Corporation Nation Radio, Now History (His Story)

It is with profound comfort and sadness that after more than 2 years I have decided to cease broadcasting with Republic Broadcasting Network 5 days a week. This decision reflects nothing regarding that station or its employees, and I wish to thank John Stadtmiller for trusting and allowing me such a platform in such a prime time. Republic is unfortunately a remnant of the old model of network radio being systematically abused, attacked, and made obsolete by the technology of the internet. John is fighting one hell of a battle to keep RBN breathing and even to keep the lights on. Many similar stations have fallen by the same methods, and to the fact that now anyone with a cheap consumer microphone can upload their own show into the digital ether. This ability is not, as many believe, a new kind of glorious digital liberty as much as it is a destructive anarchy of unchecked and non-vetted information.

With that said, and with the broadcast sphere of Youtube and do-it-yourself internet radio personalities all selling their own brand of perceptive virtual reality (i.e. “truth”) for monetary kickbacks, the saturation effect is in my opinion a well-played tool by those who wish to obfuscate legitimacy in alternative broadcasting.

And so I have decided to focus my time in finishing what is now destined to be a three-volume work, my book series called “Strawman: The Real Story Of Your Artificial Person,” realizing that all of these digital creations may be gone tomorrow, erased from the digital ether, and leaving nothing behind to show for it. I look forward to creating an actual work in book-form that is immune from that red button of virtual and digital destruction and censorship, and even from the false flag “EMP” that may accomplish the same trick.

The first volume of this work will be free to download at my other website soon, and I will announce its posting in (.pdf) format for free download in the next couple of months. Instructions on how to obtain a hard copy (unpublished, not public, non-commercial) will be included within. As it is a private work, it will not be available by drone from Amazon or any other retail source, and is not “commercially” available in any way. It may only be obtained from myself. You will understand why this was my choice, my election when you read it.


While this privilege lasts, the internet gods are allowing my archives to be available for listening and download, again free of charge, at the external site listed below.

Special thanks to Drew Carter for not only being with me from the beginning, answering the call to archive these shows, but also for creating this searchable spreadsheet of notes and links for each show and other interviews I’ve done since on other networks. At this link and in this spreadsheet you will find links to all 487 shows plus descriptions of guests and their websites.


This spreadsheet may be updated with future shows where I am guest, and  these shows will be posted on the archive site if Drew has the time and gumption.

Of course, the original archives (with commercials not cut out) will be on the RBN website as well.

To the listener, please bear in mind that this show was a learning experience especially for myself, and so was a continuum of learning and shared knowledge as my guests and myself unraveled the not-so-hidden mysteries. And of course we will never in any of our lifetimes know it all. The point is that show #400 may include the presumption of information learned in show #300. In other words, because we have never tried to sell anything on this show, keeping its intent pure and charitable, we were actually there to learn and to teach without such low and mean distractions and monetary considerations. And so like in any school setting, missing the first half of lessons or not learning the early mathematical theories and answers may mean that later information is not able to be comprehended fully. And of course much of this journey of discovery was in correcting my own fallacious notions of history, of language, and of law, and especially of the spiritual, scriptural knowledge that cannot be discovered without learning the figurative and legal language it was written in. To read the kings law book one must learn the king’s “higher” language. This is what we have learned. We have attempted in every way to kill our superego by removing our respect of our strawman id-entity. Thus, the ego must die as well.

Thanks to all who have followed and stuck with me as we have broken down paradigms and utterly destroyed history. Thanks for your letters, your gifts of books and donations, and for your support in general. Equal thanks to the trolls who have had the opposite effect as they intended, which was to make me question everything and be extra careful to seek Reality over the perception of truth in fiction. And thanks to all my friends and family, both for their love and support (and patience) and for the abandonment and painful separation. I realized long ago that to be in search of the Reality of things is rare, and that seeking such Reality is the most self-offensive thing we can do. Nothing hurts more. Nothing is more offensive than the actual Truth of Reality. For we are all living our own lie in a very convincing fiction of law and society, and with religious and patriotic zeal we defend that lie to escape Reality, even to the death.

In the end, in my final shows, as I began to see more than I bargained for, as this debtor’s hell began to manifest before my eyes, my listening friends were not surprised to see me quit. They could hear it in my voice, a profound sobering and sadness, even a hopelessness manifesting in every new discovery. However, it is only through the act of destroying all hope and facing Reality head on without artifice that each of us may ever finally act upon our knowledge and stop ignoring the problems in the hopes of some superhero that will come and save the day. The return of the Savior. For even christ’s parabolic Word tells us that in the end we can only save ourselves.

And so I leave these words, these shows, as my gift to any who seek to learn from my own limited knowledge. I will continue to post to this blog, probably more often now without having a radio show every day, and I will continue to seek the solutions, not the remedies.

