roman jurisprudence, the sacramentum was a sum of money deposited in court by each of the litigating parties, as a kind of wager or forfeit, to abide the result of the suit. The successful party received back his stake; the losing party forfeited his, and it was paid into the public treasury, to be expended for sacred objects, (in sacris rebus,) whence the name. At common law the Sacramentum is an oath.

Has anything really changed since the time of Roman domination (domain)? Of course not. For the Roman bloodlines still rule us today in America and throughout the world – a sacred cousinly dominion by blood claiming God-like authority granted by themselves over all common-blood people.

The forfeit of monetary sacramentum (sacred dollars as collateral) is now called “bail” (bailment) in the dishonorable de facto BAR administrative U.S. courts, similar to the ancient Roman system of sacramentum. The common law oath is just a replacement for the insurance money deposited for sacrament – for now we give our “word” as the word of God in court, following the copyrighted and sacred articles as set forth by the BAR Association and its international law society. And the fees paid for tickets and citations are placed into the public treasury’s investment funds, where they are used to buy sacred objects like stocks, bonds, real estate, foreign currencies, derivatives, and CUSIP commodities – the exaction (extortion) of monies from the common man to purchase power and wealth for government.

When we consider that the “oath” is assigned through the root word sacra as a rite or “religious custom”, we must consider that the oath is allowing one to enter government (control of people) through the rite of religious ceremony (ritual) so as to obtain the religious right to govern (control) – as in “the sacred rites of the city“. This is the way it’s been done for thousands of years.

SACRILEGIUM. Lat. In the civil law. The stealing of sacred things, or things dedicated to sacred uses; the taking of things out of a holy place. –Black’s Law 4th Edition

Is the United States dollar a sacred thing used for sacred uses? How about its banks that magically create that money through its Holy Federal Reserve via the oath (application and signature) of the common man?

If we think about this question not as satire but as a reality, we may understand why using the dollar for things that are against the law of that government (the holy place in Washington D.C.) are punishable by extreme measures like fines, confiscation, imprisonment, and even death.


“The United States Debt, foreign and domestic,
was the price of liberty.”

–Alexander Hamilton, as quoted by
government’s ‘Bureau of the Public Debt’ website



But what kind of trust?


Notice that these words IN GOD WE TRUST are all capitalized, hiding the knowledge of whether the word god should be capitalized or not (God vs. god), as in the Masonic “deity”.

So why does a government with a declared separation of church and state print the words IN GOD WE TRUST upon its money? And how is one to know which of the many gods of history it is referring to?

In which god do they trust?

Given the Federal Reserve’s interest charged on its dollars compared to the biblical teachings against the money-changing bankers and their system of usury and pledging, it is fairly easy to assume that the teachings of Jesus and most other religious doctrines (excepting Judaism) are not considered in this statement of “trust” of a “god”.

The questions that you may not have thought to ask are these:  How and why is the word GOD being used here on a government monetary instrument? What exactly is a legal “trust“? As a legal term on Legal Tender, is this money actually a monetary banking TRUST of GOD through some god’s sacramentum government?

This quote from the congressional record will be examined further on in this essay, but should be considered here when trying to define just what kind of trust we are talking about:

“The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar because it is backed by the credit of the Nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.” –Congressman Patman, speaking from the Congressional Record of March 9, 1933, and referring to the Act of March 9, 1933.

While many arm-chair patriots exclaim that the dollar is a worthless note printed out of thin air, we must here reconsider this idiom as fallacy – for this quote was made when the dollar was in the process of being stripped of its gold-standard backing and on its way to becoming a fiat currency, even as gold was being confiscated (stolen) by government from the supposedly “free” people. Thus, the dollar is literally backed in this god trust by the registered United States “persons” and their “property” as the surety for the value of the dollar.

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856, expounds upon the legal word Trust:

TRUST, contracts, devises. An equitable right, title or interest in property, real or personal, distinct from its legal ownership; or it is a personal obligation for paying, delivering or performing anything, where the person (citizen) trusting has no real right or security, for by, that act he confides altogether to the faithfulness of those intrusted. This is its most general meaning, and includes deposits, bailments, and the like. In its more technical sense, it may be defined to be an obligation upon a person, arising out of a confidence reposed in him, to apply property faithfully, and according to such confidence… 6. When land is purchased by one man in the name of another, and the former pays the consideration money, the land will in general be held by the grantee in Trust for the person who so paid the consideration money… 8. When a contract is made for the sale of land, in equity the vendor is immediately deemed a trustee for the vendee of the estate; and the vendee, a trustee for the vendor of the purchase money; and by this means there is an equitable conversion of the property.

**Note that by this definition, it is the people putting all of their possessions into a “trust” to the government as an obligation or duty of citizenship. Thus, the words IN GOD WE TRUST are not simply a patriotic Christian pledge of allegiance to God on United States currency. It is literally a sacred and holy legal trust. For the dollar is “Legal Tender”, not a religious devotion. Government is the trustee of all public funds, lands, and property through Masonic Divine rite – the right to the city.

TRUSTEE, estates. A trustee is one to whom an estate has been conveyed in trust… 3. With respect to the duties of trustees, it is held, in conformity to the old law of uses, that pernancy (taking or receiving of something – as profits or rents or tithes in kind) of the profits, execution of estates, and defense of the land, are the three great properties of a trust, so that the courts of chancery will compel trustees, (1.) To permit the cestui que trust to receive the rents and profits of the land. (2.) To execute such conveyances, in accordance with the provisions of the trust, as the cestui que trust shall direct. (3.) To defend the title of the land in any court of law or equity.

The people never realize that their homes, their automobiles, their children, and any other property for which they register to government is a deranged act of conversion and conveyance of those things to government as trustee, signifying ownership by government and used by it as collateral for its currency – a legal Trust in “God’s” name.

CONVEYANCE, contracts. The transfer of the title to land by one or more persons to another or others. By the term persons is here understood not only natural persons but corporations. The instrument which conveys the property is also called a conveyance. For the several kinds of conveyances see Deed

Of course, the conveyance or deed of property includes the artificial person attached to all citizens (14th amendment persons), of which the man, woman, or child is the “surety”.

Take the legal trust called Social Security for example. The common misconception is to apply the conversational definition to the word “security”, when in fact government only deals in legal language.

The word Security is defined as a “monetary instrument” in modern day financial and legal terms, and is traded openly on the international commodities markets as “bundled securities”. And of course the Social Security System is actually an investment “Trust Fund”.

SECURITY. That which renders a matter sure; an instrument which renders certain the performance of a contract. The term is also sometimes applied to designate a person who becomes the surety for another, or who engages himself for the performance of another’s contract. –Bouvier’s, 1856

SECURITY. Protection; assurance; indemnification. The term is usually applied to an obligation, pledge, mortgage, deposit, lien, etc., given by a debtor in order to make sure the payment or performance of his debt, by furnishing the creditor with a resource to be used in case of failure in the principal obligation. The name is also sometimes given to one who becomes surety or guarantor for another. –Black’s Law, 4rth Edition

Something very important is stated here. For the natural living, breathing people of America furnish the United States government (creditor) with themselves (their flesh and blood) as the “resource” to be used in case of failure in the principal obligation.

Just what is a “principal” obligation?

PRINCIPAL, adj. Chief; leading; most important or considerable; primary; original. Highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or degree. As to principal “Challenge,” “Contract,” “Obligation,” “Office,” and “Vein,” see those titles…

PRINCIPAL, n. The source of authority or right. A superintendent, as of a school district. The capital sum of a debt or obligation, as distinguished from interest or other additions to it. The corpus or capital of an estate in contradistinction to the income; “income” being merely the fruit of capital.

PRINCIPAL (Law of Agency)  – The employer or constitutor of an agent; the person who gives authority to an agent or attorney to do some act for him. Called also constituent or chief. One, who, being competent sui juris to do any act for his own benefit or on his own account, confides it to another person to do for him.

PRINCIPAL (Law of Guaranty and Suretyship) – The person primarily liable, for whose performance of his obligation the guarantor or surety has become bound.

It is very difficult to explain the dualistic nature of just what being a citizen means. For citizenship is nothing but a series of legal contracts with the United States government and representing “residence” in its jurisdiction, signed (or unsigned) by a real, living man or woman in America (the land mass including the 50 states united). This is often called a “Stawman”, though a more apt description would be a “Paperman”. The living man becomes the surety of this paper alter ego – the corporation called the artificial person (citizen). Thus, the Social Security system is nothing more than a contractual statement of debt and obligation of men as citizens to government (creditor); a pledge; a mortgage and lien against the man with the requirement to deposit funds into that GOD-TRUST as surety (debtor) for the citizen Paperman.

The word social simply refers to all individual citizens as one body of indebted (constituted) artificial persons in obligation to the creditor (government). Each man in society (under government) is obligated to pay his principal share or offer himself (the real man) as the resource to pay the debt as surety.

E-Pluribus Unum…

Out of Many, One…

Understanding the nature of this literal “Number of the Beast” of Social Security as a Mark of indentured servitude to the world government is vitally important. For this number is your bar code – your registration number as a commodity backing the U.S. dollar. Shedding it is the only way to satisfy the obligation of performance as the surety to the Paperman. For severing the number from the living man leaves no obligation (duty) of surety (responsibility) to the state of indebtedness to the “public debt” assigned to the entire S.S. numbered citizenry.

There are some who claim that by individuals becoming each a Corporation Sole, this whole statutory game of surety and debt, including the Social Security obligations, would be nullified under the common law only device of Corporation Sole. To this I have not done due diligence in research, and so I will only state it hear for your benefit in your own journey.

But how do you convince a bunch of slaves that they are better off without the benefits provided by government – that the only road to salvation and to a state of being free men is to abandon and say no to Federal government granted benefits?

Here lies the greatest and most deceitful dilemma of all… for the Social Security slaves believe they are already free despite their contractual nature and financial obligations of indebtedness with government.

Debt = Slavery

Please link to my previous research, which shows that the Social Security System was created in the League of Nations, almost a decade before being implemented in the United States, and that today this Social Security System is being managed in the United Nations under the World Bank, organized under the “International Social Security Administration”. Social Security is now in over 130 countries across the world, including all 1st world nations.

Link–> https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/social-security-the-international-mark-of-the-beast/

Also, please read more about the court’s opinion of who owns your children (for they carry the Number of govern-ment) here:


I’ll list here just a few of the court’s opinions as authorities under some “god” who claim ownership of your children as registered artificial persons (citizens) and as conveyed contractual property for those with residence in the United States (citizenship in Washington D.C.):

“Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties – the husband, the wife and the state.” –Appellate Court of Illinois, NO. 5-97-0108

“The primary control and custody of infants is with the government.” –Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62

“The court stands in the position of parens patria[e] of children.“ –Ayers v. Kelley, 284 Ala. 321, 224 So.2d 673 (1969)․

“”Parens patriae,” literally “parent of the country,” refers traditionally to role of state as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability.” –Ex parte Bayliss, 550 So.2d 986, 988 n. 1 (Ala.1989) (quoting Black’s Law Dictionary 1003 (5th ed.1979)).

“The state has a wide range of power for limiting parental freedom and authority in things affecting the child’s welfare… In fact, the entire familial relationship involves the State.” –Prince, 321 U.S. at 167, 64 S.Ct. at 442, 88 L.Ed. 645.

“In other words, the state is the father and mother of the child and the natural parents are not entitled to custody, except upon the state’s beneficent recognition that natural parents presumably will be the best of its citizens to delegate its custodial powers… ‘The law devolves the custody of infant children upon their parents, not so much upon the ground of natural right in the latter, as because the interests of the children, and the good of the public, will, as a general rule, be thereby promoted.’ ” –Chandler v. Whatley, 238 Ala. 206, 208, 189 So. 751, 753 (1939) (quoting Striplin v. Ware, 36 Ala. at 89) (‘ ’).

Now consider this universal legal code of “residence”. The California Government Code in Section 243 simply states:

“243. Every person has, in law, a residence.”

Thus, this maxim of legalized slavery tells you that by declaring residence as a 14th amendment citizen of the United States, you are a registered slave of that entity. While you have domicile (live in property) in the State of California, you are a fictional “resident” of Washington D.C. and thus subject to its laws as surety.

How many times a day are we told that we are “subject” to the Federal laws of the Untied States?

SUBJECT, contracts. The thing which is the object of an agreement. This term is used in the laws of Scotland.

SUBJECT, persons, government. An individual member of a nation, who is subject to the laws; this term is used in contradistiction to citizen, which is applied to the same individual when considering his political rights. 2. In monarchical governments, by subject is meant one who owes permanent allegiance to the monarch. Vide Body politic

SUBJECTION. The obligation of one or more persons to act at the discretion, or according to the judgment and will of others. 2. Subjection is either private or public. By the former is meant the subjection to the authority of private persons; as, of children to their parents, of apprentices to their masters, and the like. By the latter (public) is understood the subjection to the authority of public persons.

SUBMISSION. A yielding to authority. A citizen is bound to submit to the laws; a child to his parents; a servant to his master. A victor may enforce, the submission of his enemy. 2. When a captor has taken a prize, and the vanquished have submitted to his authority, the property, as between the belligerents, has been transferred. When there is complete possession on one side, and submission upon the other, the capture is complete.

SUBMISSION, contracts. An agreement by which persons who have a law-suit or difference with one another, name arbitrators to decide the matter, and bind themselves reciprocally to perform what shall be arbitrated.

As a citizen in contract and residence within the United States, you own nothing, for a citizen is an artificial, legal, corporate thing. You are a surety under submission as a subject of that corporation through tacit agreement and presumed consent, and you are required to sumbit to what government arbitrates and calls statutory and prima fascie law.

SURETY, contracts. A person who binds himself for the payment of a sum of money or for the performance of something else, for another, who is already bound for the same. A surety differs from a guarantor, and the latter cannot be sued until after a suit against the principal. 2. The surety differs from bail in this, that the latter actually has, or is by law presumed to have, the custody of his principal, while the former (surety) has no control over him. The bail may surrender his principal in discharge of his obligation; the surety cannot be discharged by such surrender.

Your artificial person called a “citizen” is bound to the “public debt”.

And you are bound to that artificial person as a surety that the artificial person will pay the debt.

PLEDGE. In the law of bailment. A bailment of goods to a creditor as security for some debt or engagement. A bailment or delivery of goods by a debtor to his creditor, to be kept till the debt be discharged… The necessary elements to constitute a contract one of “pledge” are: Possession of the pledged property must pass from the pledgor to the pledgee; the legal title to the property must remain in the pledgor; and the pledgee must have a lien on the property for the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation due him by the pledgor or some other person-while, in a “chattel mortgage,” the legal title passes to the mortgagee subject to a defeasance… A bailment of personal property as security for a debt or other obligation.–Black’s 4rth

PLEDGEE. The party to whom goods are pledged, or delivered in pledge.

PLEDGERY. Suretyship, or an undertaking or answering for another.

Social Security… or Social Pledge?

A Pledge of Allegiance… or a Pledge to be a subject to debt in submission as surety?

Why can government take your property and allow banks to do the same through the judicial decisions it makes enforced by the county Sheriff? Why its because your so-called “personal property” is a security for the debt and obligation of your strawman.

In order to bind a man to another without him or her knowing, government creates an artificial person (incorporation) without ever fully disclosing that dualistic Strawman (paperman) contractual identity to the man. And yet identity theft is rampant, where the identity of the artificial person is stolen and used by someone else in fraud, often without even the slightest knowledge of the living man that is its surety. And this specifically shows the difference between the real man and the artificial person – for the person can be taken away from the man. Citizenship can be revoked, and yet the man lives on… Identity theft is a federal crime because that artificial person and its Social Security number is the official property of the government, who contracts with the man and allows the man to use the property (person).

You are just a user of government property, including your name and number. For the name you use is government-owned through trust and domain. You are bound to perform on behalf of your corporate name as surety. And a man cannot have residence, only a 14th amendment citizen can, for the citizen is a contractual artificial person owned by government and leased to you. As soon as you are born and entered into contract (birth certificate and social) and according to Bouvier’s 1856, you might simply call yourself a citizen slave…

SLAVE. A man who is by law deprived of his liberty for life, and becomes the property of another. 2. A slave has no political rights, and generally has no civil rights. He can enter into no contract unless specially authorized by law; what he acquires generally, belongs to his master. The children of female slaves follow the condition of their mothers, and are themselves slaves. –Bouvier’s Law, 1856

This definition explains the average citizen’s disposition all too well:

(1) The 5th amendment allows government to deprive its citizens of life, liberty, and property with due process of its own law by the very courts who claim to own your children as property of the State above.

(2) Citizens have given up natural rights for contractual political/civil rights from government – in other words they accept in contractual servitude whatever rights their government grants them as slave/citizens. Note that civil rights are in no way whatsoever natural rights under God, but are a government granted status and privilege.

(3) The citizen can only enter into contracts allowed and authorized by government (law). If he incorporates, his corporation is a government corporation requiring his master’s (government’s) permission and license to do business and make contracts with other government corporations and persons. Without a license, a subjected citizen can do no business in the jurisdiction (residence) of the United States corporation.

(4) The Citizen’s “property” belongs to his master or “sovereign” – the government – through contractual citizenship and as collateral for the general currency, which he may utilize for user-only purposes as legal tender.

More on this later…

In other words, government is claiming to be a Holy church or temple; believing that it can somehow have god-like authority over all things through the use of its holy works, things, and articles (such as constitutions and contracts). It even accepts an oath to God as acceptance into its Order of the temple, as if God (or some god) granted it His authority Himself.

The fallacy of Americans is that this has happened over time, and that the original constitution was in fact somehow immune to all of this mental and contractual enslavement that we have today. And yet at the same time, even while we are all enslaved, Americans still want to protect the constitution – the very foundation of the government that enslaves them through debt and obligation. This oxymoron creates the irrational use of words like traitor and sacrilege…

SACRILEGE. In English criminal law. Larceny from a church. The crime of breaking a church or chapel, and stealing therein. In old English law. The desecration of anything considered holy; the alienation to laymen or to profane or common purposes of what was given to religious persons and to pious uses.

Remember, there was no separation of church and State in English law, thus the words laymen and religious persons both refer to politicians of the church and State.

SACRILEGUS. Lat. In the civil and common law. A sacrilegious person; one guilty of sacrilege.


“Receive my instruction, and not silver;
and knowledge rather than choice gold.”

“For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things
that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”

Proverbs 8:10-11 (KJB)


Ironically, the acceptance of the United States Dollar by Americans is akin to accepting silver, gold, and rubies in lieu of the knowledge and the wisdom that would otherwise set a people free from this theocracy’s debt induced contractual slavery of all its citizens. For the dollar is the root of the evils of monetary debt enslavement – a trust formed by evil money-changing men and certainly not by God or approved within the Bible.

And so I say unto the people of America, do you believe it to be sacrilege when I say what I have said? For if you do, then you must believe that I have stolen from or blasphemed your government as if it were a religion, church, or temple – as is the legal definition of the word sacrilege.

Do you believe that your government is your church? Your temple? Is it truly of God or just pretending? Can you really believe that everything it does is for the greater good as commissioned by That divine entity through its constitution, and that its sacred opinions and legal articles should not be questioned – just like any other religious institution and its dogma? And is this not the same belief of a typical member of a cult for its leaders – its leaders being the governing body of the cult (religion)?

Do you believe me to be guilty of sacrilege by defaming these corrupt but sacramental oath-taking politicians, their flag, and their corporation they call a country? If so, do you then somehow believe them Holy and thus justified in their completely corrupt actions? For you must be of the religion of the “Cult of the Constitution” to believe that I have just committed such an unholy alienation of your laymen as political figures; religious persons that even as you read this piously use their own statutory, sacred articles of law to corrupt everything you see for personal and empire profit and gain at your expense.

Are you brave and strong enough in your faithful resolve that the United States is a Christian nation that you may further challenge your belief by continuing with me on this journey? For if indeed it is not a Christian nation or not founded as such, should not God wish you to learn how to make it so – a nation bound only by the natural law of God and not the extraneous statutory legal atrocities of man against nature and God?

To be clear… I absolutely do desecrate, turn my back on, and do not consent to, accept, or acknowledge the legitimacy of this supposedly sacred temple of the Untied States and its Holy stranglehold over America and its people. And I invite you to keep reading to find out the whole truth… for any doubts or questions you might have thus far will likely be answered herein…

The Power Of God?

When we stop and consider for just a moment, we realize that all governments of the past and present derive their power from some form of sacramentum – an oath under the supervision of some form of god or deity – and that the legal language and authority claimed has always been ecclesiastical in nature; ritually derived from a higher power. For if its power were truly derived from the common people it governs (controls), it would have no power over the common people at all – for the people could then just voluntarily say no to government any time they disagree with it. No police officer could crush their heads in without asking permission first.

Does this really sound logical or reasonable to you?

When we think of this “of, by, and for the people” propaganda, we realize that the whole concept is indeed ridiculous. For it would literally mean that the people are governing themselves, and that no edict, declaration, or law from government would ever have any authority over any of the individual people if they did not personally agree with it…

Perhaps if the people were each an individual Corporation Sole things might be different.

That is, unless the sacramentum is taken into consideration, where allegiance is not just ceremonial, but ecclesiastically binding upon a people who never even realize the nature of their pledge. For the ancient form of pledging has always been an integral part of the religious customs of corrupt governments acting as if they were God’s chosen incorporation on Earth.

ECCLESIASTICAL. Belonging to, or set apart for the church; as, distinguished from civil or secular. Vide Church.

ECCLESIASTICS, canon law. Those persons who compose the hierarchical state of the church. They are regular and secular.

ECCLESIASTIC. A clergyman; one destined to the divine ministry, as, a bishop, a priest, a deacon.

ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. By this phrase it is intended to include all those rules which govern ecclesiastical tribunals. Vide Law Canon.

ECCLESIASTICAL COURTS. English law. Courts (tribunals) held by the king’s authority as supreme governor of the church, for matters which chiefly concern religion…

When considering the Cannon law – Greek: kanon / κανών, Arabic: Qanon / قانون, Hebrew: kaneh / קנה, we must realize the Masonic origins of the Roman Catholic Church. Unfortunately, we must also understand that “Church’s” crusade against Christianity across the nations. For the ancient understanding of this word “Cannon” stems from the tools of that deistic Order of Masons, and is defined as “straight”; a rule, code, standard, or measure. The root meaning in each of these languages is the word “reed”, or the Romantic era English word for “cane”, another sacred symbol in Freemasonry.

As required viewing and for a more deep comprehension of the root nature of the Catholic Church and its true intent, please take the time to view this lecture. Understanding the symbols of Islam and Catholicism as one in the same religion and that both are opposed to true Christianity is of vital importance to comprehending the goal of world religions and Masonry, seeking to divide, conquer, then unify all men into one world religion.

Pardon the religious (Christian) overtones in the very beginning credits,
for the information presented thereafter is vital to our understanding.

It is hard to imagine that the Catholic Church (Jesuits)
created Islam to rid Europe, Africa, and the land in the Middle East
of un-governed Christianity and to control all occultism.

At around the 43 minute mark in this video, Walter tells you
of the setting up of World War 3 as a religious war between religions.
This is a preplanned war pitting Islam against Judea-Christianity (Zionism).
To this I attest and will ultimately show this reality is happening even as you read…


As referred to in this video lecture above, we see another example of the true nature of just what a constitution is and where in fact its origins lay. The following is literally a constitution to change and alter the laws (cannons) of the Roman Church with regards to the worship of Mary, altering the original Apostolic Constitutions from the Popes (government) in the 1400’s-1500’s.

In other words, this is an amendment” to the “Constitution.


The Immaculate Conception

“Ineffabilis Deus”

“Apostolic Constitution issued by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1854.”

“Papal Sanctions”

“…So at the instance and request of the bishops mentioned above, with the chapters of the churches, and of King Philip and his kingdoms, we renew the Constitutions and Decrees issued by the Roman Pontiffs, our predecessors, especially Sixtus IV, Paul V, and Gregory XV, in favor of the doctrine asserting that the soul of the Blessed Virgin, in its creation and infusion into the body, was endowed with the grace of the Holy Spirit and preserved from original sin; and also in favor of the feast and veneration of the conception of the Virgin Mother of God, which, as is manifest, was instituted in keeping with that pious belief. So we command this feast to be observed under the censures and penalties contained in the same Constitutions.

Translation: Mary is God, and we’ll punish or kill you if you don’t agree.

“And therefore, against all and everyone of those who shall continue to construe the said Constitutions and Decrees in a manner apt to frustrate the favor which is thereby given to the said doctrine, and to the feast and relative veneration, or who shall dare to call into question the said sentence, feast and worship, or in any way whatever, directly or indirectly, shall declare themselves opposed to it under any pretext whatsoever, were it but only to the extent of examining the possibilities of effecting the definition, or who shall comment upon and interpret the Sacred Scripture, or the Fathers or Doctors in connection therewith, or finally, for any reason, or on any occasion, shall dare, either in writing or verbally, to speak, preach, treat, dispute or determine upon, or assert whatsoever against the foregoing matters, or who shall adduce any arguments against them, while leaving them unresolved, or who shall disagree therewith in any other conceivable manner, we hereby declare that in addition to the penalties and censures contained in the Constitutions issued by Sixtus IV to which we want them to be subjected and to which we subject them by the present Constitution, we hereby decree that they be deprived of the authority of preaching, reading in public, that is to say teaching and interpreting; and that they be also deprived ipso facto of the power of voting, either actively or passively, in all elections, without the need for any further declaration; and that also, ipso facto, without any further declaration, they shall incur the penalty of perpetual disability from preaching, reading in public, teaching and interpreting, and that it shall not be possible to absolve them from such penalty, or remove it, save through ourselves, or the Roman Pontiffs who shall succeed us.

“We also require that the same shall remain subject to any other penalties which by us, of our own free will — or by the Roman Pontiffs, our successors (according as they may decree) — shall be deemed advisable to establish, and by the present Constitution we declare them subject thereto, and hereby renew the above Decrees and Constitutions of Paul V and Gregory XV.”


Does this sound familiar?

…Believe in the validity of the U.S. Constitution without question or be ostracized and called or tried as treasonous.

The constitution, I hope it’s now plain to see, is not just the foundation of government but the foundation of all religions and cults that claim to be government.

Perhaps none in the church dare call it treason as opposed to sacrilege. But in this church and in the United States government, treason is exactly what is “unconstitutional”. For treason is to question the authority of the constitution, and the constitution is heaven sent.

Of course after the American Civil War, the treasonous (yet lawfully elected by the people) politicians of the Southern confederate states were banned from participating in the new holy government of the new United States and its new constitution with a replaced 13th amendment, and were subsequently replaced themselves by military officials of the Northern union. Never mind that the abandonment of congress by those states officially ended the Federal Government’s legitimacy stare decises.

ABANDON. To desert, surrender, forsake, or cede. To relinquish or give up with intent of never again resuming one’s right or interest. To give up or to cease to use. To give up absolutely; to forsake entirely; to renounce utterly; to relinquish all connection with or concern in; to desert. It includes the intention, and also the external act by which it is carried into effect. –Black’s 4rth Edition

The point here is that the idea of a constitution was nothing novel or new in America, and that the practice of constituting is much more ancient and Mysterious than the colonization of America, let alone the constitution of it into a debt compacted corporation. For the use of constitutions is and always has been a religious and secret societal ritual and custom, complete with sacrament oaths and holy incorporation. And to speak against such constitutions, as we read above, has always been tantamount to treason and sacrilege against God Himself.

And Holy Crusades and Holy “Civil Wars” (wars to force the civil law) follow constitutional history in all accounts.

Welcome to America…

Here is the memorial to the celebrated “Grand Army of the Republic”:

Why is it in the shape of a phallus (obelisk)?
More on this below…

Recognize the inverted 5-pointed star (pentagram)?
The eagle (phoenix) rising over the Masonic arch,
symbolized by cannons – rising out of destruction and
clasped to the corporate flag of the United States?

File:Gar medal.png
File:Gar reverse.png
The inverse side of the metal.
Surprise, surprise… the crescent and the star, the five and six-pointed star, etc…


The Grand Army of the Republic was founded on April 6, 1866, on the principles of Masonic “Fraternity, Charity and Loyalty,” in Decatur Illinois, by Benjamin F. Stephenson. It grew into a de facto (illegitimate) political arm of the Republican Party during the Reconstruction Era with over 400,000 members. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are considered “reconstruction amendments”.

Ironically, a republic with an “standing” army is against the nature of a republic, especially one who conquers nations like the confederacy to force them to be under the constitution of the United States. The fallacy that the United States is an actual “republic” (a word not mentioned in the constitution) will be covered in a later section.


It is the very ritualistic nature of these mega-church-and-state religions/governments like Catholicism that should give us the first clue that something is most certainly wrong with their claims of following Christ’s teachings. For ritual and ceremony take us away from our appreciation of God as nature and its laws, making us subjects of the man-made laws (Canons) of the government of the Church.

God applying the compassesAncient of Days by William Blake, 1794

(Sun) God with his Masonic Compass at His creation of Earth…


“…when he set a compass upon the face of the depth (earth).”

Proverbs 8:27, (Christian and Hebrew Bibles)


 “Elaborate ritual and ceremony, which theoretically are designed to aid the worshiper,
usually have the opposite effect in that they tend to take the mind away from things
which are spiritual and eternal and to center it on that which is material and temporal.
Artistic ritual… often become ends in themselves, and can easily become instruments
which prevent the people from joining in the worship of God…”

–Lorraine Boettner, ‘Roman Catholicism’ (p. 273)


“Ritualism is the highway to Rome.”

–J.C. Ryle, ‘What do we owe to the Reformation?’  


“The Blue Lodge Mason is taught that the “G” in the basic Masonic symbol
represents God. Later on, he is told that it represents “deity”.
Later still, he is told that it represents “geometry”.
In reality, this letter represents the “generative principle,” the Sun-god
and, thus,the worshiped phallus, the male “generative principle…”

“In its position (along with the square and compass) on the east wall over
the chair (throne) of the Worshipful Master, it is the representation of the Sun,
|thus of the Sun-god, Osiris. Its earthly meaning, then, is of the sacred phallus;
its cosmic meaning is of the Sun, worshiped since antiquity
by pagans while facing the East.”

Ex-33 degree Mason Jim Shaw, ‘The Deadly Deception’


“The Bible is an indispensable part of the furniture of a Christian (Masonic) Lodge, because it is the sacred book of the Christian religion. The Hebrew Pentateuch in a Hebrew Lodge, and a Koran in a Mohammedan one, belong on the Alter; and one of these and a Square and Compass, properly understood, are the Great Lights by which a Mason must walk and work.”

–Albert Pike, ‘Morals and Dogma’, Page 11.


