CAFR Confession

A friend and listener to our local AM station took our interview with the mayor of Salt Lake County, where he admits to the county CAFR and over $650 million in extra fund balances. He also included the CAFR pages I read from as reference.

Though I already posted the interview (audio only), I feel like this is the most important public official confession as to the wealth of the government as shown in government’s financial statements.

Please pass this on…

Also, learn more about government Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR’s) with CAFR School, here:

Part 1: The State of Wisconsin CAFR –

Part 2: Introduction to CAFR – City of Aurora, Co –

Part 3: Advanced study – State of Minnesota CAFR –

Now compare these to your own local, county state, and school district CAFR’s.


–Clint Richardson (
–Tuesday, July 12, 2011





Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and TRF’s -vs- Common, Natural, Maritime, and UCC Law – Which takes precedence right now?

When I first met Walter Burien, I was full of anger and resentment… Not towards him, of course!

It’s just that I had learned so much about the corruption and horrific truths about so many things that I had become hopeless (thank you to great men like Alex Jones, Alan Watt, Mike Rivero, Jeff Rense, Steve Quayle, and others for that dour education).

I kept wanting to talk about things that I had researched and heard on the radio or in random emails with Walter.

“Walter, what do you think of this?” – “Walter, what about the horrible things that they did?” – “Walter, don’t you think this is important?” – “Are they the elite?”

But every time, even though he knew what I was talking about, he just shrugged it off as if it didn’t have any relevance to anything and kept talking about CAFR’s and TRF’s.

The best answer I got out of him was “What does it matter…?”

Needless to say, this pissed me off! I wanted to be heard! And because of this resentful state of mind, I wasn’t hearing or comprehending what really needed to be communicated to me.

And so, when I calmed down enough and realized that I was talking to what you might call the guru of government corruption and wealth, I fell silent and just started to listen…

And suddenly, once I was able to push all of the little pieces of the much more grand puzzle that I know I will never fully comprehend out of they way, I started to understand the importance of what this smoking, long-haired, long-winded, incredibly intuitive dude was saying. I started to comprehend what trouble we are all in if we don’t do something immediately to reverse the deadly course this country and it’s government have taken.

And I realized then that he was absolutely correct about these extraneous puzzle pieces… IT DOESN’T MATTER!!!

You see, we all perceive things in our own way. We all listen to different sources of information. We all like or dislike those sources of information based on other peoples perceptions of those sources. And we all comprehend the information that best suits our perspectives. And without even realizing it, we form our opinions of what we perceive as real or important from the hand-picked bowl of factoids swirling around in our heads that together give us our perception of the real world.

In short, we are all in a constant state of cognitive dissonance. ( Sure, we all know so much about so many different things, and knowledge is the key to comprehension. But what good does that knowledge of scattered little pieces from the unlimited cornucopia of fruit from the tree of knowledge do for us. How does this knowledge solve the problems that we all know this tree creates?

(I just used cornucopia in a sentence!)

In the end, it’s just information. And like a computer hard drive, we can only store so much of this conspiracy in the space of our minds until the drive gets full and can’t save any more data in a comprehensive way, or without writing over something else.

We learn something new and amazing, but then that thing reveals five more amazing things. And when those are revealed, suddenly we have 25 new and amazing things to learn, which points to what seems at the time to be an unattainable 125 new and amazing things. But eventually, we attain them, or at least an interesting enough part of them to look at the next 625 things with enough curiosity to actually keep this cycle going perpetually.

So, at what point do we loose the ability to keep our peripheral vision on all of these new and amazing things before we find that our un-sunned skin and lack of social involvement are signs that we are spending way too much time online or in books trying to figure out who is the main group of conspirators and who their leader is?


Now let me justify that, as well as answer the challenge of the title of this rant… which information should take precedence right now: CAFR’s and TRF’s  -or-  everything else…

Many responses, comments and emails I’ve received from the readers of my previous entry (The Biggest Game In Town…) who by the way have been very kind, have brought up common law, natural law, UCC code and Maritime law, the court of record, and many other topics which I must say interest me to the extreme. But, I have to ask myself…

Do they matter right now?

As much as I can’t wait to tear into this multitude of information and set myself free from taxes and tyranny, unfortunately the answer is no.

Is it relevant? Oh yes, very much so…

Will it help me solve the country’s problems, not just my own personal ones? No, I’m afraid not.

Let me explain, and by no means do I mean to belittle anyone or their cause, be it just, and for the good of the republic.

First, I always like to think of things in terms of relativity. I like to have a realistic perspective on life and all that goes on within it. And I always like to tell the truth, no matter how much trouble it gets me into.

So, let’s look at an example of reality:

If you are at an intersection with a four way stop sign, and you are in a fragile Geo Metro, and to the left of you there is a massive, decked out Dodge Hemi 4×4 who just pulled up to his stop sign at the same time as you pulled up to yours, who goes through the intersection first?

Well, the “law” or at least social  protocol states that the car on your right has the “right of way“, and so the Geo Metro wins with the perceived power of right of way (the law).

But I submit to you that the truck to the left wins every time regardless of the law or your perception of it, simply because the tires are as big as the entirety of the quite crush-able Geo Metro!

Will you challenge the 4×4 (the people) with your frail little body of a car (the government, who are about as useful as a Geo Metro) if he (the people) decides to take the right of way (power) from you?

This is the perception of ownership (in this case of the road). If the people unite to become the massive supreme and sovereign force they are, take down the “owners”, and rework that ownership for the people, then the people (4×4) take ownership from the government, queens and kings (Geo Metro).

So, let’s say we discover that the Rothschilds and the queen of England do indeed “own” everything in the world…

What does that mean exactly? What if they all die? Who owns it then? Then, what if they die? And then once it gets down to the last two people on Earth, and one claims total ownership of said Earth, and he dies… then what? Do you the sole surviving human own the Earth? Can you prove this ownership? To whom? Animals don’t read…

It’s just on paper. It means nothing unless you (we) let it. And we can take it back any time we want through peaceful means by getting TRF’s voted in place in each government venue.

But only if we unite and become Bigfoot the monster-truck and get this show on the road.

Yes, common law is a fascinating thing, and I can’t wait to start studying all of this conceptual semantic law.

But… Though I am not familiar with the technical aspects of Common Law, Natural Law, UCC Code law, the court of record, and the laws of the land and all that goes with it, I do know for a fact that it isn’t nearly as significant as what Walter and CAFR’s and the comprehension of government investment wealth for the general public and the change that is necessary with that.

Frankly, I don’t care who in their own perception rules the world, and here’s why:

#1) Once we set up a TRF in a city, the whole of the books for that city will be revealed. This will reveal links to other city’s, states, and countries for which the corruption and wealth building in that now completely audited TRF’d city was involved in. Thus, we discover who’s in charge by the chain reaction of audits in new TRF-based cities.

#2) Common law has the same symptoms as misguided or misused faith. Religion gives people hope. But this kind of hope, or faith, more often than not leads to inaction due to the faith that heaven awaits you regardless of your actions. And when that happens, and otherwise good religious folks refuse to get involved in government or politics, corruption in government and politics take over. Hope is a very dangerous tool. I should only have to point to Obama’s use of the empty campaign promises of “Hope and Change” to prove my point here. A faithful person full of hope who is convinced that everything will be alright simply because he believes in something else, easily becomes inactive in the real world around him. Even to the point that they will watch their own government order our armies to kill millions of innocent darker-skinned people without even a protest, simply because they have faith in their hearts that a few of those dark-skinned people in some far off place ran a few planes into some buildings in New York and Washington.

Proof? Nope. Just blind faith in the media… their God.

Inversely, a person who removes themselves from the tyranny of Maritime U.C.C. Code and law and clings to being free by natural or common laws, also may become inactive in the fight to set things right for our country as a whole. They have faith that they are free from the constraints of government and taxes and other tyranical slavery. But there is a huge problem with this inaction or lack of participation in the system that still governs everyone else who is unfamiliar with these freedoms around them, which is probably 98% of America – who still have faith in and believe in the law of the land and their corrupt government, frustrating as that is. They cling to thier social security number as if it was their first born. And I can sum this problem and the danger of it up in one word…


Obama’s new hand-me-down toy. How will common law save you if you are whisked away with no trial and no jury and no rights whatsoever to a holding cell in Ecuador? Think it can’t happen to you? Do you really think freedom brings some sort of immunity to this type of thing? Is there a freedom card that you present to get out of sticky situations in other countries… Or even in our own now completely corrupt and corporate (government) owned jail system? Learn more about rendition here: (Video)  –  (Story)  –  (Story)

You see, this common law and natural freedom is still based on a set of ideals and laws, god’s laws or other ones, that are still valid at this particular time in history if you know enough to invoke them. But if we allow the government to buy up every aspect of the United States, and they almost have by this point, and then take over the country, burn the Constitution and change the name to some Global Union of _______ ,  and make it a socialist fascist corporate state, what good will all of this common law knowledge be to anyone. It will become completely obsolete – null and void the second this takeover is complete. It would be as helpful as a 400 pound woman in a 150% gravity environment. When Rome took over a neighboring country, they did not abide by that countries laws in their theft no matter how beautiful and idealistic they were. If you went up to a Roman diplomat or soldier and tried to invoke common law from your now defunct country, you’d find yourself in the Colosseum being eaten by lions.

So, if you were to ask me what the importance of this whole social viability/common law/natural law/whatever you call it law, which is completely co-dependent on the current system of government and law (in other words America still being a free America despite the SS# and all that) compared to the importance of what Walters TRF’s will accomplish in protecting all of our sacred laws, constitutional or other, I’m going to have to say that TRF’s are 20,000,000 times more important at this time. Because all of those free-man laws go out the window if and when we are overtaken in a war or on paper by another country, a union of countries, or a conglomerate corporate monster, and we become Chinamerica. That is the thing that we must concentrate on and stop. And everyone that values their common or natural law status in this as of now free country, must maintain that country in its current state in order to keep those rights viable and applicable.

They are not free. We must fight for them and keep them.

And the country or corporate fascist government with the biggest stick (the biggest 4×4 truck) is going to win, and your idealist rights which are based on this constitutional system being still valid and screwing everyone else but you and your common law, will fade away into the night. That is, unless we take the investment wealth and “ownership” of our country back. And so far, the only person that has shown me how to do this is Mr. Walter Burien. (

So, by all means continue to practice common law, natural law, and any other free law that you can think of. I personally can’t wait to indulge in this myself. It gives me goosebumps.

But don’t for one minute think that this alone makes you a free man (or woman) or that you can stop paying attention and fighting for this system and its reconstructive change. Or you might be in for a shocking surprise when there is no corrupt United States government left to claim your freedom from. The Communists shoot people like you!

I would love to be wrong about this, and I may be. Corrections and debate to my humble opinions here will be warmly accepted…


*** No free people were harmed in the making of this rant.


-Clint Richardson (

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Biggest Game In Town: Walter Burien And Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports

***NOTE*** I have now released a documentary about this subject, which goes into specific detail regarding this article and the corporate structure of the United States. You may view it for free at:




I’d like to share with you what happened to Walter Burien on Wednesday, January 6, 2010 as he spoke with George Noory live on Coast-To-Coast radio, the 5th largest syndicated radio show in America. This interview only happened after years of goading and begging from other guests and callers to have Walter as a guest.