My next project, I have decided, in conjunction with my writings, is to make a research documentary about the history and possibility of establishing the modern version of a monastery. Since all of our land has been stolen (on paper) from under us, which is explained in detail in my work “Strawman,” our collective problem is that we have no where left to walk to. Our parents have nothing to leave us but defective, imperfect titles and debt paper. Our blood has been figuratively corrupted through our certified birth into the legal fiction, and we stand in public attainder through contract, without the ability to be lawful heirs. And so it is my belief, my passion, that we can make the idea of a religious society, a place of immunity and sanctuary from legal debauchery and pursuit of money in mammon cool again. We cannot be free without a place to be free. We cannot practice moral, natural law without a moral, natural place to do so without legal personification. And so I believe the monastery to be the answer, even as recognized by their law. For no law of man may stand in respect of True religious intent, and True religious intent means to never respect persons or flattering titles or the oaths they take.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”


The meaning of this is lost simply because we are not parties to this constitution as public persons in contract. We attend churches that are legal corporations, which means they are not only respected but restricted by the legal law of government. In other words, every corporation calling itself a “church” or organized “religion” is under the legal law, not over it, defeating the entire purpose of being a religious man. Each of us is the temple, and our temple is enslaved and destroyed by our participation in legal affairs through citizenship. And so we must strive to escape such respect of artifice, by standing unseen in a Pure and True religious being based on Charity and Love, without any need or participation in legal things. We must shed our strawman and stop respecting others.

FREEDOM OF RELIGION – Embraces the concept of freedom to believe and freedom to act, the first of which (belief) is absolute, but the second of which (action) remains subject to regulation for protection of society. (Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)


To put it simply, a public U.S. citizen-ship has no right to practice any moral or religious law. This is Caesar’s society, not our own. For U.S. citizenship is the abandonment of free religion and is an acceptance of the national flattering title of legalized “Christian,” as if one can be born as a follower of christ without first obtaining years of knowledge of the scriptures. A nation cannot be a follower of christ, because a nation is a damned fiction of law, and all who respect it are in damnation. And whatever is born of the nation, all citizenships, are thus nationally whatever their creator establishes them as, which in the case of a Romanized, Latinized, “Christian Nation,” is a false, artificial title of “Christian” under Caesar (district of New Columbia). The word district in law means seizure. And all things are seized under Caesar, under this modern contractual feud of public citizenship. Essentially, even the self-proclaimed “atheist” while acting in U.S. citizenship is a corporate “Christian,” no different than those pagans who partook in Caesar’s empire and sat in the colosseums watching the True, uncontrollable followers of christ be fed to the lions.

This is the whole point of religion. For religion is the one and only exemption to the secular, legal (anti-Nature, anti-God) law of man. The only way to abjure the realm (jurisdiction) is to be convicted of crime or to join a monastery! This is well documented, and is also the difference between a private and public man.

The religions of church and state stand purposefully opposed to this, as incorporated institutions of the state designed to take man away from his True religion and provide a false temple “built by hands.”

And this brings me to the precipice, to the beginning of a new journey. I hope that you will be a part of it. I hope that you will help to spread my free work when released soon so that others may discover their own disposition so well occulted by public-mindedness, public education, and public entertainment. The legal matrix cannot be seen, for it is only a coded language artfully made to appear as Reality. The strawman cannot be viewed in the mirror, for it is only a false man built of paper, of contracts and mortgages (dead pledges) in mortmain (dead hands), of credits and debits, and of legal words and flattering titles that do not exist in Nature.


“Receive my instruction, and not silver;
and knowledge rather than choice gold.

For wisdom is better than rubies;
and all the things that may be desired
are not to be compared to it.”

—Proverbs 8: 10-11, KJB


All that I have gained I am now ready to render back to Caesar, for all I have acquired has always been the property of Caesar’s public persona, the strawman I have possessed like a demon since its birth, the puppet I breathe life into, the ship I sail on the sea of commerce. No possession, no trinket, no dwelling place, and no paper title is worth debt slavery in seizure (Caesar). I am ready to give up everything in fiction so as to embrace the Reality of Nature and Its Highest, self-evident Law. And so after years of debilitating hope and much talk I am ready to act, to find my way and to walk the spiritual path.

Perhaps we shall meet along the way.

Or perhaps we may build our dreams and find Reality again together.

Till then, there is an unlimited wealth of knowledge in this internet, even as traditional books and libraries are being figuratively burned and ignored. Deciphering that knowledge between so much bullshit is the ultimate challenge. And learning the language that enslaves us is the greatest task of all, which is the purpose of my upcoming works. When every word we speak has an opposing (legal) meaning in the jurisdiction (fictional realm) of  the church and state, we can attain only false enlightenment. We cannot read the scriptures in common English, for it is purposefully designed to be the language of illiteracy, the public language of the multitude of goyim. The priest-class never gave us the tool to decipher the Bible because they reserved the Latin meanings of their words for themselves. And our laws are written in the same, “higher” language of that spell-craft. And so a master and professor of the English language is at best a complete idiot, so in love with the meanings of the lowest, vulgar form of words that all sense of Reality is gone, as the word becomes more important than the Nature of Reality so named. And we teach each new generation in the same vulgarity, keeping the human capital management system intact through sheer nightmarish ignorance of language.