And those Deists who swear an oath (sacramentum) falsely on the Bible but swear to some other deity or god are not at all concerned about shaming the One in that Holy book. For the ceremony of sacramentum is not a Christian tenet, but the ritual of those who are anti-Christian. Masonic ritual is indeed admitted to be against the Bible and its story of Christ, as we will learn.


“The Holy Book must be opened upon the altar before a Masonic Lodge may be opened.  Freemasonry is not concerned with doctrine or dogma or sect or denomination, but only with “that natural religion in which all men agree.”  Therefore, the Holy Book is called the V.S.L. or Volume of Sacred Law or the Book of the Law If the members of a Lodge are Christian, Moslem, Jewish or Buddhist, the V.S.L. of their particular belief is opened upon their altar.  The V.S.L. is, therefore, a symbol of the revealed will and teachings of the Great Architect of the Universea name under which any Freemason can worship that Deity in Whom he puts his faith and trustMasonic dates are written “A.L.” for “Anno Lucis” or “In the year of Lightwhich is 4000 years plus the current year. i.e. the year 2001 written Masonically would be 6001.  This is because the practice has followed the ancient belief that the world was created when God said “Let there be light”, 4000 years before Christ.

One Hundred One Questions about Freemasonry’ Masonic Service Association, 1955.


And what great teachings were stated about and within the art of Masonry BEFORE CHRIST (B.C.) – to be done within the society to fellow masters of the craft without applying to or protecting the goyim and common man?


“A man should abstain from doing unto others what he would
not they should do unto him; and this is called the principle of acting on the square.”

–‘Great Learning’, 500 B.C.


“A master Mason, in teaching his apprentices, makes use of
the compasses and the square. Ye who are engaged in the pursuit of Wisdom,
must also make use of the compasses and the square.”

–Mencius, in China, around 300 B.C. 

The Canon Is Loaded

We can see the law of Canons throughout all major religions, all incorporating their political governments under these laws through their sacrament constitutions. These contractual constitutions, even as they pretend to be opposed to one another, all pledge allegiance to the same corporation of Church and State, not to God or the people.

The most common misconception with the people of America is that the constitution of the United States gives individual rights to man. But the constitution only gives the government rights and then limits those rights, for the constitution was not voted on by and was not ever for the common people. Again, people came before the constitution, and derive the natural rights from God/nature. No man derives a right from any paper that is not issued and granted by permissive acceptance through contract by government. Thus, the people consent to the unnatural political rights provided and granted by the government, while government takes its political right to assign those rights from its founding constitution and the legislation it passes.

Again, a constitution only gives rights to an incorporated body politic, not to natural men. A natural man cannot use political rights any more than his corporate artificial person can claim natural rights.

But the constitution does allow for government to bestow and revoke privileges and benefits to those people who take its mark (number) through the statutory legislative process.

When in history a country and its government (a political corporation) was newly created, expanding the land and empire of the international theocratic society of bloodline kings who funded those new government ventures, they were all started by constituting a compact of debt of allegiance to that Monarchy, which was called a “constitution”. In the United States, the people were taxed and indentured from their labors and estates, because those estates were of England and its Divine Rite through subjection. Thus, the men who came to America always claimed their rights as Englishmen under the Crown of England and not at all independent from that kingdom and its rule, which of course acted with God’s authority (permission).

As it turns out, everything that our “Founding Fathers” did in their Declaration of Independence was specifically to preserve their “natural-born rights as Englishmen“, which was in fact a perfectly legal pursuit as a crown colony.

We must discover what this dualistic word independence actually means:

INDEPENDENCE. A state of perfect irresponsibility to any superior; the United States are free and independent of all earthly power. 2. Independence may be divided into political and natural independence. By the former (political independence) is to be understood that we have contracted no tie except those which flow from the three great natural rights of safety, liberty and property. The latter (natural independence) consists in the power of being able to enjoy a permanent well-being, whatever may be the disposition of those from whom we call ourselves independent. In that sense a nation may be independent with regard to most people, but not independent of the whole world. —Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856

But let’s not forget… England was not just an “Earthly Power”, for it was ordained by the authority of God. Thus a natural independence literally could not exist at that time, as the King was God incarnate, and God was nature.

It is also important to point out the following, which lead to many other such constitutions in the colonies:

In Hartford, Connecticut, the first constitution in the American colonies, called the “Fundamental Orders,” is adopted by representatives of Wethersfield, Windsor, and Hartford.

The Dutch discovered the Connecticut River in 1614, but English Puritans from Massachusetts largely accomplished European settlement of the region. During the 1630s, they flocked to the Connecticut valley from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and in 1638 representatives from the three major Puritan settlements in Connecticut met to set up a unified government for the new colony.

Roger Ludlow, a lawyer, wrote much of the Fundamental Orders, and presented a binding and compact frame of government that put the welfare of the community above that of individuals. It was also the first written constitution in the world to declare the modern idea that “the foundation of authority is in the free consent of the people.” In 1662, the Charter of Connecticut superseded the Fundamental Orders; though the majority of the original document’s laws and statutes remained in force until 1818.

(Source–> http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-first-colonial-constitution)

The word charter, as in the “Charter of Connecticut”, was just the next constitution. It was an amended version of the first. And of course the Articles of Confederation were the constitution until the U.S. constitution replaced it. So to claim that the 1789 constitution was original or unique is patently false. It simply set up and chartered “govern-ment” control of the people. And it was again replaced after the civil war, though made to look the same, to attempt to legitimize a replacement de facto government under military rule..

What did Thomas Jefferson have to say about the Declaration of Independence? Only that…

“…an appeal to the tribunal of the world was deemed proper for our justification. This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion. All its authority rests then on the harmonizing sentiments of the day, whether expressed in conversation, in letters, printed essays, or in the elementary books of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, &c..” –Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Henry Lee on May 8, 1825

And of course as a mere “declaration”, this document had absolutely no legal authority. It was just a poetic “justification” for the creation of a debt compact for a central government called the U.S. constitution. It might as well have simply been an op-ed in the local newspaper, but is instead cherished as God-sent. And yet the tenets of the constitution, in case you haven’t noticed, are inherently opposed to the ones in the Declaration. The declaration talks about natural rights whereas the constitution sets up political ones, and political rights are always unnecessary unless their goal is to trample upon natural rights. And this “trick” of using some cause to justify tyrannies and more government has been used by that “constituted” government ever since.

As for just what is political independence, this is more difficult to grasp.

In the United States, for instance, our government has created many independent agencies of government. The Post Office, the Social Security Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Federal Reserve System are all independent agencies of government. Remember that the word of means belonging to. These are all political agencies of government, given the power by congress to make rules and act independently of day to day oversight of that congress. But in no way are they not agencies of government. They are politically independent but certainly not naturally so. And just like Congress, the King of England and the Crown’s world empire at the time simply did not have time or ability to govern America from his throne in England. Thus each nation within the kingdom was allowed to partially govern itself (to make its own rules) while still being subjected to the laws and tithing (debt) of the Crown Temple of England.

In this way, the corporation of the United States was and is politically independent, while still run (governed) by the blood relations and great grandsons of that same King listed in the Declaration of Independence.

Do you really believe you have a “choice” in these United States family elections?


“The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and
has, up to now, always won the White House…”

–Burke’s Peerage researchers


“[Bush] is closely related to every European Monarch
both on and off the throne… Not one member of his family was
working class, middle class, or even middle, middle class…”

–Harold Brooks-Baker, Burke’s Peerage publishing director–



“Believe it or not, Mitt Romney and George W. Bush
are cousins — 10th cousins, twice removed, that is.”

“Romney is actually related to six past presidents —
more than any other 2012 GOP contestant. Franklin D. Roosevelt
is his eighth cousin, twice removed,
and both Calvin Coolidge and
Herbert Hoover are his 10th cousins.
Then there is his
sixth cousin (four times removed) Franklin Pierce,
and both 10th cousins Bush I and II.
Three out of these six were even (gasp!) Democrats.”

–Time Magazine–


“Obama and Palin are 10th cousins through a common ancestor
named John Smith…
As for [Rush] Limbaugh, he’s also a
10th cousin of the president – one time removed…”

“President George W. Bush? He’s related to both Obama and Palin,
the site found.
Obama and Bush are 11th cousins through
common ancestor Samuel Hinckley,
and Bush and Palin are
10th cousins one time removed, also through Hinckley –

who, and stay with us now, was John Smith’s father-in-law.”

“Obama is related to investor Warren Buffett and actor Brad Pitt.”

“Palin, the former Alaska governor and Republican
vice presidential candidate, is a
distant cousin of
both Franklin D. Roosevelt and Princess Diana.”

“In 2007, Cheney’s wife, Lynne, discovered ancestral ties between
former Vice President Dick Cheney and Obama while researching
her book.
She said the relationship was eighth cousin…”

“Palin is distant cousins with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
and conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter…”

–Ancestry.com, via Anastasia Tyler–



“[Bush’s] royal kin include Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen Mother,
Duchess Sarah “Fergy” Ferguson and even the late Princess Diana.
His most prominent ancestor may be England’s King Charles II”

“Bill Clinton and Bob Dole have more in common than
wanting to be president. They are distant cousins!
However, Clinton has bluer blood, giving him an election edge”

“Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe, but took his
stepfather’s name as a teenager.
Clinton’s ancestry can be traced back,
on his mother’s side, to King Henry III
who ruled England
from 1227 to 1272. He is descended from King Robert I of France.
Furthermore, he is related to every Scottish monarch to the
current British royal family…
Clinton is related to
every ancient aristocratic family in Britain today.”

“As for John Kerry, “the 60-year-old can trace his roots back
to the first Massachusetts governor,
John Winthrop,
to every great family in Boston and to a host of royals in Europe.

Kerry can almost certainly be traced back to King James I
and to the bloodlines
straight through the Windsor and
Hanover families,” Brooks-Baker said.
“ But both candidates
have a remarkable number of royal connections
and both are related to Queen Elizabeth.”



Anyone reading this who claims the fact that all presidents of the United States are direct descendants of the Plantagenet kings of England, including Obama, is just a coincidence or some silly degree of separation, then you may as well stop reading and go back to the enter-tain-ment that govern-ment provides as a service to its subjects right now.

But why were the bloodline colonists of America even to this day so interested in retaining their English-born rights ordained by the Church (Canons) to rule the common man?

Because that’s where their inherent and inseparable divine right and rite to rule under God comes from!

Samuel Adams wrote in 1772:

“All persons born in the British American Colonies are, by the laws of God and nature and by the common law of England, exclusive (subjects) of all charters from the Crown, well entitled, and by acts of the British Parliament are declared to be entitled, to all the natural, essential, inherent, and inseparable rights, liberties, and privileges of subjects born in Great Britain or within the realm. – The Rights of the Colonists: The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting, Nov. 20, 1772.

Resolution #2 of the Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congress on October 19, 1765, was written:

“That His Majesty’s liege subjects in these colonies are entitled to all the inherent rights and privileges of his natural born subjects within the kingdom of Great Britain.

The “Charter of Massachusetts Bay (colony)” issued by the king in 1629 proclaimed that the people of the colony:

…shall have and enjoy all liberties and Immunities of free and naturall Subjects within any of the Domynions of Us, our Heires or Successors, to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes whatsoever, as if they and everie of them were borne within the Realme of England.

And today, Americans claim rights from a paper constitution chartered and paid for by Britain and Her subjects who rule by blood relation to that Crown Temple. And like fools we call this independence and freedom.

The colonists who came to America wanted nothing more than and in fact insisted upon being treated as natural-born Englishmen with all rights and privileges thereof and under the king but in the King’s land of America. This was reflected in every facet of the New America (New England). And it is part of the basis of the falsity of sentiment of the time in the term God-given natural rights, as the “king” was considered to be of “God” – the “divine” right of kings – under which rights were granted to the King’s (God’s) subjects.

Today, the people still believe that the constitution is divine, and that like the divine rite of kings, somehow that divine constitution gives them rights over and despite God and nature.

Perhaps it is easier to understand the sentiment of the time towards breaking away from that kingdom of Britain by the actual people of the colonies if we consider the sentiment of the people of the Untied States today being forced into the international body politic of the United Nations and excepting its own “constitution” – The International Declaration of Human Rights. This is the incremental process of constitutionalism that for centuries has conquered nations, America included. Our leaders tell us its good to be a member of the U.N. just as the same bloodline Masons and cousins of our current government told the colonists back in the late 1780’s that membership in the “United States” as a “federation” under a “constitution” was good for them. And though the people still believe that their rights are derived from the constitution that founded the United States instead of realizing they come from God (nature) and that a constitution is opposed to natural rights, they are being dragged into that United Nations as their new sovereign world government without a fight, like sheep to the slaughter. And the people of the United States of America who fight in the military are now fighting not to preserve the United States of America, but to preserve the transference of America into that international government even when it is against their best interests. For the United States military is now the “peace-keeping” military of the world, attacking all manner of nations around the world to ensure United Nations world governance friendly governments can be constituted throughout all the world’s people. This is the cause used to declare the right to constitute new govern-ments and charter new debt compacts (constitutions) all across the world. And the people, as with the colonists, blindly follow their Masonic leaders and died for their causes, most believing that their actions were ordained by God Himself. And they never comprehend that all the world is just a stage, and that these wars are all funded by the same central government that has always controlled (governed) the minds of men through ritual and ceremony.


“Every Masonic lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion… Masonry, like all religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to misleadto conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it… The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason… every man’s conception of God must be proportioned to his mental cultivation, and intellectual powers, and moral excellence. God is, as man conceives him, the reflected image of man himself… The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black godLucifer, the Light Bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light… Doubt it not!”

–Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma


This process of Masonic constitutionalism that thus formed the new corporation of the United States can be seen not only in the founding of most other political governments, but also in the religions/churches that prop them up.

For instance, the Protestant Episcopal Church was incorporated into the United States in the year 1789, just months after the United States was created through its own legal constitution. Of course a constitution, as we will soon learn, is actually a pledge to another entity – in this case a pledge as a member of the See of Canterbury by this United States corporation of religion – and was a pledge of allegiance and of financial responsibility to fund and support the crown of England as head of that church.

And none dare call it treason…

The Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior primate and chief religious figure of the Church of England (where the current queen Elizabeth II is the British sovereign and Supreme governor of the church). The Archbishop chairs the General Synod, sits or chairs many of the church’s important boards and committees, and plays a central part in national ceremonies such as coronations – the anointment of Monarchs to God-like (Christos) status. As holder of one of the “five great sees” (the others being York, London, Durham, and Winchester), the Archbishop of Canterbury is ex officio (by virtue of that office) one of the Lords Spiritual of the House of Lords. He is one of the highest-ranking men in England and the highest ranking non-royal in the United Kingdom’s order of precedence. Since Henry VIII broke with Rome, the Archbishops of Canterbury have been selected by the English (British since the Act of Union in 1707) monarch. Today the choice is made in the name of the monarch by the prime minister, from a shortlist of two selected by an ad-hoc committee called the Crown Nominations Commission.

Here is the preamble of the constitution for the Episcopal Church that was formed in the United States:


Constitution & Canons
Together with the Rules of Order
For the government of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States of America
Otherwise Known as
The Episcopal Church

PREAMBLE – The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, otherwise known as The Episcopal Church (which name is hereby recognized as also designating the Church), is a constituent member of the Anglican Communion, a Fellowship within the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, of those duly constituted Dioceses, Provinces, and regional Churches in communion with the See of Canterbury, upholding and propagating the historic Faith and Order as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer. This Constitution, adopted in General Convention in Philadelphia in October, 1789, as amended in subsequent General Conventions, sets forth the basic Articles for the government of this Church, and of its overseas missionary jurisdictions.


Philadelphia… the “City of Brotherly Love”.

Here we see that even though the Protestent and Catholic churches are split and seemingly opposed in many respects, it was constituted in allegiance and debt with the central Church and State under the canons of ancient Masonic Roman law.

And let’s face it, the Church of England is simply the Church of Rome with divorce allowed – the purpose for thenHenry the VIII as King of England in making the illusion of division in the first place. There was no war, no fight, not even a skirmish between this separation. Not like when America declared independence form England. Go figure…

Of course Bloody Mary subsequently reinstated the Catholic Church while burning folks at the stake in its name, but then it was abolished again. What a lovely history.

The term re-in-state should be an obvious indication that the church is the state no matter what banner it flies or Bible it pretends to rule with.

The meme in America that the constitution of the United States is unique, original, special, inherent, organic, good, or even that it is the “law of the land” is a result of the lack of knowledge as to just what a constitution actually is… a compact of indebtedness and thus allegiance to another. In essence, a constitution is nothing more than the “Articles of Incorporation” or a “charter”. In fact, I’m positive that the reader has often heard the constitution referred to in America as the “Charter for Freedom”.

Now, remembering that Bouvier’s Law Dictionary of 1856 was commissioned and officially accepted by government, let’s find out what a constitution really is:

CONSTITUTIONcontracts. The constitution of a contract, is the making of the contract as, the written constitution of a debt.

CONSTITUTORcivil law. He who promised by a simple pact to pay the debt of another; and this is always a principal obligation.

CONSTITUENTHe who gives authority to another to act for him.

TO CONSTITUTEcontracts. To empower, to authorize. In the common form of letters of attorney, these words occur, “I nominate, constitute and appoint.”

CONSTITUIMUS – A Latin word which signifies we constitute. Whenever the king of England is vested with the right of creating a new office, he must use proper words to do so, for example, erigimus, constituimus…

And just what is an attorney anyway?

From Black’s Law 4rth:

ATTORN. To turn over; to transfer to another money or goods; to assign to some particular use or service. To consent to the transfer of a rent or reversion. To agree to become tenant to one as owner or landlord of an estate previously held of another, or to agree to recognize a new owner of a property or estate and promise payment of rent to him.

ATTORNARE. Latin. To attorn; to transfer or turn over; to appoint an attorney or substitute.

ATTORNATUS. One who is attorned, or put in the place of another; a substitute; hence, an attorney.

ATTORNE. Latin. French. In old English law. An attorney.

ATTORNEY. In the most general sense this term denotes an agent or substitute, or one who is appointed and authorized to act in the place or stead of another. An agent, or one acting on behalf of another. One who is put in place, stead, and turn of another to manage his matters of law. An agent employed by party to case to manage it for him.

Now do you understand? Do you see anywhere that a constitution gives the people any rights? Do you understand now that a constitution is a debt contract giving authority through attorn-ment (turning over the mind) to government to act on your behalf (power of attorney), even against your best interests?

Need more proof? Let’s take a look at the constitution…

Article 6 of the constitution states very clearly that the United States was constituted as a debtor nation:

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.”

There was never independence if this country was founded in Debt and Engagement to England and France.

We know what the word Debt means, but what about the word Engagements?

ENGAGEMENT. This word is frequently used in the French law to signify not only a contract, but the obligations arising from a quasi contract. The terms obligations and engagements, are said to be synonymous; but the Code seems specially to apply the term engagement to those obligations which the law, imposes on a man without the intervention of any contract, either on the part of the obligor or the obligee.

In the case of the United States, the constitution specifically notes here that the debts and obligations of contract owed to other nations at the signing of that constitution were still valid (to France and Great Britain). Ironically, the great American dream has been promoted in very much the same way, where mortgage, college, and credit debt (loan) contracts are somehow the way to be a free people.

And have you ever considered that “freedom” of religion means protection of all religions, including Lucifarian, Demonology, the Church of Satan, Atheism, and of course most importantly the Deism of Free and Accepted Masonry and other government approved secret societies and cults?

And the people have a choice:

Be debt free and free men as a non-citizens…

Or accept citizenship where debt slavery is surety to the government granted privilege of freedom.

In reality, the term Debt is freedom could not be a more true statement. For government grants freedom as a privilege to its subjects without them even knowing it is a privilege; one not being derived from a natural right. Remember the dollar and its trust of god? The word freedom is perhaps the most misused, misunderstood word in the history of all words. Freedom is actually defined as the positive (forced) right to obey the government’s sacred articles of law.

A political or positive right is the right to have something forced upon you by the lawmaker.

While a negative or natural right is the right to NOT ever have anything forced upon you.

Free = outside of man’s law, in harmony with nature under God.

Freedom = obey the law of man.

Man’s law = pay your debt, be subject, obey, or else.

This definition (freedom = obedience to government law) can be found in any legal dictionary that you might read. We will certainly define legally the word freedom later in this presentation as we walk through the many fallacies of the constitution and the United States. For being free in nature and having government-granted freedom are two completely opposite ideas; directly opposed to one another. A positive right inherently and necessarily cancels out a negative right, just as man has attempted to conquer nature itself.

Read my in depth essay on this subject, an integral understanding of the duality of what a right really is, here:

Link–> https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2013/02/19/tyranny-requires-equality/

Freaky Phallic Founders

The political laymen in their pious deliberations of law among those within the law society conduct their business in arched temples designed after the Holy Roman Empire and based on the Sacred Geometry of Freemasonry – the Mystery Religions. And all of those ancient symbols abound and adorn those government temples (see pictures throughout this essay). And they use the Holy Bible as a symbolic prop (furniture) to fool the people while swearing the sacra-ment oath to their own Masonic Deity that cares not about the Bible… other than to recognize it and “Christianity” as a “problem” for the Masonic constitution and rule.

Republican Rome has been a model for most major governments around the world, requiring that all laws go (pass) through two legislative bodies. It is also outlined in almost every “democratic” constitution that created new nations. In fact, Thomas Jefferson intended for some of his buildings to resemble the Roman temples, which he described as “one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful and precious morsel of architecture left us by antiquity.”


**Note that the Egyptian obelisk is a phallic symbol
worshiping the god Osiris and sun god Ra, and in less
common understanding denotes “Baal” worship.


“…the linham [male phallus] was an upright pillar.”

–W.Wynn Wescott, ‘Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues’,
Theosophical Publishing Society, 1902, p.33


Solar Temple of Nyuserr, Abusir, L’Archelologie Egypteinne,
Drawing, Gaston Maspero, 1907

Obelisk in New York’s Central Park

Cleopatra's Needle in Paris
Obelisk in Paris, France

The seventh obelisk that triggers the climax of Obelisk Seven
Cleopatras Needle (obelisk)  in London by dome

The Washington Monument obelisk
in a circle of flags.


“The Washington Monument, which lies directly west of the Capitol, is an obelisk, a tall, four-sided stone pillar tapering toward a pyramidal top. Some people believe that this is the most significant occult symbol of all. Most people are aware that an obelisk is Egyptian in origin, but few know the story behind it, and fewer still that it is an important Masonic symbol. In fact, the four obelisks which sit in four major Western cities, Paris, London, New York, and Washington, D.C., were erected specifically because of the efforts of, and large sums of money donated by, prominent and powerful nineteenth century Freemasons.”

–Michael Bradley Ph.D, ‘Secrets of the Freemasons’, ch. 8, p. 163, 2006


“King Jehu said to the guards and to the officers, ‘Go in and slay them; let none escape’. And they smote them with the sword; and the guards before the king threw their bodies out, and went into the inner dwelling of the house of Baal.
They brought out the obelisks [pillars] of the house of Baal and burned them.”

–2 Kings 10:26, (Amplified Bible)


“You shall make for your self no idols nor shall you erect a graven image,
, or obelisk, nor shall you place any figured stone in your land
to which or on which to bow down; for I Am The Lord your God”.

–Leviticus 26:1 (Amplified Bible)


“Now when all this was finished, all Israel present there went out to the cities of
Judah and broke in pieces the pillars or obelisks, cut down the asherim,
and threw down the high places [of idolatry] and the altars in all Judah and Benjamin,
in Ephraim and Manasseh, until they had utterly destroyed them all”.

–2 Chronicles 31:1 (Amplified Bible)
(The “asherim” signify the “asherah poles”.)


Stone obelisk marking the grave of U.S. President James Madison,
the nation’s fourth president and father of the U.S. Constitution.

President Thomas Jefferson’s obelisk grave-site


“Before his death, Thomas Jefferson left specific instructions for a monument
to be constructed on his grave site.  In reference to the words to be
placed on his gravestone, Jefferson said,On the faces of the Obelisk
the following inscription, & not a word more.’1 He continued by writing,
‘because by these, as testimonials that I have lived, I wish most to be remembered.’

–1 The Library of Congress: Thomas Jefferson Exhibit


President Abraham Lincoln’s Grave-site

Zachary Taylor
President Zachary Taylor’s Grave-site

Gravesite of William Howard Taft: Arlington Cemetery
Grave of President William Taft

President William Henry Harrison’s Grave-site

President Millard Fillmore Grave with pink obelisk

Obelisk commemorating the history of Morrow County

“WARREN G. HARDING — Morrow County’s favorite son”

Grave-site of President Warren G. Harding


“No man ever took the oaths and subscribed to the obligations
with greater watchfulness and care than I exercised in
receiving the various rites of Masonry, and I say with due
deliberation and without fear of breaking the faith.
I have never encountered a lesson, never witnessed an example,
never heard an obligation uttered which could not be
openly proclaimed to the world.”

–President of the United States, Warren G. Harding.


Martin Van Buren
President Martin Van Buren’s Grave-site

President Andrew Johnson’s Grave with veiled obelisk

President Franklin Peirce’s obelisk grave marker

And on and on…


“The Masonic Burial”
Image from Masonic Family Magazine, 1878


“The obelisk is the most commonly used and the most blatant occult symbol used throughout the world. In ancient Egypt, the cult of this phallic symbol was associated with the god Osiris, who was cut in 13 pieces by Seth. Isis traveled far and beyond to retrieve all of Osiris’ body parts and was successful, except for one body part, the penis, which was swallowed by a fish. ‘The lost phallus’ is thus representative of male energy, and is almost always placed inside a circle, which represents female genitalia and energy. The obelisk in the middle of a circle represents the sexual act and the union of opposite forces. In our modern world, obelisks are found on nearly all important landmarks, and thus became and symbol of the occult elite’s power.”

–The Vigilant Citizen, Article on Sinister Sites – Israel Supreme Court, June 24th, 2009)


An obelisk in Vermont marking the birthplace of Mormon founder
and president Joseph Smith, cousin of L. Ron Hubbard and George Bush.

Chase Frost, 3, Steve Blanchard, Troy Frost, 5, and Jamie Frost, all of Tunbridge, visit the animals at the Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial in Royalton yesterday. More than 160,000 lights are illuminated around the monument. (Valley News - Ryan Dorgan)
In Vermont, the innocent nature of members (the people) within the
Mormon Church can be seen as they celebrate Christ’s birth in front
of the phallic Egyptian obelisk commemorating the birth of  Joseph Smith.

Other leaders and presidents of the Mormon corporation that have obelisks as
tombstones include John Taylor, Lorenzo Snow, Hyrum Smith, and others.

“This white obelisk, dedicated in July 1921, served as the first
permanent marker erected to commemorate the arrival of
the Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley in 1847.”

–Utah State Historical Society


Seventh Day Adventist Church
Bella Vista Mayaguez, Puerto Rico

Battle Creek, Michigan Grave-site of Ellen G. White (Seventh-Day Adventist “Prophet”)
and her husband James White (President of Seventh Day Adventist General Conferences)


My accompanying angel presented before me some of the errors
of those present, and also the truth in contrast with their errors.”

Ellen White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1, pp. 84-87


Grave-site of J.N. Andrews in Basil. Switzerland
Seventh-day Adventist Church founder and also the 3rd elected President of the SDA
General Conference, editor of the Review and Herald (1869-1870) now the Adventist Review

Obelik of E.L.H Chamberlain
Grave of Adventist pioneer E.L.H. Chamberlain, Middletown Cn

John Thomas, Founder of Chrisadelphians cult

“The Christadelphians have been with us since about 1848. They rose up after the Mormons, but prior to the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Seventh-day Adventists. A man named John Thomas founded the group. The Disciples of Christ denomination attempted to discipline this man for his “strange doctrines,” but the discipline was not accepted by him. John Thomas drew off his own followers under their original name, the Royal Association of Believers in New York, now known as the Christadelphians.”

— Article from Jubilee International Inc. website

Jane Addams Memorial Park in Chicago, Illinois
founder of the Woman’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
and first US woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize (1931).
Her husband was the Founder of the Illinois Republican Party.

Dorothy De Rothschild Grove,
at the Israel Supreme Court

https://i0.wp.com/novusordoseclorum.com/files/2013/02/Philippine-Rothschild-Devil-Necklace.jpgPhilippine Rothschild - Devil Necklace
Baroness Philippine Mathilde Camille de Rothschild
(Rothschild Banking Family)
Here she is shown confidently showcasing her Lucifarian jewelry,
with her Satan and Baphomet (goat) Necklaces.

American Baptist Theological Seminar
Nashville, Tn

Charles Wesley, Sr
Grave of Charles Wesley, composer of over 8,000 hymns,
whose brother John Wesley founded Methodism.

Grave-site of John Wesley, founder of Methodism


“The spires and pinnacles with which our old churches are decorated indeed, all uprights, including all the architectural families, and the varieties of tors, towers, and steeples, the especial mark and glory of Christian building, come from these ancient symbols. They are everywhere indicative of the Phallus, or index-finger denoting the “Fire”, the aspiring fire, against the inclination of gravity, which was the first vitalized idea, or Idol, worshiped magically and philosophically, the enlivening, godlike Power.”

–Hargrave Jennings (1817-1890), British Freemason, Rosicrucian and author on occultism and esotericism, “Phallicism: Celestial and Terrestrial; Heathen and Christian and its Connection with the Rosicrucian and the Gnostics and its foundation in Buddhism”, (p. 72, 1884)


Church of Christ in Sarasota, Fl



“You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in
heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them…”

–Exodus 20:3-6 (NIV)


“Man descended from the elemental Forces or Titans [Elohim], who fed on the body of the Pantheistic Deity creating the Universe by self-sacrifice, commemorates in sacramental observance this mysterious passion; and while partaking of the raw flesh of the victim, seems to be invigorated by a fresh draught from the fountain of universal life, to receive a new pledge of regenerated existence. Death is the inseparable antecedent of life; the seed dies in order to produce the plant, and earth itself is rent asunder and dies at the birth of Dionusos (Dionysus). Hence the significance of the phallus, or of its inoffensive substitute, the obeliskrising as an emblem of resurrection by the tomb of buried Deity at Lerna or at Sais… And in this sense, as presiding over live and death, Dionusos is in the highest sense the LIBERTATOR (Liberty): since, like Osiris, he frees the soul and guides it in its migrations beyond the grave, preserving it from the risk of falling under the slavery of matter or some inferior animal form…”

–Albert Pike, ‘Morals and Dogma’, page 393, 1872
But it was Solomon who built the house for him.
However, the Most High does not live in houses made by men
–Acts 7: 47-51 (NIV)

The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of
heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 

And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything,
because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.”
–Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)

This Egyptian obelisk was shipped from Heliopolis to Rome by Emperor Caligula in 37 C.E. Pope Sixtus V had Domenico Fonana move it in 1586 to the center of St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, where it sits to this present day by the dome.


