The True Intent Behind Counter-Cultural Gender Neutralization


“To believe in God is impossible.
Not to believe in Him is absurd.”



This seemingly contradicting statement is in fact not at all a contradiction. But to rationalize its meaning, one must understand gender as it applies to grammar and language. Please allow me to extrapolate this French Enlightenment author’s apparent conflict as what is likely the same thought process as most rational people out there would likely agree upon.

Did you know that the word hell as used in the Bible is actually a feminine noun? (See: Strong’s #H7585 – shĕ’owl)

Inversely, then, it’s only reasonable to conclude, and correctly so, that heaven is of course a masculine noun. (See: Strong’s #H8064 – shamayim)

But then that makes the word satan, the king of hell (metaphorically of lies and artifice), a masculine noun, since a king is supposedly sovereign. (See: Strong’s #H7854 – satan)

We choose our God not by some vain belief or religious title, but by which law we follow. Under legal (Roman) law, the Natural Law (of God) becomes emasculated, and so is subjective to the contract. The contract makes the law, and the creator controls, as the foundational maxims of law go. And the author, maker, as the principal of that contract is now a god (masculinely speaking).

As we consider the strength of these concepts and words, whether we are conscious of it or not, we naturally consider them as either masculine or feminine in their nature or design. But again, this is not at all a reference to male and female. The difference here is exactly what this counter-cultural agenda is really about – neutering the English language, and thus the english speaking ethnicity of the world, like any other live-stocked animal.



Just what do you think would happen to these terms if their purely non-sexual (and non-humanistic), grammatical qualities of masculinity (rank, authority) and femininity (lowness in rank, subjection) were to be obliterated from the conscious thought processes of most people? What if suddenly you could make no choice because you could use no masculine force behind any word you speak? What if heaven and hell were made grammatically equal to each other in their grammatical definitions and thus neutral in their comparison and authority to one another, simply because political correctness overcame common sense? This is not a trick question… hell would then be equal to heaven in mens minds. Fiction would become equal to the reality it copies. Men (as legal, “natural” persons) would become equal to corporations (artificial persons). Lies would become equal to truth. What is adversarial would be made equal to what is Source. For there would be no gender-biased nouns or pronouns allowed in our language to differentiate what is the Light and what is the darkness, what is a right and what is slavery, and what is a living child and what is not. Life is a masculine word, a verb (action) given a name (noun).

Oh, and have you stopped to consider, what possible use will the Trivium Method be when its very root of good and proper grammar has been twisted and reseeded into a giant wall of nothingness? What would become of the art and power of debate if such gender specific terms were disallowed upon the debate stage?

You might expect the word darkness to be either feminine or masculine. But sadly, the dark is neither of these, being rather a state of pure ignorance and adversarial-ness to all things. In other words, the dark is merely gender neuter. And as this grammatical neutering (darkening) of modern English continues, the achievement of darkness (neuter) towards the inability to articulate language properly is the endgame — a total dumbing down of society through an organized campaign of venomous, anti-bias, legally enforced, “green” neutrality laws.

Apparently, Mother Nature just called in and requested no longer to be called Mother, but by the preferred non-gender specific pronoun and description, “Neutral Relative Nature.” For to suggest a feminine quality to Nature Itself would mean that creation is not equal to its Creator. God (Jehovah) is being feminized from every angle!

“And God said, tell them the I am neuter gender sent you…” Lol! You must fear the neutrality of God not so almighty!

Yeah… this just doesn’t quite seem to work, does it?

To call this gender movement as adversarial (satanic) is an understatement.

In this short statement of reason by Voltaire above, so much is said therein that a discourse in it’s meaning would be daunting. However, as a devout antagonist of the organized, corporate Catholic (universal) religion, we find that these statements can only be explained when linguistic gender is taken into consideration. For the religions of the world (standing as secular corporations of men) have indeed grammatically feminized the notion of what is the word “God” while the Truest intent of that word as written (in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, etc.) is as a Supreme Sovereignty, being a purely masculine term. And so to say that this feminized (emasculated) “god” of the corporate church and its various protesting denominations of religion around the world is impossible to believe in is and certainly should be the rational, compos mentis (of right mind) reaction as man’s first and last impression of the Bull of any false church. But the scriptural scholar, as he who seeks and understands the very definition of God (Jehovah) in the Bible and its lexicons and concordances without opinion, which is all that is self-existent and self-evident in oneness, in other words all that is not man-made, as the Oneness of the entirety of all that Exists in and of Itself — the Universe as a monotheistic, timeless, Living (Eternally Existing) wholeness called as the verb (Jehovah) and purposefully mis-transliterated by the agents of the Popes and kings as “God,” then certainly it would be an absurdity to lay claim to the self-evident error of believing religiously that Existence (God) does not Exist. For this is the emasculation (de-gendering) of the entirety of Nature, It’s Law, and of all Life therein. This non-belief in Reality (God) robs the Natural force and Law from all of Nature, including all men turned pusillanimous by such grammatical gender modification of the Supreme Being (verb).

