Conspiracy Theory – A State Of Mind

There is a truth so simple, so obvious, and yet so elusive to those who seek it. It is hidden in plain sight. And it it is verifiable if you can walk a straight line without getting sidetracked by conspiracies. This is not to say that conspiracies aren’t happening all around you. On the contrary, this simple truth I speak of actually verifies these plans between two or more people (the definition of conspiracy).

Now, the hardest part about seeing this simple truth is in fact these 100’s of conspiracies that redirect your conscious thought. Yet subconsciously, the truth sits there and waits for logic and reason to pull you towards it. For, like a grove of aspens, all of these “plans between two or more people” are connected and supported by one central root system, and are dependent on this truth for their secrecy and continuity.

So what is this truth… this central root system?

As we seek the source of these conspiracies, we get distracted by the very conspiracies themselves and by the players involved. And I am by no means immune from this never-ending, reproducing fork in the road. We feel that this truth is constantly in front of us, but these conspiracies keep diverging our focus, and our path forks once again. Our frustration mounts, and we either fall by the wayside or keep trudging through.

When we sufficiently uncover the evidence of one plan, deciding that there is still a higher cabal that is guiding the hand of the perpetrators of that plan, certain shock jocks and even other sincere truth-seekers throw us three more conspiracies, often not even realizing that they are doing nothing more than obfuscating the truth, and creating another fork. But for some, this is an intentional effort.

Then someone like Walter Burien comes along and says, “Here it is… here is the truth that you seek”.

But we ask, “Yeah, but what about the Rothschilds?”

And Walter simply says, “Don’t look right, look straight ahead to the source.”

But we ask, “Yeah, but what about chemtrails?”

And again, Walter states, “Don’t look up, don’t get sidetracked, look straight ahead.  Who funds these weather experiments? Look at the source.”

And as we walk for a few steps on that path, we yet again diverge and ask, “Oh, look over here… what about the Federal Reserve?”

And as Walter smiles with a mix of empathy and frustration, he simply says, “No. Don’t look backwards, look straight ahead at the source.”

But the conspiracies flow like fireflies, distracting us from that path. And we say, “Oh my, what about fluoride in the water supply?”

And once again, Walter says, “Don’t look down either. You cannot change this without looking at who funds and allows this to happen. Will you please look straight ahead at the source.”

And we do, and we know who is responsible, and we know who funds this poison in our water with our own taxpayer dollars. But still we get distracted from this simple truth.

And so we say, “Ah… but what about Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, the CFR, and the Tri-Lateral Commission? Alex Jones says…”

And Walter in anger says, “Why aren’t you listening? Why aren’t you comprehending? Don’t look left, for that is where you are being fooled into looking. These things are just part of the source. Look at the source. It is straight ahead. Follow the path.”

And then every once in a while, not too often, but every once in a blue moon, someone gets it. They still may stray off the path every once in a while, but once the source is comprehended, all other paths eventually lead to the source. It becomes impossible not to see down the straight path, no matter how many curves and side roads we take.

So again, what is this truth? What is the source.

Well, let’s face it. Nothing happens in this country without some branch of the government knowing, approving, and regulating that thing. No conspiracy happens without government and its spy agencies being a part of it, or at least profiting from it. And no person, corporation, or business can operate within this country without the government knowing about it. Since all corporations are indeed government entities, taking direction from and following the rules of the government, no corporation is above government. This includes the banks, the Federal Reserve, investment companies, and the rest. And they all follow the Federal Law that states that all corporations must file a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), including the banks, the Federal Reserve, and the rest. There are no exceptions.

If a hybrid bank such as the Federal Reserve was above the government, or above the law, they certainly would not hand in a complete audit of themselves every year to the government, now would they? No. They are incorporated within the United States and under the government. They operate within the laws set by government. They are granted the favor of extreme power over the economy. But this is not total power, for they and their assets can be immediately seized at any time by the government. They are but pathetic, dangerous, but fragile men in expensive suits. They are not powerful without the consent of the people through their consent of the government. This is the truth.

Who sprays these chemtrails? Well, these planes would not be allowed to fly over U.S. airspace without government permission, right? Therefore the truth is that the government not only allows this spraying of our skies, but funds and benefits from this strangest of conspiracies. Simple logical deduction. No other theory is needed, only the knowledge of who these planes must get permission from to fly over U.S. airspace. This is the path of knowledge that can only be obtained by focusing straight ahead. Sure, look into the chemtrail theory, but don’t get sidetracked from the truth. This has to be a government or government approved operation. There is no other option.

Ok, let’s take the Rothschild family. So what. What are you going to do about them? They have oodles of money and investments. So what. One is a Senator. Ok. They own banks. Good for them. Those banks operate within the United States with government permission, under Federal charter or law. The Rothschilds’ are not above the government. Now, they may have their Zionist agents seated deep within our government, and indeed we see not only a fervent support for Israel, but a multitude of duel-Israeli citizens being appointed into that Federal Government. But government is still in charge, and it still runs the show. It is the people in that government that are the problem. They do not represent the people. And everything that happens and all of the conspiracies that take place must happen with government approval.

Yes, yes… there is fluoride in the water. Yes, it is a main ingredient in rat poison. Yes, it is the by-product of the aluminum industry. It calcifies the pineal gland of the brain. And yes, it has a calming effect on the people who ingest it, which is the only reason I can think of to explain why people aren’t charging Washington D.C. in droves, with pitchforks and guns and ropes… and Tazors! But the simple truth is that government must approve its use. It funds and owns stock investment in the companies that produce it. Government approves the dumping of this toxic waste into the water supply to save on the costs of properly disposing of this substance, thus improving its majority stock share value. Simple. Logical. No theory needed.

What is Bohemian Grove? It is where government goes to relax. What is the Council On Foreign Relations? It is a think tank funded by government. What is the Tri-Lateral Commission? A government entity. What is the Bilderberg Group? An obscure think-tank meeting of global government. And since it sometimes meets in the United States, and since the U.S. government officials who attend this meeting against multiple Federal laws are not punished for their actions, one must concede to the truth. Government is in control of these officials, and allows them to attend.

I was on this switchback trail for a number of years, turning over one conspiracy only to reveal three more, and never comprehending this simple truth, until fortune or fate brought me to cross paths with Walter Burien.

Now, the truth is clear. I can look at the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and see the vast stock investments, real estate investments, hedge funds of currency from every nation in the world, gold holdings and gold certificates, Special Drawing Rights, and junk backed securities and derivatives. I can see that government owns it all, through stock investment. I can see that through stock investment, government owns the Fortune 500 and other corporations for which it also regulates.

And so here is the truth…

The government as it stands today is in a complete and utter conflict of interest.

Simple. Logical. Provable by the CAFR.

A body which regulates, deregulates, sets the laws for, polices, audits, and then also owns the controlling interest in the corporate business world it is supposed to impartially oversee, is the biggest conflict of interest in the history of such conflicts.

So, the next time you get distracted from the straight path, from the true nature of government ownership and control of every facet of America and the world, just think of the CAFR. And remember that nothing happens in this country without government approval.

If you want to fix the nation and solve most of the worlds problems… replace government and elect non-corporate poor people in jeans and a tee-shirt, with no assets, no stock investments, or any other interest except in that of the people.

Follow the straight path. Go to the source.

Kill the conflict of interest. Save the world!


–Clint Richardson (

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

CAFR School Part 2: Minnesota’s State CAFR Explained

Welcome back to CAFR School!

Part 2 will be a more advanced look into the CAFR. In this case, the state CAFR.

This is an explanation of the State of Minnesota Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), for fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. This is the basic set up of most state CAFR’s. Most terms are the same throughout government financial reporting.

The report can be viewed here:

Or, you can download the Minnesota CAFR from the states own website, here:

(Most of my comments are in red.) – Please follow along in the Minnesota CAFR. This article will not make much sense and you wont figure out how to read these things for yourself if you don’t follow along!

And now, on with the show…


(Page 9) – Government-Wide Net Assets as listed (not including many funds and “off-balance sheet” investments and monies, as we will discuss further).

Financial Highlights

The assets of the state exceeded liabilities at June 30, 2010, by $10.9 billion (presented as net assets). Of this amount, a deficit of $2.9 billion was reported as unrestricted net assets.

(Note that this is showing only what the Minnesota government outrageously considers liabilities. But these are inevitably future liabilities. This means they are deducting monies as liabilities for things that have not been spent/paid yet. It is a trick that makes it appear that the government is not wealthy. For perspective… If you have $2,000 in your bank account today, do you write in your checking register (your own personal CAFR) that you have already spent money that you haven’t even written a check for yet, for liabilities and future bills that you might not have to pay for until 6 months to 10 years later? No!!!) 

From the CAFR…

Unrestricted net assets represents the amount available to the state to meet ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. However, many of the resources have internally imposed designations, such as state statutory language, which limit resource use. These assets are not reported as restricted net assets because the limitations are imposed internally by the state, not externally imposed by sources such as creditors or the constitution. For discussion on the variances from prior year, see the Government-wide Financial Analysis section.

§ The state’s total net assets decreased by $1.2 billion (9.9 percent) during fiscal year 2010. Net assets of governmental activities decreased by $761 million (7.5 percent), while net assets of the business-type activities showed a decrease of $439 million (22.6 percent). For discussion on the variances from prior year, see the Government-wide Financial Analysis section.

(So the State claims that it is in the red here by over 2 billion dollars on its “government-wide {on-balance sheet}” statements. Let’s see how many hidden “off-balance sheet” investment funds we can find…)

Fund Level

§ At the end of the current fiscal year, governmental funds reported a combined ending fund balance of $2.8 billion, a decrease of $774 million compared to the prior year. Included in the ending fund balance is a General Fund unassigned deficit of $1.5 billion. For discussion on the variances from prior year, see the State Funds Financial Analysis section.

(But what about the other funds besides these governmental funds? Let’s see…)


(Page 7) – Fund and Component Unit Definitions:

The state’s three discretely presented major component units are:

§ Housing Finance Agency

§ Metropolitan Council

§ University of Minnesota

The state’s six nonmajor component units are combined into a single column for reporting in the fund financial statements. These nonmajor component units are:

§ Agricultural and Economic Development Board

§ National Sports Center Foundation

§ Office of Higher Education

§ Public Facilities Authority

§ Rural Finance Authority

§ Workers’ Compensation Assigned Risk Plan

(We will come back to these later…)


State Fund and Component Unit Financial Statements (definition of a “fund”)

A fund is a grouping of related self-balancing accounts used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The state of Minnesota, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements.