Mr. Burien was scheduled to be on this show for a three-hour interview, an almost unheard of time slot reserved for only the most special of guests. Keeping in mind that the subject matter of this interview – government wealth, corruption, and the proof of this subject through the analyzing of our governments Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFR’s) – has never been allowed to be mentioned on or in any corporate or mainstream outlet. You can then perhaps understand what happened next.

On Tuesday and Wednesday (the day of the show) Mr. Burien was the only scheduled guest for the show, and Walter was prepared for a three-hour talk. As the interview went on for two solid hours and as the secretive criminal beans were being spilt in a major way, a sudden click happened in the middle of Mr. Noory talking, and Walter’s line went dead. The show suddenly had a new guest to fill the remaining hour. It was then placed onto the Coast-To-Coast website that a second guest was now to appear.

Mr. Burien tried to reconnect, but was told he was only scheduled for two hours. He waited to be called back, but never was. No explanation. No apology. And no personal note from Mr. Noory…

Just silence…

Unfortunately, Walter Burien was saving the best and most hard-hitting information for last. He didn’t get to mention many aspects of what I consider the most important information available on what some may call the real order of things. And he didn’t have the chance to tell George’s listeners about his new documentary that will be released in just about one more day.

A fresh new “The Biggest Game In Town” will be available on the web for viewing on or around the 10th of January, 2010. I would encourage everyone reading this to view the documentary and support Mr. Burien in any way you can. For, of all the thousands of men and woman out there fighting against and trying to expose the greed and corruption of our governmental system and its monetary theft of the American people, Walter is the only one who actually has a solution instead of just another perspective on the problem: a peaceful, logical, economically viable, and extremely achievable grass-roots solution – but only with our help.

Let’s face it. You know you’re on to something important, big, and secretive when you get cut off of a radio show an hour before your time is up with no explanation.

Please visit Mr. Burien’s CAFR1 website at ( and learn what this man has to tell you. He has opened my eyes in a way that would have taken twenty years of hard studying and the constant scrutinizing and analyzing of these and other documents to even begin to comprehend this information. And now that I know, I feel it is my civic and moral duty to share it with you…



When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an un-pitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.— Edmund Burke — From his essay: ‘Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents’…

…and Often mis-quoted as the following:

All that’s necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing.


The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis– Edmond Burke – again, with some dispute on the actual original quote.


I’d like now to share with you what I’ve learned from Walter Burien. This is not an easy subject to digest; in fact it hurts a bit when you realize that it is all painfully true… and fortunately, unlike most other truths in the world, quite easily verifiable. And so I would ask that you finish this essay in its entirety and click on all of the links associated with it. For if ever there was a red pill, this is it!

“Remember, all I am offering is the truth, nothing more…”

And down the rabbit hole we go…

Let’s start with how the government works, or more specifically, how it is set up. Each town, city, county and state has an individual government with individual budgets and finance books. City councils who sit in fancy pillared or droll state buildings usually govern those many individual governments. Also, there are local government bodies, such as school districts and municipalities like gas, electric, water and sewage, bridges and roadways, and so on who are individually governed bodies as well. And then there are other forms of special government wealth, like pension funds. On a larger scale, there is the federal government, the judicial and congressional governments, and so on down the line.

Together, these many individual governments are going to be referred to herein as “collective government”.

Just as ethnic groups in this country are considered minority populations with insignificant political and decision making power when compared to the Caucasian or “white” ethnic group, these individual governments are, when compared to the collective power of all of these governments joined together, insignificant.

The power of these individual ethnic groups can only be realized if they ban together to become the majority. Likewise, the thousands of individual governments in the United States are extremely powerful and wealthy when manifested as one “collective” governmental body – collective government.

Bearing this in mind, I will now reveal the man behind the curtain, so to speak…

Through collective government investments from all individual governments across the United States, the government owns most of the major corporations in America, and beyond.

I’ll say it again, in a different way. Collectively, through investment, the United States government owns most major corporations and just about everything else in America.

Please read on…

Of the Fortune 500 companies we hear about, and even invest in ourselves with our cute little peanuts we think of as personal wealth, the government has over the last 70 years or so taken financial controlling interest in all of these corporations. This is no exaggeration. This is no joke. This is the reality of the corporate and financial state of our country and it’s government.

So how has it gotten to this point?

In several ways…

Have you ever noticed that when a bond or proposition gets passed in your state for a construction or land management project, the actual project itself sometimes isn’t scheduled to begin until months or years in the future? It’s even written in most bills that the project wont start until a far off set future date.

Well… the money for that proposition or bill is immediately released upon passage of the legislation. Now you might ask yourself, if the money is there why doesn’t the project begin immediately?

Here is the answer…

That “taxpayer money” gets sent directly into what we’ll call a government “holding account” for a while, sometimes years and years before that public project actually begins.

Now, that money doesn’t just sit there… It is invested. It gains interest. It builds up extreme wealth – months or years of interest and capital gains on investments from that originally taxpayer funded money. This is all transpired digitally, of course.

But when it comes time to use that original amount of money for the project of which it was intended months or years later, the capital gains (profits) of that supposedly dormant money are separated from the original amount placed into the “holding account” and stay in the governments discretionary investment coffers and are then reinvested not for the benefit of the people, but for the wealth and profit of the corporate government. The problem and the inherent crime here is this – that profit is no longer considered tax-payer (public) owned money, since it was earned by investment or by accrued interest. That “extra money” goes elsewhere… mainly into other investments or funds which grease the pockets of the “in the know” politicians and corporations and other people and groups involved. Some open what are called “self insurance funds” and then draw dividends for themselves and their fellow conspirators for the rest of their political careers by insuring themselves with their own insurance funds. And the cycle goes on and on and on and on… and has for the last 70 years. And it has now reached the point where government owns it all!

How do I know this to be true?

When the yearly budget comes out for your town, city, district, county, state, and the whole country – the one that you and I and Joe Taxpayer sees that is usually in a deficit (in the red) – the money made on these individual government investments is not shown, because it is not in the “taxpayer budget” any longer. Therefore, it does not technically have to be accounted for to the taxpayers – who we can define as everyone who pays any form of taxes, which is by default everyone in the United States. There are of course, 100’s of different taxes – from gas tax to sales tax – that are used in this way as well. The money from all of these individual taxes once again just sits there and accumulates after being collected until it is distributed, and gains interest or is invested until it is spent for the purposes it was collected (apportioned).

On a side note: the reason so many people are against the Federal Income Tax is because that tax was never made legal. In order to be a legal tax according to the Constitution, the tax assessed must be apportioned – which means that it must be collected with the specific intent to only be used to pay for or fund a specific public works or public fund that is clearly defined. Since the Federal Income Tax is un-apportioned and therefore Constitutionally illegal, the money that is collected for that tax is used by the Federal Government to pay the interest only on the national debt. In other words, instead of printing its own money with no debt owed to anyone, our corporate government instead borrows money from the Federal Reserve Bank at interest – meaning there is never enough money printed to pay off that debt because it accrues interest the second it is printed, meaning it is devalued the second it is created.

Example: If America has one hundred dollars in circulation – meaning money printed on paper and being used as “legal tender” – that means that the treasury (government) borrowed that $100 from the Federal Reserve (a private bank), which means that in order to pay that money back, the treasury (government) must pay that $100 dollars back plus how ever much interest is attached to that $100 by the Federal Reserve Bank (a non-governmental private central bank).

So where do we get the extra printed money to pay back that money owed for the interest on the original $100 loan?

Well, since there is no money left after paying back the principle balance of $100, the only way to pay the interest owed to the Federal Reserve (private central bank) is for the Treasury (the corporate government) to borrow more money from the Federal Reserve (a corporate private bank) so that the accumulated interest owed on the first $100 can be paid back. The problem is, this new money borrowed has new interest attached, and this interest debt must eventually be paid back as well, meaning we must then borrow more money from the Fed at interest to pay the total principle balance plus the previous interest accrued on all of the previous money borrowed, and so on and so forth.

This, my friends, is what is commonly called a paradox.

In short, there is no way to ever pay off our debt to the Federal Reserve (a privately owned international bank), because there is never enough money printed to pay off the principle and the interest balances. Therefore, this system of borrowing money at interest will continue to the point that the interest owed can never be paid as it is more than the principle balance, making this the biggest scam (Ponzi scheme) ever perpetuated onto the American people in their history. Now imagine the same scenario with many trillions of dollars borrowed and re-borrowed and so on and so forth.

If you can’t picture what a trillion dollars looks like, just think of it this way… If I had 11 trillion one-dollar bills and I stacked them on top of each other in one single pile, that pile would reach all the way to the moon… and back to Earth.

Knowing then, that the Federal Reserve is a privately owned group of national and international banks and bankers, who have no actual binding ties or connections to the United States Government – and in fact control the decision and monetary policy of the United States economy, and therefore its financial and economic welfare, through the manipulation of monetary value, currency circulation, and interest rate regulation – the fact that all of our Federal Income Tax goes directly to this private corporate banking monster who controls this country through its system of tyrannical banking debt and interest, of which we are all collectively as taxpayers responsible for paying, is why there is such an uproar in the awakened minority citizenry of America. This is really just extortion. And the Feds recent threats to cause the stock market to drop 1,000 points a day until the banker bailouts were signed by congress only goes to prove that point. More and more people are learning the truth, and realizing that through this system of perpetual debt, we are not a free people but rather indentured servants to this banking conglomerate for generations to come. You’re so-called duty to pay your Federal Income Tax is non-existent, and the mindset that most people have been brainwashed into is that there is some form of honor in paying this tax, which again goes to absolutely nothing but interest owed to these central banks who are not the government. No public services are paid for with this money; money that should have been printed by our Congress as expressed in the Constitution, with no interest (debt) attached to it.

So where does the extra government corporate investment money go, and what proof is there of its existence?

The only way to see where this money goes is by looking at the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for each local, city, state, and any other government office. The Federal Reserve even has one of these! You want to see an audit of the Federal Reserve? Just look at the Federal Reserve’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and go from there.

This “complete” budget and statement of earnings is required for all governments and corporate businesses, and it is available in the public domain… meaning it is very easy to acquire by the average Joe Citizen. A simple public records search or an Internet search will reveal this report for most individual governments and corporations. And if it doesn’t, they are in violation of their own codes on public disclosure.

The problem is, nobody knows its there. Nobody knows to put the pieces together. Nobody understands that there are literally 100’s of trillions of “collective” investments and funds that have been acquired by these individual governments that have been hidden in plain sight for decades, by separating the total governments wealth into individual and seemingly insignificant government funds and investments across the country. When considered collectively, these massive investment funds would pay off all debt in this country, and if worked correctly could eliminate all taxes through public-taxpayer instead of private-non-taxpayer investment of the same sort. This is what Walter Burien and CAFR1 are trying to achieve. This is the solution I mentioned earlier. His Tax Retirement Funds (TRF’s) are this country’s saving grace. Learn more about them here: (

This is what I refer to as poking the scorpions’ nest!

Now, to understand how these facts regarding governments complete corporate takeover and management of America, let’s look at current events. Very recently a merger with media conglomerates NBC and Comcast was announced. These are definitely fortune 500 worthy companies. They are therefore already collectively controlled through collective government investments. And they will never let this information (CAFR’s and collective government investments) get out into the public through this government controlled media. Why? Because these media companies are collectively owned through collective government investment!