Of course, grammatically, the word Him used above by Voltaire and in the Bible as a reference to the word “God” is not a True reference to a male persona or figure, but to the non-sexually oriented masculinity of the gender of words by their grammatical meaning. You see, these openly coordinated attacks happening today on assignment-sexuality and gender roles and names (pronouns) are not attacks on sexuality or even upon foundational science, but upon the power and authority of words to describe what is foundational (as the qualities of masculinity and femininity) and the ability to reasonably and without idiosyncrasy use them in common, correct, authoritative discourse. When we seek the definition of this word gender, very little is said about the sexual orientations of men, for in the language arts gender is a metaphoric tool to express either a dominance or subservience, objective or subjective quality or character. A female may therefore be assigned masculinity by her words just as easily as any male. The necessity for such differentiation is perhaps the most important aspect of our ability to communicate with reason. It’s all about which words are more authoritative (masculine) or more inferior (feminine) than and towards the others. Only the foolish, publicly educated and brutally entertained multitude would actually resent such ancient grammatical structure as somehow sexist or biased. And yet this current campaign of gender neutrality serves no other purpose than to completely remove the properness of language structure from the already dumbed-down slave-speak of dog-Latin (English) we already bark so poorly and ineloquently.

Imagine a world, as the one currently being shaped around us is incrementally showing, with a culture of neutral (non-gender biased) thought patterns and language crafting.

Just what is neutrality?

More importantly, what power can be gained over a common people when their ability to communicate has been thoroughly neutered like domesticated animals?

NEUTRAL – adjective – [Latin From neuter.] 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking an active part with either of contending parties. It is policy for a nation to be neutral when other nations are at war. Belligerents often obtain supplies from neutral states. 2. Indifferent; having no bias in favor of either side or party3. Indifferent; neither very good nor bad. Some things good, and some things ill do seem, And neutral some in her fantastic eye… – noun – A person or nation that takes no part in a contest between othersThe neutral as far as his commerce extends, becomes a party in the war(–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the American Language)

NEUTER – adjective – [Latin not either.] 1. Not adhering to either party; taking no part with either side, either when persons are contending, or questions are discussed. It may be synonymous with indifferent, or it may not. The United States remained neuter during the French Revolution, but very few of the people were indifferent as to the success of the parties engaged. A man may be neuter from feeling, and he is then indifferent; but he may be neuter in fact, when he is not in feeling or principle. A judge should be perfectly neuter in feeling, that he may decide with impartiality. 2. In grammar, of neither gender; an epithet given to nouns that are neither masculine nor feminine; primarily to nouns which express neither sex. – noun – 1. A person that takes no part in a contest between two or more individuals or nations; a person who is either indifferent to the cause, or forbears to interfere2. A animal of neither sex, or incapable of propagation. The working bees are neuters. – verbIn grammar, a verb which expresses an action or state limited to the subject, and which is not followed by an object; as, I go; I sit; I am; I run; I walk. It is better denominated intransitive. (–Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the American Language) 


While neutrality is certainly a skill one learns in the practice of the sciences and other arts as a means to an end, this type of cultural neutrality in language can only lead to causality instead of choice, and silence as consent instead of personal or public discourse. It means that the word “no” becomes useless and unacceptable, for all issues are pre-voted as “yes.” It means privacy and personal, self-determination is dead.

And so when Voltaire uses this address of Him (a capitonym) with regards to the word and meaning of “God,” it caries a specific meaning not of a male figure but of the masculine qualities of supremacy or sovereignty of God, as the masculine nature of strength, power, and authority.

So what happens if suddenly everything we discuss, every word we use both politically and socially, is suddenly made to be neuter in gender?

What happens to the meaning and power of our words if they are stripped of any masculine or famine qualities?

Have you taken a look at our society lately?



Will a book get upset if I don’t refer to it as Neuter Gender, meaning it is neither active or passive? Will a lamp refuse to illuminate my room because I put a femininely appealing lampshade upon its masculine body? Will an all girls college be so neutered so as to accept a student (a common gender title of legal/false persona) that only pretends to be a girl by pronoun? Nowadays, yes. Because the very foundation of gender in not only language but in True science (the study of Nature) and its deep importance is being abashedly lost to this extreme counter-culture society. Gender has somehow become politically incorrect! In fact, eventually there will be no “all-girl”or “all-boy” schools or clubs, simply because the words (pronouns) boy and girl will be illegal to use. They’ll be biased.

I wonder if Mother’s and Father’s day will be neutralized? Perhaps we can just call them as one parents day and bring them both gender neutral gifts. And that’s good news for guys, because it will then be illegal for  a woman to state that she can do something a man can’t do! Brilliant. No more nagging about labor pains when we agonize over a sprained ankle. Men can now claim neuter anti-bias and be done with that nagging old neuter neutral life partner whose breasts are somehow no longer able to be referred to in the gender feminine.

Ironically, it is the ability to think with clarity and specifically neutrality that is being obfuscated. Spock would not be able to speak logically ever again, for he would not be able by sanction of law to speak grammatical truth in gender. Even the great Vulcan would be cowed by so-called anti-biased, illogical education, a virtual ethnic cleansing of any reasonable discourse from society.

Voltaire, the Bible, and so many other sources use the intentionally masculine word He to describe “God.” Throughout the history of poetic, romantic language arts this type of metaphoric speech as a use of gender description was a perfectly executable and beautifully eloquated art of communication. These old languages, even today, would be useless without this built in engendering of role.

Today, it is becoming irrationally offensive to utilize such terms of gender in our grammar-based rhetoric and discourse, though there is absolutely no precedent or reasoning behind such foolishness. This boils down to a population standing in utter idiocracy, a reality show gone horribly wrong. That such an ancient, mature form of gender-biased terminology should be demonized merely because the general population cannot anymore comprehend the difference between the use of such words with utter neutrality and without some perceived personal attack on a whole race or sex is certainly the sign of any semblance of Natural or political liberty and justice.