“The lost phallus’ is thus representative of male energy,
and is almost always placed (as in this case) inside a circle…”


The U.S. Capital Dome near Washington Monument obelisk

Looking up from the floor of the U.S. Capitol Rotunda.

 The Apotheosis of Washington.
The Dome of the Capital building in Washington D.C. shows Freemason George Washington surrounded by “Liberty” and “Victory” in the clouds, as well as 13 heavenly maidens with stars above their heads. This fresco, painted by Constantino Brimidi in 1865, displays these goddesses holding the banner of E Pluribus Unem, supposedly representing the 13 colonies as “many united as one”.
Just what the 5-pointed star actually represents in ancient Masonic
sacred geometry will be revealed later in this presentation.

Union of 13 states.

Dome of the Rock, Israel
(former Plantagenet British Kingdom of Jerusalem lost in 1200’s)

(Pagan) Pantheon of Hadrian with similar Dome.

Parthenon in Athens

United State Supreme Court Building

Statues of Confucius, Moses, and Solon adorn one of
the archways of the U.S. Supreme Court Building.
Is the United States a Confucian-Judea-Solonian Nation?

United States Coast Guard Memorial
Coast Guard Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery –
The pyramid is the tip of the obelysk.

Statue of Orpheus that honors Francis Scott Key.

Why Orpheus?

Orpheus (Ὀρφεύς) was a legendary musician, poet, and prophet
in Greek mythology. Orpheus had the ability to charm all living things
and even stones with his music. He was a founder and prophet of
the “Orphic mysteries” and supposed composer of the Orphic Hymns.

In other words… he entered and held the minds of those who heard his music.

So too does the nationalistic patriotism of Francis Scott Key’s
Masonic poem “The Star Spangled Banner”, when orchestrated and sung.

Enter-tain-ent for the governed…

Voters Without Knowledge:
The Modern State Of America

Further scrutiny of the lack of knowledge of the citizens of the United States about their own government can be seen like clockwork every 4 years in yet more ceremony and ritual designed to fool the common people and divert their knowledge.

For in election time, the masses of people go through the useless motion of registering (obtaining legal residence in Washington D.C.) and standing in line to vote for a U.S. President that is, apparently unbeknownst to the vast majority of that population, actually indirectly elected by 538 congressional appointed electors every four years (not by the people). This seems to reveal that a great and purposeful culling of reason, logic, and especially knowledge has taken place within the population center of this nation of America – a people contractually enslaved by a corporation called United States, seemingly without their comprehension. It is this knowledge that must find its way into the hearts and minds of the indentured subjects of this corporate State, if for no other reason than to make them unfit to be slaves to a president they do not even elect. Only by exposing the true history of this central corporation we mistakenly call a country will the people ever be free to rid themselves of its tyranny.

For tyranny is freedom – the more laws to obey the more freedom to obey those laws we have. Freedom is a privilege granted by government, if you haven’t guessed, and is the exact opposite of being free…


“In reality, when the voters of North Carolina voted this past November,
they were actually voting to pick this slate of electors
instead of voting directly for the president and the vice-president

–Elaine Marshall, Secretary of State of North Carolina,
speaking at the 2012 Electoral College ceremony


It boggles the mind that anyone can really still believe that the appointment of the Commander In Chief of the United States military (U.S. President) would be left up to a “popular” vote of the common people! But apparently this illusion is a powerful one, as the millions upon millions of subjects are still voting in droves, urged on by the billions upon billions of dollars spent on maintaining the illusion with media enter-tain-ment; some standing in line for hours upon hours while suffering mental and physical abuses even as the actual election is held in college by congressional and political party appointed “electors”. So continues the illusion of choice by an indentured society that has no idea it is chained.

Article 2 of the constitution states:

Clause 1: Executive Power

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows…

Clause 2: Method of choosing electors

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

Clause 3: Electors

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Personsand the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed… But in choosing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall choose from them by Ballot the Vice President.

Notice there is no mention of the “the people” in this election for president, because the people do not elect the president. The people only hold the legal status of mere voters, fooled into empowering the appointed Electors with their votes (granting consent to the Electoral College), literally giving away their rights and individual power as a powerless body politic (many men with only one voice = E-Pluribus Unum = “Out of Many, One.”). The people vote for representatives, never realizing that the representatives then indirectly appoint the electors that elect the president. Of course, the people also don’t comprehend that the President is their virtual king under military rule, as established by the War Powers Act and Emergency Declarations, as we will discuss herein.

The Electors are the true electors of the president, not the voters (the people), no different than any other corporation and its board of directors (legislature) – for customers of Walmart do not elect its board or its president any more than U.S. voters do. But the illusion is maintained every four years through media and print at the cost of many billions of dollars – all based on the ridiculous and heavily media-promoted fallacy that the people vote and elect the president.

And the people believe…

And the knowledge stays hidden behind the belief, pomp, and circumstance…

And the people are thus quite fit to be slaves.

As written above, the “Representation from each State has one Vote”, not the people. Furthermore, this election process does not even require all States to participate, stating that the election process is done with at least a “quorum”, with members of the Electoral College from only “two thirds of the States”.

So what is a quorum?

From Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856:

QUORUM. Used substantively, quorum signifies the number of persons belonging to a legislative assembly, a corporation, society, or other body, required to transact business…”

And from Black’s Law 4rth:

QUORUM. A majority of the entire body; e. g., a quorum of a state supreme court… Such a number of the members of a body as is competent to transact business in the absence of the other members. The idea of a quorum is that, when that required number of persons goes into a session as a body, such as directors of a corporation, the votes of a majority thereof are sufficient for binding action. When a committee, board of directors, meeting of shareholders, legislature or other body of persons cannot act unless a certain number at least of them are present, that number 1s called a “quorum.” Sweet. In the absence of any law or rule fixing the quorum, it consists of a majority of those entitled to act.

The establishment and perceived legitimacy of a de facto (illegitimate) quorum is of utmost importance in the most corrupt of legislative processes called “democracy”. If anything, this process of quorum majority rule should tell you that the United States is in no way a republic, for the representation of a minority of one or even 1/3 of the population is certainly not being heard in a quorum (more on this later). It means that as long as enough seats are filled with like-minded (or like-blooded) legislators, generally more than 50%, it is likely that this quorum of combined votes ensures the will of the group.

If two out of the three judges at a chili cook-off are blood-cousins of one of the cooks, it matters not what the 1/3 vote of the non-blood-cousin is. The quorum of 2/3 blood will decide what good chili is, even if its the worst chili in the world.

And if a State and its representatives decide that they don’t like the choices for president, the fact that it does not participate in the election still forces that State to have that president elected by the other representative Electors of other States. In essence, this of all things means that States absolutely do not have rights and are absolutely not sovereign. It also destroys the myth of the United States being a republic. Obviously, in order to elect or legislate by majority rule or by quorum, the United States government by default cannot be a republic and represent all people, all states, or all minorities, and the minority of one. There is no federal republic.

This process of democracy also gives the illusion that outsiders and non-bloodline and non-Freemason men and women – of any race and any creed or religion – can not only obtain legislative seats but actually have a voice for minorities or even the majority. Of course, the quorum will always win, and the Masonic bloodline is always the quorum.

This knowledge is needed, not just for the purposes of exposing the fraud and making good men unfit to be slaves, but also to show just how important the “Election” of this political position as head of the United States Incorporated and Commander In Chief of an entire military actually is. For the implementation of law requires one thing above all others – violent enforcement.

This knowledge is at the forefront of the understanding of law and the true force behind it. Each President of the United States acts outside of Congress with declared “Emergency Powers”, giving Him the authority of the representatives of the people (congress) to issue Executive Orders and Presidential Directives. The declaration of a “National Emergency”, be it for perceived war, terrorism, famine, drought, weather, pandemic, Swine Flu, international sanctions, or for countless other reasons, ensures the virtually unlimited “War Powers” of the President of the United States – powers of war in peacetime without the actual declaration of war. Of this fact and the actions taken by that Commander in Chief of the military, Congress is powerless by its own choice. Congress does not reveal this fact to the people who call Congress their “Representatives”, and yet it is fully aware of the disposition of this political office of President and the emergency powers it holds. And remember that Congress’s power to be powerless rests in the sacrament of “Deity“. This is why control of the Election process is vital as shown above, and why it is not left up to the popular vote of American slaves. The election must be by men and women of the same blood and of the Temple (the Electors).

Perhaps most important here is to state clearly that the United States Executive Branch of government is not bound by the constitution while under a declaration of emergency, for the president is specifically granted powers that trump that constitution. For instance, the “privilege” of Habeas Corpus is and has been suspended by the Executive indefinitely due to national emergency status. In the end, the illusion that this U.S. government is or ever was operating in any way “constitutional” must certainly die here, today, if the people of America are ever to be free.

Of course, I will prove this claim now…

A National Emergency

Before we further examine the past, let’s look at the present state of the constitution of the United States…

The constitution has one fatal and purposeful flaw – it is changeable. It can be amended. It can be suspended. And all of its previous amendments can and have been altered or repealed by later amendments or by legislation. This, in effect, means that the United States has no foundation in law, for the law is ever changing to suit the powers desired by the leaders of the nation. More important is the realization that the constitution was purposefully written to include these certain future changes, just as every Bill and Act of congress is also written first and amended so as to be unrecognizable later on. As with Acts of Congress, all they cared about is that the people accept it and then re-accept the constitution as it is amended years later.

Its second major flaw is that the constitution is interpretable.

For instance, would you say that the opinion (interpretation) of Supreme Court Justice, Editor of the American Law Review, professor at Harvard Law School, and bloodline cousin of all presidents including the president who appointed him, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. was at all “constitutional”?

“…It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough  to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

This was from the Buck vs. Bell, 1927, 8-1 decision upholding forced sterilization of women with bellow average intelligence in order to support a pure gene pool, for which the good of the state outweighed the rights and good of the individual.

So, in this one paragraph, it was declared constitutional to force surgical sterilization, force vaccination, force an I.Q. test, and to execute “degenerates” of lower than average intelligence.

In other words, the word “constitutional” is defined as whatever the court decides it is. The word is meaningless without honorable men making those decisions and giving meaning to the word. But the fact that this word “constitutional” is changeable and interpretable again shows that the foundation of law does not exist except as a changeable and lawless concept and tool of tyranny used to benefit the elite bloodline class.

Again we see with devious purpose that this document called the constitution was set up to be defeated. For each right it protects, it grants exceptions to that rule. And it allows government itself – the very entity that the constitution is designed to restrain – through the judicial branch of that government, to interpret the constitution as it sees fit. Thus, government legislates, polices, and prosecutes itself. In other words, if it chooses, the government is lawless – for the government is exempt from its own laws and constitution any time it chooses to be. This is the nature of a “sovereign” entity – for the sovereign lawmaker is always and by definition above its own law.

And this is exactly what government did… It rose above the constitution to grant itself literally unlimited power and authority, while still continuing the charade of the legislative and judicial process for the benefit of the knowledgeable, entertained, and governed people under it.

But the most important fact still remains generally unrealized by the people. And that is that the Executive Branch, as the enforcement arm of government, is the law. It controls the “Marshals of Law”. For Congress and the judicial have no power to back their laws or decisions if they have no military or police force under the Executive power to enforce them. Without military and police force, law is meaningless. And without honorable men in the military and police, whom themselves have knowledge, there can be no honor in law.

A declaration of national emergency by the Executive is very much the same as a declaration of War. It differs only in the fact that an actual war against another internationally recognized body politic (nation or country) does not exist. But this declaration is in effect a declaration of war against whatever is defined as the “emergency”. An emergency war against pandemic flu, for example, creates ample opportunity for tyranny and oppression, forced vaccination, quarantine and imprisonment, and even the killing of American Citizens as protection against the Emergency. These powers are not derived from the constitution, but from the extraordinary powers attained by that declaration outside of and above the constitution and congress and through the sacred oath as the rites of the City.

All you need to know is that the President is now and has for over 80 years been acting without constitutional limitations – despite what scripted and televised screenplays are shown to you on television and the news.

Perhaps the worst of these is the Declaration of Emergency against “Terrorism”. This esoteric and undefined “enemy” of the United States gives the President of the United States free reign to send His Executive military via Executive Privilege to any nation He chooses, including within the borders of His United States. It is a literal declaration of war on the emergency, which in this case is whatever the President or Congress defines as a “terrorist”, either foreign or domestic.

Note here that the word domestic means any and all Americans (citizens) can be designated as “terrorists” or “enemy of the State” at the president’s whim, and at varying levels of implementation and profiling. Surveillance, data collection, no-fly lists, terrorist watch lists, revocation of passport or other legal status, incarceration, rendition, and assassination are all tools declared legal and necessary under the Executive’s  emergency powers. The constitution or other protections of law do not apply under the rules of war, because there is no declared lawful war. This makes the new Utah NSA data center, for example, a legal business enterprise because it is being utilized to fight the declared “national emergency” of terrorism. To argue its invalidity under the constitution is pointless, because the Executive Branch and its Cabinets and Departments (including the NSA) are not operating under the bounds of the constitution – the NSA is operating under emergency powers, because the NSA is an Executive Branch agency. There is only one Executive Officer (Corporation Sole) who is elected by the Electors. All others are appointed (hired) as employees of that elected president. Thus, they all act under his authority, and his authority is not of the people but of the Congressional approved declared emergency. You must know that all of these extraordinary war and emergency powers only exist in times of declared emergency, and so this should be the center stage topic of your next president in any debate – demanding an end to all emergency powers and declarations. Congress will never do it for you, for they benefit greatly from this state of emergency and many if not most are blood cousins of all successive (and the current) president – the Roman line of rulers and councilmen within the Holy Rite to rule.

Importantly, without this emergency status in government, legislation like the Patriot Act would be otherwise unlawful or against the constitution. But emergency status creates legal (BAR) justification for those Acts, according to government. In this way the complacency and cooperation of congress can be understood, for congress creates the Executive Offices that the President utilizes in these emergencies.


In 1973, the Senate was charged with compiling a report of which it was to decide upon the efficacy and necessity of the continuance of these Emergency War Powers of the Executive Branch. This report was named Senate Report 93-549, and was commissioned by the “Special Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency”.

The report’s introduction opens as such:

“Since March the 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency… A majority of the people of the United States have lived all their lives under emergency rule… For 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency… And, in the United States, actions taken by the government in times of great crisis have ­ from, at least, the Civil War ­ in important ways shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency.”


40 years before 1973…?

That’s right! For this abomination of legal tyranny was created when then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, along with a zealous Congress, created the legal threshold that allowed for the Office of the President of the Untied States to usurp supreme power over His subjects (14th amendment Citizens) outside of and without Congressional approval. Once declared by congress, the constitution and congress were left virtually powerless against the actions of the president.

And none dare call it treason…

This first national emergency, declared in 1933, was presented to overcome the economic throws of the Great Depression and to instill a central banking structure to replace lawful money with legal tender (fiat). But in reality, it represented the indefinite suspension of the constitution of the United States in the scope of powers granted to the Executive Branch of government. In short, this temporary emergency power granted by Congress became a permanent fixture in the United States, and in 2013 this country is still suffering its creation.

Then newly elected president Franklin D. Roosevelt in his inaugural address on March 4rth, 1933 stated :

“I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption. But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meat the crisis ­ broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.”

Notice that the president asked congress for this extraordinary power, he did not demand it. Also note that congress gave the Executive Branch this power by choice, and more importantly within its constitutional authority to do so!

It was the next day, March 5th of 1933, that President Roosevelt requested a special and extraordinary session of Congress (Proclamation 2038), which stated:


Proclamation 2038 – Calling Congress into Extraordinary Session, March 5, 1933

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

Whereas public interests require that the Congress of the United States should be convened in extra session at twelve o’clock, noon, on the Ninth day of March, 1933, to receive such communication as may be made by the Executive;

Now, Therefore, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim and declare that an extraordinary occasion requires the Congress of the United States to convene in extra session at the Capitol in the City of Washington on the Ninth day of March, 1933, at twelve o’clock, noon, of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as members thereof are hereby required to take notice.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the United States.


(Source: http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=14584)


Indeed, Congress was so assembled on March 9th, 1933, and the spawn of that assemblage gave to the office of president powers not only outside of and above the Constitution of the United States, but the Executive power to ignore congress and its processes altogether. There, president Roosevelt presented an Act enabling a declared national emergency in banking and for other purposes, stating:

“Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the Congress hereby declares that a serious emergency exists and that it is imperatively necessary speedily to put into effect remedies of uniform national application.”

This became the “Act of March 9, 1933”, as written into Congressional law.

And this uniform national emergency power has been with us and over us ever since, as we will see… The only difference is that congress now allows the president to declare His own emergencies with no oversight or vote from congress as to its legitimacy or lawfulness. The congress acts as a “rubber stamp” for the presidential declaration of emergency without deliberation.

This “uniform” national application  mentioned here made way for the private enactment of what are called the “Uniform Acts”, including Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which was first published in 1952.

Of the many states, one government…

In the United States, uniform laws are created through what are called “Uniform Acts“, which are bills proposed as state law by a private association. These Acts are drafted of course by the BAR association (part of the Executive Branch), mostly through their United States Uniform Law Commission (ULC), which is then approved by another private association: The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL). The NCCUSL is a body of BAR Association lawyers, private and government attorneys, state and federal judges (attorneys in black robes), and university law professors (attorneys perverting young minds), typically appointed by the governor of each state. They draft laws with the goal of uniform enactment by each state, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. But the NCCUSL does not have any direct legislative power in and of itself as an appointed private association. Its drafted uniform acts become law only to the extent that they are enacted into law by state legislators (those Masonic blood-right representatives of the people) – not the actual vote of the masses of people of each state.

This is the horror of “representative democracy” – the mob rule of millions controlled (governed) by a few bloodline men.

And here we see again the importance of taking the power away from the masses of people (E-Pluribus Unum) and handing it over to these “representatives”. For the people would never vote to enact such uniform laws of debt and enslavement upon themselves to take away state’s rights. The people must be made impotent by the legal system and its quorum. Our 100’s of millions of voices must be squelched by “representative democracy”. Their BAR lawmakers must be appointed so that their congressmen can thus approve those laws as supposed representatives of the people. In the end, the people do not make law; the BAR and private corporations draft law and the Congress approves it!

Over 100 uniform laws and acts have been created by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL), which have since been approved and adopted for the people (not by the people) under this Executive national emergency status. Chances are at least one of these effects your life in “interstate commerce”, including the Child Protection Services (CPS) agency that has kidnapped, harmed, and murdered so many of our children as “property” of government. They include:

  1. Uniform Adoption Act (1994)
  2. Uniform Alcoholism and Intoxication Treatment Act (1971)
  3. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act (2006)
  4. Uniform Apportionment of Tort Responsibility Act (2002)
  5. Uniform Arbitration Act (2000)
  6. Uniform Athlete Agents Act (2000)
  7. Uniform Act to Secure the Attendance of Witnesses from Without a State in Criminal Proceedings (1936)
  8. Uniform Certification of Questions of Law Act (1995)
  9. Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (2006)
  10. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (1968)
  11. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (1997)
  12. Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act (2009)
  13. Uniform Commercial Code (2001)
  14. Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (1982) (1994)
  15. Uniform Common Trust Fund Act (1938) (1952)
  16. Uniform Comparative Fault Act (1977) (1979)
  17. Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (proposed, 1999; withdrawn, 2002)
  18. Uniform Condominium Act (1977) (1980)
  19. Uniform Conflict of Laws—Limitations Act (1982)
  20. Uniform Conservation Easement Act (1981)
  21. Uniform Construction Lien Act (1987)
  22. Uniform Consumer Credit Code (1968) (1974)
  23. Uniform Consumer Leases (2001)
  24. Uniform Controlled Substances Act (1990) (1994)
  25. Uniform Correction or Clarification of Defamation Act (1993)
  26. Uniform Custodial Trust Act (1987)
  27. Uniform Deceptive Trade Practices Act (1964) (1966)
  28. Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act (1922)
  29. Uniform Determination of Death Act (1978) (1980)
  30. Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act (1999)
  31. Uniform Disclaimer of Transfers by Will, Intestacy or Appointment Act (1978)
  32. Uniform Disposition of Community Property Rights at Death Act (1971)
  33. Uniform Division of Income for Tax Purposes Act (1957)
  34. Uniform Dormant Mineral Interests Act (1986)
  35. Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act (1979) (1987)
  36. Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (1999)
  37. Uniform Employment Termination Act (1991)
  38. Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act (1964)
  39. Uniform Environmental Covenants Act
  40. Uniform Estate Tax Apportionment Act (1958) (1982)
  41. Uniform Exemptions Act (1976) (1979)
  42. Uniform Extradition and Rendition Act (1980)
  43. Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act (1978) (1982)
  44. Uniform Fiduciaries Act (1922)
  45. Uniform Foreign Money Claims Act (1989)
  46. Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Recognition Act (1962)
  47. Uniform Franchise and Business Opportunities Act (1987)
  48. Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (1984)
  49. Uniform Gifts to Minors Act
  50. Uniform Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Act (1997)
  51. Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act (1993)
  52. Uniform Health-Care Information Act (1985)
  53. Uniform International Wills Act (1977)
  54. Uniform Interstate Arbitration of Death Taxes Act (1943)
  55. Uniform Interstate Compromise of Death Taxes Act (1943)
  56. Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act (2007)
  57. Uniform Interstate Enforcement of Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act (2000)
  58. Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (1992) (1996) (2001)
  59. Uniform Intestacy, Wills, and Donative Transfers Act (1991) (1993)
  60. Uniform Land Security Interest Act (1985)
  61. Uniform Land Transactions Act (1975)
  62. Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (1996)
  63. Uniform Limited Partnership Act (2001)
  64. Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act (1972)
  65. Uniform Management of Public Employee Retirement Systems Act (1997)
  66. Uniform Mandatory Disposition of Detainers Act (1958)
  67. Uniform Marital Property Act (1983)
  68. Uniform Marketable Title Act (1990)
  69. Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (1970) (1973)
  70. Uniform Mediation Act (2003)
  71. Uniform Money Services Act (2000)
  72. Uniform Multiple-Person Accounts Act (1969) (1989)
  73. Uniform Nonprobate Transfers On Death (1989)
  74. Uniform Notarial Acts (1982)
  75. Uniform Parentage Act (1973) (2000)
  76. Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act (2010)
  77. Uniform Partnership Act (1994) (1997)
  78. Uniform Periodic Payment of Judgments Act (1990)
  79. Uniform Photographic Copies As Evidence Act (1949)
  80. Uniform Planned Community Act (1980)
  81. Uniform Post-Conviction Procedure Act (1980)
  82. Uniform Premarital Agreement Act (1983)
  83. Uniform Pretrial Detention Act (1989)
  84. Uniform Principal and Income Act (1997) (2001)
  85. Uniform Probate Code (1969) (1975) (1982) (1987) (1989) (1990) (1991) (1997)
  86. Uniform Probate Code Vi (1989) (1998)
  87. Uniform Prudent Investor Act (1994)
  88. Uniform Punitive Damages Act (1996)
  89. Uniform Putative and Unknown Fathers Act (1988)
  90. Uniform Real Estate Cooperative Act (1981)
  91. Uniform Real Estate Time-Share Act (1980) (1982)
  92. Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act (2004)
  93. Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act (1968)
  94. Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (1972)
  95. Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (1989)
  96. Uniform Rules of Criminal Procedure (1974) (1987)
  97. Uniform Rules of Evidence Act (2005)
  98. Uniform Securities Act (1956) (1985) (amended 1988) (2002)
  99. Uniform Simultaneous Death Act (1940) (1993)
  100. Uniform State Administrative Procedure Act (1981)
  101. Uniform Status of Children of Assisted Conception Act (1988)
  102. Uniform Statute and Rule Construction Act (1995)
  103. Uniform Statutory Form Power of Attorney Act (1988)
  104. Uniform Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities (1986) (1990)
  105. Uniform Supervision of Trustees for Charitable Purposes Act (1954)
  106. Uniform Surface Use and Mineral Development Accommodation Act (1990)
  107. Uniform Tod Security Registration Act (1989)
  108. Uniform Testamentary Additions to Trusts Act (1960) (1991)
  109. Uniform Trade Secrets Act (1979) (1985)
  110. Uniform Transboundary Pollution Reciprocal Access Act (1982)
  111. Uniform Transfer of Litigation Act (1991)
  112. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (1983) (1986)
  113. Uniform Transfers Under Nontestamentary Instruments Act (1978)
  114. Uniform Trust Code (2000)
  115. Uniform Trustees’ Powers Act (1964)
  116. Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (1995)
  117. Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act (1992) (1996)
  118. Uniform Victims of Crime Act (1992)

Imagine… all of these “Acts” are unlawful, de facto, prima facie, absolutely demolish any form of State’s sovereignty, and are created under military occupation and rule by a corrupted law society. They are then forced upon we, the contracted people/commodities of that corporate occupation. And none of them were written by the people or by the representatives of the people, but by the very BAR attorneys who administrate their own uniform codes for profit on an international scale and in their own court system.

For those of you who still believe in the mythological “States Rights” we so often hear about but never actually see, this uniformity of law – especially the UCC and Acts like #100 from the above list (Uniform State Administrative Procedure Act) – destroys any such notion. Like the people, States rights have been usurped by uniform codes that turn all 50 States into one powerless voice as represented. Of course under the rules of war, States only really exist at the discretion of the Executive Commander in Chief and those who control Him under military rule, as we will see. Of course, this does something much worse than eliminate states rights, for it implements international laws between nations, including the United States.

In the United Nations, the United States is not referred to as a “nation”, but is instead referred to as a “State” of the United Nations, just as California and New York are referred to as “States” of the United States. The word “of” means belonging to under law. And each nation as a member of the United Nations is now operating under these same or similar internationally scaled uniform codes. Thus the illusion and conceptual romanticism of the word sovereignty must also be stated here as a patriotic fallacy promoted by this militarily ruling United States corporation and bloodline through its media monopolies and its similar monopoly on the university and public school system’s curriculum.

Bouvier’s 1856 explains some important aspects of just what sovereignty is, and we must always remember that sovereignty does not exist if challenged and defeated or taken via treaty by a military force greater than the sovereign’s… as is the case with the former militias of each state of America and each individual that is allowed to believe he or she is a sovereign on the land. Only a nation or kingdom with a military force can truly be sovereign…

SOVEREIGN. A chief ruler with supreme power; one possessing sovereignty. It is also applied to a king or other magistrate with limited powers. 2. In the United States the sovereignty resides in the body of the people.

For those “man on the land” free men out there who also claim that each man is a sovereign or king of himself or that the constitution states as much, you couldn’t be more erroneous in your summation of what this word sovereign means. For a man cannot be a sovereign unless he unlawfully or lawfully rules other men, which always means the use of force of law. Thus, no honorable man can justify this position of sovereign ruler of men. Note here also the fallacy that claims sovereignty has residence in the “body” of people. But this would mean that all people rule over all other people simultaneously (i.e. self-government), and this just isn’t the case. The “body politic” is ruled by government (mind control) and its congress, not by the common people. No matter how you define this word, there can be no honor in being a sovereign, for it requires the forceful subjection to your will by other men. In other words, a man with no subjects is not qualified to claim sovereignty because there is no body to rule over. And this again shows that force is absolutely necessary in any form of law, be it defense or offense. A republic is the law of one man over himself in agreement with other like-minded individuals. The problem is that honor is not a requirement in law as force is. And the people delegate their individual power over to the government.

Your pet is about the closest thing you might be considered a sovereign of, and yet government requires vaccines, tags, licenses, papers, and other permissions letting you know you are not a sovereign. Same goes with your children.

Keep in mind that if law is considered to be the sovereign law of the land, then the supreme chief ruler is the law, and the creators via the enforcers of that law are thus the true sovereign ruler with supreme violent power. A sovereign is a dictator, no matter how moral or full of ethics and niceties you set that dictatorship up to be. For the sovereign dictates the law, be it one man or many men on a council. So here we can see again that the patriotic and romantic idea and belief in and of sovereignty is more dangerous than the standing army behind the real sovereign. No natural man should claim legal status under any sovereign authority, for a sovereign must by necessity act as if it were above God’s law (natural law).

The reality is that if you have a legal status as “equal” people and citizens then you are also subject to all other rights and devices of that sovereign, including pain, punishment, taxes, and extortion (exaction). There is nothing in between. If you are equal under the law, then you are in a state of servitude to a sovereign. Only an outlaw (a lone ranger) can be a free man, and then only while he can defend his or here realm (land, home, possessions, and life) against other sovereign powers who seek his or her subjection to that sovereign authority. To do this, that man must be sovereign over other men for purposes of defense, which makes being a sovereign always either a position of no honor as forceful ruler or a pointless endeavor due to lack of military force that will protect that status.

The Masonic trick, of course, is to convince all or most of the individual people to all give up their individual natural rights, which otherwise gives them a naturally free disposition as “outlaws”, to become a member of the body politic via accepting membership (citizenship) and contractually assigning their sovereignty over to a “representative”. In the U.S. Code, a representative Congressman or Senator is defined as an “employee of the United States” government. Of course, only corporations can have employees. As per the above definition and all that has been disclosed thus far, it should be obvious that the OFFICE of the president of the United States is now the CHIEF RULER WITH SUPREME POWER!

SOVEREIGN STATE. One which governs itself independently of any foreign power.

Here again, it should be obvious that no State within the union of the United States governs (controls) itself independently from any foreign power. The foreign power is the United States central government (Washington D.C.) – the sacred theocracy!!!

SOVEREIGNTY. The union and exercise of all human power possessed in a state; it is a combination of all power; it is the power to do everything in a state without accountability; to make laws, to execute and to apply them: to impose and collect taxes, and, levy, contributions; to make war or peace; to form treaties of alliance or of commerce with foreign nations, and the like. 2. Abstractedly, sovereignty resides in the body of the nation and belongs to the people. But these powers are generally exercised by delegation (i.e. power of attorney). 3. When analyzed, sovereignty is naturally divided into three great powers; namely, the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary; the first is the power to make new laws, and to correct and repeal the old; the second is the power to (violently) execute the laws both at home and abroad; and the last is the power to apply the laws to particular facts; to judge the disputes which arise among the citizens, and to punish crimes. 4. Strictly speaking, in our republican forms of government, the absolute sovereignty of the nation is in the people of the nation; (q. v.) and the residuary sovereignty of each state, not granted to any of its public functionaries, is in the people of the state.

