What Is A Representative?

In a recent conversation, I was enlightened on a subject that I think will clear up a few things in your quest of comprehension as to why our “representative” congressmen, presidents, governors, and other elected officers of the UNITED STATES (a federal corporation in the District of Columbia) don’t seem to be representing the interests of the people of the states for which they represent. This is very enlightening…

The simple answer to this question is this:

At some point in history, the original intended constitutional description of an elected politician went from being a “delegate” of the people to being a “Representative” of the people.

What is a delegate?

A delegate is a person chosen by the people or an other entity to represent the will of the people or that entity. That person (one of the people) is generally referred to as a “statesman” because his or her interest was only in that of the state or area (now called a district) for which he was an elected delegate. When in a national setting, such as in a congressional session with other delegates from other areas, this chosen representative of the people was there on behalf of the people and interests of those people in his district or state (statesman), and nothing else. National issues, therefore, would not trump local ones. But the most important difference between a delegate and a representative is this: a delegate was required to bring any legislation created in that lawmaking session either locally or nationally back to his area (district) for a vote of the people. In other words, he did not have the freedom to make decisions for the people, he merely was the chosen voice and scribe of the people as a representation of the people’s interests. The delegate and the laws he or she created had no power except that granted by the vote of the people. This made the laws passed by the delegate the actual law of the people. And this made it very difficult to pass a law that was tyrannical and not representative of the people.

What is a Representative?

A representative in today’s legal standing is a person chosen by the people or an other entity to represent the will of the people or entity, that much is the same. But today’s elected politicians are no longer delegates of the people, but rather the parent (parens patria) of the people will. Today’s politicians become TITLE 2 and TITLE 5 employees of the federal government, not delegates of the people. What does this mean? It means that as a representative, today’s elected delegate is conferred with the legal power, authority, and jurisdiction to make their own decisions (i.e. to vote for legal CODE without a vote of the people – with disregard of a people’s vote). A representative is not a statesman. And a representative does not make law, but rather creates legal CODE. This CODE is not the will of the people, as it is not voted upon by the people. A representative does not have the interests of his area (district) or state in mind when voting or creating legal CODE. Therefore, a representative is not acting in the people’s interest, for he is not delegating the peoples will. He or she is no longer a delegate of the people. And these legal CODES which are passed off as laws are very easy to pass, simply because the people have no say in their content or their passing.


In short, comprehending the distinction between a delegate and a representative has been the final step for me to finally understand why the entirety of the legal US CODE has no lawful power, authority, or jurisdiction over me as one of the people without my personal consent, since all law is always based on the consent of the people.

If the people as a whole did not vote for a law, it is not the law. It is prima facie legal CODE requiring the consent of the people in the enforcement of that CODE. This includes state, county, local, and district legal CODE as well.

And remember that judges are “elected” as well, and are the adjudicators of legal CODE, not the law. And please understand that you also “elect” an attorney to “represent” you. BAR attorneys swear an oath to uphold that copyrighted legal CODE and to follow legal court procedure. An attorney is not a delegate, but a representative of yourself as a ward of the court not fit to represent yourself. All BAR attorneys and judges are on the same team, representing the legal CODE, not the people. And these BAR attorneys make up a majority of our elected officials in the senate, a large majority of the house, and of course our representative President, who has granted himself the authority to make his own law (legal CODE) through the use of Presidential Directives and Executive Orders, giving force to legal CODE’s without and above constitutional considerations.

Just because a politician makes a pretty speech about being a statesman and representing the will of the people doesn’t make this a reality. Most politicians want nothing more than the corporate clout and money that being a post-politician carries with it, not to mention a multi-million dollar tax-exempt expense account and a life-long taxpayer funded pension virtually unmatched in the private sector.

So the next time you decide to vote for your local, county, state, or federal representative, including the President of the UNITED STATES, remember that you are electing a representative and not a delegate. And remember that by voting for that person, you are granting that person your presumed consent to make decisions on your behalf, but certainly not in your best interests.

(Special thanks to Burt. His information is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/donotconsent83)


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com) — (Clint4P.com)
–Friday, February 17, 2012

Do You Own Your Children?

Do you know who owns your child?

This might seem like a strange question to most… but the answer is even stranger and more terrifying to comprehend.

When a question like this is posed, we the people often look to our legislature and our constitution for the answers, as esoteric and interpretable as those answers may be. But without the rose-colored glasses, we can actually read with our own eyes what the answer to this question is from the eyes and opinion of our government.

Before you can truly attain the answer to this question though, and comprehend how it applies to you and your children, you must first temporarily suspend your emotion, your idealism, and your beliefs. For when we refer to law, these things do not apply. And when it is a corporation that writes these laws, morals, ethics, and values go out the window.

Anger though, for the purpose of the information you are about to receive, is permitted and requested…

First of all, let’s clarify that what we are about to see is the opinion of the court system. Courts do not offer “judgment”, only “opinion”. The justices (not judges) of the “Supreme Court” as well offer nothing but opinion, which then becomes what the BAR association considers to be “Public Policy” or public opinion. The BAR copyrights these opinions then misleadingly calls it the “law”.

The side effect of being a consenting citizen of the United States (corporation) is that these copyrighted codes are applied to you with what the U.S.CODE itself calls Prima Facie law (law which derives its authority from presumed consent). Therefore, all branches of government technically operate under presumed law, meaning that the consent of the governed is automatically assumed in all legal matters and decisions based on court opinion.

This, unfortunately, applies to all contracts made with or on behalf of the state…

And one of those contracts is called a “Marriage License“.

Yours and your spouses signature on that state-sanctioned and federally registered document signifies a consent-based contract between all three parties – you, your spouse, and the “State“.

But don’t take my word for it… Let’s see what the court system offers in their opinion about this subject?

First, lets visit an Illinois Appellate Court judgment from 1997:

Appellate Court of Illinois, NO. 5-97-0108:

Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state.

Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.


…When two people decide to get married, they are required to first procure a license from the State. If they have children of this marriage, they are required by the State to submit their children to certain things, such as school attendance and vaccinations. Furthermore, if at some time in the future the couple decides the marriage is not working, they must petition the State for a divorce. Marriage is a three-party contract between the man, the woman, and the State

Linneman v. Linneman, 1 Ill. App. 2d 48, 50, 116 N.E.2d 182, 183 (1953), citing Van Koten v. Van Koten, 323 Ill. 323, 326, 154 N.E. 146 (1926).

The State represents the public interest in the institution of marriage.

Linneman, 1 Ill. App. 2d at 50, 116 N.E.2d at 183 (1953).


This public interest is what allows the State to intervene in certain situations to protect the interests of members of the family.   The State is like a silent partner in the family who is not active in the everyday running of the family but becomes active and exercises its power and authority only when necessary to protect some important interest of family life.   Taking all of this into consideration, the question no longer is whether the State has an interest or place in disputes such as the one at bar, but it becomes a question of timing and necessity.

Also, this case law states…

The state has a wide range of power for limiting parental freedom and authority in things affecting the child’s welfare… In fact, the entire familial relationship involves the State.

Prince, 321 U.S. at 167, 64 S.Ct. at 442, 88 L.Ed. 645.

(SOURCE: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/il-court-of-appeals/1486817.html)

Well now… the courts sure do seem to offer the opinion that your child is owned by the state!

But heck, what should we the people (not People) expect?

When such authority and jurisdiction is just arbitrarily handed over to a bunch of attorneys running around in black moo-moos with little wooden hammers yelling that they rule supreme in their houses of judicial worship simply because the state allows them to presume such authority and jurisdiction… I suppose those people who consent to this charade get just what they deserve – slavery through a bondage contract.

But then, when the President of the country is also a lawyer, along with his wife, and for that mater more than half of all U.S. Presidents, 56/100 Senators, over 35% of Congressmen, both “speakers” of the house, and most of the State Governors in office today are all BAR attorneys/lawyers, I suppose we shouldn’t be at all surprised that the opinion of the BAR Association is the law of the land…

Of course, the above opinion is not just some isolated case. This opinion is quite general in its purview, and quite common in its legal application. In fact, it is the very basis of the criminal racket we call the dreaded “Child Protective Services (CPS)”, which claims its overarching authority from the Federal “Health And Human Services (HHS)” as it legally kidnaps your children.

So where else can we find such blatant power abused so absolutely?

How about in the case of MEADOWS v. MEADOWS, (Aug 2008), in the “Court of Civil Appeals of Alabama”?

“The primary control and custody of infants is with the government.”

Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62

There is no wider area for the exercise of judicial discretion than that of providing for and protecting the best interests of children.

Ex parte Handley, 460 So.2d 167 (Ala.1984).

The court stands in the position of parens patria[e] of children.

Ayers v. Kelley, 284 Ala. 321, 224 So.2d 673 (1969)․

…we held that the best interest of the child took precedence over the parent’s right to travel.

Everett, 660 So.2d at 601-02.

In 1984, the Court of Appeals of Idaho ruled that the State had a ‘compelling governmental interest’ that justified restricting the residence of the custodial parent, holding that the best interests of a child had priority over the parent’s right to travel.

Ziegler v. Ziegler, 107 Idaho 527, 691 P.2d 773 (Idaho App.1985) (citing Carlson v. Carlson, 8 Kan.App.2d 564, 661 P.2d 833 (1983)).

**Note: The word “interest”, when it is used by the courts on behalf of “the state”, should be considered here to be defined in layman’s terms as the monetary interest in what the State considers one of its trade-able commodities. For to a for-profit government, people are considered legal “persons”, and their value is not in flesh and blood, but in labor and tax. Persons are the original form of legal tender. -Clint-


“Parens patriae,” literally “parent of the country,” refers traditionally to role of state as sovereign and guardian of persons under legal disability.”

Ex parte Bayliss, 550 So.2d 986, 988 n. 1 (Ala.1989) (quoting Black’s Law Dictionary 1003 (5th ed.1979)).