And yet, in our very legalistic law we find…

HE – Properly a pronoun of the masculine gender, but commonly construed in statutes to include both sexes as well as corporations. May be read “they.” (Black’s Law 4th)

We also find in US Code, Title 1, Section 1, that:

“…WORDS importing the masculine GENDER include the feminine as well…”

And so what does this battle against meaning do to the notion of sovereignty? Obviously sovereignty is a masculine gender word in its proper grammatical use. It literally cannot be grammatically feminine. And yet the New Age worship of the sacred feminine (including the Catholic Mary as the occult worship of Fatima) is today at hand, not as the desire for the perfection of balance intended by the self-evident neutrality of gender specificity, but as a complete destruction and emasculation of all masculine concepts, both in males and females. True freedom is a masculine concept, requiring self-responsibility and purposeful adherence to God’s Law of Nature. One cannot be Truly free and also be in a feminine (subjective) position. This has nothing to do with one’s sexual orientation or genetics, for indeed the female partakes in the masculine traits of most words as well, because they had nothing to do with her sexuality. What is an object and what is a subject to another object is self-evident in most cases. But to utterly mix up and destroy the ability to communicate in such obvious terms, which we call as political correctness, means that we can no longer express the very underlying tenets and ideals of True freedom and liberty under God.

In other words, our vigor, or at least the ability to express it civilly, is being taken away from us one word at a time.

VIGOROUSNESS – noun – The quality of being vigorous or possessed of active strength. [Vigor and all its derivatives imply active strength, or the power of action and exertion, in distinction from passive strength, or strength to endure.]

PASSIVE – adjective – [Latin passivus, from passus, patior, to suffer.] 1. Suffering; not acting, receiving or capable of receiving impressions from external agents. We were passive spectators, not actors in the scene. The mind is wholly passive in the reception of all its simple ideas. God is not in any respect passive2.Unresisting; not opposing; receiving or suffering without resistance; as passive obediencepassive submission to the laws. Passive verb, in grammar, is a verb which expresses passion, or the effect of an action of some agent; as in Latin doceor, I am taught; in English, she is loved and admired by her friends; he is assailed by slander. Passive obedience, as used by writers on government, denotes not only quiet unresting submission to power, but implies the denial of the right of resistance, or the recognition of the duty to submit in all cases to the existing government. Passive prayer, among mystic divines, is suspension of the activity of the soul or intellectual faculties, the soul remaining quiet and yielding only to the impulses of grace. Passive commerce, trade in which the productions of a country are carried by foreigners in their own (ship) bottoms. [See Active commerce.] (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the American Language)


In this sense, we can understand more clearly the role of being a patient to the medical industry, which is responsible for over one-third of deaths in the United States (see statistics on iatrogenic death by doctors). Yes, doctors kill one-third of those who die from disease, behind only cancer and heart disease, both of which being mainstream news to also be doctor and vaccine-related diseases. This vigorous death toll is a result of the patient/doctor or agent/principal relationship, the passive vs the vigorous.

We are becoming not active participants in government, but unwitting patients passively obeying the worst kind of bureaucracy in law.

PATIENT – adjective – pa’shent. [Latin patient.] 1. Having the quality of enduring evils without murmuring or fretfulness; sustaining afflictions of body or mind with fortitude, calmness or christian submission to the divine will; as a patient person, or a person of patient temper. It is followed by of before the evil endured; as patient of labor or pain; patient of heat or cold. 2. Not easily provoked; calm under the sufferance of injuries or offenses; not revengeful. Be patient towards all men. 1 Thessalonians 5:143. Persevering; constant in pursuit or exertion; calmly diligent. Whatever I have done is due to patient thought. 4. Not hasty; not over eager or impetuous; waiting or expecting with calmness or without discontent. Not patient to expect the turns of fate.  noun – A person or thing that received impressions from external agents; he or that which is passively affected. Malice is a passion so impetuous and precipitate, that it often involves the agent and the patient. 1. A person diseased or suffering bodily indisposition. It is used in relation to the physician; as, the physician visits his patient morning and evening. 2. It is sometimes used absolutely for a sick person. It is wonderful to observe how inapprehensive these patients are of their disease. – verb intransitive – To compose one’s self. [Not used.] (Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the American Language)


The endurance shown today as the passive aggressiveness towards this browbeating of the masculinity of all things, of all the masculine qualities of men, male and female, both in health and in communication, is staggering to say the least. We are Truly entering into the Brave New World model.

For the purposes of keeping our whits about us as we enter into this adversarial age of deception and as otherwise strong men fall all around us into a state of passive ridiculousness, I have included here some lessons on gender and its correct use in grammar. While this may seem basic for some, for others it is a new exploration, and at least it might help us to recognize exactly what is being attempted to be stripped away from our collective cognizance in order to place us into a continuous state of dissonant, dissociative behavior towards one another and most importantly to the general authority figures of church and state. Do not take this for granted, my friends, for this is as evil as evil plans get.



Nature: Universal Grammar”

“Universal Grammar is a theory proposed by Chomsky that claims children have the ability to learn any language. This is due to what he calls Universal Grammar. He proposes that their is a natural ability in the mind of every human that allows them to learn, and that is how language is further developed. Being born with every linguistic tool that one would need, gives humans the ability to learn language essentially on their own.