So a sovereign is not under or subject to even its own law! Welcome to the United States…

It acts “without accountability” according to its own created sovereign law. So why would any man wish to be a citizen under a sovereign, be it another man or government? In truth, this question only becomes apparent to ask when one finally realizes he is enslaved by his sovereign – his Ruler and Chief military officer behind the force of law – and that he in no way lives in a “free country”.

Far from it…

Remember, Bouvier’s Law Dictionary was commissioned and compiled well before Roosevelt’s first national emergency was declared, and is the most representative and honest legal view of the time per the creation of the constitution and its legal language, commissioned by and entered officially into the constitution, congress, the Supreme Court, etc. And also remember that in 1933, congress as the representatives of the people of all states, voted to (temporarily) suspend the constitution and grant the “power of the people” and of the “states” to the newly granted extraordinary powers of the Executive Office to act as temporary sovereign through emergency declaration; an act that has never been repealed. And this action is perfectly constitutional!!!

It is also extremely important to comprehend that just like the kings and queens of England who gained their authority from the office granted to them via the crown temple (Masonic church), the president is only the current person (lesser monarch) occupying the Office, which is the corporate entity that holds the authority (permission) granted by the people (via Congress). It is the United States corporation that holds this tyrannical  power, not the president as a man. For the man is appointed by the government (church). So blaming the man is a worthless endeavor, especially when the man is just the latest in a series of blood-cousins of the Monarchs of England who’s Corporation Sole will simply be passed on to his cousin. More importantly, it is the people’s belief in that power and authority (the people’s permission) that gives legitimacy to that power of the United States and its current president as their “Chief Ruler”.

As with any cult, belief by its members is the key to a cult’s authority – the permission of the people to rule over them.

The Ritual Mocking Of God

Before we continue with this national emergency status as it applies today, it is interesting to note that the Divine Right Monarchs are granted their powers only when sanctioned by the process of religious Coronation (custom), which literally means that they are anointed with oil in the Church. This custom extends to both Judaism and Masonry, as well as many forms of Christianity.

The Hebrew word for Christ or “Christos” translates to mean “anointed”, or “the anointed”.

Thus when we say Jesus the Christ, we are really saying Jesus the Anointed.

The difference between the Biblical Christ and the Monarch men and women who claim the Christ-like power of God on Earth is that in the story of the Bible, the living Christ did not need the temporal Churches’ approval to be the chosen (anointed) by and as the Son of God, while inversely these bloodline cousins who psychotically claim to be and rule through “God” by their Crown and Coronation rituals must be appointed and physically anointed by the church in a ceremonial custom. While Christ was spiritually anointed without ritual or ceremony, Monarchs and president/prophets of incorporated churches must be temporally anointed in ritual fashion.

Considering the fact that King James and other Royal Monarchs commissioned their own versions of the Holy Bible (certainly a fact that bears at the minimum several conflicts of interest about the true history of the Lord of Lords and King of Kings), don’t you ever wonder why the Church of England and its anointed Christian (God/Christ-like) kings and queens should seemingly be so afraid of and demonize the Biblical “Anti-Christ” in their own re-translated Bibles? Just why would these sovereign rulers claiming to rule by God’s power wish to make the people who are subject to the will of the church and of that king or queen so very afraid of the “anti-Christ”?

Anti-Christ = Anti-Anointed = Anti-Monarchs.

The allegory of the Anti-Christ… A scary story told to ensure the strangle-hold of the appointed/anointed Monarchs who claim God’s kingdom for themselves over the people. Beware the anti-Christ!!!

Are not the Coronation (anointed) Monarchs and Ecclesiastical churches and the Pope claiming to be God; claiming to rule by God’s word and authority (permission)? Does this not make them as an artificial Christ/God on Earth – the great pretenders acting in Christ’s place? And if indeed their power is blasphemously derived from the personification of the Christos as God, church, and government, would these artificial Christ-men and women not certainly wish for their subjects to fear the thought of an anti-Christ that would strip them of that Divine Right to Rule God’s earthly kingdom?

After all, according to their sacred articles and doctrines, they rule in God’s absence not in His presence.

And this begs an examination of the Christ story itself, especially when considering that Freemasonry refers to it as an allegory of the Sun (god), and that the Crown Queen of England is a most high Masonic seat…

And so I have my own thoughts on the subject, which I include here only as food for thought:

Death is anti-Life. For life is truly the opposite of death, and life on Earth is certainly the opposite of any possible “after-life”. The concept of reincarnation is not after-life, for it is the karma of the next life, and therefore not necessarily opposed to nature on Earth. Living in this life on Earth is natural, while living in or after death is wholly unnatural (not of nature/Earth). Very importantly and as we have discussed, these words natural and unnatural very much relate to law as well. Natural law is also called “God’s Law”. This natural law is what the Biblical Jesus the “Christos” reportedly taught to his disciples when he was in the form of a natural man and only when He was alive on Earth – as written in the story of the Bible. But in the legal realm of artificial things and citizens (artificial persons), man’s (man-made/artificial) political contract law is actually very much against or anti-natural law (anti-God’s Law). Governments and churches certainly could be said to be against or “anti-Christ’s” terrestrial teachings of nature to do no harm to others or their property, for government and ecclesiastical law is a violation of natural law in that a political right is designed to take away a natural right (to enslave). And so it is my opinion and thesis here that a great and deceitful trick has been played upon the people of Earth, using the rituals and ceremonies of religions to cover up the true Christian teachings of the translated Bible in order to use “Christianity” and other forms of corporate religion to justify the bloodline rule of the common people – for men to rule as if they were gods. The same could be said about the Declaration of Independence and its use in justifying the constitution, despite the fact that the constitution is in direct violation of that Declaration. The Monarchy and Corporate religions are in direct violation of Christ. These churches could, in this light, be referred to as anti-Christ.


“Pharaoh… Let my people go, that they may serve me.”



Pharaoh – Hebrew פַּרְעֹה (par‘ōh), from Egyptian pr ˤ3 (“palace, pharaoh”),
literally pr (“house”) + ˤ3 (“great, big”):

The supreme ruler of ancient Egypt; a formal address for the sovereign seat of power
as personified by theking’ in an institutional role of Horus son of Osiris;
often used by metonymy for Ancient Egyptian sovereignty.


Could not the same be said of and to reigning sovereigns of government today? For “Pharaoh was an office, not a man. It was the “House” that claimed superiority and “sovereignty” over the people via the Pagan gods.

And so the holy book of today might be written:

Obama… let my people go!

Queen Elizabeth II… let my people go!

Pope… let my people go!

Mormon Prophet… let my people go!

Israel… let my people go!

…So that we may all serve God and His nature instead of worshiping and tithing in your artificial ritualistic anti-God corporations.


The bloodline:
Obama is the 22nd Great-Grandson of William the Conqueror


Considering that law and governments have always been Ecclesiastical in nature – from the Roman civilization to the Vatican to the Kingdom of England and its Divine Church to America itself – this literally makes the church and its government anti-God, for to be against the laws of nature (the natural rights of men) is to be against the laws of God. For God accordingly would be the One who created and is all of nature. And when we consider that every corporate Christian church teaches men to obey the laws of the land, and that the definition for “laws of the land” are in fact of the artificial man-made Masonic governments, its man-made Masonic constitution, and its man-made legal codes that usurp and destroy everything in nature including rights, we can see that the government corporations known as churches and religions are really teaching the opposite of the Biblical story of the living Christ, who taught natural law. The law of the land is not natural law. It is not God’s law. And the law of the land (man’s law) in government is quite often opposite to or anti-Christ’s teachings, certainly quite often anti-life, and definitely anti-nature. For government and religion is of men, not of God.

But when we consider the fact that the corporate “Church” has always been the source of man’s law, a whole new element and historical view of the role of the Church in government and as government rears its ugly head. For the church if anything is against the living Christ in favor of the dead one; ruling in God’s name on Earth while going against the teachings of the Christos as a government supposedly ordained by Go, and even as it promotes the empty promise and anticipation of His return. In the Biblical story of His life, Christ taught God’s natural law. In death, God’s law of nature has been negated by the church/government by the falsely anointed kings, which claim to act through God upon the sacred rite of Christos (Coronation). So how can the church not be called anti-Christ when it claims man’s authority over nature (over God)? For God’s kingdom, if nothing else, is nature itself.

Was Jesus a member of a corporate church or government, or did He deny such temporal and ritualistic things.

Aren’t we to do what Jesus did?

If Jesus were made a citizen of the United States before He could walk, speak, or rationally consent to such a contractual relationship as a constitutor to the United States, what would Jesus do to end that literal bondage? Would he tell his people to obey the law of the land, government, and church?

Would he not instead demand that the modern-day Pharaoh’s of all the nations let his people go in God’s name?

Isn’t being a Christian tantamount to acting in Jesus’ name and teachings?

Isn’t it time to start acting like the Christian you claim to be?

If we really think about it, the dogma within the upper echelon (not the common people) of corporate religion based around their falsely projected Christianity is actually a death cult – worshiping the unnatural state of a man living in death (spirit). Just as they claim to be Jews but are not, they claim to be Christians but are not. All they really are is a spiritual assembly of government (mind control) – the gatekeepers to true spirituality through their rewritten Bibles teachings and ritual.

Whether or not this is a good or bad thing is quite irrelevant, and offense is certainly not the intention here. Again we must remember that the common people of the church who worship individually – as well as the common people of the nation – are not the subject of this writing. For it is the Holy incorporation of the church and its religious doctrine and claimed authorities that is being used by that corporation to claim the power of God on Earth not by the common people, but by these chosen anointed few over the common people and Earth (nature).

We of course see the word spirit in legal definitions, for again we must acknowledge that all law is derived from ecclesiastical sacra-ment and implemented via bloody force (as documented clearly in the Bible and in history).

SPIRITUAL. Relating to religious or ecclesiastical persons or affairs, as distinguished from “secular” or lay, worldly, or business matters. As to spiritual “Corporation”, “Courts”, and “Lords”, see those titles.

SPIRITUALITIES OF A BISHOP. Those profits which a bishop receives in his ecclesiastical character, as the dues arising from his ordaining and instituting priests, and such like, in contradistinction to those profits which he acquires in his temporal capacity as a baron and lord of parliament, and which are termed his “temporalities,” consisting of certain lands, revenues, and lay fees, etc.

SPIRITUALITY OF BENEFICES. In ecclesiastical law. The tithes of land, etc.

BENEFICE. In ecclesiastical law. In its technical sense, this term includes ecclesiastical preferments to which rank or public office is attached, otherwise described as ecclesiastical dignities or offices, such as bishoprics, deaneries, and the like; but in popular acceptation, it is almost invariably appropriated to rectories, vicarages, perpetual curacies, district churches, and endowed chapelries. “Benefice” is a term derived from the feudal law, in which it signified a permanent stipendiary estate, or an estate held by feudal tenure.

BENEFICE. In French law. A benefit or advantage, and particularly a privilege given by the law rather than by the agreement of the parties.

I must declare here that only the demented mind of an attorney or psychopath could create the definition of spirituality as a tithe or profit (money).

The benefits of our United States “politicians” are certainly not based upon an agreement of the people, and are certainly a privilege given to themselves by their own laws for which they themselves create from within their spiritual corporation of public office!!!

And I must say that If God ever does touch down on earth again to reappear in the natural realm as God on Earth and Lord King, He certainly would not need the approval (physical act of anointment) of even the most Saintly of priest, king, queen, government, or parliament. For priests and kings supposedly attain their power from God, not the other way around. God would not need man’s approval or ceremony for anything that He chose to do, if I’m not mistaken. Yet apparently those Popes, priests, kings, queens, and presidents believe that they are all God’s chosen ones to command on behalf of God on Earth from somewhere in the anti-earth (after-life).

Long Live the Queen,
Long Live King Solomon!

In the following video of the coronation of the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and all of that crown temple’s political land mass possessions, we can clearly see that this is a religious ceremony as opposed to a solely governmental one. This is obvious and is a well known fact, considering the queen or king is also being given the sacramentum (the sacred oath) and becoming the anointed bloodline Masonic head of the Church of England.

The king or queen according to the medieval view was mixta persona (i.e., both layman and ecclesiastic) and therefore obtained spiritualis jurisdictionis capax (a fit subject for spiritual jurisdiction).

That’s right… spiritual jurisdiction; as in the jurisdiction of some other-worldly god.

The Catholic Church explains:

(You may click on the red/blue links for more detail)

“By ministerial authority, which is conferred by an act of consecration, is meant the inward, and, because of its indelible character, permanent capacity to perform acts by which Divine grace is transmitted. By ruling authority, which is conferred by the Church (missio canonica, canonical mission), is understood the authority to guide and rule the Church of God. Jurisdiction, in so far as it covers the relations of man to God, is called jurisdiction of the internal forum or jurisdiction of the forum of Heaven (jurisdictio poli)… Jurisdiction, in so far as it regulates external ecclesiastical relations, is called jurisdiction of the external forum, or briefly jurisdictio fori. This jurisdiction, the actual power of ruling is legislative, judicial, or coactive… Ordinary jurisdiction is that which is permanently bound, by Divine or human law, with a permanent ecclesiastical office. Its possessor is called an ordinary judge. By Divine law the pope has such ordinary jurisdiction for the entire Church and a bishop for his diocese. By human law this jurisdiction is possessed by the cardinals, officials of the Curia and the congregations of cardinals, the patriarchs, primates, metropolitans, archbishops, the praelati nullius, and prelates with quasi-epsicopal jurisdiction, the chapters of orders, or, respectively, the heads of orders, cathedral chapters in reference to their own affairs, the archdiaconate in the Middle Ages, and parish priests in the internal forum… Temporary exercise of ordinary and quasi-ordinary jurisdiction can be granted, in varying degrees, to another as representative, without conferring on him an office properly so called. In this transient form jurisdiction is called delegated or extraordinary, and concerning it canon law, following the Roman law, has developed exhaustive provisions. This development began when the popes, especially since Alexander III (1159-81), found themselves obliged, by the enormous mass of legal business which came to them from all sides as the “judices ordinarii omnium” to hand over, with proper instruction, a large number of cases to third parties for decision, especially in matters of contentious jurisdiction. Delegated jurisdiction rests either on a special authorization of the holders of ordinary jurisdiction (delegatio ab homine), or on a general law (delegatio a lege, a jure, a canone)…

The Church has the right, as a perfect and independent society provided with all the means for attaining its end, to decide according to its laws disputes arising concerning its internal affairs, especially as to the ecclesiastical rights of its members, also to carry out its decision, if necessary, by suitable means of compulsion, contentious or civil jurisdiction. It has, therefore, the right to admonish or warn its members, ecclesiastical or lay, who have not conformed to its laws and also, if needful to punish them by physical means, that is, coercive jurisdiction. The church has, first, the power to judge sin. This it does in the internal forum. But a sin can be at the same time externally a misdemeanour or a crime (delictum, crimen), when threatened with external ecclesiastical or civil punishment. The Church also judges ecclesiastical crimes in the external forum by infliction of penalties, except when the wrong doing has remained secret (Clint says: think secret child ritual sexual abuse). In this case it contents itself, as a rule, with penance voluntarily assumed. Finally, another distinction is to be drawn between necessary jurisdiction and voluntary jurisdiction; the latter contemplates voluntary subjection on the part of those who seek in legal matters the co-operation of ecclesiastical agencies, e.g. notarially executed instruments, testaments, etc. The judicial power described above, jurisdiction strictly so called, was given by Christ to His Church, was exercised by the Apostles, and transmitted to their successors (Matthew 18:15 sqq.; 1 Corinthians 4:21; 5:1 sqq.; 2 Corinthians 13:10; 1 Timothy 1:20; 5:19 sq.).

From the beginning of the Christian religion the ecclesiastical judge, i.e. the bishop, decided matters of dispute that were purely religious in character (causae mere ecclesiasticae). This jurisdiction of the Church was recognized by the civil (imperial) power when it became Christian. But long before this the early Christians, following the exhortation of Saint Paul (1 Corinthians 6:14), were wont to submit to ecclesiastical jurisdiction matters which by their nature belonged to the civil courts. As long as Christianity was not recognized by the State it was left to the conscience of the individual whether he would conform to the decision of the bishop or not. When, however, Christianity had received civil recognition, Constantine the Great raised the former private usage to a public law. According to an imperial constitution of the year 321 the parties in dispute could, by mutual agreement, bring the matter before the bishop even when it was already pending before a civil judge, and the latter (judge) was obliged to put into effect the decision of the bishop. A further constitution of 331 provided that in any stage of the suit any one of the parties could appeal to the bishop even against the will of the others (Hanel, “De constitutionibus, quas F. Sirmondus, Paris, an. 1631 edidit,” 1840). But Arcadius, in 398, and Honorius, in 408, limited the judicial competence of the bishop to those cases in which both parties applied to him (lex VII, Cod. Just., De audientia episc., I, iv). This arbitral jurisdiction of the bishop was not recognized in the new Teutonic kingdoms. In the Frankish kingdoms purely ecclesiastical matters of dispute belonged to the jurisdiction of the bishop, but mixed cases, in which civil interests appeared, e.g. marriage questions, law suits concerning Church property, etc., belonged to the civil courts.

In the course of the Middle Ages the Church succeeded in extending its jurisdiction over all matters that offered an ecclesiastical interest (causae spiritualibus annexae), all litigation concerning marriages (c. vii, X, Qui filii sint legit., IV, xvii; c. vii, X, De donat., IV, xx); matters concerning burial (X, De sepult., III, xxviii); testaments (X, De testam., III, xxvi); compacts ratified with an oath (c. iii, in VI°, De foro compet., II, ii); matters pertaining to benefices (c. ii, X, De suppl. neglig. praelat., I, x); questions of patronage (X, De jur. patron., III, xxxviii); litigation concerning church property and tithes (X, De decim., III, xxx). In addition all civil litigation in which the element of sin was in question (ratio peccati) could be summonded before an ecclesiastical court (c. xiii, X, De judic., II, i).

Ecclesiastical Person

In its etymological sense this expression signifies every person who forms a part of the external and visible society which constitutes the Church, and who has not been canonically expelled therefrom. But the expression is rarely used in this sense; customarily it indicates persons whom a special tie connects with the Church, either because they have received ecclesiastical tonsure, minor, or higher orders, and are a fortiori invested with a power of jurisdiction; or because they have taken vows in a religious order or congregation approved by the Church. This more intimate union with the Church involves particular duties which are not incumbent on the general faithful (see CLERIC).


“Her Majesty being now Anointed; wearing the Colobium Sindonis
and the Supertunica or Close Pall of cloth of gold
, together with a girdle of the same,
is seated once more in King Edward’s Chair.”

The Queen, as soon as she enters at the west door of the Church, is to be received with this Anthem:

Psalm 122, 1–3, 6, 7.
I was glad when they said unto me:
We will go into the house of the Lord.
Our feet shall stand in thy gates:
O Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is built as a city:
that is at unity in itself.
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
they shall prosper that love thee.
Peace be within thy walls:
and plenteousness within thy palaces.

later, other Psalms are read:

Psalm 84, 9, 10.
Behold, O God our defender:
and look upon the face of thine Anointed.
For one day in thy courts:
is better than a thousand.

I Kings 1, 39, 40.
Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anointed Solomon king;
and all the people rejoiced and said
God save the king,
Long live the king,
May the king live for ever. Amen. Hallelujah.

(**Note: Elizabeth is the blood apparent line of King Solomon, as we can see here by
the “God save; Long live” ceremony that was said for Solomon long ago.
This explains the end goal of all these societies to rebuild the Third Temple
After reestablishing their Kingdom of Jerusalem [Israel].)

And the Archbishop shall…

On the palms of both the hands, saying,
Be thy Hands anointed with holy Oil.

On the breast, saying,
Be thy Breast anointed with holy Oil.

On the crown of the head, saying,
Be thy Head anointed with holy Oil:
as kings, priests, and prophets were anointed:

And as Solomon was anointed king
by Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet,
so be thou anointed, blessed, and consecrated Queen
over the Peoples, whom the Lord thy God
hath given thee to rule and govern,
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then shall the Dean of Westminster lay the Ampulla and Spoon upon the Altar;
and the Queen kneeling down at the faldstool, the Archbishop shall say this Blessing over her:

Our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Son of God,
who by his Father was anointed with the Oil of gladness
above his fellows,
by his holy Anointing pour down upon your Head and Heart
the blessing of the Holy Ghost,
and prosper the works of your Hands:
that by the assistance of his heavenly grace
you may govern and preserve
the Peoples committed to your charge
in wealth, peace, and godliness;
and after a long and glorious course
of ruling a temporal kingdom
wisely, justly, and religiously,
you may at last be made partaker of an eternal kingdom,
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

See the full coronation ceremony (rite) as written,
here: http://www.oremus.org/liturgy/coronation/cor1953b.html


“The word ‘amen’ is from Ammon, the father god of Egypt,
and was an ancient Egyptian salutation to the supreme power of the universe”

–Manly P Hall, ‘How To Understand Your Bible’


“For all the promises of God in Him are yea,
and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.”

–Corinthians 1:20, KJB


“To the angel of the Church in Laodicea write:
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness,
the ruler of God’s creation.”

–Revelation 3:14, KJB


“For I know that… a Hereditary Monarchy…
only exists with the support and consent of the people”

–Queen Elizabeth II, Nov. 20, 1997


Here, the queen is not simply stating the legal term implying that consent is required of the people for her Sovereignty. She is literally stating that only because the defeated and uneducated people allow this charade of unholy and unnatural government to continue, she and her blood and ilk will continue to rule the people solely because of their lack of resistance and lack of desire to live under God’s natural law. For she knows that control of true Christians under the false ritualized Christian Church and State is imperative to her family rule over all people. The Christian soldiers have lost their way…

And Now…
The Hereditary Sovereign U.S. Presidency
A Rite Consented To By The American People

In 1933, at the inception, deliberation, and creation of this official usurpation of the powers and authority of Congress over its Executive (Corporation Sole Roosevelt), Congressman James M. Beck spoke officially, stating (from the Congressional Record):

“I think of all the damnable heresies that have ever been suggested in connection with the Constitution, the doctrine of emergency is the worst. It means that when Congress declares an emergency, there is no Constitution. This means its death. It is the very doctrine that the German chancellor is invoking today in the dying hours of the parliamentary body of the German republic, namely, that because of an emergency, it should grant to the German chancellor absolute power to pass any law, even though the law contradicts the Constitution of the German republic. Chancellor Hitler is at least frank about it. We pay the Constitution lip-service, but the result is the same… the Constitution of the United States, as a restraining influence in keeping the federal government within the carefully prescribed channels of power, is moribund, if not dead. We are witnessing its death-agonies, for when this bill becomes a law, if unhappily it becomes a law, there is no longer any workable Constitution to keep the Congress within the limits of its Constitutional powersThis vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities, assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.

It is important to note that Congressman Beck resigned his seat from the Legislature one year later, in September of 1934, and was quoted as giving the reason for his resignation. He stated that Congress had become merely a rubber stamp for the Executive.”

No truer words could have been said, in the past or in the present, and the cooperative efforts of Congress and the Executive have led America into the military rule (martial law of the Sovereign) we have today. For we are under several declared states of emergency as I write, whether re-declared or newly created by each new president.

If only the people of America would realize that they must resign their citizenship (membership) to the United States (corporation) if ever they wish to be free in America and in the world (nature) again…

Perhaps more to the point, the people of America would have to stop joining the United States military and recreate the lawful militia of each State in order to fight this invading U.S. army, or fight it themselves. The people of each state would need to forcibly drive out the United States military bases in each of their States to break that chain of control, which collectively represent the military occupation of each State according to the Lieber Code (see below) by this foreign United States corporation.

Ironically, this would require the teaching of this knowledge to the men and women who are employed as soldiers in that U.S. military, who have no idea that they are part of an invading military force in America and in their own hometowns… and have no idea that they are occupying the land of their parents and children. For the most important aspect of the power and authority of a military occupation is the manpower and manipulation of its military men, who learned patriotism and allegiance to the flag over the people in the very government schools they grew up in and from the movies and television their parents allowed them to watch. Without that violent military force, these lawmakers would have no power to enforce their sacred articles and uniform international codes, and those civil judges would have no force behind their overarching decisions.

This education of the military by the people and States they ignorantly occupy, in retrospect, should be at the forefront of our efforts to be a free people. For we are our own masters; our own brute force; our own violent tyrant. With knowledge and without our voluntary servitude, we would be free from each other and thus from the church and State.

As just one example, let’s look at the declaration of emergency declared by President George W. Bush after the events of September 11, 2001, remembering that all emergency declarations are designed to do one thing – gain more legal written Executive authority outside of the constitution and need for Congressional or the people’s approval. Since a national emergency may only be declared for a maximum time of one year, according to the National Emergencies Act of 1976 (50 US CODE, Section 1622-d as amended), both Bush, Obama, and any future president(s) must re-declare that emergency in continuance in order to keep the “special or extraordinary power” claimed by that Executive Order. In this case, think Patriot Act; warrant-less searches and seizures, indefinite detention without trial, rendition, and a whole host of unlawful military privileges that make all citizens “enemies of the State”.

Nine years after 9/11, President Obama declared a continuation of Bush’s original National Emergency, as posted on the Whitehouse.gov Federal website:

“Letter from the President on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks”

September 10, 2010

Dear Madam Speaker:    (Dear Mr. President:)

Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d), provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, prior to the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. Consistent with this provision, I have sent to the Federal Register the enclosed notice, stating that the emergency declared with respect to the terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, is to continue in effect for an additional year.

The terrorist threat that led to the declaration on September 14, 2001, of a national emergency continues. For this reason, I have determined that it is necessary to continue in effect after September 14, 2010, the national emergency with respect to the terrorist threat.



Now remember, this is a declaration of war against the emergency. In this case, we see the undefined and useful words terrorist and terrorism being declared the enemy.

Here is what Obama stated in one of his speeches regarding this fictitious international foe with no name:

“Our nation is at war against a far reaching network of violence and hatred…”

You may not realize it, but this is actually a bold-faced lie. You see, no war has officially been declared according to any of the rules of war or to the congressional approval process. This is because the United States corporation (not America) is in a perpetual state of undeclared war… not against an enemy or another nation, but against a word or two in an emergency declaration’s doctrine and articles. In other words, this is not a war against some specific people or governemnt, but against a status assigned to anyone the Executive sees fit. Are you a terrorist? Is growing a vegetable garden a terrorist act? How can you know the answers if the terrorist list is secret in the presidents secret government via Executive Privilege and sacred articles of war?

More importantly, when it comes to nation building and the violent spread of U.S. influence and debt, the fact that no war has been officially declared by congress means that the rules of war do not apply. Geneva Conventions are not considered. Human rights violations are not bound in any way because war has not been lawfully declared since World War II. And this, unfortunately, includes the entire world’s people both at home and abroad, for the office of a sovereign dictator as Corporation Sole knows no law and recognizes no borders, thanks to “the People” of congress.

In 2011, one year later, Obama continued yet again the state of national emergency declaring a “war on terror“:

“The terrorist threat that led to the declaration on September 14, 2001, of a national emergency continues.  For this reason, I have determined that it is necessary to continue in effect after September 14, 2012, the national emergency with respect to the terrorist threat,”

–President Obama, September 11, 2011

For this to work – for the American people to accept this state of U.S. military rule of the world – the threat must be made to appear both external and internal. It must be invisible and yet visible in the news media, movies, and sitcoms (enter-tain-ment). And most horrifically, a show of blood and violence must be continuously exposed in ever more graphic detail to reinforce the illusion of an invisible and external threat.

For a much deeper understanding of this, please read my eye-opening essay about government sponsorship of its own terrorism against its own people from its own documentation, to promote fear in a war economy in times of peace (highly recommended):


This continuous state of multiple declarations of national emergency was speculated upon long ago as the road to dictatorship and martial law in America, again reading from within the congressional record:

“The President has the power to seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, call reserve forces amounting to 2 1/2 million men to duty, institute martial law, seize and control all means of transportation, regulate all private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all Americans…

Most [of these laws] remain a potential source of virtually unlimited power for a President should he choose to activate them. It is possible that some future President could exercise this vast authority in an attempt to place the United States under authoritarian rule.

While the danger of a dictatorship arising through legal means may seem remote to us today (in 1973), recent history records Hitler seizing control through the use of the emergency powers provisions contained in the laws of the Weimar Republic.”

–Joint Statement, Senators Frank Church (D-ID) and Charles McMathias (R-MD) September 30, 1973.


Indeed, this doctrine of emergency can certainly be seen throughout history, where it was utilized for total control and power. For the origins of a “constitutional dictatorship” date back to the Roman law in that old Republic. And of course in rome the constitution and the rights of the people could also be temporarily suspended in wartime.

In France, the constitution was suspended under the declared “State of Siege”.

In Great Britain, the “Defense of the Realm Acts” allow that monarchy to suspend its subjects rights.

And in Germany, as mentioned above, Hitler certainly became a constitutional dictator when “Article 48” was invoked.

Here in the United States, we call it the “War Powers”. And those include the state of war on the declared national emergency.

(See the “War Powers Act” by author Eugene Schroeder and various other authors and researchers for an intimate walkthrough of how all of this happened, pre-dating Roosevelt and creating first all persons (citizens and non-citizens) as “enemies of the State”.

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary describes perfectly what we the common people really are:

CHATTELSproperty. A term which includes all kinds of property, except the freehold or things which are parcel of it. It is a more extensive term than goods or effects. Debtors taken in execution, captives, apprentices, are accounted chattels.

And again, who are the Debtors?

CONSTITUTORcivil law. He who promised by a simple pact to pay the debt of another; and this is always a principal obligation.

For most Americans who are helplessly devoted to the idea of citizenship to the United States (constitutors), the thought that for their entire lives they have been under a military occupation without knowing it is offensive and even… yeah, you guessed it… SACRILEGE. For we are actually speaking of belief in the totally misunderstood American concepts of freedom, rights, and the constitution. And belief is the most powerful tool a government has in its mind control and enter-tain-ment of the people. For with belief comes hope – hope that things will get better if only the constitution was here – the great American fallacy.

Ironically, the proof is in the pudding. You see, the ability and power to declare martial law is in fact a sign that you already live under it! Martial law in peacetime is called military rule. In other words, if the president can declare martial law at any time as Commander in Chief of the military and national guard, this power can only be declared because military rule is already in place (see Liebor Code below).

Such simple and easy to understand logic trumped by ignorance and the arrogance of patriotism!

Without a military able to be called under one ruler (sovereign), there can be no martial law. Remember, law requires enforcement! And as long as the people cooperate with the President (government), the physical manifestation of the already existing president’s military rule will not be implemented as martial law – the violent enforcement of the sovereign.