“Pursuant to the parens patriae doctrine, ‘the primary control and custody of infants is with the government, to be delegated, as of course, to their natural guardians and protectors, so long as such guardians are suitable persons to exercise it.’ ”

Ex parte Wright, 225 Ala. 220, 222, 142 So. 672, 674 (1932). See also Fletcher v. Preston, 226 Ala. 665, 148 So. 137 (1933); and Striplin v. Ware, 36 Ala. 87 (1860).

“In other words, the state is the father and mother of the child and the natural parents are not entitled to custody, except upon the state’s beneficent recognition that natural parents presumably will be the best of its citizens to delegate its custodial powers… ‘The law devolves the custody of infant children upon their parents, not so much upon the ground of natural right in the latter, as because the interests of the children, and the good of the public, will, as a general rule, be thereby promoted.’ “

Chandler v. Whatley, 238 Ala. 206, 208, 189 So. 751, 753 (1939) (quoting Striplin v. Ware, 36 Ala. at 89) (‘ ’).

(SOURCE: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/al-court-of-civil-appeals/1325717.html)

Wait a minute, you say. This doesn’t sound very “constitutional” to me…

Oh, you mean that mythical and more importantly interpretable (in court opinion) document that you believe gives you rights? Silly rabbits, tricks are for kids.

In reality, everything that happens is in fact “constitutional” as long as the court (an attorney in a black moo-moo) says it is “constitutional” from within its (his/her) opinion.

In the end, you have only one right. And that right is the right of non-consent. (Consent is the most important legal term that you can possibly ever comprehend.)

But don’t take my word for it… here are a few more instances of “case law” which let you know that the constitution simply does not apply to you in the corporate world of commercial (copyrighted) code…

But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it.

Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520

**Note: Remember, the word “person” refers to your veil of artificial person-hood; your STRAWMAN if you will. The court will never refer to you in the sense that you are a living, breathing, sentient being with god-given rights that cannot be taken away, but instead relies on your presumed consent as the physical representation of your fiction, your corporate self. “Person” is defined in U.S. CODE as an “individual, association, corporation, group…” etc. It is not defined as “people” unless those people are a group of “persons”, in which case, as in the constitution, the word “people” is capitalized (i.e. We, the People – referring to the men who signed the constitution, and whom were the only men for which that constitution held under “contract” with any authority. The constitution has no authority accept that for which the court passes judgment (opinion) upon. -Clint-

“The people of the United States resident within any State are subject to two Governments: one State, and the other National; but there need be no conflict between the two. The powers which one possesses, the other does not. They are established for different purposes, and have separate jurisdictions. Together they make one whole, and furnish the people of the United States with a complete government, ample for the protection of all their rights at home and abroad. True, it may sometimes happen that a person is amenable to both jurisdictions for one and the same act… It is the natural consequence of a citizenship which owes allegiance to two sovereignties, and claims protection from both. The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government.

The Supreme Court, 92 US 551: “U.S. v Cruikshank”

Well, there you have it!

Even as the Supreme Court – which has mistakenly translated the word “supreme” to mean that these seven appointed “justices” who pass “opinion” upon the masses of consenting “citizens” are more supreme than even God himself – these men and women; who are not voted into these positions of power in any way by the people, but instead are appointed by the President of the United States (corporation)… these self-imposed deities clearly state here that they are the law of the land, and that that “the natural consequence of citizenship” is for the people to be under their supreme opinion!

Well I for one do not voluntarily submit to the opinions of these megalomaniacs any longer.

And for the record, as a free man with God as my witness…



FYI… Stay tuned, subscribe, or do what ever you need to do to monitor future postings from my blog – for there are BIG things happening and lots of important information coming to you soon, free of charge, from yours truly and my band of merry men.

Stay tuned…


Special thanks to Burt for all that he does to open my eyes. Please visit his YouTube page here:


And keep this future website in your bookmarks, of which I very much plan to be a part of:



–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
–Friday, December 16, 2011

Show Me The Law!

Just a thought about the campaign called “Show Me The Law”, referring to the act of asking for the law in court which requires a person in the United States to pay the Federal Income Tax.

Mr. Aaron Russo had the right idea in his documentary, “America: Freedom To Fascism”, but just didn’t go far enough down the rabbit hole to get at the root of the issue. For the most important aspect of the Federal Code called the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE is that it is not in fact law, but rather what is called Prima Facie Law, or “presumed” law.

The presumption of law requires one very important thing to become an enforceable law… Consent. This most wonderful of words is the basis of this Prima Facie presumed law; the presumption being that you consent to this presumed law (the IRS Code) by silence, which is a powerful form of consent. If you do not agree that the law is fair and just, you must state loud and clearly that you do not consent to that law.

Even after hours of examination and oration in a federal tax court, never actually uncovering the lawful requirement to pay the tax, people are still being found guilty of income tax evasion.

But the word “evasion” would imply (it would be presumed by the court and the IRS) that the person being charged with the crime of “tax evasion” consents to the fact that the IRS Code is in fact law in the first place. By failing to state verbally, loudly, and repeatedly that one does not consent to an admitted and completely presumed Prima Facie law, one acquiesces to the entire Internal Revenue Code by simple silence – acquiescence to presumed law by lack of verbal non-consent.

For a more complete understanding of consent, please read my previous post here:

Link: https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2010/12/08/consent-why-the-irs-domestic-and-homeland-security-have-no-lawful-power/

But this is what it boils down to, straight from the Federal Code:

(Reprint from link above)

“…of the 50 “TITLES” in UNITED STATES CODE, only 23 of those TITLES have been enacted into positive law; i.e. legal evidence of law (Congressional Statutory Law). These TITLES are as follows:

1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, and 49.

All other TITLES within the federal U.S. CODE are what is called “Prima Facie” evidence of law. Prima facie is not statutory law (not made into law by congress), which means that it is only enforceable via your voluntary consent.

(Source link: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/about.html )

So here it is, in black and white. The Internal Revenue Code (not law, but CODE) is in Title 26, which is not listed above as congressional statutory law, and is therefore presumed law…




§ 7701. Definitions

(Source link: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc_sec_26_00007701—-000-.html )

(a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof—

(1) Person

The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.
(14) Taxpayer

The term “taxpayer” means any person subject to any internal revenue tax.


(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc_sup_01_26.html )

According to the list above, TITLE 26, which holds the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE that is used by the Internal Revenue Service as the basis to tax, steal, imprison, subjugate, and ruin the lives of many Americans… IS NOT STATUTORY LAW. Therefore… IT REQUIRES CONSENT!

This means that the entire basis for the Income Tax levied on the people of America is strictly voluntary!

If the word “taxpayer” as defined above in paragraph (14) is any “person” as defined above in paragraph (1) that is “subject to any internal revenue tax”, and if the U.S. CODE states that it requires consent for the so defined “person” to be subject to any authority presented by the IRS and it’s non-Statutory, Prima Facie INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, then no individual Free Man or Woman in America is required to pay an income tax on their monies earned, unless they consent to doing so by signing the corporate IRS and IRC paperwork that binds them to the tax as a contract.

(End reprint)

So in actuality, we are asking the wrong question in court!

We should not be simply asking “Please show me the law”, for that implies consent to the entirety of the IRS CODE, and thus consent to presumed law.

Instead, we should be asking the following question:

“Please show me the law that allows this prima facie presumed law in TITLE 26 to be used against me without my consent. I DO NOT CONSENT!!!”

Repeat as needed…

Please note that this is not legal advice, and is only being provided as an explanation of the law from the U.S. CODE. Please research and verify everything yourself. This covers all past and future writings by myself. And may I state that it is indeed sad that I must make this statement for fear of retribution by the makers of these tyrannies.


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The United States: A Corporation

The “United States” is a corporation…

If you really want to understand why this is true, then you will have to look at each of the following pieces of the puzzle (links)… This will take a lot of your time and more importantly, the suspension of your idealism and belief.

That is hard. Trust me, I know.

I just spent an hour putting this post together and am passing this information on to you, so please don’t let it go to waste. Consider it an early Christmas present!


Let’s focus on proving the corporate structure of the Federal Government, so that there is no doubt in your mind…

Here is the first carrot that I will dangle in front of you to get you to keep reading! This is from the U.S. CODE.

U.S. CODE is the corporate code of the UNITED STATES Federal corporation. Here it states that “United States” is defined as “a Federal corporation”.






§ 3002. Definitions

15) ‘‘United States’’ means—

(A) a Federal corporation;

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/28/usc_sec_28_00003002—-000-.html )



Wam, bam, thank you mam!

So when did this happen…?

First, understand that the “United States” Federal corporation is a ten mile stretch of land that is not one of the 5o states united, and that this was mandated in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution.

Team Law down in SoCal has a great fact-sheet printed here… read this to get an understanding of the corporate setup of D.C, by charter in 1801:


Now read the last two paragraphs in Article 1, Section 8 here:


Note that this Article only gave the federal government authority over the D.C. land – not to exceed 10 miles square. This is the corporate structure that is the Federal Government. Note that the Government is not allowed to “own” land outside of this 10 mile D.C. area. Also, states are not authorized to “own” land either. So all federal lands, state parks, national parks, etc… are not “property” of the constitutional government.

But a corporation… which the Supreme Court now says is a person too with first amendment rights… that becomes a whole other can of worms!


Now, as referenced above, “The Act of 1871” (Google this term for other pdf files which explain this in more detail, but watch for misinformation as well). It does seem like a redundancy, as mentioned above. Though it does seem to join the few “municipalities” of Washington D.C. into one “municipal corporation”.



Interestingly, the Constitution Act of 1871 was passed in Canada the same year, confirming the Queens rule over Canada through Parliament.