Fund financial statements present financial information in a format familiar to experienced users of governmental financial statements and reports. The fund financial statements focus on individual parts of the state, reporting the state’s operations in more detail than in the government-wide statements. Fund financial statements focus on the most significant funds within the state.

(Only experienced financial experts can read these reports… or angry citizens with nothing to lose like me!)

The state’s funds are divided into three categories:

Governmental Funds

Governmental funds record most of the basic services provided by the state and account for essentially the same functions as reported in the governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. Unlike the government-wide financial statements, the fund financial statements focus on how money flows in and out of the funds during a fiscal year and spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year.

Governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting, which recognizes revenues when they are available and measurable. Expenditures are generally recognized in the accounting period when the fund liability is incurred, if measurable. This approach is known as the flow of current financial resources measurement focus. These statements provide a detailed short-term view of the state’s finances that assists in determining whether there are more or less resources available and whether these financial resources will be adequate to meet the current needs of the state. Governmental funds include the General, special revenue, capital project, Debt Service, and Permanent funds.

The focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the government-wide financial statements. It is useful to compare the information presented for governmental funds with similar information presented for governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. By comparing this financial financing decisions.

The basic financial statements include a reconciliation of governmental funds to governmental activities.

These reconciliations follow the governmental funds balance sheet and the governmental funds statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances.

The state maintained 29 individual governmental funds. However, six of these funds were either moved to the General Fund or combined into another fund and one fund was split and a portion of the activity was moved to the General Fund as a result of implementing Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 54, “Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions.”

(So these funds can used and merged in any way that these government crooks see fit.)

Information is presented separately in the governmental funds balance sheet and in the governmental funds statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances for the General and Federal funds, which are reported as major funds. Information from the remaining funds is combined into a single, aggregated column. Individual fund data for each of these nonmajor governmental funds is provided in the form of combining statements included in this report.

(So they don’t report a major portion of the funds, investments, and wealth in the financial statements published to the taxpayers.)

The state adopts a biennial budget with annual appropriations for the majority of the activity reported in the General Fund. A budgetary comparison statement has been provided for the General Fund activity with appropriations included in the biennial budget to demonstrate compliance with this budget.

Proprietary Funds

When the state charges customers for the services it provides, whether to outside customers or to other agencies within the state, these services are generally reported in proprietary funds. Proprietary funds (enterprise and internal service) utilize accrual accounting which is the same method used by private sector businesses. Proprietary fund financial statements provide the same type of information as the government-wide financial statements, only in more detail.

Enterprise funds, a type of proprietary fund, are used to report activities that provide goods and services to outside (non-government) customers, including the general public. Internal service funds are an accounting device used to accumulate and allocate costs internally for goods and services provided by one program of the state to another. Because the activities reported by internal service funds predominantly benefit governmental functions rather than business-type functions, the internal service funds have been included within governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements.

(Enterprise funds are businesses run by the government, and citizens (the general public) are considered nothing more than outside customers!)

(Also, note that it tells us here that only certain funds, in this case the “internal service funds” are reported to the taxpayers; the general public. Make no mistake, government is a for-profit business and the people are just the customers… or chattel!) 

The state maintains 17 individual proprietary funds. The State Colleges and Universities and Unemployment Insurance funds, both of which are considered major funds, are presented separately in the proprietary funds statement of net assets and in the proprietary funds statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets. Information from the 8 nonmajor enterprise funds and the 7 internal service funds are combined into two separate aggregated columns. Individual fund data for each of these nonmajor proprietary funds is provided in the form of combining statements presented in this report.

Fiduciary Funds

Fiduciary funds are used to report activities when the state acts as a trustee or fiduciary to hold resources for the benefit of parties outside the state. The accrual basis of accounting is used for fiduciary funds and is similar to the accounting used for proprietary funds. The government-wide statements exclude fiduciary fund activities and balances because these assets are restricted in purpose and cannot be used by the state to finance its operations. The state must assure that the assets reported in fiduciary funds are used for their intended purposes.

The state maintains 21 individual fiduciary funds. The state’s fiduciary funds are the pension trust funds, the investment trust funds (which account for the transactions, assets, liabilities, and fund equity of the external investment pools), and the Agency Fund (which accounts for the assets held for distribution by the state as an agent for other governmental units, other organizations, or individuals). Individual fund detail is included in the combining financial statements included in this report.

Component Units

Component units are legally separate organizations for which the state is financially accountable. The government-wide financial statements present information for the component units in a single column on the statement of net assets. Also, some information on the statement of changes in net assets is aggregated for component units. The component units’ statements of net assets and statement of changes in net assets provide detail for each major component unit and aggregate the detail for nonmajor component units. Individual nonmajor component unit detail can be found in the combining financial statements included in this report.

(Remember… there is no real law that states these funds cannot be used for anything at all, and they can be transferred or even closed at any time, and the money transferred to other funds or to who knows where!)


(Page 66) – Investments

The State Board of Investment (SBI) manages the majority of the state‟s investments. All investments undertaken by SBI are governed by the standards codified in Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 11A and 356A. Minnesota Statutes, Section 11A.24, broadly restricts investments of the primary government to obligations and stocks of United States and Canadian governments, their agencies and registered corporations, other international securities, short-term obligations of specified high quality, restricted participation as a limited partner in venture capital, real estate, or resource equity investments, and restricted participation in registered mutual funds.

Funds not invested by SBI are primarily Minnesota State Colleges and Universities‟ funds…

SBI is authorized to establish, and has established, combined investment funds used by participating public retirement and non-retirement funds. Retirement and non-retirement funds may not be commingled. Each investment fund has its own characteristics, including investment objective and risk characteristics. Within statutory requirements and based on detailed analysis of each fund, SBI has established investment guidelines and benchmarks for all funds under its management. These investment guidelines and benchmarks are tailored to the particular needs of each fund and specify investment objectives, risk tolerance, asset allocation, investment management structure, and specific performance standards.

(Isn’t it reassuring to know that the SBI is acting within the laws that it sets for itself? Somehow that just makes this theft seem like a gift from God, doesn’t it? I mean, really, as long as the federal and state laws say that the government can steel trillions and trillions of dollars from the taxpayers without any real public disclosure and then hide that money in these funds, all seems right with the world…)

(Note: This is sarcasm. God wouldn’t like this very much, me thinks.)


(Page 66) – Synthetic Guaranteed Investment Contract (SGIC): 

State Board of Investment (SBI) maintains a fully benefit-responsive SGIC for the Supplemental Investment Pool – Fixed Interest Account of the Pension Trust and Investment Trust Funds portfolio. The investment objective of the Fixed Interest Account is to protect investors in defined contribution and deferred compensation plans from loss of their original investment and to provide a competitive interest rate. On June 30, 2010, the SGIC had a portfolio of well diversified high quality investment grade fixed income securities with a fair value of $747,887,000 that is $37,692,000 in excess of the value protected by the wrap contract. The Fixed Income Account also includes a liquid investment pool and a guaranteed investment contract with fair values of $214,955,000 and $326,545,000, respectively.  (Total = $1,289,387,000)

(Note: The author (me) is not sure if this is above and beyond what the state has reported in its Pension Fund Totals, so we won’t include this in our final total of this CAFR wealth. We’ll give it an honorable mention though, for sure! Wouldn’t want to double-count…)


(Page 80 – 82) – Note 5 – Interfund Transactions 

Primary Government

During normal operations, the state processes routine transactions between funds, including loans, expenditures, and transfers of resources for administrative and program services, debt service, and compliance with legal mandates. In the fund financial statements, these transactions are generally recorded as transfers in/transfers out and interfund receivables/payables. Transfers generally represent legally authorized transfers between funds authorized to receive revenue and funds authorized to make expenditures, and do not represent reimbursement of expenditures.

(So monies/investments are allowed to be moved around between funds. They say again here that the –law- says it’s OK to do this. So the question we should be asking our supposedly representative government is… Why don’t you “authorize” or change the legalities (not laws) so that this investment wealth can be used for the benefit of “We, the People” instead of you greedy bankers, attorneys, and politicians? I think that’s a fair question…)



(Now we will list these funds out, and show where the real money is invested…)

(Note: All figures listed in this CAFR are “in thousands”, meaning I have added 3 zeros {,000} to all totals.)


(Page 31)“Major Governmental Funds” descriptions:

–General Fund – the fund accounts for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund.

–Federal Fund – The fund receives and disburses federal government grants and reimbursements. The fund is administered in accordance with grant agreements between the state and federal agencies.

(page 32) – Total for the General fund as listed on the “GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET” is $3,916,496,000 as of June 30,2010.


(Note: Remember the Statement of Net Assets from above? It stated that, “Included in the ending fund balance is a General Fund unassigned deficit of $1.5 billion”. And yet here we see the actual balance in the fund is over $3.9 billion!!!)

(The Statement of Net Assets also claimed that, “At the end of the current fiscal year, governmental funds reported a combining ending fund balance of $2.8 billion, a decrease of $744 million compared to the prior year”. Obviously, this is a lie, as the balance of just the General Fund is again 3.9 billion!!!)


(page 32) – Total for the Federal fund as listed on the “GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS BALANCE SHEET” is $1,579,194,000 as of June 30,2010.


Note that while “Nonmajor Funds” are listed here too, we will be covering those funds individually in a moment…


(Page 37) – “Major Proprietary Funds” descriptions:

State Colleges and Universities Fund – The fund accounts for the activities of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU). MnSCU is a system of public state universities and two-year colleges and is the largest system of higher education in the state. While the primary activity of MnSCU is to provide educational services, the fund also includes scholarships, student loans, bookstores, student living activities, research, and long-term debt.

Unemployment Insurance Fund – The fund receives unemployment taxes collected from employers and pays unemployment benefits to eligible individuals.

(Page 39) – Total for the State Colleges and Universities Fund as listed on the “STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS” is $1,723,766,000 as of June 30,2010.

(Page 39) – Total for the Unemployment Insurance Fund as listed on the “STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS” is at a negative – $266,135,000 as of June 30,2010.


Note that while “Nonmajor Enterprise Funds” and “Internal Service Funds” are listed here too, we will be covering those funds individually in a moment…


(Page 47)“Major Component Unit Funds” descriptions:

Housing Finance Agency – The agency provides money for loans and technical assistance for construction and rehabilitation of housing for families of low and moderate incomes.

Metropolitan Council – The council is responsible for coordinating the planning and development of the Twin Cities metropolitan area. The council also operates the metropolitan regional sewage treatment and disposal systems and the public transit system. The Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission, a component unit of the council, operates the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome sports facility. 