As we read through a few of the sacred articles of the Lieber Code, the first thing we see is that a military base in each state (all 50 republics) represents most certainly the military rule of the United States as a “hostile army”. The problem lies in slapping people hard enough to make them realize that their military is indeed a hostile force that long ago invaded their State, not a protective force. For the military (army) protects the United States and its continuity, not the people for which that central government named as “enemies of the State”. No army is needed in times of peace, and yet there they are, occupying all States in the land of America (the spiritual jurisdiction of the United States as a spiritual corporation). Of course civilians are off limits in military bases. The military’s operations and records are secret and withheld from the people. The military is used to quell unrest in the streets of America (the military jurisdiction of the United States). And yet the people don’t believe they live in an occupied territory (States are merely Federal territories/possessions incorporated as political bodies or “States”).

My people truly are perishing because of their lack of knowledge…

Just what are the rules of the victors and the spoils of war?

The Lieber Code, which is recognized internationally as the Instructions for the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field, or “General Orders 100” as signed by the president Abraham Lincoln as he invaded his own nation during the War of Northern Aggression (Civil War), states within its sacred articles that:

Article 1. A place, district, or country occupied by an enemy stands, in consequence of the occupation, under the Martial Law of the invading or occupying army, whether any proclamation declaring Martial Law, or any public warning to the inhabitants, has been issued or not. Martial Law is the immediate and direct effect and consequence of occupation or conquest.

The presence of a hostile army proclaims its Martial Law.

Article 2. Martial Law does not cease during the hostile occupation, except by special proclamation, ordered by the commander in chief; or by special mention in the treaty of peace concluding the war, when the occupation of a place or territory continues beyond the conclusion of peace as one of the conditions of the same.

(Note that no treaty or proclaimation has ever been issued ending both Lincolns and all other wars and occupations. In other words, peace has never been declared in America under the United States government.)

Article 3. Martial Law in a hostile country consists in the suspension, by the occupying military authority, of the criminal and civil law, and of the domestic administration and government in the occupied place or territory, and in the substitution of military rule and force for the same, as well as in the dictation of general laws, as far as military necessity requires this suspension, substitution, or dictation.

The commander of the forces may proclaim that the administration of all civil and penal law shall continue either wholly or in part, as in times of peace, unless otherwise ordered by the military authority.

Article 4. Martial Law is simply military authority exercised in accordance with the laws and usages of war. Military oppression is not Martial Law: it is the abuse of the power which that law confers. As Martial Law is executed by military force, it is incumbent upon those who administer it to be strictly guided by the principles of justice, honor, and humanity – virtues adorning a soldier even more than other men, for the very reason that he possesses the power of his arms against the unarmed.

(Note that Justice, Honor, and Humanity are Masonic principles.)

Article 5. Martial Law should be less stringent in places and countries fully occupied and fairly conquered. Much greater severity may be exercised in places or regions where actual hostilities exist, or are expected and must be prepared for. Its most complete sway is allowed – even in the commander’s own country – when face to face with the enemy, because of the absolute necessities of the case, and of the paramount duty to defend the country against invasion.

To save the country (continuity of corporate government) is paramount to all other considerations.

(Remember, the country is government, not the people under it. They are the enemy.)

Article 6. All civil and penal law shall continue to take its usual course in the enemy’s places and territories under Martial Law, unless interrupted or stopped by order of the occupying military power; but all the functions of the hostile government – legislative, executive, or administrative – whether of a general, provincial, or local character, cease under Martial Law, or continue only with the sanction, or, if deemed necessary, the participation of the occupier or invader.

(Here we see that our form of law appears the same under military rule, and violent martial law will not be implemented unless the civil law stops quelling the enemy (people) into submission.)

Article 7. Martial Law extends to property, and to persons, whether they are subjects of the enemy or aliens to that government

Article 10. Martial Law affects chiefly the police and collection of public revenue and taxes, whether imposed by the expelled government or by the invader, and refers mainly to the support and efficiency of the army, its safety, and the safety of its operations…

(Here again we see why the education of the men and women in the Army (military) and police, in order to place honorable men there who will not enforce unlawful requests or laws of government, is paramount to ending this unlawful occupation of the Untied States. For the government needs force to apply its sovereign rule. Without it, the emperor would wear no cloths. This means that government would loose its incorporation as authority to rule. And of course this hilariously states that the people will be taxed to support their own people who act as soldiers in the army that is invading them… talk about self-imposed slavery!)

Article 12. Whenever feasible, Martial Law is carried out in cases of individual offenders by Military Courts; but sentences of death shall be executed only with the approval of the chief executive, provided the urgency of the case does not require a speedier execution, and then only with the approval of the chief commander.

Article 13. Military jurisdiction is of two kinds: First, that which is conferred and defined by statute; second, that which is derived from the common law of war. Military offenses under the statute law must be tried in the manner therein directed; but military offenses which do not come within the statute must be tried and punished under the common law of war. The character of the courts which exercise these jurisdictions depends upon the local laws of each particular country.

In the armies of the United States the first is exercised by courts-martial, while cases which do not come within the “Rules and Articles of War,” or the jurisdiction conferred by statute on courts-martial, are tried by military commissions.

(As discussed earlier, our soldiers and police take the oath to the president and to government and the constitution (which just happens to be “constitutionally” suspended), and not to the people and their protection. They follow the Sacred oath in their articles of war, which confer the jurisdiction of “god” through government and its sacramentum. All courts are military courts, even the civil courts, where judges and BAR members also take a similar oath not to the people in any way. The oath to the constitution and upholding it is not an oath to the people or to uphold ourselves. We know courts are military under this “Code” and simply by analyzing the force of law they subject the individual people to through the executive police and military forces. And we know know that civil law is a militarily enforced statutory code.)

Article 14. Military necessity, as understood by modern civilized nations, consists in the necessity of those measures which are indispensable for securing the ends of the war, and which are lawful according to the modern law and usages of war.

(Note here that the Presidential Executive declarations of emergency are also claimed to be a necessity, and are obviously enforced violently through military rule. And the emergency isn’t undeclared until its end (goal) is secured – securing the end of the war against the emergency.)

Article 15. Military necessity admits of all direct destruction of life or limb of armed enemies, and of other persons whose destruction is incidentally unavoidable (collateral damage) in the armed contests of the war; it allows of the capturing of every armed enemy, and every enemy of importance to the hostile government, or of peculiar danger to the captor; it allows of all destruction of property, and obstruction of the ways and channels of traffic, travel, or communication, and of all withholding of sustenance or means of life from the enemy; of the appropriation of whatever an enemy’s country affords necessary for the subsistence and safety of the army, and of such deception as does not involve the breaking of good faith either positively pledged, regarding agreements entered into during the war, or supposed by the modern law of war to exist. Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God.

(As we read above, the president through emergency powers, Presidential Directives, and Executive Orders has clearly made Article 15 a reality. The term “enemy combatants” and “terrorists” are not just terms used for foreigners. To the United States corporation, all citizens of the United States are chattel and foreigners; literally and legally referred to as “enemies of the State” by U.S. Code under the “Trading With The Enemies Act”.)

Article 16. Military necessity does not admit of cruelty – that is, the infliction of suffering for the sake of suffering or for revenge, nor of maiming or wounding except in fight, nor of torture to extort confessions. It does not admit of the use of poison in any way, nor of the wanton devastation of a district. It admits of deception, but disclaims acts of perfidy; and, in general, military necessity does not include any act of hostility which makes the return to peace unnecessarily difficult.

(We, of course, live under the most deceptive legal system ever devised, utilizing elicit word magic and trickery, as permitted by the conquering military power of the United States and administered by the International Bar Association under the Executive Department of “Justice”. Again here we see a necessity established for justification of cruelty in fight. And the courts will decide what that means!)

Article 17. War is not carried on by arms alone. It is lawful to starve the hostile belligerent, armed or unarmed, so that it leads to the speedier subjection of the enemy.

(The starvation of white German soldiers and farmers after World War 2 killed vast amounts of men, women, and children after the war, as the U.S. and other Allied troops guarded and purposefully starved the innocent white Germanic peoples. Germany too, as well as Japan, is and has been under military rule since that second war. Keep in mind that under Executive Order, the president and his Cabinet have complete control over the production, manufacture, and distribution of food. Does starving you, your family, or your town or State really sound like a ridiculous concept right now? Well then, let’s read Article 18…)

Article 18. When a commander of a besieged place expels the noncombatants, in order to lessen the number of those who consume his stock of provisions, it is lawful, though an extreme measure, to drive them back, so as to hasten on the surrender.

(Here we only need to remember the fictions like “Brave New World” or the upcoming movie “Elysium”, where the poor common trash is held back and outside of the kingdom so as to protect the military enforced government and its city of cooperative slaves and elites and its commodity supply. Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Gammas, etc… those who will and will not bio-metrically take the Mark of the government Beast.)

Article 19. Commanders, whenever admissible, inform the enemy of their intention to bombard a place, so that the noncombatants, and especially the women and children, may be removed before the bombardment commences. But it is no infraction of the common law of war to omit thus to inform the enemy. Surprise may be a necessity…

(The Biological Weapons Program of the United States requires informed consent of the people and a journal entry in order for the United States to test biological weapons on the people. Of course, this is done covertly – for the people would absolutely never really allow themselves to be tested upon in such a way by their own permission. Whenever we hear of ATF raids like the Branch Davidions in Waco, Tx, we must realize that this is the hostile military of the United States (Washington D.C.) utilizing Article 19 as the necessity to kill innocent Americans; be they U.S. citizens or not, and including women and children. And heck, it makes for great enter-tain-ment on the TV to promote the need for the ATF and military!)

While we will not include the entire Code here, Section II reenforces the fact that in the United States’, its opinion of what constitutes the spoils of war, all property and corporate fiction persons belong to the occupying force of government – used as the god trust we discussed earlier…

SECTION II Public and private property of the enemy – Protection of persons, and especially of women, of religion, the arts and sciences – Punishment of crimes against the inhabitants of hostile countries.

Article 31. A victorious army appropriates all public money, seizes all public movable property until further direction by its government, and sequesters for its own benefit or of that of its government all the revenues of real property belonging to the hostile government or nation. The title to such real property remains in abeyance during military occupation, and until the conquest is made complete.

(Keep in mind that “public money” was gold and silver, otherwise known as “lawful money” back then. It still amazes me that when the occupying United States government forcibly confiscated under martial law all of the gold in America, that the people right then didn’t figure out that they were at war with their own government, or at least that their perception of their constitution and their free country was a lie. And for that matter, why hasn’t anyone figured this out till now??? Why do people still claim we live in a free country when our own government and banking history completely obliterates that belief?)

Article 32. A victorious army, by the martial power inherent in the same, may suspend, change, or abolish, as far as the martial power extends, the relations which arise from the services due, according to the existing laws of the invaded country, from one citizen, subject, or native of the same to another.

The commander of the army must leave it to the ultimate treaty of peace to settle the permanency of this change.

(So next time you find yourself complaining that government isn’t doing the job you elected it for, first remember that you didn’t elect your Federal Government in any way – you silly voter. Second, remember that the cancelling or suspension of taxpayer services is a sovereign right of that Electoral College-elected and Presidential appointed government under military rule by the Lieber Code. Thirdly, remember that taxpayer services are not the right of the people, but are privileges granted by the occupying government that is allowing you to live under its civil law until you wake up and see what martial law really looks, feels, and tastes like.)

You may read the entire Lieber Code and its history, as well as verify that it is still in effect, at these links:







Now Available at AmazonIn modern times, where up is down and left is right, the Lieber Code
has been mutated and re-imagined into current standards of
Jewish/Masonic “protocols”, articles, and codes. The use of unmanned
drones, says Mrs. Finkelstein, are perfectly moral in such an
Asymmetrical world of oppressive law where collateral damage
includes mothers… and especially little children.


“War is peace.”

–George Orwell–


1. George Washington

“George Washington strove to be the embodiment of civilized conduct –
the calm amidst the storm — in the War of Independence.
Twenty years before, a French book had accused him of being a notorious
violator of the customs and usages of Enlightened warfare after
his actions in the Seven Years War between Britain and France.”

–Yale University Law Library website


Similar declared national emergencies are also in a state of yearly perpetual continuance via Executive Order, granting other extraordinary powers to the President with absolutely no real official objections from Congress. Here in this video, we see the re-declaration being read into the Federal Register in Congress, as required by Congress:

Note that this man is not the asking for permission from congress. This is the actual informing of congress of something that already was approved by the president without congress, and thus gaining the “informed consent” of the “people” while legally fulfilling Congress’ requirement to comlete the entry of the emergency into the Federal Register.

You see, congress made this little legislative law that all but stripped itself of its own powers to stop such whims of the president by declaring, in the Act of March 9, 1933, Title 1, Section 1:

“The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March the 4th, 1933, pursuant to the authority conferred by subdivision (b) of Section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended, are hereby approved and confirmed.”

It was thus altered to this:

“The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March the 4th, 1933, pursuant to the amended [12 USC Sec. 95a], are hereby approved and confirmed. (Mar. 9, 1933, c. 1, Title 1, Sec. 1, 48 Stat, 1.)”

And today it can be found in the U.S. Code as Title 12 Subsection 95(b), here: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/12/95b

It is also used in Title 50, entitled “War And National Defense”.

These Executive “Orders” as stated above are approved before they are even known by congress or read into the record, for congress already gave their blessing for approval before President Obama was even born. Please understand that this section of U.S. Code has not been removed (voted away) by congress in the 80 years since it was created by them. This shows the cooperation of Congress with the Executive, especially within the government Federal Reserve banking scheme. For congress knows that all of the unlawful acts of the Executive and that central bank that Congress created would not be possible without the President’s war and emergency powers. The enforcer must be free to enforce without hindrance. Yet the illusion of “checks and balances” and adversarial proceedings between the Branches and Houses continues for the benefit of the people in media, who still believe in the constitution and its power to limit the president of that corporate United States. That’s silly of course, because the constitution is not alive. Only congress can take such an action, and only against itself! The paper is worthless without honorable men running the show.

Always remember, the Executive Branch is the enforcement arm of the law. So when the enforcers of law become the makers of the laws they enforce with no one to challenge them, the worst fears of Congressman James Beck and others as read in the congressional record above can certainly be said to have already been trumped.


President John F. Kennedy declared Executive Order 10995 in the year 1962. Today, that Executive Order has been tweaked, manipulated, and re-declared each year by each new president into what it is today.

And then there is the continuation by Barack Obama of a more than 20 year old emergency, of which “notice” was given on the Federal Whitehouse.gov website as follows:


– – – – – – –



On November 14, 1994, by Executive Order 12938, the President declared a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by the proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons (weapons of mass destruction) and the means of delivering such weapons. On July 28, 1998, the President issued Executive Order 13094 amending Executive Order 12938 to respond more effectively to the worldwide threat of weapons of mass destruction proliferation activities. On June 28, 2005, the President issued Executive Order 13382 which, inter alia, further amended Executive Order 12938 to improve our ability to combat proliferation. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them continues to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States; therefore, the national emergency first declared on November 14, 1994, and extended in each subsequent year, must continue. In accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12938, as amended.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.



In 2009, Time Magazine reported:

“President Obama’s Oct. 24 decision to officially declare the H1N1 swine-flu virus a national emergency came with a speedy caveat: Don’t panic. The declaration was just a formality, the White House explained, a way to allow hospitals to circumvent unnecessary restrictions in order to bring about quicker, more effective swine-flu treatment.”

In other words, it allowed corporations to CIRCUMVENT THE LAW AND NATURAL HUMAN RIGHTS!

Don’t be fooled! Belittling the importance of what a declared state of emergency actually creates – military rule/martial law – is a classic tactic by government and the media to hide the significance of the fact that each President is in reality a legal dictator with an entire military and congress (representatives of “the people’) backing his every whim.

In another state of emergency originally declared by president Jimmy Carter on November 14, 1979 during the “Iranian Hostage Crisis”, we see a continuation with every president since, having been continuously renewed for now over thirty-four years, most recently by Barack Obama in November of 2012 continuing into 2013.

Of course the Iranian hostage situation is long over…

But it is the set of extraordinary powers and outrageous authorities conveyed in these emergency declarations that keeps them alive and re-declared, not the actual emergency itself.

And so as we delve further into this understanding of what government actually is, its origins in Masonry as a Deist theocratic nation and not a Christian one, and the contractual relationship we all play as “residents” and “citizens”, we must continuously strive not to forget the military nature of the enforcement of this Masonic theocracy and its laws under the Marshals of law (martial law) that has extended not only from 1933, but since the end of the Civil War. And let’s face it, the massacring of tribes and peoples throughout history by the military forces of the Church and State has always been declared to be necessary as a holy mission to protect God’s kingdom of government on earth as ruled by the bloodline Monarchs and presidents.


This brings us to the end of Part I of this “Cracking The Cult Of The Constitution” series.

But before we go, let’s have a look at that definition of religion again:


Man’s relation to Divinity, to reverence, worship, obedience, and submission to mandates and precepts of supernatural or superior beings. In its broadest sense includes all forms of belief in the existence of superior beings exercising power over human beings by volition, imposing rules of conduct, with future rewards and punishments. Bond uniting man to GOD, and a virtue whose purpose is to render GOD worship due him as source of all being and principle of all government of things

–Black’s Law: 5th Edition

Do these precepts start to make sense now? Do you understand the theocracy that is the U.S. govern-ment? And do you now understand that “Man’s relation to Divinity” is, according to the church, his relation to government?

The culmination of the above research pales in comparison with what I have to show you next. And I know that at this point you will certainly have at least a few unanswered questions that will certainly be answered in parts two and three. For as we delve into the true history of the founding of this country; utilizing such tools as the Masonic Bible, the personal writings of the Masonic founders and presidents, a vast pictorial archive, and other inconvenient facts from our hidden history, all of your questions and doubts will be hopefully be satisfied.

I thank you for making it this far, and will be posting part two as soon as I can make it available. Already it has blown my mind with just the 100’s of images I’ve collected.

Until we meet again…

End Part I

Part 2: (link)


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Monday, August 5th, 2013

Why The Supreme Court Claims Obamacare is Constitutional

Did you really think that the Supreme Court would rule against “Obama-care”?

Just what exactly do you think the Supreme Court is?

Perhaps a reality check is in order here. And for that matter, a little history lesson…


This tome of research was originally planned as an educational-documentary movie script, but with the election process just around the corner and rumors of a major internet “change”, I feel it absolutely necessary to give it my best shot to create a wide-awake, openhearted, non-consenting public. In fact, my whole mock-presidential campaign was to expose the following facts – and that you the people cannot, no matter how much campaigning you do, elect me as president (or for that matter Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney, or any alternative 3rd party or non-two-party candidate) because you don’t get to vote for president.

Perhaps this all was dreaming too big on my part; that I can wake up an entire nation, but here it goes anyway…

We will now delve extensively into the Department Of Justice as well as the electoral college, and we will learn exactly what the role of the Attorney General is – and I guarantee you that none of these things are anything close to what you might think you know or have been taught in your public (government) school system. In short, we will learn the actual law, and that the law and the entirety of the United States does not exist without your contractual consent to it.

Sit back and hold on, for it is my hope that this is going to be a serious wake up call. I recommend that you read and re-read this entire presentation several times, until these definitions and concepts are familiar and completely understood, for you cannot be free without the knowledge of what enslaves you, especially if you do not know the hidden legal language of the Law Society. Certain words and phrases are underlined, highlighted, and emboldened. Do not take this lightly. Give these your special attention. And by the end, be sure you know the legal meanings of all these words.

If you read nothing else before you cast your vote for the office of president this year, I beg of you to take the time to learn why your vote absolutely does not, never has, and never will count towards the actual official election process of the president of the United States. This is the law. It is more accurate to say that your vote as a registered United States voter is not officially counted in the actual election process for the office of the president of the United States.

So why do you vote?

Why does the government waste our time allowing us to go through the charade of voting for the popular fake-election of president by the “people”?

Why will going through the process of “voting” to replace Obama not do anything to actually officially or legally replace Obama?

And why is Obama-care absolutely constitutional according to the Supreme Court?

Let’s find out…


What Was The Original Supreme Court?


The so-called “Founding Fathers” have become the stuff of legend.

They are credited as being radical new thinkers whose ideals were original in their context, and that these ideas created the first free country and a modern republic. And yet, the entire structure of government for the Federal United States, as well as the concepts of individual and state’s rights, liberty, and social contracts, date back not only to the Mayflower Compact, but to the roots of British history and common law, as well as Roman law in the Roman “Republic” and in the Magna Carta, created in 1215. In fact, as it turns out, everything that our “Founding Fathers” did in their declaration of independence was specifically to preserve their “natural-born rights as Englishmen“, which was in fact a perfectly legal pursuit as a crown colony. The Crown of England, in fact, had the same reaction to this declaration and the following constitution as the Northern “States” did when the Southern “States” seceded from the corrupt central government of the United States in the 1860’s – in order to form their own more perfect union and constitution in the South… which was for the Crown to unlawfully call it treason and to take its control back through occupation and military rule.

Why were the colonists of America always, and even to this day, so interested in retaining their English-born rights?

Samuel Adams wrote:

“All persons born in the British American Colonies are, by the laws of God and nature and by the common law of England, exclusive of all charters from the Crown, well entitled, and by acts of the British Parliament are declared to be entitled, to all the natural, essential, inherent, and inseparable rights, liberties, and privileges of subjects born in Great Britain or within the realm. — The Rights of the Colonists: The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting, Nov. 20, 1772.

John Allen also stated:

For the rights of the people, which is the supreme glory of the crown and the kingdom of Britain, is the Magna Charta of the king as well as of the people; it is as much his previledge, as it is his glory, to maintain their rights; and he is as much under a law (I mean the law of the rights of the people), as the people are under the oath of allegiance to him… And therefore whatever power destroys their rights, destroys at the same time, his right to reign, or any right to his kingdom, crown, or glory; nay, his right to the name of a king among the people… Shall a man be deem’d a rebel that supports his own rights?Excerpts from the sermon, “ORATION, upon the Beauties of LIBERTY, OR the Essential RIGHTS of the AMERICANS” preached to the Second Baptist Church in Boston Dec. 3, 1772.

Resolution #2 of the Declaration of Rights of the Stamp Act Congress on October 19, 1765, was written:

“That His Majesty’s liege subjects in these colonies are entitled to all the inherent rights and privileges of his natural born subjects within the kingdom of Great Britain.

The “Charter of Massachusetts Bay (colony)” issued by the king in 1629 proclaimed that the people of the colony:

…shall have and enjoy all liberties and Immunities of free and naturall Subjects within any of the Domynions of Us, our Heires or Successors, to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes whatsoever, as if they and everie of them were borne within the Realme of England.

The colonists wanted nothing more than and insisted upon being treated as natural-born Englishmen with all rights and privileges thereof. This was reflected in every facet of the New America. And it is part of the basis of the term God-given natural rights, as the “king” was considered to be of “God” – the “divine” right of kings…

Thomas Jefferson himself, in a letter to Henry Lee on May 8, 1825, wrote about the Declaration of Independence that it was:

“…with respect to our rights, and the acts of the British government contravening those rights, there was but one opinion on this side of the water. All American Whigs thought alike on these subjects. When forced, therefore, to resort to arms for redress, an appeal to the tribunal of the world was deemed proper for our justification. This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion. All its authority rests then on the harmonizing sentiments of the day, whether expressed in conversation, in letters, printed essays, or in the elementary books of public right, as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, &c..”

One could translate this as the freedom of the press, where that declaration was written as an appeal to pity by the rest of the world – an appeal to the court of popular opinion – and a reminder of the already historically established philosophies that were re-worded in the constitution and declaration.

It is also important to make the distinction between natural and political (contractual) “independence”. Independence, as a legal description or term, does not automatically mean free and clear of something as it might be perceived or misconstrued in every day conversation:

INDEPENDENCE. A state of perfect irresponsibility to any superior; the United States are free and independent of all earthly power. 2. Independence may be divided into political and natural independence. By the former (political independence) is to be understood that we have contracted no tie except those which flow from the three great natural rights of safety, liberty and property. The latter (natural independence) consists in the power of being able to enjoy a permanent well-being, whatever may be the disposition of those from whom we call ourselves independent. In that sense a nation may be independent with regard to most people, but not independent of the whole world. Vide on of Independence. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

And just what does the 5th Amendment to the Constitution actually say about this?

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

So the constitution states quite clearly that your natural rights of life (safety), liberty, and property can in fact be taken away from you with “due process of law and just compensation”. This is because these are actually your political rights enumerated, not your natural ones. This is not a protection from tyranny of government, but is instead tyranny defined! And this “right” – to have your life, liberty, and property taken away from you – is literally in the hands of the government created federal judicial system. As we will see, this is extremely deceptive and problematic with regards to the “justice” doled out by the “justice system”. Thus, the Bouvier’s Law Dictionary definition of “independence” above perfectly describes the illusion that we all have of our constitutional (political) “independence”. As contracted citizens of this government, natural independence is forfeited and political independence does not exist…

We must also understand that the “Judicial Branch” of this constitution was not in any way new as either the highest court of jurisdiction or of being a so-called “check and balance” of the other government entities. A government creation is not really in a position to monitor another government creation. This fallacy is why we are in the mess we are in today – government supervision and regulation of itself!

Within the British Empire, the highest court within a colony was often called the “Supreme Court”.

Most importantly to the Federal government and to any government who uses this structure of legal precedent, the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court cannot be challenged once the government appointed Court members decide on what “justice” is. Therefore, once the Supreme Court decides that something is constitutional – like war, capital punishment, crime and punishment, fines, taxes, incarceration, eminent domain, and other government intrusions into the life (safety), liberty, and property of the people of the United States, the people have no recourse for the taking of their life, liberty, and property. In this way, the Judicial branch serves as a “check and balance” that ensures the tyranny of government is never challenged.

This hierarchy of jurisdiction is called stare decisis.

 STARE DECISIS – To abide or adhere to decided cases. 2. It is a general maxim that when a point has been settled by decision, it forms a precedent which is not afterwards to be departed from. The doctrine of stare decisis is not always to be relied upon, for the courts find it necessary to overrule cases which have been hastily decided, or contrary to principle. Many hundreds of such overruled cases may be found in the American and English books of reports. Mr. Greenleaf has made a collection of such cases, to which the reader is referred. Vide 1 Kent, Com. 477; Livingst. Syst. of Pen. Law, 104, 5. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

Supreme Court decisions are deemed to be binding upon lower courts. Importantly, this is to ensure uniformity in the legal functioning of the United States and its corporate structure. This uniformity is further ensured by requiring BAR certification for the “practice” of the now copyrighted public policy that is called “law” in the United States. Civil law jurisdictions, however, are not generally considered to apply, and so supreme court decisions are not necessarily binding. But the decisions of the supreme court are meant to provide a very strong precedent (jurisprudence constante) for both itself and all lower courts.

So what does jurisdiction mean?

JURISDICTION – Practice. A power constitutionally conferred upon a judge or magistrate, to take cognizance of, and decide causes according to law, and to carry his sentence into execution. 6 Pet. 591; 9 John. 239. The tract of land or district within which a judge or magistrate has jurisdiction, is called his territory, and his power in relation to his territory is called his territorial jurisdiction. 2. Every act of jurisdiction exercised by a judge without (outside of) his territory, either by pronouncing sentence or carrying it into execution, is null. An inferior court has no jurisdiction beyond what is expressly delegated. 1 Salk. 404, n.; Gilb. C. P. 188; 1 Saund. 73; 2 Lord Raym. 1311; and see Bac. Ab. Courts, &c., C, et seq; Bac. Ab. Pleas, E 2. 3. Jurisdiction is original, when it is conferred on the court in the first instance, which is called original jurisdiction; (q. v.) or it is appellate, which is when an appeal is given from the judgment of another court. Jurisdiction is also civil, where the subject-matter to be tried is not of a criminal nature; or criminal, where the court is to punish crimes. Some courts and magistrates have both civil and criminal jurisdiction… 4. It is the law which gives jurisdiction; the consent of, parties, cannot, therefore, confer it, in a matter which the law excludes. 1 N. & M. 192; 3 M’Cord, 280; 1 Call. 55; 1 J. S. Marsh. 476; 1 Bibb, 263; Cooke, 27; Minor, 65; 3 Litt. 332; 6 Litt. 303; Kirby, 111; 1 Breese, 32; 2 Yerg. 441; 1 Const. R. 478. But where the court has jurisdiction of the matter, and the defendant has some privilege which exempts him from the jurisdiction, he may waive the privilege. 5 Cranch, 288; 1 Pet. 449; 8 Wheat. 699; 4 W. C. C. R. 84; 4 M’Cord, 79; 4 Mass. 593; Wright, 484. See Hardin, 448; 2 Wash. 213. 5. Courts of inferior jurisdiction must act within their jurisdiction, and so it must appear upon the record. 5 Cranch, 172 Pet. C. C. R. 36; 4 Dall. 11; 2 Mass. 213; 4 Mass. 122; 8 Mass. 86; 11 Mass. 513; Pr. Dec. 380; 2 Verm. 329; 3 Verm. 114; 10 Conn. 514; 4 John. 292; 3 Yerg. 355; Walker, 75; 9 Cowen, 227; 5 Har. & John. 36; 1 Bailey, 459; 2 Bailey, 267. But the legislature may, by a general or special law, provide otherwise. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

JURISPRUDENCE – The science of the law. By science here, is understood that connection of truths which is founded on principles either evident in themselves, or capable of demonstration; a collection of truths of the same kind, arranged in methodical order. In a more confined sense, jurisprudence is the practical science of giving a wise interpretation to the laws, and making a just application of them to all cases as they arise. In this sense, it is the habit of judging the same questions in the same manner, and by this course of judgments forming precedents. 1 Ayl. Pand. 3 Toull. Dr. Civ. Fr. tit. prel. s. 1, n. 1, 12, 99; Merl. Rep. h. t.; 19 Amer. Jurist, 3. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

The original Federal United States Supreme Court was created within the jurisprudence of the “organic” constitution “for” the united states of America via Article 3, as the third lawful “branch” of government – a check and balance for the Executive and Legislative branches. This organic constitution was very specific, and was meant to be the permanent structure of the three branches of government.

“The term “organic” statute originated from the French term Reglement Organique, which means regulations for an organization or governmental body. 

Organic statute is a statute that establishes an administrative agency or local government and defines its authorities and responsibilities.

An organic statute forms the foundation of a government, corporation or other organization’s body of rules. A constitution is a particular from of organic law for a sovereign state.”

