What Is A Representative?

In a recent conversation, I was enlightened on a subject that I think will clear up a few things in your quest of comprehension as to why our “representative” congressmen, presidents, governors, and other elected officers of the UNITED STATES (a federal corporation in the District of Columbia) don’t seem to be representing the interests of the people of the states for which they represent. This is very enlightening…

The simple answer to this question is this:

At some point in history, the original intended constitutional description of an elected politician went from being a “delegate” of the people to being a “Representative” of the people.

What is a delegate?

A delegate is a person chosen by the people or an other entity to represent the will of the people or that entity. That person (one of the people) is generally referred to as a “statesman” because his or her interest was only in that of the state or area (now called a district) for which he was an elected delegate. When in a national setting, such as in a congressional session with other delegates from other areas, this chosen representative of the people was there on behalf of the people and interests of those people in his district or state (statesman), and nothing else. National issues, therefore, would not trump local ones. But the most important difference between a delegate and a representative is this: a delegate was required to bring any legislation created in that lawmaking session either locally or nationally back to his area (district) for a vote of the people. In other words, he did not have the freedom to make decisions for the people, he merely was the chosen voice and scribe of the people as a representation of the people’s interests. The delegate and the laws he or she created had no power except that granted by the vote of the people. This made the laws passed by the delegate the actual law of the people. And this made it very difficult to pass a law that was tyrannical and not representative of the people.

What is a Representative?

A representative in today’s legal standing is a person chosen by the people or an other entity to represent the will of the people or entity, that much is the same. But today’s elected politicians are no longer delegates of the people, but rather the parent (parens patria) of the people will. Today’s politicians become TITLE 2 and TITLE 5 employees of the federal government, not delegates of the people. What does this mean? It means that as a representative, today’s elected delegate is conferred with the legal power, authority, and jurisdiction to make their own decisions (i.e. to vote for legal CODE without a vote of the people – with disregard of a people’s vote). A representative is not a statesman. And a representative does not make law, but rather creates legal CODE. This CODE is not the will of the people, as it is not voted upon by the people. A representative does not have the interests of his area (district) or state in mind when voting or creating legal CODE. Therefore, a representative is not acting in the people’s interest, for he is not delegating the peoples will. He or she is no longer a delegate of the people. And these legal CODES which are passed off as laws are very easy to pass, simply because the people have no say in their content or their passing.


In short, comprehending the distinction between a delegate and a representative has been the final step for me to finally understand why the entirety of the legal US CODE has no lawful power, authority, or jurisdiction over me as one of the people without my personal consent, since all law is always based on the consent of the people.

If the people as a whole did not vote for a law, it is not the law. It is prima facie legal CODE requiring the consent of the people in the enforcement of that CODE. This includes state, county, local, and district legal CODE as well.

And remember that judges are “elected” as well, and are the adjudicators of legal CODE, not the law. And please understand that you also “elect” an attorney to “represent” you. BAR attorneys swear an oath to uphold that copyrighted legal CODE and to follow legal court procedure. An attorney is not a delegate, but a representative of yourself as a ward of the court not fit to represent yourself. All BAR attorneys and judges are on the same team, representing the legal CODE, not the people. And these BAR attorneys make up a majority of our elected officials in the senate, a large majority of the house, and of course our representative President, who has granted himself the authority to make his own law (legal CODE) through the use of Presidential Directives and Executive Orders, giving force to legal CODE’s without and above constitutional considerations.

Just because a politician makes a pretty speech about being a statesman and representing the will of the people doesn’t make this a reality. Most politicians want nothing more than the corporate clout and money that being a post-politician carries with it, not to mention a multi-million dollar tax-exempt expense account and a life-long taxpayer funded pension virtually unmatched in the private sector.

So the next time you decide to vote for your local, county, state, or federal representative, including the President of the UNITED STATES, remember that you are electing a representative and not a delegate. And remember that by voting for that person, you are granting that person your presumed consent to make decisions on your behalf, but certainly not in your best interests.

(Special thanks to Burt. His information is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/donotconsent83)


–Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com) — (Clint4P.com)
–Friday, February 17, 2012

Consent – Why The IRS, Domestic, And Homeland Security Have No Lawful Power

Is Domestic Security a lawful department of the U.S. Government?

The answer to this question lies within the U.S. CODE that gives the Department of Domestic and Homeland Security its power in the first place…

But what gives this CODE its power?

In this article, I will be referencing the U.S. CODE of the government of the UNITED STATES – a private corporation. All CODES referenced are sourced below each reference.

If you still have any doubt that your government is a corporation, see the indisputable proof here: http://thecorporationnation.com/ or just keep reading… For those skeptics and doubting Thomas types, here is some instant gratification showing the ‘UNITED STATES’ non-representative corporate structure:





§ 3002. Definitions

15) ‘‘United States’’ means—

(A) a Federal corporation;

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sec_28_00003002—-000-.html )

First, let’s look at the most important word in legal code. This powerful and lawful word is the only reason that the majority of our U.S. CODE has any power over us at all…


CONSENT: (v) (law) To acquiesce, agree, approve, assent, to voluntarily comply or yield, to give permission to some act or purpose. Voluntary Acquiescence to the proposal of another; the act or result of reaching an accord; a concurrence of minds; actual willingness that an act or an infringement of an interest shall occur. Consent is an act of reason and deliberation. A person who possesses and exercises sufficient mental capacity to make an intelligent decision demonstrates consent by performing an act recommended by another. Consent assumes a physical power to act and a reflective, determined, and unencumbered exertion of these powers. It is an act unaffected by Fraud, duress, or sometimes even mistake when these factors are not the reason for the consent. Consent is implied in every agreement. (Source: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/consent

ACQUIESCENCE: Conduct recognizing the existence of a transaction and intended to permit the transaction to be carried into effect; a tacit agreement; consent inferred from silence. Acquiescence relates to inaction during the performance of an act.

If you understand the definition of consent, you have a legal weapon more powerful than any physical weapon you can ever carry. For consent is the very act that gives much of our legal statutes and codes their power… and in turn, our code enforcers (police) power over us.

Consent, for legal purposes, is a verbal or attitudinal contract. If a police officer (CORPORATE CODE enforcement officer) tells you that you must obey a code that is not statutory law, you must voluntarily give that police officer power (consent) by agreeing (voluntary acquiescence) to obey him; for your compliance with his request is strictly voluntary. You must volunteer to follow and obey non-statutory law (CODE).

But as we read above, consent can be “inferred from silence”, or even from “inaction”. Therefore, silence does not constitute a lack of consent. Your unwillingness to acquiesce must be made known in a verbal statement (non-contractual denial of authority). For instance:

I do not consent to an unlawful search and seizure.

I do not give you consent to unlawfully search my vehicle or my person.

I do not consent to a full body scan or a full body pat-down.

I do not consent to your Prima Facie code requiring a permit for free speech, as it is my statutory and constitutional right to express free speech and travel unencumbered while on public property, which overrides the non-statutory code that you have just quoted me.


Public Property: (n) property owned by the government or one of its agencies, divisions, or entities. Commonly a reference to parks, playgrounds, streets, sidewalks, schools, libraries and other property regularly used by the general public. (See: common property http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/public+property)

Public Property refers to roadways, highways, sidewalks, airports (the entire airport), and any government held or owned building or business that is paid for by tax-payer money. Technically, all government property should be considered public property. After all, why should government have secrets from the people it represents, let alone property that it owns? It only owns property due to its corporate status. Complete transparency should be an integral part of a just and constitutional republic government…

Since the entirety of the airport was built with tax-payer money, and since the airport is a government building, the entire airport is public property. This means that the passageway to and from the entrance to the ticket counter to the bathroom to the gate all falls under one category: Public Property. Because of this, you have the absolute natural and constitutional right to travel on this public property, without permit, license, or any other form of legality. Law trumps legality every time. The only way you can loose this right is if you consent to the non-statutory CODE, which limits your God-given right to travel, and which requires your voluntary acquiescence to give up this right in lieu of a codified permit, license, or contract.

Statutory Law


Prima Facie Law

This is not to say that all code is non-Statutory. In fact, of the 50 “TITLES” in UNITED STATES CODE, only 23 of those TITLES have been enacted into positive law; i.e. legal evidence of law (Congressional Statutory Law). These TITLES are as follows:

1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36,37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46, and 49.

(Source: http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/about.html )

Statutory law: Laws, or statutes, enacted by legislatures, such as the New Jersey State Legislature or the United States Congress. (Source: www.judiciary.state.nj.us/njcourts-09.htm)

Statutory law: Law enacted by the legislative branch of government (congress), as distinguished from case law or common law. A statute (i.e. statutory law) is an act of the legislature declaring, commanding or prohibiting something. (Source: www.mnbar.org/mocktrial/2007-08/GLOSSARY%20OF%20LEGAL%20TERMS.doc)

All other TITLES within the federal U.S. CODE (the topic of this writing) are what is called “Prima Facie” evidence of law. Prima facie is not statutory law (not made into law by congress), which means that it is only enforceable via your voluntary consent.

Prima Facie: (Latin) A legal presumption which means on the face of it or at first sight. (Source: http://www.duhaime.org/LegalDictionary/P/PrimaFacie.aspx)

Prima Facie: At first view; on first appearance absent other information or evidence — (Source: S. L. Lynch)

Prima Facie: Sufficient to establish a fact or case unless disproved < prima facie proof.  (Source: Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.)

So, now that we have established that more than half of federal U.S. CODE is in fact not statutory law by congressional decree, and is instead a legal presumption which requires voluntary consent, and with an understanding that legal and lawful are two completely different concepts with regards to your consent, lets take a look at the U.S. CODE that covers federal airport security operations: DOMESTIC SECURITY.

The Domestic Security and Homeland Security offices are Federal Executive Agencies (see below), meaning they are Departments created and appointed by the Executive branch of the government (the President). Part of the lawful measures that protect the freedom of the American people against the always evident tyranny of government corruption and absolute power is our system of checks and balances. Because of these checks and balances, any act of the president of the UNITED STATES (Executive Branch) alone or through any Executive office or officer he appoints does not have power over the Free People of America. In other words, the president is not a dictator, and cannot act as one through his appointed officers without congressional authority. This is the greatest of checks and balances…



§ 103. Government corporation

For the purpose of this title—

(1) ‘‘Government corporation’’ means a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the United States;

(2) “Government controlled corporation” does not include a corporation owned by the Government of the United States.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode05/usc_sec_05_00000103—-000-.html )

§ 105. Executive agency

For the purpose of this title—

‘‘Executive agency’’ means an Executive department, a Government corporation (see above), and an independent establishment.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode05/usc_sec_05_00000105—-000-.html )

§ 301. Departmental regulations

The head of an Executive department or military department may prescribe regulations for the government of his department, the conduct of its employees, the distribution and performance of its business, and the custody, use, and preservation of its records, papers, and property. This section does not authorize withholding information from the public or limiting the availability of records to the public.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode05/usc_sec_05_00000301—-000-.html )


First, we must note that TITLE 5 is indeed Statutory Law.

SECTION 103 (above) confirms to us that “Executive Agencies”, regardless of their TITLES, are in fact CORPORATIONS – and in paragraph (2), that the federal government does indeed “control” corporations and also “owns” corporations.

SECTION 105 (above) then confirms that “Executive agencies” are the same as and are defined as “Executive Departments”, which are in fact “Government Corporations”.

SECTION 301 (above) then tells us what these “Executive Departments” (Government Corporations) have authority to do by this Statutory Law (as defined in TITLE 5 of U.S. CODE). And so we can see that these Presidential appointed “Executive Departments” only have the authority by congress to make regulations within the bounds of the Presidents’ own appointed Executive Agency, and not outside of said Executive Department, and definitely not for or over the free American people without their consent. “Executive Departments” and their appointed officials have no authority over the free people granted from within this TITLE (5), and only have been granted power over the “employees” within that Executive Department.

In other words, the law (CODE) states that the head of an Executive Agency or Executive Department can only make regulations for and within his own agency, not for and within the Free People of America.

And this is where CONSENT comes in to play. For it is simply your consent that gives these codified non-statutory presumed laws and the code-enforcement officers who enforce them authority over you. Without your consent, they are literally powerless. They have no authority without your consent.

Executive DOMESTIC SECURITY Department

DOMESTIC SECURITY and most of its presumed authority and legality, and therefore its power, is in TITLE 6. Title 6 is not one of the 23 TITLES of U.S. CODE enacted into “Positive” or Statutory Law. So, nothing in TITLE 6 is in fact statutory law, and therefore it requires voluntary compliance through your consent. Also, in TITLE 6, you’ll find much of the regulation and power related to “HOMELAND SECURITY”.