Equally as intriguing is this info which says that English Parliament changed the social security system in the United States. It is very hard to except that the history we have learned is false. But until we do, we know nothing but false history, written by the “victors”. Also check out the “Treaty of Peace” (as referenced in this article, and the “Treaty of 1213”, showing the Vatican owns the Crown.


Check out all of the articles on this site when you have time:


Like this one which is congressional record referring to the bankruptcy, dissolving of, and reorganization of the United States corporation:



It is also very hard for most to imagine that the constitution that we hold so dearly is not a very good document. It takes away freedom as much as it grants it. The only true freedom is God-given, natural law, not a peace of paper. Besides, most politicians only take a verbal oath, but they do not turn it in in writing, which is what contracts them to the oath… Big grand jury’s going on up in Utah here about that, since about 75% of our government is not sworn in on paper (lawfully). In fact, one of our smaller towns recently passed a code that says legislatures and government workers are not bound by any oath they take. It is city law in Tremonton, Utah!!!

For instance, why would anyone think that the 5th amendment is a good thing, or even idealistically “constitutional”?

Let’s read and understand the 5th amendment…


“…nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Notice that the clause “without due process of law” nullifies the statement before it, and “without just compensation” nullifies the statement before it!

This last part is called the “Takings Clause”, and is what eminent domain is largely based on – taking property and land with “just compensation“.

Who decides what “just compensation” is?

Why, the very government that is doing the “taking”!

All of this, right under our noses…

Read more:


Now to the 13th amendment:


Section 1. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

Section 2. “Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

The statement “except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted” nullifies the former and later statement that slavery is illegal. This didn’t outlaw slavery… it legalized state sanctioned slavery while outlawing private individual ownership!

The constitution is full of these “except” clauses, which is why this holy worship of the constitution is ridiculous in my mind, and why it needs to be rewritten for modern times, not just reinstated. For once in history, the problem with a legal document (the constitution) is that it does not have enough small print!!!

Here is my blog about this:


I highly recomend it.


Even worse, the “Federal Prison Industries” website is the “Amway” or “Wallmart” for the corporate U.S. slave prison system, called Unicor. Basically, the private prison system is huge. It relies on the courts to ensure a continuous influx of “prisoners” or “slaves” to build the products which the Federal Prison Industries sells. Think jobs are outsourced to India, check out the jobs outsourced to the prison industry!

Unicor Corporate Overview:

UNICOR, Federal Prison Industries is a self-sustaining, self-funded corporation established in 1934 by executive order to create a voluntary real-world work program to train federal inmates.

Check out Unicor here:



***Also, the most important legal term you can understand is “CONSENT”. This is a must read. It also shows that the whole of the Internal Revenue Code is not statutory law, and in fact is Prima Facie law, meaning it is presumed law, meaning it is only law with the free peoples consent. Please, please read this. It will change your whole perspective on what law is and how it affects you.



But aren’t the courts there to ensure justice against government tyranny, you know, the whole checks and balances thingy?

The biggest mistake you can make is to get an attorney (plead incompetence and inability to represent yourself, and become a ward of the court) and then go into court to fight anything (consent to the corporate court and its non-statutory legal codes – not law).


You must understand that the courts are also private corporations. In fact, in Los Angeles they did a freedom of information act and found out that the judges down there build and own the private corporate courts, rent them out to the government for millions of dollars, and write checks on dummy and city “municipal” accounts that are not registered with the IRS! In other words, the court system is a money laundering system. This is happening all over the U.S. It involves the crime families as well, and other corporate structures that would surprise you.

Watch these videos… Though they are of horrible quality and video production, they are very revealing:

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtHCIXVb_eo

Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_lwzj8DY_U&feature=related

Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKVNKCiGMpM&feature=related

So we see that the courts are indeed private corporations, just like all governments across the country.


One last website to check out…


Understanding the difference between what is lawful and what is legal is paramount. They are two different concepts, one natural law and one corporate law (legality and code) with the peoples’ consent needed.


I could go on and on… but if this doesn’t do the trick, then I am almost all out of tricks. If you haven’t watched The Corporation Nation, now would be the time. The movie will explain the rest, and explain the general accounting system for corporate government, the CAFR.


My Christmas Gift to you, the gift of truth and comprehension!

Happy New Year everybody…


-Clint Richardson- (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Consent – Why The IRS, Domestic, And Homeland Security Have No Lawful Power

Is Domestic Security a lawful department of the U.S. Government?

The answer to this question lies within the U.S. CODE that gives the Department of Domestic and Homeland Security its power in the first place…

But what gives this CODE its power?

In this article, I will be referencing the U.S. CODE of the government of the UNITED STATES – a private corporation. All CODES referenced are sourced below each reference.

If you still have any doubt that your government is a corporation, see the indisputable proof here: http://thecorporationnation.com/ or just keep reading… For those skeptics and doubting Thomas types, here is some instant gratification showing the ‘UNITED STATES’ non-representative corporate structure:





§ 3002. Definitions

15) ‘‘United States’’ means—

(A) a Federal corporation;

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sec_28_00003002—-000-.html )

First, let’s look at the most important word in legal code. This powerful and lawful word is the only reason that the majority of our U.S. CODE has any power over us at all…


CONSENT: (v) (law) To acquiesce, agree, approve, assent, to voluntarily comply or yield, to give permission to some act or purpose. Voluntary Acquiescence to the proposal of another; the act or result of reaching an accord; a concurrence of minds; actual willingness that an act or an infringement of an interest shall occur. Consent is an act of reason and deliberation. A person who possesses and exercises sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent decision demonstrates consent by performing an act recommended by another. Consent assumes a physical power to act and a reflective, determined, and unencumbered exertion of these powers. It is an act unaffected by Fraud, duress, or sometimes even mistake when these factors are not the reason for the consent. Consent is implied in every agreement. (Source: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/consent

ACQUIESCENCE: Conduct recognizing the existence of a transaction and intended to permit the transaction to be carried into effect; a tacit agreement; consent inferred from silence. Acquiescence relates to inaction during the performance of an act.

If you understand the definition of consent, you have a legal weapon more powerful than any physical weapon you can ever carry. For consent is the very act that gives much of our legal statutes and codes their power… and in turn, our code enforcers (police) power over us.

Consent, for legal purposes, is a verbal or attitudinal contract. If a police officer (CORPORATE CODE enforcement officer) tells you that you must obey a code that is not statutory law, you must voluntarily give that police officer power (consent) by agreeing (voluntary acquiescence) to obey him; for your compliance with his request is strictly voluntary. You must volunteer to follow and obey non-statutory law (CODE).

But as we read above, consent can be “inferred from silence”, or even from “inaction”. Therefore, silence does not constitute a lack of consent. Your unwillingness to acquiesce must be made known in a verbal statement (non-contractual denial of authority). For instance:

I do not consent to an unlawful search and seizure.

I do not give you consent to unlawfully search my vehicle or my person.

I do not consent to a full body scan or a full body pat-down.

I do not consent to your Prima Facie code requiring a permit for free speech, as it is my statutory and constitutional right to express free speech and travel unencumbered while on public property, which overrides the non-statutory code that you have just quoted me.


Public Property: (n) property owned by the government or one of its agencies, divisions, or entities. Commonly a reference to parks, playgrounds, streets, sidewalks, schools, libraries and other property regularly used by the general public. (See: common property http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/public+property)

Public Property refers to roadways, highways, sidewalks, airports (the entire airport), and any government held or owned building or business that is paid for by tax-payer money. Technically, all government property should be considered public property. After all, why should government have secrets from the people it represents, let alone property that it owns? It only owns property due to its corporate status. Complete transparency should be an integral part of a just and constitutional republic government…

Since the entirety of the airport was built with tax-payer money, and since the airport is a government building, the entire airport is public property. This means that the passageway to and from the entrance to the ticket counter to the bathroom to the gate all falls under one category: Public Property. Because of this, you have the absolute natural and constitutional right to travel on this public property, without permit, license, or any other form of legality. Law trumps legality every time. The only way you can loose this right is if you consent to the non-statutory CODE, which limits your God-given right to travel, and which requires your voluntary acquiescence to give up this right in lieu of a codified permit, license, or contract.

Statutory Law


Prima Facie Law

This is not to say that all code is non-Statutory. In fact, of the 50 “TITLES” in UNITED STATES CODE, only 23 of those TITLES have been enacted into positive law; i.e. legal evidence of law (Congressional Statutory Law). These TITLES are as follows:

1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, and 49.

(Source: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/about.html )

Statutory law: Laws, or statutes, enacted by legislatures, such as the New Jersey State Legislature or the United States Congress. (Source: www.judiciary.state.nj.us/njcourts-09.htm)

Statutory law: Law enacted by the legislative branch of government (congress), as distinguished from case law or common law. A statute (i.e. statutory law) is an act of the legislature declaring, commanding or prohibiting something. (Source: www.mnbar.org/mocktrial/2007-08/GLOSSARY%20OF%20LEGAL%20TERMS.doc)

All other TITLES within the federal U.S. CODE (the topic of this writing) are what is called “Prima Facie” evidence of law. Prima facie is not statutory law (not made into law by congress), which means that it is only enforceable via your voluntary consent.

Prima Facie: (Latin) A legal presumption which means on the face of it or at first sight. (Source: http://www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/P/PrimaFacie.aspx)

Prima Facie: At first view; on first appearance absent other information or evidence — (Source: S. L. Lynch)

Prima Facie: Sufficient to establish a fact or case unless disproved < prima facie proof.  (Source: Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

So, now that we have established that more than half of federal U.S. CODE is in fact not statutory law by congressional decree, and is instead a legal presumption which requires voluntary consent, and with an understanding that legal and lawful are two completely different concepts with regards to your consent, lets take a look at the U.S. CODE that covers federal airport security operations: DOMESTIC SECURITY.