(Source: http://definitions.uslegal.com/o/organic-statute/)

And so, for the purposes of the original, as-written constitution of 1786, the description of the constitution as “organic” is best understood as “original”. Once it was amended, it was not organic (original) any more. The foundational organic nature of the constitution is broken with every amendment added, for a foundation is not meant to be altered, just as food is either organic or altered (non-organic/non-original -vs- as natural law [nature] intended).

But as we are all no doubt aware, everything certainly changes…

On march 27, 1861, the dis-satisfied representative congressmen of seven of the “southern” States decided to leave the “union” as was their right as constitutionally established “sovereign” nation States, according to the very constitution that organically (originally) held that union together, in order to form what many scholars claim to be their own new nation of southern states based on the original intent of that same organic constitution for the united states of America. These elected representatives walked out of Congress, never to return. This was indeed abandonment sine die – (without day – when the court or other body rise at the end of a session or term they adjourn “sine die”). At this critical juncture at the end of true American history, Congress ceased to exist as a lawful (organic, constitutional) body, and could no longer lawfully declare war (without all congressmen present in vote). In the end, 11 states in total lawfully left the union via constitutional succession and declared their sovereignty and independence from the United States (Washington D.C.).

With the union now divided and the lawful (constitutional) congress canceled, drastic measures had to be taken by the remaining elite structure of this defunct “government” corporation. And so on April 15th, 1861 (not so coincidentally the now “national tax day”), Abraham Lincoln – who was no longer a lawful or constitutional president and was now acting under military rule without congress – issued the first Executive Order #1, which placed military rule (martial law) over the entirety of the U.S. territories. This soon became known as the “civil war” against the south by the now unlawful government – a government held together in continuity by the first declared state of emergency and the first declared “Executive Order” (#1) by the first unlawful and unconstitutional president, Abraham Lincoln. This was also referred to as the War of Northern Aggression. But the war was, as we will see, a war to force civil law on all the people of the United States.

These General War Executive Orders were, as they still are today, declared without congressional approval or consent by the Executive:

Proclamation Calling Militia
Convening Congress

April 15, 1861



Whereas the laws of the United States have been for some time past, and now are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the Marshals by law,

Now therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, and the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate number of seventy-five thousand, in order to suppress said combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. The details, for this object, will be immediately communicated to the State authorities through the War Department.

I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our National Union, and the perpetuity of popular government; and to redress wrongs already long enough endured.

I deem it proper to say that the first service assigned to the forces hereby called forth will probably be to re-possess the forts, places, and property which have been seized from the Union; and in every event, the utmost care will be observed, consistently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation, any destruction of, or interference with, property, or any disturbance of peaceful citizens in any part of the country.

And I hereby command the persons composing the combinations aforesaid to disperse, and retire peaceably to their respective abodes within twenty days from this date.

Deeming that the present condition of public affairs presents an extraordinary occasion, I do hereby, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, convene both Houses of Congress. Senators and Representatives are therefore summoned to assemble at their respective chambers, at 12 o’clock, noon, on Thursday, the fourth day of July, next, then and there to consider and determine, such measures, as, in their wisdom, the public safety, and interest may seem to demand.

In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington this fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand, Eight hundred and Sixtyone, and of the Independence the United States the Eightyfifth.


By the President:

WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.


(Author’s note: Take note here that in no way could the Congress of the organic united states of America convene together lawfully, as the southern state representatives were purposefully absent in abandonment of the ever-increasing corrupt and unfair legislature. In this Executive Order, the United States and the Constitution are capitalized and are both not followed by the words “of America. Why demonize England when the United States was worse to its own people?)


Executive Order 1
January 22, 1862

The purpose of this war is to attack, pursue, and destroy a rebellious enemy and to deliver the country from danger menaced by traitors. Alacrity, daring, courageous spirit, and patriotic zeal on all occasions and under every circumstance are expected from the Army of the United States. In the prompt and spirited movements and daring battle of Mill Springs the nation will realize its hopes, and the people of the United States will rejoice to honor every soldier and officer who proves his courage by charging with the bayonet and storming intrenchments or in the blaze of the enemy’s fire.

By order of the President:


Secretary of War.



(Author’s note: The lawful people acting within their constitutional and God-given natural rights are now considered “rebellious enemies” and “traitors”. In fact, the president himself was the traitor, defiling the organic constitution and the rights it stood for.)


Executive Order – General War Order No. 1
January 27, 1862

Ordered, That the 22d day of February, 1862, be the day for a general movement of the land and naval forces of the United States against the insurgent forces; that especially the army at and about Fortress Monroe. the Army of the Potomac, the Army of Western Virginia, the army near Munfordville, Ky., the army and flotilla at Cairo, and a naval force in the Gulf of Mexico be ready to move on that day.

That all other forces, both land and naval, with their respective commanders, obey existing orders for the time and be ready to obey additional orders when duly given.

That the heads of Departments, and especially the Secretaries of War and of the Navy, with all their subordinates, and the General in Chief, with all other commanders and subordinates of land and naval forces, will severally be held to their strict and full responsibilities for prompt execution of this order.




Very importantly, this action by and against the southern States by the United States brought out what are referred to as the “Reconstruction Amendments” (13th, 14th, 15th) and later on the 16th, and 17th Amendments – or what I like to refer to as the legal person-ization and incorporation of the “people” of America from free men into indentured debt slaves, from the years 186o-1871. Or we could call this the corporeal enslavement of the people by turning us into own-able and transferable things (chattels), with the presumed consent of our unsuspecting, purposefully deceived and uneducated, incorporeal souls.

The 13th Amendment didn’t end slavery, it made it legal for government to create them by convicting them of a crime. The people alone, not the government, could no longer own or indenture themselves.

13th Amendment:

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Section 2 is ultimately the important clause here, as we will read later. The legislation created by congress allowing private prisons to use prisoners to work for slave wages is just one example of how the 13th Amendment created legalized slavery and indentured servitude in the “United States” jurisdiction.


What Is A Constitution?


Should we romanticize the “constitution” as our cherished law of the land that was derived from divine inspiration without question?

Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856 – the only law dictionary officially incorporated by Congress as part of the United States constitution and officially as part of the Supreme Court – let’s us know what the word “constitution” really stands for:

CONSTITUTIONcontracts. The constitution of a contract, is the making of the contract as, the written constitution of a debt. 1 Bell’s Com. 332, 5th ed.

CONSTITUTOR – civil law. He who promised by a simple pact to pay the debt of another; and this is always a principal obligation. Inst. 4, 6, 9.

(That’s you, by the way… you who are reading this as a citizen – you are the “constitutors” of the “constitution”)

TO CONSTITUTEcontracts. To empower, to authorize. In the common form of letters of attorney, these words occur, “I nominate, constitute and appoint.”

CONSTITUENTHe who gives authority to another to act for him. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 893.

CONSTITUIMUS – A Latin word which signifies we constitute. Whenever the king of England is vested with the right of creating a new office, he must use proper words to do so, for example, erigimus, constituimus, c . Bac. Ab. Offices, &c. E.

CHATTELSproperty. A term which includes all kinds of property, except the freehold or things which are parcel of it. It is a more extensive term than goods or effects. Debtors taken in execution, captives, apprentices, are accounted chattels. Godol. Orph. Leg. part 3, chap. 6, 1.

Of course, Article 6 of the constitution states very clearly that the United States is a debtor nation:

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.”

There was never independence if this country was founded in debt to England and France.


What Is The United States?


It is also important to know the Bouvier’s Law Dictionary definition given in 1856 of the “United States”:

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – …5. The United States of America are a corporation endowed with the capacity to sue and be sued, to convey and receive property. 1 Marsh. Dec. 177, 181. But it is proper to observe that no suit can be brought against the United States without authority of law. 6. The states, individually, retain all the powers which they possessed at the formation of the constitution, and which have not been given to congress. (q. v.)


***Remember this part, which have not been given to congress. As we saw with the 13th Amendment, this clause is oh so important with regards to the “reconstruction” of the United States and its “constitution” as a new organic (original) debt contract during this period of martial law. It will come as a shock just how much we the people have indeed given to congress…

So, the question becomes: What powers did the individual states retain? And which ones were “given to congress”?

For this, we must consider that a State was nothing more than the government incorporation of certain United States territories. Each territory, for the purposes of becoming a State of the Union, had something very sinister in common. This common element was a contract called the “Enabling Acts”, and were a uniform set of contractual agreements that were pre-determined and agreed to by all territories in order to become States (incorporated Federal Districts) of the United States.

Each Territory agreed to being a Federal District, and to having a Federal Governor and a Federal State District Attorney. These enabling legislation covenants were passed before each territory became a state, as a prerequisite for statehood and before the state constitution could be accepted by the United States.

More importantly, we can read in the following State “Enabling Acts” that all territorial unappropriated and non-deeded land was granted to the United States via these contracts of statehood. Once the people were made to became citizens via the 14th Amendment, they lost their independence and became subject to the UNITED STATES jurisdiction.

Most western states have the following types of verbiage. Read carefully…

Colorado Enabling Acts:

§ 4. Constitutional convention – requirements of constitution. That the members of the convention thus elected shall meet at the capital of said territory, on a day to be fixed by said governor, chief justice, and United States attorney, not more than sixty days subsequent to the day of election, which time of meeting shall be contained in the aforesaid proclamation mentioned in the third section of this act, and after organization, shall declare, on behalf of the people of said territory, that they adopt the constitution of the United States; whereupon the said convention shall be and is hereby authorized to form a constitution and state government for said territory; provided, that the constitution shall be republican in form, and make no distinction in civil or political rights on account of race or color, except Indians not taxed, and not be repugnant to the constitution of the United States and the principles of the declaration of independence; and, provided further, that said convention shall provide by an ordinance irrevocable without the consent of the United States and the people of said state; first, that perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured, and no inhabitant of said state shall ever be molested in person or property, (only) on account of his or her mode of religious worship; secondly, that the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; and that the lands belonging to citizens of the United States residing without (outside of the jurisdiction of) said state shall never be taxed higher than the lands belonging to residents thereof, and that no taxes shall be imposed by the state on lands or property therein belonging to, or which may hereafter be purchased by the United States.

Note the distinction between US citizens that are both within (residents of) and “without” of the declared United States jurisdiction of this new State – meaning those with already appropriated land.

And within the Utah enabling acts for the Utah State constitution, in similar uniform legal language (Commercial CODE), it states:

…Second. That the people inhabiting said proposed State do agree and declare that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within the boundaries thereof; and to all lands lying within said limits owned or held by any Indian or Indian tribes; and that until the title thereto shall have been extinguished by the United States, the same shall be and remain subject to the disposition of the United States, and said Indian lands shall remain under the absolute jurisdiction and control of the Congress of the United States Third. That the debts and liabilities of said Territory, under authority of the Legislative Assembly thereof, shall be assumed and paid by said State.

Note that the “debts and liabilities” portion of this is a demand that the citizens of the new “State” become “constitutors” of the constitution, which, as with all constitutions, makes this a debt contract. Also note that Indian lands are absolutely in no way independent of the United States Federal corporation.

To put this into perspective: If a state government goes away, the land that the fictional corporation (state government) sat upon is still a territory of the United States. States are not independent either politically or naturally, for a state is not of God. A “State” is a fictional incorporated creation of the United States corporation. Only men can be naturally and completely independent of the United States.

These “Enabling Acts” can be found for most of the non-original States as prerequisites to their State constitutions.


The Southern States:
A New Organic Constitution Is Created By Conquest


In August 1866, once the civil war was ended and brothers had killed brothers, president Andrew Johnson moved to restore the former Confederate states back into to the unlawful Union. In March 1867, the First Reconstruction Act placed the South under military occupation within federal military districts. Georgia, Alabama, and Florida for instance, became part of the “Third Military District” under the command of General John Pope. Ex-Confederates (the people) were kept from voting or holding public office under military rule, and were replaced with what were referred to as Freedmen, Carpetbaggers, and Scalawags – the Whigs who originally opposed the succession.

Suddenly, the confederate landowners of these states had lost their land rights, and were now faced with the fact that freedmen had the right of vote. These “freedmen” began to live freely on these lands and plantations against the wishes of these confederate land-owners.

FREEDMEN – The name formerly given by the Romans to those persons who had been released from a State of servitude. Vide Liberti libertini. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

RIGHT – …3. It is that quality in a person by which he can do certain actions, or possess certain things which belong to him by virtue of some title. In this sense, we use it when we say that a man has a right to his estate or a right to defend himself... 2. In this latter sense alone, will this word be here considered. Right is the correlative of duty, for, wherever one has a right due to him, some other must owe him a duty. 1 Toull. n. 96. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

In Georgia, black voters were forcibly registered to vote and now sudenly outnumbered the white voters, which sparked the forming of the KKK and the eventual violence that led to the expelling of the new black senators from the Georgia legislature despite the state constitution’s forbidding of blacks serving in office. From October 29 through November 2, 1867, elections were held for delegates to a new constitutional convention in Atlanta, not in the nations capital, and again did not allow ex-confederates (white land and plantation owners) to participate. Charles Jenkins was the first post-war elected governor, coming to office in January 1868. But he refused to authorize state funds for the state constitutional convention (which would have created a new organic State constitution for Georgia), and this government was yet again unlawfully dissolved by General George Meade and replaced by a military governor under military rule. Georgia was returned to military rule to quell violence after Ulysses S. Grant was “elected” president, being one of only two ex-Confederate states to vote against Grant.

All of this was “unconstitutional”, but only when using that word as it refers to the original organic 1786 constitution, as we will see. The United States is still under military rule, which is the very reason that martial law can still be declared with the stroke of a presidential pen, just as Abraham Lincoln first penned it in 1861. If a state were to attempt to succeed from the “union” today, martial law would be declared and military rule would ensue until the rebellion could be squashed, no different than it was then. And the “civil” law would be forcibly restored. As long as the elected governments cooperate with the United States and its uniform rules and codes, martial law is not declared and military rule is not so obvious – thus the illusion of being a free country is maintained.

In March 1869, the new United States Congress again barred Georgia’s representatives from their seats, causing military rule to resume in December 1869. By January 1870, General Alfred H. Terry as commander of the Third Military District forcibly removed from the legislature all ex-Confederates, replacing them with the Republican runners-up, and reinstated all expelled black legislators. Once again, there was a Republican majority in the legislature friendly to the United States corporation.

And finally, in July of 1870, Georgia was forcibly readmitted to the Union – a military conquest – and the newly elected but unlawful and (organically) unconstitutional General Assembly ratified the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States. A Republican governor named Rufus Bullock was inaugurated. He was from New York, not Georgia.

Section 1 of Amendment 14 states:

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

And with the unlawful and unconstitutional passing of this amendment, everything changed, and every man became a person and a citizen under presumed consent.


What Happened To The Original Supreme Court?

Under military rule, the courts must of course be recreated into military courts.

In 1870, with the reconstruction of the United States well under way and a new organic constitution established through amendment, Congress passed the “Act to Establish the Department of Justice (DOJ)“, setting this replacement up as an executive department of the government of the United States“, officially coming into existence with the signing of the presidential pen on July 1, 1870. The Attorney General of the United States became the appointed Cabinet level political position in charge of this new department.

Just one problem here… this Act to create the Department of Justice had the tiny little side-effect of all but nullifying what was always considered to be the independent third branch of government as a check and balance – the stuff of legend – the “Judicial Branch”. And so the DOJ became for all intents and purposes the new Judicial Branch of government. But this was not the traditional branch of government we all believe it to be… for it was now a branch of the Executive Department of government (of the president), and in modern times now includes:

Leadership offices


Federal Law enforcement agencies


Other offices and programs


The BAR Is The Court


This Executive Department is headed by the appointed Attorney General of the United States – whom is required to be a BAR Association member. The “legal” system in this country has been contracted over to this 100% private association called the American Bar Association (ABA), a representative union and advocacy club for attorneys, which all but monopolizes the entirety of the administration of the law and the legal profession with the help of federal and state laws requiring this trust. Jurisprudence, the science and administration of law, has been fundamentally usurped by this private association. In fact, the Supreme Court wont even hear a case unless it is from a BAR accredited attorney or one who has been approved by another BAR member. In short, the BAR decides what cases will be heard by the Supreme Court, and the court denies cases that aren’t approved by the ABA.

The under-appreciated significance of the BAR Association in the selection of Supreme Court Justices needs to be mentioned here. Of course, the American Bar Association was formed just after the reconstruction process of the United States, in 1878. Since the 1950’s, the ABA has participated in the federal judicial nomination process by vetting nominees and giving them a rating ranging from “not qualified” to “well qualified.” In 2005, the ABA gave John Roberts, George W. Bush’s nomination for Chief Justice of the United States, a unanimous “well-qualified” rating. In 2006, the ABA gave a unanimous “well-qualified” rating to Judge Samuel Alito, Bush’s appointee for Sandra Day O’Connor’s Associate Justice position.

It is also quite important to note that this private association takes an official, purposefully biased stance on certain issues, making the ABA a politically oriented association of more than significant power. For instance, it has an official stance on abortion – the BAR is pro-abortion. The ABA requires collegial programs to offer “Affirmative Action” in their courses which would lead to an ABA accreditation. And it has an official stance on gun control…

From it’s website called the “Standing (ABA) Committee On Gun Violence”:

Assault Weapons
The ABA supports permanent reauthorization of the 1994 enacted ban on assault weapons.

Gun Industry Tort Immunity Legislation
The ABA believes that the gun industry should be held accountable under state civil liability laws, like other industries, businesses, and individuals.

Lawyer’s Role in Addressing Gun Violence
The ABA believes that lawyers share a special responsibility to help create a just and secure society in which firearms are well-regulated.

Regulation of Firearms as Consumer Products
The ABA supports enactment of legislation to provide authority to the Treasury Department to regulate firearms as consumer products, to set minimum mandatory safety standards, to issue recalls of defective products and prohibit sales of firearms failing to meet minimum safety standards, and to disseminate safety information to the public.

(Source –> http://www.americanbar.org/groups/committees/gun_violence.html)


Again, the significance of having such official political views by such an organization is problematic at the least. This means that in a gun control case, where all attorneys and the judge who sits on the case making the final decision, they will all have the pressure of the official stance of the organization they are forced to be members of when making decisions on such national issues, and in taking away basic “constitutional” and/or natural rights.

Can a gun-owner get a “fair trial” if his defending attorney, the prosecuting attorney, and his presiding judge are all three members of the ABA?

Also notice that the executive office of all U.S. Attorneys, including U.S. State Attorney Generals and Legal Councils are within the DOJ, as well as all things related to law enforcement. Also, another top DOJ official is the Solicitor General, who just happens to represent the federal government in cases heard before the US Supreme Court, and would be doing so against another BAR attorney as the prosecutor.

What is the only thing in the entire court/legal system that is seemingly missing from this list? The Supreme Court itself. So let’s examine this body of supposedly independent justices…

The members (justices) of the supreme court are attorneys… BAR’d attorneys, to be exact. This alone is disturbing to anyone who knows the history of the BAR (British Accreditation Registry). But what is more problematic is the very structure of that court and how these “justices” are appointed to their positions of power – the power to declare legislative and Executive public opinion (positive law) as either constitutional or unconstitutional with the self-proclaimed authority of what it claims to be constitutional “judicial review”.

The inherent problem with this structure? The Executive Branch appoints the Supreme Court Justices with the approval of the Legislative Branch.

Hmmm… who else is part of the Executive branch of government? Oh yeah… President Obama. In fact he’s the head of the entire Executive Branch, which also makes him the true head of the Department of Justice. For while the president has the privilege of appointing non-elected officials to be the “secretaries” or heads of these individual departments like the DOJ with the delegated authority of the Executive, the president is ultimately responsible for everything that happens within the Executive Branch. After all, he is the only person that was  actually “elected” in the whole Executive Branch!

To put this into easily understood terms, the whole Supreme Court is appointed by the office of the president of the United States, who just so happens to also be a BAR attorney this time around. Can you have a separation of powers if the Executive is a member of the judicial BAR? About 56 senators and 36% of congress are also BAR attorneys. The BAR Attorney General was appointed by the BAR president of the United States. The BAR Solicitor General was also appointed by the BAR President of the United States.

You see the problem here?

To call this a conflict of interest is laughable in its underwhelming description of the “judicial” governance as a “check-and-balance” system for this government. And for anyone who is reading this that still entertains the ridiculous notion that there is still any form of “separation of powers” in these “branches” of government – you need your head examined… or you just need to read the following case.


The Strange But Legal Case Against Eric Holder


Imagine if an old-time mafia-boss appointed the governor, the chief of police, the mayors, the judges, and the prosecuting attorney of his turf (city/state) where he and his appointed mafia gang members commit daily their organized crime. Well… you don’t have to imagine, because that is exactly what happens every time the president makes his cabinet and judicial appointments. Only instead of turf, they call it his jurisdiction.

As if to help clarify this scenario, a news story just recently broke for your reading pleasure. If nothing else, this article from “The Associated Press” should clear up any misconceptions about the Supreme or any other federal Court (and they’re all federal) with regards to their perceived independence and bias from the legislature and the Executive. My notes are in (Red):


Justice won’t prosecute Holder for contempt
No grand jury » The department says the A.G.’s decisions don’t constitute a crime.


| The Associated Press

First Published Jun 29 2012 01:40 pm • Last Updated Jun 29 2012 11:18 pm

Washington • The Justice Department declared Friday that Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to withhold information about a bungled gun-tracking operation from Congress does not constitute a crime and he won’t be prosecuted for contempt of Congress. (Note that this declaration was not made from inside of a courtroom or made by a jury of his peers, and therefore it will never be heard inside of a court room, nor, more importantly, by the people in a grand jury. Here we see that by the act of denying Congress access to the Judicial (DOJ), the Executive has no check or balance. Congress itself cannot prosecute – it must move the case into “judicial review” utilizing the DOJ!)

The House voted Thursday afternoon to find Holder in criminal and civil contempt for refusing to turn over the documents. President Barack Obama invoked his executive privilege authority and ordered Holder not to turn over materials about executive branch deliberations and internal recommendations. (In case you missed that, the president’s appointment was just following the presidents orders. So really, Obama should be on trial for gunrunning, not his minion. Executive privilege is code for the fact that there are no checks and balances but those consented to by the Executive. Executive privilege is what a dictator has who is above his own laws.)

In a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, the department (DOJ) said that it will not bring the congressional contempt citation against Holder to a federal grand jury and that it will take no other action to prosecute the attorney general. Dated Thursday, the letter was released Friday. (Note that this decision leaves no one left to prosecute. The Executive Branch has just side-stepped the entire criminal justice system… Of course, that’s because the executive literally IS the entire criminal justice system (DOJ). Get it? Would you prosecute yourself if you had the choice [executive privilege] not to? Think about it… Would a king punish himself in his own “court“?)

Deputy Attorney General James Cole said the decision is in line with long-standing Justice Department practice across administrations of both political parties. (That’s the deputy attorney, who’s employed by the Attorney General and the DOJ, by the way!)

“We will not prosecute an executive branch official under the contempt of Congress statute for withholding subpoenaed documents pursuant to a presidential assertion of executive privilege,” Cole wrote. (Translation: The Executive Branch will not prosecute the Executive Branch!!! We WILL NOT prosecute an executive branch official because we are not a constitutional government, we are a corporation with a charter that we happen to call a constitution. There is no judicial branch of government any more as a check and balance, since all law and justice functions were transferred to the DOJ. And if there was (is), we would never allow it to reach the Judicial Branch in a criminal case because we have the power and privilege to stop it. I mean… we aren’t going to prosecute ourselves, sillies!)

In its letter, the department (DOJ) relied in large part on a Justice Department legal opinion crafted during Republican Ronald Reagan’s presidency. (Did you catch that? The Justice Department relied on a Justice Department legal opinion!!! Double-speak doesn’t just happen in “1984”, and war certainly is peace!)

Although the House voted Thursday to find Holder in criminal and civil contempt, Republicans probably are still a long way from obtaining documents they want for their inquiry into Operation Fast and Furious, a flawed gun-tracking investigation focused on Phoenix-area gun shops by Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. (So Congress is trying to obtain documents about the Justice Department from the accused head of the Justice Department about a Justice Department agency he was in charge of [the ATF]. Ah-ah-ah Congress… Executive Privilege…)

The criminal path is now closed and the civil route through the courts would not be resolved anytime soon.

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., is leading the effort to get the material related to Operation Fast and Furious.

This is pure politics,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

(Note that the word politics is defined by Bouvier’s Law Dictionary as

POLITICALPertaining to policy, or the administration of the government. Political rights are those which may be exercised in the formation or administration of the government they are distinguished from civil, rights, which are the rights which a man enjoys, as regards other individuals, and not in relation to the government. A political corporation is one which has principally for its object the administration of the government, or to which the powers of government, or a part of such powers, have been delegated. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 182, 197, 198. –

(In other words, Congress has no political rights when it comes to the DOJ. The DOJ is politically independant of Congress.)


(Source –> http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/world/54404909-68/contempt-department-holder-documents.html.csp)


Now let’s think about this for a moment… Eric Holder is the appointed head of the Executive Justice Department. Obama is the man who appointed him to that Executive office (with an honorable mention to the senate [THE CONGRESS] who approved him). The prosecuting attorney would also be from that Executive office. The Federal court in which that case would be heard would also be part of the Executive DOJ. The defending attorney representing the DOJ head Attorney General in that case would also be assigned by the Executive Department of Justice.

So how could the people possibly have justice against the President’s appointment or against the President himself, when the entire Justice System is completely under the President’s Executive control? How indeed… the only way would be to assemble a people’s grand jury so that the people could decide! But the executive branch that committed the crime (through the protection of the privilege and immunity of the president himself), as well as the ABA, has the power to halt a people’s jury from ever assembling in the Supreme Court to hear the case in the first place!!!

Yeah… it’s a free country! (Que penchant, disturbing laugh again.)

So, what else would you expect from a Supreme Court that was appointed by the president (whose name is publicly attached and associated to the health care bill) – a bill that congress (the house and senate – mostly BAR attorneys) passed through legislation?

Did you actually think that the presidential appointed “Justices” would decide that this bill was “unconstitutional”?

Do you still actually think that these “Branches” of government are in competition with one another?

Corporately and profitably speaking, the “Affordable Health Care For America Act” (A.K.A Obama-care) is very constitutional!!! After all, it contractually forces Americans to be “constitutors” to the insurance companies without forcing the insurance companies to cover all medical conditions… which in the totality of it all are majorly held companies of government through its pension fund and other investment funds. What more could a corporation want out of its constitution as a corporate charter?


A Shout Out To The Ladies


There are some very important legal words that we must define here before we can go on, and trust me when I say they definitely apply to you, the reader…

PEOPLEA state; as, the people of the state of New York; a nation in its collective and political capacity. 4 T. R. 783. See 6 Pet. S. C. Rep. 467. 2. The word people occurs in a policy of insurance. The insurer insures against “detainments of all kings, princes and people.” He is not by this understood to insure against any promiscuous or lawless rabble which may be guilty of attacking or detaining a ship. 2 Marsh. Ins. 508. – Vide Body litic; Nation. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)

STATE – government. This word is used in various senses. In its most enlarged sense, it signifies a self-sufficient body of persons united together in one community for the defence of their rights, and to do right and justice to foreigners. In this sense, the state means the whole people united into one body politic; (q. v.) and the state, and the people of the state, are equivalent expressions. 1 Pet. Cond. Rep. 37 to 39; 3 Dall. 93; 2 Dall. 425; 2 Wilson’s Lect. 120; Dane’s Appx. §50, p. 63 1 Story, Const. §361. In a more limited sense, the word `state’ expresses merely the positive or actual organization of the legislative, or judicial powers; thus the actual government of the state is designated by the name of the state; hence the expression, the state has passed such a law, or prohibited such an act. State also means the section of territory occupied by a state, as the state of Pennsylvania.

(Author’s note: This means that The “State” of Pennsylvania or any other one of the 50 states in the union is the incorporated body politic governing a territory of (owned by) the United States. The United States is the D.C. corporation that owns the territory for which the individual 50 states (governments) are incorporated within- they are each United States sub-corporations, allowed to exist by the United States corporation. The land is still the claimed constitutional territory of the United States, despite the 50 State corporations residing on it.)

It is important to note that the use in modern day language of this word people is not the legal term that was used for the constitution. Remember, Bouvier’s Law Dictionary was cherished for being the definitive legal dictionary in regards to the language at the signing of and within the constitution. The only “people” who actually signed the constitution were the founding fathers, and they signed merely as legal witnesses for the individual “States”. You are only people (of the State, the Nation) if you as an individual man consent to it through contract with the State (United States) as a person.

Also of equal importance… if you are a woman reading this text you have probably noticed that I keep using the word man and never the word woman. As this is in fact a presentation on legal terminology, I wish to let you know that this has been a purposeful effort on my part. Why? Because you, as a woman, are actually a man – at least in the law society – unless you legally claim to be a woman.

Let’s see what it means to claim yourself to be a registered woman citizen.

First, we must define the root of that word, which is “man”, again from Bouvier’s Law, 1856:

MAN –  A human being. This definition includes not only the adult male sex of the human species, but women and children; examples: “of offenses against man, some are more immediately against the king, other’s more immediately against the subject.” Hawk. P. C. book 1, c. 2, s. 1. Offenses against the life of man come under the general name of homicide, which in our law signifies the killing of a man by a man.” Id. book 1, c. 8, s. 2. – 2. In a more confined sense, man means a person of the male sex; and sometimes it signifies a male of the human species above the age of puberty. Vide Rape. It was considered in the civil or Roman law, that although man and person are synonymous in grammar, they had a different acceptation in law; all persons were men, but all men, for example, slaves, were not persons, but things. Vide Barr. on the Stat. 216, note.

MANKIND. Persons of the male sex; but in a more general sense, it includes persons of both sexes; for example, the statute of 25 Hen. VIII., c. 6, makes it felony to commit, sodomy with mankind or beast. Females as well as males are included under the term mankind. Fortesc. 91; Bac. Ab. Sodomy. See Gender.

WOMEN – persons. In its most enlarged sense, this word signifies all the females of the human species; but in a more restricted sense, it means all such females who have arrived at the age of puberty. Mulieris appellatione etiam virgo viri potens continetur. Dig. 50, 16, 13. – 2. Women are either single or married. 1. Single or unmarried women have all the civil rights of men; they may therefore enter into contracts or engagements; sue and be sued; be trustees or guardians, they may be witnesses, and may for that purpose attest all papers; but they are generally, not possessed of any political power; hence they cannot be elected representatives of the people, nor be appointed to the offices of judge, attorney at law, sheriff, constable, or any other office, unless expressly authorized by law; instances occur of their being appointed post-mistresses nor can they vote at any election. Wooddes. Lect. 31; 4 Inst. 5; but see Callis, Sew. 252; 2 Inst 34; 4 Inst. 311, marg. – 3. The existence of a married woman being merged, by a fiction of law, in the being of her husband, she is rendered incapable, during the coverture, of entering into any contract, or of suing or being sued, except she be joined with her husband; and she labors under all the incapacities above mentioned, to which single women are subject. Vide Abortion; Contract; Divorce; Feminine; Foetus; Gender; Incapacity; Man; Marriage; Masculine; Mother; Necessaries; Parties to Actions Parties to Contracts; Pregnancy; Wife.