TITLE 6—DOMESTIC SECURITY (remember, TITLE 6 is not Statutory Law)




      Ex. Ord. No. 13416, Dec. 5, 2006, 71 F.R. 71033

§ 1101(c) ‘‘security guideline’’ means any security-related guidance that the Secretary recommends, for implementation on a voluntary basis, to enhance the security of surface transportation

(Source: http://uscode.house.gov/download/pls/06C4.txt )

Note: An Executive Order is an order that is not approved by Congress. It is an act solely of and by the President of the Corporation of the UNITED STATES that is not Staturtory Law nor constitutional. Since we have already established that the President is not a Dictator, these Executive Orders and Presidential Directives only apply to the Executive branch of the corporate Federal government and departments within, and only have authority over the Free People with their (your) consent!

Here in black and white it is written in U.S. CODE that the TSA’s security-related guidance is in fact voluntary, meaning its power derives from your consent to give up your constitutional rights and allow this Executive Department to have the power to violate your God-given and 4rth amendment rights.




§ 111 Executive department; mission

(a) Establishment
There is established a Department of Homeland Security, as an executive department of the United States within the meaning of title 5.

§ 112. Secretary; functions

(a) Secretary

(1) In general; There is a Secretary of Homeland Security, appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(2) Head of Department – The Secretary is the head of the Department and shall have direction, authority, and control over it.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode06/usc_sec_06_00000112—-000-.html )

Section 112 states that the Department of Homeland Security is an Executive Department of the United States, as defined in TITLE 5. This means that the Department of Homeland Security is a Government Corporation, appointed by the President, who is not a dictator, and therefore this Executive Department requires consent by the Free People to have power and authority over those people. The Department of Homeland Security is not constitutionally lawful, as it is not consented to and made Statutory by congress.

Since the Secretary of Homeland Security is appointed by the President (with only the Senates’ consent), and indeed not the consent and approval of the Congress, and since this appointment is in TITLE 6 which is not Statutory Law, this tells us that there is no Congressional power behind the Secretary of Homeland Security over the actual Free People of America. In fact, the “Executive Departments” known as Domestic and Homeland Security has no authority over anyone outside of their own agency and employees. Remember… Washington D.C. (the Federal Government) is a 10 mile patch of land in the District of Columbia, and it is not located in and is not a part of the united states of America. It is a separate entity. A corporation. A country within a country.

To put this into perspective… let’s look at another Executive appointed office within the Executive branch of government. The President of the corporation of the UNITED STATES has appointed an executive department for the care of current corporate President Obama’s dog (the “first dog”). This department has the job of taking care of and grooming this dog, and is paid an over $100,000 salary plus $45,000 in benefits. But that is where his and his Executive appointed Departments’ power ends. He does not have the power to take care of your dog, and he certainly doesn’t have the power to force you or your dog to do anything you don’t want to do. But then, he might ask you or even tell you forcibly that he is going to feed, brush, and groom your dog! And if you wanted him to, all you’d have to do is to give Him and his “Executive Department” permission (consent) to do so, be it by verbal permission or lack of declaration of non-consent (inaction). Likewise, the Executive Departments of Domestic Security and of Homeland Security have no power to force you to do anything, especially to grope and hand-rape you and your children or to force you to walk through radiation expelling DNA destroying cancer causing devices… unless you give them permission (consent).

Remember, the President is not a Dictator due to governments checks and balances! And because of this, the President cannot dictate power over the Free People through any appointed office or political appointee. He is only in charge of the federal government as President of the CORPORATION. There are only two persons in the Executive Branch of government who have the peoples authority over the Executive Branch, but not over the people themselves: The President and the Vice President of U.S. INC. Every other officer, office, department, military branch (army, navy, air force, marines, coast guard, national guard etc…), and any other political appointment by the President has no authority over you, a free and natural man or woman – without your consent.

I cannot stress this enough. Your consent is the only thing that gives these bullies any power. This single word is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal against mislaid tyranny. It is a shield against the presumption of law, known as legality, or Prima Facie law.


TITLE 49—TRANSPORTATION     (TITLE 49 is Statutory Law)


§ 102. Department of Transportation

(a) The Department of Transportation is an executive department of the United States Government at the seat of Government.

(b) The head of the Department is the Secretary of Transportation. The Secretary is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

…….Note: Also very interesting in this section…….

…….An office to mitigate the effects of Climate Change (Chemtrails?)…….

(g) Office of Climate Change and Environment.—

(1) Establishment.— There is established in the Department an Office of Climate Change and Environment to plan, coordinate, and implement—
(A) department-wide research, strategies, and actions under the Department’s statutory authority to reduce transportation-related energy use and mitigate the effects of climate change; and
(B) department-wide research strategies and actions to address the impacts of climate change on transportation systems and infrastructure.
(2) Clearinghouse.— The Office shall establish a clearinghouse of solutions, including cost-effective congestion reduction approaches, to reduce air pollution and transportation-related energy use and mitigate the effects of climate change.
(h) The Department shall have a seal that shall be judicially recognized.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode49/usc_sec_49_00000102—-000-.html )



§ 40103. Sovereignty and use of airspace

(2) A citizen of the United States has a public

right of transit through the navigable airspace.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode49/usc_sec_49_00040103—-000-.html )

TITLE 49 is in fact Statutory Law by order of Congress, according to the list of U.S. CODES that are law above.

SECTION 102 states plainly that the DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION is in fact an “Executive Department” – meaning it is a corporation that was appointed by the Executive Branch. And in Paragraph (B) it states that the Secretary of Transportation is an Executive (Presidential) appointed office with only the consent of the Senate, not of the congress. This makes the office of Secretary of Transportation Executive non-Statutory Law, and assigns no power over the Free People to this office or its Secretary.

SECTION 40103 in SUBTITLE 7 states that it is Statutory Law that transit through the “navigational airspace” is in fact a right, and not a privilege. This is important, because it reinforces the natural and constitutional right to travel freely by the American people, without permission, permit or regulation, throughout the land (and airspace). This TITLE is actually beneficial to the Free People, as this CODE recognizes the Free Peoples’ ability to travel as a right, not a privilege, and makes that a law – which severely cripples the “States” authority over you!

What is a RIGHT?

Public Right (as quoted in SECTION 40103): (n.) a right created by the legislature that may be exercised against the government. (Source: http://research.lawyers.com/glossary/public-right.html)

Right: (n.)  – 1) an entitlement to something, whether to concepts like justice and due process, or to ownership of property or some interest in property, real or personal. These rights include various freedoms, protection against interference with enjoyment of life and property, civil rights enjoyed by citizens such as voting and access to the courts, natural rights accepted by civilized societies, human rights to protect people throughout the world from terror, torture, barbaric practices and deprivation of civil rights and profit from their labor, and such American constitutional guarantees as the right to freedoms of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition.

2) (adj.) just, fair, correct.

Right: In an abstract sense, justice, ethical correctness, or harmony with the rules of law or the principles of morals. In a concrete legal sense, a power, privilege, demand, or claim possessed by a particular person by virtue of law… In Constitutional Law, rights are classified as natural, civil, and political. Natural rights are those that are believed to grow out of the nature of the individual human being and depend on her personality, such as the rights to life, liberty, privacy, and the pursuit of happiness. (Source: http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Right)

So in general, a right can never be restricted. If it is restricted by your consent to a contract, legality, etc… then it is no longer a RIGHT, but a PRIVILEGE granted by government (the State). Again, CONSENT must be given to turn a right into a privilege, through verbal contract or a lack of verbal non-consent, or through a written contract (permit, license, etc…) which you sign, giving up your rights for the privilege to do something, like traveling freely in a car as a natural right -vs- driving a car with a license, which is a contractual permission to drive from the state and permission (consent) by you to be punished for not obeying their rules under contractual law.



The Republic and the 50 states united

It is important to understand what the corporate U.S. CODE defines as “the State”, and how that relates to the 50 states that form the Republic of the united states of America.

You must remember that U.S. CODE is the code writen for the corporation that is UNITED STATES INC. It is the system of law set up for the federal corporation to follow. This corporate structure was created to build a legal bridge over the lawful constitution for the united states of America, whereas the corporation of the same name, UNITED STATES INC, can operate outside of that constitution. And they created the corporate equivalent of the constitution through such tools as U.S.CODE.

Read the following very carefully…





§ 3002. Definitions

(14) ‘‘State’’ means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.

(15) “United States” means—

(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or

(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode28/usc_sec_28_00003002—-000-.html )



Sec. 110. Same; definitions

(a) The term “person” shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 3797 of title 26.

(d) The term “State” includes any Territory or possession of the United States.

(e) The term “Federal area” means any lands or premises held or acquired by or for the use of the United States or any department, establishment, or agency, of the United States; and any Federal area, or any part thereof, which is located within the exterior boundaries of any State, shall be deemed to be a Federal area located within such State.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode04/usc_sec_04_00000110—-000-.html )

Once again, the U.S. CODE states irrevocably that the term “United States” is defined as a Corporation – In this case a “Federal Corporation”. This Federal Corporation was created strategically, to build a legal bridge over and bypass the real lawful declaration of independence and the constitution. This is not to say that the original constitution for the united states of America is not still in effect, but it is to say that as consenting citizens of the UNITED STATES as a corporation, we are bound by the corporation of the UNITED STATES and by its corporate rules, codes, legalities, and therefore its punishments, taxes, and fines as long as we consent and continuously enter into voluntary acquiescence of IT’S contracts, licenses, permits, and other contractually binding documents via our social security numbers (which are our livestock informational ownership ID’s)…

The word “State” is being defined here as anything other that the actual geographical land and Free People of the united states of America, and is being defined as all territory and PROPERTY of the corporation of the UNITED STATES. Here the “States” are not any of the 50 states of the constitutional republic. “States” in this CODE refers to something which belongs as property (a corporate term) to the UNITED STATES INC, the corporation. No state of the union is owned by the federal government according to the constitution, and no part of any of the 50 States is owned by the United States, for that would be against the precepts of the Constitution and the very foundation of the republic and the intentions of and enumerated powers of the federal government.

Paragraph (a) states that a “person” is defined elsewhere. After following the breadcrumb trail, I finally arrived here:




§ 7701. Definitions

(a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof—

(1) Person

The term “person” shall be construed to mean and include an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation.
(14) Taxpayer

The term “taxpayer” means any person subject to any internal revenue tax.


(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode26/usc_sup_01_26.html )

Wow! This is the big one!!!

TITLE 26, which holds the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE that is used by the Internal Revenue Service as the basis to tax, steal, imprison, subjugate, and ruin the lives of many Americans… IS NOT STATUTORY LAW. IT REQUIRES CONSENT!

This means that the entire basis for the Income Tax levied on the people of America is strictly voluntary! You enter into an agreement with the IRS tax forms you fill out.

If  the word “taxpayer” as defined above in paragraph (14) is any “person” as defined above in paragraph (1) that is “subject to any internal revenue tax”, and if the U.S. CODE requires consent for the so defined “person” to be subject to any authority presented by the IRS and it’s non-Statutory, Prima Facie INTERNAL REVENUE CODE, then no individual Free Man or Woman in America is required to pay and income tax on their wages earned, unless they consent to doing so by signing the corporate IRS and IRC paperwork that binds them to the tax.

This is not the case with individual “persons” who own corporations, for the corporation is an artificial person, which is not a Free Man or Woman, given permission to exist by the U.S.CODE, and must obey these CODES as required in the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE listed above. It is not the individual “person” that owes the tax, but is instead the corporation for which that real “person” owns.

The question is, can that individual “person” be held responsible for paying Income Taxes to the IRS for their Corporation out of their own income from said Corporation. Is this not just a paycheck similar to every other “person’s” income, written by a separate entity called a corporation – an artificial person?

This is an interesting paradox… Can you be held accountable for your corporation’s debt to the IRS if the corporation is not you, a Free Man or Woman, but indeed a separate (artificial) “State”-created person altogether?



§ 103. Government corporation – For the purpose of this title—

(1) ‘‘Government corporation’’ means a corporation owned or controlled by the Government of the United States

(Sourced above)



§ 103. United States – In this title, ‘‘United States’’, when used in a geographic sense, means the States of the United States and the District of Columbia.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode31/usc_sec_31_00000103—-000-.html )

TITLE 5, repeated here from above, once again shows that the United States, for which TITLE 28 defines as a Federal Corporation, now helps to define what the word “State” means in this U.S. CODE. TITLE 5 helps to define the word “State” as a Government Corporation.