The Domestic Security and Homeland Security offices are Federal Executive Agencies (see below), meaning they are Departments created and appointed by the Executive branch of the government (the President). Part of the lawful measures that protect the freedom of the American people against the always evident tyranny of government corruption and absolute power is our system of checks and balances. Because of these checks and balances, any act of the president of the UNITED STATES (Executive Branch) alone or through any Executive office or officer he appoints does not have power over the Free People of America. In other words, the president is not a dictator, and cannot act as one through his appointed officers without congressional authority. This is the greatest of checks and balances…



§ 103. Government corporation

For the purpose of this title—

(1) ‘‘Government corporation’’ means a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the United States;

(2) “Government controlled corporation” does not include a corporation owned by the Government of the United States.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode05/usc_sec_05_00000103—-000-.html )

§ 105. Executive agency

For the purpose of this title—

‘‘Executive agency’’ means an Executive department, a Government corporation (see above), and an independent establishment.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode05/usc_sec_05_00000105—-000-.html )

§ 301. Departmental regulations

The head of an Executive department or military department may prescribe regulations for the government of his department, the conduct of its employees, the distribution and performance of its business, and the custody, use, and preservation of its records, papers, and property. This section does not authorize withholding information from the public or limiting the availability of records to the public.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode05/usc_sec_05_00000301—-000-.html )


First, we must note that TITLE 5 is indeed Statutory Law.

SECTION 103 (above) confirms to us that “Executive Agencies”, regardless of their TITLES, are in fact CORPORATIONS – and in paragraph (2), that the federal government does indeed “control” corporations and also “owns” corporations.

SECTION 105 (above) then confirms that “Executive agencies” are the same as and are defined as “Executive Departments”, which are in fact “Government Corporations”.

SECTION 301 (above) then tells us what these “Executive Departments” (Government Corporations) have authority to do by this Statutory Law (as defined in TITLE 5 of U.S. CODE). And so we can see that these Presidential appointed “Executive Departments” only have the authority by congress to make regulations within the bounds of the Presidents’ own appointed Executive Agency, and not outside of said Executive Department, and definitely not for or over the free American people without their consent. “Executive Departments” and their appointed officials have no authority over the free people granted from within this TITLE (5), and only have been granted power over the “employees” within that Executive Department.

In other words, the law (CODE) states that the head of an Executive Agency or Executive Department can only make regulations for and within his own agency, not for and within the Free People of America.

And this is where CONSENT comes in to play. For it is simply your consent that gives these codified non-statutory presumed laws and the code-enforcement officers who enforce them authority over you. Without your consent, they are literally powerless. They have no authority without your consent.

Executive DOMESTIC SECURITY Department

DOMESTIC SECURITY and most of its presumed authority and legality, and therefore its power, is in TITLE 6. Title 6 is not one of the 23 TITLES of U.S. CODE enacted into “Positive” or Statutory Law. So, nothing in TITLE 6 is in fact statutory law, and therefore it requires voluntary compliance through your consent. Also, in TITLE 6, you’ll find much of the regulation and power related to “HOMELAND SECURITY”.

TITLE 6—DOMESTIC SECURITY (remember, TITLE 6 is not Statutory Law)




      Ex. Ord. No. 13416, Dec. 5, 2006, 71 F.R. 71033

§ 1101(c) ‘‘security guideline’’ means any security-related guidance that the Secretary recommends, for implementation on a voluntary basis, to enhance the security of surface transportation

(Source: http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/06C4.txt )

Note: An Executive Order is an order that is not approved by Congress. It is an act solely of and by the President of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES that is not Staturtory Law nor constitutional. Since we have already established that the President is not a Dictator, these Executive Orders and Presidential Directives only apply to the Executive branch of the corporate Federal government and departments within, and only have authority over the Free People with their (your) consent!

Here in black and white it is written in U.S. CODE that the TSA’s security-related guidance is in fact voluntary, meaning its power derives from your consent to give up your constitutional rights and allow this Executive Department to have the power to violate your God-given and 4rth amendment rights.




§ 111 Executive department; mission

(a) Establishment
There is established a Department of Homeland Security, as an executive department of the United States within the meaning of title 5.

§ 112. Secretary; functions

(a) Secretary

(1) In general; There is a Secretary of Homeland Security, appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(2) Head of Department – The Secretary is the head of the Department and shall have direction, authority, and control over it.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode06/usc_sec_06_00000112—-000-.html )

Section 112 states that the Department of Homeland Security is an Executive Department of the United States, as defined in TITLE 5. This means that the Department of Homeland Security is a Government Corporation, appointed by the President, who is not a dictator, and therefore this Executive Department requires consent by the Free People to have power and authority over those people. The Department of Homeland Security is not constitutionally lawful, as it is not consented to and made Statutory by congress.

Since the Secretary of Homeland Security is appointed by the President (with only the Senates’ consent), and indeed not the consent and approval of the Congress, and since this appointment is in TITLE 6 which is not Statutory Law, this tells us that there is no Congressional power behind the Secretary of Homeland Security over the actual Free People of America. In fact, the “Executive Departments” known as Domestic and Homeland Security has no authority over anyone outside of their own agency and employees. Remember… Washington D.C. (the Federal Government) is a 10 mile patch of land in the District of Columbia, and it is not located in and is not a part of the united states of America. It is a separate entity. A corporation. A country within a country.

To put this into perspective… let’s look at another Executive appointed office within the Executive branch of government. The President of the corporation of the UNITED STATES has appointed an executive department for the care of current corporate President Obama’s dog (the “first dog”). This department has the job of taking care of and grooming this dog, and is paid an over $100,000 salary plus $45,000 in benefits. But that is where his and his Executive appointed Departments’ power ends. He does not have the power to take care of your dog, and he certainly doesn’t have the power to force you or your dog to do anything you don’t want to do. But then, he might ask you or even tell you forcibly that he is going to feed, brush, and groom your dog! And if you wanted him to, all you’d have to do is to give Him and his “Executive Department” permission (consent) to do so, be it by verbal permission or lack of declaration of non-consent (inaction). Likewise, the Executive Departments of Domestic Security and of Homeland Security have no power to force you to do anything, especially to grope and hand-rape you and your children or to force you to walk through radiation expelling DNA destroying cancer causing devices… unless you give them permission (consent).

Remember, the President is not a Dictator due to governments checks and balances! And because of this, the President cannot dictate power over the Free People through any appointed office or political appointee. He is only in charge of the federal government as President of the CORPORATION. There are only two persons in the Executive Branch of government who have the peoples authority over the Executive Branch, but not over the people themselves: The President and the Vice President of U.S. INC. Every other officer, office, department, military branch (army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard, national guard etc…), and any other political appointment by the President has no authority over you, a free and natural man or woman – without your consent.

I cannot stress this enough. Your consent is the only thing that gives these bullies any power. This single word is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal against mislaid tyranny. It is a shield against the presumption of law, known as legality, or Prima Facie law.


TITLE 49—TRANSPORTATION     (TITLE 49 is Statutory Law)


§ 102. Department of Transportation

(a) The Department of Transportation is an executive department of the United States Government at the seat of Government.

(b) The head of the Department is the Secretary of Transportation. The Secretary is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

…….Note: Also very interesting in this section…….

…….An office to mitigate the effects of Climate Change (Chemtrails?)…….

(g) Office of Climate Change and Environment.—

(1) Establishment.— There is established in the Department an Office of Climate Change and Environment to plan, coordinate, and implement—
(A) department-wide research, strategies, and actions under the Department’s statutory authority to reduce transportation-related energy use and mitigate the effects of climate change; and
(B) department-wide research strategies and actions to address the impacts of climate change on transportation systems and infrastructure.
(2) Clearinghouse.— The Office shall establish a clearinghouse of solutions, including cost-effective congestion reduction approaches, to reduce air pollution and transportation-related energy use and mitigate the effects of climate change.
(h) The Department shall have a seal that shall be judicially recognized.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode49/usc_sec_49_00000102—-000-.html )



§ 40103. Sovereignty and use of airspace

(2) A citizen of the United States has a public

right of transit through the navigable airspace.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode49/usc_sec_49_00040103—-000-.html )

TITLE 49 is in fact Statutory Law by order of Congress, according to the list of U.S. CODES that are law above.

SECTION 102 states plainly that the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION is in fact an “Executive Department” – meaning it is a corporation that was appointed by the Executive Branch. And in Paragraph (B) it states that the Secretary of Transportation is an Executive (Presidential) appointed office with only the consent of the Senate, not of the congress. This makes the office of Secretary of Transportation Executive non-Statutory Law, and assigns no power over the Free People to this office or its Secretary.

SECTION 40103 in SUBTITLE 7 states that it is Statutory Law that transit through the “navigational airspace” is in fact a right, and not a privilege. This is important, because it reinforces the natural and constitutional right to travel freely by the American people, without permission, permit or regulation, throughout the land (and airspace). This TITLE is actually beneficial to the Free People, as this CODE recognizes the Free Peoples’ ability to travel as a right, not a privilege, and makes that a law – which severely cripples the “States” authority over you!

What is a RIGHT?

Public Right (as quoted in SECTION 40103): (n.) a right created by the legislature that may be exercised against the government. (Source: http://research.lawyers.com/glossary/public-right.html)

Right: (n.)  – 1) an entitlement to something, whether to concepts like justice and due process, or to ownership of property or some interest in property, real or personal. These rights include various freedoms, protection against interference with enjoyment of life and property, civil rights enjoyed by citizens such as voting and access to the courts, natural rights accepted by civilized societies, human rights to protect people throughout the world from terror, torture, barbaric practices and deprivation of civil rights and profit from their labor, and such American constitutional guarantees as the right to freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition.

2) (adj.) just, fair, correct.