“Nurture: Behaviorist Reinforcement”

“The behaviorist theory is when negative and positive reinforcements are used to gain a desired result. This is often used in classrooms in which teachers use consequences or rewards to motivate a student to succeed. Skinner believed that this nurture style behavior was the reason for language development in children. His claims were that children are rewarded for correct use of language, and either punished or no action at all for incorrect use of language. Children weren’t actually learning language, but instead they were learning about rewards and consequences through the behaviorists theory.



In conclusion, it wasn’t so much that B.F. Skinner was correct by default, but that when reason, logic, God’s Nature and Law, and any Natural inclinations towards self-government and self-determination are stripped away from the equation, from the consciousness, then and only then may the engineering of social conditioning, association, imitation, and reinforcement destroy our mind’s natural, inherant tendencies through the introduction of what amounts to a giant, public, social experiment in a laboratory setting, a combination of the media, public education, and the entertainment industries all working hand in hand to adversarially nurture us all away from our very own nature. In other words, Nature will take its course unless something unnatural is purposefully introduced as a stumbling block so that we are re-purposed as human capital. We are like rats being experimented on in completely unnatural settings and thus producing completely unnatural results, and so it is impossible to fulfill our purpose according to our inherent nature. The state and its propaganda matrix has hold of us. And yet its only chains are the words (rhetoric) it causes us to speak against our very own interests and nature.

Note here that you will not hear such a discourse on gender neutralization in the mainstream media. Their job is not to solve the issue but to present what appears to be a hopeless battle against this onslaught of strangeness. By presenting interviews with perverted and demoralizing guests and commentators from various special interest organizations, we are not meant to be informed but utterly confused. We are meant to feel helpless, passive, and without hope. We are meant to stop participating, to stop being active (masculine) in our protests and oppositions. We are meant to become like putty in the hands of these social engineers, either trapped in our own homes in front of our televisions and radios hopelessly watching it all go to shit, or throwing away our televisions and other connections to all of this so as to become the ultimate in passive aggressive slaves, pretending it will all go away while suffering all the evils that result in such complacency and obedience to absurdity.

And on that note, I can only imagine that Voltaire must be rolling in his grave.

Author’s note: this is a great companion piece to the culmination of my life’s work — a discourse on the language arts, as the legal law vs. the Natural Law, which is free to download at Please spread this article and my book freely with all who may seek answers. Thank you…


–Clint > Richard-son (
–Friday, August 18, 2017



Transgender Bathrooms: A Very Simple Solution

(Warning: dirty words ahead, because this shit deserves it and I’m pissed off. Puns intended.)

I remember, as many do, being required to use the only bathroom available to me in that locked-down educational prison we call as public school. I remember feeling embarrassed that there was no door on the toilet stall, which meant no privacy as I took a shit. Well, actually, I suppose I gave it. And come to think of it, I am still amazed at the free-for-all piss fountain created by the many imbecilic drunkards at large outdoor concerts, where hoards of staggering men stumble into the wholly inadequate public restrooms provided only to find a large, extra-long, stainless steel troth with no privacy at all. We are expected to whip our cocks out and have a go at it while just 2 inches away (if we’re lucky) the next inebriated fool does the same without falling in, creating a quite disgusting cascade of sudsy yellow urine with enough nitrogen that it would surely kill all of the grass in Central Park.

This experience, and especially experiencing it in early childhood, is already demeaning enough. But now, public restrooms are being federally mandated to be duel-sex and transgender accessible. This purely counter-culture drive to further degrade the already amoral public moral standards set by purely evil private associations like the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) to  restrict personal and parental choice is ridiculous in every way fathomable, unless you consider the very corrupting source. By this logic, Ebola and plague patients should not be forced into quarantine, because all bugs and viruses and the people that carry them should have equal rights to be hospitalized next to healthy, very susceptible people. It is yet again only a case of the absence of right-mindedness by those that blindly accept this as “just the way it is,” even as we find ourselves asking, as usual, who in their right mind would promote this?

I say again, it’s merely counter-culture.

Before we get into the cause and culprit behind this constant barrage on the moral senses specifically directed towards our quite impressionable children, I wish to offer the most simple and easy to implement remedy possible. The answer is so obvious and right in front of our faces that it is invisible.

The simple answer is privacy. A short and concise referendum or proposition on the ballet in each state, which causes a majority vote to change the laws that require all public restrooms to become single occupancy, private, lockable bathrooms, would solve this issue immediately. These new single-occupancy restrooms can be called anything and carry any symbology that represents and floats these psychopath’s boat, as long as a child or adult isn’t unnecessarily forced into sharing a very personal and unavoidable experience with any other person.

This would have one of two possible outcomes. It would pass and defeat these federal mandates at the state level by simply ending the public, shared nature of these coopted bathrooms, or it would necessarily cause these bastards to end this public mandate of “sharing” so as to avoid spending billions to retrofit every school, library, and other government building in the nation and state, thus causing this counter-culture agenda to be defeated before it can take hold and morally rape our children’s mind any further.

To defeat evil, one must counter the evil with methods that only evil may understand.

The other option is simply to require to be built single-use bathrooms for those who seek such nonsensical usage of the opposite sex’s space. Problem solved. No sharing needed. Everyone’s happy. Everyone has a choice. After all, what could solve the excuse of being uncomfortable in these public restrooms than a little bit of privacy for all concerned?