TITLE 31 is statutory Law. This TITLE declares that the “United States” are the 50 “States” (government corporations) of this “Federal Corporation”.




Sec. 2236. Searches without warrant

Whoever, being an officer, agent, or employee of the United States or any department or agency thereof, engaged in the enforcement of any law of the United States, searches any private dwelling used and occupied as such dwelling without a warrant directing such search, or maliciously and without reasonable cause searches any other building or property without a search warrant, shall be fined under this title for a first offense; and, for a subsequent offense, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

This section shall not apply to any person–

(a) serving a warrant of arrest; or

(b) arresting or attempting to arrest a person committing or attempting to commit an offense in his presence, or who has committed or is suspected on reasonable grounds of having committed a felony; or

(c) making a search at the request or invitation or with the consent of the occupant of the premises.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode18/usc_sec_18_00002236—-000-.html )

TITLE 18 is Statutory Law. Simply stated, paragraph (c) tells us that we have no recourse against the Agency Agent (TSA, Policeman, etc.) if we give our consent to be searched, meaning they can touch us anywhere and however the want if we consent to a search, and the fact that you do not deny your consent means that you are indeed granting consent to search and seizure, by which consent eliminates this protective CODE – as stated above in paragraph (c): “This section shall not apply to any person–making a search at the request or invitation or with the consent of the occupant of the premises.” This cancels this statute in court for use as in your defense, because your consent relieved any protective aspect of this statutory law. They could rape you because you gave consent, and this Statutory Law (CODE) would stop a courts’ ruling of rape, calling that rape or molestation a “consensual search”. VERY IMPORTANT!!!

By denying consent to be searched and/or to have your property seized by this Government Corporation/Executive Department, IT has no right or authority to interact with you, detain you, or block your way to freely travel without reasonable proof of a commitment of a felony, or in order to serve a warrant for your arrest (and a warrant would take a long time to acquire from a court).


Nobody has the right to see or check your plane ticket or ID but the airline in which you are doing business with. Only an airline representative can request your ticket. Unless the TSA and police have probable cause to detain you, you are not bound by these corporate code enforcement officers if you do not consent and acquiesce to their presumed authority. Consent and non-consent must be verbally stated, as inaction and silence can be considered as consent. Do not be intimidated by these power-hungry thugs in Federal Corporation U.S. INC  uniforms. Remember, their power is delegated by Statutory Law only to the 10 mile non united states of America piece of land called Washington D.C, and only within their own federal department – not over you as a Free and Sovereign man or woman. Stand your ground. Fear and intimidation are the only power they have. Without it, and without your consent, they are powerless – but only if you so declare.

If these Executive appointed federal government corporate workers threaten or try to intimidate you by standing in your way or telling or asking you to wait for a supervisor, do not comply. Simply state that you are a Sovereign man or woman, that you do not consent, that you do not give that federal employee any authority over you or your children (or property), and that they may not impede your God-given and constitutional right to travel nor violate any of your natural rights. Then politely ask if you are being detained, and am I free to be on my way.

You may also let the federal corporate employee know that you intend to sue them and their department head’s bond at a certain dollar amount ($100 per minute, for example) if they interfere with your free right to travel on public property by contractually and forcibly detaining you (by verbally claiming authority to halt your free travel despite your non-consent to their authority to do so).

Film this process. A video camera is your best defense and offense, and these thugs do not like being filmed. Video footage of this exchange is your record and evidence of your lack of consent in a court of law.

If they still intimidate you, follow up with a taste of their own medicine… State that you are warning them that anything that you say and do to me or my family can and will be used against you in a Court of Law, a Common Law Court, and as evidence for a Grand Jury.

And most important, do not answer any questions posed to you by these Federal Employees. You have the right to remain silent! Remember, they have no authority or rule of law on their side to interact or ask you anything without your consent. Answering their questions could be construed by them and by a corporate judge in a court of law as consent.

And remember, your local police and Airport Police work for the municipal corporation that is acting as a government in your city or county. They are corporations as well, making them corporate police or code enforcers. They need your consent too. They cannot detain you or restrict your movement without violating the warning you just gave them. You are a free traveler. You do not consent to their questions or their unlawful interference with your freedom of travel in a public place. Again, you are not required to answer their questions as you have the right to remain silent. Your answers can be misconstrued as consent to their authority over you, and you must verbally acknowledge that you do not consent (the only reason to break your silence).

Be polite. Never become confrontational, rude, or arrogant. A confident attitude mixed with a polite and straight-forward attitude is a winner every time. Do not get tricked into a “friendly conversation” or banter with a corporate code enforcement thug. It will only lead to frustration, argument, and possible unwitting consent. These guys are trained to trip up people like you – free people claiming their rights above corporate tyranny.

If you do not let the situation escalate, and instead control the conversation by simply not consenting to have a conversation or answer any questions, you are free to go by law and Statutory Law.

Warning: they may not step out of your way. They may stand in front of you and not say anything or that you are free to go to intimidate you further. They will tell you, however, if you are being detained. It is a chess game. If they step aside or if they do not, you should just start walking to your destination. Their consent to your rights is their inaction to detain you.

Remember, the courts are private corporations, often owned outright by the very judges who rule the court, and rent that court to the corporate government municipality unlawfully. These “judges” are corporate attorneys in fancy black robes, who work for the corporate government of the United States, and will always rule in favor of the “city”, “county”, or “state” corporation he works for. An attorney will never represent you in court. An attorney is there to ensure the continuity of court procedure, and by taking an attorney as representation for yourself in court, you have just contractually admitted to the corporate court that you are unfit and too mentally unstable to represent yourself in court. You are then a ward of the court. This is consent of the judicial system, which again is part of the corporation. Every judge works for the United States Corporation, and therefore his first interest is always to protect the corporate interest, to not set precedent that could be beneficial to Sovereignty and freedom, and is never concerned with justice for the people including yourself.

FEMA Camps, Oh My!

Now, some of you may be thinking, after years of fear and conditioning, that Homeland Security might throw you into a FEMA camp for such disregard of corporate legality and authority over your freedom. But guess what? FEMA is in TITLE 6, is an Executive Department, is not Statutory Law, and requires your consent of authority!

TITLE 6–DOMESTIC SECURITY  (TITLE 6 is not Statutory Law)



§ 313. Federal Emergency Management Agency
(a) In general

There is in the Department the Federal Emergency Management Agency, headed by an Administrator.

(Source: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode06/usc_sec_06_00000313—-000-.html )

Constitutional Corporate Statutory Law?



One question remains… Even though some of these U.S. CODES exist in the Congressional Statutory realm of Law, can a corporation – a private for-profit non-representative corporation – enact any law over the Free and Sovereign people of the republic of the united states of America without their consent?

Constitutionally speaking… No.

The powers of the Federal Government are specifically enumerated in the constitution.

More importantly, nowhere does it mention that a vile corporation should be given power to take the place of this constitutionally created representative federal government and then enact laws and CODES which break free of these enumerated powers. Therefore, if we examine the source of this U.S. CODE, no office in the Federal Government can have lawful power over the people unless it is consented to by the Free People, simply because the whole of the private Corporation known today as the Federal Government of the UNITED STATES is not a constitutional entity. Thus even the Statutory Laws based on U.S. CODE are not constitutional, and therefore require our consent as Free People. No corporation can be government, nor can a private corporation nor their corporate code-enforcement police force have power over the people without our contractual consent.

Learn the Law!

For more information, and for much of the source of this info (with my gratitude), please visit this website: ( https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1NKPsi1ofhiMmavI5hi3z_zYOEeWM9b4JSiSfeL64pd0 ) and his new YouTube Channel: (http://www.youtube.com/user/donotconsent83) which will be updated periodically with more of this type of information.

Also, you’ll find that many Federal Executive Departments in fact have no authority except by your consent if you start on your own journey of researching U.S.CODE. Health and Human Services, Child Protective Services, Terrorism Protection, Military, and many more unconstitutional Executive corporate structures that have no Statutory Law to back up their powers.

To access and search the corporate U.S.CODE, go here: ( http://www.gpoaccess.gov/uscode/index.html ) and here: ( http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/ )

Yours in freedom and constitutional Sovereign liberty,


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


What Is Democracy? What Is A Republic?

Simply stated, democracy is a majority rule.

So, if 51% of the people get what they want, then 49% of the people get something they don’t want.

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep sitting down to discuss dinner plans.

Where as a republic form of government, which is guaranteed by the constitution, is well armed sheep.

You see, in the republic form of governance (not to be mistaken with the Republican Party, at all, in the least!) – but in the republic form of governance, each party, group, or individual would be represented and included. A law or bill, and especially an amendment to the constitution itself would be extremely difficult to get ratified. This is a good thing, and exactly what the founding fathers had in mind – less government and more liberty. And for good reason…

The idealistic writers of the constitution, believing that parties, special interests, lobbies, and politicians would never be able to set their claws into the beautifully written concepts for which the constitution set forth, made the mistake of concluding that like themselves, the future elected leaders of the country would be both statesmen and representatives of the people. This of course was and certainly is not the case. Education is one huge factor in this. Uneducated voting is nothing more than a popularity contest similar to American Idol, where winners are chosen by the producers under the false pretense that the voting public actually elected the winner.

One might rebut and say that we have a democratic republic…

But in truth, the two concepts are way too opposite from each other to be used to describe each other. This is because a majority rule can never represent the minority need (nor the minority of one) as in a true republic like the one described in the constitution.

The Bill Of Rights are God-given. They are not privileges to be suffocated and chiseled away by legalities and statues forced upon the public by weasels in fancy suits, ties and black robes. Government owned corporations were never intended to be the police, the treasury, the municipalities, the army, or the appointed legislators.

But this is what we have become: a democracy. A better title would be an oligarchical corpocracy (fascism) – corporations owned through investment by the government, whom advertise popular candidates like Obama, knowing that once he is elected he will appoint former, current, and future corporation lobbyists, CEO’s, and board members into positions favorable to private government/corporate no-bid contracts, thus ensuring future revenue generation for the government-owned corporations while generating wealth and kickbacks for the corporate representatives that are appointed by the elected official, namely the president of the United States corporation – U.S. Inc.

Thus, when we hear our politicians and media hounds constantly harping about bringing democracy to the rest of the world, what this really means is that United States Incorporated wants to expand its business base internationally – be it oil in Iraq, poppy seeds in Afghanistan, water and mineral rights in South America, or simply the power to use our corporate and United Nations controlled military to destroy a countries infrastructure so that companies like Halliburton can receive billions in taxpayer money to rebuild what U.S. Inc. destroys. All of this in the name of democracy?

Let’s try: all of this in the name of corporate big-business.

And the human element, as we’ve seen in the Middle East, is much like an exterminator killing cockroaches. The only difference is that the pest control industry provides the necessary protective equipment and tools for their exterminators, whilst the military just denies its soldiers medical claims for their wounds and traumas sustained due to a lack of equipment and a general lack of  human emotion and callous disregard for it’s soldiers well being. I have a feeling that if the pest control corporations could get away with this crime, it would stop providing safety equipment for it’s exterminators tomorrow.

The U.S. government is a holding company, a concentration of monetary funds, investments, and the power of allocation of monies, allowing for the corporate employees (politicians being paid by these corporations before, during, and after his or her term is done) to legislate in favor of corporate need and with total disregard of the people they are meant to represent. Why do you think men like Clinton, Bush, and Cheney are now on multiple corporate boards, earning millions of dollars for attending a meeting once or twice a year?

A republic requires 100% of the vote, both in elections and in a jury trial. While a democracy only requires majority rule. This is great, as long as you are in the majority! But can you imagine if the choice to use nuclear weapons was left up to a majority, especially the uneducated and socially manipulated population. How many times have you heard that, regarding the middle-east, “we should just nuke em”? This is why the average people should not be in a position to vote. They do not understand what they are voting for, besides the best sound byte and promises from the prettiest face and fanciest suit. This was the purpose of electing a statesman to represent the people.  The constitutionalists were sure that the state of education would be top notch in their new country… and that the people would never forget the reasons why they set up a republic in the first place, and not a democracy. But as with all things, the people are doomed to repeat their past – thanks to the purposeful corporate degradation of the school system and radio and television.

If our system of government were truly of the form granted by the constitution for the United States of America, this is how the congress and senate voting sessions would go:

1) A bill or amendment would be put forth onto the floor of the legislature.

2) Debate over the quality, constitutionalism, practical application, and future ramifications would then ensue for many days, weeks, or months since every state representative would be needed to justify the passage of this new law. This ideological barrier was purposeful, so that 99% of the laws and statutes that are passed and in effect now could not have been passed. If one independent statesman stood up and voted no, then it would have to be re-written and re-debated until all representatives shared a common desire to see this bill become law.