Right: In an abstract sense, justice, ethical correctness, or harmony with the rules of law or the principles of morals. In a concrete legal sense, a power, privilege, demand, or claim possessed by a particular person by virtue of law… In Constitutional Law, rights are classified as natural, civil, and political. Natural rights are those that are believed to grow out of the nature of the individual human being and depend on her personality, such as the rights to life, liberty, privacy, and the pursuit of happiness. (Source: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Right)

So in general, a right can never be restricted. If it is restricted by your consent to a contract, legality, etc… then it is no longer a RIGHT, but a PRIVILEGE granted by government (the State). Again, CONSENT must be given to turn a right into a privilege, through verbal contract or a lack of verbal non-consent, or through a written contract (permit, license, etc…) which you sign, giving up your rights for the privilege to do something, like traveling freely in a car as a natural right -vs- driving a car with a license, which is a contractual permission to drive from the state and permission (consent) by you to be punished for not obeying their rules under contractual law.



The Republic and the 50 states united

It is important to understand what the corporate U.S. CODE defines as “the State”, and how that relates to the 50 states that form the Republic of the united states of America.

You must remember that U.S. CODE is the code writen for the corporation that is UNITED STATES INC. It is the system of law set up for the federal corporation to follow. This corporate structure was created to build a legal bridge over the lawful constitution for the united states of America, whereas the corporation of the same name, UNITED STATES INC, can operate outside of that constitution. And they created the corporate equivalent of the constitution through such tools as U.S.CODE.

Read the following very carefully…





§ 3002. Definitions

(14) ‘‘State’’ means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.

(15) “United States” means—

(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sec_28_00003002—-000-.html )



Sec. 110. Same; definitions

(a) The term “person” shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 3797 of title 26.

(d) The term “State” includes any Territory or possession of the United States.

(e) The term “Federal area” means any lands or premises held or acquired by or for the use of the United States or any department, establishment, or agency, of the United States; and any Federal area, or any part thereof, which is located within the exterior boundaries of any State, shall be deemed to be a Federal area located within such State.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode04/usc_sec_04_00000110—-000-.html )

Once again, the U.S. CODE states irrevocably that the term “United States” is defined as a Corporation – In this case a “Federal Corporation”. This Federal Corporation was created strategically, to build a legal bridge over and bypass the real lawful declaration of independence and the constitution. This is not to say that the original constitution for the united states of America is not still in effect, but it is to say that as consenting citizens of the UNITED STATES as a corporation, we are bound by the corporation of the UNITED STATES and by its corporate rules, codes, legalities, and therefore its punishments, taxes, and fines as long as we consent and continuously enter into voluntary acquiescence of IT’S contracts, licenses, permits, and other contractually binding documents via our social security numbers (which are our livestock informational ownership ID’s)…

The word “State” is being defined here as anything other that the actual geographical land and Free People of the united states of America, and is being defined as all territory and PROPERTY of the corporation of the UNITED STATES. Here the “States” are not any of the 50 states of the constitutional republic. “States” in this CODE refers to something which belongs as property (a corporate term) to the UNITED STATES INC, the corporation. No state of the union is owned by the federal government according to the constitution, and no part of any of the 50 States is owned by the United States, for that would be against the precepts of the Constitution and the very foundation of the republic and the intentions of and enumerated powers of the federal government.

Paragraph (a) states that a “person” is defined elsewhere. After following the breadcrumb trail, I finally arrived here:




§ 7701. Definitions

(a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof—

(1) Person

The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.
(14) Taxpayer

The term “taxpayer” means any person subject to any internal revenue tax.


(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc_sup_01_26.html )

Wow! This is the big one!!!

TITLE 26, which holds the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE that is used by the Internal Revenue Service as the basis to tax, steal, imprison, subjugate, and ruin the lives of many Americans… IS NOT STATUTORY LAW. IT REQUIRES CONSENT!

This means that the entire basis for the Income Tax levied on the people of America is strictly voluntary! You enter into an agreement with the IRS tax forms you fill out.

If  the word “taxpayer” as defined above in paragraph (14) is any “person” as defined above in paragraph (1) that is “subject to any internal revenue tax”, and if the U.S. CODE requires consent for the so defined “person” to be subject to any authority presented by the IRS and it’s non-Statutory, Prima Facie INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, then no individual Free Man or Woman in America is required to pay and income tax on their wages earned, unless they consent to doing so by signing the corporate IRS and IRC paperwork that binds them to the tax.

This is not the case with individual “persons” who own corporations, for the corporation is an artificial person, which is not a Free Man or Woman, given permission to exist by the U.S.CODE, and must obey these CODES as required in the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE listed above. It is not the individual “person” that owes the tax, but is instead the corporation for which that real “person” owns.

The question is, can that individual “person” be held responsible for paying Income Taxes to the IRS for their Corporation out of their own income from said Corporation. Is this not just a paycheck similar to every other “person’s” income, written by a separate entity called a corporation – an artificial person?

This is an interesting paradox… Can you be held accountable for your corporation’s debt to the IRS if the corporation is not you, a Free Man or Woman, but indeed a separate (artificial) “State”-created person altogether?



§ 103. Government corporation – For the purpose of this title—

(1) ‘‘Government corporation’’ means a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the United States

(Sourced above)



§ 103. United States – In this title, ‘‘United States’’, when used in a geographic sense, means the States of the United States and the District of Columbia.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode31/usc_sec_31_00000103—-000-.html )

TITLE 5, repeated here from above, once again shows that the United States, for which TITLE 28 defines as a Federal Corporation, now helps to define what the word “State” means in this U.S. CODE. TITLE 5 helps to define the word “State” as a Government Corporation.

TITLE 31 is statutory Law. This TITLE declares that the “United States” are the 50 “States” (government corporations) of this “Federal Corporation”.




Sec. 2236. Searches without warrant

Whoever, being an officer, agent, or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof, engaged in the enforcement of any law of the United States, searches any private dwelling used and occupied as such dwelling without a warrant directing such search, or maliciously and without reasonable cause searches any other building or property without a search warrant, shall be fined under this title for a first offense; and, for a subsequent offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

This section shall not apply to any person–

(a) serving a warrant of arrest; or

(b) arresting or attempting to arrest a person committing or attempting to commit an offense in his presence, or who has committed or is suspected on reasonable grounds of having committed a felony; or

(c) making a search at the request or invitation or with the consent of the occupant of the premises.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00002236—-000-.html )

TITLE 18 is Statutory Law. Simply stated, paragraph (c) tells us that we have no recourse against the Agency Agent (TSA, Policeman, etc.) if we give our consent to be searched, meaning they can touch us anywhere and however the want if we consent to a search, and the fact that you do not deny your consent means that you are indeed granting consent to search and seizure, by which consent eliminates this protective CODE – as stated above in paragraph (c): “This section shall not apply to any person–making a search at the request or invitation or with the consent of the occupant of the premises.” This cancels this statute in court for use as in your defense, because your consent relieved any protective aspect of this statutory law. They could rape you because you gave consent, and this Statutory Law (CODE) would stop a courts’ ruling of rape, calling that rape or molestation a “consensual search”. VERY IMPORTANT!!!

By denying consent to be searched and/or to have your property seized by this Government Corporation/Executive Department, IT has no right or authority to interact with you, detain you, or block your way to freely travel without reasonable proof of a commitment of a felony, or in order to serve a warrant for your arrest (and a warrant would take a long time to acquire from a court).


Nobody has the right to see or check your plane ticket or ID but the airline in which you are doing business with. Only an airline representative can request your ticket. Unless the TSA and police have probable cause to detain you, you are not bound by these corporate code enforcement officers if you do not consent and acquiesce to their presumed authority. Consent and non-consent must be verbally stated, as inaction and silence can be considered as consent. Do not be intimidated by these power-hungry thugs in Federal Corporation U.S. INC  uniforms. Remember, their power is delegated by Statutory Law only to the 10 mile non united states of America piece of land called Washington D.C, and only within their own federal department – not over you as a Free and Sovereign man or woman. Stand your ground. Fear and intimidation are the only power they have. Without it, and without your consent, they are powerless – but only if you so declare.

If these Executive appointed federal government corporate workers threaten or try to intimidate you by standing in your way or telling or asking you to wait for a supervisor, do not comply. Simply state that you are a Sovereign man or woman, that you do not consent, that you do not give that federal employee any authority over you or your children (or property), and that they may not impede your God-given and constitutional right to travel nor violate any of your natural rights. Then politely ask if you are being detained, and am I free to be on my way.

You may also let the federal corporate employee know that you intend to sue them and their department head’s bond at a certain dollar amount ($100 per minute, for example) if they interfere with your free right to travel on public property by contractually and forcibly detaining you (by verbally claiming authority to halt your free travel despite your non-consent to their authority to do so).

Film this process. A video camera is your best defense and offense, and these thugs do not like being filmed. Video footage of this exchange is your record and evidence of your lack of consent in a court of law.

If they still intimidate you, follow up with a taste of their own medicine… State that you are warning them that anything that you say and do to me or my family can and will be used against you in a Court of Law, a Common Law Court, and as evidence for a Grand Jury.

And most important, do not answer any questions posed to you by these Federal Employees. You have the right to remain silent! Remember, they have no authority or rule of law on their side to interact or ask you anything without your consent. Answering their questions could be construed by them and by a corporate judge in a court of law as consent.

And remember, your local police and Airport Police work for the municipal corporation that is acting as a government in your city or county. They are corporations as well, making them corporate police or code enforcers. They need your consent too. They cannot detain you or restrict your movement without violating the warning you just gave them. You are a free traveler. You do not consent to their questions or their unlawful interference with your freedom of travel in a public place. Again, you are not required to answer their questions as you have the right to remain silent. Your answers can be misconstrued as consent to their authority over you, and you must verbally acknowledge that you do not consent (the only reason to break your silence).