So simple…

This drive for public inclusion makes no sense, even on the face of it, satisfying only one small fraction of the public while violating the rights of all others to choose. To force the vast majority of others to dread such a necessary and personal functionality of the body’s waste system is patently ridiculous. Simply build private bathrooms that can be used by any public person and the problem is solved.

If anything, this should be the only viable political response by “straight,” heterosexual people anyway, so that these so-called “equal rights” can be kept by all statuses of legal persons. Hell, they could even campaign for this solution on the proven bullshit of the “right to choose.” Pro-choice. To shit alone and piss without an audience. I can see it now, political activists screaming through microphones and blow-horns for the right to defecate in privacy, ending their rather humorous rants with phrases like: …and that’s a choice worth fighting for!

I shit you not here when I say, what could be more reasonable than that?

Seriously though, this could be a huge movement. (Pun intended).

And honestly, who among you would rather use a shared restroom rather than a private, single-service one? We could make T-shirts that have political slogans like “I choose to poop alone!” and “I’d rather pee standing up!” and what is sure to become a classic, “My junk is not for public viewing, and neither is my child’s!”

But you see, we must understand that to these counter-culture predators, this obvious fix is not a viable option, for the real goal is not to satiate any class or cause some skewed version of political, legal “equality,” it is to destroy morals and culturally accepted boundaries. This solution would of course be fought tooth and nail by these purveyors of moral depravity, for the real agenda is merely a war against what is sensible and reasonable. Reason has no place in public-mindedness. In order to destroy a people, one must first morally admonish them as a whole, taking away all sense of privacy through the implementation of the de facto (illegitimate) public law. The conditioning of slaves requires exactly this, just as the impression of farm animals requires that herd mentality and separation of the calf from its mother so as to be artificially nourished in promotion of  the economic viability of its meat, milk, and future labor potential. The slave must be publicly humiliated in front of all other slaves for the social conditioning of the herd to take hold and cause others to accept what is normalized among the goyim.

At this point, we must do a bit of discovery to understand where this organized psychopathy is coming from. Will the usual suspects please stand up?


ADL Commends Justice Department’s Message to Transgender Community – New York South East Post



ADL Blog:

The Most Basic of Rights: Transgender Students Are Entitled to Respect and Dignity



Finding the Balance: Countering Extremism and Combating Stereotypes

ADL Resources for Schools and Educators



ADL Programs for Schools

“Today’s youth require school environments that promote respect, inclusiveness and civility. This work is at the heart of A CLASSROOM OF DIFFERENCE™. We offer a variety of training programs for pre-K through 12th grade school communities – educators, administrators, youth and families – which focus on the development of an inclusive culture and respectful school climate by addressing issues of bias and bullying.”



We must acknowledge the source, the moral, Talmudic enemy of the christian culture, before we can battle this on-slot of counter-culture. Most of the recent “anti-bias” campaigns from the ADL have certainly been hotly debated topics, not the least of which are the so-called “sex education” curriculums that promote instruction to 1st graders on topics and history of LGTB issues and “equal” rights in marriage and family, complete with visual aids. In other words, all of this multiculturalism shit is coming from the same cesspool.

If the American people don’t get this by now, they never will. It’s staring us right in the face, challenging even our most basic of rights to choose what is right for ourselves and our children. But then, the notion that children belong to the state naturally comes from this very same source.

I am reprinting here an excerpt from my past research, directly from the ADL’s website, with links to all of my research into how the ADL has infiltrated into education through the non-governmental organization (NGO) of the National Governor’s Association’s copyrighted COMMON CORE standards and lobbying for your consideration.

Remember when school taught math, science, Latin, and wood shop?

Those days are long past. Today’s learning environment is strictly to cause a Brave New World of zombie-like, automaton, bi and a-sexual children without any ability to choose for themselves what is right or wrong.

Begin excerpt…

The Anti-Defamation League:
Militarily Defaming The Arab Spring

Through what is surely the worst possible conflict of interest I can possibly imagine, the so-called Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – a staunch supporter of International “Jewish” interests and the spreading of Zionism (support for the political “State” of Israel) – and through the Public Private Partnership model, can truly be seen for what it is. This non-governmental private association, interest group, and ultra-powerful lobby is one of the most powerful and influential private associations and political assassins in the United States and indeed the world. They even got me kicked off of a local radio station in Utah after calling the station to complain about my choice of words. And yes – it is currently publishing the propaganda training manuals for not only our children in public schools, but also for our men and women in uniform (the U.S. military, all branches).

If you are from or have any empathy for any of the Middle Eastern countries as the actual Semitic Arab people, such as those in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Libya, and most of all the gold at the end of the U.S. and Israel war-profiteer rainbow (Iran), then this fact should light a rather hot fire under your posterior. For when the enemy of any people is solely responsible for teaching a military force about that people, what else can one expect than for that military to kill million upon millions of men, women, and children due to purely false information? And what else would you expect than that, through infiltration into the public and military education systems, American children and soldiers (infant-ry) would have the true history of that which the ADL protects erased from their memories?

“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of the Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews —Winston Churchill

“We are exterminating the bourgeoisie as a class.” —Lenin

“The interests of the revolution require the physical annihilation of the bourgeoisie class.” —Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Jewish general of the Red Army

“The longer the rotten bourgeoisie society lives, the more and more barbaric will anti-Semitism become everywhere.” Leon Trotsky, New York Daily Forward, a Jewish newspaper, interview in 1937.

“Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands; let them drown themselves in their own blood. For the blood of Lenin and Uritzky, Zinoviev and Vólodarsky, let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeoisie–more blood! As much as possible!” —top Communist Jewish official Zinoviev, Krasnaya Gazeta, Sept. 1, 1918.

“Bourgeoisie was a Bolshevik code-word for Gentile. The first law passed after the Communists seized power in Russia made anti-Semitism a crime punishable by death.” —Izvestia, July 27, 1918.

“It can hardly be an accident that antagonism directed against the Jews is to be found pretty much everywhere in the world where Jews and non-Jews are associated. And as the Jews are the common element of the situation it would seem probable, on the face of it, that the cause will be found in them rather than in the widely varying groups which feel this antagonism.” Professor Jesse H. Holmes, writing in “The American Hebrew”.

If this hostility, even aversion, had only been shown towards the Jews at one period and in one country, it would be easy to unravel the limited causes of this anger, but this race has been on the contrary an object of hatred to all the peoples among whom it has established itself. It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other; since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the same way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.” —Bernard Lazare, noted Jewish author, from his book “L’antisemitisme son histoire et ses causes”, published in 1894, regarding the history of the expulsions of Jews from so many cultures.

“Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act.” —U.S. SAMS officers, about the Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD, and reported in the Washington Post on September 10, 2001.


They can either kill us, make us foolishly kill each other in their name, or brainwash us through public re-education. But something must be done about us evil gentiles, right?

Perhaps you’ve already heard of some of the ADL’s infamous lesson plans already introduced through the Common Core standards into the public education system, though most likely you didn’t know their source. I’m referring to such beauties as:

“UNHEARD VOICES: STORIES OF LGBT HISTORY – This is an education curriculum course to be taught to youngsters in grammar, middle, and high school and labeled as lessons in civics, history, language arts, life skills: working with others, and of course VISUAL ARTS.”


On page four of the lesson outline, we see that this ADL teaching tool is listed as in compliance with:




From the ADL’s education resource website, the ADL is proud to give some of the following statistics:

“Over 19,000 educators teach about the holocaust using “Echos and Reflections”

“Over 58 million adults and youth impacted by ADL”

“Reaching 300 campuses in 44 U.S. States”


But let’s focus on perhaps the most resourceful crime against humanity I can imagine being perpetrated by the ADL, even as we speak. Coming in November (2014), the ADL has actually stooped to the lowest of lows. In its modern day version of book-banning, and symbolically the political burning of books, the ADL will teach you (the parent and teacher) how to not read or teach books that hold what it refers to as a “bias,” so as to prevent your child from developing any opinions based on fact or historical purview of true “Jewish” history. After all, any book that shares the true history of Israel, international Zionism, Jewish supremacy, or one that tells the true story of the genocide happening right now in Palestine, must be regarded as “prejudice” and “anti-Semitic”, right? Let’s examine this brilliantly conniving best practice that has been created by the non-governmental private association called the Anti-Defamation League to literally destroy history through clandestinely banning “biased” books about history…


Using an Anti-Bias Lens to Examine Early Childhood Children’s Books in Your Program

“Unfortunately, the impressions imparted by some books are
not always positive and free from bias. Learn what teachers can do to
take advantage of their early windows of opportunity to prevent
the development of prejudice. Note this webinar is 1½ hours.”



(NOTE: A child that is “free from bias” is a child that is free from morals and values, free from street smarts, free from scriptural teachings, and free from being subject to some of the most revered authors in history, including Shakespeare and Voltaire. To make a comparison, this is like a wild animal having no consciousness of who or what its predators are. This term “anti-bias” is a fancy term used for the erasure of all notions of Zionist and Talmudic thought and actions in history against all other religions and nations, including that of the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution that purportedly killed 60 million white, Russian farmers. And of course, it is the ADL curriculum and lesson plans that will be teaching children about the holocaust, promoting the now almost totally defunct “official story” that allows so much false respect and leniency to be given to their efforts, the promotion of false shame in “white” culture [standing at only 8% of the entire world population and declining], and destroying its beautiful culture and contributions both through media and Hollywood entertainment and now in education at the youngest and most influential of ages. To put a spin on history as either positive or negative is to utterly destroy the purpose of history lessons. This can only cause that died of proverbs to come true, that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Only in this case, those who cause our doom will be worshiped as gods.)

To further the understanding of just how the ADL has infiltrated and snuffed logic and reason out of the education process via the distorting and erasure of history and modernization of reality, the ADL further explains its Common Core curriculum of clandestine book-burning, which it calls as “anti-bias curriculum”.

From the website:

The Need for an Anti-Bias Curriculum

Preparing students to live and work successfully in a pluralistic nation and a global community requires opportunities for them to engage in curricular content that furthers the ideals of justice and equality upon which the nation was founded. Anti-bias curriculum provides an understanding of diverse perspectives, strengthens critical thinking skills, challenges the development of emerging biases, and builds skills and motivation to take action against injustice.”

“Additionally, creating an anti-bias learning environment fosters a positive and open mindset to engage in and learn from curricular content that promotes equality and diversity nationwide.”

Anti-Bias Study Guide

“Anti-Bias Study Guides have been prepared for educators to use as supplementary materials for students in grades 4–12. The Guides are available in both Intermediate and Secondary Level. The lessons assist students in exploring societal issues arising from bias, bigotry and discrimination; building critical thinking skills; increasing understanding of diverse perspectives; and building leadership skills in promoting justice and equity in schools, communities, and society at large.”