Comcast and NBC/Disney are two of the largest media conglomerates in the world. One creates and broadcasts the media – the other controls the equipment and digital airwaves to turn these broadcasts into the degrading entertainment and propaganda we see in our homes and at movie theatres, that we hear on the radio, and that we read in magazines, newspapers and digitally on our computers. Most people wont think anything of this merger and others like it that are constantly happening on a smaller scale; perhaps second-handedly recalling from an outdated textbook, the chapter on monopolies and anti-trust laws. Thinking about such things has, through the same media we are talking about here, been trumped by the reality show, celebrity lifestyles and deaths, “news entertainment” shows, and indoctrinating and manipulative sitcoms and movies – which have dumbed us down to the extent of actually believing that what happens on “Law and Order” is the reality of what actually happens in the law enforcement and criminal justice system. I assure you, this is not the case. Hospital shows are not accurate portrayals of how hospitals are actually run, and are not representative of the real state of the healthcare system. Police and detective shows are so far removed from reality that I laugh out loud at the ridiculous portrayal of “the system”.

The real conundrum of this situation is this: the merging of these two media companies, considering the controlled stock holdings of our collective government in these and most media companies, is in actuality being mandated (authorized) by the government itself as the majority stockholder. So protesting to the government about this merger is akin to asking a king to mediate his own decision regarding the merging of his own two kingdoms. Do you understand?

Corporations are the government are the corporations are the government…

Another way of looking at this conundrum is this:

When a major corporation donates money to a political campaign (remember almost all major corporations are government owned through collective investments), this is actually a loophole around campaign finance laws, as this is really just the government donating money to its own candidate or party through its collective-investment-owned “private” corporations. This is hard to swallow, but true as the nose on your face! For it was the banks who received the recent bailouts that were the largest campaign contributors to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign – in a big way. When you hear that all of these elites sit on each other’s boards of directors, that’s only a half-truth.

And sure, you can continue to vote if it makes you feel better. But rest assured you are voting for the two or three candidates that were chosen and hyped by the corporate government that is already in place, through the controlled media (that again is owned through collective government investment). Real “alternative” or “third party” candidates who campaign on truly changing “the system” for the benefit of the people will never be allowed to attain high office – the recent corporate mandate of electronic and completely hack-able and changeable voting machines in most states and the expulsion of paper ballots leaving no paper trail through no-bid government contract see’s to that fact.

It is not the votes that count, but who counts the votes.— Josef Stalin —

Our congressmen, our senators, and our president are literally automaton puppets, actors placed into power through fixed elections and then skillfully manipulated to pass laws and create legislature that helps in this whole process of land acquisition, the corporate takeover of all infrastructure and commercial real estate, and the deregulation and privatization of all regulated industries, including: banking, airlines, food, water, transportation, prisons, media, medical, and many others.

For instance, (over 1%) or 1 out of every 100 Americans are in prison. That’s 3 million plus people! That’s more than any other country in the world, including Korea and Communist China. Many prisons are now built or owned by private companies like Halliburton, since this industry was deregulated and private corporations are now allowed to build and maintain prisons. It’s big business… and cheap forced labor. And the government owns these corporations as well, through collective investment.

So let’s talk about a few of these industries that are owned by our government.

My favorite example of the collective government ownership of these corporations is Microsoft. This will really hit home with most of you. Though collective government investments, Microsoft Corporation is approximately 83% owned by government. Take the investments of the five burrows of New York City, add in the pension funds of CALPERS in California (which is now an offshore corporate fund) and other state funds, a few school districts here and there, and many other small, medium and large individual governments and municipalities across the nation, combine them together, and you come up with the representative governmental investment total of around 83% majority ownership. The easy way to say this is that the government owns 83% of Microsoft.

“Collective government” is a very important phrase to comprehend.

For those of you who don’t comprehend the severity of this situation, let me explain…

Let’s imagine for a moment a board meeting at the Microsoft Corporation. I wonder who would be there? I don’t know exactly, but I’d bet at least 83% in attendance would most likely be corporate government representatives! The Defense Department would surely be there, for national security reasons of course. CIA? Probably, since they use the Internet to catch criminals and since they have so much power now to spy on us thanks to bills like The Patriot Act. How about Homeland Security? The military, and all of its branches? Raytheon, and other weapons contractors would probably be there too. I wonder who would represent the Federal Government? How about the Federal Reserve (a non-government agency) and the IRS (the Federal Reserves non-governmental private police and collection force for the central banks)? Heck, even Bill Gates would be there, but he would probably only have about as much power as the President of the United States has over his corporation, which is thankfully still called America. Yes, in case you were wondering, the United States is a corporation. Look it up! ( (

Ah, Microsoft…

You see, everything we do in life is now done or available on the Internet in the World Wide Web. Whether you are plugged in or not, your information is available for download. And Microsoft is how we access that virtual world (through Windows and it’s sub-programs like Internet Explorer). When we enter all of our passwords, PIN’s, account numbers, our mother’s maiden names… and then we voluntarily record all of our most closely guarded secrets and personal information onto websites like MySpace (which is now owned by Rupert Murdoch’s “Fox” News Corporation, which is a mainstream media company, which again means it’s owned collectively by government) ( Microsoft collects all of that information though its software and sends it back to itself and its servers and anyone else who pays for the sharing of that information.

This is called data mining. And the government (Microsoft) is data mining all of our most closely held secrets and information, and it is doing so with our permission. You gave that permission with the simple click of a mouse in that service agreement (the one with all of the small print) that you signed but did not read when you were so exited about getting that new P.C. last Christmas. This agreement – the “End User Lease Agreement” (E.U.L.A.) gives Microsoft (the government) complete control over the content, applications, and information sharing capabilities of your computer.

Web-Based Environment Management (W.B.E.M.) allows Microsoft and other companies and corporations to virtually control and monitor your computer from remote locations through the internet.

The (M.R.U.) Most Recently Used list is an individual usage list, of which there can be many MRU’s running at one time. They record every action you or your computer makes; every thing you download and everything you say. Some of the more advanced applications even record every keystroke made on your keyboard so that it can be reconstructed later. When you hear someone say, ‘My computer is acting so slow’, this is mainly because these M.R.U’s that are currently running beyond your control or knowledge are constantly updating Microsoft and anyone else who’s listening in the background.

In Windows XP (and other versions) – if you click on your Start Button, go to Settings, click Control Panel, then click Administrative Tools, and finally click on Services… you can view some of Microsoft’s so-called “services” that are controlling your computer and your life. Here are a couple examples of these services:

Routing and Remote Access – “Offers routing services to businesses in local area and wide area network environments.” – Sounds harmless, right? But when enabled, this allows corporate advertisers to localize their advertisements to your specific IP (Internet Protocol) location: the geographical area in which your Internet connection is based. This is why you see adds from lonely housewives in your town looking for love and other localized advertisements that amaze you every time you get online. How’d they do that? Well now you know. There is a lot of money involved in this type of information sharing and advertising, as you can imagine. And if you click on one of those localized advertisements, the fact that you did so means more advertisers will be knocking down your virtual door to personalize their own advertisements to you according to what sites you visit and which products you shop for and buy online. This “service” can be disabled, but Microsoft will probably enable it the next time you go online. After all, you gave it permission to do so.

Remote Registry – “Enables remote users to modify registry settings on this computer. If this service is stopped, the registry can be modified only by users on this computer. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.” – The “Registry” on your computer is the program that manages your P.C. It’s like an index or blueprint of all your programs, which tells your computer’s programs and applications what they are allowed and not allowed to do when your computer is turned on. This means that if your ‘remote registry’ is enabled, any Microsoft program can change or alter your registry at any time, because you agreed to this in your E.U.L.A. You effectively gave Microsoft the right to crash your hard-drive beyond repair from a remote location when they don’t like what you are doing. Sucks, don’t it?

Oh… and for those of you who say, “Whew, glad I’m on a Mac!” guess again. Apple is a major corporation with major media outlets and influence on the economy and the citizenry… you bet they are owned by the government through collective government investments! And yes, I get adds from Lonely housewives near me on my Mac as well. And I’m writing this on Microsoft Word for Mac! Oh, the irony…

Now maybe you can understand why government control of such intricately personal aspects of our lives through corporations like Microsoft is such a concern. If a local company is advertising to you through Microsoft’s “services”, you can bet your arse that the government is using these and their own services for much more devious purposes.

So what’s the bottom line? You have absolutely no privacy in anything you do on your computer once you go online! Period.

This type of symbiotic corporate/government structure is prevalent in all industries and walks of like, not just computers. The same conglomerations often own the alternatives to anything you buy. For instance, while we think we are being somehow different or cool by listening to an “alternative music” station, we are just being manipulated by some very clever marketing. You see, the same corporation that owns that “Alternative” station also owns most of the other stations that your chosen favorite alternative station competes against, as well as the record company that produced it. It even puts down on-air those other stations it owns because that will make some listeners chose to listen to this particular media corporations’ other channels or stations. When we hear a song on a mainstream yet “alternative” radio station (remember all mainstream media is collectively owned by government, and mainstream is 99% of the media that you can effortlessly receive though the corporate governments F.C.C. airwaves), we are told who sings it, and then we go buy the album at one of the many conglomerate department stores or seemingly local chain stores (with corporately owned central hubs), all the while thinking we are being somehow unique from the rest of the crowd. This is marketing. And you and I are continuously falling victim to it and the distraction it causes. The media keeps us “masterfully entertained”, as Walter likes to say.

Then we go drive our alternative yet still equally gas and oil dependant hybrid cars, of which everyone else is also marketed to about their unique and conservation oriented styles, even though the creation and disposal of their batteries is secretly worse on the environment than ten years of the exhaust created from driving an SUV. And the battery must be replaced after five or six years! And so we drive… feeling better somehow about our insignificant pollution as we sip on one of 30 unique plastic bottled water brands marketed as environmentally friendly and recyclable, which it so happens are all owned by 4 major conglomerate corporations which are owned through collective investments by our government.

Should I choose Perrier… or its competitor, San Pellegrino? Well take your pick, for they are both owned and bottled by the Nestle’ Corporation (a government controlled entity).

Oh, well then I’ll switch to Calistoga. Oh wait, that’s Nestle’ too!

Well… who needs bubbles anyway?

Flat water… Hmmm. Let me see…

How about Arrowhead? What? That’s Nestle’ as well?

What about Crystal Geyser? Poland Spring? Zephyr Hills?

Sorry… all owned by Nestle’ along with at least 10 other alternative water brands that they purposefully market and compete against each other in their advertising and at different prices in order to appeal to at least one of the typical personality types of which billions of dollars were spent to figure out, and that we all unwittingly fit into.

You might as well just drink Nestle’ brand bottled water – the only honestly labeled brand out there, since it’s cheaper and comes from the same polluted tap water source! (

And, in case you missed it, the automobile industry in America was just taken over by the government. Any time the government “bails out” or gives large life-saving amounts of money to a corporation or all corporations in a certain industry… that spells takeover and control. It’s part of the “bailout” package. When the newly inducted corporations pay back that money at a later date, this is nothing more than the corporate government covering its tracks and completing the business transaction for the publics benefit and for media stories about the success of the bailouts.

So, how deep does this go?

