What Cops Don’t Know May Kill You

Back to some good old fashioned public official confrontations. My favorite!

I was always curious about this, and now I know…

A police officer who does not know what the word “consent” means is just about the most frightening thing I can imagine when dealing with these officers of the corporate code. A whole United States military and police department without such knowledge, and the true nature of our society comes rushing in.

Note that this was on Veteran’s Day, and that there was no good reason for these city workers to be replacing this sign on a holiday. It merely changed one word, “dusk”, as the time to exit the park.

Note also that this was very much yet another media photo op, and that they took about 20 minutes to change over this sign while each camera-person got their footage.


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Sunday, November 20, 2011

Show Me The Law!

Just a thought about the campaign called “Show Me The Law”, referring to the act of asking for the law in court which requires a person in the United States to pay the Federal Income Tax.

Mr. Aaron Russo had the right idea in his documentary, “America: Freedom To Fascism”, but just didn’t go far enough down the rabbit hole to get at the root of the issue. For the most important aspect of the Federal Code called the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE is that it is not in fact law, but rather what is called Prima Facie Law, or “presumed” law.

The presumption of law requires one very important thing to become an enforceable law… Consent. This most wonderful of words is the basis of this Prima Facie presumed law; the presumption being that you consent to this presumed law (the IRS Code) by silence, which is a powerful form of consent. If you do not agree that the law is fair and just, you must state loud and clearly that you do not consent to that law.

Even after hours of examination and oration in a federal tax court, never actually uncovering the lawful requirement to pay the tax, people are still being found guilty of income tax evasion.

But the word “evasion” would imply (it would be presumed by the court and the IRS) that the person being charged with the crime of “tax evasion” consents to the fact that the IRS Code is in fact law in the first place. By failing to state verbally, loudly, and repeatedly that one does not consent to an admitted and completely presumed Prima Facie law, one acquiesces to the entire Internal Revenue Code by simple silence – acquiescence to presumed law by lack of verbal non-consent.

For a more complete understanding of consent, please read my previous post here:

Link: https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2010/12/08/consent-why-the-irs-domestic-and-homeland-security-have-no-lawful-power/

But this is what it boils down to, straight from the Federal Code:

(Reprint from link above)

“…of the 50 “TITLES” in UNITED STATES CODE, only 23 of those TITLES have been enacted into positive law; i.e. legal evidence of law (Congressional Statutory Law). These TITLES are as follows:

1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, and 49.

All other TITLES within the federal U.S. CODE are what is called “Prima Facie” evidence of law. Prima facie is not statutory law (not made into law by congress), which means that it is only enforceable via your voluntary consent.

(Source link: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/about.html )

So here it is, in black and white. The Internal Revenue Code (not law, but CODE) is in Title 26, which is not listed above as congressional statutory law, and is therefore presumed law…




§ 7701. Definitions

(Source link: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc_sec_26_00007701—-000-.html )

(a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof—

(1) Person

The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.
(14) Taxpayer

The term “taxpayer” means any person subject to any internal revenue tax.


(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc_sup_01_26.html )

According to the list above, TITLE 26, which holds the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE that is used by the Internal Revenue Service as the basis to tax, steal, imprison, subjugate, and ruin the lives of many Americans… IS NOT STATUTORY LAW. Therefore… IT REQUIRES CONSENT!

This means that the entire basis for the Income Tax levied on the people of America is strictly voluntary!

If the word “taxpayer” as defined above in paragraph (14) is any “person” as defined above in paragraph (1) that is “subject to any internal revenue tax”, and if the U.S. CODE states that it requires consent for the so defined “person” to be subject to any authority presented by the IRS and it’s non-Statutory, Prima Facie INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, then no individual Free Man or Woman in America is required to pay an income tax on their monies earned, unless they consent to doing so by signing the corporate IRS and IRC paperwork that binds them to the tax as a contract.

(End reprint)

So in actuality, we are asking the wrong question in court!

We should not be simply asking “Please show me the law”, for that implies consent to the entirety of the IRS CODE, and thus consent to presumed law.

Instead, we should be asking the following question:

“Please show me the law that allows this prima facie presumed law in TITLE 26 to be used against me without my consent. I DO NOT CONSENT!!!”

Repeat as needed…

Please note that this is not legal advice, and is only being provided as an explanation of the law from the U.S. CODE. Please research and verify everything yourself. This covers all past and future writings by myself. And may I state that it is indeed sad that I must make this statement for fear of retribution by the makers of these tyrannies.


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The United States: A Corporation

The “United States” is a corporation…

If you really want to understand why this is true, then you will have to look at each of the following pieces of the puzzle (links)… This will take a lot of your time and more importantly, the suspension of your idealism and belief.

That is hard. Trust me, I know.

I just spent an hour putting this post together and am passing this information on to you, so please don’t let it go to waste. Consider it an early Christmas present!


Let’s focus on proving the corporate structure of the Federal Government, so that there is no doubt in your mind…

Here is the first carrot that I will dangle in front of you to get you to keep reading! This is from the U.S. CODE.

U.S. CODE is the corporate code of the UNITED STATES Federal corporation. Here it states that “United States” is defined as “a Federal corporation”.






§ 3002. Definitions

15) ‘‘United States’’ means—

(A) a Federal corporation;

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/28/usc_sec_28_00003002—-000-.html )



Wam, bam, thank you mam!

So when did this happen…?