Apparently, at least according to the ADL, to have a “bias” is to automatically have bigotry and engage in discrimination?

To give you an idea of just how ironically bias the ADL actually is in its support and promotion of Israel and Zionsim, take a look at just what the ADL is protecting from these entirely Jewish sources:


Note that this is from a Rabbi at the Jewish School in the West Bank,
promoting the end of Christianity and of cultural Europe as we know it.


(NOTE: Does this sound anti-bias to you? Make no mistake that this is the origin of prejudice. This is the foundation of racism. And it is as ancient as any empire in history, a history and current mind-set that is being completely removed from public education by the ADL and its so-called non-bias curriculum.)

If you are a Christian, or for that matter any other non-Jewish people (born/birthed in a nation) with or without religious tendencies, then you are considered as goyim (non-Jew gentile), “born only to serve the Jew.” From its own newspapers… this is Zionism.
This is the Israel. This is the bias that the ADL truly protects through its non-bias propaganda.

Of course, at the front of the debate on the Christmas holiday being celebrated at schools is the ADL, because of course the Jews should have a say about christianity, which I must remind my readers is PART OF THE COMMON LAW!!! Judaism is not part of the common law, but its power and influence is certainly present in the commercial realm of the public realm. For the common law is only for private men, protecting only those who utilize the Bible as their highest law. All others are public. And there is no room for christianity (or common law) in public school.



Explore the legal issues of religious freedom and learn how you can help to create a school environment that respects different points of view, religious beliefs and practices.



The ADL also created the World Of Difference Institute to further promote and implement “non-bias education,” which it self-describes as:



The Anti-Defamation League’s A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute is a market leader in the development and delivery of anti-bias education and diversity training programs and resources. Comprised of four distinct departments — CLASSROOM, CAMPUS, COMMUNITY, and WORKPLACE — the Institute’s customizable, interactive programs are used by schools, universities, corporations, law enforcement agencies and community organizations throughout the United States and abroad.

The Institute’s training modules and curricula are designed by human relations and education professionals, incorporating the latest research from the education field. Ongoing evaluation efforts in collaboration with renowned universities, colleges and foundations ensure and enhance the efficacy of the Institute’s offerings. Through the development and delivery of its programs and resources, the Institute seeks to help participants: recognize bias and the harm it inflicts on individuals and society; explore the value of diversity; improve inter-group relations; and combat racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of prejudice and bigotry. Institute programs provide the necessary skills, knowledge and awareness to promote and sustain inclusive and respectful school, work and home environments.


Hidden behind Agenda 21 and within these seemingly wonderful and fluffy words like sustain, respect, combat racism, inter-group relations, and of course anti-bias education lays a corporation (private association) with one of the most clear biases in the entirety of all lobbying groups, as the claimed mission of the ADL states:

“The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike.”


In other words, forced political equality. It uses other discriminated against groups to hide behind – not so much to protect them as to exploit them in order to protect themselves and their True history.

But that’s not all… for the ADL does all of this too:

A leader in the development of materials, programs and services, ADL builds bridges of communication, understanding and respect among diverse groups, carrying out its mission through a network of regional and satellite offices in the United States and abroad. ADL’s long-term commitment to fighting anti-Semitism and fighting for fair treatment for all people provides the context for all of its anti-bias initiatives.

Today, ADL’s 30 professionally staffed offices in the United States, plus offices in Jerusalem, Vienna and MoscowWORK TO TRANSLATE THIS COUNTRY’S DEMOCRATIC IDEALS INTO A WAY OF LIFE for all Americans. Legal Affairs files amicus briefs challenging discrimination and encourages model legislation — including hate crimes laws, which enhance penalties when crimes are committed because of a victim’s race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or national origin.

Its Research and Fact Finding monitors extremist groups, from neo-Nazi skinheads to international terrorist groups. The Civil Rights Information Center provides quick responses to the media and the public on breaking news and events relating to civil rights issues. Education seeks to break the cycle of hatred through curriculum and training.



Please understand that the ADL and AIPAC are by far the largest special interest contributors to political campaigns in the entire world. If this is not clear, you’d better darn well watch this video of the real United States presidential election:


End excerpt…

For my full 3-part essay on the ADL and its infiltration into the education system (ADL in last link below), please see my articles and lecture on the non-governmental structure of Common Core, here:






Only a fool would read this information that I have provided and use the terms that the ADL wants, conditions, and teaches through media entertainment and “news” us to use, such epitaphs as “anti-semite,” “bully,” or “hate monger.” Do not be fooled by these wolves in sheep’s clothing. Recognize your enemy, for counter-culture and cultural genocide is the strongest tool of these devils. Talmudic Judaism is not compatible in any way, shape or form with christianity. And this degrading, forced social acceptance of public issues is a great and powerful weapon.

Think I’m an anti-semite?

Silly rabbit, tricks of word-magick are for kids (he-goats of goats).

The Pure Love and Charity taught in scripture must be kept from the public-minded gentiles, who instead must be kept in ignorance and in competition with one another. We must be made into kids (goats) through public education, so that we do not become as sheep unto God. We are told not to be sheep, and yet what else can we be if we are to be shepherded by christ’s teachings? And you wonder why the Bible is kept from us in public school? You wonder why Alex Jones and other disinformation masters cause us to hate the idea of being sheep and cause us to be instead merely headstrong goats with guns for horns? We are mislead in so many directions and by so many Zionist interests that it has become difficult to distinguish what is good from what is opposed to it.