Unfortunately, it is a bottomless pit.

While I have deep respect and admiration for local churches of any faith that do good in their communities and help the people there, I have some rather disappointing news about the religions that these churches belong to.

Since moving to Salt Lake City, I have been inundated by the Mormon doctrine. The Mormon’s essentially run the state of Utah’s government. Some places will not hire you unless you are a Mormon. Similar to Free-Masonry, of which the church’s founders were high members, the church helps those who help it… while shunning or “excommunicating” anyone who disagrees with its doctrines. Ironically, usually these are the people who need the church’s council, love and support the most.

I always wondered why the Mormon church was able to retain it’s non-profit status, since it has its hands in so many political campaigns and in the state of Utah’s government, and since it funds huge political campaigns like the recent California “vote yes on prop 8” campaign and so many other human and civil rights issues. It’s actually a common question: How does a not-for-profit entity (church) give money for political aspirations and campaigns and influence an entire state or countries opinions in local and state elections, and still retain their non-profit status?

How indeed… Separation of church and state, right?


The Mormon Church (The Mormons) is actually a for-profit major corporation. It has mass wealth through these same types of investments. It is extremely, extremely wealthy.

But the corporate Mormon Church has a non-profit sub-division in which it does all of the charity work and altruistic not-for-profit Godly things that it does. This division is called “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints”. And they are commonly referred to as “The Mormons” which is actually a falsity since the Mormons are just another big corporation with mass control over vast world populations and local governments. And each church whether aware of this corporate structure or not, pays the corporation though the money collected from its parishioners.

To it’s credit, and compared to the government corporations, the Mormons actually do some very good things. Their welfare system is top notch and has been copied by other countries and our own government welfare system is based upon it. But it is the volunteers that make this happen, not the corporation. They are not symbiotic by necessity, only in their corporate structure. It is the people who have the power to make the world better. One must always remember that.

What makes me most concerned about this corporate structure of churches and why I mention it at all is this: the president of the Mormon Church (which is the president of the corporation that is the Mormon Church) has been known to have one-on-one, secretive (non-public) meetings with the President of the United States behind closed doors in the Oval Office. Shortly after one of these meetings, the noted Professor Steven Jones was fired from Brigham Young University. I can only assume that this was for his exposing the fact that uniquely military-grade Thermate demolition explosives were found in the World Trade Center dust, which is impossible without it have been used to implode those buildings. This is a power that should not be had by any member of any church, whether this particular event was coincidental or not.

The Catholic Church is set up in the same way: The Vatican is a country. A corporation. It has its own police force. And the Pope… who may or may not have the real power in that corporate pyramid, also meets with our president behind closed doors and influences even more people in our country and across the world.

And, come to think of it, I’m pretty sure that all churches, from the Methodists – the church that I grew up in – to the Jewish faiths, are also built like this, corporately speaking. Why else would churches have general conferences, which are really just giant budget meetings?

Anyway, this is why the Mormons, The Catholics, and all the other religions are free to be involved in politics and government as much as they like… because they are for profit corporations, who mask themselves through their not-for-profit fronts (i.e. religion) where they unfortunately manipulate the opinions, voting habits, and lifestyles of the members of their sub-corporate houses of worship.

As for the government’s involvement or investment into these holy corporations, I have not researched this yet. But obviously the political influence is there, and that should raise any honest and righteous mans brow.

Again, my respect for local non-profit churches is immense. But isn’t it time for them to become aware of these facts and separate themselves from these for-profit corporations that bind them and influence their moral character? Isn’t it time that the community church becomes the truly free and spiritual houses of God that they portray themselves to be?

Corporate service to God is a truly strange and unholy concept.


So who knows about this?

How does a magician pull off a seemingly impossible magic trick right before your eyes?

By using the oldest trick in the book… distraction.

As his left hand moves around gracefully, drawing your attention away from the right hand, or as his assistant dressed in scantily clad glittery lingerie takes your eyes off of the magician himself, the right hand is busy doing the bait and switch – or the “trick” – right in front of your face.

This is magic defined… illusion and subterfuge. Nothing more.

So to is the subject of CAFR’s. Take away the distraction of the TV media, sex, drugs, sports and gambling… and the magic trick is revealed. It cannot be hidden any longer once the left hand sees what the right hand is doing. It just takes someone like me to uncover the trick and expose the truth.

But one man cannot do it alone. Many are needed.

So, the point of all of this is really quite simple. The only way to fight this is to expose the facts that I’ve just written here. You will not stop the government from merging two companies that it has controlling monetary interest in by crying and sending strong worded emails, making phone calls, or holding up signs referring to anti-trust laws and how unfair this is to us little guys. Things are way past the point of protesting. The country has for the most part been sold off to private corporations and public-private partnerships (PPP) … a bridge there, a road here, a few million acres there.

Learn about the atrocity of Public-Private Partnerships and their detriment to our country, which is intricately ingrained in this corporate takeover of America, here: (

If you watched that video, you now understand the danger and ultimate corruption of these PPP’s. And to bring this danger home, I’d like to offer the most severe of possibilities with regards to how these Public-Private-Partnerships could easily be abused by our corporate government.

Consider the following:

Say the government decides that it cannot pay the budget for our military anymore as it continues to hide the CAFR from the publics’ comprehension. It announces publically that it will now join forces in a great new public-private-partnership (PPP) with several foundations (like the Rockefeller Foundation) and a few Weapons contracting companies (like Raytheon) so that our soldiers can get the pay they deserve and the equipment they need. This is the public relations announcement. It sounds like the good old corporate world is lending a helping hand in a time of need…

But the real translation would be this: The United States Government is transferring ownership of the military from the publics government ownership to a private corporate ownership, through corporations and foundations which it already owns through its collective investments. Therefore, the military will now be a privately owned military – a private army – controlled by government, but whose weapons and arms contracts are secured for the next 1000 years at no-bid pricing through these government owned corporations. This makes it a lot easier to break every single law ever written with regards to war crimes and Constitutional restrictions of such things. If everything is private, the people will own nothing. And the Geneva Conventions do not apply.

Again, this is the most extreme of examples, but one which is not at all out of the realm of possibility. After all, isn’t the United Nations already calling the shots with our military?

This must be taken very seriously, for the country that we have always considered and taken for granted as being free, is no longer free. It is owned almost outright by government investment.

In fact, I just found out that collectively through investments, public-private partnerships, and other devious means, the government of the United States (local, city, county, state, and federal) collectively owns about 87% of all land in the United States, leaving 13% to the actual people (citizens) for private ownership… and I’m not sure yet if that includes non-government owned or private corporate ownership in that 13%.

A corporation for a government is not the American way!

As several homes and the land they are built upon around where I live are being stolen by the government in the name of eminent domain, I cringe at the thought of the selfish and evil corporate government person or group that gave those orders. For surely they have land and a home as well. The land sits for a couple of years, and once everyone in the area begins or is paid to forget about the now vacant eminent domain government owned land, suddenly a new corporate structure will be built there. This means that the land is still government owned, and that through their corporate network, the government allowed the land to be transferred to one of its sister operations. Money, being nothing but fiat (worthless) paper backed by nothing, is just a tool used in the transaction, and it eventually is filtered back into the collective government corporate coffers. And that land will never be public-owned again.

This has got to stop…

As far as commercial real estate, and the 10-20% average vacancy rates in most cities across the United States in strip malls and what are now being called ghost malls… Guess who owns or is buying that commercial space once it is in default. The government! Local governments already collectively own most large malls anyway through their investments, as well as gas stations, gyms, movie theatres… the list is endless.

Do you think the government as a corporation cares one ounce whether or not a mom-and-pop store closes its doors after 30 years in business? No. It either already owns the land and building that business is on, or is interested in buying it once the shops go out of business. Land ownership is the goal, not some meager monthly rent. Power comes with ownership.


Ok, I figure by now you are having one of two reactions. Either you think I’m nuts – the trained and ingrained reaction most will have when confronted with such overwhelming conspiracy and corruption – and you will not even take the time to do a simple search on CAFR’s to see that I’m telling the truth, or… this has had a major impact on your comprehension and perception of the way things really work, and you will keep this letter or email as a favor to me in the case of something happening to me like what has happened to others who have tried to expose this information. For this is the information that above all else must be exposed. As Walter Burien likes to say…

“The easiest way to steal money from someone is for them to never know they had it in the first place.”

Well, now you know. Our money has been stolen from under our noses for decades.

For those of you who constantly crusade for the truth about 9/11/2001 to be released, and for a new investigation to be initiated, I only have this to say… This will never happen under the current system of corporate government. Again, the king will not punish himself. 9/11 is a cause that is dear to my heart, since I watched the events of that day from my roof in New York City just a short distance away, and had the missing persons center right across from my front door. I will never forget that vision or that sound from that day. But again I must reiterate that while protesting and handing out literature and movies has been a great tool in waking up the people about 9/11, it is time to take a different path. All of our scattered groups must unite in one peaceful cause. That cause, in order to effect real change, should be the exposure of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and collective ownership and investment wealth of our government. You see everything else will follow… Audits will be done at all levels of government, mandated by the people who vote for TRF’s. Information will flow freely from the private hands of corporate government back into the hands of the public. All truths will be necessarily exposed in this way – through mandated audits. And the impenetrable wall that is our corporate government will eventually fall back into the publics’ tax-free hands. And those responsible will be held accountable. But until this wealth and power is transferred back to the people, we as a bunch of minority advocacy groups will never accomplish anything… unless we unite into one cause and become the majority. For the system will never reveal itself. Nor will it punish itself. 9/11 will remain hidden in the same warehouse as JFK, Waco, and other cover-ups until this new information has been discussed and spread far and wide. War crimes will not be administered until CAFR’s and government wealth are exposed and the military is once again a public entity controlled by congress and the United States is taken out of the United Nations.

The last thing to keep in mind is this: What Alex Jones calls compartmentalization – meaning one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing – is actually the case with many of our financial planners and politicians who have unwittingly been a part of this in their careers. Most people involved in small government in low to mid-level positions do not understand how this all works and fits together. Banks, businesses, media, churches, government… they all have corporate pyramid structures with very few at the top understanding the bigger picture.

To put this into perspective, consider this: 100 different people, with 100 different skills, each individually making 100 different parts, can easily build a complete nuclear bomb. Yet if they are never told what it is that they are making as a whole – the end product – they have no understanding or comprehension of their complicity in the making of that deadly bomb.

And understand that greed, theft and corruption have become so commonplace in the government and regular workforce that it is hard to succeed without succumbing to these traits. So this is not a call for torches and pitchforks. That is not necessary, appealing as it may be to some. The whole thing can be reversed. The same people in power can be made to give back the wealth of our nation without bloodshed and hatred, and while continuing to reap huge rewards for their service to the public instead of the corporation. This perhaps, is the best reason to listen to Walter Burien – the man with the golden solution.

But do understand that everyone in higher politics does comprehend this information. It is their lifeblood. They’re true income and wealth is their discretionary multi-million dollar expense accounts, not their meager salaries. Unfortunately, that includes people who are our hero’s… like Ron Paul. He is a great man, well intentioned, but forced to be silent. For he would be excused, muffled, his family threatened, or worse if he were to talk about this information publicly. This is organized crime to the most extreme, so this would be like an inside boss tattling on the mafia. This would be political… and probably physical suicide for Ron Paul and other good men and women in government. So it’s up to the people to expose this information in a grass roots movement and information campaign, so that good men like these can finally step up, speak the truth, and be the patriotic men and women they are meant to be… and to help us to do what’s right.