My work is designed to teach that “higher” language as they who created it have labeled it, not to use it as they do to induce harm but to defeat it utterly by recognizing its purpose. For it can only be used as a lie, as all things legal or “higher” are a lie.

But I digress…

I cannot place thousands of pages and definitions into one simple blog post. I hope that you will find enlightenment in my upcoming works.

Thank you again to all who have joined me on this journey.

And remember that everything in the legal realm is artificial, including your self. This is the key to knowledge.


“For all the gods of the nations are idols…”

—Psalms 96:5, KJB



–Clint Richardson (
–Friday, January 8th, 2016

Can The President Really Make Law?

Ah yes, the frenzy of false media punditry, memes, and speculation strikes again…

CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC, CBS, and all of the bought-and-paid-for U.S. media corporations, now more than ever acting within their prescribed “Mockingbird” rhetorical nonsense, are yet again confusing a very simple concept while relying on the ignorance of the citizenslaved population. A hidden past creates even a hidden present, where the actions of government seem to draw their authority from the ether of the unknown.

And as Obama’s presidential declaration of what is to become the militarized (executive) legal law in the form of an Executive Order forced upon the United States and its people to create “Mexicamerica” is being hailed even by a dishonest Congress as unconstitutional, the propaganda is getting ass-deep. In this classic false dialectic, the congress is once again pretending (lying) to its subject-citizenry that its hands are tied; that the president is acting in a rogue capacity while ignoring “the people’s will” of the congress. All this is merely another attempt to hide the reality that the President is a real, Congressional confirmed and approved and confirmed dictator under emergency war powers.

Let me once again set the record straight… with the congressional record, that is.

In 1933, Congress voluntarily made this little legislative law that all but stripped itself of its own powers to stop such outrageous whims of the president by declaring that the Office of President shall from that point forward have dictatorial powers without need of vote or congressional approval.  In the Act of March 9, 1933, Title 1, Section 1, congress itself declared:

“The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March the 4th, 1933, pursuant to the authority conferred by subsection b of Section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917, as amended, are hereby approved and confirmed.”

It was thus codified, and later slightly altered to this:

“The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March the 4th, 1933, pursuant to the amended [12 USC Sec. 95a], are hereby approved and confirmed. (Mar. 9, 1933, c. 1, Title 1, Sec. 1, 48 Stat, 1.)”

And today it can be found in the U.S. Code in Title 50, entitled “War And National Defense,” and verbatum above as Title 12 Subsection 95a, here:



What was the reaction by the few good men at the time who vehemently opposed such a travesty of interpretive law?

In 1933, at the inception, deliberation, and creation of this official usurpation of the powers and authority of Congress over its Executive (Corporation Sole Roosevelt), Congressman James M. Beck spoke officially, stating (from the Congressional Record):

“I think of all the damnable heresies that have ever been suggested in connection with the Constitution, the doctrine of emergency is the worst. It means that when Congress declares an emergency, there is no Constitution. This means its death. It is the very doctrine that the German chancellor is invoking today in the dying hours of the parliamentary body of the German republic, namely, that because of an emergency, it should grant to the German chancellor absolute power to pass any law, even though the law contradicts the Constitution of the German republic. Chancellor Hitler is at least frank about it. We pay the Constitution lip-service, but the result is the same… the Constitution of the United States, as a restraining influence in keeping the federal government within the carefully prescribed channels of power, is moribund, if not dead. We are witnessing its death-agonies, for when this bill becomes a law, if unhappily it becomes a law, there is no longer any workable Constitution to keep the Congress within the limits of its Constitutional powers… This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule the country without reference to normal constitutional processes. Under the powers delegated by these statutes, the President may: seize property; organize and control the means of production; seize commodities, assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise; restrict travel; and, in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all American citizens.”


It is important to note that Congressman Beck resigned his seat from the Legislature one year later, in September of 1934, and was quoted as giving the reason for his resignation. He stated that Congress had become “merely a rubber stamp for the Executive.”

Then newly elected criminal-minded president Franklin D. Roosevelt in his inaugural address on March 4rth, 1933 stated :

“I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption. But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meat the crisis ­ broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.”


And Congress granted happily and speedily that mutually beneficial request by the president to allow the office to be dictator under the doctrine of necesity, as we read above in U.S. Code.

“Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the Congress hereby declares that a serious emergency exists and that it is imperatively necessary speedily to put into effect remedies of uniform national application.”

This became the “Act of March 9, 1933″, as written into Congressional law.


Later in the congressional record, we find other honest appeals to the insanity of a congress that at any time can stop this power of the president with new legislation, but chooses in free will not to do so. This continuous state of multiple declarations of national emergency was speculated upon long ago as the road to dictatorship and martial law in America, again reading from within the congressional record:

“The President has the power to seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, call reserve forces amounting to 2 1/2 million men to duty, institute martial law, seize and control all means of transportation, regulate all private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all Americans…

“Most [of these laws] remain a potential source of virtually unlimited power for a President should he choose to activate them. It is possible that some future President could exercise this vast authority in an attempt to place the United States under authoritarian rule.

“While the danger of a dictatorship arising through legal means may seem remote to us today (in 1973), recent history records Hitler seizing control through the use of the emergency powers provisions contained in the laws of the Weimar Republic.”

–Joint Statement, Senators Frank Church (D-ID) and Charles McMathias (R-MD) September 30, 1973.


Why did these men have such horrific predictions for our current future?

In 1973, the Senate was charged with compiling a report of which it was to decide upon the efficacy and necessity of the continuance of these Emergency War Powers of the Executive Branch, showing that congress certainly has the power to end this nightmare at any time. This report was named Senate Report 93-549, and was commissioned by the “Special Committee on the Termination of the National Emergency”.

The report’s introduction opens as such:

Since March the 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergencyA majority of the people of the United States have lived all their lives under emergency ruleFor 40 years, freedoms and governmental procedures guaranteed by the Constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought into force by states of national emergency… And, in the United States, actions taken by the government in times of great crisis have ­ from, at least, the Civil War ­ in important ways shaped the present phenomenon of a permanent state of national emergency.”


In order to cut through all of the bullshit that is being espoused by both mainstream and alternative armchair commentators, let this truth stand as an un-shattering reality. The congress voluntarily gave away its power to say no in 1933 in an official capacity, knowingly allowing all future presidents (the office) to declare and order any thing they wish as law. This is voluntary. And this act in U.S. Code can be reversed any time that congress wishes. The problem is, they don’t disapprove of the presidents actions, accept in public forums where the idiots who vote for them can see them pandering and appealing to the sympathy of the unknowing masses.

They say their hands are tied, and yes that is true. But they control the rope. They made the law that ties their hands, and at any time at all they can unmake that law.

But what would happen then? What would happen if this office of dictator were suddenly de-authorized?

That would mean congress would lose all of its modern post-war emergency power! It would mean that all “actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken, promulgated, made or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury since March the 4th, 1933,” would lose their authority. For emergency powers are supposed to be as temporary as any other declaration of war. But the wars against all the declared emergencies are still in effect, and even the Federal Reserve, which was created in a state of emergency under the auspices of the “Emergency Banking Act”, would need to necessarily be put to rest. Literally, the only way that congress can have so much power is to allow the president dictatorial power by vesting that power through congress to the office of president. Thus, the Hegelian dialectic is perfected within a false competition between congress and the monster it created and can destroy at any time.

Make no mistake, folks, congress is not opposed to legalization of illegal aliens into the nation. The more debt slaves the better. But rest assured that you are about to see endless congressional debate and media talking heads spouting more B.S. than you can stomach, all in the name of hiding the fact that you live in a pre-confirmed dictatorship that is both approved and continued perpetually and voluntarily by the United States Congress assembled.

Stop saying that everything that is happening in Washington is unconstitutional damn it! This law was in 1933 passed to bypass the constitution through emergency power!!! So guess what… that means that everything is “constitutional” by necessity  under a suspended constitution! Necessity is a state of lawlessness!!!

You want to change the political spectrum? Get the truth out. Embarrass congress when they lie and pretend that their political hands are tied. Demand that this reality be the one and only political subject and topic of debate at the presidential elections. Demand that this permanent declared state of emergency be banished by this and any future president and the law allowing this Congressional appointed dictatorship abolished. For this is the very soul of Homeland Security, the Patriot Acts, and all other emergency acts, declarations, and Executive Orders that violate every possible right imaginable. Without the power of emergency and war, which is the power of necessity (necessity knows no law), everything would have to go back to what it was before the military ruled the nation through executive force under emergency war powers.

Without this power and authority, congress would need to once again recognize the limitations to itself by the constitution, for necessity knows no constitution, either.

Until you stand up, foreigners are going to come. Illegal wars will be waged. Oppression will ensue. And the president will be dictator with the full and unfettered legal support of you, the People, as re-presented in congress.

The truth is that you are a militarily and politically defeated people.

You perish from lack of knowledge.

And admitting that is the first step…


–Clint Richardson (
–Friday, November 21st, 2014