Note that man is a human being, and woman is a person.

So you see, being a female of the species human is not only wonderful but necessary for life itself to continue… But being a wo-man is not. Your rights as a woman (person) are civil, meaning they are prescribed and bestowed upon you as a citizen, or person. Ironically, with the advent of woman’s “rights”, this distinction in legal sexual identification erases a mans natural rights and turns her into a woman – which by default is and always has been beneath a male human man unless the civil legal code states otherwise – which it does. This may be difficult to understand, and even more difficult to utilize, but a woman can only be free from the United States as chattel by publicly shedding herself of her womanhood (her corporate person-hood). You, as a female, do not have the right to vote. But by accepting person-hood, you are granted the privilege to vote as a “civil right“, placing you on equal footing through legislation as a male.

Perhaps this will help in your cognition…

A horse can be male or female, and is still called a horse. It is not called a wo-horse. The same goes for pigs, sheep, dogs, cats, lizards, spiders, and every living sentient being on earth. Only in the corrupt minds of men could such a legal distinction of such binding and degrading class structure be brought to bear upon one half of the species of man! (And by the minds of man/men I mean the ladies too! Just look at that woman in Congress Nancy Pelosi! Yuck!!!)


The Incivility Of Civil Rights


While we are on the subject of the legal term “civil”, let’s briefly touch on the horrific hoax of what are called “civil rights”.

Knowing that a “right” is always nothing more than a permitted-by-government legal privilege, such privileges as the right to vote are considered “civil rights“.

The claim of civil rights made without legal standing (outside of government and the civil courts) places civility into the natural realm of man. But in legal language, a civil right is a right that can be taken away. A civil liberty is a liberty that can be taken away. And a civil court is a court that can take civil rights and property away.

Of course, we must specifically define this word in its legal context:

CIVIL. This word has various significations. 1. It is used in contradistinction to barbarous or savage, to indicate a state of society reduced to order and regular government; thus we speak of civil life, civil society, civil government, and civil liberty. 2. It is sometimes used in contradistinction to criminal, to indicate the private rights and remedies of men, as members of the community, in contrast to those which are public and relate to the government; thus we speak of civil process and criminal process, civil jurisdiction and criminal jurisdiction.

CIVIL LAW. The municipal code of the Romans is so called. It is a rule of action, adopted by mankind in a state of society. It denotes also the municipal law of the land. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 11. See Law, civil.

CIVIL OBLIGATIONCivil law. One which binds in law, vinculum juris, and which may be enforced in a court of justice. Poth. Obl. 173, and 191. See Obligation.

Trust me when I say that the last thing that a man should wish upon him or her self is to have the government decide what is civil. A jury of peers, maybe. Civil rights, as used in the legal context within the jurisdiction of the United States for women, blacks (freedmen) and whites as equal persons, is the vehicle for which your natural or “private” rights as a man are transferred via citizen contract as a person into “public” legal (civil) rights dictated by government.

The perfect example of what civil rights did to natural rights is this beauty in the U.S. CODE, TITLE 42 – entitled: “THE PUBLIC WELFARE”

TITLE 42 > Chapter 21 > Subchapter 1 > § 1981

(a) Statement of equal rights

“All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States (FEDERAL GOVERNMENT INCORPORATED) shall have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.”

With citizenship and its forced privilege (right) of civil rights comes not the loss of freedom, for freedom is specifically defined as obeying the law… but instead, a civil right as defined under government code (public policy) takes away the choice of civility and creates a statutory mandate that binds one to mandated statutory civility. And the civil “right” to be punished, put in pain, incur penalties, be taxed, be required to obtain and pay for a license as permission to have freedom to do some thing or act, and to be exacted (extorted) from becomes what the government calls an “equal right“.

So congratulations on being a woman (person) or a black freedman citizen (person) of equal privilege to white citizens (persons), for you are equally enslaved as chattel as the rest of us!

Just what did you really think affirmative action was put into place for? To give you natural civil rights!

Ha, ha ha ha ha…

It made us all equally indebted and extorted, man.


What Are The Duties Of The Attorney General?


Now, I’d like to share with you what the government website of the Attorney General of Illinois has to say about this very question.

You can click on the following (.gov) link to verify that this information came from that source (emphasis mine):

(Source–> http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral.gov/about/history.html) (This info is about 2/3 the way down that .gov page)


–Begin Excerpt–


“History of the Office of the Illinois Attorney General”


“The effect of the establishment of the Office of Attorney General under the 1870 Constitution, not fully recognized for several decades, was the creation of an office with broad powers to represent and safeguard the interests of the People of this State. The Attorney General has been determined, in decisions of the supreme court, to have not just those duties and powers that might be specifically prescribed in statutory enactments, but to have all those duties that appertain to the Office of Attorney General as it was known at common law. The phrase “prescribed by law” was rejected as a limitation on the Attorney General’s powers to those specified by statute. The supreme court stated in Fergus v. Russel (1915), 270 Ill. 304, discussed below, that “[t]he common law is as much a part of the law of this State as the statutes and is included in the meaning of this phrase.” (See, 5 ILCS 50/1.)

(Author’s note: Statutes are not law without the people’s consent. There is no law in the United States Inc, only statute, public policy, and CODE. Prescribed by law is not the same as prescribed by statute, and so this phrase needed editing. Law only happens outside of the United States’ jurisdiction.)

History continued…

In considering the powers of the Attorney General, the supreme court, in Fergus v. Russel, noted:

* * * Under our form of government all of the prerogatives which pertain to the crown in England under the common law are here vested in the people, and if the Attorney General is vested by the constitution with all the common law powers of that officer and it devolves upon him to perform all the common law duties which were imposed upon that officer, then he becomes the law officer of the people, as represented in the State government, and its only legal representative in the courts, unless by the constitution itself or by some constitutional statute he has been divested of some of these powers and duties.”

(Fergus, at 337.)

The court went on to state:

* * * By our Constitution we created this office by the common law designation of Attorney General and thus impressed it with all its common law powers and duties. As the Office of the Attorney General is the only office at common law [exercising legal functions] which is thus created by our Constitution, the Attorney General is the chief law officer of the State, and the only officer empowered to represent the people in any suit or proceeding in which the State is the real party in interest.”

(Fergus, at 342.)

The court noted that it is the Attorney General’s duty “to conduct the law business of the State, both in and out of the courts.” (Fergus, at 342.)

With these pronouncements, the court in Fergus clearly established the Office of Attorney General as one with expansive powers which the General Assembly lacked the power to diminish. While it has frequently been argued that much of the language in Fergus broadly describing the Attorney General’s role is obiter dicta, it is clear that Fergus stands for “the principle that the Attorney General is the sole officer who may conduct litigation in which the People of the State are the real party in interest.” People ex rel. Scott v. Briceland (1976), 65 Ill. 2d 485, 495. Under Fergus and its progeny, any attempt to authorize any other officer to conduct litigation in which the State is the real party in interest would be an impermissible interference with the Attorney General’s constitutional powers and an appropriation to another agency to be used directly for such purposes would be unconstitutional and void.

The powers generally understood to belong to the Attorney General at common law have been summarized as follows:

* * * 1st. To prosecute all actions, necessary for the protection and defense of the property and revenues of the crown.

2d. By information, to bring certain classes of persons accused of crimes and misdemeanors to trial.

[3rd.] By scire facias, to revoke and annul grants made by the crown improperly, or when forfeited by the grantee thereof.

4th. By information, to recover money or other chattels, or damages for wrongs committed on the land, or other possessions of the crown.

5th. By writ of quo warranto, to determine the right of him who claims or usurps any office, franchise or liberty, and to vacate the charter, or annul the existence of a corporation, for violations of its charter, or for omitting to exercise its corporate powers.

6th. By writ of mandamus, to compel the admission of an officer duly chosen to his office, and to compel his restoration when illegally ousted.

7th. By information in chancery, to enforce trusts, and to prevent public nuisances, and the abuse of trust powers.

8th. By proceedings in rem, to recover property to which the crown may be entitled, by forfeiture for treason, and property, for which there is no other legal owner, such as wrecks, treasure trove, &c. (3 Black. Com., 256-7, 260 to 266; id., 427 and 428; 4 id., 308, 312.)

9th. And in certain cases, by information in chancery, for the protection of the rights of lunatics, and others, who are under the protection of the crown. (Mitford’s Pl., 24-30, Adams’ Equity, 301-2.)

* * * “

1919-20 Ill. Att’y Gen. Op. 618, 629-30, quoting from People v. Miner, 3 Lansing (NY) 396 (1868).

–End Excerpt–

Please go to this link for this government site and copy or digitize it, before this little treasure gets taken down.


The “Crown” Defined


For the purposes of understanding what the word “crown” means in the above referenced U.S. court case by the Illinois Attorney, here are a few legal definitions that may help, dated from both modern and 1800’s period dictionary perspectives. See if you can put the puzzle pieces together via these legal definitions…


COURT – n. 3. A palace; the place of residence of a king or sovereign prince. 5. Persons who compose the retinue or council of a king or emperor. 9. The tabernacle had one court; the temple, three. –Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

COURTn. 2 the place where a king or queen lives or meets others. –The Newbury House Dictionary ©1999.

ESQUIRE – n. [L. scutum, a shield; Gr. a hide, of which shields were anciently made.], a shield-bearer or armor-bearer, scutifer; an attendant on a knight. Hence in modern times, a title of dignity next in degree below a knight. In England, this title is given to the younger sons of noblemen, to officers of the king’s courts and of the household, to counselors at law, justices of the peace, while in commission, sheriffs, and other gentlemen. In the United States, the title is given to public officers of all degrees, from governors down to justices and attorneys. –Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

CROWN – n. 4. Imperial or regal power or dominion; sovereignty. There is a power behind the crown greater than the crown itself. Junius. 19. A coin stamped with the image of a crown; hence, a denomination of money; as, the English crown. — Crown land, land belonging to the crown, that is, to the sovereign. — Crown law, the law which governs criminal prosecutions. — Crown lawyer, one employed by the crown, as in criminal cases. v.t. 1. To cover, decorate, or invest with a crown; hence, to invest with royal dignity and power. –1913 Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary.

COLONY – n. 1. A company [i.e. legal corporation] or body of people transplanted from their mother country to a remote province or country to cultivate and inhabit it, and remaining subject to the jurisdiction of the parent state; as the British colonies in America or the Indies; the Spanish colonies in South America. –-Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

LAWFUL – In accordance with the law of the land; according to the law; permitted, sanctioned, or justified by law. “Lawful” properly implies a thing conformable to or enjoined by law; “Legal”, a thing in the form or after the manner of law or binding by law. A writ or warrant issuing from any court, under color of law, is a “legal” process however defective. –A Dictionary of Law 1893.

LEGAL – Latin legalis. Pertaining to the understanding, the exposition, the administration, the science and the practice of law: as, the legal profession, legal advice; legal blanks, newspaper. Implied or imputed in law. Opposed to actual (law). “Legal” looks more to the letter, and “Lawful” to the spirit, of the law. “Legal” is more appropriate for conformity to positive rules of law; “Lawful” for accord with ethical principle. “Legal” imports rather that the forms of law are observed, that the proceeding is correct in method, that rules prescribed have been obeyed; “Lawful” that the right is actful in substance, that moral quality is secured. “Legal” is the antithesis of “equitable”, and the equivalent of “constructive”. –2 Abbott’s Law Dict. 24; A Dictionary of Law (1893).

RULE – n. [L. regula, from rego, to govern, that is, to stretch, strain or make straight.] 1. Government; sway; empire; control; supreme command or authority. 6. In monasteries, corporations or societies, a law or regulation to be observed by the society and its particular members. –Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

RULEn. 1 [C] a statement about what must or should be done, (syn.) a regulation.

ATTORN (root of “attorney”) – [etern] Anglo-French aturner to transfer (allegiance of a tenant to another lord), from Old French atorner to turn (to), arrange, from a– to + torner to turn: to agree to be the tenant of a new landlord or owner of the same property. –Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law ©1996.

ATTORN – v.i. [L. ad and torno.] In the feudal law, to turn, or transfer homage and service from one lord to another. This is the act of feudatories, vassels or tenants, upon the alienation of the estate. –Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

ESTATE n. [L. status, from sto, to stand. The roots stb, std and stg, have nearly the same signification, to set, to fix. It is probable that the L. sto is contracted from stad, as it forms steti.] 1. In a general sense, fixedness; a fixed condition; 5. Fortune; possessions; property in general. 6. The general business or interest of government; hence, a political body; a commonwealth; a republic. But in this sense, we now use State.

ESTATE – v.t. To settle as a fortune. 1. To establish. –-Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

STATEn. [L., to stand, to be fixed.] 1. Condition; the circumstances of a being or thing at any given time. These circumstances may be internal, constitutional or peculiar to the being, or they may have relation to other beings. 4. Estate; possession. [See Estate.] Webster’s 1828 Dictionary.

FREEDOM – Liberty; the right to do what is not forbidden by law. Freedom does not preclude the idea of subjection to law; indeed, it presupposes the existence of some legislative provision, the observance of which insures freedom to us, by securing the like observance from others. 2 Har. Cond. L. R. 208. —Bouvier’s Law Dictionary Revised Sixth Edition, 1856.

FREEMAN – One who is in the enjoyment of the right to do whatever he pleases, not forbidden by law. One in the possession of the civil rights (privilages) enjoyed by, the people generally. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 164. See 6 Watts, 556 –-Bouvier’s Law Dictionary Revised Sixth Edition, 1856.


An Oath To Uphold The Corporate Charter?


Each applicant to the Supreme Court must take the following oath as a BAR attorney or approved litigator:

Each applicant shall sign the following oath or affirmation:

I, ……………, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that as an attorney and as a counselor of this Court, I will conduct myself uprightly and according to law, and that I will support the Constitution of the United States.

Yes… that’s the Constitution of the United States (not the United States “of America”).

Note here that the Constitution of the United States is the Corporate Charter for the United States Corporation. This charter, as is the case with all corporations, is re-read into the public record every 20 years – and most people think the “government” is just being patriotic. Note that the word “public” has a very different meaning than what is commonly used in our everyday communicative language. In legalese, the clandestine language of the law society, Public refers to “public policy”. The government, from congress to the Supreme Court decides not on what the law shall be, but instead it sets “public policy”. This statutory law is 100% based on the presumed consent of the governed, and that presumption is all but granted the second we are born into subjugation of the United States. There is no true natural law left in America with regards to what we mistakenly call “government”. In its place, we have public policy. This is 100% contract law. All interactions with this U.S. corporation by men are in contract form as persons – from the signing of a license to drive or to marry to the filing of taxes to being placed in prison. Every single act by the people (persons) as “residents” of Washington D.C. (the City of Columbia) is done so voluntarily. When the people “resister” to vote, they are turning their backs on natural law and on the organic constitution and are instead contracting to the United States (the corporation 10 miles square) as 14th Amendment persons per the 15th Amendment of the private corporate charter that happens to be called a constitution. And in doing so, the people are accepting the contractual offer of government to be considered “persons”, giving up their God-given natural rights to vote in exchange for the privilege (contract) to vote in Washington D.C (where all people within the jurisdiction of the United States [D.C.] corporation “reside” as “residents” – as contracted corporate “persons”).

In fact, the first question on the voting form is, “Are you a United States citizen?”

RESIDENTpersons. A person coming into a place with intention to establish his domicil or permanent residence, and who in consequence actually remains there. Time is not so essential as the intent, executed by making or beginning an actual establishment, though it be abandoned in a longer, or shorter period. See 6 Hall’s Law Journ. 68; 3 Hagg. Eccl. R. 373; 20 John. 211 2 Pet. Ad. R. 450; 2 Scamm. R. 377. (Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856)


Who Really Elects The President Of The United States?


Hilariously, our consent to this 15th Amendment and to voter registration means that 100 million “public voters” all cast their votes solely in the District of Columbia, not in the state they live – which in the electoral college, D.C. only represents 3 electoral votes out of 538.

17th Amendment:

“The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.”

The Electoral College consists of these electors, who formally elect the President and Vice President of the United States (this is not the original united states of America, but the United States corporation). Since 1964, there have been 538 electors in each presidential election, as held in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution.

The Electoral College is an indirect election. This means that all registered Untied States “citizens” do not elect their president! Instead, the people elect congressmen, who along with their chosen political party, delegate the power of “elector” to others and thus the president (Chief Executive Officer ) is elected through the electoral college. This is how all major corporations work – the board of directors (congress) elect the CEO (president) of the corporation (United States).

So what happens to the millions upon millions of registered votes from the citizens (registered U.S. “persons”) of the United States?

It’s simple, really… The peoples votes are at best counted and the results may be similar to the 3 electoral college votes of the District of Columbia that are made by the electors (as public opinion) – the corporation that all voters are contractually “registered” to vote in and claim consensual residence in!

Through the electoral college, the constitutional “electors” of each state then vote for who the president and vice president of the corporation will be, each state having a different number of electoral votes based on population.

And the electoral college overrules the popular vote!!!

In other words, for all of the hoopla, pomp and circumstance, and billions and billions of dollars that surround the public vote for the presidential elections every four years, the whole thing is completely for show to fool the people into thinking they are electing the president! Because the popular (persons) vote doesn’t really count for anything…

The bible says that, “My people perish from a lack of knowledge.–Hosea 4: 6 (KJV).

In the case of legal persons, this could not be a more true statement. Men perish and virtually cease to exist because of their lack of knowledge of legalese and because of their own contractual corporate person-hood.

The voters of each state and the District of Columbia, through the political party system, vote for electors to be their authorized constitutional participants (electors) in a presidential election without most voters even knowing this is happening. Electors are free to vote for anyone eligible to be President, but in practice pledge to vote for specific candidates according to their political party, and political parties (not the people) cast ballots for favored presidential and vice presidential candidates by voting for correspondingly pledged electors within the party. Keep in mind that the Democratic and Republican parties, just like the BAR, are 100% private associations that do not represent the people in any way, though that is not what their media ads tell the people (voters) who support them.

What is the legal definition of “elector” from Bouvier’s law dictionary, 1856?

ELECTOR – government. One who has the right to make choice of public officers one, who has a right to vote. – 2. The qualifications of electors are generally the same as those required in the person to be elected; to this, however, there is one exception; a naturalized citizen may be an elector of president of the United States, although he could not constitutionally be elected to that office.

ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT. Persons elected by the people, whose sole duty is to elect a president and vice-president of the U. S. – 2. The Constitution provides, Am. art. 12, that “the electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for president and vice-president, one of whom at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as vice-president; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice-president, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the president of the senate; the president of the senate shall, in the presence of the senate and the house of representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted; the person having the greatest number of, votes for president, shall be the president, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if no, person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding three, on the list of those voted for as president, the house of representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the president. But in choosing the president, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum, for this purpose, shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the house of representatives shall not choose a president whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the vice-president shall act as president, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the president. – 3. “The person having the greatest number of votes as vice-president shall be vice-president, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed and if no person have a majority, them from the two highest numbers on the list, the senate shall choose the vice-president; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of president, shall be eligible to that of vice-president of the United States.” Vide 3 Story, Const. §1448 to 1470.



Who In The Hell Are The Actual “Electors”
Of The President Of This United States?


I’ll tell you one thing, it ain’t the people!

What we have here in America is what is called “Legislative Democracy”. Authority is delegated by the people to their congressmen, and in turn they make all decisions for the people, and the people never actually vote on any legislation, and therefore never actually vote on the laws that bind them. If that’s not slavery by legislative democracy, I don’t know what is!

This privilege of the electoral college election of the president of the United States is delegated each year by your congressmen (538 house and senate members of each state, who each have one vote per the constitution) and by the political parties themselves – delegated to other citizens of their perspective states called “electors”.

The Twelfth Amendment provides for each “elector” to cast one vote for President and one separate vote for Vice President. It also specifies how a President and Vice President are elected. In practice the pres and vice-pres are always of the same party. But in reality, they are elected separately, and so the United States could technically have a mixed party ticket. But the public would get really confused at this, and so the electors will never vote in that way so as to retain the quite open secret of their elite college.

12th Amendment:

The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate (the vice president).

The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted.

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President

To get the full skinny from the Congressional Research Center, read this: http://fpc.state.gov/documents/organization/36762.pdf


Nowhere here does it mention you, me, or any of the approximately 100 million “registered” voters in the United States. In short, the people do not in any way elect their president – though apparently most have been led to believe they do judging by the media circus that happens every four years costing billions of taxpayer and private campaign dollars. The presidency is really won by which ever political party lobbies the “electors” best, and by which party those electors represent and are members of. This is why someone like me will never be the president of the United States – unless, perhaps, the people actually wake up from their collective dream-state and finally realize that they do not have a choice, and finally revolt against the system that fools and re-enslaves them every four years. Silly persons

Even more disturbing is to actually see a list of who these “electors” are:

So let’s take the 2008 election as an example; where the first black person got elected in a flood of false “hope and change”… Remember how proud the people were that they had elected the first black president? They felt like they had collectively done something together to change the system. They felt so wonderful that they had utilized their “civil rights” and created hope for America. (LOL!!!)

My personal favorite of these 538 “electors” of 2008 is my own Attorney General of Utah, Mr. Mark Shurtleff.

If you are unfamiliar with my own dealings with our corrupt Attorney General, please take a couple of  moments to enjoy my previous confrontation with him at the March, 2010 Tea Party rally at the Utah State Capital in Salt Lake City:

Good times, and I didn’t even know he was an elector back then! Perhaps it’s time to find him again.

Oh, and sorry about the “music”…

When one looks at just a partial list of who gets appointed as electors by political parties, and when one considers the dates of when these people either attain office or get promoted (voted) into higher offices, one cannot help to start digging out the word conspiracy, dusting it off, and ditching the word theory altogether.

CONSPIRACYcriminal, law, torts. An agreement between two or more persons to do an unlawful act, or an act which may become by the combination injurious to others.

CONSPIRATORS. Persons guilty of a conspiracy. See 3 Bl. Com. 126-71 Wils. Rep. 210-11. See Conspiracy.

Remember, with no law, all acts are unlawful in America. And with the DOJ in place, no plans between two or more people will ever be brought to the light of “justice”.

Other “electors” from 2008, who were solely and directly responsible for the election of President Obama include:

Harriet Smith Windsor – Delaware Secretary of State (2001-2009; a Democrat currently serving as the Vice Chair of the Delaware Democratic Party. In 2008 Windsor was an elector for  Barack Obama.

Edward E. “Ted” Kaufman  Delaware United States Senator from 2009 to 2010. Since 2010, he has chaired the Congressional Oversight Panel. He is a member of the Democratic Party who was appointed to the Senate to fill the term of long-time Senator Joe Biden, who resigned to become Vice President of the United States in January 2009. Prior to becoming a U.S. Senator, Kaufman had been an adviser to Biden for much of his political career.

(Author’s note: as stated above, the guy who gets APPOINTED to the U.S. Senate was one of 538 persons that was an elector and he voted for Biden. Anyone smell a plan between two or more people here? No? I sure smell something…)

Wellington E. Webb was the first African American Mayor of Denver (1991-2003), after his stints as Denver City Auditor (1987-1991), and as Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (1981-1987).

Muriel Bowser – Washington D.C. Democrat politician and a member of the Council of the District of Columbia representing Ward 4.

Vincent C. Gray – Mayor of the District of Columbia as of January, 2011, and was Chairman of the Council of the District of Columbia, as Council member for Ward 7. In the 1990s he also served as director of the DC Department of Human Services.

Anthony C. Hill Florida State Senator in the Democratic party (2002-2011). He currently serves as a legislative liaison for Jacksonville mayor, Alvin Brown.

Allan Katz is a writer, producer, actor, and director – with no political career. Katz was hired to be one of the youngest writers on Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In and moved to Los Angeles. While working on Laugh-In, he also wrote episodes of Sanford and Son, All in the Family, and The Mary Tyler Moore Show. He went on to both write and produce other series including M*A*S*H (TV series), The Cher Show, Rhoda, and Roseanne. And now he is an “elector”…???

Rick Minor – Florida policy adviser who is now running for the Florida House of Representatives as a member of the Democratic Party. Previously, he was the Chairman of the Leon County Democratic Party from 2005 to 2009.

Jared E. Moskowitz (born December 18, 1980) Elected to the City Commission of Parkland, Florida in March 2006 at age 25 while a second-year law student.

Francisco (Frank) J. Sánchez – A Florida BAR attorney currently serving as Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade at the Department of Commerce. From 1999 to 2000, he served as a Special Assistant to the President. From 2000 to 2001, he served as Assistant Transportation Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs. In 2001, he founded Cambridge Negotiation Strategies.

Karen L. Thurman Former Democratic U.S. Representative from Florida (1999-2003). In 2005 Thurman was elected Chairman of the Florida Democratic Party, resigning after the election in November 2010.

Carmen Tores – played a character named Margarita Cordova in an American soap opera called “Sunset Beach”. (Author’s note: WTF?)

Frederica Wilson – U.S. Representative for Florida’s 17th congressional district (2011-current). Previously, she was in the Florida State Senate (2003-2010).

James Randolph “Randy” Evans – BAR lawyer and Republican from Georgia, who ironically specializes in government ethics. Evans is a law partner at McKenna Long & Aldridge. He has served as a longtime advisor to the Republican Party of Georgia.

Deborah L. “Debbie” Halvorson – Former U.S. Representative for Illinois’ 11th congressional district (2009-2011). She is a member of the Democratic Party, and formally a state senator.

James Phillip Hoffa – James is the only son of the infamous Jimmy Hoffa. James is a BAR attorney and labor leader and the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Hoffa was first elected during December 1998 and took office on March 19, 1999. He was subsequently re-elected in 2001, 2006 and 2011 to five-year terms. (Author’s note: Again, the irony here is thick enough to cut with a butter-knife.)

Ronald A. Gettelfinger – President of the  United Auto Workers union from 2002 to 2010. (Author’s note: Big surprise!)

Andrew Mark Cuomo – 56th and current Governor of New York, having assumed office on January 1, 2011. A member of the Democratic Party , he was also the 64th New York State Attorney General (2007-2010), and was the 11th United States Federal Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1997-2001). Andrew is the son of Mario Cuomo, the 52nd Governor of New York (1983–1994).

Thomas P. DiNapoli – 54th Comptroller of the state of New York (also in charge of the state pension system). He is a former state assemblyman in New York, who was appointed as New York State Comptroller on February 7, 2007. Previous State Assemblyman (1987-2007).

Sheldon “Shelly” Silver – BAR lawyer and Democratic politician from New York. He has held the office of Speaker of the New York State Assembly since 1994.

Helen Dianne Foster Currently represents District 16 in the New York City Council. Elected in 2001, she is the current co-chair of the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus. She currently serves as chairwoman of the Parks & Recreation Committee, and serves as a member of the Aging, Education, Health, Lower Manhattan Redevelopment, and Public Safety Committees. Prior to this she was a BAR Assistant District Attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, subsequent to which she became an Assistant Vice-President for legal affairs at St. Barnabas Hospital.

William Colridge Thompson, Jr. – Known as Bill or Billy, he was the 42nd Comptroller of New York City (2002-2009). He is the son of William C. Thompson, Sr., formerly a prominent Brooklyn Democratic Party leader, City Councilman, State Senator and BAR’d judge on New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division.

David Alexander Paterson – default 55th Governor of New York (2008 to 2010) as lieutenant governor (2007-2008) – heralded in after Eliot Spitzer resigned in the wake of a prostitution scandal. Paterson was sworn in as governor of New York on March 17, 2008. During his tenure he was the first governor of New York of non-European American heritage and also the second legally blind governor of any U.S. state.

Janice McKenzie Cole – BAR attorney who served as the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina (1994–2001) under President Bill Clinton.

TheodoreTedStrickland – 68th Democratic Governor of Ohio (2007-2011). Ted previously served in the United States House of Representatives, representing Ohio’s 6th congressional district (1993-1995). Strickland currently serves as a member of the Governors’ Council at the Bipartisan Policy Center.

Bunny Chambers – Has Served As Oklahoma’s Republican National Committeewoman Since 1996. She currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Republican State Committee of Oklahoma. She has also held numerous positions on the grassroots level in her precinct and House District. Chambers has been a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1988, 1996, 2000 and 2004.

Lynne Abraham – BAR attorney who served as the District Attorney of the City of Philadelphia from May 1991 to January 2010.

Thomas M. McMahon – Mayor of Reading, Pennsylvania from January 5, 2004 to January 2, 2012.

Michael Anthony Nutter – Current Mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (since 2007). He is the third African-American mayor of Philadelphia, the largest city in the United States with an African-American mayor. He was re-elected on November 8, 2011. Nutter is a former councilman of the city’s 4th Council District, and has served as the 52nd Ward Democratic Leader since 1990.

Franco Harris – Former Professional football player. He played his NFL career with the Pittsburgh Steelers and Seattle Seahawks. Harris’ made comments in support of Joe Paterno, his coach while at Penn State, during the Penn State sex abuse scandal. Franco is a paid representative for the Harrah’s/Forest City Enterprises casino plan for downtown Pittsburgh. This association has earned him the nickname, “Franco Harrah’s”. (Author’s note: Again… WTF???)

Jack E. Wagner – Current auditor general of Pennsylvania (since 2005), and former state senator (1994-2005). He is a member of the Democratic Party.

Dennis M. Daugaard – 32nd Governor of South Dakota (since January 2011). BAR attorney. As a lieutenant governor under the South Dakota Constitution, Daugaard served as the President of the South Dakota Senate.

Marion Michael “Mike” Rounds– 31st Governor of South Dakota (2003-2011). Rounds currently serves as a member of the Governors’ Council at the Bipartisan Policy Center. Rounds served as the 2008 Chair of the Midwestern Governors Association (a private association). In its April 2010 report, ethics watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named Rounds one of 11 “worst governors” in the United States because of various ethics issues throughout Rounds’ term as governor. Rounds is a partner in Fischer Rounds & Associates, an insurance and real estate firm. He placed his ownership interest into a blind trust upon being elected governor.

Bryant Winfield Culberson Dunn  – was the Republican Party 43rd Governor of Tennessee (1971-1975).