So… I’m going to be on this full time if possible. I’m going to talk to as many people as I can, regardless of the consequences to our friendship, social, work, or family relationships. I would stand up as David to Goliath at the risk of life and limb to help change this and make Mr. Burien’s dream of eliminating all taxes, downsizing government, and taking back our government and our wealth from private to public ownership once again. This is too important not to talk about. And trust me when I say that if everyone doesn’t start talking about this, and quite soon, it will be too late for any reconciliation or reconstruction of our government to be able to take place. I expect an uphill battle. I expect my well being to be threatened. I expect to be ostracized by media and publishing companies at the expense of my humble dream of being an honest writer, journalist and novelist. I may never work in Hollywood as a professional again. But if I can see this to fruition and effectively change the world infinitely for the better good of mankind, all of this is by far worth any personal cost to myself. It is even worth my life. That’s how sure I am of the riotousness of this cause.

And so I ask you once again. Go to ( and read all that you can. Support Walter Burien financially if you are able, and by viewing his new documentary that will be online January 10th, 2010.

And get out there and start talking about this. Help change the world, one local venue at a time.

The clock is ticking…

Sincerely and in unity,

Clint Richardson
Saturday, January 9th, 2010

9/11 First Responders Need Your Help!

09/11/2001 – This is a day that also lives in infamy. I have so many provable facts showing our governments involvement, who profited (government and corporations), and who didn’t (Saddam, Osama, Al Qaeda, Terrorists in general). But when I try and talk to the average person, even my own family about these obvious facts, I am ridiculed and am told I am being disrespectful to the innocent victims, the police, the firefighters, the health care workers, and the multitude of ground zero volunteers and first responders who gave so much of themselves on that day and in the months that followed.

Today, I’d like instead to share with you what actually happened to all of those brave volunteers and city police, firefighters, and first responders who became the beacons of heroism in the remembrance of 9/11/2001 – and the champions of the “I couldn’t be bothered” crowd – the ones who use these first responders and the victims of 9/11 to make themselves feel better about telling me to shut up about 9/11.

The official story is a lie. And this article is for all the people out there that say things like “Our government could never be involved in something like that.” -Or- “You’re being disrespectful to the dead and their families.”

In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. We “truthers” are the only ones who know about the plight of these families and that of the first responders. And most of them want a new investigation into the obvious lies about that day.

The way in which these “hero’s” have been treated after 9/11 provides perhaps the most in depth look into our governments horrific capability of crime and lack of empathy and support to its citizens. The following information shows once and for all that our government is not only capable, but also complicit in 9/11 and the crimes surrounding it.


Let’s start with the numbers… These are the most current facts and figures with regards to all of the first responders of 9/11:

Of the 435 congressional districts in the 50 United States, 431 of those districts were represented at ground zero by volunteers and first responders on 9/11.

Around 90,000 volunteers and first responders worked or helped out at or around ground zero.

40,000 plus of these first responders actually worked on the “pile” – the name given to the WTC rubble pile.

Of these 40,000 plus first responders, 70% of them are sick with cancer and respiratory illnesses related to “the pile”. 1000’s of the other first responders and volunteers who had more limited contact with the air and dust at ground zero are also suffering from these respiratory illnesses and cancers across the country.

Almost all first responders (around 90%) suffer from some form of acid reflux disease.

To date (12/01/09), per the New York Health Dept, more than 830 first responders have died from 9/11 related illnesses – at least 300 of those were from cancers – others from respiratory complications, smoke inhalation disease, GURD, suicide, etc…


To understand how cancer comes into the equation, we must analyze a few facts with regards to the World Trade Center complex itself:

Larry Silverstein became the leaseholder of the World Trade Center complex just a few weeks before 9/11, purchasing it for the bargain basement price of only $15 million dollars.

With this purchase, and perhaps explaining the low price of the sale, Mr. Silverstein inherited a very low occupancy rate, with many of the WTC offices un-leased.

But more importantly, he also inherited a mandatory-by-law asbestos removal problem. All of the fireproofing and insulation in the towers was made with asbestos, which causes cancer, respiratory illnesses, and other complications when breathed in by us humans.

The asbestos removal process would have cost Mr. Silverstein over 1 billion dollars to complete in all of the WTC buildings.

But as luck would have it, before Larry signed the lease to the WTC complex, he reworked the insurance policy to specifically cover “terrorist attacks”. Remember, this lease was written and signed just a few weeks before 9/11/2001.

After 9/11, and before the asbestos removal project was ever able to happen, Silverstein received $7 billion dollars as a settlement from his insurance policy due to the timely “terrorist attack” clause. That’s a 6.85 billion dollar profit in two weeks!

On the day of 9/11, each of the Twin Towers was impossibly pulverized, turned to dust, and somehow totally destroyed in a matter of seconds.

Therefore, tons and tons of asbestos and other lethal, cancer-causing particles were released into the air on 9/11, and were breathed in by the unsuspecting, altruistic, and heroic 9/11 first responders… and anyone living in lower Manhattan.


In 2002, the government closed the window for first responders to enter a claim for 9/11 related illnesses. This means that first responders with any delayed symptoms like blood cancers, of which it takes years to show any symptoms of, or the brave few who just refused to complain of their illness until it was too late, were denied any government assistance, and could not pay for their own health-care and hospital bills.

In 2004, congress created a 1 billion dollar fund from taxpayer money, called the “Captive Insurance Fund”. This money was directed to specifically be used to protect the New York City governments from the law suits of these sick and dying first responders with 9/11 related illnesses.

To date, only 6 out of the 1000’s of first responder cases have been settled in court – for a total of $300,000.

There are currently over 8000 first responders involved in just one class action lawsuit against the government to pay for their medical bills related to 9/11. This case has been drawn out for years, as the sick hero’s of 9/11 slowly die from cancer and respiratory diseases.


Yes. Sadly, suicide is the only option for some of these brave first responders that we insultingly call our heroes.

Why? Have you ever tried to squeeze a penny out of the government? These heroes are denied benefits or financial compensation. They are too crippled to work, and have been laid off from their normal jobs due to these unrelated illnesses (unrelated because many of them volunteered to work on the pile). So with no job, no medical coverage, no government benefits or help in any way, and no help from the people who continuously praise them yet use them as an excuse to ignore all of the facts of 9/11 while ignoring their plight, it is easy to see why suicide may be a last resort for these first responders, who must live with chronic pain and debilitating diseases. The depression felt must be overwhelming, realizing that your government and your country has forgotten about you.


John Feal was injured on December 17th, 2001 while working on “the pile”. An 8000 pound steel girder fell on his foot, crushing it and permanently disabling him. It took John 4½ years of struggling to finally get disability checks from the Social Security Administration. He suffers from Gastro-intestinal disease, respiratory complications, and has post-traumatic stress syndrome.

He was denied medical care or government assistance once he could no longer do his job, because of his injury.

He started the FealGood Foundation, hoping to support and expose the government’s inaction and purposeful negligence in its responsibility to the volunteers and first responders of 9/11, and after seeing many of his friends and co-workers become ill or die from these related illnesses and cancers.

He just attended his 76th funeral.

Because of his foundation, this travesty of government negligence has since come to light. He and his foundation and its supporters have forced this issue to be addressed in congress, and were instrumental in introducing congressional bill H.R. 847 – which would create a multi-billion dollar fund that would pay for all first responder’s health care bills, and provide continuing medical care for these sick and dying heroes, who no longer have medical care due to losing their jobs because of the illnesses caused by volunteering and working at the World Trade Center site.

Now, because of this mans quest for justice, the following hospitals see first responders and volunteers for treatment from 9/11 related illnesses and cancers on a continuing basis:

• Mt. Sinai hospital sees over 12,000 patients
• Long Island Occupational – over 4500 patients
• Robert Wood Johnson in New Jersey – over 2000 patients
• Elmhurst Hospital – over 3000 patients
• Bellevue Hospital – over 3000 patients – offers a free exam for              9/11 related illness
• Staten Island Hospital – over 2500 patients

Mr. Feal continuously campaigns for these forgotten heroes, and recently met with speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi and other government officials. Unfortunately, the humongous Obama Health Care bill has overshadowed the FealGood bill, and it awaits committee approval before official congressional vote. In other words, it’s conveniently wrapped up in government red tape!

Unfortunately, the suicide rate for these first responders, who cannot cope with the symptoms and pain caused by these inhalation based diseases and cancers due to lack of medical care and who are unable to work because of them, is a sad look into the way our national heroess – from Vietnam veterans to 9/11 first responders – are treated by our government, and indirectly, by the American people, who would rather give billions each year to Starbucks for it’s horrible burnt coffee beans and mass produced pastries than to a charity to help those who selflessly helped others, and are dying because of it.

Ignorance is the bliss of those who refuse to see the truth. And if this is the way those who selfishly help others are treated after the glamour and media ratings frenzy is over, I must wonder if I myself wont think twice about putting my life into harms way in order to save someone else’s.

We all repeat like parrots, phrases like “I support the troops”… but 1000’s of our soldiers are committing suicide as our government refuses medical treatment for their injuries and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

“200,000 people who have put on the uniform and served this country sleep homeless on the streets…” -Aaron Glantz.

The PTS experienced by these first responders and volunteers are also going un-treated, and potentially 10’s of thousands will die unless they receive financial and medical help from our government. But you must remember, we are our government. What they do reflects upon us. And their inaction and deceit with regards to our soldiers and to these first responders is on our shoulders.

And so in conclusion, I ask that you become who you project yourself to be. Support the troops by finding out the truth about how they are being treated by our government both in combat, and especially upon returning home. Check out the FealGood Foundation online, and instead of paying $5.00 for a crappy cup of burnt, oily coffee tomorrow, give $5.00 to help pay for a so-called American hero’s life.

Please visit the FealGood Foundation’s website at:

And never, ever, put down or dismiss the facts behind 9/11, and the selfless people who are trying to expose the truth, including the shameful way our government has behaved regarding its first responder heroes, and until you see the facts for yourself. And for you parrots out there who squawk over and over again that our government could never do something like that… I think we just proved that statement to be false.

Clint Richardson (

December 11, 2009

Property Tax Is Extortion By Your Government

I went to a public hearing the other day about a raise in property taxes, this time by the county instead of the state or city. I had about ten minutes worth of facts and figures to read, but I was required to speak what I wanted to say in only three minutes. This was impossible, and I was enraged that free speech and the redress of grievances to our tyrannical government has been reduced to a circus show where the council would only allow my free speech in three minute segments. That is no longer free speech, but rather a privilege granted by the ruling class to the peasantry.

I just wanted to share with you the opener to my speech, since this seems the only truly free forum in which I can speak!

It went like this:


First, I’d just like to say thank you to the board in keeping the constitutional rights of public assembly and the freedom of speech alive in maintaining these types of public hearings. I keep hope that this right is never taken away from the people in what will always remain a representative government. To that end… you who sit on this panel are the representatives of the people, and simply defined that means that the peoples will is paramount to yours.

Now, I’d like talk about taxes. Specifically in this case… property taxes.

I wonder if anyone can tell me the difference between property taxes and rent?