University of Minnesota – The multi-campus university provides undergraduate and graduate degrees, advanced research opportunities, and an extension service. The university includes several nonprofit foundations that provide resources which benefit the university.

(Note that these are the funds held by these government for-profit businesses (component units) and are NOT referring to the actual buildings, equipment, or other real assets associated with them. These are stating totals for cash and liquid investments.)

(Page 48) – Total for the Housing Finance Agency Fund as listed on the “STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS” is $1,723,766,000 as of June 30,2010.

(Page 48) – Total for the Metropolitan Council Fund as listed on the “STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS” is $1,872,301,000 as of June 30,2010.

(Page 48) – Total for the University of Minnesota Fund as listed on the “STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS” is $4,785,350,000 as of June 30,2010.


Note that while “Nonmajor Component Unit Funds”  are listed here too, we will be covering those funds individually in a moment…


(Page 125 – 127) – Risk Management Fund – Read this for an explanation of Self-Insurance. This is a fund built to pay for any lawsuits or torts brought against the state or its component units. This is the hoarding and investing of taxpayer dollars. So if you sue the state, you will be receiving taxpayer money or the return on this money from investments in this fund. (Total for this fund presented later as a Nonmajor Enterprise Fund.)


 (Page 131)Budgetary Basis vs. GAAP explanation:

Actual revenues, transfers-in, expenditures, encumbrances, and transfers-out on the budgetary basis do not equal those on the GAAP basis in the Governmental Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances for the General Fund. This inequality results primarily from the differences in the recognition of accruals, reimbursements, deferred revenue, intrafund transactions, and loan classifications, and from the budgetary basis of accounting for encumbrances. On the budgetary basis, encumbrances are recognized as expenditures in the year encumbered. The modified accrual basis of accounting recognizes expenditures when the goods or services are received, regardless of the year funds are encumbered. A reconciliation of the fund balances under the two basis of accounting for the General Fund is provided in the following table.

(Translation: Some government money and investments are not reported on the taxpayer budget, nor in the Statement of Net Assets we listed above on page 9. There are two different ways of financial reporting, one for the dumbed down masses who can barely balance their checkbook, and one for the elite power brokers in government and the corporate world.)


(Page 142) – Actuarial Measures of Pension Funding Progress

The state of Minnesota is the employer for five defined benefit single employer plans that are administered by Minnesota State Retirement System (MSRS). MSRS prepares and publishes its own stand-alone comprehensive annual financial report (see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting and Reporting Policies for the address).

(Note: When we look at the separate Pension Fund CAFR we see that the “employer” defined here as the State of Minnesota contributes/matches employee contributions to the pension fund system. So the state puts billions of taxpayer money (the state is supported by taxpayer money) into the pension fund for investment with no benefit for the taxpayers.)

The Elective State Officers Fund (ESOF) is excluded from the single employer plan disclosures since this plan is closed to new entrants and any former active employees have retired, terminated, or elected coverage under another plan.

Required supplementary information of funding progress is provided for the following plans:

§ Correctional Employees Retirement Fund (CERF)

§ Judicial Retirement Fund (JRF)

§ Legislative Retirement Fund LRF)

§ State Patrol Retirement Fund (SPRF)




(Page 147 – 151) – Combining and Individual Fund Statements – Nonmajor Funds

Nonmajor Special Revenue, Debt Service, Permanent and Capital Projects Funds


(Note that these are reported “in thousands”, meaning we must add three zero’s {,ooo} to the end of each figure. These are the supposed totals for all the funds included in these categories.)


-> $1,975,916,000


-> $764,447,000


-> $694,452,000


-> $205,002,000


-> $3,639,817,000


(Note that {in thousands} the “Net Change in Fund Balances” column (fourth row from bottom of graph) shows profits/increases of  – $122,913,000 – $22,378,000 – $64,229,000 – and $108,739,000 – with the total profit for these funds listed at $318,259,000. This is how much money was added to these funds in fiscal year 2010 over fiscal year 2009)


(Page 152 – 153)gives a description of each “Special Revenue Fund”

Note the difference between the totals of the chart on (page 154 – 157)NONMAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS COMBINING BALANCE SHEET”…


On the “COMBINING BALANCE SHEET” we can see that total fund balances are actually in the amount of $2,719,861,000… a difference of over $700,000,000 as compared to what is reported on the “COMBINING STATEMENT” chart.

(Always go with the higher figure, as again they are attaching future liabilities to the money they have today.)


(Page 169)gives a description of each “Capital Project Fund”

“COMBINING BALANCE SHEET” totals – $253,749,000


So we can add almost $50 million to the total listed, taking the highest figure without “future obligations”. 

(This is the actual holdings at the time of this report.)


(Page 169)gives a description of each “Nonmajor Enterprise Fund”

(Note that this is a new set of funds, not listed above, and including…)

Behavioral Services Fund

Enterprise Activities Fund

Giants Ridge Fund

Minnesota Correctional Industries Fund

911 Services Fund

Public Employees Insurance Fund

State Lottery Fund

State Operated Community Services Fund


(Page 174 – 175) The “COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS” {in thousands} chart shows $45,315,000 in these funds under the Totals column. So we can add that to our hidden wealth totals…

(Page 181)gives a description of each Nonmajor Internal Service Fund, which includes the “Risk Management Fund” that we covered above as a self-insurance fund.

(Page 182 – 183) The “COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS” {in thousands} chart shows $320,436,000 in total fund balances, which in this case is the same as the COMBINING STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS chart.


PENSION TRUST FUNDS!!! – (Remember, Pension Funds are where the government diverts billions (trillions nationally) of taxpayer money, not just employee money.)

(Page 188 – 189) Minnesota State Retirement System includes… 

–Correctional Employees Retirement Fund

–Elective State Officers Fund

–Hennepin County Supplemental Retirement Fund

–Judicial Retirement Fund

–Legislative Retirement Fund

–Postretirement Health Care Benefits Fund

–State Deferred Compensation Fund

–State Employees Retirement Fund

–State Patrol Retirement Fund 

–Unclassified Employees Retirement Fund 


The Public Employees Retirement Association includes…

–Defined Contribution Fund 

–Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund 

–Police and Fire Fund 

–Public Employees Correctional Fund

–Public Employees Retirement Fund

–Volunteer Firefighter Retirement Fund


The Teachers Retirement Association includes…

–Teachers Retirement Fund


The State Colleges and Universities includes…

–Colleges and Universities Retirement Fund


(Again, these funds where not included above.)

(Page 190 – 193) COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS shows totals for these pension funds listed at $45,746,335,000.

(Page 197) This represents an increase (profit) in the fund balances over 2009 of at least $4,336,688,000.

(Yes, yes… these are the retirement funds and they are designated for the employees. We can’t touch those, right? Again, this fund represents billions and billions of dollars of taxpayer money, and the investment return on these fund’s collective investments. This total shown represents the money and investments in the fund AFTER all liabilities to the employees are paid, and after future liabilities are considered. So you tell me whose money this really is… and before you answer that, consider the fact that at any time the President of the United States can create an Executive Order that states that all collective fund balances in the government pension funds are now the property of the Federal Government. If we don’t reclaim this through strict regulation and anti-federal shields in the name of the people and soon, it will be gone with the stroke of a pen. And all of these state employees who are so defensive of their pension funds now will have nothing left to defend. It will all be gone!)



Supplemental Retirement Fund – The fund provides an investment vehicle for the assets of various public retirement plans and funds.

Investment Trust Fund – The fund provides an investment vehicle for external funds authorized to be invested by the state.

(Page 201) “STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN PLAN NET ASSETS” shows totals for these funds at $482,714,000. 

This is an increase of $30,835,000 over fiscal year 2009, as listed under “Net Increase”.


(Page 203)Agency Funds” description

Agency Fund – This fund accounts for resources held in a custodial capacity for other governmental units, private organizations, or individuals.

Totals listed at $124,220,000


(Page 205)“Nonmajor Component Unit Funds” descriptions…

(Note that this is not the value of the buildings, equipment, and other hard assets involved with these component units {state-run businesses}, these are the funds that each unit has in investment holdings in (liquid) assets and cash.)

Agricultural and Economic Development Board 

National Sports Center Foundation 

Office of Higher Education

Public Facilities Authority

Rural Finance Authority

Workers’ Compensation Assigned Risk Plan


(Page 206 – 207) The “COMBINING STATEMENT OF NET ASSETS” states that the totals for these funds are at $1,488,337,000

(Page 209) “Change in Net Assets” show and increase to these funds of $97,359,000 over fiscal year 2009.


Last but not least, we have…

(Page 83) – Note 6 – Capital Assets:

Primary Government

The following table shows capital asset activity for the primary government:

(Page 83) – See Chart here entitled“Primary Government Capital Asset Activity Government-wide Governmental Activities”

This is the value stated after depriciation for the following “capital assets”, which represents the physical equity in the following:

Land – Buildings, Structures, Improvements – Construction in Progress – Development in Progress – Infrastructure – Easements – Art and Historical Treasures

Total value listed here for these Capital Assets are $11,982,234,000

(Note: that these are not necessarily salable or liquidate-able assets, and so we will not include them in our total below, which will only represent fund, investment, and cash on hand as of June 30, 2010.)




So let’s total up what we have found in the Minnesota CAFR, and compare that total to what the state is reporting to its taxpaying citizens on the taxpayer budget report…

General fund                                                    $3,916,496,000 

Federal fund                                                     $1,579,194,000 

State Colleges and Universities Fund     $1,723,766,000

Unemployment Insurance Fund             (- $266,135,000)

Housing Finance Agency Fund                 $1,723,766,000 

Metropolitan Council Fund                       $1,872,301,000 

University of Minnesota Fund                 $4,785,350,000

Special Revenue Funds                               $2,719,861,000

Capital Projects Funds                                   $253,749,000

Enterprise Funds                                             $320,436,000

Pension Trust Funds                                 $45,746,335,000

Investment Trust Funds                                 $482,714,000

Agency Funds                                                     $124,220,000

Nonmajor Component Unit Funds        $1,488,337,000


TOTAL FUND BALANCES…                   $66,470,390,000



Again, this is a look at the fund balances for the state, and should not be construed as a total look at what this CAFR has to offer in the form of hidden wealth and investments for Minnesota. It would take a guru of an accountant to figure all of this out…

But I think that we have proven without a doubt that the Minnesota state government is guilty of misrepresentation of its wealth to the taxpaying public when it releases its tax-payer budget every year, and when it states in its “government-wide statement of Net Assets” that it only has $10,865,096,000 in “Total Net Assets” including Capital Assets (chart on page 10).