Be polite. Never become confrontational, rude, or arrogant. A confident attitude mixed with a polite and straight-forward attitude is a winner every time. Do not get tricked into a “friendly conversation” or banter with a corporate code enforcement thug. It will only lead to frustration, argument, and possible unwitting consent. These guys are trained to trip up people like you – free people claiming their rights above corporate tyranny.

If you do not let the situation escalate, and instead control the conversation by simply not consenting to have a conversation or answer any questions, you are free to go by law and Statutory Law.

Warning: they may not step out of your way. They may stand in front of you and not say anything or that you are free to go to intimidate you further. They will tell you, however, if you are being detained. It is a chess game. If they step aside or if they do not, you should just start walking to your destination. Their consent to your rights is their inaction to detain you.

Remember, the courts are private corporations, often owned outright by the very judges who rule the court, and rent that court to the corporate government municipality unlawfully. These “judges” are corporate attorneys in fancy black robes, who work for the corporate government of the United States, and will always rule in favor of the “city”, “county”, or “state” corporation he works for. An attorney will never represent you in court. An attorney is there to ensure the continuity of court procedure, and by taking an attorney as representation for yourself in court, you have just contractually admitted to the corporate court that you are unfit and too mentally unstable to represent yourself in court. You are then a ward of the court. This is consent of the judicial system, which again is part of the corporation. Every judge works for the United States Corporation, and therefore his first interest is always to protect the corporate interest, to not set precedent that could be beneficial to Sovereignty and freedom, and is never concerned with justice for the people including yourself.

FEMA Camps, Oh My!

Now, some of you may be thinking, after years of fear and conditioning, that Homeland Security might throw you into a FEMA camp for such disregard of corporate legality and authority over your freedom. But guess what? FEMA is in TITLE 6, is an Executive Department, is not Statutory Law, and requires your consent of authority!

TITLE 6–DOMESTIC SECURITY  (TITLE 6 is not Statutory Law)



§ 313. Federal Emergency Management Agency
(a) In general

There is in the Department the Federal Emergency Management Agency, headed by an Administrator.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode06/usc_sec_06_00000313—-000-.html )

Constitutional Corporate Statutory Law?



One question remains… Even though some of these U.S. CODES exist in the Congressional Statutory realm of Law, can a corporation – a private for-profit non-representative corporation – enact any law over the Free and Sovereign people of the republic of the united states of America without their consent?

Constitutionally speaking… No.

The powers of the Federal Government are specifically enumerated in the constitution.

More importantly, nowhere does it mention that a vile corporation should be given power to take the place of this constitutionally created representative federal government and then enact laws and CODES which break free of these enumerated powers. Therefore, if we examine the source of this U.S. CODE, no office in the Federal Government can have lawful power over the people unless it is consented to by the Free People, simply because the whole of the private Corporation known today as the Federal Government of the UNITED STATES is not a constitutional entity. Thus even the Statutory Laws based on U.S. CODE are not constitutional, and therefore require our consent as Free People. No corporation can be government, nor can a private corporation nor their corporate code-enforcement police force have power over the people without our contractual consent.

Learn the Law!

For more information, and for much of the source of this info (with my gratitude), please visit this website: ( https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1NKPsi1ofhiMmavI5hi3z_zYOEeWM9b4JSiSfeL64pd0 ) and his new YouTube Channel: (http://www.youtube.com/user/donotconsent83) which will be updated periodically with more of this type of information.

Also, you’ll find that many Federal Executive Departments in fact have no authority except by your consent if you start on your own journey of researching U.S.CODE. Health and Human Services, Child Protective Services, Terrorism Protection, Military, and many more unconstitutional Executive corporate structures that have no Statutory Law to back up their powers.

To access and search the corporate U.S.CODE, go here: ( http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/index.html ) and here: ( http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/ )

Yours in freedom and constitutional Sovereign liberty,


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Conspiracy 101 – A Breakdown of Reality

Since nothing in the American culture of politics, religion, and society is what it appears to be on the surface, I’d like to just cover a basic truth for each paradigm we “believe” in…

1) The Constitution – There is no constitution. The United States was declared insolvent and bankrupt in 1933 by President Roosevelt, and it then became a communist state. (http://www.apfn.net/DOC-100_bankruptcy.htm). Besides,  the only “people” that were ever bound by the constitution for the united states of America, were the ones who wrote and signed it, and they’ve been dead for 200 years. Any contract must be entered into willingly and signed, sealed, delivered, witnessed, or acknowledged by you in order for you to be bound by it. Therefore, the constitution is null and void for all of us. While our politicians do take the constitutional oath to keep up appearances, Article 1, Section 6 of the U.S. constitution states:

“They (politicians) shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.”

This means that they cannot be held accountable for anything they do that is “unconstitutional”. Therefore, the oath of office is a contradiction to the protections afforded by the constitution itself. And who decides what is supposedly unconstitutional? The judicial branch of the so-called “government”. So… “government” decides what “government” can and cannot do “constitutionally”. If the irony of this is lost on you, then quit reading now… The most simple way to comprehend this, is that the constitution guaranteed a republic form of government. However, we are in a democracy – a system vehemently opposed by all of the writers of this so-called constitution, and a system that is a communist platform (democracy, socialism, fascism, etc…). Therefore, the very democratic “government”, or rule by majority, that we all live under is already inherently unconstitutional. Therefore, we do not live under constitutional rule. Democracy is a communist ideal… period.

2) Government – There is no government, because there is no country. We have private corporations, not representative governments. This is easy enough to prove, simply by looking at the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports of all “government” bodies (corporations) in the “United States”. All for-profit corporations must file this report, as it is the law to do so. These are public domain, and hidden in plain sight. We have representatives of the “government” – some voted for, some not – from the president on down to local representatives. But, what is the actual “government”. If you can answer that, let me know. For it is not a tangible thing. It does not have any physical attributes that you can point to and say: “That is the government”. The closest thing to a “government” we have, are banks – since government is just transfer of wealth by government agents like the IRS by force. Your money or your life… or at least your property and your freedom.

3) Law – God’s law in natural law states that you shall do no harm to others, or their property. This is basic common law, and the only true law that really applies to us. An eye for an eye applies here… But over time, a bunch of lawyers and attorneys have come up with a bunch of unintelligible, barely comprehensible word phrases stating your inability to be free. Again, as there is no contract that you signed stating that you except and are therefore bound by these laws, you are not accountable for following these laws. A law can not be constitutional, since the constitution does not apply to our country or ourselves, accept in some idealistic, unrealistic theory. As long as you are duped into believing that your rights are granted to you by the constitution, you will follow even the most tyrannical, socialistic, communist, and draconian laws that are passed under the guise of constitutionality and false-liberty. A law is an intangible thing… Laws and the authority of their enforcers can only exist if the common people can be trained like dogs to follow them, forgetting their own natural-born, God-given authority to live free on this land without tyranny and oppression.

4) Borders – When you cross over into another state, do you somehow feel different? Does a little bell go off in your head on a trans-continental flight every time you fly into the official airspace of each state? When an “illegal” person of Hispanic decent crosses the Mohave Desert and over the U.S./Mexico “border”, are they any less hungry or thirsty as they step over the pretend invisible line? Are they any less Mexican? Borders are invisible lines – again not tangible things – which begs the question of jurisdiction… what actually stops the powers of the “government”? An invisible line? Each state is a separate corporation, controlled by the main corporation: U.S. Inc. And, when one researches who owns U.S. Inc, one finds that the United States never really separated from Great Britain, whom never really separated from the Vatican. So, the true jurisdiction of our “government” comes from a child molester in a big castle called the Vatican, which is not part of Italy, but rather a separate corporate state within the Italian “country”. There are no borders, only psychological fear and oppressive punishments for the crossing of imaginary lines by your “government” and its “code-enforcers”. Borders are ideological pretenses that mean nothing if you do not recognize their power, which is bestowed by the “government”, which of course also only has power if you give up your own. There are no tangible borders, because there are no “countries”, because there are no “governments”, because there is no “law” but what you participate in. Participation is paramount to communist control and domination. Without it, there is nothing but you and your own boundaries (borders).

5) Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States – The District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) is a separate entity from the United States. It is not a state – meaning it is not one of or part of the United States. It is not a commonwealth of the U.S. It is not a city, town, county, or island. It is however, a country! But remember, a country is simply a corporation. The ten-mile stretch of land that holds our federal government, is not under the jurisdiction of anything except itself. It is untouchable by us. We have no rights there, and we have no power to do anything to stop this corporation from doing its business – control of us. States are just sub-corporations under the Federal corporation of Washington D.C.

6) Terrorism – Blind acceptance of the myth that terrorism equates to individual persons or extremist “groups” killing and blowing up things for their personal gain is how terrorism has been sold to the American public. But I challenge you to find one person or group who has benefited from these terrorist incidents and attacks. Traditionally and historically, terrorism has been used by governments to persuade their citizens to act according to rule of law or to enter said “country” into war for profit. The act of terrorism is indeed a government tool for control. If you need proof of this fact, one must only inquire as to who profits from these acts of terror?

Osama bin Laden? He lost everything, and gained nothing… even losing all of the support of his people.

Saddam Husein? He lost his country, his wealth, and his life!

The Taliban? They are constantly hunted down, beaten, imprisoned, and killed like animals and are now cast as the scourge of the world.

But when one does look at who profits from terrorism, one finds massive profits in our corporate “government” and its corporate partners like Halliburton. We find the complete takeover of other countries, declared as the spread of “democracy”. Translated, this means the spread of corporate fascism – the takeover of all land by the main corporation, while destroying the infrastructure of that land in order to force monetary loans and debt in order to rebuild that infrastructure. Of course, since these “countries” can never pay back the “loans” provided by the charitable corporate “government” (banks), the terrorized “country” is forced through this clandestine terrorism to give up all mineral, water, and other resource rights to the corporation who conquered it through its spread of “democracy”. Incidentally, when one researches who it is that is bombing, killing, threatening, and destroying things all over the world, one always inevitably finds a connection to the CIA and/or the Mossad, though I’m not sure there is really a difference. From the shoe-bomber to the school-shooters to the suicide bombers (who bomb their own peoples schools and hospitals??? – Figure that one out!) to the 9/11 hijackers (many of which are still alive and asking why they are being blaming), there is always a CIA/MOSSAD connection. Even Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden (CIA name: Tim Osman) were involved with the CIA. There are no terrorists but our own “government agents”. Heck, where do you think they get all of their weapons???