This is what we are not supposed to grasp, the opposite of competition, the opposite of public-mindedness, the opposite of Love and Charity, the opposite of mammon (money and interest), as the parables that would prevent us all from remaining always out of harmony with Nature, the self-evident Truth of all things.


31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:

33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:

36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?

39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

–Matthew 25:31–46, KJB


Why would this be banned from public school? Think about it. Counter-culture. Goat creation. Slaves cannot be taught that which would free them from this money system of the money-changers. Is this not an obvious conclusion? Of course the Zionist, Jewish powers will stop at nothing to ensure the teachings of christ never reach the ears of our children. For a Bible-reading people cannot be enslaved!!!

And why do you suppose this goat-headed statue of Balphamet is being allowed to be erected next to the 10 commandments at a secular government building? Isn’t it obvious? Perhaps the Truth hasn’t gotten your goat yet?



So is this merely an anti-semitic rant, religious drivel, or a glance into the very heart of darkness? The fool may regret his answer in conceit of what is self-evident.

But just in case their trickery is not fully comrehended, watch and learn from one of the masters of deception themselves:


The main theme of this post today has been nothing more than to get you to understand that the word public is akin to the word goyim, a voluntary slave-state that actually allows your children to suffer this atrocity of “public education” provided by the most well-funded and evil (antichrist) political, non-religious organization in the world. A public person must submit to the public law. If you want to teach your children well, you are going to have to end your public relationship with whatever nation has you encapsulated  as goyim in its contractual relationship and legal, amoral matrix. Their victimhood is by your own hand; you who ignorantly signed as the “informer” upon the application for birth certificate.

If this doesn’t make sense to you now, I guarantee that it will if you choose to read and comprehend my future volumes of free works entitled Strawman: The Real Story Of Your Artificial Person.

The problem is not what is happening in government, the problem is that you allow yourself to voluntarily be under its legal contract and law through respect of its public person (legal status) while ignoring and publicly decrying (through the expression of fictional personhood) the scriptures. Remembering that the Bible is part of the common law, I leave you with a few of the many scriptural words (Laws) that are the very center of this public issue. The private man does not suffer the public law, and certainly never sends his private child to public school. Only slaves love their own servitude.

If you can understand the following verses, you can understand why your children are doomed to the very name (public person) and false identity you legally registered them into at birth.


For there is no respect of persons with God.”

—Romans 2:11, KJB

Let me not, I pray you, accept any man’s person:
neither let me give flattering titles unto any man.”

—Job 32:21, KJB

“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”

—Philippians 4:11, KJB

But if you have respect to persons, ye commit sin,
and are convinced of the Law
as transgressors.”

—James 2:9, KJB

To have respect of persons, is not good:
for a piece of bread, that man will

—Proverbs 28:21, KJB

“Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.”

—Hebrews 12:16, KJB

But them that are without, (let) God judgeth. Therefore put away from among your selves that wicked person.”

—1 Corinthians 5:13, KJB

“Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgement, thou shall not respect the person (title) of the poor, nor honor the person (en-title-ment) of the mighty, but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor.”

—Leviticus 19:15, KJB

“These things also belong to the wise: It is not good to have respect of persons in judgement.”

—Proverbs 24:23, KJB

It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgement.”

—Proverbs 18:5, KJB

“Though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afarre of (he doesn’t know).”

—Psalms 138:6, KJB

“And ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your master also is in heaven, neither is there respect of persons with him.”

—Ephesians 6:9, KJB

“My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.”

—James 2:1, KJB

“Wherefore now, let the fear of the Lord be upon you, take heed and do it: for there is no inequity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts.”

—2 Chronicles 19:7, KJB

“For he see that wise men die, likewise the fool, and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others.”

—Psalms 49:10, KJB

But he that doeth wrong, shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.”

—Colossians 3:25, KJB

And his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries (flattering titles).”

—Daniel 11:21, KJB

“Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to give tribute to Cesar, or not?”

“…And Jesus answering said to them, Render to Cesar the things that are Cesar’s (give back the legal person, relinquish flattering titles and privileges), and to God the things that are God’s

And they marveled at him.”

—Mark 12: 14 and 17, KJB


These public mandates come from Caesar, also known legally as “the district” of the nation. The gods of the public realm have their seat there, controlling all things they create, including men who claim to be a public person and thus receive public rights and benefits from that city on the hill; a municipal corporation for sinners (sureties of fictional persons and flattering titles). To be clear, the ADL and the public education system it exploits cannot have influence over you or your children unless you offer yourself and your children to it and pay tribute to the United States municipal corporation in its artificial persona (legal, public status). In other words, the ADL can only influence your children through public education if you keep your children publicly registered as goyim of the nation by respecting their legal names, numbers, marks, and other signs of fiction.

So do not blame anyone but yourself. You are the Highest authority in Nature. But in the public, legal fiction, you are only a temporary holder of the right to raise the persons of your children, having abandoned (delivered) them to the state (district/Caesar) at birth certification (creation of a legal entity). If you don’t believe that, you better read what the courts will tell you as a voluntary public slave, here:



Just how much of this cultural upheaval are you going to bear?

How much shit can you be made to eat?



–Clint Richardson (
–Tuesday, May 17th, 2016