This financial statement (CAFR) structure will look very similar on most state CAFR’s. The order may different, but the terms and fund group types will be virtually identical. You may have to look for this information, but a bit of logic and reason should get you through. The most difficult thing to succeed at is to push aside all of the redundant and pointless information and graphs in lieu of the real hidden gold.

For more information on the corporate government CAFR system, please visit these sites:


Happy treasure hunting to you and yours…


–Clint Richardson (

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

9/11 (and George Bush) For Dummies

Who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

Why did the United States attack Iraq?

First, let’s find out what then President Bush thinks:

“The idea is to try and help change the middle east… The main reason we went into Iraq at the time was, we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. Turns out he didn’t – but he had the capacity to make weapons of mass destruction. But I also talked about the human suffering in Iraq, and I also talked the need to advance the freedom agenda… The terrorists attacked us and killed 3000 of our citizens before we started the freedom agenda in the middle east.” –President George Bush

“What did Iraq have to do with the attack upon the World Trade Center?” –reporter in press conference audience

Bush answers, “Nothing! Except for it’s part of- and nobody has ever suggested in this administration that Saddam Hussein ordered the attack. Iraq was a- ah, Iraq- the, the, the lesson of September 11th is take threats before they fully materialize, Ken. Nobody’s ever suggested, that the attacks of September 11th, ah, were ordered by Iraq. I have suggested however that resentment, and ah, the lack of hope, ah created the breading ground for terrorists who are willing to use scuiciders to kill- to achieve an objective. I have made that case. And, wa- one way to defeat that, ah, you know th- ka- defeat resentment, is with hope. And the best way to do hope is through a form of government.”

Clint’s translation: We invaded Iraq in order to replace Iraq’s government with a U.S. friendly one: to nation build, since Saddam wasn’t following orders any more like he did when we placed him there in the 60’s, not because it had anything to do with 9/11. And just like Obama has done so effectively in his campaign of “hope and change”, we are trying to change things with hope. Government equals hope. That’s right… we are gonna hope it up over there!

Ah… fun with Bush.

What can I say… it’s a guilty pleasure.

And, judging by the millions of smiley faces over in Iraq amongst the 1.5 million dead men, woman and children, the millions of injured and permanently disabled Iraqi men, women and children, the over 3 million Iraqi’s displaced from their homes, and the many new children smiling through their deformed and mutated little heads after being irradiated by U.S. depleted Uranium munitions, I’m sure that hope is the only thing they have left!

Mission accomplished, eh Bush?

Way to do hope…

But when he’s not addressing the nation through the corporate Zionist media, or lying in bad form to the press, we occasionally get a glimpse into the true nature (dark and twisted) of our glorious leaders…

The lesson to learn here is this – Bush is seen here joking about himself. He is looking back with fondness over his brilliant acting career as President of the United States. You see, it takes intelligence and cunning to pull off this kind of con. For while an intelligent man can convincingly act like an idiot, an idiot will never pass as an intelligent man. Thus, an academy award should be handed to George Bush Jr. for his wonderful 8 year performance as the bumbling fool of politics.

And, if you don’t understand why the room full of media members are laughing at this horrific and callous display by Mr. Bush, it’s because they are in on the joke!

They are laughing at you!!!

They fooled you once… shame on you. And they fooled you twice, so… you wont get fooled again (at least I hope not after reading this).

When the media cameras are off, and the unedited footage gets out there into the public, we see a smarter, craftier, and more intellectual man than what is seen on the subverted news:

If you’ve never seen a movie called They Live… now would be a good time to watch it. This reminds me of the scene when the human elite are applauding their part in selling out their fellow humans, and being richly rewarded for it. Watch it here at about 4 minutes in:

But “They Live” also has the best scene in a movie ever! This is a must watch! This is how I feel when I try and wake people up about 9/11, or anything for that matter, and show them the real world:

Here is the link to watch the whole movie free: – Of all the movies out there, and as corny as the lines are in this movie, I can’t think of another perfect representation of our current situation, metaphorically of course.

But back to Bush.

There is one other huge thing to consider here…

Presidents don’t write their own speeches. So when Bush has his “idiot” mask on, and he looks down at the podium to read the next line or at the teleprompter to get his next catch-phrase, he is reading a script. In other words, his random indiscretions and fumbling-stumbling speeches were planned in advance. Just as a ghost-writer wrote Clinton’s, Gore’s, and Obama’s books, a staff speech writer has been writing presidential speeches since the dawning of the television.

They even start sounding planned, if you listen to enough. Perhaps that’s why he is so easily impersonated.

Bush rehearsing… And you thought only actors did that? Oh, wait…

Preparation before a speech. Most important here is that this is before Bush is about to announce war in Iraq. Watch as he smiles and jokes around before this speech. This is Hollywood:

OK… If you still don’t get it, here is George Bush in a gubernatorial debate in 1994, just four years before he suddenly became a professional fake idiot while campaigning for president. As you watch this, remember that there are no teleprompters, no notes, and no one telling him what to say:

But, if you still think he’s an idiot… well than no offence – but you are an idiot!

If it makes you feel better, I fell for the act too! I called him an idiot. I got mad. I asked, how can this guy be our president? And how in God’s name could he have been re-elected???

And then I woke up… and I learned that the media is a CIA front. I learned about Operation Mockingbird.

Former Washington Post publisher Philip Graham “believing that the function of the press was more often than not to mobilize consent for the policies of the government, was one of the architects of what became a widespread practice: the use and manipulation of journalists by the CIA” (*81). This scandal was known by its code name Operation MOCKINGBIRD. Former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein cites a former CIA deputy director as saying, “It was widely known that Phil Graham was someone you could get help from”.

Read more here: (

“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” — William Colby, former CIA Director

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” — William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)

Speaking of the CIA… what the Zionist owned and controlled opposition news networks don’t tell you is that Saddam Hussein was put into power by the American government. “In 1963, the CIA engineered a military coup, one of its most important successes in a long history of overthrowing governments around the world. The new regime, which the CIA had helped to install, was led by generals connected to the Baath Party, the party of Saddam Hussein. The CIA worked closely with the new government to help to hunt down, torture and murder thousands of members and sympathizers of the Iraqi Communist Party and anyone else who opposed the new regime. Hussein was a leading Baath Party operative who worked closely with the CIA in this witch hunt. In fact, CIA operatives later said that Hussein was a frequent visitor and guest at CIA headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, months before the coup. This formed the beginnings of a partnership which would flower in later decades.” (read more here:

Slip of the tongue… or planned media talking point and comic relief?

Fine… but what does Dick Cheney say about Iraq’s connection with 9/11?


How about John Edwards…

So, what about United Airlines flight 93 that “crashed” in Shanksville, Pennsylvania?

Who should we ask…


How about the man appointed to be in charge of America’s national defense?

Well, well, Rumsy… senility setting in?

But hey… at least one plane was shot down that day in and around the most guarded airspace in the world!

No plane, no bodies, no debris larger than a phone book = no crash.

9/11 my friends, was a planned false flag event that has heralded unparalleled anti-constitutional and anti-human rights legislation in the United States. From the Patriot Act to continuity of government to the end of Posse Comitatus, the end of freedom has commenced with great strides in the last 9 years. And knowing that the Patriot Act was written before 9/11 makes it that much more obvious as to the purpose and usefulness of a controlled demolition of the Twin Towers, Building 7 (the third World Trade Center building that was demolished that day, which just happened to house all of the Enron documents and evidence), and a convenient missile strike at the Pentagon at the precise area where no people were working, and where the walls had just recently been reinforced.

This has been 9/11 (and Bush) for dummies.


Clint Richardson (

September 2nd, 2010

Zionism 101: The Zionist Israeli Government Of The United States Of Amerika

Zionism 101: Part Two – See original in depth Zionism 101 here: (Recommended after this post)

“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

— Baruch Levy. Article: Letter to Karl Marx, in magazine ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928

Our government is now completely in Zionist control. And the above quoted timeline is happening as we speak, just as was written so long ago. And obviously so, as the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto are now law in the United States. (See them here:

So, who is Zionist in the American government?

The following is a list of the power structure of the United States government, listed by seat of succession to the presidency of the United States. Remembering that all but one of these officers were not elected but appointed, that being the president who did the appointing, it is no wonder that every single one of them are admittedly Zionist, extremely pro-Israel, that many are of Jewish Israeli descent, and that some even have duel Israeli/American citizenship.

The following videos are out of their mouths, admissions and affirmations of their support for Zionism and for Israel. There is no other country in the world for which the United States or its “politicians” gives such fervent support. We are not “friends” of any other nation. And we are not “allies” with any Arab country… Of course, with a completely Jewish and Zionist cabal in complete and total power of the United States government, why would the Arab Middle-East be an ally or a friend to the United States – except through fear, dependence and coercion – nor a completely Israeli Zionist American government to its sworn enemy of the Arab nations?

Let’s have a look at the royal family of Obama’s APPOINTED cabinet:

#1 Barack Obama – It’s much easier to prove our presidents’ Zionist loyalty is not to America when a group called “Jewish Americans for Obama” comes right out and says it. Barack Obama might as well be Jewish. A true Muslim he most obviously is not… for if he were, his whole appointed staff would not be Jewish, duel-Israeli citizens, and/or Zionist! He wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a little Jewish Yamaka while visiting the Wailing Wall, and he most certainly would not support Israel and Zionism; the sworn enemy of all Arabs/Muslims!

“Those who threaten Israel, threaten us!” -Barack Obama

“Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided…” -Barack Obama

Imagine, a Muslim saying such things?

“There is a special connection between America and Israel. One that, when I traveled to Israel, was evident. Not only do we share so much in terms of common culture (usury, indecency, xenophobia, cruelty, immorality, etc…?) not only is it the sight of so much of our– of my religious faith, and the sight of so much of our understanding of the world around us… it is critical that we send a message around the world, we will stand with Israel. We want them around, not just for 60 years but for 600 years. And when I’m president of the United States they will have an unwavering ally in me.” -Barack Obama-

More of the same:

#1.5 Rahm Emmanuel (Chief of Staff) – Let’s face it, the chief of staff is the boss! The late Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Rahm Emanuel the “Acting Deputy Chief for North America of the Mossad – Israeli Intelligence (” Skolnick went on to say that Emanuel’s father Benjamin had been “part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden’s Count [Folke] Bernadotte” in 1948. Bernadotte was the envoy of the United Nations in Palestine who sought to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land to Jews from “beyond the pale.”