If I rent an apartment, I have to pay a tax – which is called rent – to stay in that apartment.

Likewise, if I live on my own land, in my own house, I also have to pay rent – which is called a tax – a property tax – to stay on that land and in that house.

So is there any difference between rent and property tax?

Well, as far as I can tell, no there is not.

Let’s qualify this…

If I cease to pay my rent to my landlord for his apartment, the consequences of that action are for the landlord to evict me, with the city and state government’s support, of course. This I understand, for it is not my property for which I am living.

But what about my own land and home… the land that my ancestors might have settled over 200 years ago before a property tax scam was even imagined… heck, before Salt Lake City was even imagined? The home that I might own outright, having paid all debt owed for that land and home? What if I cease to pay my rent (in the form of property taxes) to my landlord (who is the government)? What will happen?

Well, as far as I know, the government will just evict me from my own home who I am the landlord of.

So is this a tax, or is it rent.

Lets go even further and call it for what it really is… extortion. Plain and simple.

For through eminent domain, you can take my property anytime you want. Just like a landlord can sell his property and kick you out of your apartment, anytime he likes.

If you homeowners out there don’t agree with me on this, then I invite you to stop paying your property tax… your “rent” to the government, and see what happens…

A legal tax on the citizenry must be apportioned. But it should also be avoidable. If I don’t want to pay the gas tax, I can choose not to drive. If I don’t want to pay the sales tax, I can barter, trade, or grow my own food (as long as the government with all of their codes allows me to do this).

But, as a homeowner, I cannot avoid this tax, unless I want to move and pay rent to someone else. I must pay it or loose my home. Kinda reminds me of protection money, gangland style… The American dream of owning a home is nothing more than glorified rent, with a false sense of security through “limited” ownership, and the stature attached to that dream.

So who regulates the mafia, when they decide to raise the protection money rates, or the government from raising the rent in the form of property taxes?

This is one I wish I had an answer to, though I don’t.

But if every citizen who shows up to this hearing today has a negative response to this “rent through tax” increase, then the logical conclusion to this hearing is that this increase on an already burdensome tax fund should not be allowed. This would be an example of that representative government I was talking about earlier. Meaning that you, as representatives of the people of your county have been made perfectly aware and clear that this tax increase is unacceptable to the overwhelming majority of the people that you supposedly represent and who responded to this announcement and hearing. Therefore the outcome of this hearing should also be clear, which is a resounding NO NEW TAXES!

Now I can only assume, that if you, as a representative public panel, approve this new unavoidable tax increase, that would mean that you are in fact not representing your constitutes; the people who elected you, and are in fact representing someone, or something else.

I have other pertinent documentation that clearly shows that the money to pay for these improvements and initiatives is quite available through other government means. However, I would ask that someone else in the honorable constituents waiting to speak whom also opposes this increase, to allow me their time to speak on behalf of the citizenry. For I assure you, this is the most important of information. Anyone…?


This is dedicated to the Salt Lake County Council, who is no doubt complicit in the theft and wealth building from its starving taxpayer base, for cutting me off and threatening police interaction if anyone spoke out of line. May you rot in Hell for the ruin you have brought unto this city and collectively through all other governments, this country.

They voted in favor of the tax increase, by the way.

More to come on this government wealth which could eliminate all taxes in future posts…

Clint Richardson (
December 10, 2001

9/11 facts and questions I’ll bet you can’t answer without being called a conspiracy theorist!



There were at least 86 independent cameras (gas stations, grocery stores, etc…) at, around, and pointed at the Pentagon on 9/11. In fact, it is the most surveiled area in the United States. All of the footage from these cameras were taken by the government. Why would all film footage from all 86 cameras at and surrounding the Pentagon be confiscated and never released to the public? There is one thing that would easily end all speculation into 9/11 – the camera footage from those 86 cameras. If there were nothing to hide, why would the government keep this film footage (the ultimate indisputable proof) from us?


BBC reporter Jane Standley, as she stood in front of the erect Solomon Bros. Building (WTC7), reported live to BBC London that building 7 had fallen 20 minutes before this building actually fell. Streaming news on BBC reported this as well. News footage was then lost, or cut. WTC7 fell minutes later after multiple explosions were heard, after new owner Larry Silverstein admittedly ordered the demolition with the industry term “pull-it”, and after firefighters at the scene counted down to ‘0’. If the collapse wasn’t expected, then why were there news announcements and a countdown? If the collapse was expected, how could demolition explosives be planted in a burning building in less than 8 hours? Why would they then cover this fact up?


George W. Bush lied in a town hall meeting when he said – verbatim:

I’d ah- was sitting outside ah- the- the classroom waitin’ to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower, of-er-a-of-a-T-ya know the TV was obviously on and I, I used to fly myself and I said, well there’s one terrible pilot, and ah- I said it must have been ah- horrible accident.

Bush was referring here to the day of 9/11, as he was about to go into a classroom to visit and read to children. The problem is, the video footage of the first plane hitting the Twin Towers wasn’t aired on broadcast TV until the next day, September 12th. So, the president could not have seen what he said he saw. As you might remember, Bush was told about the second plane inside the classroom, interrupting his classic “My Pet Goat” reading.


Osama Bin Laden has never been charged with any of the crimes of 9/11. On the FBI’s most wanted list, Bin Laden is wanted for other acts of terror, but not 9/11. He has never been indicted with any crime related to 9/11 in the 8 years since the so-called ‘attacks’. Why is this? Because there is apparently no concrete evidence relating Bin Laden to 9/11.


Osama Bin Laden has a history, as an asset for the C.I.A. His asset name is actually Tim Osman. In fact, Bin Laden was receiving kidney dialysis at a U.S. hospital in Dubai just prior to 9/11. Interestingly, Bin Laden stated on Al Jazeera Television on September 16, 2001 that he had no knowledge of the attacks. He also stated that the attacks of 9/11 appeared to be carried out by individuals with their own motivation. This interview was only aired once, and then never heard of again.


Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom, which provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center “up to the day the buildings fell down.” On the weekend of September 8-9, 2001, WTC tower 2 (the south tower) was powered down – meaning there was no electrical supply for 36 hrs from floor 50 and up… “Of course without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors, and many, many ‘engineers’ coming in and out of the tower.” Marvin Bush was in New York on 9/11.


Is ‘Al-Qaeda” a fitting name for a terrorist group? Well, the widely known definition of ‘Al Qaeda’ is translated in English as ‘The Base’. However, this is not the only translation of the ominous term. There is another. “Ana raicha Al Qaeda” is a colloquial for “I’m going to the toilet”. A very common and widespread use of the word “Al-Qaeda” in different Arab countries in the public language is for ‘the toilet bowl’. This name comes from the Arabic verb “Qa’ada” which means “to sit” – pertinently, on the “Toilet Bowl”. In most Arabs homes there are two kinds of toilets: “Al-Qaeda” also called the “Hamam Franji” or foreign toilet, and “Hamam Arabi” or “Arab toilet” which is a hole in the ground. Lest we forget it, the potty used by small children is called “Ma Qa’adia” or “Little Qaeda”. And so, one must ask… Why would a terrorist group call itself ‘The Toilet’?


In September 2002, FBI Director Robert Mueller told CNN twice that there is “no legal proof to prove the identities of the suicidal hijackers.” Of these supposed Arab “terrorists” named by the U.S. government on 9/11 as the “hijackers”, the following were found to be alive after the events of 9/11: Waleed M. Alshehri, Wail M. Alshehri , Abdulaziz Alomari, Mohand Alshehri, Salem Alhazmi, Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Alnami. One must ask how this is possible?

Saeed Al-Ghamdi is one of three hijackers that US officials have said are linked to Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda network.” – BBC

I was completely shocked. For the past 10 months I have been based in Tunis with 22 other pilots learning to fly an Airbus 320. The FBI provided no evidence of my presumed involvement in the attacks.– Saeed Al-Ghamdi, Telegraph 23rd September 2001

Abdel Aziz Al-Omari and Saeed Hussein Gharamallah Al-Ghamdi, are well in life, the first in Saudi Arabia and the second in Tunisia for nine months.” – Wal Fadjri: 21st September 2001

A Saudi man has reported to authorities that he is the real Abdul Aziz Al-Omari, and claims his passport was stolen in 1995 while he studied electrical engineering at the University of Denver. Al-Omari says he informed police of the theft.” – ABC News

I couldn’t believe it when the FBI put me on their list. They gave my name and my date of birth, but I am not a suicide bomber. I am here. I am alive. I have no idea how to fly a plane. I had nothing to do with this… The name (listed by the FBI) is my name and the birth date is the same as mine, but I am not the one who BOMBED the World Trade Center in New York.Abdul Aziz Al-Omari – Telegraph 23rd September 2001 and Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper.

Al-Omari has since been found in Saudi Arabia and is apparently cleared in the case” – New York Times


Which of these sounds more like a far-fetched conspiracy theory?

(1) A group of angry Muslims who lived in caves with no amenities came to America and took over 4 airplanes with razorblades and then drove these impossibly large planes with limited flight experience into the twin towers and the Pentagon like professional pilots. (Note several were found to be alive after 9/11.)


(2) Bombs and demolition explosives were planted in the WTC towers 1,2, and 7 which brought them down at free fall speed into their own footprint: and a fairy tail-like cover-up story was delivered to the world that over 100 stories fell straight down into themselves, concrete and metal completely pulverized, defying all known architectural and natural physics.


The United States has not officially declared war since World War II. The media still fraudulently informs us that we are at war with Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan. But, instead we are at war with “terror”… an intangible, unfathomable, untouchable, and yet quite a politically useful thing, which has no country, no boundaries, no leader, no limits, no definition, and no rules. War crimes, torture, rendition, indefinite detention, human rights violations, and ordinarily criminal POW treatment are all un-punishable by the Geneva Conventions and Nuremburg Principles simply because we are not officially at war. 9-11 is the catalyst for this and for the legislation that protects these war criminals. 9-11 must be exposed as fraud (which would also expose the “war on terror” as a fraud) in order to charge those deserving with these crimes of war and the unprecedented use of torture. It would also be nice to know who blew up the twin towers, and see them hang!


PNAC (Project for the New American Century) was an American think tank based in Washington D.C. that lasted from early 1997 to 2006. The PNAC’s stated goal was “…to promote American global leadership.” Its members included William Kristol, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John McCain, Paul Wolfowitz, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Richard Perle, Steve Forbes, Robert B. Zoellick, John R. Bolton, Thomas Donnelly, and many others. Section V of ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’, entitled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”, includes the sentence: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor”. PNAC supported the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 (bill H.R.4655), which President Clinton had signed into law. In its “Preface”, in highlighted boxes, Rebuilding America’s Defenses states that it aims to: ESTABLISH FOUR CORE MISSIONS for the U.S. military:

• Defend the American homeland;
• Fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars;
• Perform the “constabulary” duties associated with shaping the security environment in critical regions;
• Transform U.S. forces to exploit the “revolution in military affairs”…


FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) was entrusted with the sole responsibility for investigating the collapse of the WTC complex immediately after 9/11. Strangely, FEMA is not an investigative agency. FEMA, in its so-called investigations, actually coordinated the destruction of all WTC debris and evidence almost immediately after 9/11. The structural steel was quickly removed and loaded on ships for transport to be melted in blast furnaces in India and China, and then dumped in the ocean. Most would see this as blatant destruction of pertinent evidence. Meanwhile, FEMA’s investigation of the collapses consisted of assembling a group of volunteer investigators from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), dubbed the Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT). This group was headed by W. Gene Corley, a structural engineer from Chicago who also led the fraudulent investigation of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. (Incidentally, two other bombs reported by multiple news stations and eyewitnesses, which were found by the bomb squad in the Federal Building and defused, were then never heard about again.) Except for an early “tourist trip”, the BPAT assessment volunteers were barred from ever officially entering Ground Zero. They did not see a single piece of steel until almost a month after the disaster. They had to guess at the original building locations of the few pieces of steel they saw. They were only allowed to collect 150 specific pieces of steel for further study (out of millions of pieces). BPAT’s final report called for “further investigation and analysis”, but the report was not released until after the whole WTC site had been cleared, or “scrubbed” of evidence.