7) War – The “United States” has not officially declared “war” since World War II. Therefore, all of the more than 50 “countries” that we have attacked, conquered, occupied, assassinated the leaders of, destroyed the infrastructure of, killed the people of, destroyed the pride of, and committed war crimes and human rights atrocities which are unparalleled in our history, were terrorized by us. These should be interpreted as nothing more than the corporate takeover of every world economy. War is something completely different, being a declaration that falls within the laws that govern such wars. War crimes, Geneva Conventions, and other protective vehicles for civilians do not apply in an undeclared war. We are the terrorists.

8) Voting – An educated voter is non-existent. Even the most educated of the voting public can not possibly “know” anything about the candidates for which they vote, besides by their portrayal in the propagandist media. Therefore all voters are technically uneducated. If that weren’t bad enough, we have been tricked into voting on machines – machines which have been proven over and over again to be fixable. In other words, at least 80% of the public votes on machines that can be easily manipulated to change their votes to a desired result. Elections are show business. They no more represent the will of the people than they do the integrity of the “government”. Elections can best be described as the hiring of non-representative corporate figureheads through carefully manipulated public opinion. The only vote that counts is no vote at all. Participation is the only action that lends credence to this false system of “government”. And when more than half of the entire country’s populace doesn’t even show up to vote in the first place, the legitimacy of these “politicians” to rule by majority vote is completely unfounded. There is no legitimate government…

9) America is a free country – This opinion has been propagated upon America’s population since day 1. So let’s discuss briefly what we as citizens are free to do: I can drive, but only with a license and mandatory insurance. I can buy and sell items, but only if I pay a tax and have a seller’s license. I can fly on a plane, but only after military style search and seizure and a complete background check with two forms of ID. I can get a job, but only if I am a member of the Social Security club and pay state, federal, and local taxes on my wages, as well as mandatory insurance. I can listen to the radio or watch TV, but someone is always there to decide what is proper for me to hear – editing out words and scenes, and sometimes even banishing my favorite speakers and shows from available viewership. I can own a gun, but only if I register it and let the police decide if I qualify for one based on my personal and criminal history. I can live in an apartment or house, but I must keep that house and its land up to local and state code, otherwise code enforcement (corporate private police) will be knocking on my door and handing me a citation. I can hold up a sign declaring my disdain for all of these rules, regulations, and the people who force them upon me, but only if I have a permit and do so in a free-speech zone. You do not live in a free country.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

10) Police are there to protect and serve – Police are there to enforce code. They are there to assign taxes, in the form of citations and tickets. They are there to command a sense of authority and the illusion of control. They are not there for the benefit of the people, though sometimes they coincidentally protect or serve some fortunate people, usually the wealthier ones. They are the corporate enforcers of legalities, statutes, codes, signage, rules, regulations, etc… Many police forces are in fact private corporate entities. Parking police aren’t police at all. They take no oath, and they are not schooled in standard police training. They are barely required to have a high school education, and may just hav a G.E.D. instead. Many are hired by private corporations who only hire minorities. The parking enforcement in Los Angeles, for instance, is part of a corporation based in New York City, which is paid for by taxpayer dollars to write tickets and tow as many vehicles as possible to make a profit. They have been caught many times removing temporary permits and handicap placards after breaking into vehicles, in order to ticket and tow. They have a quota. And the regular police do not have authority over these private corporate enforcement companies acting as police. Protection is purchased from private security, not bestowed by public police officers. Service is not in the law enforcement handbook.

11) Only a fool represents himself in court – When you hire an attorney or one gets appointed for you by the court, you are in fact admitting to the court that you are incompetent to represent yourself , and mentally unstable to the point that you must become a ward of the court (of the state), giving up all of your rights. Attorney’s, like police, are there to ensure that code is followed, and to object to anything the court does that might entitle his client to sue the court (the state). A monetary value must always accompany any judgement, and the attorney ensures compliance with legal procedure. He does not represent you, but instead represents the court. A BAR’d attorney has taken an oath to uphold the legal requirements of the judicial system. What you must understand is that the BAR stands for “BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY”. This association is housed in London England, or more properly, the small area in London that is not part of England, but rather like Washington D.C. in the fact that it is its own country – a corporate “state” controlling our own.

12) Churches are independent, non-profit, charitable organizations – Catholic, Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, Islamic, and all other organized religions have one corporate structure of which all individual churches are sub corporations (501-3c). The main church is a for-profit corporation. Each individual church is a non-profit sub-corporation of the main corporate entity. They are not independent. They must pay their share of money to be a part of this corporate structure. Charity is often not what it appears. Welfare is a form of domination and control. And religions, as for-profit corporations, are free to contribute to and influence politics, politicians, and government just as all other for-profit corporations are allowed to do. After all, according to the Supreme court: Corporations are people too!

13) You have rights – No, you have privileges granted by the state. Of course, you have natural God-given rights, but only if you know how to exercise them through sovereignty and natural law. Since the constitution does not apply to you, you cannot invoke this document as a source of your “rights”. You did not sign it. It is not a binding contract, even for the agreeable parts. Your privilages are granted by the “state” even though technically there is no state, only a corporation that exists solely because you let it control you and your life, liberty, and freedom.

14) You own your house or property – Actually, if you look at your deed or title, you are listed plainly as a “tenant”. Your land and by default the structure built upon it (your house) is the property of the “state”, or more accurately the bank. No matter how long you live in your house, you will be forced to pay property tax. This is not necessarily a tax as much as it is rent to the “government”. If you believe me to be in error about this fact, I would invite you to stop paying your rent (property tax). Your home and property will be confiscated. Consider this protection money… protection from corporate takeover. And if this is not enough to convince you, one only need consider the law and practice of eminent domain. This confiscation tool can be used to take your property at any time and for any reason. No exceptions there, except in cases of elodial title or land patent. Sure, they pay you what “they” set as fair-market value… but you must also consider that “they” are the ones creating the money supply and therefore the “market”.

15) 9/11 was an inside job – This is the popular cry of the 9/11 truth movement, of which I am happily a part of. But this is not a true statement. All roads lead to Israel and it’s CIA counterpart, the Mossad. That would make it an outside job. Of course, Israel is supported by billions of dollars of taxpayer money, and would not exist without U.S. backing. But, to say “inside job” doesn’t make clear that the people in our “government” who were involved with the events of 9/11 are Zionist and/or dual Israeli citizens, or very supportive and uber-friendly with the “state” of Israel. In other words, many in the Bush cabinet were in fact Jewish Zionist and duel-Israeli citizens. But also, to bring home that this event was not an “inside job”, our federal government is an outside entity (corporation), as discussed above, and not housed within the United States proper. Remember, Washington D.C. is not part of the United States. It is a foreign corporate entity. Therefore, any federally employed persons involved with 9/11 were operating outside of the “United States” – or the 50 unified states. So to call it an inside job is inaccurate, as this implies that our “government” is an inside entity and part of our “states united”.

16) Pro-choice means pro-abortion – Choice is a fundamental quality of freedom. Abortion however, is not. When someone is pro-choice, they are not necessarily pro-abortion. They are what the name implies… “for” the individuals right to choose, which should never be taken away. They are declaring freedom of “choice”, and are not declaring that abortion is in any way good or acceptable. No subject is cut and dry, and abortion cannot be classified into one of two group views. Choice is pro-choice, not pro-abortion. Education is key.

17) There is a difference between the Democratic and Republican parties – “The left-right paradigm” is a phrase coined by Alex Jones. It represents a state of belief in the two-party system. It means that which ever “side” you choose, you inherently and by default vilify the other side. It means that one is good and one is bad. All the while, party members and supporters never comprehend that there is no difference between the two parties standard platforms, excepting their “public” views on abortion. But even on abortion, the efforts by both parties to depopulate the world is clear, with forced abortion mandates in Africa, one-child policies in Asia, and others. These policies are corporate. They are instituted by the corporation, which dominates these poor countries. And the corporation includes democrats and republicans. You see, it doesn’t matter what you believe as a democrat or a republican, it only matters what the men and women who are the elected and unelected officials in these parties believe. They are corporate officers. They have no regard for what you believe is right or wrong.

It all boils down to this: If the democrats are in power – as they are now – they were put there because the public opinion of republicans was guided by the media to make you vote democratic this time around, not realizing that they are simply the same people playing good-cop/bad-cop roles in a publicly broadcast, fake dramatic sitcom. Now, after 8 years of horrific republican rule under the Bush regime, we will get 4-8 years of even worse tyrannical rule by the Obama ragime. And, once the media works its magic, we will once again vote republican. But, the same players (or actors) that were in previous administrations are again in power. Because what you have to realize is that by electing a single man for president, you are really “electing” all of the unelected officials that the “elected” president “hires” once he is elected. Therefore, we have tens and hundreds of “APPOINTED” officials ruling over us, and even ruling over our other congressional and senatorial elected officials. This is not a representative government… for you must be chosen to represent the people in order to hold the title of a “representative of the people”. And so as long as the republican party is there to catch the democratic party when it falls, and as long as the democratic party is then there in the future to catch the republican party when it falls, we will always have the same two party’s in office (which are just one party role-playing like professional wrestlers as good and evil – depending on what your perspective of good and evil is). It is a slight of hand trick that will continue to ensure the right-left paradigm stays in power by manipulating the perseptions of the voting public.