First, understand that the “United States” Federal corporation is a ten mile stretch of land that is not one of the 5o states united, and that this was mandated in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.

Team Law down in SoCal has a great fact-sheet printed here… read this to get an understanding of the corporate setup of D.C, by charter in 1801:


Now read the last two paragraphs in Article 1, Section 8 here:


Note that this Article only gave the federal government authority over the D.C. land – not to exceed 10 miles square. This is the corporate structure that is the Federal Government. Note that the Government is not allowed to “own” land outside of this 10 mile D.C. area. Also, states are not authorized to “own” land either. So all federal lands, state parks, national parks, etc… are not “property” of the constitutional government.

But a corporation… which the Supreme Court now says is a person too with first amendment rights… that becomes a whole other can of worms!


Now, as referenced above, “The Act of 1871” (Google this term for other pdf files which explain this in more detail, but watch for misinformation as well). It does seem like a redundancy, as mentioned above. Though it does seem to join the few “municipalities” of Washington D.C. into one “municipal corporation”.



Interestingly, the Constitution Act of 1871 was passed in Canada the same year, confirming the Queens rule over Canada through Parliament.



Equally as intriguing is this info which says that English Parliament changed the social security system in the United States. It is very hard to except that the history we have learned is false. But until we do, we know nothing but false history, written by the “victors”. Also check out the “Treaty of Peace” (as referenced in this article, and the “Treaty of 1213”, showing the Vatican owns the Crown.


Check out all of the articles on this site when you have time:


Like this one which is congressional record referring to the bankruptcy, dissolving of, and reorganization of the United States corporation:



It is also very hard for most to imagine that the constitution that we hold so dearly is not a very good document. It takes away freedom as much as it grants it. The only true freedom is God-given, natural law, not a peace of paper. Besides, most politicians only take a verbal oath, but they do not turn it in in writing, which is what contracts them to the oath… Big grand jury’s going on up in Utah here about that, since about 75% of our government is not sworn in on paper (lawfully). In fact, one of our smaller towns recently passed a code that says legislatures and government workers are not bound by any oath they take. It is city law in Tremonton, Utah!!!

For instance, why would anyone think that the 5th amendment is a good thing, or even idealistically “constitutional”?

Let’s read and understand the 5th amendment…


“…nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Notice that the clause “without due process of law” nullifies the statement before it, and “without just compensation” nullifies the statement before it!

This last part is called the “Takings Clause”, and is what eminent domain is largely based on – taking property and land with “just compensation“.

Who decides what “just compensation” is?

Why, the very government that is doing the “taking”!

All of this, right under our noses…

Read more:


Now to the 13th amendment:


Section 1. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Section 2. “Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

The statement “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted” nullifies the former and later statement that slavery is illegal. This didn’t outlaw slavery… it legalized state sanctioned slavery while outlawing private individual ownership!

The constitution is full of these “except” clauses, which is why this holy worship of the constitution is ridiculous in my mind, and why it needs to be rewritten for modern times, not just reinstated. For once in history, the problem with a legal document (the constitution) is that it does not have enough small print!!!

Here is my blog about this:


I highly recomend it.


Even worse, the “Federal Prison Industries” website is the “Amway” or “Wallmart” for the corporate U.S. slave prison system, called Unicor. Basically, the private prison system is huge. It relies on the courts to ensure a continuous influx of “prisoners” or “slaves” to build the products which the Federal Prison Industries sells. Think jobs are outsourced to India, check out the jobs outsourced to the prison industry!

Unicor Corporate Overview:

UNICOR, Federal Prison Industries is a self-sustaining, self-funded corporation established in 1934 by executive order to create a voluntary real-world work program to train federal inmates.

Check out Unicor here:



***Also, the most important legal term you can understand is “CONSENT”. This is a must read. It also shows that the whole of the Internal Revenue Code is not statutory law, and in fact is Prima Facie law, meaning it is presumed law, meaning it is only law with the free peoples consent. Please, please read this. It will change your whole perspective on what law is and how it affects you.



But aren’t the courts there to ensure justice against government tyranny, you know, the whole checks and balances thingy?

The biggest mistake you can make is to get an attorney (plead incompetence and inability to represent yourself, and become a ward of the court) and then go into court to fight anything (consent to the corporate court and its non-statutory legal codes – not law).


You must understand that the courts are also private corporations. In fact, in Los Angeles they did a freedom of information act and found out that the judges down there build and own the private corporate courts, rent them out to the government for millions of dollars, and write checks on dummy and city “municipal” accounts that are not registered with the IRS! In other words, the court system is a money laundering system. This is happening all over the U.S. It involves the crime families as well, and other corporate structures that would surprise you.

Watch these videos… Though they are of horrible quality and video production, they are very revealing:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtHCIXVb_eo

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_lwzj8DY_U&feature=related

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKVNKCiGMpM&feature=related

So we see that the courts are indeed private corporations, just like all governments across the country.


One last website to check out…


Understanding the difference between what is lawful and what is legal is paramount. They are two different concepts, one natural law and one corporate law (legality and code) with the peoples’ consent needed.


I could go on and on… but if this doesn’t do the trick, then I am almost all out of tricks. If you haven’t watched The Corporation Nation, now would be the time. The movie will explain the rest, and explain the general accounting system for corporate government, the CAFR.


My Christmas Gift to you, the gift of truth and comprehension!

Happy New Year everybody…


-Clint Richardson- (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

Saturday, December 18, 2010