3) Once all minorities are fully represented and content with the bill, it would then be passed by the house, then the senate. And finally, the president (being a true statesman and not a shill for corporate interests) would have to decide if the bill was indeed constitutional and good for the country. If he did not, he could veto the bill. But this veto is not the final authority, for the representatives of the states could force the bill through despite the executive branches action.

This is what was originally a constitutional set of checks and balances for the republic, where each legislative body must respect and approve the others actions, ensuring total representation for all people. But this is no longer the case. Now, the president (of the corporation) does as he wishes, or more accurately, what he is told to do by his appointed hierarchy and the corporate structure they represent.

Who does the president appoint to these positions of power and regulation?

Well, in March President Obama announced that he was appointing Islam A. Siddiqui as Chief Agricultural Negotiator, Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

Islam Siddiqui is a pesticide lobbyist and Vice President for Science and Regulatory Affairs at CropLife America, an agribusiness lobbying group that represents Monsanto.

Monsanto is a government controlled corporation, and one that is ruining the organic and wholesome food markets in favor of its genetically modified organisms (GMO) that look the same as corn, soybeans, and other crops. But they are altered clones of real food, with deadly pesticides built into the genetic code of the seeds.

The reason for this purposeful mutation of living organisms? The patenting of life itself.

From the blood in your body, to the foods that you grow, to the animals you raise and eat, to the DNA that you are made up by, companies like Monsanto are allowed to own life by putting a government (corporate) patent on each monstrosity they create, while simultaneously attempting and succeeding in killing and removing from the markets the original life or heirloom seeds that humans have used from the beginning of our time.

By appointing Monsanto and other corporate representatives into the government offices that write the regulatory laws for which these giant corporations operate under, our legislative body has become nothing more than a corporate permission giving body, there to ensure that the anti-trust, health-codes, and other regulations are in fact deregulated for ease of transition into a completely corporately dominated, government owned corpocracy with no representation for the people whatsoever. The laws which govern corporate greed and thievery are being written by the corporations’ lobbyists that they in turn paid millions to get appointed through the election of the president, who would then appoint them.

This type of majority representation of the corporations and not of the people is where we stand now. Our legislature is on a level of coruption unheard of in even the most devilish of oligarchies or communist regimes, with banks running the treasury and economy, pharmacuiticals running healthcare, chemical weapons companies running agriculture, insurance companies running the judicial, private security running the police and military, media companies running the propaganda, and the United Nations running the show. If all the world is indeed the stage, then we are not merely players, but corporate debt slaves.

One last word on what a democracy really is…

The word democracy does not ever appear in the Declaration Of Independence, nor in the constitution.  It also never appears in any of the 50 state constitutions. In short, we are not supposed to be a democracy.

The founding fathers actually did everything they could to keep our new country out of a democracy, knowing that a democracy is just a patriotic word for an oligarchy.

“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” — James Madison: “Father of the Constitution” from: The Federalist Papers – Essay 10 —

“We are a republican government. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or the extremes of democracy” — Alexander Hamilton

“Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.” — Samual Adams

I think that many people, in studying the constitution, overlook the fact that this is true. I think that many people think that the constitution was the inventor of the democracy, and do not understand that Rome was a democracy as it fell. And I do not think that America has much longer to live, if you can call our current despotism, bankruptcy, hunger, pharmaceutical poisoning, homelessness and moral degradation living.

On a final note, here is a list of past democracies, and how long they lasted. Compare these with the United States…


The Tytler Cycle


The Scottish historian Alexander Tytler composed the following theory:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.

“From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:

From bondage to spiritual faith;

From spiritual faith to great courage;

From courage to liberty;

From liberty to abundance;

From abundance to complacency;

From complacency to apathy;

From apathy to dependence;

From dependence back into bondage.”

Consider now that the following empires all lasted just a bit over 200 years:

Assyria (859-612 B.C.): a 247-year reign.
Persia (538-330 B.C.): a 208-year reign.
Greece (331-100 B.C.): a 231-year reign.
The Roman Republic (260-27 B.C.): a 233-year reign.
The Roman Empire (27 B.C.-180 A.D.): a 207-year reign.
The Arab Empire (634-880 A.D.): a 246-year reign.
The Mameluke Empire (1250-1517 A.D.): a 267-year reign.
The Ottoman Empire (1320-1570 A.D.): a 250-year reign.
Spain (1500-1750 A.D.): a 250-year reign.
Romanov Russia (1682-1916 A.D.): a 234-year reign.
Great Britain (1700-1950 A.D.): a 250-year reign.
The United States (1790-2010 A.D.): 220 years and counting.

***List compiled by Chuck Baldwin – Constitutional Party presidential candidate in 2008 that most voters never even knew was on the ballot until election day, due to a media blackout on “alternative” and “third party” candidates.

• Now consider that the United States has been around – since winning it’s war for independence and becoming a nation – for 220 years.

• Or depending on your historical perspective, since 1776 – the unofficial humble beginnings of our country through the Declaration of Independence – for 234 years (Coincidentally, just one more year than the Roman republic-turned-democracy listed above).


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
Saturday, April 16th, 2010

The Government Casino

I used to deal blackjack in South Lake Tahoe. It was a good job – good benefits, really good tips, and I got to live in the beautiful and clean mountains of Tahoe. But as with everything else in life, once the initial excitement of a new job is absorbed, and the realization of the reality of what it is you are actually doing in your job and how it either benefits or harms the people who are your customers, the whole thing falls apart.

I learned many things in that job… not the least of which was the application of statistics and the law of averages and odds to take advantage of the average person who likes to gamble (sheep without a clue). And unfortunately, I learned that most businesses out there that deal with the making of money by usury, gambling, and investments are indeed a cancer on humanity, and are slowly destroying the fabric of our freedom and replacing it with destitution and debt.

On that note… I’d like to compare our corporate government and the stock markets to a casino, and see if there is any distinguishable difference between the two…

I’d like to mention this one thing before I start, since I think it is relevant to this comparison. The feeling I used to get when i walked into a casino and layed my money on the table – the anxiety of risk mixed with the illogical emotional orgasm at the prospects of winning a fortune  – was the same feeling I used to get when I would buy shares in a stock from a company that really, in hind sight, I knew nothing about. Gambling is gambling, whether you call it investing or insist is is just a game.

First of all, as we enter into the casino, we have to exchange our money for chips. Similar to buying a piece of paper (called a stock certificate) representing the purchasing of a stock, the casino sells chips in exchange for your hard earned cash, and without hesitation I might add, considering the prospects of you actually building wealth from those chips. So in essence, the casino sells you a worthless clay or plastic chip that represents the value of the money you exchanged for it, knowing that the only place you can spend that chip (in-house money) is in their casino. As with a stock certificate, the chip is simply a tool used for gambling – a talisman which mimics wealth but is actually worthless paper, clay, or plastic that can be traded and bet for other similar but worthless talismans.

The only way that chip has any value is if you cash it back in for its monetary equivalent. The same goes for a stock certificate. If a stock goes down in value, or your chips become less than what you started with, your losses are only realized when you actually cash these objects in for their current value. So, the only way you lose money on your gambling (investment) is to cash in your talisman after it has lost value. Of course no one wants to do that, and so most of us will hold on to the chips or papers that represent our money, and watch it slowly dwindle due to forces that are mostly outside of our control, or from an addiction to this obsurd excitement we get from the thought of our luck turning around and still reaping huge rewards.

But if that casino goes out of business or declares bankruptcy, and you are still holding that chip or piece of paper, the casino or company that these talismans represent have no obligation to pay you the value on their face. In this way, their value is best defined as “conditionally” worthless – the condition being that you aren’t educated or knowledgeable enough about how the casino or the company and the market it trades through works to know when the right time to trade them back in will be.

And we must remember that when we loose a chip to a hot dealer or we lose a dollar on a bad stock pick, that dollar doesn’t just get lost and disappear off of the market and out of the monetary system, and instead it goes into someone elese’s account. The stock gets lower in value, and someone behind the scenes gets richer. One dollar lost by you is another dollar gained by someone else. And by someone else I generally mean the government, it’s investment owned corporations, and the wealthy elite – who became wealthy by manipulating the markets into making you lose your wealth in thier shell game they call “the stock market”.

Now, the casino goes out of its way to entertain, wine, and dine you so that you will come back for more. It makes sure that there are no clocks or windows for you to see outside, so that the comprehension of time and of day and night are virtually non-existent. It places flashy lights, clever advertising, winning bells, and half naked cocktail waitresses all around you to add to your distraction. It pumps specific mood altering vibrational sound and music at low levels to keep you docile and in a trance-like state for the duration of your stay. And it has complete control over the odds, knowing that it will always come out financially ahead over most of its gamblers in the long run.

Does this sound like the government and the stock market to you? Let’s see…

The government owned television networks keep you entertained and give you reality shows and “to-be-continued” sitcoms so that you will continuously come back for more. The television holds you in a trance-like flash induced state as it pumps specific mood enhancing and mind-altering programing and sound into your living room. It bombards you with flashing lights and advertising. The news and financial “entertainment” shows give you false information about stocks and what is a good investment, similar to the mth propegated by casinos about your odds of winning against them. Billboards, radio, and other media outlets purposefully expose you to more than 3000 distracting advertisements a day, wherever you go. Sex is the weapon of choice in this advertising, and you are sold purely nonsexual products like milk and coffee by beautiful and scantily clad male and female models and Hollywood stars. And the very products and services that are being sold to you, completely distract you from what is really happening…

What is happening?

You are trading in your money for worthless stuff you don’t need and gambling the rest of your money away investing in the stocks that the government and its investment owned corporations have complete control over (the odds are fixed!). The market is manipulated on a constant basis, completely controlled by the people in power. Think of it this way… if all Fortune 500 companies are collectively owned through government investments by the over 174,000 individual governments around the United States (collectively as one conglomerate individual government body – The U.S. government corporation) then it is natural and logical to assume that the value of these corporations on the open market are also in the control of the government who owns and reinvests in their majority shares as well as the monetary system that they thrive in. The price of Haliburton stock, for instance, goes up when the government “invests” in the destruction of the once beautiful country of Iraq. Nation building and re-building is huge business. And market shares soar when that corporations services are sudenly needed to rebuild the nation that our corporate government decides to destroy, and awards outragous no bid contracts to its own investment-owned company.

Translation: nothing happens randomly in the stock market, and corporations rise and fall (and are repurchased for pennies and conglomerated) at the whim of our corporate government!

OK, back to the casino…

The games that are provided for us to play in the casinos are specifically invented to assure that the odds are always in the favor of the house (the casino). The illusion and legends of being able to beat the casino are propagated to the extreme to the general public, while the men who have lost small fortunes – and in the process their businesses, homes, families, and lives – go unmentioned. (And yes, I saw small fortunes go through my hands as a dealer, enough to feed a small country. And I couldn’t believe it when cutomers were still in the same seat 24 hours later with a slumped over, dazed, exhausted look on thier faces… and yet still the glimmer of hope in thier eyes.)

And as soon as the money dries up, the casino perks, free rooms, food, and entertainment dry up as well.

Comparatively, once the sheep-like American investors lose thier savings and investment wealth in the stock market, thier perks dry up as well. Many end up homeless on the street, broke and hungary, while the money they lost is reinvested back into the governments crime syndiccate called the UNITED STATES.

What are the chances of winning at blackjack?

The “odds” that everyone seems to cling to as they sit on the losing side of the table go something like this: the house has a slight advantage (about 54% chance of winning). But these odds are in reality based on a computer model simulating randomly generated blackjack hands, where a computer player and a computer dealer play the same way by a specific set of rules in a perfect uninterupted simulation for millions of hands. Strangely, these are the odds by which most players play the game. But these odds change dramatically when other variables are included into the equation. For instance, new players don’t know the rules, and therefore will play differently than the computer model and the experienced gamblers. This of course changes the odds, as more or less cards are played in each individual hand. Interestingly, the new players often win on thier first blackjack session, simply because they don’t follow a specific set of rules. They think about thier options, and make amatur but somewhat educated guesses. And when they don’t follow the advice of the other players, they often come out ahead. Amusingly, this is refered to as beginers luck!

As for the “experienced” players, they quite easily fit into Einstein’s definition of insanity, which states:

“Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

And the look of frustration and anger on thier faces as they blame the dealer and the new player at the table is a good indication that this is a true description. Loosing is never the gambler’s fault, just as alcoholics and smokers could quit… if they thought they had a problem, and if they wanted to!