So one could put forth here that your vote doesn’t really count, unless you use it to vote out the two-party system by voting for a third party. But the media has manipulated you into thinking that voting for anybody but a democrat or republican is foolhardy. This is the paradigm we must all break out of if we are to ever be a free society.

18) Charities and foundations are grass-roots organizations run by good caring people – The Cancer Society was founded by none other than John D. Rockefeller. The US President only earns $400K ($200K as recently as Pres. Clinton) while the C.E.O. of the Red Cross earns approximately $565K, even though this person has “done little work in the primary mission of the Red Cross: disaster relief” and “will face a steep learning curve”.

Foundations, Charities, Associations, and Organizations are Corporations! Though billed as non-profits, the amount of money brought in by these foundations is staggering. When corporations donate to such things as Red Cross Haiti relief, they are not donating to the people of Haiti, but rather to the corporation of the Red Cross. In return, these corporations get no-bid contracts from foundations like the Red Cross. The board of directors for the Red Cross are the who’s who of agri-business, construction, contracting, banking, infrastructure, and other for-profit corporations. And while the Red Cross is indeed a non-profit, it gives this money away to it’s board of director’s companies, as well as paying them a ridiculous salary. So the majority of the money that you donate to these “charities” never reaches the people you believe it will help.

19) The nightly news is comprised of independant jounalism you can trust – When a news story is produced, it is writen in a way so as to be usable in all markets. It is then sent to each affiliate news station across the country, to be recorded by the local newscaster as if it was their own story. Meanwhile, on every other news station across America, the same story is being screened by different newscasters reading the same thing verbatim – but attaching thier name to the end of the story. This is media. It is entertainment. It is hypnotic. But it is not truth. It is a set of meticulously researched standards and practices employed to mentally labotomize you from discovering the true nature of your world and your “government”.


More detailed discussion of these topics can be found within this blog.


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who Owns America?

Nothing is as it seems…

Somehow, we have all been conditioned to believe that what once was shall always be. We believe that we are a free people, guaranteed our God-given rights declared in the constitution. We believe that when we vote, we are electing representatives of we the people, whom once elected become public servants. We believe that the house in which we live and the land on which we settle is our land, free and clear of our government’s tentacles. And we believe that the laws for which we allow ourselves to be governed by come from a legitimate law making body, with checks and balances and constitutional oversights.

But what if the above perceptions are in fact false?

And what if the reality is that the United States doesn’t even exist at all?

What indeed…

According to Executive Order 12803, signed by George H.W. Bush in 1992, The District Of Columbia – Washington D.C. (neither a state nor a part of the United States) was given the authority to privatize most or all of the infrastructure within the United States. This means that the federal government, or the corporation that acts in lieu of a federal government, can sell any city’s “assets” which were built with tax-payer monies including:

· Roads
· Tunnels
· Bridges
· Electricity supply facilities
· Mass transit
· Rail transportation
· Airports
· Ports
· Waterways
· Recycling/wastewater treatment facilities
· Solid waste disposal facilities
· Hospitals
· Prisons
· Schools
· Housing

E.O. 12803 lists the above as examples of America’s salable and/or lease-able infrastructure. But this is not to be taken as a complete list, as these are just some examples.

E.O. 12803 names this authority in its destructive pages as “Infrastructure Privatization” and states that this power allows for the “…disposition or transfer of an infrastructure “asset” such as by sale or by long-term lease from a State or local government to a private party.

In a previous blog article, I compared the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto with various Executive Orders, Presidential Directives, Acts of Congress, and other legislation which, under a declared state of emergency (martial law) would put the very items listed above under immediate government control, ensuring the continuity of government (corporate rule). Read here: https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2010/04/25/the-united-states-communist-manifesto/

If we then understand that America’s infrastructure has now been available for sale to foreign nations for 18 years, when E.O. 12803 was signed into law by the treasonous Bush family cartel, we might then get a picture of why everything seems to be getting so expensive and corrupt.

No longer should we be asking why our phone, electric, gas, water, sewage, waste management, tollways, parking meters, public transit, hospital bills, and general operating budgets keep going up-up-up in price… What we should be asking is who owns these once public utilities?

Is it possible that China owns the sewers? Can Mexico actually own our tollways and roads. Is Russia the proud new owner of Nevada?

These are the questions we should be asking…

And when one considers that “Housing” is one of the listed “assets” in the government’s list of examples, one must then ask whether the continued accounts of foreign troops practicing martial law drills across the country might be construed as foreign troops practicing takeover of the land for which they now own. After all, the real estate industry has recently been privatized into government hands. Is it not reasonable to assume that our “housing” includes the land for which those houses call home? And, knowing that your title or deed (you should read yours, especially the small print) states that you do not own the land or home you live in, that you are the tenant, and that it can be taken at any time by the corporate government through eminent domain for any reason, one must ask what will happen when China wants to claim the land for which it has purchased or been given in payment of the national debt.

Are Mexicans illegal immigrants if they are living on Mexico’s land purchased from under our noses through government deed? Could the push in recent years for a multi-cultural mindset and global population in the United States simply be to acclimatize us for the reality of America’s sale and eventual take-over from these foreign entities?

We know that many of our interstates and roadways are already sold. We know that they are part of the N.A.F.T.A. system of inter-continental transport controlled through United Nations sanctions. And we know that Mexico gets tolls that are paid in the United States. So, if these roads are no longer in the public trust, instead being held by private corporations or foreign countries, where do our taxes go that have historically paid for the building and maintenance of this infrastructure? Are we paying taxes for not? Or are we giving our money to non-governmental and foreign corporations?

Why doesn’t the government actually fix the health-care system and start enforcing the safety regulations that supposedly apply to the health-care industry? Perhaps these hospitals aren’t on American soil anymore. Or perhaps the whole codified system of rules and legalities don’t mean a hill of beans. And isn’t it amazing and suspicious that most of our hospitals are packed full of foreign doctors?

Private prisons are plentiful, many owned by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR). Old Dick Cheney must be so proud of his legacy of the privatized prison labor business. And with more than 1% of our population in prison, business is booming. But how does one know if one is still in an American prison, with all of the rights and protections accorded thereof? Is rendition simply taking an American citizen to a foreign-owned prison on foreign land inside of America? So many questions can be answered by applying this Executive Order to the equation…

And finally, are our public schools being sold off to the highest bidder? This should frighten anyone with any sense of behavioral modification and the early childhood educational programing that takes place in our schools today. Considering the multi-cultural bias in most and the allowance of Spanish as a first language in some schools, we good little citizens must pause and wonder if our natural-born children aren’t indeed attending a foreign school in the middle of America!

These are scary thoughts indeed. But we should be asking these questions, and demanding answers for them. For at this point, if it is true that the United States of America ceased to exist long ago, then we have no legitimate government. We are in actuallity living in a fictitious corporate state opperating under the illusion of freedom and democracy, with no constitution in sight. Our independence is gone, as is our sovereignty. We are a people with no homeland. We have been sold out by our “trusted leaders”.

In reality, the international banks and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is our government.

Here are a few other facts about the United States, referenced and stated simply. Check them yourself. And for more intense reading on these subjects, go here: http://www.civil-liberties.com/books/index.html

The following list was copied from here: http://home.iae.nl/users/lightnet/world/essays.htm

1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy its finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the “US Government” held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang, 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above)

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)

9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178) 10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826)

11. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System. (Get the Disks)

12. The UN is a One World Super Government. (Get the Disks)

13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations. (Get the Disks)

14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)

16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.)

17. You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

19. The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24) 20. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

21. You can not use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

22. America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS AND IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774.)

23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 53-54)

25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)

26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

28. The Popes laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)

29. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children.(Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

30. Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, pg. 99. Webster’s 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

31.” The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)

32. The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat 154.)

33. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.

34. Everything in the “United States” is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath lake. Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803)

35. We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037)

36. The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land in America in Fee Simple. (Get the Disks for the Essay and Documents.)

37. The good news is we don’t have to fulfill “our” fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another’s fictitious obligation. (Get the Disks)

38. The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression. The building of Germanys infrastructure in the 1930’s including the Railroads was financed by the United States. That way those who call themselves “Kings,” “Prime Ministers,” and “Furor.”etc could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their Countries which didn’t even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn’t it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the “Bank of International Settlements” is located.Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of “Government” in place. (Get the Disks and see the Documents for yourself.)

39. The “United States” did not declare Independence from Great Britain or King George. (Get the Disks for Documents and Essay.)

40. Guess who owns the UN? The disks have many more cites including Hundreds of Documents to verify the 40 statements above and numerous other facts. The Disks also include numerous Essays written by Stephen Ames and several other people that fully explain the 40 above mentioned facts. The Disks will clear up any confusion and answer any questions that you may have. The cites listed above are only the tip of the iceberg. Also included on the Disks are several hundred legal definitions because without them it is next to impossible for the non-lawyer to understand many of the Documents. Simple words such as “person” “citizen” “people” “or” “nation” “crime” “charge” “right” “statute” “preferred” “prefer” “constitutor” “creditor” “debtor” “debit” “discharge” “payment” ‘law” “United States” etc, do not mean what most of us think because we were never taught the legal definitions of the proceeding words. The illusion is much larger than what is cited above.

There is no use in asking an Attorney about any of the above because: “His first duty is to the courts…not to the client.” U.S.v Franks D.C.N.J. 53F.2d 128. “Clients are also called “wards of the court” in regard to their relationship with their attorneys.”Spilker v. Hansin, 158 F.2d 35, 58U.S.App.D.C. 206. Wards of court. Infants and persons of unsound mind. Davis Committee v. Lonny, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W.2d 189, 190. Did you get that? An Attorneys first duty is not to you and when you have an Attorney you are either considered insane or an infant.

Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
Sunday, May 9, 2010