James Edward “Jim” Doyle – 44th Democrat Governor of Wisconsin (2003-2011). He is currently a BAR attorney ‘of counsel’ at the law firm of Foley & Lardner. 41st Attorney General of Wisconsin (1991-2003), as well as the Dane County District Attorney (1977-1982). In September 2010, Doyle was one of seven governors to receive a grade of F in the fiscal-policy report card of the Cato Institute.


To view the entire list of 2008 electors, click here:



And This Is Constitutional?


The 23rd Amendment specifies how many “electors” the District of Columbia is entitled to have.

23rd Amendment:

Section 1. The District constituting the seat of Government of the United States shall appoint in such manner as the Congress may direct:

A number of electors of President and Vice President equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives in Congress to which the District would be entitled if it were a State, but in no event more than the least populous State; they shall be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they shall be considered, for the purposes of the election of President and Vice President, to be electors appointed by a State; and they shall meet in the District and perform such duties as provided by the twelfth article of amendment.

Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Government has just told you that Washington D.C. is definitely not a State. In actuality, it is “THE STATE” when using that word as the ultimate power of the corporate government via contract with persons and according to legal definitions. Section 2 is also very important, as this addition or “clause” about congress having “power to enforce and legislate” is a built in loophole that gives Congress the power to create any legislation – in other words, to do anything it wants. This clause is also found in the 13th, 14th and 15th amendment Amendments, as well as in the wording of the 16th amendment with regards to income tax. Interestingly, the Congress has delegated that authority created by the 16th Amendment over to the Executive Department via the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which means that Congress isn’t really the branch collecting income tax as is stated in Amendment 16. But then, CONGRESS HAS THE POWER TO ENFORCE THE INCOME TAX BY APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION!!! It is very convenient to write the rules that bind you, and then write the rule that lets you write the over-ruling rule to bypass the first rule, effectively rewriting what you have already written. Sound confusing? It’s supposed to!


Now, remember that I asked you to remember something… what was it…? Oh, yes!

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – …5. The United States of America are a corporation endowed with the capacity to sue and be sued, to convey and receive property. 1 Marsh. Dec. 177, 181. But it is proper to observe that no suit can be brought against the United States without authority of law. 6. The states, individually, retain all the powers which they possessed at the formation of the constitution, and which have not been given to congress. (q. v.)

Now we can see how important this section is in each of these Amendments.

Because the wording of the original (organic) constitution of the united states of America was not changed with the implementation of the corporate charter that amended the original constitution away, Congress left these little clauses in the reconstruction Amendments and future amendments so as to nullify and make void the power of the individual State’s rights. By stating here that “Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation”, this and the other amendments with this type of clause are not organic, as these amendment’s intent and meaning can at any time be altered or changed; not by another amendment, but by the day to day legislation within the halls of Congress. In other words, amendments to the constitution with this clause are not organic, as they can and are over-ruled by bills of congress, any time it is convenient.

This clause also does something very, very important… It nullifies the protections of the 10th Amendment!

The 10th Amendment states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Oops! The 14th Amendment, states that:

Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

For all of you Tenth Amendment advocates out there, you should really pay attention here. By voluntarily consenting to the 14th Amendment and registering as a 14th Amendment person (citizen), you have given up your 10th Amendment protection. You have taken your residence out of the State you live in and contractually become a resident of Washington D.C. And that means that you also contractually agree to the rules and legal codes of the United States! Whereas before the 10th Amendment gave the individual States rights, Section 5 of the 14th Amendments left no one with 10th Amendment State’s rights – because you no longer have primary residence in the your state!

Let’s go back to Bouvier’s Law Dictionary (accepted by Congress as the official law dictionary for the Constitution and the Supreme Court) to get the definition of resident again:

RESIDENT – persons. A person coming into a place with intention to establish his domicil or permanent residence, and who in consequence actually remains there. Time is not so essential as the intent, executed by making or beginning an actual establishment, though it be abandoned in a longer, or shorter period. See 6 Hall’s Law Journ. 68; 3 Hagg. Eccl. R. 373; 20 John. 211 2 Pet. Ad. R. 450; 2 Scamm. R. 377.

RESIDENCE. The place of one’s domicil. (q. v.) There is a difference between a man’s residence and his domicil. He may have his domicil in Philadelphia, and still he may have a residence in New York; for although a man can have but one domicil, he may have several residences. A residence is generally tran-sient in its nature, it becomes a domicil when it is taken up animo manendi. Roberts; Ecc. R. 75. – 2. Residence is prima facie evidence of national character, but this may at all times be explained. When it is for a special purpose and transient in its nature, it does not destroy the national character. – 3. In some cases the law requires that the residence of an officer shall be in the district in which he is required to exercise his functions. (This is the case with Congress). Fixing his residence elsewhere without an intention of returning, would violate such law. Vide the cases cited under the article Domicil; Place of residence.

DOMICIL – 5. – §2. There are two classes of persons who acquire domicil by operation of law. 1st. Those who are under the control of another, and to whom the law gives the domicil of another. Among these are, 1. The wife. 2. The minor. 3. The lunatic, &c. 2d. Those on whom the state affixes a domicil… A party may have two domicils, the one actual, the other legal


To Vote Or Not To Vote?
That Really Is The Question.


Now, I used to tell people not to vote – that voting gave legitimacy to the very corporate charter of the United States, and therefore you get exactly what you consent to. But now, as I ponder the consequences of both voting and not voting, I realize that in the end it will make absolutely no difference whatsoever whether you or I vote or don’t vote for the office of president this year. Even if 100% of the eligible people voted legally (via registration) in the presidential primary, the people would only have at best a less than 1% minority say in who will be president with their 3 electoral votes. (I’m literally laughing out loud right now as I’m pulling my hair out in large strands, but I didn’t want to just say LOL because it’s such a sinister and crazy kind of laugh…)

In fact, as I’m writing this, I’m thinking of how much time and effort was put into the election process for the private association election for the Republican Party representative (not a representative of the people, but of the party). The well-intentioned folks who are so desperately trying to prop up Ron Paul as the Republican candidate must not understand how presidential elections work! And for that matter, Ron Paul isn’t telling people about this either as his campaign collects 10’s of millions from people that will have absolutely no say in whether or not he will become president. Hmmm…

Don’t we know that Ron Paul must win the vote of the 538 electors, not the people? Don’t we understand that the people do not elect the president? Don’t we know that the whole presidential media campaign is a hoax, and that they are wasting all of our time and energy on a very profitable practical joke? And every four years we go through this complete act of futility with the “patriot candidate” only to be defeated by our own ignorance of the electoral college. Do we not understand that the Republican and Democratic “parties” are 100% private associations that have nothing to do with the people or our interests? Do we think that our delegate votes will make any difference in whom that private association props up as the representative of their private association?

What gives, America? Are we really such fools that we can be manipulated into believing that our votes make any difference whatsoever in the election of our CEO/president every four years? (Uh-oh… more nutty LOL coming on…)

Do you get it yet? This means that when the election of 2000 between private association members Bush and Gore was decided by the electoral college against the popular vote, the 538 elected house and senate members who make up what we call Congress (the board of directors of U.S. Inc.) and the votes they delegate to the private association political parties who elect the “electors” actually overruled the millions of people in the election of the President of the United States. 100 million “registered” citizen voters were outvoted by 538 voting “representatives” through “electors”. I mean, Hoffa… really?

And the people call this the right to vote?

In the end, there is only one solution to our collective problem: DO NOT CONTRACT, DO NOT CONSENT, AND DEFINITELY DO NOT REGISTER TO VOTE!!!

The tie that binds us all is in fact our contractual citizenship with this foreign corporation in the City of Columbia. The severing of that contract via the severing of our citizenship is literally the only solution. Their rules and laws (statutory public opinion) only apply to 14th Amendment citizens of the United States.


Because that contract and only that contract is what gives the United States authority and jurisdiction over you as a person. It cannot control you as a living, breathing man, only as a corporate-person-chattel-thing. Citizenship, once again, changes you from an incorporeal free man to an incorporated corporeal body (chattel) – a thing that can be bought and sold and killed; that can be incarcerated with “due process”; and that can be absolutely controlled through contractual obligation (public law). The only way for the United States corporation, whose legal boundaries are those within the ten miles square of Washington D.C – outside of the 50 states united (the union) – the only way that IT can control, imprison, and buy and sell you and your property as a comodity (chattel) to back its Federal Reserve notes is if you never sever the ties that contractually bind you voluntarily to these privileges of servitude that it calls “rights”.

Remember, a right (freedom) is defined as: the privilege to do whatever you want, as long as you follow their laws. This is why 1,000’s of new laws are created every year within the jurisdiction of the United States – to ensure that you will always be breaking one of their civil laws so that they can exercise control over your person. The only way that the United States (federal government) can touch you is if you take residence within that fictional 10 miles square boundary as a U.S. citizen, and subject yourself to the public opinion it creates, that it calls “law”. Like any other corporation, you are only subject to the rules and punishments of that corporation if you are a contractual employee (citizen) of that corporation. It’s time to quit your job as an indentured servant/employee to the United States, and to take back the personal responsibility for ALL of your own actions – the only thing that will ever make you a free man.

Can you live without the privileges of corporate State benefits?

Perhaps a better question is: Will the corporation allow you to live when those benefits require you to die from the benefit and privilege of those new Obama-care death panels and old-age public opinions? After all… it will be your right to die at the hands of the public opinion!


A Final Note To Self-Proclaimed “Patriots”


If you label yourself as a “conservative”, that means that legally you want to conserve the current system. Please stop calling yourself that. This word was foisted upon you by the media as a practical joke. They even have you badmouthing the word “liberal” – which just happens to be what the “Founding Fathers” were labeled as back when men were still men and actually used their guns instead of just crying over their regulation and confiscation. You are being laughed at every time you use the word “liberal” to mean the exact opposite of its original intent. And as for the word “Patriot”, those were the men of old who actually fought for life, liberty, and property… you know, those things that you don’t have or own anymore by law of contract.

And as for your “patriotic” incantation of “The Pledge of Allegiance to the United States”…

For your information, this pledge did not exist during our Founding Father’s lifetimes. This becomes obvious when simply reading the Pledge out loud. It states:

“…one nation, indivisible…”

But according to the original constitution, the states are absolutely not indivisible, but very much the opposite. In fact, when ratifying the U.S. Constitution, States like Virginia specifically declared the right to secede from the Union should they feel it necessary just as an extra precaution to make sure that this State-right was clearly understood. The “Pledge” was written over a century after America’s founding in 1892 by a socialist named Francis Bellamy, whose original text was:

“I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Just imagining my years as a youth in a group of 30 other youths making this pledge every day in public (government) school sends chills down my spine.

Now, I mean no disrespect here… My process of awakening has seen me tread through these same misnomers as everybody else. Only when one has experience in being a useful idiot like I have, can one then criticize others for same and show them a different path. And my path will no doubt diverge with the more knowledge that gets thrown in my way by somebody else who will criticize me.

I know that people who have reached the end here are looking for solutions. And I’m here to tell you that it is my personal opinion that persons, while they may have remedies, they will never have natural rights. Killing the STRAWMAN person and becoming a man again is the way and the light. But I must at the end here tell you that this essay should in no way be misconstrued as legal advice. I’d be quite personally offended if one of you accused me of practicing law. Only BAR attorneys do that, and I will never take on that sleazy foreign TITLE against the original 13th amendment.

I do not promote excommunication, as this is a legal venture. But the U.S. CODE does enumerate this process if you care to find it. I’d be happy to give personal references of people that might be able to help you, free men that are not citizens or persons, who’ve walked the walk and are now talking the talk. Contact me personally for this.

Mine is only to deconstruct and inform…

Happy July 4th to you. While you are out celebrating your non-independence, remember that July 4th was the day that Abe Lincoln declared martial law and military rule on the States that became, for a short time, independent from the United States Corporation, by convening the first illegal unconstitutional Congress of the new military law United States.

Thank you for reading. Now go get a sandwich and repeat!


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Ron Paul Is Not A Sell Out?

“In politics, nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

–Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mitt Romeny’s 8th cousin, twice removed–

I’ve received several notifications that Rand Paul, Ron Paul’s son, is officially lending his “support” to Mitt Romney and will be campaigning for the Romney bid for the presidency. Of course, this came as no surprise to me or to those others who’ve been persecuted for our expose’s on presidential candidate Ron Paul (and family). Many of these notes state that Ron Paul himself has or will “sell out” the people who supported him via this clandestine nepotism.

But can you sell out if you never bought in?

Can you win if you never plan to?

Over the last year or so, billions of dollars have been pumped into the Democratic and Republican Party nomination process for President of the United States of America. This process is for some reason considered normal to most Americans. And yet, let’s look at a few facts:

1) The Republican and Democratic Parties are 100% private non-governmental associations.

2) The winner of these private “elections” have absolutely nothing to do with the lawful and constitutional election process that takes place once every four years in November.

3) The men or women who are chosen to actually run for president represent the interests of the party, not the people of the United States.

4) The outcome of these private association elections is pre-determined. Men are primed for these positions well in advance. Romney is no exception. This is not illegal, as the election is for a private, non-governmental corporation.

5) Mitt Romney, John Huntsman, Bush, Cheney, Obama, Biden, Sarah Palin, John McCain, and all other past presidents are cousins. These private associations serve no other purpose than to place bloodline family members into the presidency, and to ensure that the right/left candidates are cousins – so as to ensure the continuity of blood.

(LINK–> http://www.geni.com/blog/look-whos-related-george-washington-and-all-the-presidents-325451.html)

6) Mitt Romney has already announced over 20 duel-Israeli citizens for his cabinet – many of the same men and women from the Bush Cabinet. (Of course, Romney and Bush are 10th cousins, only twice removed, so naturally they are just keeping it in the family tradition.)


7) Obama is no exception:

So why was Ron Paul running for the Republican private corporation (Party) nomination and not as a free and independent man?

A Libertarian and a Republican are not the same thing, are they?

Perhaps this may help explain things…

For many months I and others have tried in vein to show the inevitable outcome of the Republican nomination. For many years, several former Ron Paul regional campaign managers and myself have been asking: What happened to the over $40 million from the 2008 Ron Paul campaign? I’ve exposed the fact that Ron Paul’s “Audit The Fed Bill” is a red herring, which would not change anything about the already existing audit of the Fed (the CAFR). And for all of this time I’ve been exposing Paul’s lack of coverage of the CAFR accounting system of government, and that the Federal Reserve is now and always has been audited…

And for this I’ve gotten a majority response of irrationality and negativity despite the verifiable facts presented. And even as millions upon millions were given to the Ron Paul “campaign” this year by well-intentioned but naive people, I received virtually no support for my own efforts to run as an independent man for president, not a private corporation (party) shill, and the people who could actually fix this country are either destitute or in jail, with no one standing up for their freedom.

I’m here to say today to those who claim to be awake, that you need to realize your disposition – you are in a dream within a dream…

Ron Paul is a Republican Party member. His family’s nepotistic loyalty to this non-governmental private association over the people of America is apparent through this action of his son’s official support for Mitt Romney – a fake enemy yesterday, a real friend today. Dr. Paul will follow with his concession and his support, like a good party member. No amount of words; no amount of anti-war speeches; no amount of anti-banking or anti-FED propaganda; and no amount of anti-Romney/Bush/Obama rhetoric and speeches will change this fact.

Break free… the party system is the death of the American election process. Electing a party member equals electing an entire private, non-governmental association as president. It means electing a corporation, not a man. And AT BEST it means that only party members are represented, leaving at least 50% of the people and their children without any representation at all.

Check out these family trees, and please rethink your vote for the same old bloodline cousins of the Queen of England (now supported by Rand Paul) this year:

-=- The Hutchinson Family Chart -=-

-=- The Howland Family Chart – =-

(Note: the Mormon founder and “Prophet”
Joseph Smith is also Romney’s bloodline cousin)

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results.”

“We cannot solve our problems with
the same thinking we used when we created them.”

–Albert Einstein–


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com) (Clint4P.com)
–Saturday, June 9th, 2012

Religions And Political Parties: What’s The Difference?

In my last article, I revealed that the Social Security System has been implemented in over 130 countries, that it is run by the United Nations and World Bank, and that it was created by the League of Nations 8 years before it was implemented in the United States. I then referred to this system and the Social Security number as the precursor to the Number of the Mark of the Beast.

Link here

Surprised by the response, I was truly disappointed at the comments left by readers. I found the rigidness of their religious dogma disturbing to say the least, literally bypassing the facts presented in lieu of correcting biblical citations and interpretations. And thus, I started thinking about how religion often takes people away from not only knowledge itself – but from God Himself; how the legal system takes the simplicity out of God’s law to do no harm; how corporations like pharmaceuticals take God’s natural healing out of medicine; and – depending on which of the over 1,000 one true religions they are a member of – how similar the joining of a religion is to the joining of a political party. And so I came up with the following list…

Religion and Political Parties
What’s the Difference?

Both start out with a corporate charter of beliefs by the leaders of that religion or political party.

These charters and beliefs are claimed by both entities to be divinely inspired.

Both change these charters and beliefs as times change, as technology improves, as law requires it, and as opposing knowledge and books become more accessible to the public at large.

Both are registered with the State via their Articles of Incorporation.

Both write and re-write history; and then edit and interpret their own writings.

They are both a form of control, both in political and moral correctness.

Members of both fear excommunication and public ridicule for questioning or acting against these chartered beliefs.

Political parties make the laws of the land and command consent, while religions teach that members must follow the “law of the land” as God commands.

Both give power to otherwise powerless men, who dress in robes and judge all people.

Political parties call law the Bible. Religions call the Bible the law.

Both must swear upon and to the bible (God) before giving testimony.

Both project a public persona that each is separate from the other…

Yet both are hopelessly intertwined.

You must be registered to both to be a member…

If you are not registered to both, your voice doesn’t count and your vote is not counted.

You are allowed to change political parties or religions at any time – as long as you are in one of them and aren’t thinking for yourself.

Both claim to be transparent and honest, doing their deeds in the light…

Yet both are well known to hide some of their deeds in the dark; without disclosure, and even against the very ethics they set for themselves.

Both claim to be non-profit…

And both avoid taxes on their for-profit ventures.

One allows atonement of sin through faith, followed by probationary good behavior…

The other allows atonement of sin through prison (or execution), followed by probationary good behavior…

And both offer these atoning people free bibles and religious last rights.

Both include many minority races and creeds…

And both focus those cultural differences into one divinely inspired political focus – to the detriment of any minorities who won’t consent or believe.

Both are non-governmental corporations that heavily influence government and politics.

Both have a list of ten things for which many of their beliefs are influenced in a major way…

Both preach these rights, ethics, morals, and family values virtually non-stop…

Both continuously break their promises to uphold these or live by example.

Both have been caught many times over in pedophilia related activities…

Both are very protective of this fact and the people involved in these activities…

Both have public relations officers to handle the public’s outrage at these actions so as to ensure the continuity of the corporation…

And both are protected from these crimes and from any major public scrutiny or punishment by the court system (BAR) and in the mainstream media (Public Opinion).

Both are the subjects of countless jokes made in poor taste.

Both rely on the ignorance of their members with regards to their business related and political activities…

And both despise watch-dog groups.

Both accept and rely on donations.

Both have leaders that wear expensive suits and receive very good pensions.

Both promise hope and change to the poor and working class, but never quite deliver.

Both offer a welfare system that’s never quite enough to really make a difference in society… other than to maintain the poverty level.

“In God We Trust” is the credo of both – after all, it says so on the thing they both worship the most.

Both have national and international rules and codes…

Both have members who do not question these rules or their leaders for fear of public ostracizing and ridicule.

Both have a healthy fear of some of the other well-connected-to-each-other members.

Both adhere to strict political correctness in public…

Yet both talk badly about other members behind their backs, and sometimes even in public forums or elections.

Both affect the lives of every person in the world… whether those people are members or not.

Both claim that they know what is best for We, the People.

Both declare that they are the one true and only way to salvation…

Both promise this eventual salvation from tyranny and evil – if only their members will have faith in them and wait patiently, for long enough…

Of course, both have been making this promise for many, many, many generations.

Both blame every other political party or religion for all of the problems in the world.

Both influence and help to define and legislate the legal definition of marriage…

Both cooperate and promote marriage as a legally binding contract where the State is the third party and legal owner of the fruits (children) of that marriage…

And both veil this legal contract in God’s will and blessing; providing marriage “ceremonies” and “services”.

Both claim that the constitution of the United States was divinely inspired, despite the opposite opinions of the personal writings of many of the founding fathers (prophets) that signed it.

Sadly, both believe and falsely preach that the right to congregate in public and worship comes from the constitution and “Bill Of Rights” instead of from God Himself.

Both are effusively and irrevocably supportive of the illegal “State” of Israel.

Both define Jews as the chosen people.

Both are more afraid of AIPAC and the ADL than of the devil himself.

Both are heavily influenced by the United Nations.

The CIA and other government agencies have infiltrated both.

Government regulates both.

And yet both pay little or no taxes to government.


And after all of this… do you still wonder who came up with the
rule that you shouldn’t discuss religion or politics in mixed company?


Next article: Priests And Politicians: Is There A Difference?


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Truth About The “Audit The Fed” Bill

This is a video blog…

I have had an amazing look into the paradigm of institutionalization ever since I began speaking negatively about the actions of Congressman Ron Paul. Out of the woodwork they came; people whom, without reason or rational thought, defend the career of one Dr. Ron Paul without prejudice or fact. And though I make every attempt to not attack Ron Paul in a personal way, only referring to his political motives and actions, and though I list him as someone I want on my own dream-team cabinet if I were elected President of this gigantic corporate structure called the United States… those people who refuse to see anything but the mature, angelic doctor guided by the hand of Jesus himself as presented in the propaganda images that have inundated the Ron Paul campaign have certainly attacked me.

I was and still am being taken by surprise by these ad hominem attacks on my personal character, the Strawman arguments regarding this virtually mythical man, the appeals to novelty, pity, and popularity regarding his campaign and the so-called “blackout” of it in the media, and the constant divergent red herrings that always lead to an emotionally fueled debate down a road other than the acknowledgment of the facts at hand. These fallacies have taken hold of otherwise logical folks and cleared the logic centers of their brains.

Of course, at no time has there been this kind of response from anyone who isn’t a Ron Paul supporter, which again leads me to the only reasonable comparison: Obama supporters – who are equally unable to ingest facts about their chosen candidate due to the prophet-like pedestal that Obama has been set upon by themselves.

Further research has now lead me to take upon myself more of this burden of personal attack by taking a closer examination of the Ron Paul “HR 459, The Audit the Fed Bill to the 112th Congress“, as described on Paul’s website.

Interesting to note here is that according to Ron Paul’s congressional (.gov) website, this bill’s predecessor:

HR 1207 garnered broad bi-partisan support with 320 cosponsors in the 111th Congress, and was attached (but removed in conference) as an amendment to the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Bill“.

(Source: http://paul.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1822:audit-the-fed-reintroduced&catid=63:2011-press-releases)

This is especially confounding to me as this would have meant that this “Audit the Fed” bill had enough votes through its co-sponsors (320) to pass in congress as its own free-standing bill, among the 435 congress-people that would have voted on this bill. A simple majority of 218 votes would have passed this bill. And so the question of why this perfectly stable bill was attached to another bill instead as an amendment to that bill, where it could then be swatted away like a pesky fly, comes into question.

What did Congressman Paul have to say about this on the same (.gov) website?

“I was very pleased that so many of my colleagues were willing to stand up for transparency and accountability in government by cosponsoring HR 1207 in the last Congress.  I am optimistic about our prospects for a full and complete audit in the 112th Congress,” stated Congressman Paul.

In short, this was a colossal fail on the part of Ron Paul, allowing this bill to be arbitrarily removed from the law-books by allowing it to be transformed into an amendment instead of a bill! Whether or not this was a purposeful and preconceived failure is a question that I am not qualified to answer. But I will state that I believe this to be highly suspicious behavior for a bill that would otherwise be a sure thing.

It is also interesting to note that Ron Paul has sponsored another bill for this years session, H.R. 1496: Federal Reserve Transparency Act, 112th Congress: 2011-2012. Though this bill is identical to H.R. 459 except for the last paragraph, this bill has no co-sponsors whatsoever. What is most important to understand though is this statement, which is the description of the bill and what it strives to accomplish:

“To amend title 31, United States Code, to reform the manner in which the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited by the Comptroller General of the United States and the manner in which such audits are reported, and for other purposes.”

(Source: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-1496)

Sometimes we miss the most important things when we read them. Here it states “…the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is audited…“. This tells us that the Board is already, in fact, audited. It also states that the goal of this bill is “…to reform the manner in which…” that already existing audit is reported to Congress.

In fact, the Federal Reserve Act, which is of course codified into U.S. (Federal) CODE, (12USC 225b) states clearly that this audit already exists:

Section 2B. Appearances Before and Reports to the Congress

(b) Congressional report. The Board shall, concurrent with each semi-annual hearing required by this section, submit a written report to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the House of Representatives, containing a discussion of the conduct of monetary policy and economic developments and prospects for the future, taking into account past and prospective developments in employment, unemployment, production,investment, real income, productivity, exchange rates, international trade and payments, and prices.

[12 USC 225b. As added by act of Dec. 27, 2000 (114 Stat. 3028).]

(c) Public access to information. The Board shall place on its home Internet website, a link entitled `Audit, which shall link to a web page that shall serve as a repository of information made available to the public for a reasonable period of time, not less than 6 months following the date of release of the relevant information, including–

  1. the reports prepared by the Comptroller General under section 714 of title 31, United States Code; (Note: This is the only thing that is amended by the “Audit The Fed” bill.)
  2. the annual financial statements prepared by an independent auditor for the Board in accordance with section 11B; (Note: This is, in fact, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), the actual audit of the Federal Reserve.)
  3. the reports to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate required under section 13(3) (relating to emergency lending authority); and
  4. such other information as the Board reasonably believes is necessary or helpful to the public in understanding the accounting, financial reporting, and internal controls of the Board and the Federal reserve banks.

[12 USC 225b. As added by act of July 21, 2010 (124 Stat. 2118).]

And so we can see that the CAFR, which is the over 500 page audit of the Federal Reserve, is readily available to the public for its consumption. So it is, in this author’s opinion, safe to assume that the men and women of Congress, including Dr. Ron Paul, absolutely have access to this audit.

The real question that must be asked here is whether or not the Congress is actually allowed to take the audited financial information reported in the CAFR reports into consideration regarding its day to day legislation and budget, since it is not specifically mandated to be given as evidence to the Congress itself.

Just as every local, county, and state government prepares its financial measures and budgetary requirements for the people and their governance through the carefully selected portion of their Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, which they call the “budget report”, is this also how Congress operates? Does Congress also receive a hand selected budget report for which it must operate under, not being allowed to take into consideration what is reported in the Comprehensive Audit of government as printed in the CAFR (fund investments, real estate investments, foreign currency and precious metals holdings, securities, and so much more)?

This would finally make the whole shell-game make sense!

If the Congress is not allowed to take the CAFR (audit) into consideration, and indeed only legislates through a limited and hand selected budget report that excludes the majority of liquid assets held by the Federal Government and funneled out of the taxpayer base into 1000’s of various investment funds and portfolios, then we can finally understand why our Congress can never create a balanced budget! And perhaps we can then begin to understand why Congressman Ron Paul does not talk about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for government and its Federal Reserve Bank in any public forums, including within the halls of Congress.

A closer look at H.B. 459 reveals a startling conclusion… This bill does not create an audit of the Federal Reserve. That audit already exists, according to the writing of H.B. 459 itself, as well as its senate counterpart, S.202, sponsored by who else but Ron Paul’s son, Rand Paul, who was recently elected to the Senate.

In fact, the bill only refers to the Comptroller General under U.S.CODE, deleting only a few restrictions for what the comptroller general may audit from the Federal Reserve. This in no way creates a new audit or changes the current audit, or the CAFR.

Amazingly, while these cuts are not bad things by any means, the paragraph in H.B. 459 states the following:

(c) Repeal of Certain Limitations- Subsection (b) of section 714 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking all after ‘in writing.’.

(d) Technical and Conforming Amendment- Section 714 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking subsection (f).

Interestingly, it seems that subsection (f) has already been stricken, making paragraph (d) of these “Audit the Fed” bills redundant. However, in Ron Paul’s new bill H.B. 1496 – the one with no co-sponsors – this problem is addressed (see link above).

When we go to the U.S.CODE and read Section 714 of TITLE 31, we find the following:

(b) Under regulations of the Comptroller General, the Comptroller General shall audit an agency, but may carry out an onsite examination of an open insured bank or bank holding company only if the appropriate agency has consented in writing. Audits of the Board and Federal reserve banks may not include—

(1) transactions for or with a foreign central bank, government of a foreign country, or nonprivate international financing organization;
(2) deliberations, decisions, or actions on monetary policy matters, including discount window operations, reserves of member banks, securities credit, interest on deposits, and open market operations;
(3) transactions made under the direction of the Federal Open Market Committee; or
(4) a part of a discussion or communication among or between members of the Board and officers and employees of the Federal Reserve System related to clauses (1)–(3) of this subsection.

So this entire subsection will be amended to read as the following:

(b) Under regulations of the Comptroller General, the Comptroller General shall audit an agency, but may carry out an onsite examination of an open insured bank or bank holding company only if the appropriate agency has consented in writing.

Now, so that we are clear here… if the Federal Reserve Bank is allowed to retain the power of consent regarding which banks or bank holding companies that the Comptroller General is able to audit, then this whole paragraph is completely worthless. And the 4 subsections that are being cut out of this portion of this “Audit” bill might as well stay in the bill, for the Federal Reserve retains the power after amendment to simply say no!

Only if H.B. 459, s.202, and H.B. 1496, which are almost identical bills and are identical regarding this amendment… only if these bills were to have cut out the statement “only if the appropriate agency has consented in writing” would they actually accomplish any significant change in the accounting and auditing structure afforded in this CODE. In other words, this is a complete fail once again for Ron Paul, and now for his son. Once again, I cannot say for certain whether or not this colossal mistake was purposeful or not, but I must state with perfect clarity that I am starting to believethat there is a devious and purposeful betrayal here, using the lack of careful examination of the very supporters of this bill and the bill’s blatantly misleading semantics to fool Ron Paul’s fans into thinking this bill will do anything at all to change the auditing that already exists within the Comptroller General’s office.

In effect, these bills do absolutely nothing. And I find that highly suspicious and deeply concerning.

If, after reading this article and checking the provided sources and the U.S.CODE itself, you do not come to the same conclusion that I have here today, then I must admit that I am deeply concerned for my America and in the ability for its people to think for themselves.

And so, once again, I sight this research as just one of the reasons that I am running for President of the United States.

Let the insults and fallacies begin!

Please comment below…


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Wednesday, November 16, 2011