But the actual “odds” at wining at blackjack are all over the spectrem of opinion and hope. And the word winning must also be defined here. The odds at “winning” one hand are different than winning five hands, which are different than winning ten. The average player plays tens or hundreds of hands in a single trip, and thousands of hands in his lifetime. So winning on one gambling trip doesn’t mean that person is ahead on their life totals. But I guarentee that the last remodel or expansion on your favorite casino was instituted with part of yours and others total losses!

According to Ion Saliu’s Paradox: random generation does not generate all possible combination’s, as the odds that a hand will repeat before all possible hands are dealt are a sure thing. So, to consider the odds, random generation is not an accurate source. If there are 334,490,044 total possible complete hands in blackjack, and we randomly generate 334,490,044 hands, the statistics show that approximately 63% will be unique and 37% will be repeats. (http://saliu.com/blackjack.html)

And the point is… if you can show me a person (besides Rain Man) who can sit down and play that many hands, with no outside influences, with no burned cards, with no change of dealers or bathroom breaks, with no dealer mistakes, and with no sleep… then I will except the odds you come up with.

In other words, whenever you hear someone quote the odds and tell you the right way to play blackjack, they are talking out of their butt – which is where you should tell them to stick their advice! Likewise, if you take advice from a stock broker (who makes money from your wins and your losses regardless) or from the government (who’s investment owned corporations are on the other side of your trade, and who wins your losses) you are a fool, and are playing into the trap of legalized embezzlement through stock market gambling.

In much the same way that you have no way of knowing which card will come out of the blackjack deck next (52 cards means about a 1:52 chance of guessing, or 1:13 on its numerical value), you have no way of knowing what planned or seemingly random events will come out of the world economy that will effect the price index and value of your stock investment. And you have no way of knowing the plans of the elitist money changers (bankers) who control these events and can crash the market at any time through planned events like 9/11 – when unprecidented short positions were put on airline stocks just days before the event (which destroyed the values of airline stocks). The very fact that shorts, derivatives, and other hedges and gambling bets are allowed to be made on stocks should be a huge red flag for who controls and influences the markets.

A “short” is simply placing a bet that a stock will, in a certain amount of time, go down in value. Who in their right mind would want to make a bet like this, without some inside information to support the bet? I see this as no different than being best friends with Don King, and taking his advice on which boxer to bet on as a K.O. in the third round!

So why would you, as a simple working man or woman with none of this foreknowledge, gamble on these things called stocks? Probably the same reason that despite the fact that the odds are totally against you, you willingly and hopefully lay your money down in that little circle on the blackjack table, so that a dealer like I used to be can snatch it up with a look of false surprise, disappointment, empathy and remorse.

The last aspect of this conundrum is this: while you may set your loss limit at $1000 for your gambling trip, the casino has no such limits. It has more money in its coffers than most local banks have in their vaults. Actually, casinos are banks… complete with their own vaults, the highest of high-tec security, and armed guards that collect the money from each table’s drop-box two or three times a day. They even make loans, called markers, to high profile club members whose financial information is on account with the casino. And you must understand that with an unlimited money supply and the odds completely in their favor, the casino is always going to win.

Likewise the government, with it’s unlimited amounts of money – hidden in these investments – has no limit to what it can accomplish to ensure that the odds are in its favor, and that you are distracted through entertainment, and unenlightened by purposefully creating one of the worst education systems in the world. Remember, they can create money anytime they want to. You cannot. The odds are that eventually you will lose enough of your wealth by gambling it in their fixed system (the casino-like stock market) to eliminate any threat you might impose by your insignifigant wealth.

Oh, you’re a millionaire, you say? Well the government has many multiple trillions. A trillion is a million-million. So the government is a millionaire of a whole differant sort. Get over yourself, and fast!

And for the final nail in the coffin…?

If you do somehow get ahead and make a scene, the casino (government) can send in the cleaner – the dealer who can stack the deck and deal from the bottom of it. In other words, the odds we have talked about in this essay are not real, for they are manipulatable just like everything else. And they will never be manipulated in your favor unless you are being set up for a big loss later.

The moral of this story is simply this: invest your money in your home, in your family, and in your community. Charity is now a lost concept, and the thought of giving freely without anything in return has been killed by corporate greed and usury. Imagine if you will, actually giving instead of investing, without a tax write-off or of any expectations of repayment with gains or interest. Imagine building a church, a school, or a public meeting house without gaining anything but the admiration and love of the people around you, and in seeing the benefit it gives to them, and in turn to you. Imagine buying land and putting it into a trust that ensures that it will be in the peoples control and use, and never usurped by government and its corporate interests, and for the next thousand years seeing that community come together and use that land for a community garden to feed everyone in the area.

Reinvestment into the people and communities is the only way to fix what damage has been done to our once great country.

And seperation of the community churches and real charities from corporate interests, ownership, and control is a necesary step in this process.

The power is in the people, despite where the money lies. But only if we use our power and declare this corporation we call our government unlawful, unconstitutional, and downright evil.

And, in one last plea for sanity, if I may be so bold… The only solution I have seen brought forward by any of us to change the country and the world in a complete and lawful way is through Walter Burien’s “Tax Retirement Fund” (TRF). We can talk and anylize and discuss till we are blue in the face, but until this mans efforts are supported, and until Mr. Burien gets some charity of his own by true patriots who stop reveling in the usury and gambling in the corrupt and hopeless markets and banking and profitting from these thieves in government, instead of giving freely and annonomysly, without expectation or financial attachment to men like Walter Burien, our world will just go deeper and deeper into this endless spiral of depression and pestulence through corporate government’s takeover of the world markets and of our very lives.

Go to: taxretirement.com – and – cafr1.com to learn more.


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
Monday, March 8, 2010

Killing Your STRAWMAN – The Path To Freedom



This post, which is now over 6 years old, signifies my first flirtation with the STRAWMAN concept of personhood. I invite you instead to read a free copy (.pdf) of my new book, released June 17th, 2016, by going to this link –> StrawmanStory.info

I leave this post up for posterity, a glimpse into my own former ignorance, and wish readers to know that my knowledge has increased two-fold since this was written, and I do not, I repeat, do not in any way support the SPC or other commercial routes. Please read my book, for what is missing in this post.

Its title is: “STRAWMAN: The Real Story Of Your Artificial Person.”

When printed, the cover will look something like this:


Be sure and check out Part 2 of “Killing Your STRAWMAN 2: A Free Man’s Chronicle”

-> https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/killing-your-strawman-2-a-free-mans-chronicle/

I would also highly recommend these two sites for further evidence that indeed, the United States is in bankruptcy, via The Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent, and H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933.

Other source links:



Also, this is a good video to send to friends and family who are curious:


-Listen to audio blog here, and follow along-

AUDIO: Killing Your STRAWMAN – The Path To Freedom

*** Note: This is an audio blog as well – that I am testing out. You may click above to listen. Also, it takes a minute or so to load the file. Please leave a comment if you like this option…

I must admit as I write this today that I was wrong. This doesn’t happen often (me admitting I’m wrong I mean…) and so historical notation might be suggested.

You see, I’ve been studying the law: constitutional, maritime, Universal Commercial Code (UCC), common law, etc, and I am absolutely astounded at what I have uncovered.

I’ve learned there is a huge difference between what is lawful and what is legal.

I’ve learned that the courts must always follow the law above what is legal.

And I’ve learned that the courts, judges, attorneys, and even police officers usually follow legal procedure, but not necessarily the law.

What does this all mean? Well, to put it simply, it means the difference between what is a right and what is a privilege. It means the difference between living as a free man with God-given rights and living as an indentured, indebted corporate slave with privileges granted by the state. And it means that any one of us at any time can use the law to release ourselves from legal requirements and legal (but not lawful) debt.

And this is the very thing I was wrong about. For in my previous post I did not understand the full extent of the law, nor of the corporate structure of not only the U.S. government, but of our very lives and how they relate to this corporate government. And so, I am going to rectify that now.

By understanding the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting system (CAFR), and how all corporations including our government must report their monetary holdings and investments, you will then be able to understand what I’m about to tell you now. And my apologies to anyone who thought that I had belittled this information with my previous post, but with the disclaimer that I still believe that this freeman status still depends on the current system of government to be in place for the protection of these basic God given rights, until such system be replaced or removed with a viable replacement – that simply being the true Republic of America kicking out the corporation that has us all in a stranglehold thru taxation, collateral, and debt.

On that note, I’d like to share what I’ve learned about what freedom actually is, and what the constitutional liberties and the pursuit of that freedom (that most of us take for granted) really means.

Let’s start with a little history lesson that came as quite a shock to me…

This country is in its fourth (4th) bankruptcy since its humble beginnings. Huh?

1.    The first (1st) bankruptcy was officially declared in 1791. This was a time of many changes in America. Perhaps most notable of these, was the signing of the Bill Of Rights representing the first ten amendments to and the final passing of the Constitution for the United States, which happened December 15th of that year, shortly after our first bankruptcy. This is of course significant as our God given rights are solely dependent on this document, though they were generally accepted common law rights throughout the world long before America existed.

During each bankruptcy, a war is fought (the revolutionary war in this case) and a new form of currency is always established, since the old one becomes essentially worthless in the new corporate re-structure of each bankruptcy. With the new country, came new money. Several monetary systems were proposed for the early Republic of America. Congress approved the first dollar on August 8, 1786. Once passage of the U.S. Constitution was secured, and the 1st bankruptcy and restructuring was in motion, the secretary of the treasury Alexander Hamilton turned the government’s attention to monetary issues once again in the early 1790’s. On Hamilton’s recommendations, Congress passed the Coinage Act of 1792, which established the dollar as the basic unit of accounting for the United States. At this point, the dollar was still backed by gold.

2.    The second (2nd) bankruptcy took place exactly 70 years later, in 1861. The main reason for this is that the restructuring that takes place in a bankruptcy can by law only last or 70 years without being settled. And so in 1861, the country was declared bankrupt once again. Of course there was much more to this planned event in history. As carpetbaggers claimed and stole the land of southern property owners, and the banks and governments bought up land and farmland for pennies on the dollar, the civil war broke out in this year when the southern states began to say no to the northern government and these carpetbaggers. This is often referred to (by southern states especially) as the War Of Northern Aggression. And most southerners will also say that there was certainly nothing civil about the Civil War! And this was quite true when considering that the government is housed in the north (British Columbia and Washington D.C.) and that their aggression was the takeover and corporate restructuring of America. This was not a war over slavery to be sure… and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln happened only after his attempt to depose the central banking structure and establish greenbacks: congressionally printed and controlled money. But in 1863 during the American Civil War, the National Banking Act was passed. This act and its later amended versions essentially taxed states’ bonds and currency out of existence. And so through corporate government legislation in the newly reorganized country, the dollar became the sole currency of the United States (which was still backed by metals then) and remains so in an altered (and worthless) form today.

3.    And now we come to the third (3rd) bankruptcy in our countries history, which was 70 years later in 1931. This was the big one. This was the time after the industrial revolution, when population, lawful immigration, jobs, and opportunity were in abundance. The money system was still in real money; meaning trade was done in precious metals like gold and silver coins. Even the paper money was backed by and redeemable for gold and silver at its face value. But, as the anticipated bankruptcy loomed closer and closer, steps were taken by the government to ensure that a new restructuring of the country could take place, ensuring the same bankers and corporate crooks would remain in power. The stock market was deliberately crashed, and the great depression ensued. The population was broke, and their land and property was once again bought for pennies on the dollar by the banks and newly reorganized government. Transfer of wealth is the name of the game, and a new game is played every 70 years.

But during 1933 and 1938, as the reorganization of our government and finance laws took place after most small banks were deliberately collapsed and fell into the holdings of the larger banks, a very important thing happened that changed the landscape of our nation: the gold standard was removed and replaced by the Federal Reserve Note (dollar). The House of Representatives accomplished this when they passed House Joint Resolution 192. This new legislature actually outlawed the use of real money (gold and silver) to pay a debt, actually making it illegal to require real money to pay for a debt. The dollar (now called the Federal Reserve Note) became “legal tender” and was backed by the supposed full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. However, this paper money – or fiat currency – was in fact worthless due to the absence of real money backing its value.

The dollar is nothing more than an IOU, and only has value if both parties in an exchange verbally or contractually accept it as payment for goods and services while remaining under the illusion (or blind faith) that the government or institution which issues this paper has the power, wealth, and credit to back up this currency. In fact, a few years after this third restructure of the U.S, the government mandated the confiscation of all gold from its citizens – and the transfer of land, property and real wealth was accomplished yet again. Many people say that World War II is what seemingly brought the U.S out of the great depression. In fact, many people recognize that in the past America usually prospers in times of war and shortly thereafter.