While FEMA allocated only $600,000 for the BPAT study, and didn’t allocate any funding for independent or non-biased investigations, NIST’s “Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation” was funded with an initial budget of $16 million. NIST’s results strongly indicate a cover-up. NIST avoids describing, let alone explaining, the “collapse” of each Tower after they were “poised for collapse.” Thus, NIST avoids answering the question their investigation was tasked with answering: how did the Towers collapse? NIST describes the Twin Towers without reference to the engineering history of other steel-framed buildings, and separates its analysis of WTC 7 into a separate report. By treating them in isolation, NIST hides just how completely different the alleged collapses of these three buildings are. In its own report, NIST reveals that it “adjusted the input” of variables in tests beyond the visual evidence of what actually happened in order to reinforce and save its own hypothesis. NIST also avoids disclosing the evidence of the unexplained sulfidation documented in Appendix C of the original FEMA “Building Performance Study”, which was described by the New York Times as “perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation.”


The actual NIST investigation into 9/11 didn’t officially begin until Aug. 21, 2002. But the panel wasn’t official until the NCST (National Construction Safety Team) Act was signed into law on October 1, 2002, by President Bush. This act authorized the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to establish teams to investigate building failures. The final report on the collapses of WTC 1 and 2 was issued on Oct. 26, 2005. The investigation of the collapse of WTC 7 was completed separately in 2008. One must ask why it took over 365 days to start an official investigation into the most heinous crime in American history. The average time for starting investigations is 1 week. Just think of all the evidence that was lost and covered up in that more than 1-year time. On a personal note: I don’t think it was coincidence that it took NIST 4 and 7 years respectively to release these reports. By that time, by now, most people have or are ready to put the “whole 9/11 thing” behind them. While time doesn’t heal, it does remove the urgency. Thus, I’m sure that most people would have taken any report, no matter how improbable or ridiculous, as the official story. Not that they read it in the first place. But remember, the Patriot Acts and other tyrannical legislation, permissible torture, and indefinite detention without a trial, are law now because of this infamous event. And these laws and acts will affect every one of us eventually. And so, forgetting 9/11 or putting it behind us is not really an option now, is it?


In March of 2007, an extensive set of detailed architectural drawings of the World Trade Center became public through the actions of a whistleblower that worked for the Silverstein Group in 2002 that proved beyond any doubt that the official reports into the collapse of the towers misrepresented their construction. The blueprints provided consist of 261 drawings, included detailed plans for the North Tower (WTC 1), the World Trade Center foundation and basement, and the TV mast on top of the North Tower. The blueprints show that FEMA’s report was inaccurate in stating that core columns were “freestanding” when in fact large horizontal beams cross-connected the core columns in a three-dimensional matrix of thick steel. The NIST report into the collapses has also been proven inaccurate by the blueprints, proving the sixteen columns on the long faces of the cores shared the same dimensions for most of each Tower’s height. These omitted and distorted facts serve to render the official reports extremely questionable and deserving of a new and impartial investigation. Translation: these beams would have to be cut for the buildings to fall with almost no resistance, like they did.


More evidence of misleading and purposely misrepresented evidence was thus shown by FEMA and NIST. Prior to the release of the detailed architectural drawings in 2007, ‘9/11 Research’ published the Master Plan, dated December 16, 1963. This was a generic blueprint drawing of the WTC prior to its construction, which did not show structural details such as column dimensions. It did, however, show an arrangement of core columns that was later changed when the towers were constructed. The obsolete core column arrangement indicated in the “Master Plan” has been reproduced in other publications such as the book ‘Multi-Storey Buildings in Steel’. FEMA and NIST’s purposeful reference to these Master Plan drawings pre-dating construction, with the complicit knowledge of their inaccuracies and later changes are just more reasons to dismiss these investigations as fraud and fund a new independent investigation.


James Quintiere, Ph.D. – former Chief of the Fire Science Division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), has called for an independent review of NIST’s investigation into the collapses of the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11. Dr. Quintiere made his plea during his presentation, “Questions on the WTC Investigations” at the 2007 World Fire Safety Conference. “I wish that there would be a peer review of this,” he said, referring to the NIST investigation. “I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they’ve done; both structurally and from a fire point of view… I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable… Let’s look at real alternatives that might have been the cause of the collapse of the World Trade Towers and how that relates to the official cause and what’s the significance of one cause versus another.” Dr. Quintiere is considered one of the world’s leading fire science researchers and safety engineers.


“Spoliation of a fire (crime) scene is a basis for destroying a legal case in an investigation. Most of the steel was discarded, although the key elements of the core steel were demographically labeled. A careful reading of the NIST report shows that they have no evidence that the temperatures they predict as necessary for failure are corroborated by findings of the little steel debris they have. Why hasn’t NIST declared that this spoliation of the steel was a gross error?” – Question posed to NIST by James Quintiere, Ph.D.


Each of the Twin Towers was pulverized, turned to dust, and totally destroyed in a matter of seconds. In the history of the world there has never been another instance of a steel framed building or skyscraper collapsing from fire. The first and second instance of this was recorded on September 11, 2001 with the collapse at freefall speed of the twin towers. The third instance of this was when WTC 7 collapsed at freefall speed into its own footprint that evening. No airplane had hit WTC 7. Explosions described by firefighters and eyewitnesses as bombs were reported just prior to the WTC 7 collapse.


In addition to the Twin Towers and WTC 7, the World Trade Center complex held buildings 3,4,5, and 6. All of these buildings were severely damaged, first by falling rubble from the twin tower collapses, and then by fires that burned for many hours throughout the entirety of the buildings. Though these buildings were severely thrashed almost beyond recognition, they did not collapse. Yet before collapsing, WTC 7 was hardly damaged at all from debris, and its fires were only sporadic on a few floors, and were oxygen starved (low temperature) throughout the building itself. How is this possible?


Prior to the 9/11 attacks, insiders trading “put options” were placed on United and American Airlines stocks between September 6th and September 10th 2001, at the Chicago Board of Options Exchange. “Put options” are bets that a stock will fall in value in the near future. The owner has the option of buying the stock at a lower rate and then selling them at the highest rate, thus earning a quick windfall profit. Also, a stock option usually costs only a fraction of the actual current stock price due to the risk of a total loss. The put options placed on the two airline stocks were reportedly six to eleven times higher than normal on these days. Other unusual “put option” activity was registered with three European reinsurance firms, Germany Re, Swiss Re, and AXA of France, in addition to World Trade Center occupant Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. This either means that these companies had insider information about the events of 9/11, or were told that their values would drop soon. Either way, this is illegal and treasonous. Martha Stewart has got nothing on these crooks!


At least 17 countries warned the United States regarding intelligence about an imminent attack on America prior to 9/11/01. The cover of the FEMA response manual printed in 1997 and titled, “Emergency Response to Terrorism: A Self-Study”, depicted the World Trade Centers’ twin towers in cross hairs. The Military District of Washington D.C. planned for and simulated a plane crash just like the Pentagon Attack in their “Operation Mascal” planning exercise on October 24, 2000. A Minnesota FBI agent investigating Zacarias Moussaoui testified that he notified the Secret Service weeks before Sept. 11 that a terror team might hijack a plane and “hit the nation’s capital.”

• “There, ah, were, ah, no warning signs that I’m aware of…– Robert S. Mueller, FBI Director under Bush, September 17, 2001, in a press conference.

• “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile; a high-jacked airplane as a missile…” – Condoleezza Rice, as National Security Advisor in a press conference shortly after 9/11.

• “Nobody in our government at least, and I don’t think the prior government that could envision flying airplanes into buildings.” – George W. Bush, as President of the United States in a press conference, shortly after 9/11.

• “No specific threat involving really, ah, domestic operation or involving, ah, what happened obviously, ah, the cities, the airliners and so forth…Dick Cheney, as Vice-President, September 16th, in a television interview.

• “Regrettably, the tragic events of 9/11 were never anticipated or exercised.” – Gen. Ralph Eberhart, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and N.O.R.A.D. commander, as reported to USA Today.

USA Today reports that in the 2 years before the attacks of September 11th, N.O.R.A.D conducted exercises using high-jacked airliners as weapons, and one target was the world trade center.” – Peter Jennings, ABC News.

What the subject has in his mind is that he will board any American commercial aircraft pretending to be an ordinary passenger. Then he will hijack [the] said aircraft, control its cockpit and dive it at the CIA headquarters. Other buildings targeted: the Pentagon and the World Trade Center.” – Report dated January 20, 1995. Philippine police say this document and others outlining three terrorist plots were given to the FBI in 1995 after investigators here busted a terrorist cell. Two attacks — to assassinate the Pope and to bomb U.S. planes — were foiled, but parts of the last and most ambitious plan, Philippine police say, became reality six years later. Reported on CNN March 11, 2002.



When a crime has been committed, any good investigator would ask the question:

Who benefited? So… first, who didn’t benefit from 9/11?

Saddam Husain – lost his dictatorship, his country, his power, and was executed, not that he had anything to do with 9/11.

Osama Bin Laden – lost everything, including his freedom and the protection afforded him by the Taliban prior to 9/11. He’ll never be free again, and will have to hide forever. He can no longer visit other countries for medical care, since those countries would be accused of harboring a known fugitive and “terrorist”.

Al Qaeda – was created, funded and armed by the C.I.A. in the 1980’s for the purposes of fighting off a Russian invasion of Afghanistan. Since 9/11, this or any other group would find it impossible to carry out terrorist attacks anywhere in the world, since 9/11 was the catalyst for the Patriot Acts, which allow our government to spy and listen to any phone or computer communications without limit, including yours. This would seriously undermine any group’s ability to function as a terrorist cell.

In conclusion, all of the usual suspects of 9/11 gained absolutely nothing from 9/11. In fact… they lost everything.


So… Who then, actually benefited from 9/11?

Larry Silverstein – He became the leaseholder of the World Trade Center just a few weeks before 9/11, purchasing it for 15 million dollars. He inherited a mandatory asbestos removal problem, which would have cost over 1 billion dollars to complete in the buildings. Also, the twin towers had a low occupancy rate, with many offices un-rented. Before he signed the lease, Silverstein reworked the insurance policy to specifically cover “terrorist attacks”. After 9/11, he received 7 billion dollars as a settlement from his insurance policy. That’s a 6.85 billion dollar profit!