The Emanuel family name was Auerbach until 1936, although they are not related to the famous rabbinical family of Germany and Krakow named Auerbach. His father Ezekiel supposedly changed the family name to Emanuel when his son with that name died fighting Palestinians in 1936. Many Jewish families in Palestine changed their names to make themselves sound like they actually came from Palestine. And you wondered where all those Jews disappeared during World War II? Sheinerman became Sharon, Yezernitzky became Shamir, and Auerbach became Emanuel, and so on. And then multiply by a few hundred thousand. Voila! Millions of European Jews vanish from the face of the Earth – and build new lives in Palestine. -Christopher Bolyn-

Here is a news interview in which his military service in the Israeli army is admitted, and Emanuel quotes: “The best thing that can happen to Israel, is a strong America… because when America is strong, Israel is also strong.” And remember, Israel has over 200 nuclear weapons…

And why again would a Muslem (Obama) be a friend of Israel?

A completely Zionist, Israeli friendly appointed cabinet… this is why we will never have peace with the Middle East:

#2 Joe Biden – Biden was the first U.S. official to give Israel’s bloody assault (on an aid flotilla) a thumbs up. The former Delaware senator has been a key part of Israel’s Hasbara branch, American section, since entering the Senate in 1973 and on Wednesday, June 1st following the Israeli attack, he appeared on the Charlie Rose Show where he showed no hesitation in defending Israel’s handling of the raid (9 dead), something that President Obama had been reluctant to do.

Obama picked Biden “…who is about as close to the pro-Israel community as any member of either house…” observed MJ Rosenberg, a former AIPAC staffer, on TPM Café, just after Biden’s selection. “Biden is rated 100 per cent by AIPAC. When he goes to the synagogues in Florida, he goes not as a visitor but as ‘mishpocha’ [family]. The Jews simply love the guy… Bottom line, the Biden choice pretty much eliminated Obama’s ‘Jewish problem.” That was then and now it doesn’t seem to matter what position Obama takes, Biden seems to answer to his real boss. And it ain’t Barack. -CounterPunch (

“I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.” -Joe Biden-

“Pollard should be given leniency.” -Joe Biden-

Pollard was the Israeli spy who caused the death of many U.S. spies in Russia, by revealing their identities. This is the very definition of treason. Israel is not our friend. Israel is the only country who continuously commits terrorist acts against the United States.

Enough said there Joe…

Here’s the self-proclaimed Zionist Joe Biden on the Charlie Rose show talking about the recent flotilla killings by Israeli soldiers of Turkish peace activists, calling for Israel to investigate itself on the murders in international waters:

#3 Nancy Pelosi – Pelosi reaffirms that “America and Israel share an unbreakable bond: in peace and war; and in prosperity and in hardship.” [Pelosi Press Release:] Pelosi emphasized that “a strong relationship between the United States and Israel has long been supported by both Democrats and Republicans. America’s commitment to the safety and security of the State of Israel is unwavering… however, the war in Iraq has made both America and Israel less safe.” Pelosi’s voting record shows consistent support for Israel. Prior to 2006 elections in the Palestinian Authority, she voted for a Congressional initiative disapproving of participation in the elections by Hamas and other organizations defined as terrorist by the legislation. She agrees with the current U.S. stance in support of land-for-peace. She has applauded Israeli “hopeful signs” of offering land, while criticizing Palestinian “threats” of not demonstrating peace in turn. She states, “If the Palestinians agree to coordinate with Israel on the evacuation, establish the rule of law, and demonstrate a capacity to govern, the world may be convinced that finally there is a real partner for peace”.

During the 2006 Lebanon War, Pelosi voted in favor of Resolution 921 on the count that “the seizure of Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah terrorists was an unprovoked attack and Israel has the right, and indeed the obligation, to respond”. She argues that organizations and political bodies in the Mideast like Hamas and Hezbollah “have a greater interest in maintaining a state of hostility with Israel than in improving the lives of the people they claim to represent”. Pelosi asserts that civilians on both sides of the border “have been put at risk by the aggression of Hamas and Hezbollah” in part for their use of “civilians as shields by concealing weapons in civilian areas”.

In September 2008, Pelosi hosted a reception in Washington with Israeli Knesset speaker Dalia Itzik, along with 20 members of Congress where they toasted the “strong friendship” between Israel and the United States. During the ceremony, Pelosi held up the replica dog tags of the three Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah and Hamas in 2006 and stated that she keeps them as a “symbol of the sacrifices made, sacrifices far too great by the people of the state of Israel”. Why should a representative of a state of our union be interested in the “state” of Israel? That’s how powerful the Israeli lobby is, and how infiltrated the United States government is. Here is Pelosi speaking at a Celebration of Israel’s 61st Independence Day, Washington, DC, 04/29/2009:

Once again, “You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.” -Joe Biden-

Ron Paul exposing Pelosi’s treasonous loyalty to Israel:

#4 Daniel Inouye (Japanese American) – Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI) (eldest and by senatorial custom voted for in line of succession) as Chairman of the US Subcommittee on Defense, for his part, reaffirmed America’s commitment to the Zionist regime in a meeting with Ashkenazi and described Tehran’s uranium enrichment and long-range missile technologies as the ‘principal and most potent threat’ to Israel and the Middle East…

“I think that when the US helps Israel it actually helps itself,” he said.

#5 Hillary Rodham Clinton (Secretary of State) – Mrs. Clinton is of course a staunch supporter of Israel, standing firm with her husband. One generally stands beside the most powerful lobby in the world, even if it’s for another country. To go against AIPAC is brave, but political scuicide.

Here she is speaking at AIPAC about Iran and America’s commitment to Israel, even while speaking about Israel’s war crimes and illegal settlements into Palestinian land – having the gall to refer to the Palestinians as neighbors of Israel, which was all Palestinian land before the brutal and violent Zionist takeover of this land.

“We are determined to keep moving forward along a path that ensures Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state living in peace with its Palestinian and Arab neighbors.” -Hillary Clinton-

“…and in dealing with this (Iran) threat, as I have said for a very long time, no option can be taken off the table (refering of course to the nuclear option).” -Hillary Clinton-

*** Notice the disturbing mix of United States and Israeli flags around the AIPAC podium and Mrs. Clinton. I can’t find any other country in which this mixing of flags happens. Talk about unpatriotic!

#5 Timothy Geithner (Secretary of the Treasury) – A faithful member of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, The Center for Global Development (Board of Directors), The Economic Club of New York (trustee), The Bank for International Settlements – Committee On Payment and Settlement Systems (chairman)… as well as being the former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, A former employee of Kissinger Associates, A former member of the Group Of Thirty (G30), former Director of the Policy Development and Review Department (2001–2003) at the International Monetary Fund, and many other Zionist controlled exploits. In March 2008, after his 2007 efforts to reduce the capital required to run a bank (reserve), he arranged the rescue and sale of Bear Stearns. In the same year, he played a supporting role to his predecessor Henry Paulson, former CEO of Zionist Goldman Sachs, in the decision to bail out AIG just two days after deciding not to rescue (not Zionist enough) Lehman Brothers from bankruptcy.

His father, Peter F. Geithner, was the director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation in New York in the 1990s. During the early 1980s, Peter Geithner oversaw the Ford Foundation’s micro-finance programs in Indonesia being developed by Ann Dunham Soetoro, President Barack Obama’s mother.

So what are his loyalties to Israel and Zionism?

Considering the above ties, and his employment under staunch Zionists Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, Henry Kissinger, and his assignment as president of the most powerful of non-governmental foreign banks called the New York Federal Reserve bank, and considering that Zionists do not generally hire from outside of “the club”, I’d say his resume defines his loyalties quite well.

Disappointingly, I couldn’t find any videos of Mr. Geithner expressing his particular brand of unwavering love for Israel, but I’m sure they are out there…

#6 Robert Gates (Secretary of Defense) – So much for the “change” part of Obama’s Hope and Change campaign… Gates was made 15th Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (a private non-governmental organization) by George Bush Sr. and was heavily involved in the Iran-Contra Affair (a CIA, and not a U.S. government event – Oliver North was working for the CIA in his part as well). Gates was then made Secretary of Defense by the good son: George Bush Jr. in 2006.

And then Obama was apparently told to keep him on as the number 6 man in line for the presidency.

I suppose stranger things have happened…

Of Mr. Gates many corporate ventures, one that should raise eyebrows is his work with VoteHere, “a technology company which sought to provide cryptography and computer software security for the electronic election industry. Following his nomination, a White House spokeswoman said that Gates planned to sell all the stock he owns in individual companies and sever all ties with them if confirmed by the Senate.” This is what one might refer to as an unpresidented conflict of interest, as are all corporate ties which are directly effected by political power, but especially ones related to the voting in of so-called “elected officials”.

And we mustn’t forget his service on the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) regarding Iran and the “Iraq Study group”…

But he seems so… American! Could Robert Gates really be a Zionist? A supporter of Israel?

“As President Obama has affirmed, the United States’ commitment to Israels’ security is unshakable and our defense relationship is stronger than ever, to the mutual benefit of both nations… Our work together on missile defense technology is ongoing, and the United States will continue to ensure that Israel maintains its qualitative military edge.-Robert Gates, April 27, 2010, C-SPAN.

Can someone explain to me why the United States is “sharing” our secretive missile defenses with Israel. Do we share it with anyone else with such fervor and public ceremony?

And how about the 200 nuclear warheads that Israel holds? Wonder where those came from…?

#7 Eric Holder (Attorney General) – Where to begin with this guy…

(Note: The Israeli/Jewish/Zionist ADL is the most powerful lobby in the world.)

According to the European Union Times: “Eric Holder was the featured speaker at the Anti-Defamation League’s American Heritage Dinner on October 17, 2009, and praised ADL for its historic role in fighting all forms of intolerance and helping make the federal hate crimes law a reality. He called passage of ADL’s hate bill a “marvelous step of progress” and gratefully looks forward to close and continued cooperation with ADL in hate law implementation. ADL recently announced that, having spearheaded passage of The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Hate Crimes Prevention Act, it will now lead stage two, a massive national campaign to train lawyers to become hate crimes prosecutors. (Note: unconstitutional, and blatant encroachment on states rights).

Holder says that, having been personally frustrated over the past 11 years in his efforts to help pass the hate bill, as Attorney General he is determined to begin immediate enforcement. “. . .the new hate crimes legislation will arrive not a moment too soon. And on the day that it becomes law, we will hasten to begin using it.” (Note: To put people like me in jail for reporting the truth, as stated by Zionists themselves?)

Here are highlights of Holder’s speech – full of praise for ADL – and misrepresentations concerning the new hate law and the alleged “epidemic of hate” it claims to address.