4.    Flash forward another 70 years… it’s now 2001. People are prospering. Goods and services are in abundance. The world was at peace (excepting the military black ops and economic hit man type of destabilization of many countries for strategic and natural resource confiscation). Now any good conspiracy buff might note the interesting and overwhelming coincidence in this being the year of the 4th restructuring of our corporate government. Indeed, one might be even more aghast when one realizes that the anniversary of the last bankruptcy from 70 years ago was in fact September 10, 1931, or the day before the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings 1,2, and 7 along with the supposed “attack” on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. War is both a great distraction and a profitable venture for the corporate world governments, and this obviously isn’t the first time war or false flag events have been used in this manner, as a tool for the restructuring of the U.S. government. And we have watched over the last nine years as the dollar crashed, as the real estate and property bubbles burst and are once again being taken over by our government and banks (in a typical transfer of wealth), a complete corporate takeover of the country – which started about 70 years ago with the introduction of the CAFR system – which is now culminating into the nation being completely owned through collective investment by the government owned corporations… we are about to see the dollar become completely worthless right before our eyes (if it isn’t already) and a new form of U.S. currency or world bank currency will likely take its place – right on schedule!

This is the real U.S. history that isn’t in your textbooks.

Ok. So let’s talk about this corporate structure of government. If you haven’t learned about the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and how it is used in corporation and corporate government reporting, see my article about it here:


And, to see what I am apologizing about (with disclaimer) go here:


Also, to learn from the man himself – Mr. Walter Burien – go to: http://CAFR1.COM.

These resources explain and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the U.S. government is indeed a corporation which owns most major and fortune 500 corporations, most of the countries land, utilities, municipalities, parks, golf courses, malls, movie theatres, and so on and so forth.

But let’s talk about who or what the U.S. government really is, besides the most powerful corporation in the world…

So, what is the United States of America?

This is the name of the country in which we all live. It is a collection of 50 unified yet sovereign states which make up the union of the Republic of United States of America.

What is the UNITED STATES?

Ah… now here is where it gets tricky. You see, when a corporation is created, it is always and without exception created using an ALL CAPITAL LETTER name. Thus, while we all live in the United States of America, we are bound by the government of this country, which is the corporation of the UNITED STATES.

For reference and so that there is no doubt of this being true as we continue down the rabbit hole, the definition of the UNITED STATES in Black’s Law dictionary is “…a corporation”. Also, you can look at the UNITED STATES CODE (this being in all capital letters due to its corporate structure representing the codes of the UNITED STATES corporation). The code is: U.S. CODE/TITLE /28/3002/15 (A) (B) (C). These codes state that the UNITED STATES is unequivocally a corporation.

We live in the United States of America, but we do commerce and follow the regulations, statutes, and legalities (which are not actually laws) of the corporate UNITED STATES, for which we are born, or birthed into as debtors and are used as the collateral of this corporation. We are all used as collateral for the government (the corporation) of the UNITED STATES as stated by our Birth Certificate. Because you are a corporate entity of this trust and not a sovereign individual of the Republic, you are susceptible to things like selective service, the draft, income tax, property tax, many other unlawful taxes which only go to fund the corporation and do not in any way fund public interests or services, and other unlawful statutes and rules (which again are not actual laws) like CPS (child protective services) which is in the business of kidnapping children – and even get bonuses for blond haired blue eyed kids, which is why there is such a high turnover rate in that particular job…

Wait a minute! Why am I a corporate entity of the UNITED STATES?

Basically, when my mother and father were married, they signed a marriage contract and received a marriage certificate or license (as did yours and everyone else’s parents, and as did you when and if you were married). If you still have yours, you should get it out and read it.

It states clearly that: The product of this union belongs to the UNITED STATES

What does this mean, “a product of the UNITED STATES”?

It means that your children are the property of the UNITED STATES. It means that your parents, their parents, your children and your children’s children are or will be a vessel of commerce that is owned by the UNITED STATES corporation. You are an indentured corporate debt slave, who is assigned as collateral for the good faith and credit of the UNTITED STATES as soon as you are born.

And when you are born, you are assigned a corporate number. Actually, because the UNITED STATES commerce laws are in Maritime Law and UCC code, you are really birthed, very much like a ship at sea is birthed into a U.S. port and assigned a number of import. Your birth certificate is that contract. It is a contract that is assigned to you as the product of the union of your mother and father, and it indoctrinates you into the UNITED STATES as collateral and assigns you a trust account in which all of your credit and debt is assigned and allotted.

If you’d like to verify this as accurate, I would invite you to try and retrieve your original birth certificate from the UNITED STATES government. You’ll notice that no matter how many times you try and no matter how much you insist, you will never be able to attain the original document that is your birth certificate. You are, however, imbued the privilege of receiving a certified copy of said certificate. Your original certificate is housed in the District of Columbia, Washington D.C, in the ten mile stretch of land which is the corporation of the UNITED STATES. Understand too, that Washington D.C. is not part of the United States of America, and is a corporate structure completely separate from the rest of the country. In short, it is not one of the 50 United States of America.

The average citizen of the UNITED STATES is assigned a value when he/she is born for collateral and credit purposes. After years of inflation, that trust value is up to about 7 million dollars or so at birth. If you would like to verify how much you are worth as a corporate entity of the UNITED STATES, simply take your birth certificate number into your local stock broker and ask him to look up your number.

We also receive a social security number (a corporate number) for which we conduct trade and commerce and are allowed the privilege to start businesses with… and with which we are legally but not necessarily lawfully taxed.

Whew! Let’s slow down a minute. What is the difference between lawful and legal?

This is very important to understand.

Law – God’s law (whether you believe in God or not) is to do no harm to others or their property. This is the basic definition of law. It is also the definition of freedom, for all men are free under God’s law in the United States of America until the point where we break that law. You cannot break the law unless there is a living victim for which you do harm, or do harm to their property.

Legal – The word legal or illegal is a corporate term used to represent a state of being when related to statutes, rules, codes, mandates, and posted limits that are assigned to you by the UNITED STATES. While something can be unlawful, it can be legal. But remember, law always trumps legality. In the case of something being illegal, no living victim is required under corporate legality, and so the STATE assumes the role of the victim. More on this in a minute…

The Constitution For The United States  – is the original document and declaration of independence that was written by our founders.

The CONSTITUTION OF THE UNTITED STATES is the legal corporate document that was created by a treasonous Congress in the “Act Of 1871” and which the UNITED STATES continues to fool us all into believing is the same document that our forefathers wrote for our God-given independence. I assure you, it is not. It is a corporate document for a corporation that operates outside of actual constitutional law.

Now, if all of this is alien or too hard to comprehend… believe me I understand. But an easy way to show you how in “the matrix” you really are is this: Go get your wallet, any contracts you’ve signed – like cell phone or rental – any bills you have (which originated with a signed contract or with your social security number), and take out any credit cards or other forms of ID. Now look at your name. Notice it is in all capital letters…

This is your STRAW MAN (unnatural, commerce, corporate) name. Remember, all corporate entities have this capital letter naming structure. This represents the trust account that was assigned to you at birth, and when you were assigned a social security number. This is why the UNITED STATES on your marriage and birth certificate, as well as your name, is printed in all CAPITAL LETTERS. To prove this is true, you can simply take your birth certificate to a stockbroker and have him look up the value of your STRAW-MAN corporate number (the number on your birth certificate). You’ll find that you, or at least your corporate trust, is worth millions or billions of dollars. And if you learn how, you can access that trust account and eliminate all of your debt lawfully, since that debt was a trick of contract by the lending institutions that have already sold that contract. But only if you declare your sovereignty!

You must take the steps to declare yourself a sovereign individual, and declare yourself a “secured party creditor”. But you have a lot of studying to do first. And I’ll update this site as I progress…

What does this declaration of sovereignty do… what benefits does it have?

Whew! Too many to list here…. But here’s one I can’t wait to practice:

Say I run a red light or make an “illegal” u-turn, and a police officer pulls me over. I simply hand him my UCC paperwork, and give him no more than 10 minutes to verify the authenticity of the paperwork and let me go. Because I have declared myself sovereign and immune from the corporation of the UNITED STATES and its rules and regulations, I am not bound by these rules and regulations, nor the fees (taxes) assigned to the violation of them. Lawful and legal are two completely different concepts. I am only bound by God’s law, which is defined as doing anything you what as long as you don’t do any damage to another individual or his/her property – a victim. In the case of making an illegal u-turn, I have not broken God’s law, and there is no living soul as a victim, therefore a police officer that works for the corporate state (UNITED STATES) has no power or jurisdiction over me as a sovereign individual. The victim must be a living, breathing human being. But in the case of traffic rules, the victim is the corporate state, and therefore no individual human being was involved. In other words, no one was harmed by my actions, and so I cannot be detained or fined (taxed) according to the law – which trumps corporate legality. There are no victimless crimes, remember? The kicker is, the reason this is so is because I am on this day not a legal driver but a lawful traveler.

Semantics are everything…

My driver’s license is a permit (not a right, but a privilege) to “drive” for corporate reasons, as in a company car with you being the sub-corporation under the main corporation (UNITED STATES). But as a sovereign individual with God-given rights as afforded by the Constitution For The Untied States, not the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES – as a sovereign individual I am a traveler who is lawfully traveling in the United States Of America, and not a driver who is driving under the corporate auspices and legal permission of the UNITED STATES.

And so if the cop detains me unlawfully, meaning more than 10 minutes, or harasses me in any way by unlawful (but legal under STRAW-MAN names) search, seizure, or slander, I can as a sovereign (not straw-man) individual take the cop to court in what is called a negative averment and sue him for his bond, which is millions of dollars, at which point he will never be able to be bonded again, meaning he can never be an unlawful yet legal cop again. The same holds true with judges and attorney’s, who are legal entities that are bonded by the courts and have no jurisdiction over you in said court unless you are still representing and using only your all-capital name. If your case is not immediately dismissed, you can sue them for their bonds and they will not be attorneys or judges ever again.

By the way… judges are nothing more than glorified attorneys, and therefore have the same bond issuance.

What I’m telling you is that the police, the courts and their judges have no power or jurisdiction over you, and actually you have a higher power than them and can control them, but only if you declare your sovereignty. Everyone else is under their power and jurisdiction simply because they acknowledge that they are in fact the corporate representative of the all capital letter STRAW-MAN name that is on their contracts, licenses, and Id’s.

Let’s talk about attorneys…

Attorneys are cockroaches. They are what you might refer to as corporate yes-men. And you know what? About 70% of our politicians and legislators are BAR attorneys.

So what is an attorney that is a member of the BAR association?

They are employees of the court system (the corporation) of the UNITED STATES and have loyalty only to the courts. They are sworn by oath to uphold the “procedure” (not the constitutional law) of the court system first, always above your needs. They are there to assure that the court doesn’t make a mistake in its legal procedure, where you might win your case, and they are there to ensure continued taxation by fees and decisions.

Never hire a “BAR” attorney. By accepting a BAR attorney to represent you in court, you are literally assigning all of your rights away and admitting incompetence to represent yourself, making you a ward of the court due to mental incapacity. The only exception is an attorney who is not a member of the BAR association.

But what will really blow your mind, and the most devastating element of a BAR attorney is this: The BAR association is located in London, England!

Even more scary is that the small part of London that houses Parliament, the House of Commons, The Crown, and the Bar association is not a part of England or London, but a completely separate state (or country – a corporation), as is Washington D.C. (District of Columbia), and the Vatican in Rome… all independent corporate states.

This ultimately means that an attorney takes an oath to the Queen/Crown of England, meaning the queen and all that she represents. And since judges aren’t really judges, and are actually attorneys, you know where their loyalty lies as well.

And remember, 70% of our higher government officials are attorneys who have sworn allegiance to the Crown, who owns the UNITED STATES, and runs the BAR.

The original 13th amendment to the Constitution for the Untied States says:

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

Originally written in 1810, much debate has ensued on whether this amendment was ratified or not. Most constitutional scholars say yes, and point to the senate’s journal for proof of its ratification. Of course, after reading this amendment, who would say no? The answer is… the corporation that is running the show, whose loyalties and oaths lay with the Crown and Queen of England, and not with the people under the United States Constitution. The 13th amendment of the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES is the “abolition of slavery” amendment. But remember, this is not the real Constitution for the United States, which serves the Republic of America and by which all sovereign individuals who live in God-given freedom adhere to.

I guess its up to you to decide which one of these to follow. And in making the choice to be free, there is only one choice!