PNAC – This Neo-con manifesto, created and then published less than 12 months prior to 9/11, included the following goals: to transform America into tomorrows dominant force and global constabulary unchallenged by the U.N. and the rest of the world, to abandon the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, to establish permanent military bases in the Middle-East (against the constitution), regime change in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, and almost all other goals stated in the manifesto which came to fruition only after 9/11. PNAC was like a playbook for the events following 9/11.

Dick Cheney and Halliburton – Former vice-president and former CEO of Halliburton, Dick Cheney still receives a multi-year differed salary package from Halliburton. In a major conflict of interest, this conglomerate company and its subsidiary KBR were granted multi-no-bid contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and at home. In Iraq, KBR leased $40,000 trucks for 5 years, each costing approximately $270,000 at the end of the lease, charged $100 per load of laundry for soldiers who weren’t allowed to do it themselves, and charged the Iraqi government as much as $25,000 per month for each of as many as 1,800 fuel trucks that were to deliver gasoline to Iraq after the 2003 invasion, though the trucks often spent days or weeks sitting idle on the border, and were abandoned in the desert for such things as flat tires. The company’s policy is called “cost-plus”, meaning that the more KBR spends, the more profit they make. KBR recently received a no-bid government contract to build internment camps in the United States as well. Halliburton’s stock has increased greatly since the invasions started. Dick Cheney was a member of the CFR – Council On Foreign Relations before becoming vice president and still working for Halliburton.

Bush and the Weapons Industry – Since the attacks on Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan, the weapons and arms industry has reaped billions of dollars in profits from military contracts and foreign buyers. With the goal being to continue the fighting and bombing as long as possible, as in Vietnam, the weapons industry will continue to make guns and bombs and sell them for huge profits to our government. The Bush family, as part of the Carlyle Group, has gained huge profits from the companies manufacture of weapons and military bases since 9/11.

Oil Companies – Over 60% of the world’s oil fields are in the Middle-East. The United States is by far the biggest consumer of this oil, bar none. Without gaining control of these oil fields, the U.S. economy would collapse, since oil is sold almost exclusively in dollars (petro-dollars) and not foreign currencies. It must control the supply to other countries as well, in order to keep the oil sold in dollars. U.S. oil interests have wanted to build an oil pipeline in the Middle-East since the 1980’s from the Caspian oil fields through Afghanistan. However, the occupying power in Afghanistan, the Taliban, would not allow this to be built. Only 1 day after the United States installed its own government into Afghanistan after 9/11, a contract was signed to construct this pipeline that the oil companies so desperately wanted.

The United States Government – 9/11 gave the elitists running our country inside and outside of our government the opportunity to establish unprecedented unconstitutional and tyrannical legislation in the form of The Patriot Acts. This act allows the government to spy on the communications of every citizen, to sample the DNA of any person convicted of any crime, and it allows for the arrest and indefinite detention of any citizen on suspicion, without a warrant, without probable cause, in secret, without notification of anyone including next of kin – and it takes away your right to a lawyer. Many other documents, acts, and laws have been passed that would never have been allowed prior to 9/11 and the “war on terror”, and which completely destroy the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and even give the federal government new powers of regulation and jurisdiction over individual states. The Homeland Security agency was established after 9/11, and is now sponsoring the Boy and Girl Scouts of America, training them to fight domestic terrorism, similar to the Hitler Youth. By the way, we are all terrorists according to the Patriot Act! Also, please keep in mind that when you elect a President of the United States, you are not just voting for one man, you are voting for the hundreds of appointed (unelected) positions in the highest offices of government and beyond that this one man appoints. Chief of Staff, Secretary’s of State, Defense, Treasury, etc… All of these have conflicts of interest before being appointed, having worked in the industries they are selected to regulate, which is why no-bid contracts are awarded. Note: Obama’s largest campaign contributors were the banks that received the billions of dollars in “bail-outs” from the so-called financial crisis. This is politics; complete corporate corruption on a global scale.


“Project Achilles: Cell Phone Experiments in a Light Aircraft” – conducted by A.K. Dewdney. This was an experiment with several brands of cell phones and their call connection success rates at differing altitudes, up to 8,000 feet. Almost all of these phones failed to connect, or were unintelligible and dropped at this height. This is primarily due to the fact that cell phone towers extend and receive their signals horizontally, not vertically into the air – since there are no people floating around up there and angels have a direct line… Yet we are expected to believe that multiple, crystal clear calls were connected from 36,000 feet in the air, more than four times that tests altitude. This is impossible, as anybody who’s tried to make a call from cruising altitude with a cell phone can attest. Interestingly, on July 15, 2004, American Airlines installed its first cell phone-receiving station onto one of its jets. For the first time, passengers were able to make calls from 36,000 feet in the air. This was not possible on 9/11.


There are a surprising amount of companies and individuals who either appeared to have or admitted to have prior knowledge of the attacks of 9/11:

Zim American Israeli Shipping Co. broke a lease in order to vacate the World Trade Center just days before the attack. Zim’s lease extended through the end of the year and the termination cost was $50,000.

• At Odigo, the instant messaging service, two Israeli employees received e-mail messages two hours before the first World Trade Center assault, predicting the attack. Only 1 person of Israeli decent died that day.

San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted to having received a warning not to fly on 9/11 from what he described as his airport security late Monday evening, just hours before the attack.

Salman Rushdie, who is under the continuous protection of Scotland Yard, was prevented from flying on September 11th, 2001.

Jim Pierce, cousin of President Bush, was scheduled to attend a conference on the 105th floor of the South Tower on 9/11/01, where his company’s New York offices were based. But the conference was moved across the street to the Millennium Hotel, because, the story goes, the group was too large for the WTC!

• Newsweek reported: On September 10… a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.

• According to the New York Times, Silverstein Properties had planned to meet on 9/11/01 on the 88th floor of one of the towers to “discuss what to do in the event of a terrorist attack,” but cancelled the meeting Monday night (9/10) “because one participant could not attend.”


On Sept. 10, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war – but not on foreign terrorists… “The adversary’s closer to home. It’s the Pentagon bureaucracy,” he said. Rumsfeld said the money wasted by the military poses a serious threat. “In fact, it could be said it’s a matter of life and death,” said Rumsfeld. “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions…” $2.3 trillion — that’s $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America. Rumsfeld promised change, but the next day on 9/11, the world changed – and in the rush to fund the new war on terrorism, the war on corruption and waste seems to have been forgotten.


Michael Chertoff was the second United States Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush, and co-author of the USA Patriot Act. After 9/11, the families of the victims from that day were given a choice. They could settle out of court, meaning quicker payouts for funerals and the raising of their families, as well as satiating their greed with something akin to instant gratification – or they could wage a costly court battle against the government, involving a lengthy investigation into the causes and culprits of 9/11. Option #2 would have taken a very long time, with no guarantees of financial rewards. Therefore, in the end, at least 97% of the victim’s families chose to settle out of court: choosing money instead of an proper investigation. Thanks to government lawyers like Chertoff, not a single plaintiff has been heard in court, and no government official has been charged with even gross negligence in the case of 9/11.



I could go on… and on… and on… and on… and on… but I think this is enough for our purposes. All we* want is a new investigation, by unbiased investigators, with no ties to any of the above mentioned groups, organizations, governments, or corporations, and with no financial compensation other than billed hours, under penalty of treason! Is that really so much to ask? We have all of this overwhelming evidence. Isn’t that enough?


* By we, I mean the group which has recently been dubbed the “Truthers” by the main-stream media. Somehow, the word ‘truth‘ was actually spun into having a negative connotation. This is how rediculously obscene our media has become… and it works! For when you hear the truth, your first thought is “oh, that’s just conspiracy theory!” No… it’s truth. Provable, documented, living truth. Perhaps this brainwashing works because of all the television stations, radio stations, movie production studios, newspapers, magazines, and other forms of mainstream media out there, almost all are all owned by a conglomerate of 6 differant companies. This is commonly reffered to as a monopoly – a monopoly with the most dier and purposeful of consequences… a completely ignorant public.




Clint Richardson (

November 12, 2009

Want Peace? Update The Geneva Convention!

After delving into the world of the Geneva Conventions and other war crimes bills, I have come up with an idea. A good idea.

You see, the Geneva Conventions don’t effect the occupations and invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan due to the fact that no official declaration of war was made by Congress. This make these so-called ‘wars’ illegal and unconstitutional. More importantly, it makes the war crimes, torture, and murder of innocent men women and children, including some of our own troops, not bound by these Geneva Conventions. (read full research: here)

The idea is quite simple. And yet it would put a stop immediately to the occupations happening now, and would halt the movement of troops into Iran, potentially stopping World War 3!

This, I know, is a bold statement… but please hear me out.

I think we should look into amending the Geneva Conventions to state two things:

1) These conventions shall include all signatory states and all peoples, in wartime or in peacetime, in regards to any use of military, police, or private forces for foreign or domestic purposes, and shall not be circumvented by rhetoric and “peace-keeping” efforts or undeclared war efforts, occupations, or invasions.

2) These conventions shall be retro-active to the date of their original, pre-amendment writing, and shall make all who have knowingly violated these conventions and continue to do so, bound by and subjected to the fines and punishments therein.

This simple amendment would solve a lot of our problems, and force legaly out of office and into exile or jail, and even the execution of many old war criminals and current politicians who have been complacent or complicit in said war crimes against the Middle East and around the world. This includes Mr. Bush and his father, President Obama (who is now attacking Pakistan and weeks away from entering Iran) Clinton, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the countless others in the gang of war criminals who, until now, have gotten away with murder most foul simply because the peoples of the world are semantically unprotected by these conventions and human rights ideals.

It would also reign in our soldiers, and for that matter Blackwater and other private security firms, since the Geneva Conventions require that the State (country) is responsible its soldiers actions, and punishable there in.

If you don’t yet see the profound impact this one amendment would have on the world and the stopping of Americas unconstitutional killing fields in the Middle-East, let me explain:

Since the president and his cabinet are currently not constrained by these conventions – since we are not officially at war – they are free to do what ever they want, and will continue to pass heinous legislation and commit fraudulent acts of terror in undeclared wars against all countries, including our own. They will continue to be able to snatch anybody they please off of the streets in the act of rendition and imprison them, unconstrained by any human rights violations treaties. This is why they are able to torture and not be charged with war crimes.

If the Geneva Conventions were to be made to include all conflicts, wars, undeclared wars, invasions, prisons, prison camps, occupations, and anything else related to military and private security forces and prisoners or “detainees” and “enemy combatants” where ever they go, there would be no more war… unless Congress legally and constitutionally declared it, in which case their actions would be scrutinized under Geneva Conventions anyway.

This means peace, plain and simple.

This means that the crimes of 911 could be heard in a Geneva Conventions forum, no longer covered up by Americas fraudulent media.

This might also mean that our media might be complicit in the cover-up, and therefore indirectly responsible for the propagation these war crimes.

This means that anyone currently or whom was in the past involved in these illegal war crimes will be immediately punished and removed from office, and this would let loose the strangle-hold that the elites, corporations, and hopefully the United Nations have on our once legitimate system of government.


And so, I need help… Anyone that can tell me where to start with this or help me to get this idea going into reality would be greatly appreciated. Or, if you want to take it and run, by all means do so. Just keep me informed.

Any volunteers?

Contact me at: (

Thanks for reading,


Clint Richardson (

Monday, October 12, 2009