“You – the members of the Anti-Defamation League – and I go way back. I first began convening meetings with members of the ADL in the early 90′s when I served as the United States Attorney in Washington, D.C. . . At that time I expressed my deep appreciation for the fact that you always have served as indispensable allies in some of the most important work our government does. And now, tonight, I once more have the opportunity to stand in solidarity with you, and to thank you for your constant, steadfast work to create a better country. A country free of discrimination; a country free of violence; a country free of hate. The Obama Administration could ask no better partner than the Anti-Defamation League as we jointly strive to attain the ideals of equal opportunity, equal rights, and equal justice for all. Members of the ADL – I salute you.”

Equal rights for all? That’s not what Holder said in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee this spring. He asserted that the hate bill does not protect Christian ministers, whites, heterosexuals, policemen and members of U.S. military. Only favored groups, he said, such as homosexuals, blacks, Latinos, Jews, Muslims, and women will benefit under this new law:

In Holder’s speech to the ADL he continues this charade, asserting that under America’s new hate law “we will also continue to defend vigilantly the civil rights of all people in this country and prosecute criminal acts discrimination wherever we find them.” “The new law expands the list of protected categories beyond race, color, religion or national origin, and for the first time, allows the federal government to prosecute violence undertaken because of the actual or perceived gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability of any person.”

Holder gives every impression, as ADL did through 19 years of hyping their hate bills to state and federal legislators, that all Americans are protected under hate laws according to “race, color, religion, or national origin.” In reality, ADL never intended any of its hate laws in America – or throughout the world – to protect anyone except those groups ADL considers victims of white, Christian, male, heterosexual civilization.

Holder goes on to note that “the desperate need for a strengthened federal law enforcement capability against hate crimes has been perfectly clear.” Perfectly clear? …What is perfectly clear is that there exists no “desperate need” for federal takeover of local law enforcement.

Further, Holder said that about 7,500 hate crimes a year since 1990, averaging one every hour of the day, “is a staggering figure. . .completely unacceptable.” Actually, out of an average of 11 million crimes annually reported by police to the FBI, alleged hate crimes average only 1/10 of one percent – hardly a level of criminal activity of the epidemic proportion portrayed by Holder and ADL. Less than five percent of these reported hate crimes have ever been established as fact by courts of law, yet Holder says the level of unreported level of hate crimes in America is probably “in the tens of thousands. This fact is enough to make one’s blood run cold.” Fact? How credible is an Attorney General who regards such undocumented speculation as “fact?”

Holder says, “The stubborn persistence of anti-Semitism saddens me” What is anti-Semitism? ADL’s Office of Global Anti-Semitism in the U.S. State Department says “anti-Semitism” means any “strong criticism” of Israel or its leaders, or claims that the Jews had Christ killed. Holder says any such anti-Semitic “hate speech” even as “a casual joke made in private when the speaker thinks no Jewish person is listening,” is very, very bad. It “should scald the conscience of every American.” He also promises that Muslims will be vigorously protected under America’s new hate law, just as they are in Canada, Britain, France and Australia.

Holder concludes with more flattery of ADL: “This organization has a great tradition of refusing to stand by when others are suffering. You are guided by your tenets (racism), your precepts (superiority), and your values (usury) to come to the aid of others who need help. And so, this evening, I humbly call upon you to join me and this new administration in reaching out to all our American neighbors.” (mine)

Note: The ADL and all lobbies are influential, to say the least. But in reality, these lobbies (especially the ADL) are actually writing the bills that are being passed in congress, by the senate, and by the President. This can no longer be called a lobby. It is more like a legislative branch of the government by proxy – unelected, unappointed, and unwanted!

Well… that should be enough for now, I suppose. I doubt the presidency would go to Janet Nepalitano at #18 in line of succession. Though the thought is frightening!

Let’s have a look at a few more Zionist’s though before we go back to pretending it all ain’t so…

The Republican Bush Cabinet – So that you don’t confuse the paradigm of left and right with regards to the power structure of government and the appointed officials under the last republican president, here is a video (you should watch the whole movie) which tells about the at least 32 duel-Israeli citizens appointed by George Bush to his cabinet:

Part 7:

Part 8:

AIPAC – A good documentary program (subtitles) about the most powerful lobby in the United States (which is for a foreign country), the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee. “AIPAC” is the symbol for which Obama makes a large portion of his speeches, as the Israeli flag hangs in the oval office across from the Stars and Stripes.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6: “…because Israel has no other friends in the world.”

On June 5, 2002, at the American Jewish Congress in Philadelphia, Executive Director of its Philadelphia region Joseph Puder stated that, “We are watching the high noon of American Jewish power in the United States, and it’s moving downward. … At the same time we have the influx of a large Muslim community … not like any other community. Every single one of their national organizations with the exception of the Islamic Supreme Council of North America is an Islamist organization.” He concludes, “In the next ten years when the final settlement over the Middle East crisis is going to take place, when the deal is going to be cut about Israel, it’s going to occur at the time of the maximum Muslim immigration, maximum insertion of Muslim political power, and that’s something we’ve got to watch out for.”

Media in Israel – It is striking how similar the invasive, destructive, and disrespectful procedures of the Israeli military are compared to American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not coincidence, as it is Israel who runs our government and by default, our military. We are Zionist Israels army, the new Red Army.

The agreement between Zionist owned media outlets in America and Israel very seldom let the real plight of the Palestinians at the hands of Israeli soldiers on their news.

And when anything against the status que happens in America, the Zionist owned and controled media in America is there to cover it with completely pro-Zionist, pro-Israel slant.

Here’s a bunch of Jewish Rabbis condemning Israel as an illegitimate state, and condemning Zionism as an Enemy of Jews. Instead of reporting an unbiased and newsworthy story, the media makes these brave men look like crazy outcasts, giving no airtime to explain why they are there:

And hey, here’s one that after reading all this should make you laugh as you cry!

And so I ask you one more time, oh faithful reader and free-thinker… Why does the United States government support Israel so passionately?

Answer: Zionism has complete and total stranglehold on all aspects of government, entertainment, media, banking, inteligence, and corporate structure.

Short Answer: America is Zionist Israel’s bitch!!!


–Clint Richardson (

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Conspiracy 101 – A Breakdown of Reality

Since nothing in the American culture of politics, religion, and society is what it appears to be on the surface, I’d like to just cover a basic truth for each paradigm we “believe” in…

1) The Constitution – There is no constitution. The United States was declared insolvent and bankrupt in 1933 by President Roosevelt, and it then became a communist state. ( Besides,  the only “people” that were ever bound by the constitution for the united states of America, were the ones who wrote and signed it, and they’ve been dead for 200 years. Any contract must be entered into willingly and signed, sealed, delivered, witnessed, or acknowledged by you in order for you to be bound by it. Therefore, the constitution is null and void for all of us. While our politicians do take the constitutional oath to keep up appearances, Article 1, Section 6 of the U.S. constitution states:

“They (politicians) shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.”

This means that they cannot be held accountable for anything they do that is “unconstitutional”. Therefore, the oath of office is a contradiction to the protections afforded by the constitution itself. And who decides what is supposedly unconstitutional? The judicial branch of the so-called “government”. So… “government” decides what “government” can and cannot do “constitutionally”. If the irony of this is lost on you, then quit reading now… The most simple way to comprehend this, is that the constitution guaranteed a republic form of government. However, we are in a democracy – a system vehemently opposed by all of the writers of this so-called constitution, and a system that is a communist platform (democracy, socialism, fascism, etc…). Therefore, the very democratic “government”, or rule by majority, that we all live under is already inherently unconstitutional. Therefore, we do not live under constitutional rule. Democracy is a communist ideal… period.

2) Government – There is no government, because there is no country. We have private corporations, not representative governments. This is easy enough to prove, simply by looking at the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports of all “government” bodies (corporations) in the “United States”. All for-profit corporations must file this report, as it is the law to do so. These are public domain, and hidden in plain sight. We have representatives of the “government” – some voted for, some not – from the president on down to local representatives. But, what is the actual “government”. If you can answer that, let me know. For it is not a tangible thing. It does not have any physical attributes that you can point to and say: “That is the government”. The closest thing to a “government” we have, are banks – since government is just transfer of wealth by government agents like the IRS by force. Your money or your life… or at least your property and your freedom.

3) Law – God’s law in natural law states that you shall do no harm to others, or their property. This is basic common law, and the only true law that really applies to us. An eye for an eye applies here… But over time, a bunch of lawyers and attorneys have come up with a bunch of unintelligible, barely comprehensible word phrases stating your inability to be free. Again, as there is no contract that you signed stating that you except and are therefore bound by these laws, you are not accountable for following these laws. A law can not be constitutional, since the constitution does not apply to our country or ourselves, accept in some idealistic, unrealistic theory. As long as you are duped into believing that your rights are granted to you by the constitution, you will follow even the most tyrannical, socialistic, communist, and draconian laws that are passed under the guise of constitutionality and false-liberty. A law is an intangible thing… Laws and the authority of their enforcers can only exist if the common people can be trained like dogs to follow them, forgetting their own natural-born, God-given authority to live free on this land without tyranny and oppression.

4) Borders – When you cross over into another state, do you somehow feel different? Does a little bell go off in your head on a trans-continental flight every time you fly into the official airspace of each state? When an “illegal” person of Hispanic decent crosses the Mohave Desert and over the U.S./Mexico “border”, are they any less hungry or thirsty as they step over the pretend invisible line? Are they any less Mexican? Borders are invisible lines – again not tangible things – which begs the question of jurisdiction… what actually stops the powers of the “government”? An invisible line? Each state is a separate corporation, controlled by the main corporation: U.S. Inc. And, when one researches who owns U.S. Inc, one finds that the United States never really separated from Great Britain, whom never really separated from the Vatican. So, the true jurisdiction of our “government” comes from a child molester in a big castle called the Vatican, which is not part of Italy, but rather a separate corporate state within the Italian “country”. There are no borders, only psychological fear and oppressive punishments for the crossing of imaginary lines by your “government” and its “code-enforcers”. Borders are ideological pretenses that mean nothing if you do not recognize their power, which is bestowed by the “government”, which of course also only has power if you give up your own. There are no tangible borders, because there are no “countries”, because there are no “governments”, because there is no “law” but what you participate in. Participation is paramount to communist control and domination. Without it, there is nothing but you and your own boundaries (borders).

5) Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States – The District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) is a separate entity from the United States. It is not a state – meaning it is not one of or part of the United States. It is not a commonwealth of the U.S. It is not a city, town, county, or island. It is however, a country! But remember, a country is simply a corporation. The ten-mile stretch of land that holds our federal government, is not under the jurisdiction of anything except itself. It is untouchable by us. We have no rights there, and we have no power to do anything to stop this corporation from doing its business – control of us. States are just sub-corporations under the Federal corporation of Washington D.C.

6) Terrorism – Blind acceptance of the myth that terrorism equates to individual persons or extremist “groups” killing and blowing up things for their personal gain is how terrorism has been sold to the American public. But I challenge you to find one person or group who has benefited from these terrorist incidents and attacks. Traditionally and historically, terrorism has been used by governments to persuade their citizens to act according to rule of law or to enter said “country” into war for profit. The act of terrorism is indeed a government tool for control. If you need proof of this fact, one must only inquire as to who profits from these acts of terror?

Osama bin Laden? He lost everything, and gained nothing… even losing all of the support of his people.

Saddam Husein? He lost his country, his wealth, and his life!

The Taliban? They are constantly hunted down, beaten, imprisoned, and killed like animals and are now cast as the scourge of the world.

But when one does look at who profits from terrorism, one finds massive profits in our corporate “government” and its corporate partners like Halliburton. We find the complete takeover of other countries, declared as the spread of “democracy”. Translated, this means the spread of corporate fascism – the takeover of all land by the main corporation, while destroying the infrastructure of that land in order to force monetary loans and debt in order to rebuild that infrastructure. Of course, since these “countries” can never pay back the “loans” provided by the charitable corporate “government” (banks), the terrorized “country” is forced through this clandestine terrorism to give up all mineral, water, and other resource rights to the corporation who conquered it through its spread of “democracy”. Incidentally, when one researches who it is that is bombing, killing, threatening, and destroying things all over the world, one always inevitably finds a connection to the CIA and/or the Mossad, though I’m not sure there is really a difference. From the shoe-bomber to the school-shooters to the suicide bombers (who bomb their own peoples schools and hospitals??? – Figure that one out!) to the 9/11 hijackers (many of which are still alive and asking why they are being blaming), there is always a CIA/MOSSAD connection. Even Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden (CIA name: Tim Osman) were involved with the CIA. There are no terrorists but our own “government agents”. Heck, where do you think they get all of their weapons???

7) War – The “United States” has not officially declared “war” since World War II. Therefore, all of the more than 50 “countries” that we have attacked, conquered, occupied, assassinated the leaders of, destroyed the infrastructure of, killed the people of, destroyed the pride of, and committed war crimes and human rights atrocities which are unparalleled in our history, were terrorized by us. These should be interpreted as nothing more than the corporate takeover of every world economy. War is something completely different, being a declaration that falls within the laws that govern such wars. War crimes, Geneva Conventions, and other protective vehicles for civilians do not apply in an undeclared war. We are the terrorists.

8) Voting – An educated voter is non-existent. Even the most educated of the voting public can not possibly “know” anything about the candidates for which they vote, besides by their portrayal in the propagandist media. Therefore all voters are technically uneducated. If that weren’t bad enough, we have been tricked into voting on machines – machines which have been proven over and over again to be fixable. In other words, at least 80% of the public votes on machines that can be easily manipulated to change their votes to a desired result. Elections are show business. They no more represent the will of the people than they do the integrity of the “government”. Elections can best be described as the hiring of non-representative corporate figureheads through carefully manipulated public opinion. The only vote that counts is no vote at all. Participation is the only action that lends credence to this false system of “government”. And when more than half of the entire country’s populace doesn’t even show up to vote in the first place, the legitimacy of these “politicians” to rule by majority vote is completely unfounded. There is no legitimate government…

9) America is a free country – This opinion has been propagated upon America’s population since day 1. So let’s discuss briefly what we as citizens are free to do: I can drive, but only with a license and mandatory insurance. I can buy and sell items, but only if I pay a tax and have a seller’s license. I can fly on a plane, but only after military style search and seizure and a complete background check with two forms of ID. I can get a job, but only if I am a member of the Social Security club and pay state, federal, and local taxes on my wages, as well as mandatory insurance. I can listen to the radio or watch TV, but someone is always there to decide what is proper for me to hear – editing out words and scenes, and sometimes even banishing my favorite speakers and shows from available viewership. I can own a gun, but only if I register it and let the police decide if I qualify for one based on my personal and criminal history. I can live in an apartment or house, but I must keep that house and its land up to local and state code, otherwise code enforcement (corporate private police) will be knocking on my door and handing me a citation. I can hold up a sign declaring my disdain for all of these rules, regulations, and the people who force them upon me, but only if I have a permit and do so in a free-speech zone. You do not live in a free country.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

10) Police are there to protect and serve – Police are there to enforce code. They are there to assign taxes, in the form of citations and tickets. They are there to command a sense of authority and the illusion of control. They are not there for the benefit of the people, though sometimes they coincidentally protect or serve some fortunate people, usually the wealthier ones. They are the corporate enforcers of legalities, statutes, codes, signage, rules, regulations, etc… Many police forces are in fact private corporate entities. Parking police aren’t police at all. They take no oath, and they are not schooled in standard police training. They are barely required to have a high school education, and may just hav a G.E.D. instead. Many are hired by private corporations who only hire minorities. The parking enforcement in Los Angeles, for instance, is part of a corporation based in New York City, which is paid for by taxpayer dollars to write tickets and tow as many vehicles as possible to make a profit. They have been caught many times removing temporary permits and handicap placards after breaking into vehicles, in order to ticket and tow. They have a quota. And the regular police do not have authority over these private corporate enforcement companies acting as police. Protection is purchased from private security, not bestowed by public police officers. Service is not in the law enforcement handbook.

11) Only a fool represents himself in court – When you hire an attorney or one gets appointed for you by the court, you are in fact admitting to the court that you are incompetent to represent yourself , and mentally unstable to the point that you must become a ward of the court (of the state), giving up all of your rights. Attorney’s, like police, are there to ensure that code is followed, and to object to anything the court does that might entitle his client to sue the court (the state). A monetary value must always accompany any judgement, and the attorney ensures compliance with legal procedure. He does not represent you, but instead represents the court. A BAR’d attorney has taken an oath to uphold the legal requirements of the judicial system. What you must understand is that the BAR stands for “BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY”. This association is housed in London England, or more properly, the small area in London that is not part of England, but rather like Washington D.C. in the fact that it is its own country – a corporate “state” controlling our own.

12) Churches are independent, non-profit, charitable organizations – Catholic, Mormon, Methodist, Jewish, Islamic, and all other organized religions have one corporate structure of which all individual churches are sub corporations (501-3c). The main church is a for-profit corporation. Each individual church is a non-profit sub-corporation of the main corporate entity. They are not independent. They must pay their share of money to be a part of this corporate structure. Charity is often not what it appears. Welfare is a form of domination and control. And religions, as for-profit corporations, are free to contribute to and influence politics, politicians, and government just as all other for-profit corporations are allowed to do. After all, according to the Supreme court: Corporations are people too!

13) You have rights – No, you have privileges granted by the state. Of course, you have natural God-given rights, but only if you know how to exercise them through sovereignty and natural law. Since the constitution does not apply to you, you cannot invoke this document as a source of your “rights”. You did not sign it. It is not a binding contract, even for the agreeable parts. Your privilages are granted by the “state” even though technically there is no state, only a corporation that exists solely because you let it control you and your life, liberty, and freedom.

14) You own your house or property – Actually, if you look at your deed or title, you are listed plainly as a “tenant”. Your land and by default the structure built upon it (your house) is the property of the “state”, or more accurately the bank. No matter how long you live in your house, you will be forced to pay property tax. This is not necessarily a tax as much as it is rent to the “government”. If you believe me to be in error about this fact, I would invite you to stop paying your rent (property tax). Your home and property will be confiscated. Consider this protection money… protection from corporate takeover. And if this is not enough to convince you, one only need consider the law and practice of eminent domain. This confiscation tool can be used to take your property at any time and for any reason. No exceptions there, except in cases of elodial title or land patent. Sure, they pay you what “they” set as fair-market value… but you must also consider that “they” are the ones creating the money supply and therefore the “market”.

15) 9/11 was an inside job – This is the popular cry of the 9/11 truth movement, of which I am happily a part of. But this is not a true statement. All roads lead to Israel and it’s CIA counterpart, the Mossad. That would make it an outside job. Of course, Israel is supported by billions of dollars of taxpayer money, and would not exist without U.S. backing. But, to say “inside job” doesn’t make clear that the people in our “government” who were involved with the events of 9/11 are Zionist and/or dual Israeli citizens, or very supportive and uber-friendly with the “state” of Israel. In other words, many in the Bush cabinet were in fact Jewish Zionist and duel-Israeli citizens. But also, to bring home that this event was not an “inside job”, our federal government is an outside entity (corporation), as discussed above, and not housed within the United States proper. Remember, Washington D.C. is not part of the United States. It is a foreign corporate entity. Therefore, any federally employed persons involved with 9/11 were operating outside of the “United States” – or the 50 unified states. So to call it an inside job is inaccurate, as this implies that our “government” is an inside entity and part of our “states united”.

16) Pro-choice means pro-abortion – Choice is a fundamental quality of freedom. Abortion however, is not. When someone is pro-choice, they are not necessarily pro-abortion. They are what the name implies… “for” the individuals right to choose, which should never be taken away. They are declaring freedom of “choice”, and are not declaring that abortion is in any way good or acceptable. No subject is cut and dry, and abortion cannot be classified into one of two group views. Choice is pro-choice, not pro-abortion. Education is key.

17) There is a difference between the Democratic and Republican parties – “The left-right paradigm” is a phrase coined by Alex Jones. It represents a state of belief in the two-party system. It means that which ever “side” you choose, you inherently and by default vilify the other side. It means that one is good and one is bad. All the while, party members and supporters never comprehend that there is no difference between the two parties standard platforms, excepting their “public” views on abortion. But even on abortion, the efforts by both parties to depopulate the world is clear, with forced abortion mandates in Africa, one-child policies in Asia, and others. These policies are corporate. They are instituted by the corporation, which dominates these poor countries. And the corporation includes democrats and republicans. You see, it doesn’t matter what you believe as a democrat or a republican, it only matters what the men and women who are the elected and unelected officials in these parties believe. They are corporate officers. They have no regard for what you believe is right or wrong.