For more opinion and fact on the 13th amendment, including a list of politicians and other prominent figures who have taken titles of nobility to the Queen and other countries (including: George Herbert Walker Bush, Ronald Reagan, Generals Colin Powel and Norman Schwarzkopf, Alan Greenspan, Rudi Giuliani, and many, many more…) see my rant here:


On a different note, I’d like to give you another reason to declare your sovereignty. But to really understand, we must go back to the subject of money again…

How is money created?

Movies like Zeitgeist are great tools for waking up people to the realities of the monetary system and it’s ownership by the private central banks that make up the Federal Reserve. The Fractional Reserve System indeed allows the banks to create money out of thin air. But this is only part of reality. For the way money is really created is quite astounding, and guaranteed to piss off a lot of honest taxpaying people!

Here we go…

Do you own a home? A car? Do you have a credit card or a student loan?

Well, all of these different types of debt began with you filling out a promissory note (a contract). When this is submitted to the bank, and after an “approval process”, you receive that money by signing this contract. And the bank tells you quite dishonestly that you owe them a debt for that amount of money, and gives you permission to amortize the payment of that loan over a set amount of time, usually 30 years for a mortgage. But, they also charge you interest for this convenient “service”. That means that by the end of those 30 years you’ll probably have paid double if not triple what the actual loan amount was at the signing of the original contract (promissory note).

But there is one thing that the bank is not telling you. One very, very big piece of the puzzle…

Are you ready?

According to the Federal Reserve banks, and printed in their banking rulebooks, money is created when a person (you) signs a contract (promissory note) with a bank.


Let me explain…

Last year I remember hearing about a campaign to protect people from foreclosure by these banks and mortgage companies called “Show Me The Note!” At the time, I did not understand the significance of this simple but effective and protective statement. Now I do…
“Show Me The Note” is quite a valid request. It simply means that you are requesting the original contract (promissory note) that was signed by yourself and the foreclosing bank when the money was created and given to you to buy your home.

But you see… the bank cannot ever produce this note. And here’s why…

The bank sells your note (promissory note or deed) to the Federal Reserve the minute you sign it, and the Fed then gives that bank the amount that it then “loans” to you. Therefore, the bank is at a balance of $0.00 dollars at the point of inception and payment for your loan. Remember, this is how money is “created” according to the Federal Reserve banking rules and regulations.

The problem that these banks have is that they no longer hold the note (title) to your home, because they have already sold it at face value to the Federal Reserve. And in order for a creditor (the bank) to make a claim against the debtor (you), they must in a court of “law” show proof of their claim to collect your supposed debt to them. However, the only proof of their claim for the foreclosure of your home is in fact that original note (promise to pay, promissory note) that you signed, which created the money that enabled the bank to give you that loan in the first place – money out of thin air!

Remember, money is created only when you or I sign a contract to get “credit”. It is the very fact that all of this information is not disclosed to us that makes this contract null and void. Full disclosure must accompany any contract lest it be invalid and unlawful.

Your loan contract was sold to the Federal Reserve (a private corporate central bank) by the bank or mortgage company with whom you signed your contract. It’s gone… vanished… paid off! The Federal Reserve then bundles those deeds (contracts) and sells them as securities and bonds, to countries like China, Russia, and whoever else will buy them. So in essence, China may already own the title to your home, or at least it thinks it does…

And this is why the bank has no lawful grounds to foreclose on you. They do not hold a lawful lean on your home. You owe nothing to anybody! You created that money legally through the bank and Federal Reserve by accessing your trust account assigned to you by the UNITED STATES when they took your freedom and liberty and put your wealth and property at risk starting on the day you were born (birthed).

The principle and interest you pay to the bank is pure profit for the next 30 years, because you signed a contract saying that you would pay that amount with your home and land as collateral. But for a contract to be lawful, there must be full disclosure of these little facts. Since this was obviously not disclosed to you, all of these mortgage and other contracts are null and void. The bank has no contract, no proof of claim against your debt, and no rights to force you to pay them anything.

If this sounds like a copout from paying your bills, remember that the bank never risked anything, and they never gave you a penny of their own money. You did a favor to the banking system by creating new money. You created commerce. Nothing more…

And you are entitled to this money (worthless paper used for commerce) as an indentured citizen of the UNITED STATES who is used as collateral and assigned this value at birth.

And remember… due to the Fractional Reserve Banking System created by the Federal Reserve, the Fed creates 40 times the amount of your “loan” for its use, again making money out of thin air.

I hope that you are beginning to understand that this is another of the biggest scams in the history of scams, and that all bank loans, from credit cards to student loans to mortgages work in this same exact way, secured or unsecured. Again, this is how money is created into the economy, per the rules of the Federal Reserve Bank, the private corporation unaffiliated with our government or our nation, who control our monetary policy and can destroy the value of the dollar at any time the choose.

Do you really feel guilty about reclaiming your piece of the pie?

The only way to truly benefit from this freedom is by declaring your individual God-given rights of sovereignty through a UCC (Universal Commercial Code) filing. You must offset your debt lawfully as afforded you. You must become a Secured Party Creditor.

I cringe when I hear people say they aren’t going to fight the system and instead are going to give up their house. They feel hopeless. They feel like they can’t win…

But the truth is that there was never anything to lose! The bank has no claim!

But, I understand. Most will not buck the system simply because they do not understand the system and how the Constitution for the United States was set up to ensure this type of unlawful action like bank foreclosure can never be done to us. I took me a very long time to come to this comprehension. This is how freedom works, and it only works if you claim it.

This is the forbidden knowledge…

I guess it all boils down to this… What is an education?

If an education is defined as simply four years of partying and getting drunk in a frat house while barely passing the exams of one of the most sub-standard collegial educational systems in the first world (I believe we are 39th on the list) of which most of the information taught is to train us on how to follow these rules instead knowing and learning the actual laws… and if your level of education is defined by the amount of money paid in order to receive a less than prestigious diploma stating grade level and accomplishment… then I am happy to say that I am a college dropout! I am self-educated to the point that normal conversations with doctorate level graduates equate to a conversation with a child who still believes in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny… simply because that is what they are taught in the corporate indoctrination centers that we call schools. Rational thought, self-awareness, and sovereignty is not taught in school. And Law is not the prevailing wisdom in law school.

Then, when you realize that everything you see in the movies, television, and on the news is specifically designed to uphold the illusionary state of unconsciousness that most of us live in regarding our debt slavery, that’s the point where normal conversation as defined by the media driven society becomes unbearable. And fitting in at parties becomes impossible. I’m now the crazy guy… the one talking out of my butt. I’m the one who, despite the beauty, glory, and not to mention the fact of the information I try and relay, I am labeled as the negative one… the downer.

And so now I’m the antisocial one… the one who doesn’t go to parties. The one who cannot do small talk. And I’m the one that cannot keep normal friends simply because normal means brainwashed! And normalcy is not freedom in any way.

The friends I have made are necessarily informed or at least curious, somewhat awake, and want to learn what I have already learned or want to teach what I am seeking to learn. When you do meet these people, you develop a friendship and a trust that is unknown to most; kinship through shared plight.

And to anyone reading this, I have only this to say. I may not know you. You may think that no one really knows you. But I hope that you haven’t reached the point in your life where you’ve given up, where you’ve lost all hope, where learning was something you did as a teenager, and where happiness equates to blissful ignorance. I hope that you wont let these corporate monsters force you to be a victim of this. I hope this reaches you with the spirit it was intended, and I wish for you the best in whatever you do.

A sheep you are not… for you have read this far!

If you would like to learn more about the information I have shared with you here, I would suggest that you seek out this man: Tim Turner. His seminar can be found in the following links, and I would highly recommend that you listen to these and take notes, as if you were in school again. Mr. Turner is a righteous man who practices everything he preaches. This seminar is both enlightening and empowering in its revelations. It’s long, and will take you time to comprehend the power of his message. But it is well worth your time. No amount of money can pay for the knowledge that this man presents here. If you can go to one of his seminars, he will provide all the necessary forms and walk you through the paperwork to claim your sovereignty…

Mr. Turner brings his seminar to a different city every weekend. He has things to say that everyone should hear. His website with the dates and locations of these seminars is here:


*** I am in no way affiliated with Tim Turner. I give you this as a gift that was given to me. This man and many like him want you to know this information, and asks that you pass on this gift to someone else.

Note: The following files can be found here – http://www.moneyonaccount.com/

Tim Turner Seminar:

(Day 1)

Day 1 – Part 1
Day 1 – Part 2
Day 1 – Part 3

(Day 2)
Day 2 – Part 1
Day 2 – Part 2
Day 2 – Part 3

Day 2 – Part 4

(Day 3)

Day 3 – Part 1
Day 3 – Part 2
Day 3 – Part 3


Live free or die a slave!


Be sure and check out Part 2 of “Killing Your STRAWMAN 2: A Free Man’s Chronicle”

-> https://realitybloger.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/killing-your-strawman-2-a-free-mans-chronicle/


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
Thursday, February 26, 2010

Inside The Paradigm – Where Do You Hide?

Paradigm – A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectual discipline. (dictionary.com)

I found this to be a most interesting definition of this word – paradigm. It states that when we as a group or number of people are stimulated to collectively believe in the same way, we are basing that belief on our assumptions, concepts, values, and practices. Most notable about all of these words in their semantic meanings, is that they are all four based on hearsay instead of factual evidence. Let’s look closer at this revelation:

From dictionary.com:

1) Assumption – Arrogance; presumption. Something taken for granted or accepted as true without proof; a supposition. The act of taking for granted or supposing.

2) Concept – A scheme; a plan. Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion. An idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars; a construct.

3) Values – To consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance. To regard or esteem highly. To rate according to relative estimate of worth or desirability; evaluate. To assign a value to. A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable. In Mathematics – magnitude; quantity; number represented by a figure, symbol, or the like. In Ethics – any object or quality desirable as a means or as an end in itself.

4) Practices – To perform or do habitually or usually. To follow or observe habitually or customarily: to practice one’s religion. Habitual or customary performance; operation. Habit; custom. In Law – the established method of conducting legal proceedings. In Archaic – plotting; intrigue; trickery. To plot or conspire.

As we can see by these dictionary definitions, all four of these words are non-factual. They are based in non-reality. They require belief, or faith. And most importantly, they do not require proof. So, a paradigm could be defined as follows: a state of belief and compliance in some thing or idea, where one or more people follow what they consider to be true without the benefit of any factual evidence supporting that belief and their compliance to improvable and idealistic concepts.

One could consider livestock in this examination as an equitable synonym to the power of this paradigm. As lambs are lead to the slaughter, as Lemmings ironically follow each other off a cliff, and as sheep follow in packs of oblivious domesticated herds, so too do the masses of people follow their paradigm of perception and belief.

Let’s look at some examples of these types of paradigms:

Politics –

Usually, when one thinks in terms of American politics, one associates oneself with one of three parties: Democrat, Republican, or 3rd party. These can also be said to be politically left, right, and center (or alternative). Alex Jones brilliantly coined the phrase, “the left-right paradigm”, meaning that most people, due to their above defined assumptions, concepts, values, and practices, are mentally blocked from understanding the bigger picture (habit and custom) and so subscribe to the illusion of being left or right, democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, as if there were no other options outside of this illusionary paradigm.

Though there were eight candidates running for president in the 2008 election, we found that because the media blacked out and ignored any fair coverage of these other six candidates (except for brief side-stories of unwarranted and inaccurate ridicule and humiliation) the vast majority of voters would not even consider a 3rd party candidate due to the stigma that has been attached to these “outside the box”, enormously qualified competitors. When asked about their reluctance to vote for an alternative candidate, the overwhelming reaction and response was negative, and most truly believed that a 3rd party actually cannot and will not ever be voted into office. Their proof…? Hearsay.

They are stuck in the right-left paradigm.

Even voters who use the Constitution of the United States in their political debate and rhetoric have no idea that there is even a Constitutional Party. While many voters complain that their government has gotten too big and powerful for the peoples liberty, the Libertarian Party remains constantly invisible to voters even though this party’s main platform is in fact the reduction in both size, power, and world expansion of our government and military. Even the Green Party remains a void in comprehension for the masses that are stuck in their paradigm. The fact is that the biggest polluters on the planet are subsidized and de-regulated by the democratic and republican two-party system of government. And in turn these huge corporations are the main contributors to these democratic and republican campaigns (which ensures continued pollution and non-green policies and products). Wouldn’t it make more sense to vote for the “Green” Party, if only by simple word association?

Can the media really spin political bullshit so deeply into people’s minds that they truly believe that a square peg can fit into a round hole?