It all boils down to this: If the democrats are in power – as they are now – they were put there because the public opinion of republicans was guided by the media to make you vote democratic this time around, not realizing that they are simply the same people playing good-cop/bad-cop roles in a publicly broadcast, fake dramatic sitcom. Now, after 8 years of horrific republican rule under the Bush regime, we will get 4-8 years of even worse tyrannical rule by the Obama ragime. And, once the media works its magic, we will once again vote republican. But, the same players (or actors) that were in previous administrations are again in power. Because what you have to realize is that by electing a single man for president, you are really “electing” all of the unelected officials that the “elected” president “hires” once he is elected. Therefore, we have tens and hundreds of “APPOINTED” officials ruling over us, and even ruling over our other congressional and senatorial elected officials. This is not a representative government… for you must be chosen to represent the people in order to hold the title of a “representative of the people”. And so as long as the republican party is there to catch the democratic party when it falls, and as long as the democratic party is then there in the future to catch the republican party when it falls, we will always have the same two party’s in office (which are just one party role-playing like professional wrestlers as good and evil – depending on what your perspective of good and evil is). It is a slight of hand trick that will continue to ensure the right-left paradigm stays in power by manipulating the perseptions of the voting public.

So one could put forth here that your vote doesn’t really count, unless you use it to vote out the two-party system by voting for a third party. But the media has manipulated you into thinking that voting for anybody but a democrat or republican is foolhardy. This is the paradigm we must all break out of if we are to ever be a free society.

18) Charities and foundations are grass-roots organizations run by good caring people – The Cancer Society was founded by none other than John D. Rockefeller. The US President only earns $400K ($200K as recently as Pres. Clinton) while the C.E.O. of the Red Cross earns approximately $565K, even though this person has “done little work in the primary mission of the Red Cross: disaster relief” and “will face a steep learning curve”.

Foundations, Charities, Associations, and Organizations are Corporations! Though billed as non-profits, the amount of money brought in by these foundations is staggering. When corporations donate to such things as Red Cross Haiti relief, they are not donating to the people of Haiti, but rather to the corporation of the Red Cross. In return, these corporations get no-bid contracts from foundations like the Red Cross. The board of directors for the Red Cross are the who’s who of agri-business, construction, contracting, banking, infrastructure, and other for-profit corporations. And while the Red Cross is indeed a non-profit, it gives this money away to it’s board of director’s companies, as well as paying them a ridiculous salary. So the majority of the money that you donate to these “charities” never reaches the people you believe it will help.

19) The nightly news is comprised of independant jounalism you can trust – When a news story is produced, it is writen in a way so as to be usable in all markets. It is then sent to each affiliate news station across the country, to be recorded by the local newscaster as if it was their own story. Meanwhile, on every other news station across America, the same story is being screened by different newscasters reading the same thing verbatim – but attaching thier name to the end of the story. This is media. It is entertainment. It is hypnotic. But it is not truth. It is a set of meticulously researched standards and practices employed to mentally labotomize you from discovering the true nature of your world and your “government”.


More detailed discussion of these topics can be found within this blog.


Clint Richardson (

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who Owns America?

Nothing is as it seems…

Somehow, we have all been conditioned to believe that what once was shall always be. We believe that we are a free people, guaranteed our God-given rights declared in the constitution. We believe that when we vote, we are electing representatives of we the people, whom once elected become public servants. We believe that the house in which we live and the land on which we settle is our land, free and clear of our government’s tentacles. And we believe that the laws for which we allow ourselves to be governed by come from a legitimate law making body, with checks and balances and constitutional oversights.

But what if the above perceptions are in fact false?

And what if the reality is that the United States doesn’t even exist at all?

What indeed…

According to Executive Order 12803, signed by George H.W. Bush in 1992, The District Of Columbia – Washington D.C. (neither a state nor a part of the United States) was given the authority to privatize most or all of the infrastructure within the United States. This means that the federal government, or the corporation that acts in lieu of a federal government, can sell any city’s “assets” which were built with tax-payer monies including:

· Roads
· Tunnels
· Bridges
· Electricity supply facilities
· Mass transit
· Rail transportation
· Airports
· Ports
· Waterways
· Recycling/wastewater treatment facilities
· Solid waste disposal facilities
· Hospitals
· Prisons
· Schools
· Housing

E.O. 12803 lists the above as examples of America’s salable and/or lease-able infrastructure. But this is not to be taken as a complete list, as these are just some examples.

E.O. 12803 names this authority in its destructive pages as “Infrastructure Privatization” and states that this power allows for the “…disposition or transfer of an infrastructure “asset” such as by sale or by long-term lease from a State or local government to a private party.

In a previous blog article, I compared the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto with various Executive Orders, Presidential Directives, Acts of Congress, and other legislation which, under a declared state of emergency (martial law) would put the very items listed above under immediate government control, ensuring the continuity of government (corporate rule). Read here:

If we then understand that America’s infrastructure has now been available for sale to foreign nations for 18 years, when E.O. 12803 was signed into law by the treasonous Bush family cartel, we might then get a picture of why everything seems to be getting so expensive and corrupt.

No longer should we be asking why our phone, electric, gas, water, sewage, waste management, tollways, parking meters, public transit, hospital bills, and general operating budgets keep going up-up-up in price… What we should be asking is who owns these once public utilities?

Is it possible that China owns the sewers? Can Mexico actually own our tollways and roads. Is Russia the proud new owner of Nevada?

These are the questions we should be asking…

And when one considers that “Housing” is one of the listed “assets” in the government’s list of examples, one must then ask whether the continued accounts of foreign troops practicing martial law drills across the country might be construed as foreign troops practicing takeover of the land for which they now own. After all, the real estate industry has recently been privatized into government hands. Is it not reasonable to assume that our “housing” includes the land for which those houses call home? And, knowing that your title or deed (you should read yours, especially the small print) states that you do not own the land or home you live in, that you are the tenant, and that it can be taken at any time by the corporate government through eminent domain for any reason, one must ask what will happen when China wants to claim the land for which it has purchased or been given in payment of the national debt.

Are Mexicans illegal immigrants if they are living on Mexico’s land purchased from under our noses through government deed? Could the push in recent years for a multi-cultural mindset and global population in the United States simply be to acclimatize us for the reality of America’s sale and eventual take-over from these foreign entities?

We know that many of our interstates and roadways are already sold. We know that they are part of the N.A.F.T.A. system of inter-continental transport controlled through United Nations sanctions. And we know that Mexico gets tolls that are paid in the United States. So, if these roads are no longer in the public trust, instead being held by private corporations or foreign countries, where do our taxes go that have historically paid for the building and maintenance of this infrastructure? Are we paying taxes for not? Or are we giving our money to non-governmental and foreign corporations?

Why doesn’t the government actually fix the health-care system and start enforcing the safety regulations that supposedly apply to the health-care industry? Perhaps these hospitals aren’t on American soil anymore. Or perhaps the whole codified system of rules and legalities don’t mean a hill of beans. And isn’t it amazing and suspicious that most of our hospitals are packed full of foreign doctors?

Private prisons are plentiful, many owned by Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR). Old Dick Cheney must be so proud of his legacy of the privatized prison labor business. And with more than 1% of our population in prison, business is booming. But how does one know if one is still in an American prison, with all of the rights and protections accorded thereof? Is rendition simply taking an American citizen to a foreign-owned prison on foreign land inside of America? So many questions can be answered by applying this Executive Order to the equation…

And finally, are our public schools being sold off to the highest bidder? This should frighten anyone with any sense of behavioral modification and the early childhood educational programing that takes place in our schools today. Considering the multi-cultural bias in most and the allowance of Spanish as a first language in some schools, we good little citizens must pause and wonder if our natural-born children aren’t indeed attending a foreign school in the middle of America!

These are scary thoughts indeed. But we should be asking these questions, and demanding answers for them. For at this point, if it is true that the United States of America ceased to exist long ago, then we have no legitimate government. We are in actuallity living in a fictitious corporate state opperating under the illusion of freedom and democracy, with no constitution in sight. Our independence is gone, as is our sovereignty. We are a people with no homeland. We have been sold out by our “trusted leaders”.

In reality, the international banks and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is our government.

Here are a few other facts about the United States, referenced and stated simply. Check them yourself. And for more intense reading on these subjects, go here:

The following list was copied from here:

1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy its finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the “US Government” held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang, 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above)

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)

9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178) 10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826)

11. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System. (Get the Disks)

12. The UN is a One World Super Government. (Get the Disks)

13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations. (Get the Disks)

14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)

16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.)

17. You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

19. The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24) 20. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

21. You can not use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

22. America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS AND IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774.)

23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 53-54)

25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)

26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

28. The Popes laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)

29. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children.(Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

30. Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, pg. 99. Webster’s 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

31.” The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)

32. The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat 154.)

33. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.

34. Everything in the “United States” is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath lake. Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803)

35. We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037)

36. The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land in America in Fee Simple. (Get the Disks for the Essay and Documents.)

37. The good news is we don’t have to fulfill “our” fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another’s fictitious obligation. (Get the Disks)

38. The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression. The building of Germanys infrastructure in the 1930’s including the Railroads was financed by the United States. That way those who call themselves “Kings,” “Prime Ministers,” and “Furor.”etc could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their Countries which didn’t even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn’t it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the “Bank of International Settlements” is located.Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of “Government” in place. (Get the Disks and see the Documents for yourself.)

39. The “United States” did not declare Independence from Great Britain or King George. (Get the Disks for Documents and Essay.)

40. Guess who owns the UN? The disks have many more cites including Hundreds of Documents to verify the 40 statements above and numerous other facts. The Disks also include numerous Essays written by Stephen Ames and several other people that fully explain the 40 above mentioned facts. The Disks will clear up any confusion and answer any questions that you may have. The cites listed above are only the tip of the iceberg. Also included on the Disks are several hundred legal definitions because without them it is next to impossible for the non-lawyer to understand many of the Documents. Simple words such as “person” “citizen” “people” “or” “nation” “crime” “charge” “right” “statute” “preferred” “prefer” “constitutor” “creditor” “debtor” “debit” “discharge” “payment” ‘law” “United States” etc, do not mean what most of us think because we were never taught the legal definitions of the proceeding words. The illusion is much larger than what is cited above.

There is no use in asking an Attorney about any of the above because: “His first duty is to the courts…not to the client.” U.S.v Franks D.C.N.J. 53F.2d 128. “Clients are also called “wards of the court” in regard to their relationship with their attorneys.”Spilker v. Hansin, 158 F.2d 35, 58U.S.App.D.C. 206. Wards of court. Infants and persons of unsound mind. Davis Committee v. Lonny, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W.2d 189, 190. Did you get that? An Attorneys first duty is not to you and when you have an Attorney you are either considered insane or an infant.

Clint Richardson (
Sunday, May 9, 2010