Apparently so…

– Food –

How many times have you heard a vegetarian say I occasionally eat meat? Or that eggs and milk aren’t really meat. How about a kosher Jewish man that eats at Denny’s? How many strictly organic food eaters shop at huge conglomerate grocery stores, without a clue that organic on the label only means that 75% of it’s ingredients have to be organic? And how many of them fall for the “all-natural” label? Arsenic is all-natural. Heck, so is human feces, though I suppose it could loosely be considered man-made! And with the crap that passes for food now days, I suppose even our poop isn’t qualified to be called organic any more…

The point is, consumers one and all fall for the same old marketing tricks that are used in politics. When a huge corporate conglomerate bought up Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream company many years ago, they didn’t change the label! The picture of those two fat guys still entice buyers to purchase this product, even while they lay on a lounge chair at Club Med for the rest of their obese lives and laugh at the irony of it all, that is if they haven’t died from an even more ironic heart attack by now. The paradigm of just accepting that the food, meat, produce, and pharmaceutical industries have our best interests as consumers in mind when they sell us their products is absolutely ridiculous.

Monsanto and companies like it have succeeded in genetically altering and contaminating most of our food supply to the point where its nutrition value is so depleted that it is now deadly and cancer causing. Case in point: Monsanto has completely inundated the market with their Round-up ready, genetically altered corn and soybeans. Since most of our products are now made with corn, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, corn oil, soybean oil, partially hydrolyzed soybean oil, and on and on and on, we can barely escape eating this poisonous corn or soybeans. Cows and pigs eat this corn, and are therefore contaminated with this genetically altered unnatural ingredient. Do you eat meat? Well then, you eat Monsanto corn!

We feed our pets kibbles and bits of the worst possible scraps of meat and cancerous growths from the beef and poultry industries; spoiled, contaminated, and not fit for human consumption. Why do we do this? Because we like the commercials where the beautiful dog has the high-pro-glow. Product placement. Brand loyalty. But you can rest assured that the dog in that commercial has never eaten the product it is selling before that day! And you can also take it to the bank that the Monsanto executives and board members will not eat the products that they sell. These are upper class; the pedigreed (that’s pedi-GREED). There is a reason the Queen of England has her own organic garden and protected hunting grounds.

The dairy industry has its own set of paradigms in which we all fall under. Whole, 2%, 1%, low-fat, non-fat, skim… and non-dairy (main ingredients: corn syrup and partially hydrolyzed soybean oil). And then they have the clever ploy of printing on their label that they do not use the growth hormone rbst in their cows. And, for the unsuspecting consumer, this is true. But what they don’t comprehend is that there are a multitude of growth hormones that can be used, and that only this particular hormone was in fact not used in this particular dairy product.

Silly consumers…

So which of the food paradigms do you fall under… bottled water, false organic, all natural, diet, low-carb, fat free, or non-rbst? Any way you look at it, our assumptions, concepts, values, and practices are severely manipulated in the marketing of these products. And at this point, it is nearly impossible to eat non-contaminated, truly organic, actually natural, corn and soybean free, non-hormone laden products. Good luck though. Perhaps the usual ignorance will help us through this particular paradigm.

– Religion –

Being the ultimate in belief and faith-based paradigms, I have to give a shout out to the billions who subscribe to a particular religion. Personal enlightenment aside, the corporate religious paradigm actually succeeds in making its followers live less in the image of God!

For instance, the stories of Jesus are so far off from the way a typical Christian behaves and lives his or her life, that this is the biggest reason people are turned off by the Christian religions. The assumption (i.e. arrogance, presumption) that a man can know God while in this life is the basis of this paradigm of faith.

It is based on the concept (a scheme; a plan. Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion.) of God that was put forth in an ancient book, which has been transcribed, translated, cut, downsized, censored, and reinterpreted so many times that there is no way that its original message or historical factualness can be validated or even conceived.

And, it was written by men.

It is the basis for the values (To consider with respect to worth, excellence, usefulness, or importance. A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable. Any object or quality desirable as a means or as an end in itself.) for which Christians have and personify in life. Perhaps the definition of values has been taken to literal by the devout? Materialism is not what the writers of this book had in mind when trying to assign personal values. However, with the money that the corporate churches take in at the expense of their parishioners, perhaps it is the church itself that is the problem. Blind faith in the corporate materialistic church itself instead of the personal and loving nature of each of our individual interpretations of God might be the true paradigm that has corrupted the very best of us.

Based on the teachings of the corporate church, and not necessarily the teachings of the original bible, Christians and individual churches develop their practices (To perform or do habitually or usually. To follow or observe habitually or customarily. Habit; custom. Plotting; intrigue; trickery. To plot or conspire.) The inevitable destination of those with blind faith is ignorance. Belief in God or something necessarily unknown after this life is perfectly understandable and should be encouraged. Faith that the afterlife is and can only be one thing as determined by the church is perfectly irrational and downright frightening. The religious paradigm has led the masses into war, witch-burning, human and animal ritual sacrifice, a disrespect for nature, a sense of immortal irresponsibility for the earth and its other inhabitants, and has been used to control and manipulate these masses in a way that can’t be fully explained here. But this control influences politics and the very freedoms that we as a people hold dear. And the powers that be control these puppet strings of blind faith with precision and evil intent.

A good example of this manipulation of the religious paradigm which influences millions is this: By using the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion as a battle cry, Christians and other religious faiths are convinced that they must actually vote to take away other people’s or minority group’s civil and human rights. Even while the church and its followers are screaming about the attack on their freedom of religion as this basic human right is slowly getting drained away by legislation and other ignorant thinking, they mount insurmountable advertising campaigns to take away, through the vote, the rights of other groups. All the while never realizing what a hypocritical and non-peaceful thing they are doing.

With well over 1000 different official religions in this world, all claiming to be the one true religion, it is hard to believe that religious faith is even still a paradigm that we can all fall under the influence of…

Yet we do.

Religion and righteousness are not fit to be in the same equation. They are two different concepts – one of corruption and one of being incorruptible. My values come from deep within. They do not come from the fear of a selfish, omnipotent, unforgiving God, nor from the fear of His opposite – Satan. My practices and actions come from my righteousness, instinctively knowing what is right and what is wrong. Where those instincts come from I would never presume to have an assumption. And my concept of good and evil, positive and negative, light and dark, come from looking at all history, religions, texts, and most importantly the ancient knowledge that has been suppressed by the corporate church.

I applaud anyone that does anything righteous in the name of God (whatever your definition). But I can only condemn anyone who acts on behalf of the corporate church in the name of God, as if the church is a holy corporate middleman that has some unearthly powers to attune and command the thoughts and will of God.

We must break all of these paradigms in order to see the true nature of what is happening around us – how we are controlled and how we are being slowly made sick and dying in the name of profits and control.

Isn’t this what Jesus would do?


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
February 1, 2010

Marijuana – To Legalize Or Not To Legalize? That Is The Question.

Whether you are a pot smoker, eater, drinker, or total abstainer, you should pay attention to this…


Perception is a funny thing. The way we perceive things around us makes us act how we act, and talk or don’t talk to who we perceive as approachable. The perception of the laws that govern us and submission to the authority attached to the tiny group of people and the police who enforce these laws are really the only reason that these rules and laws are followed by us at all… well, and fear of repercussion and punishment.

And many peoples’ perception, as they sip their second after-lunch martini and then drive back to work, is that marijuana is a deadly drug that should be illegal. Of course, these people haven’t had the need of its holistic, hunger inducing, and pain-relieving qualities – the reasons that so many have been desperately trying to “legalize” the plant as a medical treatment for chronic patients. Their perception is that by legalizing marijuana, it will then be made more available to the sick people who really need it, and to those who just like to smoke a bowl every once in a while.

And this, my well intentioned marijuana advocates, is the perception that I am going to attempt to dissuade here. And I’d appreciate your listening to my reasoning.

To understand what a legal drug is, lets look at some or any of the prescription pharmaceutical drugs that are available to us. If I want to get a potent pain reliever like Lortab, Oxycontin, Percocet, or Condine I have to get a referral, then get seen by a doctor, maybe see a specialist, receive a prescription, pay my co-pay (or cash out of pocket for most of us), and then get one refill if the first batch wasn’t enough. And if I need more? I need another prescription, and I watch as my medical bills shoot through the ceiling.

Antibiotics, antidepressants, heart or blood-pressure medication, diabetes insulin, or anything that might save my life… requires a prescription!


The answer to this simple question is the most important aspect of legalized drugs that you can comprehend. Listen carefully…

If a drug is legal, that means it is only available with a prescription. So what this really means is that a legal drug available by prescription only, is actually illegal without a prescription.

I’ll say it again: Legal drugs are illegal substances unless a doctor prescribes them. And let’s face it, doctors are by definition drug pushers for their pimps, the pharmaceutical companies. They are told what to prescribe by their little computers, not because they think the symptoms through and do what is best for the patient.

So, when taking this into consideration, we can see that campaigning to get marijuana legalized is not a very good move. Altruistically, you are thinking that this is the right thing to do; that making pot legal is the civil and lawful way to smoke pot legally. But this I assure you is not the case. In fact, by making marijuana a legalized (or controlled) substance, you are taking all of the power of manufacturing and distribution away from the people, and giving the government and pharmaceutical corporations complete control over the growth and sale of this beautiful plant.

That means that it will eventually be even harder to get than it is now! Between the CIA drug runners and their corporate investment-held drug companies, the government does not like private dealers cutting into their take. If pot is made into a controlled substance (meaning controlled by them) then they have good reason to crack down and crack down hard on anyone growing their own, including the so-called “legal” dealers that are currently selling in California; you know… the ones that are getting their doors beat down by the feds and having their stash and their money stolen and laundered, never to be seen again? This is what legal marijuana will ultimately lead to, as the government wants to be the supplier and make it hard for the responsible local citizen to have a business.

Also important to note here is this… If marijuana is “legalized” and made into a controlled substance, then we have just given our right to grow, use, sell, and share this wonderful and natural plant away to the government. Once it is “controlled”, then it can be slowly fazed out of distribution, while the powers that be pass legislation that makes it harder and harder to get, until it is nearly impossible. Here are some examples:

1) Ok, you can have your pot by prescription, but we will only prescribe it for this illness and that symptom. All other uses are now illegal.

2) A new breakthrough in marijuana production has taken place! But it is so expensive… we will have to pass that production cost onto the patients. $100 per joint or pill please?

3) We here at Merck Pharmaceuticals have done extensive field research that shows the side effects of marijuana are much to significant to risk giving it to the patients who require it. We published these studies here, in the journals that we own and pay for which provide favorable reporting of our drugs and ignore the actual clinical trial results. Scientific double-blind placebo testing? Why no sir, we haven’t done that since that kind of true scientific research showed vaccines were deadly and cause cancer, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha…

Anyway, surely you get the picture. Making a plant or drug legal gives the government the power to completely stop production or refuse its distribution to anyone it chooses, or to everyone. It would be no different than when they took Phen-Phen (deadly weight loss drug) off the market. One false study and a false-flag marijuana (typhoid) Mary, and it’s bye bye Bonzo!

So what is the solution? What else can we strive for?

Well to answer these questions, lets get philosophical… shall we?

Is a sunflower plant legal or illegal? How about a rose? A maple tree? A dandelion? A garden full of nutritious fruits and vegetables?

What I am submitting here is that marijuana should be considered as if it were any other weed that grew on the side of the road. It should be neither legal or illegal. It should just be – and be free of such petty categories and constraints. No one controls nature, as much as these megalomaniacs in government and corporations like Monsanto and the United Nations likes to think they do. Pot just need to be left alone. No legality is either warranted nor needed! This naturally occurring plant with a multitude of beneficial properties – and as far as I can tell no negative ones – must be given back to the dirt with no laws or restrictions attached to it.

What would this solve? Everything. No backdoor dealers needed. No prescriptions needed. No regulations or laws need be set, and therefore no enforcement of those laws. There would be no crime involved with its distribution, since anybody can grow or use it. And no ridiculous fines or jail time for doing what the ancient tribes of the earth have been doing for thousands of years in their spiritual journeys.

Freedom is not something you can limit or put restraints on. You either have it or you don’t. And making something legal should by no means be construed as a freedom, though through its legality it could be considered a revocable privilege. Marijuana should be free, just like the people should be free. Choice is freedom, and if you don’t like marijuana that’s your own choice. And that’s the beauty of freedom. Think of this as the common or natural law of plants and nature.

So what is your perception of freedom?

Remember, legal equals illegal without permission.

And permission is doled out by the government and its investment owned and controlled corporations.

That is not freedom.

End of story.


Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)

January 31, 2010